Evaluation Board for AD7764/AD7765 using
Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ
Rev. PrC
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Full-featured evaluation board for the AD7764/AD7765
EVAL-CED1Z compatible
On-board 4.096 V reference
PC software for control and data analysis for
use with EVAL-CED1Z
This data sheet describes the evaluation board for the AD7764/
AD7765 Σ-Δ ADCs. The AD7764/5 is a 24-bit ADC, serial data
output with multiple decimation rate options incorporating a
full band digital FIR filter. It combines wide input bandwidth
with the benefits of Σ-Δ conversion with a performance of 102/104
dB SNR at 312ksps/156ksps respectively. The AD7764/AD7765
devices are ideal for applications like vibration monitoring,
sonar, and general data acquisition where anti-alias protection
is of importance.
Complete specifications for the AD7764/AD7765 devices are
available in the AD7764/AD7765 data sheets available from Analog
Devices, Inc., and should be consulted in conjunction with this
data sheet when using the evaluation board.
The EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ is controlled using the EVAL-
CED1Z Converter Evaluation and development board. The CED
board outputs the MCLK signal which the AD7764/5 use to
sample the analog inputs.
The AD7764/AD7765 evaluation board interfaces directly with
the FPGA located on the CED board via the SPORT header. The
combination of the EVAL-CED1Z board allied with the EVAL-
AD7764/AD7765/EDZ software allows the user to upload samples
taken by the AD7764/AD7765 device onto a PC showing the
waveform being sampled, as well as allowing the data to be
shown in histogram or FFT format. The EVAL-
AD7764/AD7765/4EDZ can also be used on a standalone basis
(without EVAL-CED1Z); however, in this case the user must
provide the required interface signals.
AD7764/AD7765 evaluation board
EVAL-AD776xEDZ evaluation software
CD—Software executable
o Software executable
o Labview Source Code
o FPGA source code
External Supplies
SPORT Connector
Supply Mini-USB
Select on
Front Panel
SPORT Connector
Figure 1.Evaluation set-up Block Diagram
EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Preliminary Technical Data
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Features .............................................................................................. 1
Evaluation Board Description......................................................... 1
Contents of Evaluation Kit .......................................................... 1
Evaluation Board Block Diagram................................................... 1
Hardware Description...................................................................... 3
Power Supplies .............................................................................. 3
Differential Input.......................................................................... 3
Reference circuit........................................................................... 3
Standalone Operation.................................................................. 3
Decoupling and Layout Recommendations.............................. 3
Link Options ................................................................................. 4
Software Instructions for First-Time Use.......................................5
Installing the Software..................................................................5
Using the evaluation System ............................................................7
Hardware connections..................................................................7
Software Instructions for Normal Use............................................9
Source FPGA and Labview Code............................................. 10
Evaluation Board Schematic and Artwork.................................. 11
Ordering Information.................................................................... 20
Bill of Materials........................................................................... 20
Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 22
ESD Caution................................................................................ 22
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The EVAL-AD7764/5EDZ must be powered using a power supply
that applies a 7.5 V between the V+ and GND terminals of
Connector J2.
This 7.5 V supply is then regulated on board using ADP3330-
2.5 ADP3330-5 devices (U5 and U3) to provide the 2.5 V and 5 V
signals required by the AD7764/AD7765 device.
A filter path of the 2.5 V supply is used to power other digital
functionality on the EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ excluding the
AD7764/AD7765 device. A separately filtered 5 V supply also
supplies the crystal oscillator on the EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ.
The crystal oscillator is provided for customers that wish to use the
device in a stand-alone manner where they wish to provide and
acquire the digital signals going to and from the AD7764/5 device.
For this case, the user may apply the MCLK sourced from the
crystal oscillator. Note that in the default mode the AD7764/5
evaluation board is set up so that the EVAL-CED1Z board
provides the MCLK signal to the ADC as well as providing and
acquiring all other digital signals for the evaluation system.
The differential input to the AD7764/AD7765 device is applied
through the connector marked J1. This is an XLR audio
standard connector. The differential inputs are routed through
the AD7764/AD7765 on-board differential amplifier using the
external circuit components as detailed in the schematic as shown
in this technical note and the AD7764/AD7765 data sheets.
The AD7764/5 evaluation board uses the low noise ADR444
(4.096V) reference to supply the ADC. See Gerber files on
AD7764/5 product pages on www.analog.com for details on the
layout and configuration for this reference supply.
The EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ can be used in a standalone
manner (that is, without using the EVAL-CED1Z). In this case,
however, the user must provide all the required interface com-
munications and be able to provide a means to acquire the output.
SMB footprints, allow for external MCLK, SYNC, RESET and
Decimation rate signals to be applied to the AD7764/65 device. All
other digital signals are accessible either from the 34-pin header
(J4) or from the marked test points on the evaluation board.
The data sheets of the AD7764/AD7765 devices contain specific
information about the decoupling and layout recommendations
required to achieve the optimum specifications.
The EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ adheres to these recom-
mendations and is designed as the blueprint for users of the
AD7764/Ad7765 devices.
The EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ are 4-layer boards. One layer
is a dedicated ground plane. All supplies to devices on the
EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ are decoupled to this ground
plane. In addition to the PCBs top and bottom layers, there is
also a layer for routing power signals. All layers of the board are
detailed in the Evaluation Board Schematic and Artwork
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The link options on the evaluation board should be set for the required operating setup before using the board. The functions of these
links are described in Table 1.
Table 1. Link Options
Link No. Function Position Descriptions Default
R8, R29, R11 A 0 Ω link must be placed in
either pair of resistors, R11,
R29, or R8 to select the
MCLK source for the
AD7764/AD7765 device.
R11routes the MCLK frequency from the EVAL-CED1Z board to the MCLK pin of
the AD7764/AD7765 device. This is the default
R29 or R8 allows the user to input an external MCLK signal through the MCLK
SMB connector (J17) or connect to the 40MHz Crystal oscillator for use in stand-
alone mode.
R15, R16,
R17, R33,
R34, R35,
R36, R37
A 0 Ω link must be placed in
all of these resistors
placeholders to link the
digital outputs of the
AD7764/5 to the EVAL-
CED1Z board.
Place a 0 Ω link in all of these positions. All shorted
with 0 Ω
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The EVAL-AD7764/AD7765 evaluation board includes self-
installing software on CD ROM, for controlling and evaluating
the performance of the AD7764/AD7765 when it is operated
with the EVAL-CED1Z board. The software is compatible with
Windows® 2000/XP®. If the setup file does not run
automatically, setup.exe can be run from the CD-ROM.
When the CD is inserted into the PC, an installation program
automatically begins. This program installs the evaluation
software. The user interface on the PC
is a dedicated program written especially for the
AD7764/AD7765 when operating with the EVAL-CEDZ board.
The software should be installed before the USB cable is
connected between the EVAL-CEDZ and the PC. This ensures
that the appropriate USB driver files have been properly
installed before the EVAL-CEDZ is connected to the PC.
When the software is run for the first time with the EVAL-
CEDZ board connected to the PC, the PC will automatically
find the new device and will identify it. Follow the onscreen
instructions that appear automatically. This installs the drivers
for the CED on the PC. If an error appears on screen when the
software is first opened, then the PC is not recognizing the USB
device. This error is corrected by
1. Opening the PCs Device Manager. The Device
Manager is accessed by right clicking on the My
Computer Icon, and selecting Properties. When the
System Properties Window opens, select the Hardware
2. Click on Device Manager in the Hardware Tab of the
System Properties window.
3. Examine the devices listed under the Universal Serial
Bus Controller heading.
4. If an unknown device is listed, right click on this
option and select, Update Driver.
5. The New Hardware Wizard will run twice, and under
the ADI Development Tools the following hardware is
ADI Converter Evaluation and Development Board (WF)
6. Reboot the PC.
This section describes how the evaluation board, the EVAL-
CEDZ and the software should be set up to begin using the
complete system.
1. Insert the CD into the appropriate computer drive.
2. The dialog box shown in Figure 2 appears.
Figure 2.EVAL- AD7764/AD7765EDZ Setup Dialog Box, Initial Software Install
3. The destination directory can be chosen using the default
clicking “Next” as shown in Figure 3). If a different location
than the default is preferred, click Browse and select the
desired location. When ready, click Next.
Figure 3. Choose the Destination of the AD7764/AD7765 Software
4. Accept the license agreement by selecting the correct
option and clicking “Next” as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Accept license agreement
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5. To start the installation, click the “Next” button as shown
in Figure 5, this window details the actions of the
Figure 5. EVAL-AD776xEDZ Install actions
7. The software can now be located by following the path
that was chosen during installation. If the default location
was chosen, the location of the software is
Start > All Programs > Analog Devices > AD7764_5
Figure 6. Default Location of AD7764/AD7765 Software
8. On completion of the installation, the window as shown in
Figure 7 is displayed.
Figure 7. Install Completed
9. On completion of the installation it is advised that the user
re-starts the PC in order for the software to take full effect.
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1. Apply power to the EVAL-CED1Z via +7V, 15W power
supply provided with the EVAL-CED1Z board. At this
stage, the green LED labeled ‘Power’ on the EVAL-CED1Z
should be lighting. This indicates that the EVAL-CED1Z is
receiving power The USB cable can then be connected
between the PC and the EVAL-CED1Z.
2. Connect the USB cable between the PC and the EVAL-
CED1Z. A green LED positioned beside the USB
connector on the EVAL-CEDZ board will light indicating
that the USB connection has been established.
3. Power up the EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ evaluation
board through Connector J2. Connect a wire from the V+
labeled connector to 7.5 V of an external power supply. Also
ensure that there is a GND connection between the GND of
J2 and the power supply GND connection
Figure 8.AD7764/65EDZ Evaluation board- Power applied to connector J2.
4. Connect the female connector (J4, marked “CED1Z SPORT
Interface), which is on the under side of the EVAL-
AD7764/AD7765EB evaluation board to the SPORT header
of the EVAL-CED1Z board. The SPORT header is located
on the left hand side of the EVAL-CED1Z board and is
marked in the silkscreen.
Figure 9.Lining up EVAL-AD7764/65EDZ with the EVAL-CED1Z SPORT
connector. Both boards are powered up.
Figure 10.Connecting the EVAL-AD7764/AD7765 board to EVAL-CED1Z.
5. Start the EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ software.
The differential input to the AD7764/AD7765 device can be
connected to the black connector XLR connector (J1) marked
Differential Input. This differential input is routed to the inputs
of the AD7764/AD7765/ on-board differential amplifier. As the
software will power up the AD7764/5 device it is advisable that
users do not apply an analog input until the device is fully
powered up.
With the hardware set up, you can now use the software to
control the EVAL-CED1Z and the AD7764/AD7765 evaluation
board. To launch the software, from the Analog Devices menu
click on the AD7764_5 submenu, then click on the AD7764_5
EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Preliminary Technical Data
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Note: In the case where an Error message appears, click OK and
restart the application after checking the connection between
the adapter board and the USB port on the PC. Also, check that
the USB device is identified by the Device Manager as detailed
in the first time use of EVAL-CED1Z paragraph of Installing the
Software section.
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Once the initial software installation has been completed, follow
these instructions for the general setup of the evaluation software
each subsequent time the system is used.
Note that the hardware must be powered up as per the
Hardware connections section before attempting the following
1. The download default location for the EVAL-AD7760/
AD7762/AD7763EDZ evaluation software can be found by
clicking Start > All Programs > Analog Devices >
AD7764_5 > AD7764_5. If a location other than the
default was used, follow the path that was entered during
2. The evaluation software GUI appears.
3. Select the correct AD776x device from the drop down
menu in the top left hand corner of the GUI. i.e. AD7764
for AD7764 evaluation, click AD7765 for AD7765
4. The AD7764/5device under evaluation should power up
automatically when the software is run. Click the Power
Mode drop down menu, and select either ‘Low Power’ or
‘Normal Power’. This will automatically prompt the EVAL-
CED1Z to write to the AD7764/AD7765 registers and set
the power as per your preference for the AD7764/5 device.
5. Note that the external voltage supply connected to the
EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ board will show the current
dropping when you switch between ‘Normal Power’ mode,
‘Low Power mode and “Power Down” mode. Seeing these
current draw levels change, when switching between the
power modes also verifies that the communication
between the EVAL-AD7764/5EDZ and EVAL-CED1Z
6. The user can specify the power mode, decimation rate, and
number of samples to be acquired (typically 65536
samples) by using the drop-down menus on the software
front panel circled in red in Figure 11. The software allows
the number of samples specified by the user samples to be
viewed as a waveform, histogram, or FFT. The Front panel is
shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11. EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Evaluation Software
Front Panel Features
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7. For the initial operation of the AD7764 and AD7765 versions
of the evaluation board, set the Decimation Rate to 64 or
128 respectively in the front panel of the AD7764_5
Evaluation Software dialog box. These are the default
decimation rate of the AD7764/
AD7765 parts on reset and power-up of the evaluation board.
8. As well as offering the user different decimation rates the front
panel software also allows the user to select the MCLK
frequency being applied to the AD7764/5 device. Options
include 40MHz, 30MHz, 25MHz, and 20MHz. After selecting
any of these MCLK frequencies, please monitor the MCLK
test point on the evaluation board to ensure the MCLK has
changed in accordance with what you have selected on the
front panel GUI before pressing the Sample or Continuous
buttons to acquire samples.
9. To show samples output by the EVAL-AD7764/5/EDZ
evaluation board Click Sample or Continuous. Clicking
Sample gives one set of samples, the length of which is
determined by the Number of Samples selection on the
software front panel. Clicking Continuous shows
continuously updated samples of the analog input to the
Figure 12. Sample and Continuous Front Panel Buttons
10. It is important to ensure that the frequency of the FSO
pulse on an oscilloscope (at the test-point marked FSO) is
checked so that it matches the frequency shown in the
Frequency text box on the software front panel.
11. If at any stage these do not match, reset the AD7764/AD7765/
evaluation board by pressing the RESET push button on the
evaluation board or using the RESET button on the
software front panel. Then set the decimation rate on the
software front panel to the correct default value.
12. The AD7764/5 software front panel also shows the status
bits corresponding to the final sample in the batch of
samples shown on the screen. The status indicator- marked
ADC Status Bits” correspond to the final 8 bits output in
each conversion result, and indicate the power mode, over
voltage inputs and Filter Settle information.
13. The AD7764/5 software also allows the user to program
the Overrange and Gain correction registers. The write
functions for these registers are located in the top right
hand corner of the GUI. The default Gain of the AD7764/5
is set to 1.25. Changing this value allows the user to
digitally alter the gain of the conversion result, as it is
output from the AD7764/5 device.
14. Programming the Overrange register allow the user to set a
threshold whereby any signal sampled which passes this
threshold will set off a flag on the overrange bit and
overrange register bit as detailed in the AD7764/5
15. Both of these registers can be read to verify the value
written to the ADC. The Read function and indicator for
each register are located directly below the write functions.
The FPGA source code for the EVAL-AD7764/5EDZ system is
available from the AD7764 and AD7765 product pages by
clicking on the Evaluation tools link. This FPGA code can be
used as example code for users wishing to build their own
interface to the AD7764/5 devices. The source Labview code for
the evaluation software is also available to users wishing to
incorporate the AD7764/5 conversion outputs as acquired by
the CED board into their own Labview analysis routines. Again,
see the AD7764/5 product pages at www.analog.com for
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Figure 13. EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Schematic (Analog Section Rev.C1) Page 1 of 4
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Figure 14. EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Schematic (Power Supply Section Rev C1) Page 2 of 3
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Figure 15. EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Schematic (Digital Section RevC1) Page 3 of 3
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Figure 16. EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Component Side Top Silkscreen Artwork
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Figure 17. EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Component Side Layer 1 Artwork
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Figure 18. EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Ground Plane Layer 2 Artwork
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Figure 19. EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Power Plane Layer 2 Artwork
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Figure 20. EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Solder Side Layer 4 Artwork
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Figure 21. EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Component Side Bottom Silkscreen Artwork
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Table 2. 1
Ref Part Type Component Details Supplier Part Number Order Code
C1 CAP n/a Optional Capacitor Footprint Do not insert
C2 CAP n/a Optional Capacitor Footprint Do not insert
C3 CAP 5% 8.2pF 50V NPO Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor PHYCOMP 2238 867 15828 FEC 721-955
C4 CAP 5% 47pF 50V NPO Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor AVX 06035A470JAT2A FEC 498-567
C5 CAP 5% 47pF 50V NPO Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor AVX 06035A470JAT2A FEC 498-567
C6 CAP 5% 33pF 50V NPO Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor AVX 06035A330JAT2A FEC 498-555
C7 CAP+ 10uF 20V Tantalum Capacitor AVX TAJB106K020R FEC 197427
C8 CAP 5% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C9 CAP+ 100uF 10v Tantalum Capacitor AVX TAJC107K010R FEC 197180
C10 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C11 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C12 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C13 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C14 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C15 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C16 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C17 CAP 10% 47uF 20V Tantalum Capacitor AVX TAJD476K020R FEC 197464
C18 CAP 10% 10uF 20V Tantalum Capacitor AVX TAJB106K020R FEC 197427
CAP 10%
10V X5R 10% Ceramic Multi-Layer
Capacitor Phycomp 2222 2401 3676 FEC 9402136
C20 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C21 CAP 5% 100pF 50V NPO Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp U0603C101JCT FEC 9406115
C23 CAP 10% 10uF
10V X5R 10% Ceramic Multi-Layer
Capacitor Phycomp 2222 2401 3676 FEC 9402136
C24 CAP+ 10% 10uF 20V Tantalum Capacitor AVX TAJB106K020R FEC 197427
CAP 10%
10V X5R 10% Ceramic Multi-Layer
Capacitor Phycomp 2222 2401 3676 FEC 9402136
C26 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C30 CAP+ 10% 10uF 20V Tantalum Capacitor AVX TAJB106K020R FEC 197427
CAP 10%
10V X5R 10% Ceramic Multi-Layer
Capacitor Phycomp 2222 2401 3676 FEC 9402136
C32 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C33 CAP 5% 100pF 50V NPO Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp U0603C101JCT FEC 9406115
C36 CAP+ 10% 10uF 20V Tantalum Capacitor AVX TAJB106K020R FEC 197427
C42 CAP+ 10% 10uF 20V Tantalum Capacitor AVX TAJB106K020R FEC 197427
C51 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C54 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C55 CAP 10% 0.1uF 16V X7R Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Multicomp B0603R104KCT FEC 940-6140
C56 CAP+ 10% 10uF 20V Tantalum Capacitor AVX TAJB106K020R FEC 197427
S2M 2A Rectifier Diode
Semicoductor S2M FEC 9843876
R 1nF 1nF 3-Terminal Capacitor Murata NFE61PT102E1H9L FEC 9528202
F2 EMCFILTER 1nF 1nF 3-Terminal Capacitor Murata NFE61PT102E1H9L FEC 9528202
F3 EMCFILTER 1nF 1nF 3-Terminal Capacitor Murata NFE61PT102E1H9L FEC 9528202
F4 EMCFILTER 1nF 1nF 3-Terminal Capacitor Murata NFE61PT102E1H9L FEC 9528202
F5 EMCFILTER 1nF 1nF 3-Terminal Capacitor Murata NFE61PT102E1H9L FEC 9528202
FEMALE XLR Female Audio Connector Neutrik AG NC3FAH1-1 FEC 724518
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Ref Part Type Component Details Supplier Part Number Order Code
ER 2 Pin Terminal Block (5mm Pitch) Camden CTB5000/2 FEC 151789
J3 SMB 50 Ohm SMB Jack Do not insert FEC 4194512
J4 HEADER34 34-Pin 0.1" Pitch DIL Vertical Tail Socket
Assembly, tin, 17+17-way Harwin M20-7831746 Mouser 855-
J5 SMB 50 Ohm SMB Jack Do not insert FEC 4194512
J8 SMB 50 Ohm SMB Jack Do not insert FEC 4194512
J17 SMB 50 Ohm SMB Jack Do not insert FEC 4194512
L8 IND 200uH Inductor Wurth Electronik 74279266LF tba
R1 RES 0.10% 4.75k Precision SMD Resistor Susumu Co Ltd RR0816P-4751-B-T5-66H
R2 RES 0.10% 4.75k Precision SMD Resistor Susumu Co Ltd RR0816P-4751-B-T5-66H
R3 RES 0.10% 3.01k Precision SMD Resistor Welwyn PCF0603R 3K01BI.T1 FEC 1160337
R4 RES 0.10% 3.01k Precision SMD Resistor Welwyn PCF0603R 3K01BI.T1 FEC 1160337
R5 RES 0.10% 43r Precision SMD Resistor Holsworthy (Tyco) RN73C1J43R2BTG FEC 1140687
R6 RES 0.10% 43r Precision SMD Resistor Holsworthy (Tyco) RN73C1J43R2BTG FEC 1140687
R7 RES 1% 200r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 1% 200R FEC 9330755
R8 RES 1% 51r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 51R FEC 9331336
R9 RES 1% 160k SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 1% 160K FEC 9330682
R10 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 0R FEC 9331662
R11 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 0R FEC 9331662
R14 RES 1% 51r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 51R FEC 9331336
R15 RES 1% 51r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 51R FEC 9331336
R16 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Do not insert n/a n/a
R17 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 0R FEC 9331662
R22 RES 1% 10k SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 10K FEC 933-0399
R23 RES 1% 10k SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 10K FEC 933-0399
R24 RES 1% 10k SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 10K FEC 933-0399
R25 RES 1% 10k SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 10K FEC 933-0399
R26 RES 1% 100r SMD Resistor Do not insert n/a n/a
R29 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 0R FEC 9331662
R33 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 0R FEC 9331662
R34 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 0R FEC 9331662
R35 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 0R FEC 9331662
R36 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 0R FEC 9331662
R37 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 0R FEC 9331662
R46 RES 1% 0r SMD Resistor Multicomp MC 0.063W 0603 0R FEC 9331662
SMD Push Button Switch (sealed 6mm x
6mm) Omron B3S-1000 FEC 177-807
U1 AD7764 24-bit Serial ADC Analog Devices AD7764/65BRUZ AD7764/65BRUZ
U2 ADR444 Voltage Reference Analog Devices ADR444ARZ ADR444ARZ
U3 ADP3330 Low Dropout Regulator Analog Devices
Code on device to read
U5 ADP3330 Low Dropout Regulator Analog Devices
Code on device to read
U8 ADM6711 Reset Generator Analog Devices ADM6711ZAKSZ ADM6711ZAKSZ
U9 7408 Quad 2-Input AND Gate SN74LVC08APWR FEC 1102978
Y1 OSC-8DIP 40MHz Osc Clock 40MHZ CMOS/TTL 1/2Size CTS Corp MX045HS40M0000
Digikey CTX175-
1 FEC as listed in Table 2 corresponds to the order code for the component on Farnell.
EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ Preliminary Technical Data
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Model Description
EVAL-AD7764EDZ AD7764 Evaluation Kit
EVAL-AD7765EDZ AD7765Evaluation Kit
EVAL-CED1Z Converter Evaluation and Development (CED) Board
Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD7764/AD7765EDZ
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