DS21978C-page 2 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
Absolute Maximum Ratings †
VDD ............................................................................................................. 6.5V
CS and U/D inputs w.r.t VSS.................................... -0.3V to 12.5V
A,B and W terminals w.r.t VSS..................... -0.3V to VDD + 0.3V
Current at Input Pins ..................................................±10 mA
Current at Supply Pins ...............................................±10 mA
Current at Potentiometer Pins ...................................±2.5 mA
Storage temperature .....................................-65°C to +150°C
Ambient temp. with power applied ................-55°C to +125°C
ESD protection on all pins ........... ≥ 4kV (HBM), ≥ 400V (MM)
Maximum Junction Temperature (TJ) . .........................+150°C
† Notice: Stresses above those listed under “Maximum
Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is
a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at
those or any other conditions above those indicated in the
operational listings of this specification is not implied.
Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods
may affect device reliability.
Electrical Specifications: Unless otherwise indicated, all parameters apply across the specified operating ranges.
TA = -40°C to +125°C, 2.1 kΩ, 5kΩ, 10 kΩ and 50 kΩ devices. Typical specifications represent values for VDD = 2.7V to 5.5V,
VSS = 0V, TA = +25°C.
Parameters Sym Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Operating Voltage Range VDD 2.7 — 5.5 V
VDD —1.8 — VV
DD = 1.8V, CS:VIHH = 8.5V,
VIH = 1.8V, VIL = 0V,
U/D:VIH = 1.8V, VIL = 0V
CS Input Voltage VCS V
SS — 12.5 V The CS pin will be at one of three
input levels (VIL, VIH or VIHH).
(Note 6)
Supply Current IDD —45 — µA5.5V, CS = VSS, fU/D = 1 MHz
—15 — µA2.7V, CS
= VSS, fU/D = 1 MHz
— 0.3 1 µA Serial Interface Inactive
(CS = VIH, U/D = VIH)
(± 20%)
RAB 1.68 2.1 2.52 kΩ-202 devices (Note 1)
4.0 5 6.0 kΩ-502 devices (Note 1)
8.0 10 12.0 kΩ-103 devices (Note 1)
40.0 50 60.0 kΩ-503 devices (Note 1)
Note 1: Resistance is defined as the resistance between terminal A to terminal B.
2: INL and DNL are measured at VW with VA = VDD and VB = VSS. (-202 devices VA = 4V).
3: MCP4011/13 only, test conditions are: IW = 1.9 mA, code = 00h.
4: MCP4012/14 only, test conditions are:
5: Resistor terminals A, W and B’s polarity with respect to each other is not restricted.
6: This specification by design.
7: Non-linearity is affected by wiper resistance (RW), which changes significantly over voltage and temperature. See
Section 6.0 “Resistor” for additional information.
8: For voltages below 2.7V, refer to Section 2.0 “Typical Performance Curves”.
9: The MCP4011 is externally connected to match the configurations of the MCP4012 and MCP4014 and then tested.
Current at Voltage
5.5V 2.7V
2.1 kΩ2.25 mA 1.1 mA MCP4012 includes VWZSE
MCP4014 includes VWFSE
5kΩ1.4 mA 450 µA
10 kΩ450 µA 210 µA
50 kΩ90 µA 40 µA