2011-010-04 16
Released LT CP7P
Wegen der Streichung der LED aus der IEC 60825 erfolgt die Bewertung der Augensicherheit nach dem Standard IEC 62471:2006
("photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems")
Im Risikogruppensystem dieser CIE- Norm erfüllen die in diesem Datenblatt angegebenen LED die "moderate risk"- Gruppe für tief blau
und "exempt"- Gruppe für true grün (die die sich im "sichtbaren" Spektralbereich auf eine Expositionsdauer von 0,25s für tief blau bzw.
10000s für grün bezieht). Unter realen Umständen (für Expositionsdauer, Augenpupille, Betrachtungsabstand) geht damit von diesen
Bauelementen keinerlei Augengefährdung aus.
Grundsätzlich sollte jedoch erwähnt werden, dass intensive Lichtquellen durch ihre Blendwirkung ein hohes sekundäres Gefahrenpotenzial
besitzen. Wie nach dem B lick in ande re h elle L ichtq uellen (z.B. Autosch einwe rfer ) auch, kö nnen temp orär ei nge schrän ktes Seh verm ögen
und Nachbilder je nach Situation zu Irritationen, Belästigungen, Beeinträchtigungen oder sogar Unfällen führen.
Due to the cancellation of the LED from IEC 60825, the evaluation of eye safety occurs according to the standard IEC 62471:2006
("photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems").
Within the risk grouping system of this CIE standard, the LEDs specified in this data sheet fall into the"moderate risk" group for deep blue
and "exempt " group for true green (relating to devices in the visible spectrum with an exposure time of 0.25s for deep blue or 10000s for
green). Under real circumstances (for exposure time, eye pupils, observation distance), it is assumed that no endangerment to the eye
exists from these devices.
As a matter of principl e, ho weve r, i t sho ul d be men tion ed that i nte nse light sour ce s have a high seco nd ar y expo sur e po ten tial due to their
blinding effect. As is also true when viewing other bright light sources (e.g. headlights), temporary reduction in visual acuity and afterimages
can occur, leading to irritation, annoyance, visual impairment, an d even accide nts, depending on the situation.
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Components used in life-support devices or systems must be expressly authorized for such purpose! Critical
components6) page 18 may only be used in life-support devices or systems7) page 18 with the express written approval of OSRAM OS.
Revision History: 2011-010-04
Previous Version: 2011-07-25
Page Subjects (major changes since last revision) Date of change
all Preliminary data sheet created 2009-09-04
1, 12 Additional information 2010-03-01
18 eye safety information added 2010-08-03
1, 15 preconditioning corrected 2010-08-03
1Typical Luminous Flux, optical efficiency updated 2010-08-19
19 eye safety information updated 2010-08-31
1Typical Luminous Flux, optical efficiency corrected 2010-09-09
18 eye safety information corrected 2010-09-09
all Final datasheet creat ed 2010-12-10
1, 16 Taping corrected 2011-03-21
11 Max. Permissible Forward Current updated 2011-03-21
1, 12 Humidity Robustness updated 2011-03-21
12 Note added 2011-03-21
16 Reel dimensions corre c ted 2011-07-25
all split sheets for LD and LT CP7P created 2011-10-04
Patent List
Patent No.
US 6 066 861
US 6 277 301
US 6 245 259