Catalog 65910 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for Technical Support
Revised 7-07 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. USA: 1-800-522-6752 Central America: 52-55-5-729-0425
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject to change. Canada: 1-905-475-6222 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
are metric equivalents. Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 www.tycoelectronics.com
AMP Precision Pin and Socket Contacts
Note: All part numbers are RoHS compliant.
Signal Contacts
Material and Finish —See chart.
Contact Body—Brass or phosphor bronze
Retention Spring—Stainless steel
Application Tooling—Page 29
Technical Documents
114-10004 Application Specification
108-10042 Product Specification
Type III+, Crimp, Snap-In
Pin Body Spring, Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
Ferrule, Brass,
Nickel Flash
[9.91] Min.
Contact Size 16—Pin Diameter .062 [1.57] (Test Current, 13 Ampere)‡
Wire Size Ins. Contact Strip Form Loose Piece Tooling Part No.**
Range Dia. Finish Contact No. Contact No. Loose Piece Strip Form
AWG mm2Range Pin Socket Pin Socket Hand Tool Applicators
.015-.030 Gold/Nickel2788085-3 788088-2 — — 567867-1***
30-28 0.05-0.09 0.38-0.76 Sel. Gold/Nickel3788085-1 788088-1 788085-4 788088-3 90716-1 or 567947-1***
or 680602-□***
Bright Tin 1-66425-2 1-66424-1 — —
.040-.0601Gold/Nickel266425-7 66424-7 66429-3 66428-3 91515-16466598-□***
30-26 0.05-0.15 1.02-1.52 Sel. Gold/Nickel366425-8 66424-8 66429-4 66428-4
.014-.0301Gold/Nickel266393-7 66394-7 — —
0.36-0.76 Sel. Gold/Nickel366393-8 66394-8 66406-4 66405-4 90225-26466585-3***
Bright Tin 1-66106-5 1-66108-5 1-66107-1 1-66109-7 91515-16466321-□***
26-24 0.12-0.2 .035-.0551Gold/Nickel266106-7 66108-7 66107-3 66109-3 or or
0.89-1.40 Sel. Gold/Nickel366106-8 66108-8 66107-4 66109-4 58495-1* 466908-2***
Sel. Gold/Nickel4— 66108-1 — 66109-1
Bright Tin 2-66102-5 3-66104-0 1-66103-8 1-66105-9
.040-.0801Gold/Nickel266102-8 66104-8 66103-3 66105-3 91515-16466323-□***
1.02-2.03 Sel. Gold/Nickel366102-9 66104-9 66103-4 66105-4 or or
2-66102-272-66104-37— — 58495-1* 466907-2***
Sel. Gold/Nickel4— 66104-1 — 66105-1
24-20 0.2-0.6 .060-.120 5Bright Tin 1-66564-2 1-66563-1 66566-7 66565-7 466383-4***
1.52-3.05 Sel. Gold/Nickel366564-8 66563-8 66566-4 66565-4 91542-16or 466979-1***
or 567363-□***
Bright Tin 1-66332-4 1-66331-4 1-66400-0 1-66399-0 91523-16466324-□***
.080-.1001Gold/Nickel266332-7 66331-7 66400-3 66399-3 or or
2.03-2.54 Sel. Gold/Nickel366332-8 66331-8 66400-4 66399-4 90225-26466942-1***
Sel. Gold/Nickel4—66331-2 — 66399-2
Bright Tin 1-66098-8 1-66100-9 1-66099-5 1-66101-9 91505-16or 466325-□***
18-16 0.8-1.4 .080-.1001Gold/Nickel266098-8 66100-8 66099-3 66101-3 91523-16or or
2.03-2.54 Sel. Gold/Nickel366098-9 66100-9 66099-4 66101-4 58495-1* 466906-1***
Sel. Gold/Nickel466098-6 — 66099-1 —
Bright Tin 1-66359-4 1-66358-6 1-66361-2 1-66360-2
.080-.1001Phos Bronze 1-66359-5 1-66358-8 1-66359-5 1-66358-8 466326-□***
Gold/Nickel266359-9 66358-9 66361-3 66360-3 91519-16or
Sel. Gold/Nickel31-66359-0 1-66358-0 66361-4 66360-4 466923-2***
18-14 0.8-2.0 1-66359-2 1-66358-3 66361-8 66360-8
Sel. Gold/Nickel4— 66358-1 — 66360-1
.110-.150 5Bright Tin 66597-8 66598-9 66602-8 66601-9 466958-1***
1-66598-0 91521-16or
2.79-3.81 Sel. Gold/Nickel366597-2 66598-2 66602-2 66601-2 567364-□***
1Overall insulation crimp diameter, including crimp barrel, must not
exceed .125 [3.18].
2.000015 [0.00038] gold in the mating area over .000050 [0.00127]
min. nickel.
3.000030 [0.00076] gold in the mating area, with gold flash on remain-
der, over .000050 [0.00127] min. nickel.
4.000030 [0.00076] gold in the mating area, with gold gradient on
remainder, over .000050 [0.00127] min. nickel.
5Contacts can ONLY be used in: Metrimate; CPC Series 1 (Arr. 23-
24), Series 4 (Arr. 23-13M, 23-16M, 23-22M), and VDE connectors.
6To use with the 626 Pneumatic Tool: remove crimping head from Straight
Action Hand Tool (SAHT), order SAHT Adapter Part No. 217201-1,
Adapter Holder Part No. 356304-1 (with ratchet) or 189928-1 (without),
and Power Unit Part No. 189721-1 (hand actuated) or 189722-1 (foot
7Phosphor Bronze
SStandard reeling of strip form contacts.
*Commercial PRO-CRIMPER II hand tool for field repair only. Note:
Die Set can be adapted for use with 626 Pneumatic Tool System.
Insertion Tool Part No. 91002-1 (for insulation diameters .070 [1.78]
or less), No. 200893-2 (for insulation diameters .090 [2.29] max.).
Extraction Tool Part No. 305183. (Instruction Sheet 408-1216)
**There are power options available for these tools/dies. See Battery
Powered Crimp tool Kit and SDE Electric Terminator on page 30.
***Call Technical Support for Machine Applicator Part Numbers.
‡Single contact, free-air test current is not to be construed as contact rating current. Use only for testing.
Refer to contact current carrying capability information on page 8.