Motion Control Solutions Minas A4/A4N/E Servo Drives/FP-Series PLCs 04/2008 Panasonic Motion Control Solutions Overview FP-SERIES PLCs A MINAS A4 /A4N/A4P/E SERIES SERVO DRIVES B SOFTWARE Control Configurator PM (c) 2008 2008 Panasonic Panasonic Electric Electric Works Works Europe Europe AG AG Made Made in in Germany Germany 20 2008 08 A B C C FP-SERIES The compact FP3 (Sigma) is suitable for most applications. The FP3 (Sigma) PLC itself has powerful features for up to two axes. Add FP3 (Sigma) positioning units to control up to10 independent axes. The new FP-X PLC with transistor outputs offers functionality similar to the FP3 (Sigma). The FP2/FP2SH is also suitable for complex positioning applications, while the compact FP0 and FP-e can handle simple positioning tasks. RTEX units for FP3 (Sigma) and FP2 offer real-time access to multiple Minas A4N drivers. MINAS A4/A4N/A4P/E SERIES SERVO MOTORS AND DRIVERS Powerful servo drives with cutting edge technology, high power density and a power range of 50W to 5kW. [ Minas A4/A4N/Minas E (100 to 400W)]. Page 11 SOFTWARE Use any of the built-in functions for FP3 (Sigma) or FP-X for up to two axes or the certified Motion Control Library for more complex tasks that require positioning units. PANATERM (R) and Configurator PM allow set-up, tuning, monitoring and analysis of the driven system. 2 Page 3 04/2008 Page 29 A FP-Series PLCs Overview E PLC FP0 / FPe Type Transistor FP-X FP2 / FP2SH FP3 (Sigma Relay with cassette Transistor Relay Transistor Number of axes supported 2x5kHz (1x10kHz) pulse train - 4 (2x100kHz +2x20kHz) pulse train - 2x60kHz (1x100kHz) pulse train - Functions Positioning - Linear interpolation 2x100kHz +2x20kHz - Linear interpolation 100kHz, circular 20kHz - Number of axes supported using expansion units - 2x80kHz (1x100kHz) pulse train - 8x500kHz (2MHz line driver) pulse train, 16 x Ethernet 100MHz (RTEX) 64 (88 for FP2SH) x 500kHz (2MHz line driver) pulse train, 112 x Ethernet 100MHz (RTEX) Number of axes per expansion unit - 1 pulse train - 1 or 2 pulse train, 2,4 or 8 via Ethernet (RTEX) 1 or 2 pulse train, 2, 4 or 8 via Ethernet (RTEX) Functions - Independent positioning, linear interpolation - Independent positioning (pulse train), linear interpolation 2 or 3 axes, circular 2 axes, spiral 3 axes (Ethernet/RTEX) FP3 (SIGMA) B Program capacity: 32k steps Memory capacity: 32k words Expansion capacity: 4 modules (left side) 3 modules (right side) up to 384 I/Os Processing speed: 0.32s/basic instruction Program capacity: FPXC30, FPXC60 FPXC14 FP-X 32k steps 16k steps Memory capacity: 32k words Expansion capacity: Up to 8 units + up to 2 cassettes for FPXC14 or + up to 3 cassettes for FPXC30/C60 Up to 300 I/Os possible Processing speed: 0.32s/basic instructions Program capacity: FP2 FP2SH 16 or 32k steps 60 or 120k steps Memory capacity: FP2 FP2SH 6000 words 10,240 words Expansion capacity: Up to 28 modules or 2048 I/Os Processing speed: FP2 FP2SH FP2 / FP2SH 04/2008 0.35s/basic instruction 0.03s/basic instruction 3 A FP-Series PLCs Positioning with FP (Sigma) The FP3 (Sigma) positioning unit supports ultra-high speed linear servo motors. All-purpose device capable of linear interpolation and circular interpolation. Pulse output of up to 4Mpps and high-speed startup at 0.005ms enable linear servo motor control. FP3 (Sigma) positioning unit Adhesive The linear and circular interpolation functions support a wide variety of applications. These interpolation functions enable simultaneous two-axis control, which can support applications that up to now have been difficult to handle using conventional compact PLCs. Linear interpolation Error detection is available by using the high-speed counter in combination. Unexpected accidents, such as errors in the driving system, can be detected by setting the counter so that it counts the feedback pulses from the encoder during positioning. Open-loop control Pulser output Example Motor driver Motor Encoder (for error detection) FP3 (Sigma) positioning unit Pulser input from the encoder Counts feedback pulses from the encoder to detect errors Accelerates/decelerates in a maximum of 60 steps depending on preset parameters Smooth acceleration/deceleration enables smooth startup. CW/CCW is also supported. Circular interpolation CW/CCW method Pulse+Sign method Pulse+Sign method. Cost reduction of the whole system can be achieved by using FP3 (Sigma) with small stepping motors or servo motors that do not support the pulse-and-sign method. (Sigma) (Sigma) The control unit on its own can provide two-axis control. The control unit has a pulse output of 100kpps and startup speed of 0.02ms, which provide sufficient performance for normal positioning. Convenient and easy programming and selectable home return mode. Circular interpolation * Uses a data table for setting parameters, such as startup speed, target speed, acceleration/deceleration time. Positioning locus * Comes with dedicated instructions for each mode: trapezoidal control, home return, JOG operation, free table operation, linear interpolation and circular interpolation. * The home return method is selectable depending on the design, e.g. when only a single sensor is being used. * Output of the deviation counter reset signal upon completion of return to home position is also available. Current position S (X 5000, Y 8660) Center position O (Xo, Yo) Passing position P (X 9396, Y -3420) Target position E (X 8660, Y -5000) A center-radius setting method is also available. Unit type and product number Type Output type Product number 1-axis type Transistor output type FPGPP11 2-axis type Transistor output type FPGPP21 Type 1-axis type Line driver output type FPGPP12 FP (Sigma) CPU Transistor output type NPN FPG-C32T2H-A 2-axis type Line driver output type FPGPP22 FP (Sigma) CPU Transistor output type PNP FPG-C28P2H-A 4 04/2008 Output type Product number A FP-Series PLCs Positioning with FP-X FP-X perfectly fits the need for low cost "multi-axis positioning control in small-scale equipment". sive ion Built-in 4-axis pulse output (transistor output type). Item The transistor output type C14 comes with 3-axis pulse output while C30/40 comes with 4-axis pulse output inside the control unit. Multiaxis control, which previously required a higher-level PLC, additional positioning unit, or two or more PLC units, can now be achieved with only one FP-X transistor output type unit in a small space at a low cost. In addition, as this type does not require a pulse I/O cassette as needed for a relay output type, other function expansion cassettes such as communication or analog input can be attached for more diversified applications. Pulse output Max. frequency XY table + processing head Specification C14: 100kHz (CH0,1), 20kHz (CH2) C30, C60: 100kHz (CH0,1), 20kHz (CH2,3) Output type Transistor output type PNP Trapezoidal control, multi-stage operation, jog operation, origin return, 2-axis linear interpolation Function The relay output type can control two axes by using expansion cassettes. Semiconductor wafer takeout blade on) 100kHz x 2 axes 20kHz x 2 axes First axis 80kHz 3-axis control with C14 Second axis 80kHz 4-axis control with C30/C60 2-axis 80kHz pulse output is possible by attaching two pulse I/O cassettes (AFPX-PLS). This type is also capable of performing 2-axis linear interpolation. The pulse I/O cassette does not work with the control unit transistor output type. 2-axis linear interpolation simultaneously in two sets (transistor output type). 2-axis linear interpolation simultaneously controls two motor shafts, allowing you, for example, to move a robot arm diagonally. It is used for palletising, component pick and place, XY table control, contour cutting of a PC board, etc. The FP-X transistor output type is capable of simultaneously controlling 2-axis linear interpolation, for the first time in the industry with a compact pulse-output PLC. This unit greatly expands the range of applications as well as providing the added convenience of programming by using the linear interpolation command F175 (SPSH). Controls two units of 2-axis XY table C30/C60 Simultaneous control of two mechanisms poY-axis (CH1) Maximum composite speed 100kHz sition S 8660) Y-axis (CH3) + Maximum composite speed 20kHz X-axis (CH0) ng position P 96, Y -3420) osition E Y -5000) The relay output type is also capable of 2-axis linear interpolation. X-axis (CH2) By adding two pulse I/O cassette units, linear interpolation is possible at a maximum composite speed of 80kHz. The command used for this unit is F175 (SPSH) as for the transistor output types. FP-X type overview FP-X type overview AFPXC14TD 24VDC OutInputs puts Transistor NPN 8 6 AFPXC60TD 24VDC AFPXC14T 100 to 240VAC Transistor NPN 8 6 AFPXC60T 100 to 240VAC Transistor NPN 32 28 AFPXC14PD 24VDC Transistor PNP 8 6 AFPXC60PD 24VDC Transistor PNP 32 28 AFPXC14P 100 to 240VAC Transistor PNP 8 6 AFPXC60P 100 to 240VAC Transistor PNP 32 28 AFPXC30TD 24VDC Transistor NPN 16 14 Power supply Output type ber AFPXC30T 100 to 240VAC Transistor NPN 16 14 -A AFPXC30PD 24VDC Transistor PNP 16 14 -A AFPXC30P 100 to 240VAC Transistor PNP 16 14 04/2008 Power supply OutInputs puts Transistor NPN 32 28 Output type 5 A FP-Series PLCs FP2 and FP2SH positioning units FEATURES * Maximum 4Mpps command gives high-speed, high-precision positioning. * 0.005ms high-speed drive reduces tact-time (start-up time is the time from reception of the CPU unit start-up command to release of the pulse output by the positioning unit). * 4 axes per unit means versatility and saves space. * S (sight-shaped) acceleration/deceleration function provides smooth starting and stopping. * Feedback pulse count function makes output pulse counting possible for encoders, etc. * The pulse input function allows users to generate pulses manually to adjust machines, for example. Operation modes: * E-point control * P-point control * Homing function * Jog operation function * Pulser input function * Interpolation * Single speed acceleration/deceleration * Multistage acceleration/deceleration * Fast startup of 0.02 or 0.005ms makes cycle time reduction possible * Acceleration / deceleration control: Linear or 4 types of S-curve: Sine, quadratic, cycloid and cubic curves (for smooth startup and stopping) FP2 CPU types Type UP TO 4 AXES PER POSITIONING MODULE: Program capacity Product number FP2 Standard CPU 16k steps FP2C1 FP2SH CPU 60k steps FP2C2 FP2SH CPU 120k steps FP2C3 Output type Product number FP2 positioning units Number of axes Motor Motor Driver Driver 2 Transistor FP2PP21 2 Line driver FP2PP22 4 Transistor FP2PP41 4 Line driver FP2PP42 Power Product number FP2 power supplies Motor Driver 4-axis type FP2PP42 Motor Driver Supply voltage 200-240VAC 2.5A FP2PSA2 100-240VAC 5A FP2PSA3 FP2 backplanes Description 6 Product number FP2 backplane 5 modules FP2BP05 FP2 backplane 7 modules FP2BP07 FP2 backplane 9 modules FP2BP09 FP2 backplane 12 modules FP2BP12 FP2 backplane 14 modules FP2BP14 04/2008 A FP-Series PLCs RTEX positioning units for FP (Sigma) and FP2/FP2SH REAL-TIME ETHERNET SERVO SYSTEM FOR MINAS A4N SERVO DRIVES Positioning units for FP3 (Sigma) and FP2 PLCs support Minas A4N network servo drives. A mutually optimised system consisting of PLC and servo drive greatly simplifies installation. ADVANTAGES: * Easy control of network servos with an ultracompact PLC. * Allows highly accurate control of multi-axis positioning using high-speed 100Mbps communication. * Commercial LAN cables greatly reduce wiring costs. * New product lineup includes a new 2-axis unit in addition to the 4-axis and 8-axis units. * Dedicated software tool ConfiguratorPM provides total support, from configuration and startup to monitoring. * Includes manual pulser input allowing support for precision teaching. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION No. of positioning units per RTEX unit Control of 2 to 8 axes in one positioning unit FP3 (Sigma): 2 units FP2: 14 units (limited by consumption current) er er er CPU unit Tool port Commercially available LAN cable (Ethernet category 5 shielded type) I/O signals, such as origin proximity, limit, etc., sent to A4N. Positioning unit RTEX dedicated software tool Configurator PM PANATERM Vers. 3.70.1 and higher Programming tool Control FPWIN Pro Software tool for Minas A4/AN servo drives 04/2008 7 A FP-Series PLCs RTEX multi-axis network servo system FP (SIGMA) POSITIONING UNIT RTEX - THE WORLD'S FIRST SERVO SYSTEM WITH ULTRACOMPACT PLC! * Maximum number of control axes: 16 axes. Realisation of highly accurate 2-axis circular interpolation, 3-axis linear interpolation and 3-axis spiral interpolation with high-speed 100Mbps communication. * With 3 types in the product range, for 2 axes, 4 axes and 8 axes, provides flexible support even for control of small numbers of axes. * Provides a rich environment for total control of equipment including I/O control, with a powerful control unit with 32k step program capacity/max. 320 I/O points/serial communication on 3 ports. Configuration example: 16 axes + I/O (256) FP3 Positioning unit RTEX Pulser Input Terminal Monitor LEDs Status Display Link Status Error Display Pulser Input Status Network Port (Transmit) Network Port (Receive) FP Dedicated Expansion Unit (Max. of 4 units in combination with Positioning Unit) Positioning Unit RTEX Control Unit (Max. 2 units) FP /FP0 Common Expansion Unit (Max. 3 units) ULTRA-HIGHSPEED PROCESSING WITH FP2/FP2SH * Installation of up to 14 units with 8 axes is possible bringing the number of control axes up to 112. * With the addition of 2 axis, 4 axis and 8 axis units to the product lineup, flexible system configurations from small to large numbers of axes are possible. * RTEX in combination with the ultra-high-speed and large capacity FP2SH CPU unit [20k steps/1ms (as measured in in-house experiments) and 120k step program capacity] provides sufficient support also for large-scale equipment. FP2/FP2SH Positioning Unit RTEX Configuration example: 8 axes x 14 modules = 112 axes Master backplane Monitor LEDs Status Display Link Status Error Display Pulser Input Status Pulser Input Terminal Expansion backplane Network Port (Transmit) Network Port (Receive) 8 04/2008 A FP-Series PLCs RTEX multi-axis network servo system BROAD REDUCTION IN WIRING COSTS tion Realtime Express* uses commercially available LAN cables as wiring for its network. In terms of cost efficiency, availability and workability, this is a great benefit. * Matsushita Electric Industrial network servo systems of Servo Amp MINAS A4N Commercially available LAN cable (Ethernet category 5e shielded type) HIGH RELIABILITY WITH LOOP WIRING Transmitted and received data in serial communication is normally sent and received at frequent intervals in the same cable making the communication state extremely sensitive to environmental conditions such as noise. However, by using loop wiring as shown in the figure below, Realtime Express provides high reliability by creating smooth communication conditions with the data flow always in the same direction. In addition, by utilising the 100Mbps high communication speed, Realtime Express reads the data transmissions which occur every 0.5ms twice and carries out data transfer in the extremely short period of 1ms, further improving reliability. Servo Amp MINAS A4N Data communication flow e ADVANCED WIRING METHOD Sensor input (origin proximity, limit) is wired directly to the servo amp of each axis and the signal is transferred through the network to the positioning unit. This enables you to check at a glance which sensor input is connected to which axis. Wiring errors are reduced and the time required for debugging shortened, especially when the system deals with large numbers of axes. In addition, even if the positioning unit and servo amp are far apart, it is not necessary to wire the signal from a sensor which is close to the servo amp to the distant positioning unit, further reducing the amount of wiring. Servo Amp MINAS A4N KeineNoVerdrahtung wiring erforderlich required Save wiring Sensor signal Sensor signal Sensor signal Sensor signal Reduction in wiring errors and debug time 04/2008 9 A FP-Series PLCs RTEX multi-axis network servo system FUNCTIONS Operating patterns Low speed test operation mode (speed setting) * E-point trapezoidal control (PTP control) * The acceleration/deceleration time and target speed for each point indicated in the data table can be set to a low speed in the range of 1 to 100% without actually changing the data itself. Test operations can be carried out safely by checking the operation of the device at low speed. * P-point change speed control (CP control) * C-point repeated trapezoidal control (PTP control) Control methods Interpolation operation modes * Absolute method, increment method * 2-axis circular, 2-axis linear Movement unit settings Auxiliary output * Pulse (pulse), scale (m, inch), angle (degree) * Codes can be output during operation according to the data table number. Acceleration/deceleration method JOG operation * Linear, S-curve * Speed and acceleration/deceleration time can be changed during operation. * 3-axis spiral, 3-axis linear Origin return Pulser input * Origin proximity (DOG) search method * 2-phase quad edge - max. 1Mpps * Division ratio setting possible by specification of numerator/denominator. SPECIFICATIONS OF RTEX POSITIONING UNITS 2-axis type Product number FP3 (Sigma)/FP2 Unit specifications Positioning control functions FPGPN2AN Control method Interpolation control FPGPN4AN FP2PN4AN Pulse/m/inch/degree Position data 600 points for each axis Parameters and data file can be saved to FROM Acceleration/deceleration method Acceleration/deceleration time FP2PN8AN 2-axis/3-axis linear interpolation * 2-axis circular interpolation * 3-axis spiral interpolation Control units Positioning area 8-axis type FPGPN8AN PTP Control, Cursor Path (CP) Control Backup Linear acceleration/deceleration/S-curve acceleration/deceleration 0 to 10,000ms (1ms units) different settings for acceleration and deceleration are possible (-1,073,741,823 to 1,073,741,823 pulse) increment and absolute specification Speed control functions Origin functions 4-axis type FP2PN2AN Supported with JOG operation (free rund operation) Search method Origin proximity (DOG) search Creep speed Free settings possible Other functions Pulser input operation support Auxiliary output code, auxiliary output contact support Communication specifications Dwell time support 10 Communication speed 100Mbps Cable Commercially available LAN straight cable (shielded category 5e) Connection method Ring method Communication cycle/no. of terminals 0.5ms: Max. 8 axes/system (command cycle: 1ms) Transmission distance Between terminals: 60m; total length: 200m 04/2008 B Minas A4/A4P/A4N/E Series Servo Drives Main features - increased performance and accuracy g by r * Fast response frequency: 1000Hz (Minas E 400Hz) * Completely adjustment-free, real-time auto-gain tuning * High performance vibration control ed * Command input up to 2Mpps * Smaller motors and drivers versus the former series * Position, velocity and torque control support - a wide range of applications in one driver - * Many more additional functions (Minas A4/A4N/A4P): - Hit & Stop homing, i.e. homing without a switch - Press/Tension control - 8 internal JOG speeds - Others * Minas A4P Drivers - For simple positioning control. No positioning unit or pulse control necessary - Preset up to 60 position points with Software Tool PANATERM - Postioning with digital I/O AN ation Minas series A4 Rated power AN A4P A4 50W to 5kW Velocity response frequency A4P Minas E 50W to 400W 1000Hz Rated/max. rotational speed sible AN 400W to 7.5kW 400Hz 3000/5000 rpm Rated torque 0.16 to 15.8Nm - 1.9 to 57.2Nm - 0.16 to 1.3Nm Peak torque 0.48 to 47.6Nm - 5.3 to 137Nm - 0.48 to 3.8Nm - 0.021 to 0.2 x 10-4kg m Digital input Pulse train -4kg Moment of inertia 0.025 to 19.7 x 10 m - Pulses 2.45 to 288 x 10-4kg m 2500 pulses/rev. Incremental Resolution 10,000 Encoder Pulses 17-bit resolution Absolute Resolution Control method Control modes 131,072 Pulse train Ethernet Digital input Pulse train Position, velocity, torque, full-closed 04/2008 Ethernet Position, internal speed 11 B Minas A4/A4N/A4P/E Series Servo Drives Details of features ADJUSTMENT-FREE OPERATION E A4 A4N A4P High-functionality real-time auto-gain tuning * Automatically tunes in real-time to variations in load inertia. Real-time auto-gain tuning for machines with low or high stiffness. * Supports vertical axis applications where the load torque varies depending on rotational direction. * An over-travel detection function prevents the machine from over-travelling during real-time auto-gain tuning. * Enables you to set and check while monitoring real-time automatic gain tuning conditions on the front panel. Actual speed (r/min) 4000 180 3200 160 2400 140 1600 120 800 100 0 80 -800 60 -1600 40 -2400 20 -3200 0 -4000 -20 Corresponds to wide frequency range (-1500Hz) Suppresses vibration quickly HIGH-SPEED AND FAST RESPONSE E A4 A4N A4P Velocity response (bandwidth) of 1kHz * The instantaneous Velocity Observer detects the motor speed more quickly and with a higher resolution than the previous models. W W High-functionality real-time auto-gain tuning * Enables low stiffness machines (e.g. belt-driven machines) and high stiffness machines (e.g. short stroke ball-screw driven machines) to be used in high-speed positioning applications. Legend: not possible possible 12 04/2008 es B Minas A4/A4N/A4P/E Series Servo Drives Details of features 4P ss. REDUCTION VIBRATION E A4 A4N 2-CHANNEL NOTCH FILTERS A4P E A4 Adaptive Filter Adaptive Filter * Enables the notch filter frequency to automatically follow the machine resonance frequency. * The driver is equipped with 2-channel notch filters which operate independently from the adaptive filter. * Suppresses judder noise of the machine caused by a change in the resonance frequency (e.g. resutling from aging effects or changeovers). * Both frequency and width for each of the 2 filters can be set. Frequency can be defined in units of 1Hz. A4N A4P * Suppress judder noise of machines with multiple resonance points. Effect of notch filter Without notch filter With notch filter 50ms/div 50ms/div DAMPING CONTROL E A4 A4N A4P * The driver is equipped with a 2-channel damping filter. You can suppress vibration occurring at both starting and stopping in low stiffness machines by manually setting up vibration frequencies in 0.1Hz units. * You can switch between the channels with the direction command or with an external input. * Easy setup with input of only frequency and filter values. Incorrect setup values do not result in unstable operation. 4P Motor movement Machine movement Without damping control With damping control * On demand only 04/2008 13 B Minas A4/A4N/A4P/E Series Servo Drives Additional features E A4 A4N SETUP SUPPORT WITH HELPFUL MONITORING FUNCTIONS E INRUSH CURRENT SUPPRESSING FUNCTION A4P A4 A4N A4P * Faster communication speed of RS232C/RS485 (max. 57,600bps) establishes easy and comfortable operating conditions for setup support software PANATERM (R). * The driver is equipped with an inrush suppressing resistor which prevents circuit breaker shutdown of the power supply caused by inrush current at power-on. * PANATERM (R) displays useful status information, e.g. to help you analyse motor problems. * Prevents unintentional shutdown of the power supply circuit breaker in multi-axis applications and does not add load to the power line. * You can enable the panel operation lock via the front panel to inhibit operation, e.g. to prevent parameters from being changed unintentionally. E COMMAND CONTROL MODES A4 REGENERATION DISCHARGING FUNCTION E A4 A4N A4P A4N A4P * Offers you "Position", "Velocity (including internal 8-speed)" and "Torque" command control modes. * Discharges regenerative energy, which is returned from the motor to the driver with a resistor, e.g. stopping a load with a large moment of inertia or with the up-down operation. * You can select any one of the above command control modes, or select two command control modes by defining the parameters. * Frame A and Frame B drivers do not have a built-in regeneration discharge resistor. We recommend connecting an optional regenerative resistor. * You can combine command control modes in a hybrid mode and switch between them. * Frame C - Frame F drivers have a built-in regeneration discharge resistor. However, connecting an optional regenerative resistor will add even more regenerative capability. MONITORING FUNCTION WITH FRONT PANEL E A4 A4N A4P * LED display and analog monitor terminals are installed in the front panel. * Displays "Motor speed", "Motor torque", "Position deviation", "Motor load factor" and "Regeneration load factor". * You can monitor "Motor speed", "Motor torque" and "Position deviation" with analog monitor terminals. TRIAL RUN (JOG) E A4 A4N BUILT-IN DYNAMIC BRAKE E A4 A4N A4P * The driver is equipped with a dynamic brake for emergency stop. * The dynamic brake can be used in the following instances: - Main power OFF - Servo OFF - A protective function - Over-travel inhibit is activated A4P * Features the function for trial run (JOG) through the front panel or console (option) without connecting to a host controller. POSITIONING PULSE E A4 A4N A4P * Up to 2Mpps of pulse input at positioning control possible. * Shortens machine setup time. FULL-CLOSED CONTROL E A4 A4N (HIGH PRECISION POSITIONING) TORQUE LIMIT VALUE SWITCHING A4P * Features the full-closed control of position and velocity, using the signals from the linear scale installed on the load side and the high resolution encoder. APPROVALS not possible possible 14 A4 A4N A4P * You can set up 2 torque limits and use them for tension control or press & hold control. * Best suited for high precision machines. Legend: E 04/2008 E A4 A4N A4P es B Minas A4/A4N/A4P/E Series Servo Drives Overview drivers r ply Rated power 50W 100W 200W uit o Minas A4N Drivers Minas A4P Drivers MADDT1205 MADDT1205N MADDT1205P MADDT1207 MADDT1207N MADDT1207P Frame Minas A4, A4N, A4P A Minas E Drivers Frame Minas E MKDET1505P K MLDET2210P L 400W MBDDT2210 MBDDT2210N MBDDT2210P B MLDET2510P 750W MCDDT3520 MCDDT3520N MCDDT3520P C - - MDDDT5540 MDDDT5540N MDDDT5540P D - - MEDDT7364 MEDDT7364N MEDDT7364P E 1kW 1.5kW 2kW 3kW 4P Minas A4 Drivers 4kW 5kW he ha MFDDTA390 MFDDTA390N MFDDTA390P MFDDTB3A2 MFDDTB3A2N MFDDTB3A2P F - - - - - - - - - - Minas A4/A4N/A4P Main circuit 4P eoptiInput power Control circuit ne- 4P +10% -15% 50/60Hz Frame A, B Single phase, 200-240V Frame C, D +10% Single/3-phase, 200-240V -15% 50/60Hz Frame E, F +10% Single/3-phase, 200-240V -15% 50/60Hz Frame A to D Single phase, 200-240V +10% -15% 50/60Hz Frame E, F Single phase, 200-230V +10% -15% 50/60Hz Temperature Operating: 0 to 55C , Storage: -20 to +80C Humidity Both operating and storage : 90%RH or less (free from condensation) Altitude 1000m or lower Environment cy Vibration 4P . 4P Basic specifications s: 5.88m/s2 or less, 10 to 60Hz (no continuous use at resonance frequency) Control method IGBT PWM sinusoidal wave drive Encoder feedback 17-bit (131,072 resolution) absolute/incremental encoder (on demand only) 2500P/r (10,000 resolution) incremental encoder (standard) External scale feedback Compatible with AT500 series, ST771 by Mitsutoyo Input 10 inputs (1) Servo-ON, (2) Control mode switching, (3) Gain switching/torque limit switching, (4) Alarm clear other inputs vary depending on the control mode, (5) CW drive prohibition, (6) CCW driver prohibition Output 6 outputs (1) Servo alarm, (2) Servo ready, (3) Release signal of external brake (4) Zero speed detection, (5) Torque in-limit. Other outputs vary depending on the control mode Input 3 inputs (16Bit A/D : 1 input, 10Bit A/D : 2 inputs) Output 2 outputs (for monitoring) (1) Speed monitor (actual motor speed or command speed). Select the content and scale with parameter. (2) Torque monitor [torque command (approx. 3V/rated torque)], deviation counter or fullclosed deviation is enabled. Select the content or scale with parameter Input 2 inputs. Select the exclusive input for line driver or photo-coupler input with parameter Output 4 outputs. Feed out the encoder pulse (A, B and Z-phase) or external scale pulse (EXA, EXB and EXZ-phase) in line driver. Z-phase and EXZ-phase pulse is also fed out in open collector RS232C 1:1 communication to a host with RS23C interface is enabled RS485 1:n communication up to 15 axes to a host with RS485 interface is enabled Control signal Analog signal Pulse signal Communication function Front panel (1) 5 keys (MODE, SET, UP, DOWN, SHIFT), (2) LED (6-digit) Regeneration Frame A, B: no built-in regenerative resistor (external resistor only), Frame C to F: built-in regenerative resistor (external resistor is also enabled) Dynamic brake Setup of action sequence at power-OFF, servo-OFF, at protective function activation and over-travel inhibit input is enabled Control mode Switching among the following 7 modes is enabled, (1) Position control, (2) Velocity control, (3) Torque control, (4) Position/Velocity control, (5) Position/Torque control, (6) Velocity/Torque control and (7) Full-closed control 4P 04/2008 15 B Minas A4/A4N/A4P Series Servo Drives Common driver specifications Control input Pulse input Analoginput Position control Control output Exclusive interface for line driver: 2Mpps, Line driver: 500kpps, Open collector: 200kpps Input pulse signal format Support (1) RS422 line drive signal and (2) Open collector signal from controller Type of input pulse Differential input. Selectable with parameter, [(1) CW/CCW, (2) A and B-phase, (3) Command and Direction] Electronic gear (division/multiplication of command pulse) Process the command pulse frequency x Smoothing filter Primary delay filter or FIR type filter is selectable to the command input Torque limit command input Individual torque limit for both CW and CCW direction is enabled (3V/rated torque) Usable Usable Control input (1) Zero speed clamp, (2) Selection of internal speed setup, (3) Gain switching or torque limit switching input Analog input Velocity control Speed arrival (at-speed) Velocity command input Setup of scale and rotational direction of the motor against the command voltage is enabled with parameter, with the permissible max. voltage input = 10V and 6V/rated speed (default setup) Torque limit command input Individual torque limit for both CW and CCW direction is enabled (3V/rated torque) Speed control range 1 : 5000 Internal speed command 8-speed with parameter setup Soft-start/down function Individual setup of acceleration and deceleration is enabled, with 0 to 10s/1000r/min. Sinusoidal acceleration/deceleration is also enabled Zero speed clamp Zero speed clamp for internal speed command Instantaneous speed observer Usable Speed command filter Usable Control input (1) CW over-travel inhibition, (2) CCW over-travel inhibition, (3) Zero speed clamp Control output Speed arrival (at-speed) Speed command input Setup of scale and CW/CCW torque generating direction of the motor against the command voltage is enabled with parameter, with the permissible max. voltage input = 10V and 3V/rated speed (default setup) Speed limit input Speed limit input by analog voltage is enabled. Scale setup with parameter Speed limit function Speed limit value with parameter or analog input is enabled Control input (1) CW over-travel inhibition, (2) CCW over-travel inhibition, (3) Deviation counter clear, (4) Command pulse input inhibition, (5) Electronic gear switching, (6) Damping control switching Analog Pulse input input Full-closed control as a position command input Damping control Control output Exclusive interface for line driver: 2Mpps, Line driver: 500kpps, Open collector : 200kpps Input pulse signal format Differential input. Selectable with parameter (1) CCW/CW, (2) A and B-phase, (3) Command and direction Electronic gear division/multiplication of command pulse Process the command pulse frequency x Smoothing filter Primary delay filter is adaptable to the command input Torque limit command input Individual torque limit for both CW and CCW direction is enabled (3V/rated torque) (1 to 10,000) x 2(0-17) 1 to 10,000 as a position command input Setting of ratio between encoder pulse (denominator) and external scale pulse (numerator) is enabled within a range of (1 to 10,000) x 2(0-17) / (1 to 10,000) Real-time Corresponds to load inertia fluctuation, possible to automatically set up parameters related to notch filter Normal mode Estimates load inertia and sets up an appropriate servo gain Fit-gain function Automatically searches and sets up the value which makes the fastest settling time with external command input Masking of unnecessary input Masking of the following input signal is enabled (1) Over-travel inhibition, (2) Torque limit, (3) Command pulse inhibition, (4) Speed-zero clamp Division of encoder feedback pulse Set up of any value is enabled (encoder pulses count is the max.) Protective function Auto-gain tuning Full-closed positioning complete (in-position) Max. command pulse frequency Setup range of division/ multiplication of external scale Soft error Over-voltage, under-voltage, over-speed, over-load, over-heat, over-current and encoder error etc. Hard error Excess position deviation, command pulse division error, EEPROM error etc. Traceability of alarm data Traceable up to past 14 alarms including the present one Damping control function Manual setup with parameter Setup Common (1 to 10,000) x 2(0-17) 1 to 10,000 Instantaneous speed observer Analog input Torque control Analog functions Positioning complete (In-position) Max. command pulse frequency Control output 16 (1) Deviation counter clear, (2) Command pulse inhibition, (3) Electronic gear switching, (4) Damping control switching Manual 5-push switches on front panel Setup support software PANATERM(R) (Supporting OS: Windows95, Windows98, Windows ME, Windows2000, Windows.NET and Windows XP) MODE 04/2008 SET s B Minas E Series Servo Drives Driver dimensions FRAME K MKDET1505P Air current (from bottom to top) Connector for communication Name plate Connector for control signal connection Connector for encoder connection, CNX4 x. Connector for motor connection, CNX3 Earth terminal screws Connector for main circuit connection, CNX1 ed he FRAME L MLDET2210P, MLDET2510P Air current (from bottom to top) Connector for communication Name plate Connector for control signal connection Connector for encoder connection, CNX4 Connector for motor connection, CNX3 Earth terminal screws Connector for main circuit connection, CNX1 All measurements in mm 04/2008 17 B Minas A4/A4N/A4P Series Servo Drives Driver dimensions FRAME A Minas A4 Minas A4N -- Rotary switch for node address -- Network link LEDs -- RX Ethernet connection -- TX Ethernet connection -- Parallel I/O connection Rack mount type Base mount type (Standard: Back-end mounting) FRAME B Minas A4N Minas A4 -- Rotary switch for node address -- Network link LEDs -- RX Ethernet connection -- TX Ethernet connection -- Parallel I/O connection Rack mount type (Option: Front-end mounting) Base mount type (Standard: Back-end mounting) FRAME C Minas A4 Minas A4N -- Rotary switch for node address -- Network link LEDs -- RX Ethernet connection -- TX Ethernet connection -- Parallel I/O connection RB3 RB2 Rack mount type Rack mount type (Option: mounting) (Option: Front-end Front-end mounting) Base mount type (Standard: Back-end mounting) All measurements in mm Same dimensions for Minas A4P drivers 18 04/2008 s B Minas A4/A4N/A4P Series Servo Drives Driver dimensions FRAME D Minas A4N Minas A4 Rotary switch for node address -- Network link LEDs -- RX Ethernet connection -- TX Ethernet connection -- Parallel I/O connection RB3 Mounting bracket (install the standard to back end) RB2 Rack mount type (Option: Front-end mounting) Base mount type (Standard: Back-end mounting) t type nd mounting) FRAME E Minas A4N 85 50 Minas A4 3.5 200 17.5 32 5.2 5.2 2.6 2 5. Mounting bracket (install the standard to back end) Rotary switch for node address -- Network link LEDs 168 188 8 -- RX Ethernet connection -- TX Ethernet connection 5.2 5.2 -- Parallel I/O connection 5.2 t type nd mounting) FRAME F Minas A4N Minas A4 Mounting bracket (install the standard to back end) Rotary switch for node address -- Network link LEDs RX Ethernet connection TX Ethernet connection -- Parallel I/O connection 19 nt type nd mounting) All measurements in mm 04/2008 19 B Minas A4/A4N/A4P/E Series Servo Drives Motor types Torque Moment of inertia *10-4kgm Shaft 0.025 Round 0.025 Round x 0.027 Round x 0.025 Keyway MSMD5AZP1T 0.027 Keyway MSMD5AZS1S 0.025 Keyway 0.051 Round 0.051 Round x 0.054 Round x 0.051 Keyway MSMD012P1T 0.054 Keyway MSMD012S1S 0.051 Keyway MSMD022P1A 0.14 Round MSMD022P1C 0.14 Round x 0.16 Round x 0.14 Keyway 0.16 Keyway Motor product number Rated power Driver product number 50W MADDT1205 or MADDT1205N or MADDT1205P Rated Momentary max. peak MSMD5AZP1A MSMD5AZP1C MSMD5AZP1D MSMD5AZP1S 0.16Nm 0.48Nm MSMD012P1A MSMD012P1C MSMD012P1D MSMD012P1S 100W MADDT1205 or MADDT1205N or MADDT1205P 0.32Nm 0.95Nm MSMD022P1D MSMD022P1S MSMD022P1T 200W MADDT1207 or MADDT1207N or MADDT1207P 0.64Nm 1.91Nm MSMD022S1C 0.14 MSMD022S1S Round Oil seal x Keyway MSMD042P1A 0.26 Round MSMD042P1C 0.26 Round x 0.28 Round x 0.26 Keyway 0.28 Keyway 0.26 Round MSMD042S1S 0.26 MSMD082P1A 0.87 MSMD082P1C 0.87 Round x 0.97 Round x 0.87 Keyway MSMD082P1T 0.97 Keyway MSMD082S1S 0.87 Keyway 1.69 Keyway x 1.88 Keyway x 2.59 Keyway x 400W MSMD042P1T 1.3Nm 3.8Nm MSMD042S1C MSMD082P1D MSMD082P1S MSMA102P1G MSMA102P1H MSMA152P1G MSMA152P1H 750W 1kW 1.5kW MSMA202P1G MSMA202P1H MSMA402P1G MSMA402P1H MSMA502P1G MSMA502P1H MDDDT5540, MDDDT5540N or MDDDT5540P 2kW MEDDT7364, MEDDT7364N, MEDDT7364P 3kW MFDDTA390, MFDDTA390N, MFDDTA390P MSMA302P1G MSMA302P1H MCDDT3520 or MCDDT3520N or MCDDT3520P 2.4Nm 7.1Nm 3.18Nm 9.5Nm 4.77Nm 14.3Nm 6.36Nm 19.1Nm 9.54Nm 28.6Nm 12.6Nm 37.9Nm 5kW MFDDTB3A2 or MFDDTB3A2N or MFDDTB3A2P 15.8Nm 47.6Nm 100W MKDET1505P 0.32Nm 0.95Nm 200W MLDET2210P 0.64Nm 1.91Nm 400W MLDET2510P 1.3Nm 3.8Nm 4kW x x Keyway MSMD042P1S x x 0.16 MBDDT2210 or MBDDT2210N or MBDDT2210P x x MSMD022S1T MSMD042P1D Holding brake x x x Encoder With IP67 connectors Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Absolute Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Absolute Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Absolute Option available* Absolute Option available* Absolute Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Absolute Option available* Keyway Absolute Option available* Round Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* x x x 2.84 Keyway x 3.46 Keyway x 3.81 Keyway x 6.77 Keyway x 7.45 Keyway x 12.7 Keyway x 14.1 Keyway x 17.8 Keyway x 19.7 Keyway x x x x x x Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Incremental Option available* Absolute Option available* Incremental x Incremental x Incremental x Incremental x Incremental x Incremental x Incremental x Incremental x Incremental x Incremental x Incremental x x Incremental x x Incremental Minas E MUMA012P1S MUMA012P1T MUMA022P1S MUMA022P1T MUMA042P1S MUMA042P1T 0.032 Keyway 0.036 Keyway 0.10 Keyway 0.13 Keyway 0.17 Keyway 0.20 Keyway Incremental Incremental x Incremental x Incremental Incremental * To order a motor with IP67 connectors, simply add an X to the PN, e.g. MSMD042P1SX, or MSMD042P1TX (brake motor). 20 04/2008 es B Minas E Series Servo Drives Motor specifications 50W-400W s le* le* le* AC200V Motor model MUMA 5AZP1; Model no. Applicable driver 012P1; MKDET1505P Frame symbol le* Power supply capacity (kVA) le* Rated output (W) 022P1; 042P1; MKDET1310P MLDET2310P Frame K Frame L 0.3 0.5 0.9 50 100 200 400 1.3 le* Rated torque (N * m) 0.16 0.32 0.64 le* Momentary max. peak torque (N * m) 0.48 0.95 1.91 3.8 le* Rated current (Arms*) 1.6 2.5 7.5 11.7 le* le* 1.0 Max. current (Ao-p) 4.3 Without option No limit 2 DV0P2891s1 No limit 2 le* Regenerative brake frequency (times/min)1 le* Rated rotational speed (r/min) le* Max. rotational speed (r/min) le* Moment of inertia of rotor (x10-4 kg * m2) le* le* le* le* le* le* le* le* 3000 5000 Without brake 0.021 0.032 0.10 0.17 With brake 0.026 0.036 0.13 0.20 Recommended moment of inertia ratio of the load and the rotor 3 Smaller than 30 times 2500P/r Incremental Rotary encoder specifications Resolution per single turn 10,000 Protective enclosure rating le* IP65 (except shaft through hole and cable end connector) le* Ambient temperature 0C to 40C, storage: -20C to + 80C le* Ambient humidity 85%RH or lower (free of condensation) le* Environment Installation location le* le* le* Indoors (no direct sunlight), free from corrosive gas, inflammable gas, oil mist and dust Altitude 1000m or lower Vibration resistance 49m/s2 or less le* Mass (kg), ( ) represents holding brake type le* Brake specifications (This brake will be released when it is energized. Do not use this for braking the motor while it is running.) le* Static friction torque (N * m) le* Engaging time (ms) Releasing time (ms) 4 Operating current (DC) (A) 0.4 (0.6) 0.5 (0.7) 0.96 (1.36) 0.29 1.5 (1.9) 1.27 25 50 20 (30) 15 (100) 0.26 0.36 Releasing voltage DC 1V or more Operating voltage DC 24V 10% Permissible load During assembly During operation Radial load P-direction (N) 147 392 Thrust load A-direction (N) 88 147 Thrust load B-direction (N) 117 196 Radial load P-direction (N) 68 245 Thrust load A-direction (N) 58 98 Thrust load B-direction (N) 58 98 For notes 1-4, see page 26 *rms = root mean square Note: Driver for 50W and 100W has a comon power supply of single phase and 3-phase, 200V 04/2008 21 B Minas A4/A4N/A4P Series Servo Drives Motor specifications 50W-750W AC200V Motor model MSMD5AZP1; Model no. Applicable driver MSMD012P1; MADDT1205 / MADDT1205N Frame symbol MSMD042P1; MADDT1207 (N) 0.3 MSMD082P1; MBDDT2210 (N) MCDDT3520 (N) Frame B Frame C Frame A Power supply capacity (kVA) Rated output (W) MSMD022P1; 0.5 0.9 1.3 50 100 200 400 750 Rated torque (N * m) 0.16 0.32 0.64 1.3 2.4 Momentary max. peak torque (N * m) 0.48 0.95 1.91 3.8 7.1 Rated current (Arms*) 1.1 1.6 2.6 4 Max. current (Ao-p) 4.7 6.9 11.0 17.0 Regenerative brake frequency (times/min)1 Without option No limit 2 With external brake resistor No limit 2 Rated rotational speed (r/min) 3000 Max. rotational speed (r/min) Moment of inertia of rotor (x10-4 kg * m2) 5000 0.025 0.051 0.14 0.26 0.87 With brake 0.027 0.054 0.16 0.28 0.97 Recommended moment of inertia ratio of the load and the rotor 3 Smaller than 30 times Smaller than 20 times 2500P/r Incremental Rotary encoder specifications Resolution per single turn 10,000 Protective enclosure rating Environment 4500 Without brake IP65 (except shaft through hole and cable end connector) Ambient temperature 0C to 40C, storage : -20C to + 80C Ambient humidity 85%RH or lower (free of condensation) Installation location Indoors (no direct sunlight), free from corrosive gas, inflammable gas, oil mist and dust Altitude 1000m or lower Vibration resistance 49m/s2 or less Mass (kg), ( ) represents holding brake type 0.32 (0.53) 0.47 (0.68) 0.82 (1.3) 1.2 (1.7) 2.3 (3.1) Brake specifications (This brake will be released when it is energized. Do not use this for braking the motor while it is running.) Static friction torque (N * m) Engaging time (ms) Releasing time (ms) 4 Operating current (DC) (A) 0.29 1.27 35 50 70 20 (-) 15 (-) 20 (-) 0.36 0.42 0.30 Releasing voltage DC 1V or more Operating voltage DC 24V 5% 2.45 Permissible load During assembly During operation Radial load P-direction (N) 147 392 686 Thrust load A-direction (N) 88 147 294 Thrust load B-direction (N) 117 196 392 Radial load P-direction (N) 68 245 392 Thrust load A-direction (N) 58 98 147 Thrust load B-direction (N) 58 98 147 For notes 1-4, see page 26 *rms = root mean square 22 04/2008 B Minas A4/A4N/A4P Series Servo Drives Torque characteristics 0.25 0.16 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] 100 5 50 0 10 20 30 40 Ambient temperature [C] 0.5 0.48 0.25 0.16 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] 70 60 50 0 10 20 30 40 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] 100 50 0 10 20 30 Ambient temperature [C] 40 Without oil seal 0 10 20 30 40 0. 5 0.5 0.32 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 without brake with brake 100 75 70 50 0 10 20 30 40 Ambient temperature [C] Torque 4.0 3.8 2.0 1.3 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] 100 0 50 0 10 20 30 40 Ambient temperature [C] 2.0 1.91 1. 1 1.0 0.64 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] without brake 100 80 70 with brake 0 10 20 30 40 With oil seal Torque Versus rated torque (%) With oil seal Torque 0 0 Ambient temperature [C] MSMD042 1 Versus rated torque (%) Without oil seal 1.0 0.64 1.0 Rotational speed [r/min] Torque 2.0 1.91 1. 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] Ambient temperature [C] MSMD022 1 mes 0 50 Ambient temperature [C] 4.0 3.8 2.0 1.3 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] Versus rated torque (%) 0 with brake 100 0.5 0.32 with brake 100 5 Torque With oil seal without brake Versus rated torque (%) With oil seal Torque 1.0 0. 5 Versus rated torque (%) 0.48 Torque Versus rated torque (%) 0.5 with brake Versus rated torque (%) Torque Without oil seal MSMD012 1 Versus rated torque (%) ) Without oil seal MSMD5AZ 1 100 75 50 0 10 20 30 40 Ambient temperature [C] Torque 8.0 7.1 4.0 2.4 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] Versus rated torque (%) Without oil seal MSMD082 1 100 50 0 10 20 30 40 Ambient temperature [C] 8.0 7.1 4.0 2.4 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] Versus rated torque (%) With oil seal Torque 100 50 0 10 20 30 40 Rotational speed [r/min] Ambient temperature [C] 04/2008 23 B Minas A4/A4N/A4P Series Servo Drives Motor dimensions MSMD 50W-750W (LOW INERTIA) HIGH QUALITY CONNECTORS 190 50 Encoder Motor 7 7 160 50 Dimensions are subject to change without notice. Contact us or a dealer for the latest information. Minas A4 series (low inertia) Motor output 50W 100W 200W 400W 750W Motor model MSMD5AZP1; MSMD012P1; MSMD022P1; MSMD042P1; MSMD082P1; Without brake 72 92 79 98.5 112 With brake 102 122 115.5 135 149 14 19 Rotary encoder specifications LL 2500P/r incremental LR 25 S 8 LA 45 70 90 LB 30 50 70 LC 38 60 80 6.5 8 30 11 LD -- LE 3 LF 6 LG -- LH 53 -- 3.4 4.5 6 LW 14 LK 12.5 18 22.5 22 KW 3h9 4h9 5h9 6h9 20 25 KH 3 4 5 6 RH 6.2 8.5 11 15.5 TP 24 46.5 26.5 LZ Mass (kg) 43 32 LN Keyway 35 M3 x 6 (depth) M4 x 8 (depth) M5 x 10 (depth) Without brake 0.32 0.47 0.82 1.2 2.3 With brake 0.53 0.68 1.3 1.7 3.1 04/2008 s B Minas A4/A4N/A4P Series Servo Drives Motor specifications ORS 1kW-5kW AC200V Motor model MSMA102P1: Model no. oder Applicable driver or Power supply capacity (kVA) MSMA152P1: MDDDT5540/N Frame symbol MSMA202P1: MSMA302P1: MEDDT7364/N MFDDTA390/N Frame D MSMA402P1: MSMA502P1: MFDDTB3A2/N Frame E Frame F 1.8 2.3 3.3 4.5 6.0 7.5 Rated output (W) 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rated torque (N * m) 3.18 4.77 6.36 9.54 12.6 15.8 Momentary max. peak torque (N * m) 9.5 14.3 19.1 28.6 37.9 47.6 Rated current (Arms*) 7.2 9.4 13.0 18.6 24.7 28.5 Max. current (Ao-p) 30 40 56 80 105 Regenerative brake frequency (times/min) 1 Without option No limit No limit 5000 4500 1.69 2.59 3.46 6.77 12.7 17.8 1.88 2.84 3.81 7.45 14.1 19.7 Recommended moment of inertia ratio of the load and the rotor 3 Smaller then 15 times 2500P/r Incremental Rotary encoder specifications Resolution per single turn 10,000 Protective enclosure rating IP65 (except shaft through hole and cable end connector) Ambient temperature 0C to 40C (free from freezing), Storage : -20C to + 80C Ambient humidity 85%RH or lower (free from condensing) Installation location Indoors (no direct sunlight), free from corrosive gas, inflammable gas, oil mist and dust Altitude 1000m or lower Vibration resistance 49m/s2 or less Mass (kg), ( ) represents holding brake type 2 3000 Max. rotational speed (r/min) Environment 2 -- Rated rotational speed (r/min) Moment of inertia Without brake of rotor With brake (x10-4 kg * m2) 326 No limit With external brake resistor 120 2 4.5 (5.1) 5.1 (6.5) 6.5 (7.9) 9.3 (11.0) 12.9 (14.8) 17.3 (19.2) Brake specifications (This brake will be released when it is energized. Do not use this for braking the motor in motion.) Static friction torque (N * m) 4.9 Engaging time (ms) 7.8 11.8 50 Releasing time (ms) 4 Operating current (DC) (A) 80 15 (100) 0.74 16.1 110 50 (130) 0.81 0.81 Releasing voltage DC 2V or more Operating voltage DC 24V 10% 0.90 Permissible load During assembly During operation Radial load P-direction (N) 686 980 Thrust load A-direction (N) 392 588 Thrust load B-direction (N) 490 686 Radial load P-direction (N) 392 490 784 Thrust load A-direction (N) 147 196 343 Thrust load B-direction (N) 147 196 343 For notes 1-4 see Page 26 *rms= root mean square 04/2008 25 B Minas A4/A4N/A4P Series Servo Drives Motor characteristics 1kW to 5kW MSMA152 1 MSMA102 1 *Continuous torque, ambient temperature 10 19.1 .5 5 3.18 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] 100 15 14.3 50 7.5 4.77 0 10 20 30 40 Rotational speed [r/min] 50 0 10 20 30 40 Ambient temperature [C] *Continuous torque, ambient temperature 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] without brake with brake 100 85 70 50 without brake Torque 30 28.6 15 9.54 .54 0 10 20 30 0 40 Ambient temperature [C] 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] MSMA402 1 Versus rated torque (%) 10 6.36 Versus rated torque (%) 20 19.1 1 .1 with brake 100 0 85 50 0 10 20 30 40 Ambient temperature [C] MSMA502 1 I *Continuous torque, ambient temperature 40 37.9 37. 20 12.6 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Versus rated torque (%) Torque Rotational speed [r/min] with brake 100 85 MSMA302 1 *Continuous torque, ambient temperature Torque 0 3500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 Ambient temperature [C] MSMA202 1 0 without brake with brake 100 0 85 50 *Continuous torque, ambient temperature Torque without brake 50 47.6 25 15.8 0 10 20 30 40 0 Ambient temperature [C] 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Rotational speed [r/min] Radial load (P) direction Versus rated torque (%) 0 *Continuous torque, ambient temperature Torque Versus rated torque (%) Versus rated torque (%) Torque 100 70 50 0 10 20 30 Thrust load (A, B) direction Running range (Torque limit setup: 300%) Running range (Torque limit setup: 200%) Running range (Torque limit setup: 200%) Rotational speed Notes: 1. Regenerative brake frequency represents the frequency of the motor's stops from the rated speed with deceleration without load. * If the load is connected, frequency will be defined as 1/(m+1), where m=load moment of inertia/rotor moment of inertia. * When the motor speed exceeds the rated speed, regenerative brake frequency is in inverse proportion to the square of (running speed/rated speed). 2. If the effective torque is within the rated torque, there is no limit in generative brake. 3. Consult us or a dealer if the load moment of inertia exceeds the specified value. 4. Specified releasing time is obtained with the use of surge absorber for brake (Z15D151 by Ishizuka Electronic or equivalent). ( ) Represents the actually measured value using a diode (200V, 1A or equivalent). * Power supply voltage is AC230V (at 200V of the main voltage). If the supply voltage fluctuates, frequency is in inverse proportion to the square of (running supply voltage/230) relative to the value in the table. * When regeneration occurs continuously, e.g. frequent changes in running speed or vertical feeding, consult either us or a dealer. 26 04/2008 40 Ambient temperature [C] s B Minas A4/A4N/A4P Series Servo Drives Motor dimensions MSMA 1kW-5kW (LOW INERTIA) LL ke LR LE 4- o LZ S 6 LF Sh6 LW W LH LK KW W o LB h7 7 LG o RH ke Dimensions are subject to change without notice. Contact us or a dealer for the latest information. Minas A4 series (low inertia) Motor output 1.0kW 1.5kW 2.0kW 3.0kW 4.0kW 5.0kW Motor model MSMA102P1; MSMA152P1; MSMA202P1; MSMA302P1; MSMA402P1; MSMA502P1; Without brake 175 180 205 217 240 280 With brake 200 205 230 242 265 305 Rotary encoder specifications LL 2500P/r incremental LR 55 55 S 19 22 24 130/145 (slot) 145 65 LA 100 LB 80 95 LC 90 100 120 130 LD 120 135 162 165 115 LE 110 3 LF 7 10 LH 98 103 LZ 6.6 6 12 LG 84 Mass (kg) 118 9 LW Keyway 111 45 LK 42 KW 6h9 KH 6 RH 15.5 55 41 51 8h9 7 18 20 Without brake 4.5 5.1 6.5 9.3 12.9 17.3 With brake 5.1 6.5 7.9 11.0 14.8 19.2 Connector/Plug specifications Refer to Minas A4 Manual 04/2008 27 B Minas E Series Servo Drives Motor dimensions Minas E 100W-400W MUMA (LOW INERTIA) Encoder connector Motor connector Brake connector Keyway dimensions Dimensions are subject to change without notice; please contact us or a dealer for current information. MUTMA series (ultra low inertia) Motor output Motor model 50W 100W 200W 400W 5A;P1; 01;P1; 02;P1; 04;P1; Without brake 75,5 92,5 96 With brake 107 124 129 MUMA Rotary encoder specifications LL 2500P/r incremental LR 24 123.5 156.5 30 S 8 LA 48 70 LB 22 50 LC 42 60 LE 2 11 14 3 LF 7 LH 34 43 LZ 3.4 4.5 Keyway LW 14 20 25 LK 12,5 18 22.5 KW 3h9 4h9 5h9 KH 3 4 5 RH 6.2 8.5 11 M4 X 8 (depth) M5 X 10 (depth) TP Mass (kg) M3 X 6 (depth) Without brake 0.40 0.50 0.96 1.5 With brake 0.60 0.70 1.36 1.90 Connector/Plug specifications Refer to options, page 35 * Cautions: Reduce the moment of inertia if high speed response operation is required. Read the Instruction Manual carefully and understand all precautions and remarks before using the products. 28 04/2008 C Software Setup support software SETUP SUPPORT SOFTWARE PANATERM(R) FOR MINAS SERIES AC SERVO MOTOR & DRIVER PANATERM (R) assists users in setting parameters, monitoring control conditions, setup support and analysing mechanical operation data on the PC screen when installed in a commercially available personal computer and connected to the Minas series through the RS232C serial interface. BASIC FUNCTION Parameter setup * After a parameter has been defined on the screen, it will immediately be sent to the driver. * Once you register the parameters you frequently use, they can easily be set up on the screen. * Enter position data for Minas ACP drivers. MONITORING CONTROL CONDITIONS Monitor * Control conditions: control mode, velocity, torque, error and warning. Parameter * Driver input signal. * Load conditions: total count of command/feedback pulses, load ratio, regenerative resistor load ratio. Alarm * Displays the numbers and contents of the current alarm and a history of the last 14 error events. * Clears the numbers and contents of the current alarm and a history of the last 14 error events. SETUP Auto tuning * Gain adjustment and inertia ratio measurement. Monitor Graphic waveform display * The graphic display shows command velocity, actual velocity, torque, and error waveforms. Absolute encoder setup * Clears absolute encoder at the origin. * Displays single revolution/multirevolution data. * Displays absolute encoder status. ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL OPERATION DATA Frequency analysis * Measures frequency characteristics of the machine; displays Bode diagram. Graphic waveform display Product number: DVOP4460 04/2008 29 C Software Motion Control Library for FPWIN Pro Panasonic's Motion Control Library is designed to save programming time with a sophisticated yet userfriendly software solution. Our library includes function blocks programed according to PLCopen's specifications. Developed to simplify programming of FP2 and FP3 (Sigma) positioning units. PLCopen, an independent international organization, aims to harmonize access across platforms during development, installation and maintenance based on the IEC61131-3 environment. See also: Administrative Single Axis MC_Power MC_ReadStatus MC_ReadAxisError MC_ReadParameter MC_ReadBoolParameter MC_WriteParameter MC_WriteBoolParameter MC_ReadActualPosition MC_Reset Motion Multiple Axis MC_CamTableSelect Single Axis MC_MoveAbsolute MC_MoveRelative MC_MoveAdditive * MC_MoveSuperimposed MC_MoveVelocity MC_Home MC_Stop MC_PositionProfile MC_VelocityProfile MC_AccelerationProfile Multiple Axis MC_CamIn MC_CamOut MC_GearIn MC_GearOut * If executed, the current motion is briefly interrupted due to hardware reasons. PROGRAM, LADDER DIAGRAM BODY EXAMPLE FOR CONSECUTIVE MOVEMENT IN A DRILLING APPLICATION v FWD FFWD DWELL REV t FF s F REV t Timing diagram Drilling setup ADVANTAGES OF PLC PROGRAMS USING THE MOTION CONTROL LIBRARY COMPLIANT WITH THE PLCOPEN STANDARD: * Simple - Easy programming and installation, even for complex applications * Efficient - In the number of function blocks and in design and understanding * Consistent - Compliant with the IEC 61131-3 PLC programming standard * Universal - Hardware-independent * Flexible - Add hardware or expand range of applications at any time * Complete - Comprehensive product line solves typical positioning applications easily 22000 088 Motion Control Library Product number NCL-MC-LIB D Note: FP2 positioning unit multifunction type version 5.4 or newer usable with FP3 (Sigma) positioning unit 30 04/2008 C Software Configurator PM software tool for RTEX The Configurator PM provides powerful yet simple full support ranging from configuration settings and startup to operation monitoring. This reduces the time and man hours required for system setup. Axis settings Parameter settings Check the axis to be used. Select axis no. used. The details of the settings can be displayed in a table. Details on how to create settings for each category are explained in the box below. Grouping of axes for interpolation operations is carried out simply by dragging and dropping the relevant axes. Parameters can be copied between axes. In instances where many settings are shared among the axes, this can reduce the number of repeat inputs. Data table creation Simple input as in Excel. Data tables can be exported as text files in CSV format. This is effective when making printouts for document management. Each axis (or each interpolation axis group) has a separate sheet, and data tables for each axis are displayed in an easy-to-understand manner. You can copy parts of a CSV file to a data table using Cut & Paste. TOOL OPERATIONS * Each axis can be operated by tool operation independently from the operation modes (PROG and RUN) of the FP control unit (or the FP2CPU unit). * JOG operation and teaching can be carried out easily to index positioning points. Test operation is possible without having to create a rudder program. DATA MONITOR STATUS MONITOR * Data table no. during operation * Connection status of each axis * Auxiliary output * Model code of each motor amp and motor connected * Current position, speed and vector * Error code, warning code (Errors and warnings can also be cleared) * Servo lock status * Origin proximity input, limit input 04/2008 31 C Software XXXXXXXX Encoder cables Encoder cables for Minas A4 and E servo drives, standard connectors, usable for drag chain Product number Power range Minas A4 Power range Minas E Length L MFECA0010EAM 50-750W 50-400W 1m MFECA0020EAM 50-750W 50-400W 2m MFECA0030EAM 50-750W 50-400W 3m MFECA0050EAM 50-750W 50-400W 5m MFECA0100EAM 50-750W 50-400W 10m MFECA0;;0EAM Encoder cable for Minas A4 servo drives, high quality connectors, IP67, usable for drag chain Product number Power range Minas A4 Length L MFECA0020EAB 50-750W 2m MFECA0030EAB 50-750W 3m MFECA0040EAB 50-750W 4m MFECA0050EAB 50-750W 5m MFECA0070EAB 50-750W 7m MFECA0100EAB 50-750W 10m MFECA0150EAB 50-750W 15m MFECA0200EAB 50-750W 20m L MFECA0;;0EAB Encoder cable for Minas A4 with 17-bit absolute encoder, standard connectors, without battery holder Product number Power range Minas A4 Length L MFECA0030EAD 50-750W 3m MFECA0050EAD 50-750W 5m MFECA0100EAD 50-750W 10m MFECA0;;0EAD Encoder cable for Minas A4 with 17-bit absolute encoder, standard connectors, with battery holder Product number Power range Minas A4 Length L MFECA0030EAE 50-750W 3m MFECA0050EAE 50-750W 5m MFECA0100EAE 50-750W 10m MFECA0;;0EAE 37.3 Encoder cable for Minas A4 with incremental encoder, IP67 metal connectors, usable for drag chain Product number Power range Minas A4 Length L MFECA0030ESD 1-5kW 3m MFECA0050ESD 1-5kW 5m MFECA0100ESD 1-5kW 10m MFECA0;;0ESD 32 04/2008 XXXXXXXX Accessories Motor and brake cables Motor cable for Minas E servo drives, usable for drag chain Product number Power range MFMCA0050AEB MFMCA0100AEB MFMCA0200AEB 50 - 400W 50 - 400W 50 - 400W Length L (50) 1m 2m 3m 5m 10m (4) (10.0) 50 - 750W 50 - 750W 50 - 750W 50 - 750W 50 - 750W 50 - 750W 50 - 750W MFMCA0;;0EED 5m 10m 20m MFMCA0;;0AEB 2m 3m 4m 5m 10m 15m 20m Motor cable for Minas A4 motors with brake, high quality connectors, IP67, usable for drag chain Product number Power range Length L 2kW 2kW 2kW 2kW Motor cable for Minas A4, without brake, usable for drag chain Product number Power range MFMCA0033ECT MFMCA0053ECT MFMCA0103ECT 3-5kW 3-5kW 3-5kW Motor cable for Minas A4, with brake, usable for drag chain Product number Power range MFMCA0032FCD MFMCA0052FCD MFMCA0102FCD 1-1.5kW 1-1.5kW 1-1.5kW Motor cable for Minas A4, with brake, usable for drag chain Product number Power range MFMCA0032FCT MFMCA0052FCT MFMCA0102FCT 2kW 2kW 2kW Motor cable for Minas A4, with brake, usable for drag chain Product number Power range MFMCA0033FCT MFMCA0053FCT MFMCA0103FCT 3-5kW 3-5kW 3-5kW 12.5) (50) Length L 3m 5m 10m 15m ( MFMCD0032ECT MFMCD0052ECT MFMCD0102ECT MFMCD0152ECT 3m 5m 10m MFMCD0;;2ECD 3m 5m 10m Length L 3m 5m 10m (50) Length L 3m 5m 10m MFMCA0;;2FCD 50 - 750W 50 - 750W 50 - 750W (50 ) MFMCA0;;2FCT Length L 3m 5m 10m (40) Brake junction cable for Minas A 4 and E motors with brake, usable for drag chain Product number Power range Minas A Power range Minas E MFMCB0030GET MFMCB0050GET MFMCB0100GET MFMCD0;;2ECT Length L 12.5) Motor cable for Minas A4, without brake, usable for drag chain Product number Power range Length L .8) 1 - 1.5kW 1 - 1.5kW 1 - 1.5kW ( MFMCD0032ECD MFMCD0052ECD MFMCD0102ECD MFMCA0;;0EBDB 50 - 400W 50 - 400W 50 - 400W Length L 3m 5m 10m 04/2008 (50) .8) Motor cable for Minas A4, without brake, usable for drag chain Product number Power range 2m 3m 5m 7m 10m 37.3 750W 750W 750W 750W 750W 37.3 - - - - - (12.0) 50 50 50 50 50 MFMCA0;;0EBD (10.0) MFMCA0020EBDB MFMCA0030EBDB MFMCA0050EBDB MFMCA0070EBDB MFMCA0100EBDB (4) Length L Motor cable for Minas A4, high quality connectors, IP67, usable for drag chain Product number Power range Length L MFMCA0020EBD MFMCA0030EBD MFMCA0040EBD MFMCA0050EBD MFMCA0100EBD MFMCA0150EBD MFMCA0200EBD (50) 11) 750W 750W 750W 750W 750W ( - - - - - ( 50 50 50 50 50 (5.6) ( MFMCA0010EED MFMCA0020EED MFMCA0030EED MFMCA0050EED MFMCA0100EED (12.0) Motor cable for Minas A4 servo drives, usable for drag chain Product number Power range V MFMCB0;;0GET 33 Accessories XXXXXXXX Direct connection cables to FP3 (Sigma) and FP2 For pulse control, not for Minas A4N / RTEX Description Number of axes Power range Length Connectors DVOP0980W-1 FP3 (Sigma) NPN to CN I/F 1 0.05-5kW 1m 50 pin Molex to 2x10 pin MIL 2x50 pin Molex to 3x10 pin MIL Product number DVOP0981W-1 FP3 (Sigma) NPN to CN I/F 2 0.05-5kW 1m DVOP0982W-1 FP3 (Sigma) PNP to CN I/F 1 0.05-5kW 1m 50 pin Molex to 2x10 pin MIL DVOP0983W-1 FP3 (Sigma) PNP to CN I/F 2 0.05-5kW 1m 2x50 pin Molex to 3x10 pin MIL DVOP0984W-1 FP3 (Sigma) NPN to CN I/F, with TLC-signal 2 0.05-5kW 1m 50 pin Molex to 2x10 pin MIL, with TLC-signal DVOP0985W-1 FP3 (Sigma) / FP2 Positioning units transistor type 2 0.05-5kW 1m 50 pin Molex to 1x40 pin MIL DVOP0986W-1 FP3 (Sigma) / FP2 Positioning units line driver type 2 0.05-5kW 1m 50 pin Molex to 1x40 pin MIL For FP3 (Sigma) CPU PNP or NPN One axis DVOP0980W-1 DVOP0982W-1 In/out connectors for the PLC FP3 (Sigma). Unused inputs/outputs can be used for other purposes. Two axes DVOP0981W-1 DVOP0983W-1 DVOP0984W-1 DIRECT CONNECTION TO FP3 (SIGMA) AND FP2 POSITIONING UNITS (Not for Minas A4N / RTEX transistor or line driver types) Two axes DVOP0985W-1 DVOP0986W-1 34 04/2008 XXXXXXXX Accessories Other cables, connectors, brake resistors, filters COMMUNICATION CABLES Product number Description DVOP1960 RS232C communication cable to PC9 pin Sub-D DVOP1972 RS485 communication cable Mini-DIN 8Pin-MD connector, 1m CONNECTOR UNITS gnal Product number Description DVOP3670 Connector kit for motor and encoder DVOP4310 Connector kit for Minas A4 servo drives 1 to 2kW, without brake DVOP4320 Connector kit for Minas A4 servo drives 3 to 5kW, without brake DVOP4330 Connector kit for Minas A4 servo drives 1 to 2kW, with brake DVOP4340 Connector kit for Minas A4 servo drives 3 to 5kW, with brake DVOP4350 Connector for Minas A4 drivers for external equipment DVOP4380 Connector kit for Minas A4 servo for encoder- and motor connection FILTERS Product number a). ther Description FN2060-6-06 EMC filter for control circle, Minas A4 servo drives 1 to 2kW FN2090-10-06 Multi-stage EMI filter, 1-phase, for Minas A4/N servo driver MDDT5540, 1 to 1.5kW FN2410-32-33 Multi-stage EMI filter, 1-phase, for Minas A4/N servo driver 2 to 5kW FS21238-6-07 FS21238-6-07 EMC filter for Minas A4 servo drives 50 to 750W DVOP4160 EMC filter for Minas E INTERFACE CABLES Product number DVOP0800 DVOP4360 DVOP4510 BRAKE RESISTORS Power range Additional information / description BWD250100 30-750W 100 Ohm/100W BWD600027 1-5kW 27 Ohm/240W Description Product number Interface cable for Minas E driver 26 pins Interface Connector cable for Minas A4 drivers, length 2m I/O Interface cable for Minas A4N and A4P servo drivers, length 2m OTHER ACCESSORIES Product number Description DVOP2990 Lithium battery for absolute encoder, Minas A4, 3.6V 2000mAh DVOP37300 Cable set (3m) interface, encoder and motor cable and connector kit of drive power DVOP3811 DIN rail mounting kit for Minas E drivers DVOP39200 Cable set (5m) interface, encoder and motor cable and connector kit of drive power DVOP4420 Operating Console for Minas A4 and E servo drivers DVOP4460 PANATERM Software for Minas servo drives, CD-ROM MANUALS Product number Additional information / description DVOP4210 Minas A4-series manual DVOP4490 Minas A4P-series manual DVOP3700 Minas E-series manual Minas A4N manual is only available as PDF file from 04/2008 35 Global Network North America Europe Asia Pacific China Japan Panasonic Electric Works Please contact our Global Sales Companies in: Europe Headquarters Austria Benelux Czech Republic France Germany Hungary Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG Panasonic Electric Works Austria GmbH PEW Electronic Materials Europe GmbH Panasonic Electric Works Sales Western Europe B.V. 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