LPCI-3488A/PXI-3488 High-Performance IEEE-488 GPIB Interface Cards Introduction The IEEE-488 standard, also known as GPIB, is a bus interface that connects instruments with a computer to form an ATE system. GPIB was initially developed by Hewlett Packard and was recognized as an IEEE standard in 1978. The IEEE-488.1-1978 standard defines the convention for electrical and mechanical bus characteristics, as well as the state diagram for each bus function. In 1987, another standard was derived from the original IEEE-488.1-1978 and known as IEEE-488.2-1978. It was introduced to define data formats, common commands, and control protocols for instruments. In general, IEEE-488.1 defines hardware specifications, and IEEE-488.2 defines software specifications. The IEEE-488 standard has been widely accepted by instrument vendors over the past few decades. Today, GPIB is still the most popular interface between computer and instruments. Instrument A Able to Talk, Listen and Control ex: Computer Instrument C Able to Listen ex: Function Generator EOI IFC SRQ ATN REN 5system Management lines DAV NRFD NDAC Features 3 handshake lines Instrument A Able to Talk, Listen and Control ex: Computer DI01-8 Instrument B Able to Talk and to Listen ex: Oscilloscoae Handshake and data signals on the GPIB bus Fully compatible with the IEEE-488 standard Supports a 32-bit 3.3 V or 5 V PCI bus PXI specification Rev. 2.2 compliant (PXI-3488) Up to 1.5 MB/s data transfer rates Built-in FIFO for read/write operations Provides APIs compatible with NI-488.2 driver software* Supports industrial-standard VISA library Interactive utility for testing and diagnostics Instrument C Able to Listen ex: Function Generator 8 data lines EOI IFC SRQ ATN REN DAV NRFD NDAC Instrument B Instrument D Instrument C Instrument C Instrument B Instrument A Star instrument connection 200 400 600 800 1000 Block Size (Bytes) 600 400 200 0 200 400 600 800 Block Size (Bytes) 1000 Data Xfer Rate (KB/s) Data Xfer Rate (KB/s) 1000 0 800 Data Xfer Rate (KB/s) Data Xfer Rate (KB/s) 400 ADLINK GPIB Data Xfer Rate (Small Block Data) 200 Instrument B ADLINK's LPCI-3488A and PXI-3488 GPIB controller interface cards are fully compatible with the IEEE-488.2 instrumentation control and communication standard and are capable of controlling up to 14 stand-alone instruments via IEEE-488 cables. The LPCI-3488A and PXI-3488 are designed to meet the requirements for ADLINK GPIB Data Xfer Rate (Small Block Data) ADLINK GPIB Data Xfer Rate (Large Block Data) high performance and maximum programming portability. The LPCI-3488A is developed using ADLINK's 1600 1000 intellectual property in FPGAs which incorporates a GPIB controller, provides reliable GPIB bus control 1400 Linear instrument connection Star instrument connection capability, 800 and supports a transfer rate up to 1.5 MB/s. With APIs that are compatible with NI-488.2* driver 1200 software and VISA support, the LPCI-3488A and PXI-3488 offer the best compatibility with your existing 1000 600 applications and instrument drivers 800 Instrument A * LabWindow/CVI* Linear instrument connection Instrument A Instrument A Handshake and data signals on the GPIB bus * Windows Vista/XP/2000/2003 Server Recommended Software * LabVIEW* 3 handshake lines 8 data lines DI01-8 Operating Systems * VB/VC++/BCB/Delphi Instrument D Instrument C 5system Management lines Instrument B PXI-3488 Instrument B Able to Talk and to Listen ex: Oscilloscoae Instrument C LPCI-3488A 600 ADLINK GPIB Data Xfer Rate (Large Block Data) 400 200 1600 0 1400 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 1200 Block Size (KBytes) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 Block Size (KBytes) Performance ADLINK's expertise in PCI and PXI interface cards was leveraged when developing these newly designed GPIB interface card. The LPCI-3488A, which is the low-profile PCI form factor, supports both 3.3 V and 5 V PCI buses and can be adapted to most industrial and desktop computers. The PXI-3488 is compliant with PXI specification Rev. 2.2 and can be used with most PXI and CompactPCI system. A built-in FIFO is placed between the GPIB bus and PCI controller to buffer GPIB read/write operations. This FIFO eliminates the gap between the slow GPIB bus (~1.5 MB/s) and the fast PCI bus (132 MB/s), and dramatically increases overall system performance. 3-1 www.adlinktech.com GPIB Communications 1 PXI Fully Compatible with Your Existing Applications ADLINK GPIB interface cards are delivered with complete software support, including a driver API that is fully binary compatible with NI-488.2* driver software. All programs written based on GPIB-32.DLL can be executed with LPCI-3488A or PXI-3488 without any modification. VISA library is also supported to ensure compatibility with applications utilizing VISA. The ADLINK LPCI-3488A and PXI-3488 thus provides the "Plug and Play" compatibility with all your existing applications. How do ADLINK's GPIB Interface Cards Work? 2 General Specifications Dimensions (not including connectors) : +5 V 400 mA (typical) 750 mA (maximum) +3.3 V 400 mA (typical) 750 mA (maximum) LPCI-3488A High-Performance IEEE-488 GPIB interface card for low-profile PCI bus, shipped with an additional low-profile bracket. PXI-3488 High-Performance IEEE-488 GPIB interface card for PXI/CompactPCI bus ACL-IEEE488-1 IEEE-488 standard cable, 1 meter length ACL-IEEE488-2 IEEE-488 standard cable, 2 meter length ACL-IEEE488-4 IEEE-488 standard cable, 4 meter length 5 ACL-IEEE488-8 IEEE-488 standard cable, 8 meter length Product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks and/ or registered trademarks of their respective companies. *NI, LabVIEW, LabWindows, and CVI are trademarks or registered trademarks of National Instruments Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. * LPCI-3488A: 120 mm x 64 mm * PXI-3488: 160 mm x 100 mm www.adlinktech.com 3-2 Software & Utilities * Up to 14 instruments connected * Maximum 1.5 MB/s data transfer rate * Cable length -2 meters between each instrument (suggested) -20 meters total cable length * Data transfer mode: 8 bits parallel * Handshake: 3 wire handshake, reception of each data byte is acknowledged * EMC/EMI: CE, FCC Class A * VB/VC++/BCB/Delphi * LabVIEWTM* * LabWindows/CVI* * I/O connector : IEEE-488 standard 24-pin * Operating temperature : 0C to 55C * Storage temperature : -20C to 80C * Relative humidity : 5% to 95%, non-condensing * Power requirements * LPCI-3488A * PXI-3488 +5 V 250 mA (typical) 300 mA (maximum) 4 PXI/cPCI Modules Certifications Programming Interface GPIB & Expansion GPIB Bus Specifications 3 Ordering Information Specifications Modular Instruments Microsoft VC++/VB The objective of a test and measurement application is NI LabVIEW* to test a specific UUT (Unit Under Test) automatically. ADE A typical automatic testing system includes testing NI LabWindows/CVI* programs and various testing equipment connected to Agilent TestExec the host computer via a GPIB interface. To manage the connections with GPIB instruments, testing programs are Direct invocation usually developed according to the following model: ADEs Using existing to GPIB driver API (Application Development Environments), the environment instrument drivers VISA functions where applications are written. Some ADEs are popular via VISA in ADE because users can implement any function needed using textual programming (ex. VC++/VB, TestExec) or graphical Native driver API programming (ex. LabVIEW*) techniques. A vital part Driver API to provide IEEEof a test and measurement application is to control and communicate with GPIB instruments. Two techniques are 488 functions (GPIB-32.DLL) generally used to control the GPIB interface: invoke the native driver API or use the existing instrument drivers via ADLINK LPCI-3488A VISA. A native driver API is provided by most GPIB interface ADLINK PXI-3488 vendors and is usually in the form of ANSI C functions. Agilent 82350B For users who need more detailed control over GPIB GPIB Cards NI PCI-GPIB* instruments, using a driver API with SCPI string commands is a good choice. For others who want to keep away from ... complicated instrument commands, instrument drivers developed for specific ADEs (ex. LabVIEW*/TestExec) can significantly simplify the complexity of instrument control. Most of the instrument drivers use a VISA library to control the GPIB interface and communicate with instruments. VISA support is essential in this case. ADLINK GPIB interface cards work with your applications in both ways. Its GPIB-32.DLL provides binary compatibility with the popular NI-488.2* driver software. The LPCI-3488A and PXI-3488 also provide VISA library support that can be used with most common instrument drivers written by instrument vendors. Regardless if you are using VC++, VB, Delphi, LabVIEW*, or any other T&M ADE, ADLINK GPIB interface cards are the most cost-effective GPIB solutions compatible with all your applications. PCITM/PCI Express /ExpressCardTM Expanded Anywhere (R) With ADLINK Bus Expansion Technology What is Bus Expansion Technology? Bus expansion, or bus extension, is a technology that increases the number of bus slots of the same or different bus types for a host computer system. Typically, a bus expansion system is composed of three major parts, an expansion card installed in the host computer, Specialized Cable Expansion Card an expansion chassis to provide more bus slots, and a specialized cable to connect them. Though the host computer and the expansion chassis are physically separated, they More Bus Slots are logically the same computer system. All cards installed in the expansion chassis are recognized and operated as if they were installed in the host computer, without any additional drivers or software needed. Host Computer Expansion Chassis Benefits of Bus Expansion Technology CPU * Increase bus slots, let customers install more PCITM devices into a single PC system. * Provide interoperability of different bus interface device, PCITM and PXITM in a PC system. Arbitrary PCI device Host * Leverage latest and superb computing power of server-grade computer, without changing your PCITM modules. Memory Device Device Bridge * By separating host PC and extension chassis, all of the measurement modules are kept away from high frequency interference from CPU, chipset, and memory, etc. * Extension via cable up to 10 m, the host can be protected in a safe environment while the control or measurement module can be placed in hazardous environment. PCI PCI Bus 0 Bus 1 bridge * Complete hardware and software transparency, without the need for addition drivers or software. bridge Types of Bus Expansion Solutions Depending on the bus type in a host computer and extension chassis, we can create many combinations of bus expansion solutions. The following are several existing bus extension solutions ADLINK provides: * PCI-to-PCI expansion * PCI-to-PXI expansion * PCI Express-to-PCI expansion * PCI Express-to-PXI expansion * ExpressCard-to-PCI expansion * ExpressCard-to-PXI expansion Device Device Host Computer Expansion Chassis The PCITM signals are transmitted over a parallel cable Specialized Cable Expansion Card More Bus Slots Host Computer PCIS-8580-13S EC-8560/PXI-8565 PCI-8570 / PXI-8570 Expansion Chassis ADLINK Bus Expansion Technology ADLINK is dedicated to the fields of PCITM, PXITM and PCI Express(R) extension technology. The PCITM bus is a parallel bus which contains 32 data lines (32-bit PCITM) or 64 data lines (64-bit PCITM), while PCI Express(R) bus is a high-speed serialized bus which uses 2.5 Gbps LVDS signal pairs to transmit/receive data. Distinct extension technologies are used for different bus types. In this section, we'll illustrate the technologies we use for ADLINK bus expansion solutions. PCI-based Expansion Technology (PCI-to-PCI, PCIto-PXI, PXI-to-PXI) ADLINK leverages a state-of-art StarFabricTM technology to design our PCI-based expansion solution. The ADLINK PCI-based expansion solution works as a transparent PCITM bridge and converts PCITM bus signals to serialized StarFabricTM data format and transmits the data using LVDS signal pairs. This new expansion solution provides up to 10 meters of expansion distance and extremely reliable operation. 3-3 www.adlinktech.com CPU Arbitrary PCI device Host Bridge Memory Bus 0 PCI bridge Device Device PCI bridge Device Bus 1 Device Host Computer Expansion Chassis The PCITM signals are transmitted over a parallel cable Bus Expansion 1 PXI Step 2 Sele CAT-5 cable is used to connect two chassis CPU 622 Mbps Memory PCI bridge StarFabric port Host Bridge Bus 0 Device Device Arbitrary PCI Device 622 Mbps 622 Mbps 622 Mbps 622 Mbps 622 Mbps 622 Mbps Device Device PCI bridge StarFabric port PCI Express(R) bus is inherently a serialized bus. Data between devices is transferred in the form of serialized data packets and over 2.5 Gbps LVDS PHY. A major concern is maintaining signal integrity while transmitting signals over cables. ADLINK PCI Express-based solutions provide up to 7 meters of extension and over 100 MB/s sustained data transfer rate. Bus 1 622 Mbps Host Computer Expansion Chassis 4 pairs, bi-directional, 622 Mbps LVDS links Selecting ADLINK Bus Expansion Solutions 622 Mbps 622 Mbps 622 Mbps 3. Select the extension cable according to your expected extension distance 622 Mbps For example, ADLINK PCI-based expansion solutions provide puter cable options Expansion of 2, 5, and 10 meters and ADLINK PCI Chassis Express-based expansion solutions provide cable options of 4 pairs, bi-directional, 1, 3, and 7 meters. 622 Mbps LVDS links PCI Express bus More PCI Slots PCIe-to-PCI PXI ChassisPCI Bus bridge Equalizer De-Emphasis Host Computer Expansion Chassis Transmit the PCI signals over a parallel cable PCES-8581-4S/PCES-8581-13S [P.3-5] PCIe-8560/PXI-8565 [P.3-10] ECS-8582-4S [P.3-5] EC-8560/PXI-8565 [P.3-9] 4 5 Memory Express bus PCIS-8580-4S/PCIS-8580-13S [P.3-7] Arbitrary PCI device Device PCIe-to-PCI bridge PCI-8570/PXI-8570 [P.3-8] Software & Utilities Well-shielded High-speed cable connects the remote chassis and host PC Device Call for availability PCI Bus PXI-8570 [P.3-8] s www.adlinktech.com 3-4 puter Expansion Chassis Transmit the PCI signals over a parallel cable PCES-8 PCIS-8 Device PXI/cPCI Modules vice Arbitrary PCI Device 2. Select the bus and chassis to expand to 622 Mbps If the target of extension is PXITM bus,Device you should select Device 622 Mbps a corresponding PXITM module to connect to a host computer. If the target of the expansion is PCITM bus, the 622 Mbps expansion system usually comesBus with a1chassis that contains 622 Mbps a backplane and power supply. You should select the capacity of PCITM slots within the expansion chassis. PCI bridge StarFabric port PCI bridge StarFabric port Memory Memory 3 GPIB & Expansion 1. Select the bus in your host computer system For desktop or Industrial computers, there are PCITM or PCI Express(R) slots available. For laptop computers, you may have anto ExpressCardTM slot. For PXITM systems, PXITM slots CAT-5 cable is used are available. You should first select the bus you want to connect two chassis expand from. Root 2 Arbitrary PCI device Step 2 Select the Complex bus and chassis to expand toDevice Step 1 Select a bus for your host computer Various bus extension solutions are provided based on the bus types of the host computer and the expansion chassis. Here are few simple steps to help you correctly choose the bus expansion solution you need. Well-shielded High-speed cable connects the remote chassis and host PC CPU Modular Step 1 Select a bus for your hostInstruments computer PCI Express-based Expansion Technology (PCIe-toPCI, PCIe-to-PXI, ExpressCard-to-PCI, ExpressCardto-PXI) Cal PCES-8581-4S/13S, ECS-8582-4S PCIe/EC-to-PCI Expansion Systems Introduction Harnessing the bandwidth potential of the PCI Express, these latest smart expansion systems enable compuers with a PCI Express slot to remotely manage and control up to 13 PCI devices seven meters away, using the high-speed PCI Express interface. Offering up to 13 (PCES-8581-13S) or four PCI slots (PCES-8581-4S, ECS-8582-4S), these expansion systems operate in 32-bit/33 MHz configuration and come with complete end-to-end hardware and software transparency for the host system. Hardware devices installed in the expansion system behave and work as if these are directly installed into the host system, requiring no additional drivers or software installation. The host system may be separated from the expansion system at up to seven meters using high-quality shielded twisted copper cables. The robust and reliable PCI expansion-to-PCI expansion systems are suited for portable test and measurement applications with high-density I/O requirement and in hazardous industrial control and automation environments. ECS-8582-4S Controlling PCITM Remotely via the PCI(R) Express Interface PCES-8581-4S PCES-8581-13S Features PCI Express-based control of PCI - PCES-8581-4S/13S ExpressCard-based control of PCI - ECS-8582-4S High-speed PCI Express x1 interface Compatible with 5 V and 3.3 V PCI signaling 32-bit/33 MHz PCI interface support PCES-8581-4S/ECS-8582-4S expand four half-size PCI slots in a shoebox size wallmount chassis with built-in 200 W power supply PCES-8581-13S expands 13 full-size PCI slots in a 19" rackmount chassis with built-in 400 W power supply Extension distance of up to 7 meters (extension cables at 1 M, 3 M, and 7 M) Comprehensive hardware and software transparency Compliant with Most commercial desktop PCs of today are equipped with only one or two PCI slots. For users and applications requiring control of multiple PCI devices from one PC system, this limitation causes great difficulty when searching for and deciding on a suitable computer system. With the ADLINK PCES-8581-13S expansion system, users can easily expand their system and conveniently accommodate 13 PCI devices or more. For rugged applications where the PC system is subjected to a hazardous environment, valuable components such as the CPU and hard disk drive are easily damaged. To protect these valuable IT investments, the PCES-8581-13S and the PCES-8581-4S PCI Express-to-PCI expansion system can be controlled remotely at up to 7 meters from the host PC using a high-speed and well-shielded cable. While the host PC system is installed at a safe distance from the rugged environment, the remote expansion system is designed to withstand extreme temperatures or high vibration. On the other hand, if your PCI devices require less electromagnetic interference, you may also use the PCI Express-to-PCI expansion system to isolate high frequency interferences from the CPU, memory, or North/Southbridge chips. These expansion systems also allow close installation of your DAQ and/or control cards with the DUT (Device Under Test) for a more compact and space-saving test and measurement environment. The ExpressCard-to-PCI expansion technology The ECS-8582-4S expansion system consists of an EC-8560 installed in the laptop computer, a RK-8005 expansion chassis with pre-installed backplane and PCI-8565 expansion card to accommodate PCITM cards, and a cable to connect them. The EC-8560 is an ExpressCard/34 module that re-drives the PCI Express(R) signal and transmits it through the cable. On the other side, the PCI-8565 installed in the expansion chassis equalizes the signal and works as a PCI Express-to-PCI bridge to accommodate four 32-bit/33 MHz PCITM slots. Operating with full 132 MB/s PCITM bandwidth, the ECS-8582-4S delivers an easy solution for bus expansion without any sacrifice of performance. Note: Due to the BIOS design, some laptop computers may be limited by system resource allocation for external PCITM devices. ADLINK tests various laptop computers for compatibility with the ECS-8582-4S. Please visit the ADLINK website or contact us for compatibility information. * ExpressCardTM Standard Release 1.2 * PCI Express(R) Base Specification Rev. 1.0a * PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specification, Revision 1.2 * PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 3.0 High/Low temperature Environment Connect your laptop to up to four PCI cards Expand PCI connectivity from a laptop computer 3-5 www.adlinktech.com Shock/Vibration Environment Separate your PC system and PCI devices, protect your PC system from hazardous environments. Expansion Systems 1 PXI EC-8560 RK-8005 PCIe-8560 2 RK-8014 Specifications General Specifications EC-8560 * ExpressCardTM Standard Release 1.2 compliant * PCI Express(R) Base Specification Rev. 1.0a compliant * PCI Express(R) x1 link with 250 MB/s data throughput * Extended distance of up to 7 meters * Dimension: ExpressCard/34 (108 mm (W) x 34 mm (H)) * Power requirements: Device +3.3 V EC-8560 PCIe-8560 210 mA 210 mA * PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specifications Rev. 1.2 compliant * PCITM Local Bus Specifications Rev. 3.0 compliant * Supports 5 V and 3.3 V PCITM bus * Extended distance of up to 7 meters * Dimensions: Low-profile PCITM add-on card (64 mm (H) x 120 mm (W)) * Power requirements: Device +3.3 V RK-8005 ECS-8582-4S Includes One EC-8560, One RK-8005, and One ACL-EXPRESS-3 Cable PCES-8581-4S Includes One PCIe-8560, One RK-8005, and One ACL-EXPRESS-3 Cable PCES-8581-13S Includes One PCIe-8560, One RK-8014, and One ACL-EXPRESS-3 Cable ACL-EXPRESS-1 Optional 1 M Expansion Cable ACL-EXPRESS-3 Optional 3 M Expansion Cable ACL-EXPRESS-7 Optional 7 M Expansion Cable 720 mA 4 * Dimensions:122 mm (W) x 195 mm (H) x 259 mm (D) * Weight: 3.2 kg (7.04 lb) * Backplane: Five 32-bit/33 MHz half-sized PCITM slots - One slot for expansion card - 4 slots available for PCITM cards * Power supply: - Input voltage: 85 VAC to 265 VAC - Output: 200 W * Cooling: One 37.5 CFM ball bearing fan (80 mm) * Dimensions: 483.5 mm (W) x 177 mm (H) x 448.5 mm (D) * Weight: 12 Kg (26.4 lb) * Backplane: 14 x 32-bit/33 MHz full-size PCI slots - 1 slot for expansion card - 13 slots available for PCI cards * Power supply: - Input voltage: 85VAC to 265VAC with auto-switching - Output: 400 W * Cooling: Two 88 CFM ball bearing fan (120 mm) * Length: 1 M, 3 M, 7 M RK-8014 ACL-EXPRESS-1/-3/-7 PCI-8565 5 ACL-EXPRESS-1/-3/-7 Host Bus Type Expansion Bus Type Slots No. ECS-8582-4S PCES-8581-4S PCES-8581-13S ExpressCard PCI Express PCI Express PCI PCI PCI 4 4 13 Expansion System Includes Card (Host) Card (Extend) Expansion Chassis Accessory EC-8560 PCIe-8560 PCIe-8560 PCI-8565 PCI-8565 PCI-8565 RK-8005 RK-8005 RK-8014 ACL-EXPRESS-3 ACL-EXPRESS-3 ACL-EXPRESS-3 Cable Option ACL-EXPRESS-1/-7 ACL-EXPRESS-1/-7 ACL-EXPRESS-1/-7 www.adlinktech.com 3-6 Software & Utilities PCIe/EC-to-PCI Expansion Systems System Model 3 PXI/cPCI Modules Ordering Information GPIB & Expansion PCI-8565 PCI-8565 * Relative humidity: 10% to 90%, non-condensing * PCI Express Base Specifications Rev. 1.0a compliant * PCI Express x1 link with 250 MB/s data throughput * Extended distance of up to 7 meters * Dimension: Low-profile PCI Express card (69 mm (H) x 87 mm(W)) * Power requirements: Device +3.3 V EC-8560 * Storage temperature: -20C to 80C Modular Instruments * Operating temperature: 0C to 50C Expansion Systems PCIS-8580-4S/PCIS-8580-13S PCI-to-PCI Expansion Systems Introduction PCIS-8580-4S PCIS-8580-13S The ADLINK PCIS-8580 is a PCI-to-PCI expansion system to expand the PCI buses of host computers. With its state-of-the-art StarFabric high-speed serial link technology, you can expand your PCI bus of a host computer to an external chassis, which accommodates four (PCIS-8580-4S) or 13 (PCIS-8580-13S) additional PCI slots. This advanced technology provides full 32-bit/33 MHz PCI bandwidth (132 MB/s) and a maximum of 10 M distance between host computer and expansion chassis. The ADLINK PCI-to-PCI expansion system utilizes the concept of "serialized bridge" to provide complete hardware and software transparency to your host system. Any hardware installed in the extension chassis works as if it is directly installed inside the host system without the need for additional drivers or software. The ADLINK PCIS-8580 PCI-to-PCI expansion system is composed of three major components: a PCI expansion card (LPCI-8575), an expansion chassis (RK-8005/RK-8014), and a cable (ACL-PCIEXT-2). The PCI expansion card is the core of this system. It acts as a PCI bridge with the capability to serialize PCI signals and maintain a 5 Gbps serial link between the host system and expansion chassis. The expansion chassis, which is a 4-slot wall-mount chassis (RK-8005) or a 13-slot rack-mount chassis (RK-8014), is the platform to accommodate PCI slots. It contains a backplane, a power supply, and a pre-installed PCI extension card. The cable, which consists of DVI-D connector and shielding twisted pairs, provides robust connectivity and maintains proper signal quality between the host computer and the expansion chassis. Features Compliant with PCI local bus specification Rev 2.2 Compliant with PCI bridge architecture specification Rev 1.2 PCIS-8580-4S expands four PCI slots in a shoebox size wall-mount chassis with built-in 200 W power supply PCIS-8580-13S expands 13 full-size PCI slots in a 19" rack-mount chassis with built-in 400 W power supply Full 32-bit/33 MHz PCI bandwidth extension (132 MB/s) Extension distance of up to 10 meters (expansion cables at 2 M, 5 M, and 10 M) Complete hardware and software transparency 24-pin DVI-D connector for robust connectivity LPCI-8575 RK-8005 RK-8014 ACL-PCIEXT-2/-5/-10 Specifications LPCI-8575 * PCI local bus specification Rev 2.2 compliant * PCI bridge architecture specification Rev 1.2 compliant * Supports both 5 V and 3.3 V PCI buses * Data throughput: full 32-bit/33 MHz PCI bandwidth (132 MB/s) * I/O connector: DVI-D 24-pin connector * Maximal extended distance: 10 M * Power requirements +5 V +3.3 V General * Operating temperature: 0C to 50C 190 mA * Storage temperature: -20C to 80C * Relative humidity: 10% to 90%, non-condensing RK-8005 * Dimensions: 122 mm (W) x 195 mm (H) x 259 mm (D) * Weight: 3.2 kg * Backplane: Five 32-bit/33 MHz half-sized PCI slots - 1 slot for expansion card - 4 slots available for PCI cards * Power supply - Input voltage: 85 VAC to 265 VAC - Output: 200 W * Cooling: One 37.5 CFM ball bearing fan (80 mm) * Dimension: 483.5 mm (W) x 177 mm (H) x 448.5 mm (D) * Weight: 12 kg * Backplane: 14x 32-bit/33 MHz full-sized PCI slots - 1 slot for expansion card - 13 slots available for PCI cards * Power supply - Input voltage: 85 VAC to 265 VAC, auto-switching - Output: 400 W * Cooling: Two 88 CFM ball bearing fan (120 mm) RK-8014 ACL-PCIEXT-2/-5/-10 Ordering Information PCIS-8580-4S Includes One LPCI-8575, One RK-8005, and One ACL-PCIEXT-2 Cable PCIS-8580-13S Includes One LPCI-8575, One RK-8005, and One ACL-PCIEXT-2 Cable 250 mA ACL-PCIEXT-2 Optional 2 M Expansion Cable ACL-PCIEXT-5 Optional 5 M Expansion Cable ACL-PCIEXT-10 Optional 10 M Expansion Cable * Length: 2M, 5M, 10M PCI-to-PCI Expansion Systems 3-7 Expansion System Includes System Model Host Bus Type Expansion Bus Type Slots No. Card (Host) Card (Extend) Expansion Chassis Accessory PCIS-8580-4S PCIS-8580-13S PCI PCI PCI PCI 4 13 LPCI-8575 LPCI-8575 LPCI-8575 LPCI-8575 RK-8005 RK-8014 ACL-PCIEXT-2 ACL-PCIEXT-2 www.adlinktech.com Cable Option ACL-PCIEXT-5/-10 ACL-PCIEXT-5/-10 Expansion Kits 1 PCI-8570/PXI-8570 PXI PCI-to-PXI/PXI-to-PXI Expansion Kit Introduction The ADLINK PCI/PXI-8570 expansion kit is a PCI-to-PXI or PXI-to-PXI expansion module that functions as a transparent PCI-to-PCI bridge register set. Implementing master and slave extension modules, users can have direct control of PXI/CompactPCI chassis from any other PC or another PXI/CompactPCI system. All devices on the system are deemed to be local devices on the same PCI bus. With ADLINK PCI/PXI-8570, users can combine PCI, CompactPCI, and PXI devices in the same system, increase the available number of PXI/CompactPCI slots for high-density I/O application and separate a control system from a harsh environment with an expansion chassis. 2 Modular Instruments The PCI interface supports 64-bit or 32-bit PCI buses operating at 66 MHz or 33 MHz. By adopting shielded twisted copper cables, PCI-8570/PXI-8570 can expand the transmission distance to 10 meters. One master expansion card (either PCI-8570 or PXI-8570) can expand up to 2 slave expansion modules (PXI-8570) at the same time. A bundled link can support the full bandwidth of a 64-bit/66 MHz PCI bus. All interrupts asserted by add-in cards in the expansion system are passed through the expansion set to the host system. Features Compliant with * PCI local Bus Specifications Rev. 2.2 * PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specifications Rev. 1.1 * PXI Specifications Rev. 2.2 3 PCI-8570 ACL-PXIES-2/-5/-10 Specifications PCI-8570 General Specifications * Operating temperature: 0C to 50C * Relative humidity: 10% to 90%, non-condensing PXI-8570 Certification * EMC/EMI: CE, FCC Class A Ordering Information PCI-PXI Expansion Kit Includes One PCI-8570, One PXI-8570, and One ACL-PXIES-2 Cable PXI-PXI Expansion Kit Includes Two PXI-8570 and One ACLPXIES- 2 Cable * PCITM local bus specifications Rev. 2.2 compliant * Maximum data throughput - 132 MB/s (32-bit, 33 MHz PCI) - 528 MB/s (64-bit, 66 MHz PCI) * I/O Connector: RJ-45 connector x 4 * Extended distance of up to 10 meters * Dimensions (not including connectors): 160 mm (H) x 100 mm (W) * Power requirement: Device +5 V +3.3 V PCI-8570 190 mA 250 mA * PXITM Specifications Rev. 2.2 compliant * PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specifications Rev. 1.1 compliant * PCITM Local Bus Specifications Rev. 2.2 compliant * Supports both 32-bit/66 MHz and 64-bit/66 MHz PCITM interface * I/O Connector: RJ-45 connector x 4 * Extended distance of up to 10 meters * Internal arbiter supports up to 7 external masters * Up to seven PCI clock/bus requests * Dimensions: 3U PXI form factor 175 mm (W) x 107 mm (H) * Power requirement Device +3.3 V PXI-8570 ACL-PXIES-2/-5/-10 5 540 mA * Length: 2 M, 5 M, 10 M Software & Utilities 4 PXI/cPCI Modules * Storage temperature: -20C to 80C PCI-8570 PCI-to-PXI Expansion Interface Card for Host PC PXI-8570 GPIB & Expansion Direct PC control of PXI/CompactPCI systems Multi-chassis configurations for PXI/CompactPCI Up to 2 PCI segments extended from single PCI/PXI-8570 Up to 64-bit, 66 MHz PCI bus expansion StarFabric link performance 528 MB/s peak (64-bit, 66 MHz PCI) 132 MB/s peak (32-bit, 33 MHz PCI) expansion distance of up to 10 meters (extension cables at 2 M, 5 M, and 10 M) Completely hardware and software transparent Independence of operating systems Seamless PCI interrupt extension PXI-8570 PCI-to-PXI/PXI-to-PXI Expansion Interface Module for PXI Chassis ACL-PXIES-2 Copper Cable Kit, 2 M ACL-PXIES-5 Copper Cable Kit, 5 M ACL-PXIES-10 Copper Cable Kit, 10 M www.adlinktech.com 3-8 Expansion Kits EC-8560/PXI-8565 ExpressCard-to-PXI/CompactPCI Expansion Kit Introduction EC-8560 PXI-8565 Features ExpressCardTM-based control of PXITM/CompactPCI(R) High-speed PCI Express(R) x1 interface Direct control of PXITM/CompactPCI(R) systems via laptop computer Supports 32-bit/66 MHz PCITM interface Expansion distance of up to 7 meters (expansion cables at 1 M, 3 M, and 7 M) Comprehensive hardware and software transparency The ExpressCard-to-PXI/CompactPCI expansion kit allows you to control PXITM/CompactPCI(R) modules installed in PXITM/CompactPCI(R) chassis using the ExpressCardTM slot in your laptop computer. ExpressCardTM technology leverages the features of PCI Express(R) bus but in a small form factor for laptop computer usage. With comprehensive hardware and software transparency, the expansion kit enables fast and convenient detection of any installed PXITM/ CompactPCI(R) cards in a PXITM chassis, without requiring additional drivers or software installation. The EC-8560 and PXI-8565 are connected by a shielded twisted copper cable of up to 7 meters in length for remote operating convenience. Supporting the ExpressCardTM interface, the ExpressCard-to-PXI/ CompactPCI expansion kit provides laptop users great portability and convenience for remote control and measurement applications. Controlling PXITM/CompactPCI(R) with ExpressCardTM The EC-8560 implements the novelty of a PXITM remote controller to allow users control of PXITM/CompactPCI(R) modules via a laptop computer. The technology consists of an EC-8560 installed in the laptop computer, a PXI-8565 installed in an expanded PXITM chassis, and a shielded cable to connect them. The EC-8560 comes in an ExpressCard/34 footprint and transmits PCI Express(R) signals to a shielded twisted cable. The PXI-8565 then converts the signals and works as a PCITM bridge that supports 32-bit/66 MHz PXITM/CompactPCI(R) modules. Note Due to BIOS design, some laptop computers may be limited by system resource allocation for external PCITM devices. ADLINK tests various laptop computers for compatibility with our ExpressCard-to-PXI expansion kit. Please visit the ADLINK website or contact us for compatibility information. Compliant with * ExpressCardTM Standard Release 1.2 * PCI Express(R) Base Specifications Rev. 1.0a * PXITM Specifications Rev. 2.2 * PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specifications Rev. 1.2 * PCITM Local Bus Specifications Rev. 3.0 General Specifications * Operating temperature: 0C to 50C * Storage temperature: -20C to 80C EC-8560 PXI-8565 ACL-EXPRESS-1/-3/-7 Specifications * Relative humidity: 10% to 90%, non-condensing EC-8560 Certification * EMC/EMI: CE, FCC Class A Ordering Information ExpressCard-to-PXI Expansion Kit Includes One EC-8560, One PXI-8565, and One ACL-EXPRESS-3 Cable * ExpressCardTM Standard Release 1.2 compliant * PCI Express(R) Base Specification Rev. 1.0a compliant * PCI Express(R) x1 link with 250 MB/s data throughput * Extended distance of up to 7 meters * Dimension: ExpressCard/34 108 mm (W) x 34 mm (H) * Power requirements: Device +3.3 V EC-8560 PXI-8565 EC-8560 ExpressCard-to-PXI Expansion Interface Card for Host Laptop Computer PXI-8565 ExpressCard-to-PXI Expansion Interface Card for PXI Chassis ACL-EXPRESS-1/-3/-7 High-speed Expansion Cable, 1/3/7 M * PXITM Specifications Rev. 2.2 compliant * PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specifications Rev. 1.2 compliant * PCITM Local Bus Specifications Rev. 3.0 compliant * Supports 32-bit/66 MHz PCITM interface * Internal arbiter supports up to 7 external masters * Up to seven PCI clock/bus requests * Extended distance of up to 7 meters * Dimensions: 3U PXITM form factor 175 mm (W) x 107 mm (H) * Power requirement: Device +3.3 V PXI-8565 3-9 www.adlinktech.com ACL-EXPRESS-1/-3/-7 210 mA * Length: 1 M, 3 M, 7 M 720 mA Expansion Kits 1 PCIe-8560/PXI-8565 PXI PCI Express-to-PXI/CompactPCI Expansion Kit Introduction PCIe-8560 The PCI Express-to-PXI/CompactPCI expansion kit provides control of PXI/CompactPCI modules installed in a PXI/CompactPCI expansion system using the high-bandwidth PCI Express technology. With comprehensive hardware and software transparency, the expansion kit enables fast and convenient detection of any installed PXI/CompactPCI cards in the expansion system, without requiring additional drivers or software installation. 2 Controlling PXITM/Compact(R) PCI with PCI Express2(R) PXI-8565 Features PCI Express-based control of PXI/CompactPCI High-speed PCI Express x1 interface Direct control of PXI/CompactPCI systems Supports 32-bit/66 MHz PCITM interface Expansion distance of up to 7 meters (expansion cables at 1 M, 3 M, and 7 M) Comprehensive hardware and software transparency Compliant with * PCI Express(R) Base Specifications Rev. 1.0a * PXITM Specifications Rev. 2.2 * PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specifications Rev. 1.2 * PCITM Local Bus Specifications Rev. 3.0 General Specifications * Operating temperature: 0C to 50C PCIe-8560 PCIe-8560 Certification * EMC/EMI: CE, FCC Class A PXI-8565 PCI Express-to-PXI Expansion Kit Includes One PCIe-8560, One PXI-8565, and One ACL-EXPRESS-3 Cable PCIe-8560 PCI Express-to-PXI Expansion Interface Card for host PC 4 ACL-EXPRESS-1/-3/-7 * PCI Express Base Specifications Rev. 1.0a compliant * PCI Express x1 link with 250 MB/s data throughput * Extended distance of up to 7 meters * Dimension: Low-profile PCI Express card 69 mm (H) x 87 mm (W) * Power requirement: Device +3.3 V PCIe-8560 210 mA (max) * PXITM Specifications Rev. 2.2 compliant * PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specifications Rev. 1.2 compliant * PCITM Local Bus Specifications Rev. 3.0 compliant * Supports 32-bit/66 MHz PCITM interface * Extended distance of up to 7 meters * Internal arbiter supports up to 7 external masters * Up to seven PCI clock/bus requests * Dimensions: 3U PXI form factor 175 mm (W) x 107 mm (H) * Power requirement: Device +3.3 V PXI-8565 720 mA * Length: 1 M, 3 M, 7 M ACL-EXPRESS-7 High-speed Expansion Cable, 7 M www.adlinktech.com 3-10 5 Software & Utilities PXI-8565 PCI Express-to-PXI Expansion Interface Card for PXI Chassis ACL-EXPRESS-3 High-speed Expansion Cable, 3 M ACL-EXPRESS-1/-3/-7 PXI/cPCI Modules * Relative humidity: 10% to 90%, non-condensing ACL-EXPRESS-1 High-speed Expansion Cable, 1 M PXI-8565 Specifications * Storage temperature: -20C to 80C Ordering Information 3 GPIB & Expansion The PCIe-8560 and PXI-8565 PCI Express-to-PXI/CompactPCI expansion kit provides additional PXI slots to the host computer by implementing a PCI Express-based control of PXI/CompactPCI modules. The technology consists of a PCIe-8560 card installed in the host computer, a shielded cable, and the expansion system with the 3U (Eurocard) PXI-8565 expansion module. The PCIe-8560 comes in a PCI Express x1 footprint and converts PCI Express signals to a PCI bridge that supports 32-bit/66 MHz PXI/CompactPCI modules. Modular Instruments The PCIe-8560 and PXI-8565 are connected by a shielded twisted copper cable of up to seven meters for remote operating convenience. Suitable for remote industrial control or automation, the PCI Express-to-PXI/CompactPCI expansion kit is designed to withstand rugged environments and harsh operating conditions. Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: ADLINK Technology: LPCI-3488A