TVNextTM (FR01-B3-V-0-054)
Last updated on November 2017
Figure 5 shows the back and front view of the TVNextTM VHF antenna, and indicates the
location of the feeding point and the mounting pads:
Figure 5 – Pads of the TVNextTM VHF chip antenna.
As a surface mount device (SMD), this antenna is compatible with industry standard soldering
processes. The basic assembly procedure for this antenna is as follows:
1. Apply a solder paste to the pads of the PCB. Place the antenna on the board.
2. Perform a reflow process according to the temperature profile detailed in Table 3, Figure 7
on page 11.
3. After soldering the antenna to the circuit board, perform a cleaning process to remove any
residual flux. Fractus Antennas recommends conducting a visual inspection after the
cleaning process to verify that all reflux has been removed.
The drawing below shows the soldering details obtained after a correct assembly process:
Figure 6 – Soldering Details.
NOTE(*): Solder paste thickness after the assembly process will depend on the thickness of the
soldering stencil mask. A stencil thickness equal to or larger than 127 microns (5 mils) is
Mounting Pads (2, 3, 4): solder the antenna mounting pads to the
soldering pads on the PCB. These pads must NOT be grounded.
Feed Pad (1): align the feed point with the feeding line on the PCB.