Flexible & Versatile 16-lane 16-port PCI Express® Switch
PEX 8619 General Features
o 16-lane PCI Express switch
- Integrated 5.0 GT/s SerDes
o Up to 16 configurable ports
o 19 x 19mm2, 324-ball HSBGA
o Typical Power: 1.99 Watts
PEX 8619 Key Features
o Standards Compliant
- PCI Express Base Specification r2.0
(Backwards compatible with PCIe
- PCI Power Management Spec r1.2
- Microsoft Vista Compliant
- Supports Access Control Services
- Dynamic link-width control
o Integrated DMA Engine
- Four DMA Channels
- Internal Descriptor Support
- DMA function independent from
transparent switch function
- 64-bit Addressing
- Prefetch Descriptor Mode
- Up to 4.0 GB/s throughput per channel
o High Performance
- Cut-Thru latency: 140ns
- 2KB max payload size
- Read Pacing
- Dual-Cast
o Dual-Host & Fail-Over Support
- Configurable Non-Transparent port
- Moveable upstream port
- Crosslink port capability
o Flexible Configuration
- 16 flexible & configurable ports
(x1, x4, or x8)
- Configurable with strapping pins,
EEPROM, I2C, or Host software
- Lane and polarity reversal
o PCI Express Power Management
- Link power management states: L0, L0s,
L1, L2/L3 Ready, and L3
- Device states: D0 and D3hot
o Spread Spectrum Clock Isolation
- Dual clock domain
o Quality of Service (QoS)
- Two Virtual Channels (VC) per port
- Eight Traffic Classes per port
- Weighted Round-Robin Port & VC
o Reliability, Availability, Serviceability
- All ports Hot-Plug capable thru I2C
(Hot-Plug Controller on every port)
- Data path protection
- Memory (RAM) error correction
- Port Status bits and GPIO available
- Per port error diagnostics
- Performance monitoring
(per port payload & header counters)
Version 1.4 2010
PEX 8619
The ExpressLane PEX 8619 device offers PCI Express switching capability
enabling users t o add scalabl e high bandwi dth non-bl ocking interc on nect i o n to a
wide variety of applications including control pla nes, comm unicat ion platforms,
servers, storage systems and embedded systems. The PEX 8619 is well suited for
fan-out, aggregation, peer-to-peer, and intelligent I/O module applications.
Low Packet Latency & High Performance
The PEX 8619 architecture supports packet cut-thru with a maximum latency of
140ns. This, combined with large packet memory and non-blo cking internal switch
architecture, provides full line rate on all ports for low-latency applications such as
communications and servers. The low latency enables applications to achieve high
throughput an d performance. In addition to low latency, the dev ice supports a max
payload size of 2048 bytes, enabling the user to achieve even higher throughout.
Integrated DMA Engine
The PEX 8619 provides a versatile and powerful DMA engine built in to the device
which can be used as a stand alone DMA engine. The DMA engine removes the
burden resulting from having to move data between devices away from the
processor. This allows the processor to perform computational tasks instead. The
four DMA chann els can support high data rate transfer s between IO devices
connected to any of the available ports in the PEX8619. Addition a lly, the DMA
engine in the PEX 8619 can be used to complement the DMA engine in the
processor by providing additional DMA channels for higher performance.
Data Integrity
The PEX 8619 provides end-to-end CRC protection (ECRC) and Poison bit support
to enable designs that require guaranteed error-free packets. PLX also supports
data path parity and memory (RAM) error correction as packets pass through the
Dual-Host and Fail-Over Support
The PEX 8619 supports full non-transparent bridging (NTB) functionality to allow
implementat i on of multi-host systems and intelligent I/O modules in applications
which require redundancy support such as communications, storage, and servers.
Non-transparent bridges allow systems to isolate host memory domains by
presenting the processor subsystem as an endpoint rather than another memory
system. Base address registers are used to translate addresses; doorbell registers are
used to send interrupts between the address domains; and scratchpad registers are
accessible from both address domains to allow inter-processor communication.
The PEX 8619 is designed to be fully compliant with the PCI Express Base
Specification r2.0 and is backwards compatible to PCI Express Base Specification
r1.1 and r1.0a. Additionally each port supports auto-negotiation, lane reversal and
polarity reversal. Furthermore, the PEX 8619 is designed for Microsoft Vista
compliance. All PLX switches undergo thorough interoperability testing in PLX’s
Interoperability Lab and compliance testing at the PCI-SIG plug-fest to ensure
compatibility with PCI Express devices in the market.
Flexible Port Configurations
The PEX 8619 supports a large number of port configurations
as shown in figure 1 below. Please refer to the PEX 8619
datasheet for more port configuration options.
Figure 1. PEX8619 Port Configurations
Hot-Plug for High Availability
Hot-Plug capability allows users to replace hardware modules
and perform maintenance without powering down the system.
The PEX 8619 Hot-Plug capability featur e makes it suitable
for High Availability (HA) applications. If the PEX 8619 is
used in an application where one or more of its downstream
ports connect to PCI Express slots, each port’s Hot-Plug
Controller can be used to manage the Hot-Plug event of its
associated slot. Every port on the PEX 8619 is equipped with
a Hot-Plug control/status register to support Hot-Plug
capability through external logic via the I2C interface.
Dual Cast
The PEX 8619 supports Dual Cast, a feature which allows for
the copying of data (e.g. packets) from one ingress port to two
egress ports allowing for higher performance in storage,
security, and mirroring applicatio ns.
Read Pacing
The Read Pacing feature allows users to throttle the amount of
read requests being made by downstream devices. In the case
where a downstream device requests several long reads back-
to-back, the Root Co mplex gets tied up in serving this
downstream port. If this port has a narrow link and is therefore
slow in receiving these read packets from the Root Complex,
then other dow nstream ports may become starved – thus,
impacting performance. The Read Pacing feature enhances
performances by allowing for the adequate servicing of all
downstream devices by intelligent handling of read requests.
SerDes Power and Signal Management
The PEX 8619 provides low power capability that is fully
compliant with the PCI Express power management
specification. In addition, the SerDes physical links can be
turned off when unused for even lower power. The PEX 8619
supports software control of t he SerDes ou tputs to allow
optimization of power and signal strength in a system. The
PLX SerDes implementation supports four levels of power –
off, low, typical, and high. The SerDes block also supports
loop-back modes and advanced reporting of error
conditions, which enables efficient debug and management of
the entire system.
Port and Virtual Channel (VC) Arbitration
The PEX 8619 switch supports hardware fixed and Weighted
Round-Robin Ingress Port Arbitration. This allows fine tuning
of Quality of Service and efficient use of packet buffers for
better system performance. The PEX 861 9 also supports WRR
VC arbitration scheme between the two virtual ch annels.
Suitable for fan-out, control plane applications, embedded
systems as well as intelligent I/O applications, PEX 8619
can be configured for a wide variety of form factors and
The PEX 8619 switch, with its high port count and flexible
configurations, allows user specific tuning to a variety of host-
centric as well as peer-to-peer applications.
Figure 2. Fan-in/out Usage
Figure 2 shows a typical fan-out design, where the processor
provides a PCI Express link that needs to be fanned into a
larger number of smaller ports for a variety of I/O functions,
each with different bandwidth requirements.
In this example, the PEX 8619 would typically have a 1-lane
upstream port, and as many as 15 downstream ports. The
downstream ports provide x1 PCI Express connectivity to the
endpoints. With its sixteen ports, the PEX 8619 can provide
fan-out connectivity to up to fifteen PCI Express devices. The
figure also shows how some of the ports can be bridged to
provide PCI slots or Generic devices through the use of the
PEX 8311 and PEX 8112 PCIe bridgin g devices.
Control Plane Application
The PEX 8619 is ideal for control planes in routers and other
communications sub-systems to meet increased packet
processing needs without compromising latency. Figure 3
shows a controller card with a PEX 8619 connecting the
Control Processor to as many as fifteen line cards each via an
x1 connection. This usage model provides connectivity to
multiple line cards giving the processor control over a large
number of line cards in communication platforms.
Figure 3. Control Plane Application
DMA in Control Planes for Large Systems
The DMA engine in the PEX8619 can alternatively be used to
perform house keeping tasks, such as readin g devi ce st at us
information from the many endpoints available. This
particular usage model allows the DMA engine to perform the
many data transfers for endpoint status that would otherwise
be handled by the processor .
Figure 4. PEX8619 DMA in a Packet Router
Distributed Computing
The PEX 8619 is well suited for distributed computing
applications. Once programmed, the DMA engine in the
PEX8619 transfers the data between servers and through the
NT port at a high rate. The processor can focus all of its
computing cycles manipulating the large amounts of data
Figure 5. Distributed Computing
Intelligent Adapter Card Redundancy
The PEX 8619 supports the non-transparency feature.
Figure 6 illustrates a host system using an in telligent adapter
Figure 6. Intelligent Adapter Usage
In this figure, the CPU on the adapter card is isolated fro m the
host CPU. The PEX 8619 non-tr ansparent port allows the two
CPUs to be isolated but communicate with each other through
various registers that are designed in the PEX 8619 for that
purpose. Moreover, the internal DMA engine can be used to
copy or mirror the data between adapter cards so that
intelligent I/O adapter redundancy is achieved.
This model can be expanded to an Active-Standby failover
model. In this case, there is an Active host and a Standby host
ready to take over the system in the event the Active host fails.
The DMA engine in the PEX8619 can be used to mirror the
data between hosts thus minimizing the failover time.
Generic Data Mover
The DMA engine in the PEX8619 is very flexible. It
implements Four DMA channels capable of saturating a x8
Gen2 PCI Express link. Furthermore, it supports a Descriptor
Ring approach in which the descriptors can be placed in
external host memory or internal to the PEX8619. The DMA
engine can move data from any port to any port including the
same port. That is, the source and destination for a DMA
transfer can be on the sam e PEX86 1 9 po rt . Figure 7 s h ows
two PCIe endpoints and a PEX8619 device connected through
a PCIe switch. In this example, the PCIe endpoints take
advantage of the DMA capabilities in the PEX8619 to move
data from PCIe2 to PCIe1.
Figure 7. Generic Data Mover
Software Usage Model Interrupt Sources/Events
The PEX 8619 supports the INTx interrupt message type
(compatible with PCI 2.3 Interrupt signals) or Message
Signaled Inte rr upt s (MSI) when enabl ed. Interrupts/ messages
are generated by PEX 8619 for Hot-Plug events, doorbell
interrupts, baseline error reporting, and advanced error
The PEX8619 is a mult i -function device. Funct i on 0
implements the function of a transparent PCI Express switch
while Function 1 implements the endpoint functionality of the
DMA. From a system model viewpoint, each PCI Express
port is a virtual PCI to PCI bridge device and has its own set
of PCI Express configuration registers. It is through the
upstream port that the BIOS or host can configure the other
ports using sta ndard PCI enum erat i on. The DMA function of
the PEX8619 implements a Type 0 header, same as an
endpoint, and requires a driver. The driver for th e DMA
function is available fro m PLX and in cluded in the SDK.
Development Tools RDK
The PEX 8619RDK is a hardware module containing the
PEX 8619 which plugs right into your system (Fig ure 8). The
PEX 8619RDK hardware module can be installed in a
motherboard, used as a riser card, or configured as a bench-top
board. The PEX 8619RDK can be used to test and validate
customer software. Additionally, it can be used as an
evaluation vehicle for PEX 8619 features and benefits.
PLX offers hardware and software tools to enable rapid
customer design activity. These tools consist of a PEX 8619
Rapid Development Kit (RDK), hardware documentation, and
a Software Development Kit (also available at
The SDK tool set
- Linux & Windows
- C/C++ Source code,
Objects, libraries
- User’s Guides &
Application examples
Figure 8. PEX 8619RDK
Windows/Linux Apps
Driver NT PnP
PCI Express Interface
Windows/Linux Apps
Driver NT PnP
PCI Express Interface
Product Ordering Information
Part Number Description
PEX8619-BA50BC 16 Lane, 16 Port PCIe Switch , 324-ball HSBGA 19x19mm2 pkg
PEX8619-BA50BC G 16 Lane, 16 Port PCIe Switch , 324-ball HSBGA 19x19mm2 pkg, Pb-free
PEX8619-BA5 0BI G 16 Lane, 16 Port PCIe Switch , 324-ball HSBGA 19x19mm2 pkg, Pb-
free, Industrial Temperature
PEX 8619BA-BB4U1D RDK PEX 8619 Base Board Kit; x4 Upstream; x1 downstream (12)
PEX8619BA-AIC4U4D RDK PEX 8619 Add-in Card Kit; x4 Upstream; x4 downstream (3)
Please visit the PLX Web site at http://www.plxtech.com or contact PLX sales at 408-774-9060 for sampling.
PLX Technology, Inc.
870 W. Maude Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA
Tel: 1-800-759-3735
Tel: 1-408-774-9060
Fax: 1-408-774-2169
© 2010 by PLX Technology, Inc. All rights r eserved. PLX and the PLX logo are registered trademarks of PLX Technology, Inc. ExpressLane is a trademark of PLX Technology,
Inc., which may be registered in some jurisdiction. All other product names that appear in this material are for identification purposes only and are acknowledged to be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Information supplied by PLX is believed to be accurate and reliable, but PLX Technology, Inc. assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this material. PLX Technology, Inc. reserves the right, without notice, to make changes in product design or specification.
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