Index by Model No./Safety Standards List - DC Fans DC Standard List of models (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Models listed in the main section of this catalog Without sensor 109BC12FC7-1 109BC12GC7-1 109BC12HC7-1 109BC12MC7-1 109BC24FC7-1 109BC24GC7-1 109BC24HC7-1 109BD12FC2 109BD12HC2 109BD12MC2 109BD24FC2 109BD24HC2 109BD24MC2 109BG12HC1 109BG12MC1 109BG24HC1 109BG24MC1 109BJ12HC2 109BJ12MC2 109BJ24HC2 109BJ24MC2 109BM12GC2-1 109BM12HC2-1 109BM12MC2-1 109BM24GC2-1 109BM24HC2-1 109BM24MC2-1 109E1312A101 109E1312S101 109E1324A101 109E1324G101 109E1324S101 109E1348A101 109E1348G101 109E1348S101 109E1712F501 109E1712H501 109E1712K501 109E1712M501 109E1712Y501 109E1724C501 109E1724F501 109E1724H501 109E1724K501 109E1724M501 109E1748C501 109E1748F501 109E1748H501 109E1748K501 109E1748M501 109E4712L401 109E4712M401 109BC12FA7-1 109BC12GA7-1 109BC12HA7-1 109BC12MA7-1 109BC24FA7-1 109BC24GA7-1 109BC24HA7-1 109BD12FA2 109BD12HA2 109BD12MA2 109BD24FA2 109BD24HA2 109BD24MA2 109BG12HA1 109BG12MA1 109BG24HA1 109BG24MA1 109BJ12HA2 109BJ12MA2 109BJ24HA2 109BJ24MA2 109BM12GA2-1 109BM12HA2-1 109BM12MA2-1 109BM24GA2-1 109BM24HA2-1 109BM24MA2-1 109E1312A102 109E1312S102 109E1324A102 109E1324G102 109E1324S102 109E1348A102 109E1348G102 109E1348S102 109E1712F502 109E1712H502 109E1712K502 109E1712M502 109E1712Y502 109E1724C502 109E1724F502 109E1724H502 109E1724K502 109E1724M502 109E1748C502 109E1748F502 109E1748H502 109E1748K502 109E1748M502 109E4712L402 109E4712M402 With pulse sensor 109BC12FC7-1 109BC12GC7-1 109BC12HC7-1 109BC12MC7-1 109BC24FC7-1 109BC24GC7-1 109BC24HC7-1 109BD12FC2 109BD12HC2 109BD12MC2 109BD24FC2 109BD24HC2 109BD24MC2 109BG12HC1 109BG12MC1 109BG24HC1 109BG24MC1 109BJ12HC2 109BJ12MC2 109BJ24HC2 109BJ24MC2 109BM12GC2-1 109BM12HC2-1 109BM12MC2-1 109BM24GC2-1 109BM24HC2-1 109BM24MC2-1 109E1312A101 109E1312S101 109E1324A101 109E1324G101 109E1324S101 109E1348A101 109E1348G101 109E1348S101 109E1712F501 109E1712H501 109E1712K501 109E1712M501 109E1712Y501 109E1724C501 109E1724F501 109E1724H501 109E1724K501 109E1724M501 109E1748C501 109E1748F501 109E1748H501 109E1748K501 109E1748M501 109E4712L401 109E4712M401 With lock sensor 109BC12FD7-1 109BC12GD7-1 109BC12HD7-1 109BC12MD7-1 109BC24FD7-1 109BC24GD7-1 109BC24HD7-1 109BD12FD2 109BD12HD2 109BD12MD2 109BD24FD2 109BD24HD2 109BD24MD2 109BG12HD1 109BG12MD1 109BG24HD1 109BG24MD1 109BJ12HD2 109BJ12MD2 109BJ24HD2 109BJ24MD2 109BM12GD2-1 109BM12HD2-1 109BM12MD2-1 109BM24GD2-1 109BM24HD2-1 109BM24MD2-1 109E1312A1D01 109E1312S1D01 109E1324A1D01 109E1324G1D01 109E1324S1D01 109E1348A1D01 109E1348G1D01 109E1348S1D01 109E1712F5D01 109E1712H5D01 - - - 109E1724C5D01 109E1724F5D01 109E1724H5D01 109E1724K5D01 109E1724M5D01 - - 109E1748H5D01 - - 109E4712L4D01 109E4712M4D01 Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) With PWM control function and pulse sensor - - - - - - - - 109BD12P2H01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 109BM12P2M01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9EH1724P5C01 - - - - - - - 109E1748P5K03 - - - UL CSA TUV cULcUL 52 x 15 mm 52 x 15 mm 52 x 15 mm 52 x 15 mm 52 x 15 mm 52 x 15 mm 52 x 15 mm 76 x 30 mm 76 x 30 mm 76 x 30 mm 76 x 30 mm 76 x 30 mm 76 x 30 mm 160 x 40 mm 160 x 40 mm 160 x 40 mm 160 x 40 mm 127 x 32 mm 127 x 32 mm 127 x 32 mm 127 x 32 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 147 x 25 mm o 172 x 147 x 25 mm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. Standard name Certification number UL E46810 CSA 172248 TUV certification numbers differ by model. The content of this catalog is current as of September 2017. Please ask us about new products that we released after September 2017 if you want. 542 436 436 436 436 436 436 436 440 440 440 440 440 440 455 455 455 455 453 453 453 453 442 442 442 442 442 442 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 200 200 Standard List of models 109E4724F401 109E4724H401 109E4724L401 109E4724M401 109E4748F401 109E4748H401 109E4748L401 109E4748M401 109E4748S401 109E5712F501 109E5712H501 109E5712K501 109E5712M501 109E5712Y501 109E5724C501 109E5724F501 109E5724H501 109E5724K501 109E5724M501 109E5748C501 109E5748F501 109E5748H501 109E5748K501 109E5748M501 109L1712H501 109L1712M501 109L1724H501 109L1724M501 109L1748H501 109L1748M501 109L5712H501 109L5712M501 109L5724H501 109L5724M501 109L5748H501 109L5748M501 109P0405F3013 109P0405F601 109P0405H3013 109P0405H601 109P0405H701 109P0405H901 109P0405J601 109P0405M601 109P0405M701 109P0405M901 109P0412B3013 109P0412D601 109P0412E601 109P0412F3013 109P0412F601 109P0412G3013 109P0412G601 109P0412H3013 109P0412H601 109P0412H701 109P0412H901 109P0412J3013 109P0412K3013 109P0412M3013 109P0412M601 109E4724F402 109E4724H402 109E4724L402 109E4724M402 109E4748F402 109E4748H402 109E4748L402 109E4748M402 109E4748S402 109E5712F502 109E5712H502 109E5712K502 109E5712M502 109E5712Y502 109E5724C502 109E5724F502 109E5724H502 109E5724K502 109E5724M502 109E5748C502 109E5748F502 109E5748H502 109E5748K502 109E5748M502 109L1712H502 109L1712M502 109L1724H502 109L1724M502 109L1748H502 109L1748M502 109L5712H502 109L5712M502 109L5724H502 109L5724M502 109L5748H502 109L5748M502 109P0405F3023 109P0405F602 109P0405H3023 109P0405H602 109P0405H702 109P0405H902 109P0405J602 109P0405M602 109P0405M702 109P0405M902 109P0412B3023 109P0412D602 109P0412E602 109P0412F3023 109P0412F602 109P0412G3023 109P0412G602 109P0412H3023 109P0412H602 109P0412H702 109P0412H902 109P0412J3023 109P0412K3023 109P0412M3023 109P0412M602 With pulse sensor 109E4724F401 109E4724H401 109E4724L401 109E4724M401 109E4748F401 109E4748H401 109E4748L401 109E4748M401 109E4748S401 109E5712F501 109E5712H501 109E5712K501 109E5712M501 109E5712Y501 109E5724C501 109E5724F501 109E5724H501 109E5724K501 109E5724M501 109E5748C501 109E5748F501 109E5748H501 109E5748K501 109E5748M501 109L1712H501 109L1712M501 109L1724H501 109L1724M501 109L1748H501 109L1748M501 109L5712H501 109L5712M501 109L5724H501 109L5724M501 109L5748H501 109L5748M501 109P0405F3013 109P0405F601 109P0405H3013 109P0405H601 109P0405H701 109P0405H901 109P0405J601 109P0405M601 109P0405M701 109P0405M901 109P0412B3013 109P0412D601 109P0412E601 109P0412F3013 109P0412F601 109P0412G3013 109P0412G601 109P0412H3013 109P0412H601 109P0412H701 109P0412H901 109P0412J3013 109P0412K3013 109P0412M3013 109P0412M601 With lock sensor 109E4724F4D01 109E4724H4D01 109E4724L4D01 109E4724M4D01 109E4748F4D01 109E4748H4D01 109E4748L4D01 109E4748M4D01 109E4748S4D01 - 109E5712H5D01 109E5712K5D01 109E5712M5D01 - 109E5724C5D01 - 109E5724H5D01 109E5724K5D01 - - - 109E5748H5D01 - - 109L1712H5D01 109L1712M5D01 109L1724H5D01 109L1724M5D01 109L1748H5D01 109L1748M5D01 109L5712H5D01 109L5712M5D01 109L5724H5D01 109L5724M5D01 109L5748H5D01 109L5748M5D01 109P0405F3D013 109P0405F6D01 109P0405H3D013 109P0405H6D01 109P0405H7D01 109P0405H9D01 - 109P0405M6D01 109P0405M7D01 109P0405M9D01 109P0412B3D013 109P0412D6D01 109P0412E6D01 109P0412F3D013 109P0412F6D01 109P0412G3D013 109P0412G6D01 109P0412H3D013 109P0412H6D01 109P0412H7D01 109P0412H9D01 109P0412J3D013 109P0412K3D013 109P0412M3D013 109P0412M6D01 With PWM control function and pulse sensor - 109E4724P4H01 - - - - - - - - - 109E5712P5K04 - - 9EH5724P5C01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 109P0412P3B013 - - - - - - 109P0412P3H013 - - 109P0412P9H01 9PH0412P3J013 9PH0412P3K033 - - UL CSA TUV cULcUL o 172 x 147 x 25 mm o 172 x 147 x 25 mm o 172 x 147 x 25 mm o 172 x 147 x 25 mm o 172 x 147 x 25 mm o 172 x 147 x 25 mm o 172 x 147 x 25 mm o 172 x 147 x 25 mm o 172 x 147 x 25 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 15 mm 40 x 40 x 10 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 15 mm 40 x 40 x 10 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 15 mm 40 x 40 x 10 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 391 391 391 391 391 391 389 389 389 389 389 389 47 30 47 30 23 19 30 30 23 19 47 30 30 47 30 47 30 47 30 23 19 47 47 47 30 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 543 Index by Model No. Without sensor Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) DC Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Standard List of models Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Without sensor 109P0412M701 109P0412M901 109P0412R701 109P0412S701 109P0424B3013 109P0424B601 109P0424D601 109P0424F3013 109P0424F601 109P0424G3013 109P0424G601 109P0424H3013 109P0424H601 109P0424H701 109P0424J3013 109P0424R3013 109P0505M701 109P0512A701 109P0512H701 109P0512M701 109P0524A701 109P0524H701 109P0524M701 109P0605H701 109P0605M701 109P0612B701 109P0612H601 109P0612H701 109P0612K701 109P0612M601 109P0612M701 109P0612S701 109P0612W601 109P0624H601 109P0624H701 109P0624J701 109P0624M601 109P0624M701 109P0624S701 109P0624W601 109P0648H601 109P0812C601 109P0812H601 109P0812H701 109P0812M601 109P0812M701 109P0824H601 109P0824H701 109P0824M601 109P0824M701 109P0848C601 109P0848H601 109P1312H101 109P1312H1011 109P1312S101 109P1312S1011 109P1324H101 109P1324H1011 109P1324S101 109P1324S1011 109P1348H101 109P0412M702 109P0412M902 109P0412R702 109P0412S702 109P0424B3023 109P0424B602 109P0424D602 109P0424F3023 109P0424F602 109P0424G3023 109P0424G602 109P0424H3023 109P0424H602 109P0424H702 109P0424J3023 109P0424R3023 109P0505M702 109P0512A702 109P0512H702 109P0512M702 109P0524A702 109P0524H702 109P0524M702 109P0605H702 109P0605M702 109P0612B702 109P0612H602 109P0612H702 109P0612K702 109P0612M602 109P0612M702 109P0612S702 109P0612W602 109P0624H602 109P0624H702 109P0624J702 109P0624M602 109P0624M702 109P0624S702 109P0624W602 109P0648H602 109P0812C602 109P0812H602 109P0812H702 109P0812M602 109P0812M702 109P0824H602 109P0824H702 109P0824M602 109P0824M702 109P0848C602 - 109P1312H102 109P1312H1021 109P1312S102 109P1312S1021 109P1324H102 109P1324H1021 109P1324S102 109P1324S1021 109P1348H102 With pulse sensor 109P0412M701 109P0412M901 109P0412R701 109P0412S701 109P0424B3013 109P0424B601 109P0424D601 109P0424F3013 109P0424F601 109P0424G3013 109P0424G601 109P0424H3013 109P0424H601 109P0424H701 109P0424J3013 109P0424R3013 109P0505M701 109P0512A701 109P0512H701 109P0512M701 109P0524A701 109P0524H701 109P0524M701 109P0605H701 109P0605M701 109P0612B701 109P0612H601 109P0612H701 109P0612K701 109P0612M601 109P0612M701 109P0612S701 109P0612W601 109P0624H601 109P0624H701 109P0624J701 109P0624M601 109P0624M701 109P0624S701 109P0624W601 109P0648H601 109P0812C601 109P0812H601 109P0812H701 109P0812M601 109P0812M701 109P0824H601 109P0824H701 109P0824M601 109P0824M701 109P0848C601 109P0848H601 109P1312H101 109P1312H1011 109P1312S101 109P1312S1011 109P1324H101 109P1324H1011 109P1324S101 109P1324S1011 109P1348H101 With lock sensor 109P0412M7D01 109P0412M9D01 109P0412R7D01 109P0412S7D01 109P0424B3D013 109P0424B6D01 109P0424D6D01 109P0424F3D013 109P0424F6D01 109P0424G3D013 109P0424G6D01 109P0424H3D013 109P0424H6D01 109P0424H7D01 109P0424J3D013 - 109P0505M7D01 109P0512A7D01 109P0512H7D01 109P0512M7D01 109P0524A7D01 109P0524H7D01 109P0524M7D01 109P0605H7D01 109P0605M7D01 109P0612B7D01 109P0612H6D01 109P0612H7D01 109P0612K7D01 109P0612M6D01 109P0612M7D01 109P0612S7D01 109P0612W6D01 109P0624H6D01 109P0624H7D01 109P0624J7D01 109P0624M6D01 109P0624M7D01 109P0624S7D01 109P0624W6D01 109P0648H6D01 109P0812C6D01 109P0812H6D01 109P0812H7D01 109P0812M6D01 109P0812M7D01 109P0824H6D01 109P0824H7D01 109P0824M6D01 109P0824M7D01 109P0848C6D01 109P0848H6D01 109P1312H1D01 109P1312H1D011 109P1312S1D01 109P1312S1D011 109P1324H1D01 109P1324H1D011 109P1324S1D01 109P1324S1D011 109P1348H1D01 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 544 Frame size With PWM control function and pulse sensor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) UL CSA TUV cULcUL 40 x 40 x 15 mm 40 x 40 x 10 mm 40 x 40 x 15 mm 40 x 40 x 15 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 15 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - 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109R0812F402 109R0812F4021 109R0812G402 109R0812G4021 109R0812H402 109R0812H4021 With pulse sensor 109P1348H1011 109P1348S101 109P1348S1011 109P1412H101 109P1412M101 109P1424H101 109P1424M101 109P1448H101 109P1448M101 109R0605F401 109R0605F4011 109R0605H401 109R0605H4011 109R0605M401 109R0605M4011 109R0612D401 109R0612D4011 109R0612F401 109R0612F4011 109R0612G401 109R0612G4011 109R0612H401 109R0612H4011 109R0612J401 109R0612J4011 109R0612M401 109R0612M4011 109R0612S401 109R0612S4011 109R0624D401 109R0624D4011 109R0624F401 109R0624F4011 109R0624G401 109R0624G4011 109R0624H401 109R0624H4011 109R0624J401 109R0624J4011 109R0624M401 109R0624M4011 109R0624S401 109R0624S4011 109R0648G401 109R0648G4011 109R0648H401 109R0648H4011 109R0648J401 109R0648J4011 109R0805F401 109R0805F4011 109R0805M401 109R0805M4011 109R0812E401 109R0812E4011 109R0812F401 109R0812F4011 109R0812G401 109R0812G4011 109R0812H401 109R0812H4011 With lock sensor 109P1348H1D011 109P1348S1D01 109P1348S1D011 109P1412H1D01 - 109P1424H1D01 - - - 109R0605F4D01 - 109R0605H4D01 - 109R0605M4D01 - 109R0612D4D01 109R0612D4D011 109R0612F4D01 109R0612F4D011 109R0612G4D01 109R0612G4D011 109R0612H4D01 109R0612H4D011 109R0612J4D01 109R0612J4D011 109R0612M4D01 109R0612M4D011 109R0612S4D01 109R0612S4D011 109R0624D4D01 - 109R0624F4D01 109R0624F4D011 109R0624G4D01 109R0624G4D011 109R0624H4D01 109R0624H4D011 109R0624J4D01 109R0624J4D011 109R0624M4D01 109R0624M4D011 109R0624S4D01 109R0624S4D011 109R0648G4D01 109R0648G4D011 109R0648H4D01 109R0648H4D011 109R0648J4D01 - 109R0805F4D01 - 109R0805M4D01 - - - 109R0812F4D01 109R0812F4D011 109R0812G4D01 109R0812G4D011 109R0812H4D01 109R0812H4D011 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 109R0612P4J03 109R0612P4J061 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9RH0624P4J01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UL CSA TUV cULcUL 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 127 x 127 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes - 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DC Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Standard List of models Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Without sensor 109R0812L401 109R0812L4011 109R0812M401 109R0812M4011 109R0812S401 109R0812S4011 109R0824F401 109R0824F4011 109R0824G401 109R0824G4011 109R0824H401 109R0824H4011 109R0824L401 109R0824L4011 109R0824M401 109R0824M4011 109R0824S401 109R0824S4011 109R0848K401 109R0848K4011 109R0848S401 109R0848S4011 9A0612F401 9A0612F4011 9A0612G401 9A0612G4011 9A0612H401 9A0612H4011 9A0612M401 9A0612M4011 9A0612S401 9A0612S4011 9A0624F401 9A0624F4011 9A0624G401 9A0624G4011 9A0624H401 9A0624H4011 9A0624M401 9A0624M4011 9A0624S401 9A0624S4011 9A0812F401 9A0812F4011 9A0812G401 9A0812G4011 9A0812H401 9A0812H4011 9A0812L401 9A0812L4011 9A0812M401 9A0812M4011 9A0812S401 9A0812S4011 9A0824F401 9A0824F4011 9A0824G401 9A0824G4011 9A0824H401 9A0824H4011 9A0824L401 109R0812L402 109R0812L4021 109R0812M402 109R0812M4021 109R0812S402 109R0812S4021 109R0824F402 109R0824F4021 109R0824G402 109R0824G4021 109R0824H402 109R0824H4021 109R0824L402 109R0824L4021 109R0824M402 109R0824M4021 109R0824S402 109R0824S4021 109R0848K402 109R0848K4021 109R0848S402 109R0848S4021 9A0612F402 9A0612F4021 9A0612G402 9A0612G4021 9A0612H402 9A0612H4021 9A0612M402 9A0612M4021 9A0612S402 9A0612S4021 9A0624F402 9A0624F4021 9A0624G402 9A0624G4021 9A0624H402 9A0624H4021 9A0624M402 9A0624M4021 9A0624S402 9A0624S4021 9A0812F402 9A0812F4021 9A0812G402 9A0812G4021 9A0812H402 9A0812H4021 9A0812L402 9A0812L4021 9A0812M402 9A0812M4021 9A0812S402 9A0812S4021 9A0824F402 9A0824F4021 9A0824G402 9A0824G4021 9A0824H402 9A0824H4021 9A0824L402 With pulse sensor 109R0812L401 109R0812L4011 109R0812M401 109R0812M4011 109R0812S401 109R0812S4011 109R0824F401 109R0824F4011 109R0824G401 109R0824G4011 109R0824H401 109R0824H4011 109R0824L401 109R0824L4011 109R0824M401 109R0824M4011 109R0824S401 109R0824S4011 109R0848K401 109R0848K4011 109R0848S401 109R0848S4011 9A0612F401 9A0612F4011 9A0612G401 9A0612G4011 9A0612H401 9A0612H4011 9A0612M401 9A0612M4011 9A0612S401 9A0612S4011 9A0624F401 9A0624F4011 9A0624G401 9A0624G4011 9A0624H401 9A0624H4011 9A0624M401 9A0624M4011 9A0624S401 9A0624S4011 9A0812F401 9A0812F4011 9A0812G401 9A0812G4011 9A0812H401 9A0812H4011 9A0812L401 9A0812L4011 9A0812M401 9A0812M4011 9A0812S401 9A0812S4011 9A0824F401 9A0824F4011 9A0824G401 9A0824G4011 9A0824H401 9A0824H4011 9A0824L401 With lock sensor 109R0812L4D01 109R0812L4D011 109R0812M4D01 109R0812M4D011 109R0812S4D01 109R0812S4D011 109R0824F4D01 109R0824F4D011 109R0824G4D01 109R0824G4D011 109R0824H4D01 109R0824H4D011 109R0824L4D01 109R0824L4D011 109R0824M4D01 109R0824M4D011 109R0824S4D01 109R0824S4D011 109R0848K4D01 109R0848K4D011 109R0848S4D01 109R0848S4D011 9A0612F4D01 9A0612F4D011 9A0612G4D01 9A0612G4D011 9A0612H4D01 9A0612H4D011 9A0612M4D01 9A0612M4D011 9A0612S4D01 9A0612S4D011 9A0624F4D01 9A0624F4D011 9A0624G4D01 - 9A0624H4D01 9A0624H4D011 9A0624M4D01 9A0624M4D011 9A0624S4D01 9A0624S4D011 9A0812F4D01 9A0812F4D011 9A0812G4D01 9A0812G4D011 9A0812H4D01 9A0812H4D011 9A0812L4D01 9A0812L4D011 9A0812M4D01 9A0812M4D011 9A0812S4D01 9A0812S4D011 9A0824F4D01 9A0824F4D011 9A0824G4D01 9A0824G4D011 9A0824H4D01 9A0824H4D011 9A0824L4D01 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 546 Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) With PWM control function and pulse sensor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9AH0612P4G03 - 9AH0612P4H05 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9AH0812P4G04 9AH0812P4G011 9AH0812P4H04 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UL CSA TUV cULcUL 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 Standard List of models 9A0824L4011 9A0824M401 9A0824M4011 9A0824S401 9A0824S4011 9A0912F401 9A0912F4011 9A0912G401 9A0912G4011 9A0912H401 9A0912H4011 9A0912L401 9A0912L4011 9A0912M401 9A0912M4011 9A0912S401 9A0912S4011 9A0924F401 9A0924F4011 9A0924G401 9A0924G4011 9A0924H401 9A0924H4011 9A0924L401 9A0924L4011 9A0924M401 9A0924M4011 9A0924S401 9A0924S4011 9A0948S401 9A0948S4011 9B1TP24P0H001 9B1TP48P0G001 9B1TP48P0H001 9B1TS48P0G001 9B1TS48P0H001 9BD12FC6-1 9BD12HC6-1 9BD12SC6-1 9BD24FC6-1 9BD24HC6-1 9BD24SC6-1 9BFB12P2H003 9BFB24P2H003 9BMB12F201 9BMB12G201 9BMB12H201 9BMB12K201 9BMB12P2F01 9BMB12P2G01 9BMB12P2H01 9BMB12P2K01 9BMB12P2S01 9BMB12S201 9BMB24F201 9BMB24G201 9BMB24H201 9BMB24K201 9BMB24P2F01 9BMB24P2G01 9BMB24P2H01 9A0824L4021 9A0824M402 9A0824M4021 9A0824S402 9A0824S4021 9A0912F402 9A0912F4021 9A0912G402 9A0912G4021 9A0912H402 9A0912H4021 9A0912L402 9A0912L4021 9A0912M402 9A0912M4021 9A0912S402 9A0912S4021 9A0924F402 9A0924F4021 9A0924G402 9A0924G4021 9A0924H402 9A0924H4021 9A0924L402 9A0924L4021 9A0924M402 9A0924M4021 9A0924S402 9A0924S4021 9A0948S402 9A0948S4021 - - - - - 9BD12FA6-1 9BD12HA6-1 9BD12SA6-1 9BD24FA6-1 9BD24HA6-1 9BD24SA6-1 - - 9BMB12F202 9BMB12G202 9BMB12H202 9BMB12K202 9BMB12F202 9BMB12G202 9BMB12H202 9BMB12K202 9BMB12S202 9BMB12S202 9BMB24F202 9BMB24G202 9BMB24H202 9BMB24K202 9BMB24F202 9BMB24G202 9BMB24H202 With pulse sensor 9A0824L4011 9A0824M401 9A0824M4011 9A0824S401 9A0824S4011 9A0912F401 9A0912F4011 9A0912G401 9A0912G4011 9A0912H401 9A0912H4011 9A0912L401 9A0912L4011 9A0912M401 9A0912M4011 9A0912S401 9A0912S4011 9A0924F401 9A0924F4011 9A0924G401 9A0924G4011 9A0924H401 9A0924H4011 9A0924L401 9A0924L4011 9A0924M401 9A0924M4011 9A0924S401 9A0924S4011 9A0948S401 9A0948S4011 - - - - - 9BD12FC6-1 9BD12HC6-1 9BD12SC6-1 9BD24FC6-1 9BD24HC6-1 9BD24SC6-1 - - 9BMB12F201 9BMB12G201 9BMB12H201 9BMB12K201 9BMB12F201 9BMB12G201 9BMB12H201 9BMB12K201 9BMB12S201 9BMB12S201 9BMB24F201 9BMB24G201 9BMB24H201 9BMB24K201 9BMB24F201 9BMB24G201 9BMB24H201 With lock sensor 9A0824L4D011 9A0824M4D01 9A0824M4D011 9A0824S4D01 9A0824S4D011 9A0912F4D01 9A0912F4D011 9A0912G4D01 9A0912G4D011 9A0912H4D01 9A0912H4D011 9A0912L4D01 9A0912L4D011 9A0912M4D01 9A0912M4D011 9A0912S4D01 9A0912S4D011 9A0924F4D01 9A0924F4D011 9A0924G4D01 - 9A0924H4D01 9A0924H4D011 9A0924L4D01 9A0924L4D011 9A0924M4D01 9A0924M4D011 9A0924S4D01 9A0924S4D011 9A0948S4D01 - - - - - - 9BD12FD6-1 9BD12HD6-1 9BD12SD6-1 9BD24FD6-1 9BD24HD6-1 9BD24SD6-1 - - 9BMB12F2D01 9BMB12G2D01 9BMB12H2D01 - 9BMB12F2D01 9BMB12G2D01 9BMB12H2D01 - - - 9BMB24F2D01 9BMB24G2D01 9BMB24H2D01 - 9BMB24F2D01 9BMB24G2D01 9BMB24H2D01 With PWM control function and pulse sensor - - - - - - - 9AH0912P4G03 - 9AH0912P4H03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9B1TP24P0H001 9B1TP48P0G001 9B1TP48P0H001 9B1TS48P0G001 9B1TS48P0H001 - - 9BD12P6S01 - - 9BD24P6S06 9BFB12P2H003 9BFB24P2H003 9BMB12P2F01 9BMB12P2G01 9BMB12P2H01 9BMB12P2K01 9BMB12P2F01 9BMB12P2G01 9BMB12P2H01 9BMB12P2K01 9BMB12P2S01 9BMB12P2S01 9BMB24P2F01 9BMB24P2G01 9BMB24P2H01 9BMB24P2K01 9BMB24P2F01 9BMB24P2G01 9BMB24P2H01 UL CSA TUV cULcUL 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm o 270 x 99 mm o 270 x 99 mm o 270 x 99 mm o 270 x 119 mm o 270 x 119 mm 76 x 20 mm 76 x 20 mm 76 x 20 mm 76 x 20 mm 76 x 20 mm 76 x 20 mm 120 x 32 mm 120 x 32 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 120 120 120 120 120 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 430 430 430 433 433 438 438 438 438 438 438 451 451 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 547 Index by Model No. Without sensor Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) DC Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Standard List of models Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Without sensor 9BMB24P2K01 9BMB24P2S01 9BMB24S201 9BMC12P2G001 9BMC24P2G001 9CR0612P5G03 9CR0612P5H03 9CR1212P0G03 9CR5748P9G001 9CRA0312P4J03 9CRA0312P4K03 9CRA0412P4G03 9CRA0412P4J03 9CRA0412P4K03 9CRA0612P0G001 9CRA0612P0S001 9CRA0612P6G001 9CRA0612P6J001 9CRA0612P6K001 9CRA0812P8G001 9CRA0824P8G001 9CRA0848P8G001 9CRA0912P0G001 9CRA0948P0G601 9CRB0812P8G001 9CRD0412P5G03 9CRD0412P5H03 9CRD0412P5J03 9CRD0412P5M03 9CRE0412P5J03 9CRE0612P0G001 9CRE0812P8G001 9CRH0412P5J001 9CRL0612P0G001 9CRL0812P8G001 9CRV0412P5J201 9EC2024H001 9EC2048A001 9EC2048H001 9EC2048J001 9G0612G101 9G0612G1011 9G0612P4H001 9G0612P4H0011 9G0612P4S001 9G0612P4S0011 9G0612S101 9G0612S1011 9G0624G101 9G0624G1011 9G0624H101 9G0624H1011 9G0624P4H001 9G0624P4H0011 9G0624P4S001 9G0624P4S0011 9G0624S101 9G0624S1011 9G0648G101 9G0648G1011 9G0648P4S001 9BMB24K202 9BMB24S202 9BMB24S202 9BMC12G2002 - 9CR0612G502 - 9CR1212G002 - - 9CRA0312K402 9CRA0412G402 9CRA0412J402 9CRA0412K402 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9CRE0412J502 - - - - - - 9EC2024H002 9EC2048A002 9EC2048H002 9EC2048J002 9G0612G102 9G0612G1021 9G0612H4002 9G0612H40021 9G0612S4002 9G0612S40021 9G0612S102 9G0612S1021 9G0624G102 9G0624G1021 9G0624H102 9G0624H1021 9G0624H4002 9G0624H40021 9G0624S4002 9G0624S40021 9G0624S102 9G0624S1021 9G0648G102 9G0648G1021 - With pulse sensor 9BMB24K201 9BMB24S201 9BMB24S201 - - 9CR0612G501 9CR0612H501 9CR1212G001 - 9CRA0312J401 - - 9CRA0412J401 9CRA0412K401 - - - - - 9CRA0812G8001 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9EC2024H001 9EC2048A001 9EC2048H001 9EC2048J001 9G0612G101 9G0612G1011 - 9G0612H40011 9G0612S4001 - 9G0612S101 9G0612S1011 9G0624G101 9G0624G1011 9G0624H101 9G0624H1011 9G0624H4001 - - - 9G0624S101 9G0624S1011 9G0648G101 9G0648G1011 - With lock sensor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9EC2024H0D01 9EC2048A0D01 - - 9G0612G1D01 9G0612G1D011 9G0612H4D001 9G0612H4D0011 - - 9G0612S1D01 - 9G0624G1D01 9G0624G1D011 9G0624H1D01 - 9G0624H4D001 - 9G0624S4D001 - 9G0624S1D01 - 9G0648G1D01 - - Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 548 Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) With PWM control function and pulse sensor 9BMB24P2K01 9BMB24P2S01 9BMB24P2S01 9BMC12P2G001 9BMC24P2G001 9CR0612P5G03 9CR0612P5H03 9CR1212P0G03 9CR5748P9G001 9CRA0312P4J03 9CRA0312P4K03 9CRA0412P4G03 9CRA0412P4J03 9CRA0412P4K03 9CRA0612P0G001 9CRA0612P0S001 9CRA0612P6G001 9CRA0612P6J001 9CRA0612P6K001 9CRA0812P8G001 9CRA0824P8G001 9CRA0848P8G001 9CRA0912P0G001 9CRA0948P0G601 9CRB0812P8G001 9CRD0412P5G03 9CRD0412P5H03 9CRD0412P5J03 9CRD0412P5M03 9CRE0412P5J03 9CRE0612P0G001 9CRE0812P8G001 9CRH0412P5J001 9CRL0612P0G001 9CRL0812P8G001 9CRV0412P5J201 - 9EC2048P0A01 - 9EC2048P0J01 9G0612P1G03 9G0612P1G011 9G0612P4H001 9G0612P4H0011 9G0612P4S001 9G0612P4S0011 - - 9G0624P1G03 9G0624P1G031 - - 9G0624P4H001 9G0624P4H0011 9G0624P4S001 9G0624P4S0011 - - 9G0648P1G01 9G0648P1G011 9G0648P4S001 UL CSA TUV cULcUL 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 97 x 33 mm 60 x 60 x 51 mm 60 x 60 x 51 mm 120 x 120 x 76 mm o 172 x 150 x 102 mm 38 x 38 x 48 mm 38 x 38 x 48 mm 40 x 40 x 48 mm 40 x 40 x 48 mm 40 x 40 x 48 mm 60 x 60 x 76 mm 60 x 60 x 76 mm 60 x 60 x 56 mm 60 x 60 x 56 mm 60 x 60 x 56 mm 80 x 80 x 80 mm 80 x 80 x 80 mm 80 x 80 x 80 mm 92 x 92 x 76 mm 92 x 92 x 76 mm 80 x 80 x 80 mm 40 x 40 x 56 mm 40 x 40 x 56 mm 40 x 40 x 56 mm 40 x 40 x 56 mm 40 x 40 x 56 mm 60 x 60 x 76 mm 80 x 80 x 80 mm 40 x 40 x 56 mm 60 x 60 x 76 mm 80 x 80 x 80 mm 40 x 40 x 56 mm o 200 x 70 mm o 200 x 70 mm o 200 x 70 mm o 200 x 70 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No No - No No No No - Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes - - 446 446 446 444 444 236 236 254 256 222 222 224 224 224 243 243 238 238 238 249 249 249 252 252 245 231 231 231 231 234 241 247 227 361 366 229 218 218 218 218 92 92 73 73 73 73 92 92 92 92 92 92 73 73 73 73 92 92 92 92 73 Standard List of models 9G0648P4S0011 9G0648S101 9G0648S1011 9G0812G101 9G0812G1011 9G0812H101 9G0812H1011 9G0812K101 9G0812K1011 9G0824G101 9G0824G1011 9G0824H101 9G0824H1011 9G0848G101 9G0848G1011 9G0848H101 9G0848H1011 9G0912A201 9G0912A2011 9G0912G101 9G0912G1011 9G0912H101 9G0912H1011 9G0912H201 9G0912H2011 9G0912M201 9G0912M2011 9G0912S201 9G0912S2011 9G0924A201 9G0924A2011 9G0924G101 9G0924G1011 9G0924H101 9G0924H1011 9G0924H201 9G0924H2011 9G0924M201 9G0924M2011 9G0924S201 9G0924S2011 9G0948A201 9G0948A2011 9G0948G101 9G0948G1011 9G0948H101 9G0948H1011 9G0948H201 9G0948H2011 9G0948J101 9G0948J1011 9G0948M201 9G0948M2011 9G0948S201 9G0948S2011 9G1212A401 9G1212A4011 9G1212B401 9G1212B4011 9G1212E101 9G1212E1011 - 9G0648S102 9G0648S1021 9G0812G102 9G0812G1021 9G0812H102 9G0812H1021 9G0812K102 9G0812K1021 9G0824G102 9G0824G1021 9G0824H102 9G0824H1021 9G0848G102 9G0848G1021 9G0848H102 9G0848H1021 9G0912A202 9G0912A2021 9G0912G102 9G0912G1021 9G0912H102 9G0912H1021 9G0912H202 9G0912H2021 9G0912M202 9G0912M2021 9G0912S202 9G0912S2021 9G0924A202 9G0924A2021 9G0924G102 9G0924G1021 9G0924H102 9G0924H1021 9G0924H202 9G0924H2021 9G0924M202 9G0924M2021 9G0924S202 9G0924S2021 9G0948A202 9G0948A2021 9G0948G102 9G0948G1021 9G0948H102 - 9G0948H202 9G0948H2021 - - 9G0948M202 9G0948M2021 9G0948S202 9G0948S2021 9G1212A402 9G1212A4021 - - 9G1212E102 9G1212E1021 With pulse sensor - 9G0648S101 9G0648S1011 9G0812G101 9G0812G1011 9G0812H101 9G0812H1011 9G0812K101 9G0812K1011 9G0824G101 9G0824G1011 9G0824H101 9G0824H1011 9G0848G101 9G0848G1011 9G0848H101 9G0848H1011 9G0912A201 9G0912A2011 9G0912G101 9G0912G1011 9G0912H101 9G0912H1011 9G0912H201 9G0912H2011 9G0912M201 9G0912M2011 9G0912S201 9G0912S2011 9G0924A201 9G0924A2011 9G0924G101 9G0924G1011 9G0924H101 9G0924H1011 9G0924H201 9G0924H2011 9G0924M201 9G0924M2011 9G0924S201 9G0924S2011 9G0948A201 9G0948A2011 9G0948G101 9G0948G1011 9G0948H101 9G0948H1011 9G0948H201 9G0948H2011 9G0948J101 9G0948J1011 9G0948M201 9G0948M2011 9G0948S201 9G0948S2011 9G1212A401 9G1212A4011 9G1212B401 9G1212B4011 9G1212E101 9G1212E1011 With lock sensor - 9G0648S1D01 - 9G0812G1D01 9G0812G1D011 9G0812H1D01 9G0812H1D011 9G0812K1D01 - 9G0824G1D01 9G0824G1D011 9G0824H1D01 9G0824H1D011 9G0848G1D01 9G0848G1D011 9G0848H1D01 - 9G0912A2D01 9G0912A2D011 9G0912G1D01 - 9G0912H1D01 9G0912H1D011 9G0912H2D01 9G0912H2D011 9G0912M2D01 9G0912M2D011 9G0912S2D01 9G0912S2D011 9G0924A2D01 9G0924A2D011 9G0924G1D01 9G0924G1D011 9G0924H1D01 9G0924H1D011 9G0924H2D01 9G0924H2D011 9G0924M2D01 9G0924M2D011 9G0924S2D01 9G0924S2D011 9G0948A2D01 9G0948A2D011 9G0948G1D01 - 9G0948H1D01 - 9G0948H2D01 9G0948H2D011 - - 9G0948M2D01 9G0948M2D011 9G0948S2D01 9G0948S2D011 9G1212A4D01 9G1212A4D011 - - 9G1212E1D01 9G1212E1D011 9G0648P4S0011 - - 9G0812P1G04 9G0812P1G081 9G0812P1H03 9G0812P1H051 9G0812P1K08 9G0812P1K081 9G0824P1G04 - - - 9G0848P1G03 - 9G0848P1H04 - 9G0912P2A01 - 9G0912P1G03 9G0912P1G031 9G0912P1H05 - 9G0912P2H01 - - - 9G0912P2S01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9G0948P1J031 - - - - - - - - - - UL CSA TUV cULcUL 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes - No - Yes No - - - - 73 92 92 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 149 149 160 160 160 160 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 160 160 160 160 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 160 160 160 160 149 149 160 160 149 149 149 149 172 172 172 172 182 182 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 549 Index by Model No. Without sensor Frame size With PWM control function and pulse sensor (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) DC Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Standard List of models Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Without sensor 9G1212E401 9G1212E4011 9G1212F101 9G1212F1011 9G1212F401 9G1212F4011 9G1212G101 9G1212G1011 9G1212G401 9G1212G4011 9G1212H101 9G1212H1011 9G1212H401 9G1212H4011 9G1212M101 9G1212M1011 9G1212M401 9G1212M4011 9G1224A401 9G1224A4011 9G1224E101 9G1224E1011 9G1224E401 9G1224E4011 9G1224F101 9G1224F1011 9G1224F401 9G1224F4011 9G1224G101 9G1224G1011 9G1224G401 9G1224G4011 9G1224H101 9G1224H1011 9G1224H401 9G1224H4011 9G1224M101 9G1224M1011 9G1224M401 9G1224M4011 9G1248A401 9G1248A4011 9G1248E101 9G1248E1011 9G1248E401 9G1248E4011 9G1248F101 9G1248F1011 9G1248F401 9G1248F4011 9G1248G101 9G1248G1011 9G1248G401 9G1248G4011 9G1248H101 9G1248H1011 9G1248H401 9G1248H4011 9G1248M101 9G1248M1011 9G1248M401 9G1212E402 9G1212E4021 9G1212F102 9G1212F1021 9G1212F402 9G1212F4021 9G1212G102 9G1212G1021 9G1212G402 9G1212G4021 9G1212H102 9G1212H1021 9G1212H402 9G1212H4021 9G1212M102 9G1212M1021 9G1212M402 9G1212M4021 9G1224A402 9G1224A4021 9G1224E102 9G1224E1021 9G1224E402 9G1224E4021 9G1224F102 9G1224F1021 9G1224F402 9G1224F4021 9G1224G102 9G1224G1021 9G1224G402 9G1224G4021 9G1224H102 9G1224H1021 9G1224H402 9G1224H4021 9G1224M102 9G1224M1021 9G1224M402 9G1224M4021 9G1248A402 9G1248A4021 9G1248E102 9G1248E1021 9G1248E402 9G1248E4021 9G1248F102 9G1248F1021 9G1248F402 9G1248F4021 9G1248G102 9G1248G1021 9G1248G402 9G1248G4021 9G1248H102 9G1248H1021 9G1248H402 9G1248H4021 9G1248M102 9G1248M1021 9G1248M402 With pulse sensor 9G1212E401 9G1212E4011 9G1212F101 9G1212F1011 9G1212F401 9G1212F4011 9G1212G101 9G1212G1011 9G1212G401 9G1212G4011 9G1212H101 9G1212H1011 9G1212H401 9G1212H4011 9G1212M101 9G1212M1011 9G1212M401 9G1212M4011 9G1224A401 9G1224A4011 9G1224E101 9G1224E1011 9G1224E401 9G1224E4011 9G1224F101 9G1224F1011 9G1224F401 9G1224F4011 9G1224G101 9G1224G1011 9G1224G401 9G1224G4011 9G1224H101 9G1224H1011 9G1224H401 9G1224H4011 9G1224M101 9G1224M1011 9G1224M401 9G1224M4011 9G1248A401 9G1248A4011 9G1248E101 9G1248E1011 9G1248E401 9G1248E4011 9G1248F101 9G1248F1011 9G1248F401 9G1248F4011 9G1248G101 9G1248G1011 9G1248G401 9G1248G4011 9G1248H101 9G1248H1011 9G1248H401 9G1248H4011 9G1248M101 9G1248M1011 9G1248M401 With lock sensor 9G1212E4D01 9G1212E4D011 - - 9G1212F4D01 9G1212F4D011 9G1212G1D01 9G1212G1D011 9G1212G4D01 9G1212G4D011 9G1212H1D01 9G1212H1D011 9G1212H4D01 9G1212H4D011 9G1212M1D01 9G1212M1D011 9G1212M4D01 9G1212M4D011 9G1224A4D01 9G1224A4D011 9G1224E1D01 9G1224E1D011 9G1224E4D01 9G1224E4D011 9G1224F1D01 - 9G1224F4D01 9G1224F4D011 9G1224G1D01 9G1224G1D011 9G1224G4D01 9G1224G4D011 9G1224H1D01 9G1224H1D011 9G1224H4D01 9G1224H4D011 9G1224M1D01 9G1224M1D011 9G1224M4D01 9G1224M4D011 9G1248A4D01 9G1248A4D011 9G1248E1D01 9G1248E1D011 9G1248E4D01 9G1248E4D011 9G1248F1D01 - 9G1248F4D01 9G1248F4D011 9G1248G1D01 9G1248G1D011 9G1248G4D01 9G1248G4D011 9G1248H1D01 9G1248H1D011 9G1248H4D01 9G1248H4D011 9G1248M1D01 9G1248M1D011 9G1248M4D01 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 550 Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) With PWM control function and pulse sensor 9G1212P4E05 9G1212P4E041 - - - - 9G1212P1G04 9G1212P1G081 9G1212P4G03 9G1212P4G031 - - 9G1212P4H04 9G1212P4H091 - - - - - - - - 9G1224P4E01 - - - - - 9G1224P1G01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9G1248P4E05 - - - - - 9G1248P1G04 9G1248P1G041 9G1248P4G04 - - - - - - - - UL CSA TUV cULcUL 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 172 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 172 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 172 182 182 172 Standard List of models 9G1248M4011 9GA0312P3G001 9GA0312P3G0011 9GA0312P3J001 9GA0312P3J0011 9GA0312P3K001 9GA0312P3K0011 9GA0405P6F001 9GA0405P6H001 9GA0412G7001 9GA0412H7001 9GA0412P3G01 9GA0412P3G011 9GA0412P3H01 9GA0412P3H011 9GA0412P3J01 9GA0412P3J011 9GA0412P3K01 9GA0412P3K011 9GA0412P3M01 9GA0412P3M011 9GA0412P6F001 9GA0412P6G001 9GA0412P6H001 9GA0412P7G001 9GA0424P3G001 9GA0424P3G0011 9GA0424P3H001 9GA0424P3H0011 9GA0424P3J001 9GA0424P3J0011 9GA0424P3M001 9GA0424P3M0011 9GA0424P6F001 9GA0424P6G001 9GA0424P6H001 9GA0512P7A001 9GA0512P7G001 9GA0512P7H001 9GA0512P7M001 9GA0524P7A001 9GA0524P7G001 9GA0524P7H001 9GA0524P7M001 9GA0612G701 9GA0612G9001 9GA0612H6001 9GA0612H701 9GA0612H9001 9GA0612L701 9GA0612L9001 9GA0612M6001 9GA0612M701 9GA0612P1H03 9GA0612P1H031 9GA0612P1J03 9GA0612P1J031 9GA0612P1K03 9GA0612P1K031 9GA0612P1K60 9GA0612P1K601 9G1248M4021 - - - - - - 9GA0405F6002 9GA0405H6002 9GA0412G7002 9GA0412H7002 9GA0412G302 9GA0412G3021 9GA0412H302 9GA0412H3021 9GA0412J302 9GA0412J3021 9GA0412K302 9GA0412K3021 9GA0412M302 9GA0412M3021 9GA0412F6002 9GA0412G6002 9GA0412H6002 9GA0412G7002 9GA0424G3002 9GA0424G30021 9GA0424H3002 9GA0424H30021 9GA0424J3002 9GA0424J30021 9GA0424M3002 9GA0424M30021 9GA0424F6002 9GA0424G6002 9GA0424H6002 9GA0512A7002 9GA0512G7002 9GA0512H7002 9GA0512M7002 9GA0524A7002 9GA0524G7002 9GA0524H7002 9GA0524M7002 9GA0612G702 9GA0612G9002 9GA0612H6002 9GA0612H702 9GA0612H9002 9GA0612L702 9GA0612L9002 9GA0612M6002 9GA0612M702 9GA0612H102 9GA0612H1021 9GA0612J102 9GA0612J1021 9GA0612K102 9GA0612K1021 - - With pulse sensor 9G1248M4011 9GA0312G3001 - 9GA0312J3001 - 9GA0312K3001 - 9GA0405F6001 9GA0405H6001 9GA0412G7001 9GA0412H7001 9GA0412G301 9GA0412G3011 9GA0412H301 9GA0412H3011 9GA0412J301 9GA0412J3011 9GA0412K301 9GA0412K3011 9GA0412M301 9GA0412M3011 9GA0412F6001 9GA0412G6001 9GA0412H6001 9GA0412G7001 9GA0424G3001 9GA0424G30011 9GA0424H3001 9GA0424H30011 9GA0424J3001 9GA0424J30011 9GA0424M3001 9GA0424M30011 9GA0424F6001 9GA0424G6001 9GA0424H6001 9GA0512A7001 9GA0512G7001 9GA0512H7001 9GA0512M7001 9GA0524A7001 9GA0524G7001 9GA0524H7001 9GA0524M7001 9GA0612G701 9GA0612G9001 9GA0612H6001 9GA0612H701 9GA0612H9001 9GA0612L701 9GA0612L9001 9GA0612M6001 9GA0612M701 9GA0612H101 9GA0612H1011 9GA0612J101 9GA0612J1011 9GA0612K101 9GA0612K1011 - - With lock sensor 9G1248M4D011 - - - - - 9GA0312K3D0011 - - 9GA0412G7D001 9GA0412H7D001 - - 9GA0412H3D01 9GA0412H3D011 9GA0412J3D01 - 9GA0412K3D01 - 9GA0412M3D01 - - - - 9GA0412G7D001 9GA0424G3D001 - 9GA0424H3D001 - 9GA0424J3D001 - - 9GA0424M3D001 - 9GA0424G6D001 9GA0424H6D001 - - 9GA0512H7D001 - - 9GA0524G7D001 - - 9GA0612G7D01 9GA0612G9D001 9GA0612H6D001 9GA0612H7D01 9GA0612H9D001 9GA0612L7D01 9GA0612L9D001 9GA0612M6D001 - - - 9GA0612J1D01 - 9GA0612K1D011 - - - With PWM control function and pulse sensor - 9GA0312P3G001 9GA0312P3G0011 9GA0312P3J001 9GA0312P3J0011 9GA0312P3K001 9GA0312P3K0011 9GA0405P6F001 9GA0405P6H001 9GA0412P7G001 - 9GA0412P3G01 9GA0412P3G011 9GA0412P3H01 9GA0412P3H011 9GA0412P3J01 9GA0412P3J011 9GA0412P3K01 9GA0412P3K011 9GA0412P3M01 9GA0412P3M011 9GA0412P6F001 9GA0412P6G001 9GA0412P6H001 9GA0412P7G001 9GA0424P3G001 9GA0424P3G0011 9GA0424P3H001 9GA0424P3H0011 9GA0424P3J001 9GA0424P3J0011 9GA0424P3M001 9GA0424P3M0011 9GA0424P6F001 9GA0424P6G001 9GA0424P6H001 9GA0512P7A001 9GA0512P7G001 9GA0512P7H001 9GA0512P7M001 9GA0524P7A001 9GA0524P7G001 9GA0524P7H001 9GA0524P7M001 9GA0612P7G01 9GA0612P9G001 - 9GA0612P7H01 - - - - - 9GA0612P1H03 9GA0612P1H031 9GA0612P1J03 9GA0612P1J031 9GA0612P1K03 9GA0612P1K031 9GA0612P1K60 9GA0612P1K601 UL CSA TUV cULcUL 120 x 120 x 25 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 15 mm 40 x 40 x 15 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 15 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 52 x 52 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 10 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 10 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 10 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 172 14 14 14 14 14 14 26 26 21 21 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 26 26 26 21 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 26 26 26 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 59 57 65 59 57 59 57 65 59 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 551 Index by Model No. Without sensor Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) DC Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Standard List of models Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Without sensor 9GA0612P6G001 9GA0612P6S001 9GA0612P7G01 9GA0612P7H01 9GA0624H6001 9GA0624M6001 9GA0624M701 9GA0624P1J03 9GA0624P1J031 9GA0624P1K03 9GA0624P1K031 9GA0624P6G001 9GA0624P6S001 9GA0624P7G01 9GA0712P1G001 9GA0712P1G0011 9GA0712P1H001 9GA0712P1H0011 9GA0812H7001 9GA0812P1G61 9GA0812P1G611 9GA0812P1H61 9GA0812P1H611 9GA0812P1S61 9GA0812P1S611 9GA0812P2H001 9GA0812P2H0011 9GA0812P2M001 9GA0812P2M0011 9GA0812P2S001 9GA0812P2S0011 9GA0812P4G001 9GA0812P4G0011 9GA0812P4H001 9GA0812P4H0011 9GA0812P4J001 9GA0812P4J0011 9GA0812P6G001 9GA0812P6M001 9GA0812P7G001 9GA0812P7S001 9GA0824H7001 9GA0824P1H61 9GA0824P1H611 9GA0824P1S61 9GA0824P1S611 9GA0824P2S001 9GA0824P2S0011 9GA0824P4G001 9GA0824P4G0011 9GA0824P4H001 9GA0824P4H0011 9GA0824P4J001 9GA0824P4J0011 9GA0824P6G001 9GA0824P6M001 9GA0824P7G001 9GA0824P7S001 9GA0848P1S61 9GA0848P1S611 9GA0848P2S001 9GA0612G6002 9GA0612S6002 9GA0612G702 9GA0612H702 9GA0624H6002 9GA0624M6002 9GA0624M702 9GA0624J102 9GA0624J1021 - - 9GA0624G6002 9GA0624S6002 9GA0624G702 - - - - - - - 9GA0812H162 9GA0812H1621 9GA0812S162 9GA0812S1621 - - - - - - 9GA0812G4002 9GA0812G40021 9GA0812H4002 9GA0812H40021 9GA0812J4002 9GA0812J40021 9GA0812G6002 9GA0812M6002 - - 9GA0824H7002 9GA0824H162 9GA0824H1621 9GA0824S162 9GA0824S1621 9GA0824S2002 - 9GA0824G4002 9GA0824G40021 9GA0824H4002 9GA0824H40021 9GA0824J4002 9GA0824J40021 9GA0824G6002 9GA0824M6002 - - - - - With pulse sensor 9GA0612G6001 9GA0612S6001 9GA0612G701 9GA0612H701 9GA0624H6001 9GA0624M6001 9GA0624M701 9GA0624J101 9GA0624J1011 - - 9GA0624G6001 - - - - - - 9GA0812H7001 - - 9GA0812H161 9GA0812H1611 9GA0812S161 9GA0812S1611 - - - - 9GA0812S2001 - 9GA0812G4001 9GA0812G40011 9GA0812H4001 9GA0812H40011 9GA0812J4001 9GA0812J40011 9GA0812G6001 9GA0812M6001 - - 9GA0824H7001 9GA0824H161 9GA0824H1611 9GA0824S161 9GA0824S1611 - - 9GA0824G4001 9GA0824G40011 9GA0824H4001 9GA0824H40011 9GA0824J4001 9GA0824J40011 9GA0824G6001 9GA0824M6001 - - - - - With lock sensor - - 9GA0612G7D01 9GA0612H7D01 9GA0624H6D001 9GA0624M6D001 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9GA0812H7D001 - - 9GA0812H1D61 - 9GA0812S1D61 - - - - - - - - - 9GA0812H4D001 - 9GA0812J4D001 - - - - - 9GA0824H7D001 9GA0824H1D61 - - - - - - - 9GA0824H4D001 - 9GA0824J4D001 9GA0824J4D0011 - - 9GA0824G7D001 - - - - Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 552 Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) With PWM control function and pulse sensor 9GA0612P6G001 9GA0612P6S001 9GA0612P7G01 9GA0612P7H01 - - - 9GA0624P1J03 9GA0624P1J031 9GA0624P1K03 9GA0624P1K031 9GA0624P6G001 9GA0624P6S001 9GA0624P7G01 9GA0712P1G001 9GA0712P1G0011 9GA0712P1H001 9GA0712P1H0011 - 9GA0812P1G61 9GA0812P1G611 9GA0812P1H61 9GA0812P1H611 9GA0812P1S61 9GA0812P1S611 9GA0812P2H001 9GA0812P2H0011 9GA0812P2M001 9GA0812P2M0011 9GA0812P2S001 9GA0812P2S0011 9GA0812P4G001 9GA0812P4G0011 9GA0812P4H001 9GA0812P4H0011 9GA0812P4J001 9GA0812P4J0011 9GA0812P6G001 9GA0812P6M001 9GA0812P7G001 9GA0812P7S001 - 9GA0824P1H61 9GA0824P1H611 9GA0824P1S61 9GA0824P1S611 9GA0824P2S001 9GA0824P2S0011 9GA0824P4G001 9GA0824P4G0011 9GA0824P4H001 9GA0824P4H0011 9GA0824P4J001 9GA0824P4J0011 9GA0824P6G001 9GA0824P6M001 9GA0824P7G001 9GA0824P7S001 9GA0848P1S61 9GA0848P1S611 9GA0848P2S001 UL CSA TUV cULcUL 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 70 x 70 x 38 mm 70 x 70 x 38 mm 70 x 70 x 38 mm 70 x 70 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 32 mm 80 x 80 x 32 mm 80 x 80 x 32 mm 80 x 80 x 32 mm 80 x 80 x 32 mm 80 x 80 x 32 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 32 mm 80 x 80 x 32 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 20 mm 80 x 80 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 32 mm Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes - 65 65 59 59 65 65 59 85 85 85 85 65 65 59 95 95 95 95 97 131 131 131 131 131 131 123 123 123 123 123 123 108 108 108 108 108 108 102 102 97 97 97 131 131 131 131 123 123 108 108 108 108 108 108 102 102 97 97 131 131 123 Standard List of models 9GA0848P2S0011 9GA0912P1H03 9GA0912P1H031 9GA0912P4G03 9GA0912P4G031 9GA0912P4J03 9GA0912P4J031 9GA0912P4S03 9GA0912P4S031 9GA0924P1H01 9GA0924P1H011 9GA0924P4G03 9GA0924P4G031 9GA0924P4J03 9GA0924P4J031 9GA0924P4S03 9GA0924P4S031 9GA0948P1H03 9GA0948P1H031 9GA1212G4001 9GA1212G40011 9GA1212P4G001 9GA1212P4G0011 9GA1212P4S001 9GA1212P4S0011 9GA1212S4001 9GA1212S40011 9GA1224G4001 9GA1224G40011 9GA1224P4G001 9GA1224P4G0011 9GA1224P4S001 9GA1224P4S0011 9GA1224S4001 9GA1224S40011 9GA1248G4001 9GA1248G40011 9GA1248P4G001 9GA1248P4G0011 9GA1248P4S001 9GA1248P4S0011 9GA1248S4001 9GA1248S40011 9GAX0412P3K001 9GAX0412P3K0011 9GAX0412P3K003 9GAX0412P3K0031 9GAX0412P3S001 9GAX0412P3S0011 9GAX0412P3S003 9GAX0412P3S0031 9GE0412P3G03 9GE0412P3J03 9GE0412P3K03 9GL1212E101 9GL1212F101 9GL1212G101 9GL1212H101 9GL1212M101 9GL1224E101 9GL1224F101 - 9GA0912H102 9GA0912H1021 9GA0912G402 9GA0912G4021 9GA0912J402 9GA0912J4021 9GA0912S402 9GA0912S4021 9GA0924H102 - 9GA0924G402 9GA0924G4021 9GA0924J402 9GA0924J4021 9GA0924S402 9GA0924S4021 9GA0948H102 - - - - - - - - - 9GA1224G4002 - 9GA1224G4002 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9GL1212E102 9GL1212F102 9GL1212G102 9GL1212H102 9GL1212M102 9GL1224E102 9GL1224F102 With pulse sensor - 9GA0912H101 9GA0912H1011 9GA0912G401 9GA0912G4011 9GA0912J401 9GA0912J4011 9GA0912S401 9GA0912S4011 9GA0924H101 9GA0924H1011 9GA0924G401 9GA0924G4011 9GA0924J401 9GA0924J4011 9GA0924S401 9GA0924S4011 9GA0948H101 - 9GA1212G4001 9GA1212G40011 9GA1212G4001 9GA1212G40011 9GA1212S4001 9GA1212S40011 9GA1212S4001 9GA1212S40011 9GA1224G4001 9GA1224G40011 9GA1224G4001 9GA1224G40011 9GA1224S4001 9GA1224S40011 9GA1224S4001 9GA1224S40011 9GA1248G4001 9GA1248G40011 9GA1248G4001 9GA1248G40011 9GA1248S4001 9GA1248S40011 9GA1248S4001 9GA1248S40011 - - - - - - - - - 9GE0412J301 9GE0412K301 9GL1212E101 9GL1212F101 9GL1212G101 9GL1212H101 9GL1212M101 9GL1224E101 9GL1224F101 With lock sensor - 9GA0912H1D01 - 9GA0912G4D01 - 9GA0912J4D01 - - - 9GA0924H1D01 9GA0924H1D011 9GA0924G4D01 - 9GA0924J4D01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9GA1224G4D001 - 9GA1224G4D001 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9GE0412G3D01 9GE0412J3D01 9GE0412K3D01 9GL1212E1D01 9GL1212F1D01 9GL1212G1D01 9GL1212H1D01 9GL1212M1D01 9GL1224E1D01 9GL1224F1D01 With PWM control function and pulse sensor 9GA0848P2S0011 9GA0912P1H03 9GA0912P1H031 9GA0912P4G03 9GA0912P4G031 9GA0912P4J03 9GA0912P4J031 9GA0912P4S03 9GA0912P4S031 9GA0924P1H01 9GA0924P1H011 9GA0924P4G03 9GA0924P4G031 9GA0924P4J03 9GA0924P4J031 9GA0924P4S03 9GA0924P4S031 9GA0948P1H03 9GA0948P1H031 9GA1212P4G001 9GA1212P4G0011 9GA1212P4G001 9GA1212P4G0011 9GA1212P4S001 9GA1212P4S0011 9GA1212P4S001 9GA1212P4S0011 9GA1224P4G001 9GA1224P4G0011 9GA1224P4G001 9GA1224P4G0011 9GA1224P4S001 9GA1224P4S0011 9GA1224P4S001 9GA1224P4S0011 9GA1248P4G001 9GA1248P4G0011 9GA1248P4G001 9GA1248P4G0011 9GA1248P4S001 9GA1248P4S0011 9GA1248P4S001 9GA1248P4S0011 9GAX0412P3K001 9GAX0412P3K0011 9GAX0412P3K003 9GAX0412P3K0031 9GAX0412P3S001 9GAX0412P3S0011 9GAX0412P3S003 9GAX0412P3S0031 9GE0412P3G03 9GE0412P3J03 9GE0412P3K03 - - - - - - - UL CSA TUV cULcUL 80 x 80 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No 123 152 152 141 141 141 141 141 141 152 152 141 141 141 141 141 141 152 152 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 42 42 42 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 553 Index by Model No. Without sensor Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) DC Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Standard List of models Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Without sensor 9GL1224G101 9GL1224H101 9GL1224M101 9GL1248E101 9GL1248F101 9GL1248G101 9GL1248H101 9GL1248M101 9GP1224P1G001 9GP1248P1G001 9GP5724P5H001 9GP5748P5G001 9GT0412P3J001 9GT0424P3J001 9GT0612P4G001 9GT0624P4G001 9GT0812P4S001 9GT0824P4S001 9GT0912P1M001 9GT0912P4J001 9GT0924P1M001 9GT0924P4J001 9GT1212P1S001 9GT1224P1S001 9GV0312E301 9GV0312E3011 9GV0312G301 9GV0312G3011 9GV0312H301 9GV0312H3011 9GV0312J301 9GV0312J3011 9GV0312K301 9GV0312K3011 9GV0412C301 9GV0412C3011 9GV0412G301 9GV0412G3011 9GV0412H301 9GV0412H3011 9GV0412J301 9GV0412J3011 9GV0412K301 9GV0412K3011 9GV0612P1G03 9GV0612P1G031 9GV0612P1H03 9GV0612P1H031 9GV0612P1L01 9GV0612P1L011 9GV0612P1M03 9GV0612P1M031 9GV0624P1G03 9GV0624P1G031 9GV0624P1M03 9GV0624P1M031 9GV0648P1H03 9GV0648P1H031 9GV0812P1F03 9GV0812P1F031 9GV0812P1G03 9GL1224G102 9GL1224H102 9GL1224M102 9GL1248E102 9GL1248F102 9GL1248G102 9GL1248H102 9GL1248M102 - - - - 9GT0412J3002 9GT0424J3002 9GT0612G4002 9GT0624G4002 9GT0812S4002 9GT0824S4002 9GT0912M1002 9GT0912J4002 9GT0924M1002 9GT0924J4002 - 9GT1224S1002 9GV0312E302 - 9GV0312G302 9GV0312G3021 9GV0312H302 - 9GV0312J302 9GV0312J3021 - - - - 9GV0412G302 9GV0412G3021 - - 9GV0412J302 9GV0412J3021 9GV0412K302 - 9GV0612G102 9GV0612G1021 9GV0612H102 9GV0612H1021 9GV0612L102 9GV0612L1021 9GV0612M102 - 9GV0624G102 9GV0624G1021 9GV0624M102 - - - - - 9GV0812G102 With pulse sensor 9GL1224G101 9GL1224H101 9GL1224M101 9GL1248E101 9GL1248F101 9GL1248G101 9GL1248H101 9GL1248M101 - - - - 9GT0412J3001 9GT0424J3001 9GT0612G4001 9GT0624G4001 9GT0812S4001 9GT0824S4001 9GT0912M1001 9GT0912J4001 - 9GT0924J4001 - - 9GV0312E301 9GV0312E3011 9GV0312G301 9GV0312G3011 9GV0312H301 9GV0312H3011 9GV0312J301 9GV0312J3011 9GV0312K301 9GV0312K3011 9GV0412C301 9GV0412C3011 9GV0412G301 9GV0412G3011 9GV0412H301 9GV0412H3011 9GV0412J301 9GV0412J3011 9GV0412K301 9GV0412K3011 9GV0612G101 9GV0612G1011 9GV0612H101 9GV0612H1011 - 9GV0612L1011 9GV0612M101 9GV0612M1011 - - 9GV0624M101 - - - - - 9GV0812G101 With lock sensor 9GL1224G1D01 9GL1224H1D01 9GL1224M1D01 9GL1248E1D01 9GL1248F1D01 9GL1248G1D01 9GL1248H1D01 9GL1248M1D01 - - - - 9GT0412J3D001 9GT0424J3D001 9GT0612G4D001 - 9GT0812S4D001 - 9GT0912M1D001 9GT0912J4D001 9GT0924M1D001 - - 9GT1224S1D001 9GV0312E3D01 9GV0312E3D011 9GV0312G3D01 - 9GV0312H3D01 - 9GV0312J3D01 - 9GV0312K3D01 9GV0312K3D011 9GV0412C3D01 9GV0412C3D011 9GV0412G3D01 9GV0412G3D011 9GV0412H3D01 - 9GV0412J3D01 9GV0412J3D011 9GV0412K3D01 - 9GV0612G1D01 9GV0612G1D011 9GV0612H1D01 9GV0612H1D011 - 9GV0612L1D011 9GV0612M1D01 9GV0612M1D011 9GV0624G1D01 - - - - - - - - Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 554 Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) With PWM control function and pulse sensor - - - - - - - - 9GP1224P1G001 9GP1248P1G001 9GP5724P5H001 9GP5748P5G001 9GT0412P3J001 9GT0424P3J001 9GT0612P4G001 9GT0624P4G001 9GT0812P4S001 9GT0824P4S001 9GT0912P1M001 9GT0912P4J001 9GT0924P1M001 9GT0924P4J001 9GT1212P1S001 9GT1224P1S001 - - 9GV0312P3G03 - - - 9GV0312P3J03 9GV0312P3J031 9GV0312P3K01 - - - 9GV0412P3G03 9GV0412P3G031 9GV0412P3H01 - 9GV0412P3J03 9GV0412P3J031 9GV0412P3K03 - 9GV0612P1G03 9GV0612P1G031 9GV0612P1H03 9GV0612P1H031 9GV0612P1L01 9GV0612P1L011 9GV0612P1M03 9GV0612P1M031 9GV0624P1G03 9GV0624P1G031 9GV0624P1M03 9GV0624P1M031 9GV0648P1H03 9GV0648P1H031 9GV0812P1F03 9GV0812P1F031 9GV0812P1G03 UL CSA TUV cULcUL 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 38 x 38 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 408 408 410 410 394 394 396 396 398 398 402 400 402 400 404 404 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 135 135 135 Standard List of models 9GV0812P1G031 9GV0812P1H03 9GV0812P1H031 9GV0812P1M03 9GV0812P1M031 9GV0812P4J03 9GV0812P4J031 9GV0812P4K03 9GV0812P4K031 9GV0824P1G03 9GV0824P1G031 9GV0824P4K01 9GV0824P4K011 9GV0848P1G03 9GV0848P1G031 9GV0848P4K03 9GV0848P4K031 9GV0912P1F03 9GV0912P1F031 9GV0912P1G03 9GV0912P1G031 9GV0912P1H03 9GV0912P1H031 9GV0948P1F03 9GV0948P1F031 9GV0948P1H03 9GV0948P1H031 9GV1212P1G01 9GV1212P1G011 9GV1212P1J01 9GV1212P1J011 9GV1212P4G01 9GV1212P4G011 9GV1224P1H01 9GV1224P1H011 9GV1224P1J01 9GV1224P1J011 9GV1224P4G01 9GV1224P4G011 9GV1248P1J01 9GV1248P1J011 9GV1248P4G01 9GV1248P4G011 9GV1248P4H01 9GV1248P4H011 9GV1248P4J01 9GV1248P4J011 9GV1412P1G001 9GV1412P1H001 9GV1412P1S001 9GV1424P1G001 9GV1424P1H001 9GV1424P1S001 9GV1448P1G001 9GV1448P1H001 9GV1448P1S001 9GV1512H501 9GV1512H5011 9GV1512M501 9GV1512M5011 9GV1524M501 9GV0812G1021 9GV0812H102 9GV0812H1021 - - 9GV0812J402 9GV0812J4021 - 9GV0812K4021 9GV0824G102 - 9GV0824K402 - 9GV0848G102 - - - - - - - 9GV0912H102 - - - 9GV0948H102 9GV0948H1021 - - 9GV1212J102 9GV1212J1021 9GV1212G402 9GV1212G4021 9GV1224H102 9GV1224H1021 9GV1224J102 9GV1224J1021 9GV1224G402 9GV1224G4021 9GV1248J102 9GV1248J1021 9GV1248G402 - 9GV1248H402 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9GV1512H502 9GV1512H5021 9GV1512M502 9GV1512M5021 9GV1524M502 With pulse sensor 9GV0812G1011 9GV0812H101 9GV0812H1011 - - 9GV0812J401 9GV0812J4011 9GV0812K401 9GV0812K4011 9GV0824G101 - 9GV0824K401 - 9GV0848G101 9GV0848G1011 9GV0848K401 - - - - - - - - - 9GV0948H101 - - 9GV1212G1011 9GV1212J101 9GV1212J1011 9GV1212G401 9GV1212G4011 9GV1224H101 9GV1224H1011 9GV1224J101 9GV1224J1011 9GV1224G401 - 9GV1248J101 9GV1248J1011 9GV1248G4011 9GV1248G4011 9GV1248H401 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9GV1512H501 9GV1512H5011 9GV1512M501 9GV1512M5011 9GV1524M501 With lock sensor - - - - - - - 9GV0812K4D01 9GV0812K4D011 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9GV0912H1D01 - - - - - - 9GV1212G1D011 9GV1212J1D01 - - - 9GV1224H1D01 9GV1224H1D011 9GV1224J1D01 9GV1224J1D011 9GV1224G4D01 - 9GV1248J1D01 - - - 9GV1248H4D01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9GV1524M5D01 With PWM control function and pulse sensor 9GV0812P1G031 9GV0812P1H03 9GV0812P1H031 9GV0812P1M03 9GV0812P1M031 9GV0812P4J03 9GV0812P4J031 9GV0812P4K03 9GV0812P4K031 9GV0824P1G03 9GV0824P1G031 9GV0824P4K01 9GV0824P4K011 9GV0848P1G03 9GV0848P1G031 9GV0848P4K03 9GV0848P4K031 9GV0912P1F03 9GV0912P1F031 9GV0912P1G03 9GV0912P1G031 9GV0912P1H03 9GV0912P1H031 9GV0948P1F03 9GV0948P1F031 9GV0948P1H03 9GV0948P1H031 9GV1212P1G01 9GV1212P1G011 9GV1212P1J01 9GV1212P1J011 9GV1212P4G01 9GV1212P4G011 9GV1224P1H01 9GV1224P1H011 9GV1224P1J01 9GV1224P1J011 9GV1224P4G01 9GV1224P4G011 9GV1248P1J01 9GV1248P1J011 9GV1248P4G01 9GV1248P4G011 9GV1248P4H01 9GV1248P4H011 9GV1248P4J01 9GV1248P4J011 9GV1412P1G001 9GV1412P1H001 9GV1412P1S001 9GV1424P1G001 9GV1424P1H001 9GV1424P1S001 9GV1448P1G001 9GV1448P1H001 9GV1448P1S001 9GV1512P5H03 - 9GV1512P5M03 9GV1512P5M011 - UL CSA TUV cULcUL 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 150 x 150 x 50 mm 150 x 150 x 50 mm 150 x 150 x 50 mm 150 x 150 x 50 mm 150 x 150 x 50 mm No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes 135 135 135 135 135 114 114 114 114 135 135 114 114 135 135 114 114 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 157 179 179 179 179 169 169 179 179 179 179 169 169 179 179 169 169 169 169 169 169 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 198 198 198 198 198 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 555 Index by Model No. Without sensor Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) DC Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Standard List of models Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Without sensor 9GV1524M5011 9GV2048P0G201 9GV3612G301 9GV3612J301 9GV5724H501 9GV5748H501 9GX3612P3K001 9HV0412P3K001 9HV0612P1J001 9HV0612P1J0011 9HV0812P1G601 9HV0812P1G6011 9HV0824P1G003 9HV0824P1G0011 9HV0848P1G001 9HV0848P1G0011 9HV0912P1G001 9HV0912P1G0011 9HV0948P1G001 9HV0948P1G0011 9HV1224P1A001 9HV1248P1G001 9HV1248P1H001 9HV5724P5H001 9HV5748P5G001 9HVA0812P1G001 9HVA0812P1G0011 9L0412H301 9L0412J301 9L0412M301 9LG0612P4H001 9LG0612P4J001 9LG0612P4M001 9LG0612P4S001 9LG0624P4H001 9LG0624P4J001 9LG0624P4M001 9LG0624P4S001 9LG0648P4H001 9LG0648P4J001 9LG0648P4M001 9LG0648P4S001 9LG0812P4G001 9LG0812P4H001 9LG0812P4J001 9LG0824P4G001 9LG0824P4H001 9LG0824P4J001 9LG0912P1F001 9LG0912P1H001 9LG0912P4G001 9LG0912P4H001 9LG0912P4J001 9LG0912P4S001 9LG0924P1F001 9LG0924P1H001 9LG0924P4G001 9LG0924P4H001 9LG0924P4J001 9LG0924P4S001 9LG1212P1G001 - 9GV2048G0202 9GV3612G302 9GV3612J302 9GV5724H502 9GV5748H502 9GX3612K3002 - - - 9HV0812G1002 9HV0812G10021 - - 9HV0848G1002 9HV0848G10021 - - - - - 9HV1248G1002 9HV1248H1002 9HV5724H5002 - - - 9L0412H302 9L0412J302 9L0412M302 9LG0612H4002 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9LG0812J4002 9LG0824G4002 - - - - 9LG0912G4002 - - - - - - - - - - With pulse sensor 9GV1524M5011 - 9GV3612G301 9GV3612J301 9GV5724H501 9GV5748H501 - - - - 9HV0812G1001 9HV0812G10011 - - 9HV0848G1001 9HV0848G10011 - - - - - 9HV1248G1001 9HV1248H1001 9HV5724H5001 - - - 9L0412H301 9L0412J301 9L0412M301 9LG0612H4001 - 9LG0624M4001 9LG0612S4001 - - 9LG0624M4001 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - With lock sensor - - 9GV3612G3D01 9GV3612J3D01 - - - - - - - - 9HV0824G1D001 - 9HV0848G1D001 - - - - - - - - 9HV5724H5D001 - - - 9L0412H3D01 9L0412J3D01 9L0412M3D01 9LG0612H4D001 9LG0612J4D001 9LG0612M4D001 - - - - - - - - - - - 9LG0812J4D001 9LG0824G4D001 - 9LG0824J4D001 - - - - - - - - - - 9LG0924J4D001 9LG0924S4D001 - Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 556 Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) With PWM control function and pulse sensor - 9GV2048P0G201 9GV3612P3G03 9GV3612P3J03 9GV5724P5H03 9GV5748P5H01 9GX3612P3K001 9HV0412P3K001 9HV0612P1J001 9HV0612P1J0011 9HV0812P1G601 9HV0812P1G6011 9HV0824P1G003 9HV0824P1G0011 9HV0848P1G001 9HV0848P1G0011 9HV0912P1G001 9HV0912P1G0011 9HV0948P1G001 9HV0948P1G0011 9HV1224P1A001 9HV1248P1G001 9HV1248P1H001 9HV5724P5H001 9HV5748P5G001 9HVA0812P1G001 9HVA0812P1G0011 - 9L0412P3J01 - 9LG0612P4H001 9LG0612P4J001 9LG0612P4M001 9LG0612P4S001 9LG0624P4H001 9LG0624P4J001 9LG0624P4M001 9LG0624P4S001 9LG0648P4H001 9LG0648P4J001 9LG0648P4M001 9LG0648P4S001 9LG0812P4G001 9LG0812P4H001 9LG0812P4J001 9LG0824P4G001 9LG0824P4H001 9LG0824P4J001 9LG0912P1F001 9LG0912P1H001 9LG0912P4G001 9LG0912P4H001 9LG0912P4J001 9LG0912P4S001 9LG0924P1F001 9LG0924P1H001 9LG0924P4G001 9LG0924P4H001 9LG0924P4J001 9LG0924P4S001 9LG1212P1G001 UL CSA TUV cULcUL 150 x 150 x 50 mm o 200 x 70 mm 36 x 36 x 28 mm 36 x 36 x 28 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm 36 x 36 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 60 x 60 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm No No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No 198 216 12 12 208 208 12 33 83 83 128 128 128 128 128 128 155 155 155 155 176 176 176 203 203 126 126 354 354 354 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 363 363 363 363 363 363 372 372 368 368 368 368 372 372 368 368 368 368 375 Standard List of models Without sensor 9LG1212P1H001 9LG1212P1S001 9LG1224P1G001 9LG1224P1H001 9LG1224P1S001 9LG1248P1G001 9LG1248P1H001 9LG1248P1S001 9LG1412P1A001 9LG1412P1H001 9LG1412P1M001 9LG1412P5G001 9LG1412P5S001 9LG1424P1A001 9LG1424P1H001 9LG1424P1M001 9LG1424P5G001 9LG1424P5S001 9LG1448P1A001 9LG1448P1H001 9LG1448P1M001 9LG1448P5G001 9LG1448P5S001 9RF0912P1H001 9RF0924P1H001 9RF1312P3H001 9RF1324P3H001 9S0612F401 9S0612F4011 9S0612H401 9S0612H4011 9S0612M401 9S0612M4011 9S0612S401 9S0612S4011 9S0812F401 9S0812F4011 9S0812H401 9S0812H4011 9S0812L401 9S0812L4011 9S0812M401 9S0812M4011 9S0824L401 9S0824L4011 9S0824M401 9S0824M4011 9S0912F401 9S0912F4011 9S0912L401 9S0912L4011 9S0912M401 9S0912M4011 9S0924F401 9S0924F4011 9S0924L401 9S0924L4011 9S0924M401 9S0924M4011 9S1212F401 9S1212F4011 - - - - - 9LG1248G1002 - - - - 9LG1412M1002 - - - - 9LG1424M1002 - 9LG1424S5002 - - 9LG1448M1002 - - - - - - 9S0612F402 9S0612F4021 9S0612H402 9S0612H4021 9S0612M402 9S0612M4021 9S0612S402 - 9S0812F402 9S0812F4021 9S0812H402 - 9S0812L402 9S0812L4021 9S0812M402 9S0812M4021 9S0824L402 9S0824L4021 9S0824M402 9S0824M4021 9S0912F402 9S0912F4021 9S0912L402 9S0912L4021 9S0912M402 9S0912M4021 9S0924F402 9S0924F4021 9S0924L402 9S0924L4021 9S0924M402 9S0924M4021 9S1212F402 9S1212F4021 With pulse sensor - - - 9LG1224H1001 9LG1224S1001 - - - - - 9LG1412M1001 - - - - 9LG1424M1001 - 9LG1424S5001 - - 9LG1448M1001 - - - - - - 9S0612F401 9S0612F4011 9S0612H401 9S0612H4011 9S0612M401 9S0612M4011 9S0612S401 9S0612S4011 9S0812F401 9S0812F4011 9S0812H401 9S0812H4011 9S0812L401 9S0812L4011 9S0812M401 9S0812M4011 9S0824L401 9S0824L4011 9S0824M401 9S0824M4011 9S0912F401 9S0912F4011 9S0912L401 9S0912L4011 9S0912M401 9S0912M4011 9S0924F401 9S0924F4011 9S0924L401 9S0924L4011 9S0924M401 9S0924M4011 9S1212F401 9S1212F4011 With lock sensor - - 9LG1224G1D001 9LG1224H1D001 9LG1224S1D001 - - - - - 9LG1412M1D001 - - - - 9LG1424M1D001 - 9LG1424S5D001 - - 9LG1448M1D001 - - - - - - 9S0612F4D01 9S0612F4D011 9S0612H4D01 9S0612H4D011 9S0612M4D01 9S0612M4D011 9S0612S4D01 - 9S0812F4D01 9S0812F4D011 9S0812H4D01 9S0812H4D011 9S0812L4D01 9S0812L4D011 9S0812M4D01 9S0812M4D011 9S0824L4D01 9S0824L4D011 9S0824M4D01 9S0824M4D011 9S0912F4D01 9S0912F4D011 9S0912L4D01 9S0912L4D011 9S0912M4D01 9S0912M4D011 9S0924F4D01 - 9S0924L4D01 - 9S0924M4D01 - 9S1212F4D01 9S1212F4D011 Frame size With PWM control function and pulse sensor 9LG1212P1H001 9LG1212P1S001 9LG1224P1G001 9LG1224P1H001 9LG1224P1S001 9LG1248P1G001 9LG1248P1H001 9LG1248P1S001 9LG1412P1A001 9LG1412P1H001 9LG1412P1M001 9LG1412P5G001 9LG1412P5S001 9LG1424P1A001 9LG1424P1H001 9LG1424P1M001 9LG1424P5G001 9LG1424P5S001 9LG1448P1A001 9LG1448P1H001 9LG1448P1M001 9LG1448P5G001 9LG1448P5S001 9RF0912P1H001 9RF0924P1H001 9RF1312P3H001 9RF1324P3H001 9S0612P4F01 9S0612P4F011 9S0612P4H01 9S0612P4H011 9S0612P4M01 - 9S0612P4S01 - 9S0812P4F01 9S0812P4F011 - - - - 9S0812P4M01 9S0812P4M011 - - - - 9S0912P4F01 9S0912P4F011 - - 9S0912P4M01 9S0912P4M011 - - - - - - 9S1212P4F01 9S1212P4F011 UL CSA TUV cULcUL 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm o 92 x 38 mm o 92 x 38 mm o 136 x 28 mm o 136 x 28 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 382 382 382 386 386 382 382 382 386 386 382 382 382 386 386 260 260 262 262 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 163 163 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 557 Index by Model No. Models listed in the main section of this catalog (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) DC (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Standard List of models Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Without sensor 9S1212H401 9S1212H4011 9S1212L401 9S1212L4011 9S1212M401 9S1212M4011 9S1224M401 9S1224M4011 9SG1212G101 9SG1224G101 9SG1224H101 9SG1248G101 9SG5724P5H61 9SG5748P5G01 9SG5748P5H01 9TG24P0G01 9TG24P0S01 9TG48P0G01 9TGA24P0H001 9TGA48P0G001 9TJ24P0H61 9TJ48P0H01 9TM24P4H01 9TM48P4H01 9TN24P1H01 9TN48P1H01 9TP24P0H001 9TP48P0G001 9TP48P0H001 9TS48P0G001 9TS48P0H001 9W1TG48P0H61 9W1TJ24P0H61 9W1TJ48P0H61 9W1TM48P4G01 9W1TM48P4H01 9W1TN48P1H01 9W2TP24P0H001 9W2TP48P0S001 9W2TS48P0S001 9WE1724K501 9WE5724K501 9WE5748K501 9WF0424F601 9WF0424H601 9WF0424H701 9WF0624H401 9WF0624H601 9WF0624H701 9WF0824S401 9WF0924H201 9WF0924H2011 9WF0924H401 9WF0924H4011 9WF0924S201 9WF0924S2011 9WF1224H101 9WG1212E101-E 9WG1212F101-E 9WG1212G101-E 9WG1212H101-E 9S1212H402 9S1212H4021 9S1212L402 9S1212L4021 9S1212M402 9S1212M4021 9S1224M402 9S1224M4021 9SG1212G102 9SG1224G102 9SG1224H102 9SG1248G102 9SG5724H562 - - 9TG24G002 9TG24S002 - - - - - - - - - - 9TP48G0002 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9WE1724K502 9WE5724K502 9WE5748K502 9WF0424F602 9WF0424H602 9WF0424H702 9WF0624H402 - 9WF0624H702 9WF0824S402 9WF0924H202 - 9WF0924H402 - 9WF0924S202 - 9WF1224H102 9WG1212E102-E 9WG1212F102-E 9WG1212G102-E 9WG1212H102-E With pulse sensor 9S1212H401 9S1212H4011 9S1212L401 9S1212L4011 9S1212M401 9S1212M4011 9S1224M401 9S1224M4011 9SG1212G101 9SG1224G101 9SG1224H101 9SG1248G101 - - - 9TG24G001 9TG24S001 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9WE1724K501 9WE5724K501 9WE5748K501 9WF0424F601 9WF0424H601 9WF0424H701 9WF0624H401 9WF0624H601 9WF0624H701 9WF0824S401 9WF0924H201 9WF0924H2011 9WF0924H401 - 9WF0924S201 9WF0924S2011 9WF1224H101 9WG1212E101-E 9WG1212F101-E 9WG1212G101-E 9WG1212H101-E With lock sensor 9S1212H4D01 - 9S1212L4D01 9S1212L4D011 9S1212M4D01 9S1212M4D011 9S1224M4D01 9S1224M4D011 9SG1212G1D01 9SG1224G1D01 9SG1224H1D01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9WE5748K5D01 9WF0424F6D01 9WF0424H6D01 9WF0424H7D01 9WF0624H4D01 9WF0624H6D01 9WF0624H7D01 9WF0824S4D01 9WF0924H2D01 - 9WF0924H4D01 9WF0924H4D011 9WF0924S2D01 - 9WF1224H1D01 9WG1212E1D01-E - 9WG1212G1D01-E 9WG1212H1D01-E Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 558 Frame size With PWM control function and pulse sensor 9S1212P4H01 9S1212P4H011 - 9S1212P4L011 9S1212P4M01 9S1212P4M011 - - 9SG1212P1G01 9SG1224P1G01 - 9SG1248P1G01 9SG5724P5H61 9SG5748P5G01 9SG5748P5H01 9TG24P0G01 9TG24P0S01 9TG48P0G01 9TGA24P0H001 9TGA48P0G001 9TJ24P0H61 9TJ48P0H01 9TM24P4H01 9TM48P4H01 9TN24P1H01 9TN48P1H01 9TP24P0H001 9TP48P0G001 9TP48P0H001 9TS48P0G001 9TS48P0H001 9W1TG48P0H61 9W1TJ24P0H61 9W1TJ48P0H61 9W1TM48P4G01 9W1TM48P4H01 9W1TN48P1H01 9W2TP24P0H001 9W2TP48P0S001 9W2TS48P0S001 - - 9WE5748P5K01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) UL CSA TUV cULcUL 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 175 x 69 mm o 175 x 69 mm o 175 x 69 mm o 175 x 69 mm o 175 x 69 mm o 133 x 91 mm o 133 x 91 mm o 100 x 25 mm o 100 x 25 mm o 150 x 35 mm o 150 x 35 mm o 221 x 71 mm o 221 x 71 mm o 221 x 71 mm o 225 x 99 mm o 225 x 99 mm o 175 x 69 mm o 133 x 91 mm o 133 x 91 mm o 100 x 25 mm o 100 x 25 mm o 150 x 35 mm o 221 x 71 mm o 221 x 71 mm o 225 x 99 mm o 172 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 15 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 15 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 92 x 92 x 32 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No - No No No No - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No - - 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 185 185 185 185 205 205 205 422 422 422 420 420 416 416 414 414 418 418 425 425 425 428 428 326 322 322 320 320 324 328 328 330 317 315 315 336 336 334 342 340 338 344 348 348 346 346 348 348 350 303 303 303 303 Standard List of models 9WG1212M101-E 9WG1224E101-E 9WG1224F101-E 9WG1224G101-E 9WG1224H101-E 9WG1224M101-E 9WG1248E101-E 9WG1248F101-E 9WG1248G101-E 9WG1248H101-E 9WG1248M101-E 9WG5748P5G001 9WG5748P5H001 9WL0412P3G001 9WL0412P3J001 9WL0424P3G001 9WL0424P3J001 9WL0612P4H001 9WL0612P4J001 9WL0612P4S001 9WL0624P4H001 9WL0624P4J001 9WL0624P4S001 9WL0812P4G001 9WL0812P4H001 9WL0812P4J001 9WL0824P4G001 9WL0824P4H001 9WL0824P4J001 9WL0912P4G001 9WL0912P4H001 9WL0912P4J001 9WL0912P4S001 9WL0924P4H001 9WL0924P4J001 9WL0924P4S001 9WL1412P1A001 9WL1412P1H001 9WL1412P1M001 9WL1412P5G001 9WL1412P5S001 9WL1424P1A001 9WL1424P1H001 9WL1424P1M001 9WL1424P5G001 9WL1424P5S001 9WL1448P1A001 9WL1448P1H001 9WL1448P1M001 9WL1448P5G001 9WL1448P5S001 9WP0412F6001 9WP0412H6001 9WP0612D401 9WP0612D4011 9WP0612G401 9WP0612G4011 9WP0612H401 9WP0612H4011 9WP0624G401 9WP0624G4011 9WG1212M102-E 9WG1224E102-E 9WG1224F102-E 9WG1224G102-E 9WG1224H102-E 9WG1224M102-E 9WG1248E102-E 9WG1248F102-E 9WG1248G102-E 9WG1248H102-E 9WG1248M102-E 9WG5748G5002 - 9WL0412G3002 9WL0412J3002 9WL0424G3002 9WL0424J3002 - 9WL0612J4002 9WL0612S4002 - - - - 9WL0812H4002 - - - - - - 9WL0912J4002 - - - - - - 9WL1412M1002 - - - - 9WL1424M1002 - - - - 9WL1448M1002 - - 9WP0412F6002 9WP0412H6002 9WP0612D402 - 9WP0612G402 9WP0612G4021 9WP0612H402 9WP0612H4021 9WP0624G402 - With pulse sensor 9WG1212M101-E 9WG1224E101-E 9WG1224F101-E 9WG1224G101-E 9WG1224H101-E 9WG1224M101-E 9WG1248E101-E 9WG1248F101-E 9WG1248G101-E 9WG1248H101-E 9WG1248M101-E - 9WG5748H5001 9WL0412G3001 9WL0412J3001 9WL0424G3001 9WL0424J3001 - - - 9WL0624H4001 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9WL1412M1001 - - - - 9WL1424M1001 - - - - 9WL1448M1001 - - 9WP0412F6001 9WP0412H6001 9WP0612D401 9WP0612D4011 9WP0612G401 9WP0612G4011 9WP0612H401 9WP0612H4011 9WP0624G401 9WP0624G4011 With lock sensor - 9WG1224E1D01-E 9WG1224F1D01-E 9WG1224G1D01-E 9WG1224H1D01-E - - - - 9WG1248H1D01-E - - 9WG5748H5D001 - - - - - 9WL0612J4D001 9WL0612S4D001 - - - 9WL0812G4D001 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9WL1412M1D001 - - - - 9WL1424M1D001 - - - - 9WL1448M1D001 - - 9WP0412F6D001 - 9WP0612D4D01 9WP0612D4D011 9WP0612G4D01 - 9WP0612H4D01 9WP0612H4D011 9WP0624G4D01 - With PWM control function and pulse sensor - - - - - - - - - - - 9WG5748P5G001 9WG5748P5H001 9WL0412P3G001 9WL0412P3J001 9WL0424P3G001 9WL0424P3J001 9WL0612P4H001 9WL0612P4J001 9WL0612P4S001 9WL0624P4H001 9WL0624P4J001 9WL0624P4S001 9WL0812P4G001 9WL0812P4H001 9WL0812P4J001 9WL0824P4G001 9WL0824P4H001 9WL0824P4J001 9WL0912P4G001 9WL0912P4H001 9WL0912P4J001 9WL0912P4S001 9WL0924P4H001 9WL0924P4J001 9WL0924P4S001 9WL1412P1A001 9WL1412P1H001 9WL1412P1M001 9WL1412P5G001 9WL1412P5S001 9WL1424P1A001 9WL1424P1H001 9WL1424P1M001 9WL1424P5G001 9WL1424P5S001 9WL1448P1A001 9WL1448P1H001 9WL1448P1M001 9WL1448P5G001 9WL1448P5S001 - - - - 9WP0612P4G01 - - - - - UL CSA TUV cULcUL 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm o 172 x 150 x 51 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 40 x 40 x 28 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 38 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 140 x 140 x 51 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 40 x 40 x 20 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 313 313 268 268 268 268 271 271 271 271 271 271 277 277 277 277 277 277 286 286 286 286 286 286 286 306 306 306 310 310 306 306 306 310 310 306 306 306 310 310 266 266 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 559 Index by Model No. Without sensor Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) DC Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Standard List of models Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) Without sensor 9WP0624H401 9WP0624H4011 9WP0624J401 9WP0624J4011 9WP0648H401 9WP0648H4011 9WP0812G401 9WP0812G4011 9WP0812H401 9WP0812H4011 9WP0824H401 9WP0824H4011 9WP0824S401 9WP0824S4011 9WP0848S401 9WP0848S4011 9WP0912F401 9WP0912F4011 9WP0912S401 9WP0912S4011 9WP0924B401 9WP0924B4011 9WP0924F401 9WP0924F4011 9WP0924G401 9WP0924G4011 9WP0924H401 9WP0924H4011 9WP0924S401 9WP0924S4011 9WP1212H101 9WP1212H1011 9WP1212L101 9WP1212L1011 9WP1224H101 9WP1224H1011 9WP1248H101 9WP1248H1011 9WS0812F401 9WS0812F4011 9WS0812H401 9WS0812H4011 9WS0812M401 9WS0812M4011 9WS0824F401 9WS0824F4011 9WS0824H401 9WS0824H4011 9WS0824M401 9WS0824M4011 9WS0912F401 9WS0912H401 9WS0912L401 9WS0912M401 9WS0924F401 9WS0924H401 9WS0924L401 9WS0924M401 9WV0812P1M001 9WV0812P1M0011 9WV0848P1H001 9WP0624H402 9WP0624H4021 9WP0624J402 - 9WP0648H402 9WP0648H4021 9WP0812G402 9WP0812G4021 9WP0812H402 9WP0812H4021 9WP0824H402 9WP0824H4021 9WP0824S402 9WP0824S4021 9WP0848S402 9WP0848S4021 9WP0912F402 - 9WP0912S402 - 9WP0924B402 9WP0924B4021 9WP0924F402 9WP0924F4021 9WP0924G402 - 9WP0924H402 - 9WP0924S402 - 9WP1212H102 9WP1212H1021 - - 9WP1224H102 9WP1224H1021 9WP1248H102 9WP1248H1021 9WS0812F402 9WS0812F4021 9WS0812H402 9WS0812H4021 9WS0812M402 9WS0812M4021 9WS0824F402 9WS0824F4021 9WS0824H402 9WS0824H4021 9WS0824M402 9WS0824M4021 9WS0912F402 9WS0912H402 9WS0912L402 9WS0912M402 9WS0924F402 9WS0924H402 9WS0924L402 9WS0924M402 - - - With pulse sensor 9WP0624H401 9WP0624H4011 9WP0624J401 9WP0624J4011 9WP0648H401 9WP0648H4011 9WP0812G401 9WP0812G4011 9WP0812H401 9WP0812H4011 9WP0824H401 9WP0824H4011 9WP0824S401 9WP0824S4011 9WP0848S401 9WP0848S4011 9WP0912F401 9WP0912F4011 9WP0912S401 9WP0912S4011 9WP0924B401 9WP0924B4011 9WP0924F401 9WP0924F4011 9WP0924G401 9WP0924G4011 9WP0924H401 9WP0924H4011 9WP0924S401 9WP0924S4011 9WP1212H101 9WP1212H1011 9WP1212L101 9WP1212L1011 9WP1224H101 9WP1224H1011 9WP1248H101 9WP1248H1011 9WS0812F401 9WS0812F4011 9WS0812H401 9WS0812H4011 9WS0812M401 9WS0812M4011 9WS0824F401 9WS0824F4011 9WS0824H401 9WS0824H4011 9WS0824M401 9WS0824M4011 9WS0912F401 9WS0912H401 9WS0912L401 9WS0912M401 9WS0924F401 9WS0924H401 9WS0924L401 9WS0924M401 9WV0812M1001 - - With lock sensor 9WP0624H4D01 9WP0624H4D011 - - 9WP0648H4D01 9WP0648H4D011 9WP0812G4D01 9WP0812G4D011 9WP0812H4D01 9WP0812H4D011 9WP0824H4D01 9WP0824H4D011 9WP0824S4D01 - 9WP0848S4D01 9WP0848S4D011 9WP0912F4D01 9WP0912F4D011 9WP0912S4D01 - 9WP0924B4D01 9WP0924B4D011 9WP0924F4D01 9WP0924F4D011 9WP0924G4D01 - 9WP0924H4D01 - 9WP0924S4D01 - 9WP1212H1D01 9WP1212H1D011 - - 9WP1224H1D01 9WP1224H1D011 9WP1248H1D01 9WP1248H1D011 9WS0812F4D01 - - - 9WS0812M4D01 - - - 9WS0824H4D01 - 9WS0824M4D01 - 9WS0912F4D01 - - - - 9WS0924H4D01 - 9WS0924M4D01 9WV0812M1D001 - - Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. 560 Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) With PWM control function and pulse sensor - - - - - - 9WP0812P4G01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9WV0812P1M001 9WV0812P1M0011 9WV0848P1H001 UL CSA TUV cULcUL 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 60 x 60 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 92 x 92 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm 80 x 80 x 38 mm Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 274 274 274 274 274 274 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 284 284 284 Standard List of models Without sensor - 9WV0924H1002 - 9WV1212J1002 9WV1224H102 - 9WV1248J1002 - - - - 9WV1224H101 9WV1224J1001 9WV1248J1001 With lock sensor - - - 9WV1212J1D001 9WV1224H1D001 - 9WV1248J1D001 With PWM control function and pulse sensor 9WV0848P1H0011 9WV0924P1H001 9WV0948P1H001 9WV1212P1J001 9WV1224P1H001 9WV1224P1J601 9WV1248P1J001 UL CSA TUV cULcUL 80 x 80 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 92 x 92 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm 120 x 120 x 38 mm No Yes Yes No No No No 284 296 296 298 298 298 298 Please contact your point of sale regarding low-speed sensors. Index by Model No. 9WV0848P1H0011 9WV0924P1H001 9WV0948P1H001 9WV1212P1J001 9WV1224P1H001 9WV1224P1J601 9WV1248P1J001 With pulse sensor Frame size (certification status is for the models listed in this catalog, Rib and standards for optional page model numbers may differ.) DC Models listed in the main section of this catalog (models not listed in the main section of this catalog are options. Standards for optional model numbers may differ from the certified standards listed at right. Contact us for details of models with "-" model numbers.) 561 Standards and Certifications Safety Standards List of safety standards acquired refer to the index (pp. 542 to 565) Description of safety standards 1. UL ratings (USA) PS E 2. CSA standards The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) was set up in response to the advice of the Canadian government. In Canada, the law prohibits the use and sale of any product other than those approved under CSA in terms of safety. CSA has set up CSA standards as inspection procedures and other requirements to ensure product safety. Our products are certified as satisfying the CSA standard C22.2 No. 113. EN standards (EU members) In the EU territory, the harmonization of industrial standards and safety standards of different countries is under way. The unified standards are called Harmonized Standards. Each of these standards is marked EN above the standard number. EN standards offer the grounds in design and manufacture when one exports a product to the EU territory. In order for a product to receive a safety marking, the product must be found to conform to TUV, VDE, or other relevant standard. Our products are certified as satisfying all TUV Rheinland EN60950 requirements. (Canada) 3. 4. Electrical appliance and material safety law 5. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. was established by the American Union of Fire Insurance Underwriters. The purpose of UL is to ensure safety of machines, equipment, and materials and protect human lives and property from fire and other accidents. To that end, UL has conducted numerous tests and extensive research and, as a result, set up UL ratings. Any seller of products in any of the majority of the states of the USA must produce their products according to the UL ratings, have them pass UL-specified safety inspections, and have them listed in UL's registration book. Therefore, to export and sell any product in the United States, one must in most cases apply for UL-listing. Additionally, UL is accredited by The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) as both a Certification Organization (CO) and a Testing Organization (TO) and is officially recognized in all provinces and territories throughout Canada. Accordingly, our products can be tested by UL for compliance with Canadian safety standards. Certified products are entitled to display the C-UL Mark, which authorizes their use and sale in Canada. If products are deemed to be compliant with both U.S. and Canadian standards, then both the UL Mark and C-UL Mark can be displayed or a combination U.S. and Canadian mark (bottom left). Our products are certified as satisfying all UL 507 requirements. CE marking CE marking PS E As of April 1, 2001, the Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law has been revised and reenacted as the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law. AC fans are classified as Blowers under Electric motor-operated appliances . They are categorized as electrical products other than specific electrical appliances (with the exception of some models) and are required to be labeled to indicate PSE certification. To distribute their equipment in the EU territory, manufacturers are obligated to give a CE marking as proof that the equipment conforms to related EC directives. Manufacturers use EN standards as criteria of judgment as to whether the equipment satisfies the requirements of specific directives or, in the absence of applicable EN standards, they use IEC standards. Manufacturers then prepare a self-declaration to indicate that the equipment conforms to related directives and apply a CE marking. (Depending on the degree of risk of the equipment, some kinds of equipment are required to receive type tests conducted by certified authorities and, after a type test certificate is obtained, manu-facturers make a self-declaration.) Scope of application and compulsory timing of major EC directives Machine directives These directives apply to equipment that has a moving part that may injure humans. The directives generally apply to a wide range of machine tools and other industrial machines. EMC directives They apply to equipment which may be affected by electromagnetic interference (EMI) or has ele-ctromagnetic susceptibility (EMS). Low-voltage directive This directive applies to equipment that is used in an AC range between 50 and 1000 V and in a DC range between 75 and 1500 V. JIS: Japanese Industrial Standards Japan's national standards related to mining and manufacturing industries IEC : International Electrotechnical Commission This is an international commission on electrical standardization. This commission promotes the unification and cooperation of international standards related to electric and electronics engineering and issues IEC standards in order eventually to allow different countries to conform to the international standards. DIN : Deutsches Institut fur Normung e.V. This is a German standards institute. The institute uses a wide-range set of standards covering many industrial sectors. The set of standards includes basic standards. VDE : Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker e.V. It is a German association of electric engineers. VDE establishes safety standards related to electrical engineering and issues them as DIN-VDE standards. 536