Digital Pressure Gauge Digital Gauge 1000 Shown with enhanced software. SERIES Allows for local digital indication of pressure in place of mechanical gauges ,QWHJUDWHGEDWWHU\SURYLGHVKRXUVRIEDWWHU\OLIH 3UHVVXUHUDQJHVIURPSVLWRSVL 3.31" size - bottom connected Durable 304 stainless steel case Display has an integrated bar graph with a trailing indicating pointer to show the trends in a working pressure system $GGLWLRQDOGLJLWGLVSOD\SURYLGHVDGLUHFWUHDGRXWRIWKHSHDNYDOXHWDUH PLQPD[PHPRU\DQGRWKHUIXQFWLRQV Optional internal light ensures display is optimally lit for a clear readout in all lighting conditions Buttons on the front of the display allow easy adjustment of the programmable functions 0HHWVDOOHOHFWURPDJQHWLFFRPSDWLELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWV (0& WR(1 &(FRPSOLDQWWRVXSSUHVV5),(0,DQG(6' Optional features: tare function, password protection, internal lighting, 300 rotatable base, rubber case protector SPECIFICATIONS APPLICATIONS Machine construction Plant and apparatus construction Hydraulics Pneumatics 0HDVXULQJHTXLSPHQWPRQLWRULQJ 30 Display Digits Accuracy Update rate Pressure ranges KLJKOLTXLGFU\VWDOGLVSOD\ 67'XSWR IXOOVFDOH %)6/ WLPHVVHFRQG Standard ranges from 30 psig to 10,000 psig, compound ranges IURPSVLJWRSVLJ Proof pressure 2 times full scale range, maximum 15,000 psi Wetted materials SVLJVWDLQOHVVVWHHODOXPLQXP1%5FHUDPLF measuring element SVLJVWDLQOHVVVWHHOWKLQOPPHDVXULQJHOHPHQW Housing material Stainless steel Power supply 2 x 1.5V "AA" battery KUV "AA"P$K Programmable functions Adjustable through front key pad Tare RIIXOOVFDOHUDQJH RSWLRQDO On/Off $GMXVWDEOHDXWRPDWLFWXUQRII RSWLRQDO Measuring Unit EDUSVL03D VWDQGDUG 7HPSHUDWXUHLQAXHQFH &RPSHQVDWHG)WR) &WR& Effect 0.15 % per 10K at zero and span 6SDQHIIHFWLVIXOOVFDOH) Temperature ranges Storage )WR) &WR& Media )WR) &WR& Ambient )WR) &WR& Environmental rating 1(0$; ,3DFFRUGLQJWR(1,(& Electromagnetic rating &RPSOLDQWWR(1(0,DQG(6'SURWHFWLRQ Weight 0.88 lb. 1000 SERIES ORDERING INFORMATION DIMENSIONS ORDERING INFORMATION SERIES PRESSURE RANGES PROCESS CONNECTION OPTIONS 1000 30/30 30/60 30/145 30/300 30/600 -30 inHg to 30 psig -30 inHg to 60 psig -30 inHg to 145 psig -30 inHg to 300 psig -30 inHg to 600 psig psig = gauge pressure 2 NPT 1 Peak Memory - Standard 30 60 145 300 600 0 psig to 30 psig 0 psig to 60 psig 0 psig to 145 psig 0 psig to 300 psig 1450 2000 3000 5000 6000 0 psig to 1,450 psig 0 psig to 2,000 psig 7500 0 psig to 7,500 psig 10000 0 psig to 10,000 psig 0 psig to 3,000 psig 0 psig to 5,000 psig 0 psig to 600 psig 0 psig to 6,000 psig 2WKHUUDQJHVDYDLODEOHRQVSHFLDOUHTXHVW ORF Threaded Orifice RCP Rubber Case Protector 6 Enhanced Software Please consult your local NOSHOK Distributor or NOSHOK, Inc. for availability and delivery information. 1000 - 600 - EXAMPLE 2 - 1 Series ...................................................... 1000 Pressure range.................. 0 psig to 600 psig Process connection ....................... NPT Options .....................................Peak memory 1.80" PP 3.31" PP 0.18" PP 3.15" PP 2.17" PP 0.51" PP 1.06" PP " NPT 0.62" PP 31