Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5
For longer periods of inactivity the user may assert the SHDN input by driving this pin low to reduce system power consumption.
This removes power from all internal circuits, including any registers. In the shutdown state, the Pressure and Temperature
registers will be reset, losing any previous ADC output values.
This step is exited by taking the SHDN pin high. Wait for the maximum wakeup time, tw (see Row 8, in the Operating
Characteristics Ta ble), after which another pressure reading can be taken by transitioning to the data Conversion step.
For values with less than 16 bits, the lower LSBs are zero. For example, c12 is 14 bits and is stored into 2 bytes as follows:
c12 MS byte = c12[13:6] = [c12b13 , c12b12 , c12b11 , c12b10 , c12b9 , c12b8 , c12b7 , c12b6]
c12 LS byte = c12[5: 0] & “00” = [c12b5 , c12b4 , c12b3 , c12b2 , c12b1 , c12b0 , 0 , 0]
3.1 Pressure, Temperature and Coefficient Bit-Width Specifications
The table below specifies the initial coefficient bit-width specifications for the compensation algorithm and the specifications for
Pressure and Temperature ADC values.
Ta ble 2. Device Memo ry Map
Address Name Description Size (bits)
0x00 Padc_MSB 10-bit Pressure ADC output value MSB 8
0x01 Padc_LSB 10-bit Pressure ADC output value LSB 2
0x02 Tadc_MSB 10-bit Temperature ADC output value MSB 8
0x03 Tacd_LSB 10-bit Temperature ADC output value LSB 2
0x04 a0_MSB a0 coefficient MSB 8
0x05 a0_LSB a0 coefficient LSB 8
0x06 b1_MSB b1 coefficient MSB 8
0x07 b1_LSB b1 coefficient LSB 8
0x08 b2_MSB b2 coefficient MSB 8
0x09 b2_LSB b2 coefficient LSB 8
0x0A c12_MSB c12 coefficient MSB 8
0x0B c12_LSB c12 coefficient LSB 8
0x0C Reserved* — —
0x0D Reserved* — —
0x0E Reserved* — —
0x0F Reserved* — —
0x10 Reserved — —
0x11 Reserved — —
0x12 CONVERT Start Pressure and Temperature Conversion —
*These registers are set to 0x00. These are reserved, and were previously utilized as Coefficient values, c11 and
c22, which were always 0x00.
Pressure, Temperature and Compensation Coefficient Specifications
a0 b1 b2 c12 Padc Tadc
Total Bits 16 16 16 14 10 10
Sign Bits 1 1 1 1 0 0
Integer Bits 12 2 1 0 10 10
Fractional Bits 313 14 13 0 0
dec pt zero pad 0 0 0 9 0 0