MS2267 RF & MICROWAVE TRANSISTORS AVIONICS APPLICATIONS Features * * * * * * * 960 - 1215MHz 50 VOLTS 5:1 VSWR CAPABILITY @ RATED CONDITIONS INPUT/OUTPUT MATCHING POUT = 250 WATTS GP = 8.0 dB MINIMUM COMMON BASE CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION: The MS2267 is a high power Class C NPN transistor specifically designed for TACAN/DME applications. This device is capable of operation under moderate pulse width and duty cycles. Low thermal resistance and computerized automatic wire bonding techniques ensure high reliability and product consistency. The MS2267 utilizes an emitter ballasted die geometry capable of operating into a 5:1 VSWR @ 1.0 dB overdrive. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tcase = 25C) Symbol PDISS IC Vcc TJ TSTG Parameter Power Dissipation Device Current Collector-Supply Voltage Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Value Unit 575 20 50 200 -65 to +200 W A V C C 0.28 C/W Thermal Data RTH(J-C) Junction-case Thermal Resistance 053-7121 Rev - 11-2002 MS2267 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Tcase = 25 25C) STATIC Symbol Test Conditions Value Min. Typ. Max. Unit BVCBO IC = 35mA IE = 0 mA 65 --- --- V BVEBO IE = 15mA IC = 0 mA 4.0 --- --- V BVCES Ic = 25mA IB = 0 mA 60 --- --- V ICES VBE = 0 V VCE = 50V --- --- 20 mA hFE VCE = 5V IC = 1A 10 --- 200 --- DYNAMIC Symbol POUT c GP Conditions Test Conditions Min. Value Typ. Max. Unit f = 960 - 1215MHz PIN = 40W VCC = 50V 250 --- --- W f = 960 - 1215MHz PIN = 40W VCC = 50V 38 --- --- % f = 960 - 1215MHz PIN = 40W VCC = 50V 8.0 --- --- dB Pulse width = 20 S Duty Cycle = 5% IMPEDANCE DATA ZIN() ZCL() 960 MHz 1.0 + j3.5 1.9 - j1.8 1090MHz 4.0 + j3.5 1.6 - j0.9 1215MHz 2.2 + j2.2 1.4 - j1.1 FREQ PIN = 40W VCC = 50V 053-7121 Rev - 11-2002 MS2267 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA 053-7121 Rev - 11-2002