Systems, Inc.
General Description Features
Block Diagram
ICS9158-01RevB 05/30/97P
The ICS9158-01 is a low cost frequency generator designed
specifically for desktop and notebook PC applications. Eight
high drive, skew-controlled copies of the CPU clock are
avail-able, eliminating the need for an external buffer.
Each high drive (50mA) output is capable of driving a 30pf
load and has a typical duty cycle of 50/50. The CPU clock
outputs are skew-controlled to within ±250ps. The CPU
clocks provide all necessary frequencies for 286, 386, 486
and Pentium systems, including support for the latest speeds
of processors.
The CPU clock offers the unique feature of smooth, glitch-
free transitions from one frequency to the next, making this
the ideal device to use whenever slowing the CPU speeds. The
ICS9158-01 makes a gradual transition between frequencies
so that it meets the Intel cycle-to-cycle timing specification
for 486 systems.
• Eight skew-free, high drive CPU clock outputs
• Up to 100 MHz output at 5V
• ±250ps skew between CPU and 2XCPU outputs
• Outputs can drive up to 30pf load
• 50mA output drivers
• Typical 50/50 duty cycle
• Compatible with 486 and Pentium CPUs
• Glitch-free start and stop clock option
• Optional power-down mode supports Energy Star
(“green”) PCs
• On-chip loop filter components
• Low power, high speed 0.8µCMOS technology
• 24-pin PDIP or SOIC package
Integrated Buffer and Motherboard Frequency Generator
Clock ICS9158-01 (MHz)
2XCPUCLK 4,8,30,20,25,33.3,40, or 50
8,16,60,40,50,66.6,80, or 100
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without further notice. ICS advises its customers to obtain the latest version of all
device data to verify that any information being relied upon by the customer is current
and accurate.