MS54XX Miniatur e SMD Pressure Sens o r
DA54XX_020 www.meas-spec.com Nov. 20, 2012
000054XX280 ECN1882 5/9
The MS54XX is a miniaturized absolute pressure sensor series which has been designed as a surface mount
device (SMD). Its main advantages are the high perform ance of the semiconductor sensor and a design which
makes it suitable for applications requiring small dimensions and cost efficiency.
The sensor element of the MS54XX consists of a micromachined silicon membrane with borosilicate glass
wafer-bonde d un der v acuum to the b ac k side for ref erence pressure. I mplanted r es is tors make us e of the pi e zo-
resistive effect to sense pressure applied to the membrane. The sensor is mounted using a special process
allowing best offset stability making the device suitable for direct PCB assembly.
Typical applications for this miniaturized pressure sensor MS54XX are altitude measurements and the
measurement of atmospheric reference pressure in medical and industrial equipment as well as in automotive
and household applications, consumer electronics and pneumatics.
High Sensitivity Versions
High Linearity Versions
Variometer, Altimeter, Barometer
High End Altimeter, Medical Instrumentation
Divers Watch, Tire Pressure, Electronic Scale
High End Electronic Scale
Pneumatic Brake, Diving Computer
Engine Control, Diving Computer
The MS54XX-AM / - BMXXBA has an anticorrosive and antimagnetic metallic protection ca p filled with silicone
gel for e nha nc ed protec t ion aga ins t humidity. T he pr op erties of th is ge l e nsur e f un c tion of the s ensor ev en wh en
in direct water contact. This feature can be useful for waterproof watches or other applications, where direct
water contact cannot be avoided. Nevertheless the user should avoid drying of hard materials like for example
salt partic les on the si licone gel surf ace. In this case it is adv isable to r inse with c lean water af terwards. S pecial
care has to be taken not to mechanically damage the gel. Damaged gel may lead to air entrapment and
consequently to unstable sensor signal, especially if the damage is close to the sensor surface.
The metal cap is fabricated of special anticorrosive alloy in order to avoid any galvanic effects within the end
product. The MS5401-BM is qualified referring to the ISO Standard 2281 and can withstand a pressure of 11 bar
in salt water. The concentration of the sea water used for the qualification is 41 g of sea salt per 1 litre of DI
water. The MS5407-BM satisfies salt-water testing with a pressure capability of 21 bar.
For under water operat ions as s pecified in I SO Stand ard 2281 i t is impor tant to se al the sensor with a rub ber O -
ring around t he m etal cap. An y salt water reac hing t he c ontact side ( ceram ic and pads ) of the sensor could l ead
to permanent damage. Especially for "water-resistant 100 m" watches and for diving computers, it is
recommended to provide a stable mechanical pusher from the backside of the sensor; otherwise the
overpressure may push the sensor backwards and even deform the electronic board on which the sensor is
The MS54XX is sensitive to sunlight ( visible and near-infrared spectrum). This is due to the strong photo ef fect
of silicon. As the effect is reversible there will be no damage, but the user has to take care that in the final
product the sensor c annot be ex posed t o dir ect ligh t d ur ing o perat ion as it ef f ec ts the measurem ent. This c an be
achieved for instance by placing mechanical parts with holes in such that light cannot pass.