e2v semiconductors SAS 2007
10.1.1 Pinout Listing
Notes: 1. OVDD inputs apply power to the I/O drivers and VDD inputs supply power to the processor core.
Table 10-1. Power and Ground Pins
CBGA, HiTCE CBGA and CI-CGA Pin Number
Internal Logic(1) (VDD)F06, F08, F09, F11, G07, G10, H06, H08, H09, H11,
J06, J08, J09, J11, K07, K10, L06, L08, L09, L11
C05, C12, E03, E06, E08, E09, E11, E14, F05, F07,
F10, F12, G06, G08, G09, G11, H05, H07, H10,
H12, J05, J07, J10, J12, K06, K08, K09, K11, L05,
L07, L10, L12, M03, M06, M08, M09, M11, M14,
P05, P12
I/O Drivers(1) (OVDD)C07, E05, E07, E10, E12, G03, G05, G12, G14, K03,
K05, K12, K14, M05, M07, M10, M12, P07, P10
Table 10-2. Signal Pinout Listing
Signal Name CBGA, HiTCE CBGA and CI-CGA Pin Number Active I/O
A[0-31] C16, E04, D13, F02, D14, G01, D15, E02, D16, D04, E13, G02, E15, H01, E16, H02,
F13, J01, F14, J02, F15, H03, F16, F04, G13, K01, G15, K02, H16, M01, J15, P01 High I/O
AACK L02 Low Input
ABB K04 Low I/O
AP[0-3] C01, B04, B03, B02 High I/O
APE A04 Low Output
BG L01 Low Input
BR B06 Low Output
CI E01 Low Output
CKSTP_IN D08 Low Input
CKSTP_OUT A06 Low Output
CLK_OUT D07 - Output
CSE[0-1] B01, B05 High Output
DBB J14 Low I/O
DBG N01 Low Input
DBDIS H15 Low Input
DBWO G04 Low Input
DH[0-31] P14, T16, R15, T15, R13, R12, P11, N11, R11, T12, T11, R10, P09, N09, T10, R09,
T09, P08, N08, R08, T08, N07, R07, T07, P06, N06, R06, T06, R05, N05, T05, T04 High I/O
DL[0-31] K13, K15, K16, L16, L15, L13, L14, M16, M15, M13, N16, N15, N13, N14, P16, P15,
R16, R14, T14, N10, P13, N12, T13, P03, N03, N04, R03, T01, T02, P04, T03, R04 High I/O
DP[0-7] M02, L03, N02, L04, R01, P02, M04, R02 High I/O
DPE A05 Low Output
DRTRY G16 Low Input