Pacific Silicon Sensor Series 5 Data Sheet Part Description PS0.9-5-TO52-S1 Order # 03-211 ACTIVE AREA: 0.90 mm 2 (0.95mm X 0.95mm) O 2.54 PIN CIRCLE PIN 1 ANODE O0.46 3 PL O 5.40 O 3.00 O 4.70 110 VIEWING ANGLE 2.90 FRONTSIDE VIEW ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TSTG TOP Storage Temp Operating Temp Reverse Operating Voltage Peak DC Current VR(OP) I(PEAK) APPLICATIONS 2 0.90 mm High Speed Epitaxy Photodiode with P on N construction. Hermetically packaged in a TO-52-S1 with a clear borosilicate glass window cap. UNITS -55 -40 +125 +100 C C - 50 V - 10 mA PIN 1 PIN 4 PIN 3 High speed photometry Optical communications Pulsed light detection Fiber optic light monitoring C S SPECTRAL RESPONSE MAX SCHEMATIC * * * * Ro H DESCRIPTION 0.95 mm square active area Low dark current Fast response time High speed epitaxy 0.60 0.50 RESPONSIVITY (A/W) * * * * BACKSIDE VIEW PLI A NT OM FEATURES PIN 3 CATHODE PIN 4 CASE 1 12.7 3 PL 3.60 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 WAVELENGTH (nm) ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS @ 22 C SYMBOL CHARACTERISTIC TEST CONDITIONS RSH ID C Shunt Resistance Dark Current Capacitance Responsivity NEP Noise Equivalent Power VBR tr Breakdown Voltage Rise Time VR = 10 mV VR = 20 V VR = 0 V VR = 20 V VR = 0 V; = 632 nm VR = 0 V; = 800 nm VR = 0 V; = 850 nm; RL = 50 VR = 20 V; = 850 nm; RL = 50 IR = 10 A VR = 20 V; = 850 nm; RL = 50 MIN TYP MAX UNITS 100 ----------- 500 0.5 15 4.0 0.40 0.52 -15 5.0 X 10 -14 2.0 X 10 50 1.5 ------------- M nA --30 --- ------- pF A/W W/Hz 1/2 V ns Disclaimer: Due to our policy of continued development, specifications are subject to change without notice. USA: International sales: Pacific Silicon Sensor, Inc. 5700 Corsa Avenue, #105 Westlake Village, CA 91362 USA Phone (818) 706-3400 Fax (818) 889-7053 Email: 7/7/2010 Silicon Sensor International AG Peter-Behrens-Str. 15 D-12459 Berlin, Germany Phone +49 (0)30-63 99 23 10 Fax +49 (0)30-63 99 23 33 Email: Proud Members of the Silicon Sensor International AG Group of companies