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john luke / about 2 months ago / 1
I bought one of these in the hope that a ceramic blade would be super sharp. In practice though the
blades seem quite dull. Not sharp enough to cut open the pack of replacement blades. I had to fall back to
my trusty snap off blade box cutter which was much sharper. So for me steel is sharper.
Will have to buy some steel blades to make uses of this expensive device. I regret buying the replacement
blades which seem no sharper.
xtopher / about 3 months ago / 1
Great questions! I have found that these blades are just as sharp and cut as smooth as steel, but yes
they are a bit frailer on the lateral movement. Now that being said, I was a bit surprised by how little the
difference between the two was in terms of breakage point.
You can see an example of it cutting in the video for this product. Hope this helps!
elijahparker / about 3 months ago / 1
Awesome, thanks for the reply! I’ll probably try it out.
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