Product Specific ation
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©2005 Peregrine Semic onduct or Corp. All ri ghts res erved. Document No. 70/0056~02D UltraCMOS™ RFIC Solutions
Programming Options
Parallel/ Serial S el ect ion
Either a parallel or serial i nt erf ace can be used t o
control the PE 4302. The P/S b it provi des this
selection, wit h P/S=LOW sele cting t he parallel
interface a nd P/S=HI GH s electing t he serial
Parallel Mo de I nt erf ace
The parallel interface consists of five CMOS-
compatibl e cont rol lines t hat select the d esired
attenuati on st at e, as show n in Table 5.
The parallel interf ace timing requirements are
defined by F igure 18 (Parallel Int erf ace Tim ing
Diagram), Table 9 (Parallel Interface AC
Characteristics), and switching speed (Table 1).
For latched paral le l programming t he Latch Enable
(LE) should be held LOW while cha nging attenuatio n
state control values, then pulse LE HI G H t o LO W
(per Figure 18) to lat ch new attenuation stat e into
For direct parallel programming, the Latch Enable
(LE) line should be pul led HIGH. Changing
attenuati on st at e control values w ill change device
state to new at tenuat ion. Direct Mode is ideal for
manual cont rol of the device (using hard w ire,
switches, or jumpers).
P/S C16 C8 C4 C2 C1 C0.5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Reference Loss
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.5 dB
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 dB
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 dB
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 dB
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 dB
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 16 dB
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 31.5 dB
Table 5. Truth Table
Note: Not all 64 possible combi n ations of C0. 5-C16 are shown in table
Serial Interface
The serial interface is a 6-bit serial-in, parallel-out
shift register buffered by a transparent latch. It is
controlled by three CMOS-compatible signals: Data,
Clock, and Latch Enable (LE). The Data and Clock
inputs allow data to be serially entered into the shift
register, a process that is independent of the state of
the LE input.
The LE input controls the latch. When LE is HIGH,
the latch is transparent and the contents of the serial
shift register control the attenuator. When LE is
brought LOW, data in the shift regi st er is lat ched.
The shift register should be loaded while LE is held
LOW to prevent the attenuator value from changing
as data is entered. The LE input should then be
toggled HIGH and brought LOW again, latching the
new data. The timing for this operation is defined by
Figure 17 (Serial Interface Timing Diagram) and
Table 8 (Seria l I nt erf ace A C C haract eristics).
Power-up Co ntrol Sett ings
The PE4302 alway s assumes a specifiable
attenuati on set t in g on power-up. This f eature ex ists
for both the Serial and Parall el modes of operat ion,
and allo w s a known attenuatio n state to be
establis hed before an i nitial serial or pa ral le l control
word is provided.
When the atte nuat or powers up in Seri al mode (P/
S=1), the six control bit s are set t o what ever data is
present on the six parallel data input s (C0.5 to C16).
This allo ws any one of t he 64 attenuati on set t ings to
be specifi ed as t he power-up state.
When the atte nuat or powers up in Parallel mo de (P/
S=0) with LE=0, the control bits are automat ically s et
to one of four poss ible values. These four val ues
are selected by t he t wo po wer-up contro l bit s, PUP1
and PUP2, as shown in Table 6 (Po wer-Up Trut h
Table, Par al le l Mode).
P/S LE PUP2 PUP1 Attenuation State
0 0 0 0 Reference Loss
0 0 1 0 8 dB
0 0 0 1 16 dB
0 0 1 1 31 dB
0 1 X X Defined by C0.5-C16
Table 6. Parallel PUP Truth Table
Note: Power up with LE=1 provides normal parallel operat i on with
C0.5-C16, and PUP1 and PUP2 are not active.