Available on Tape
and Reel for Pick and
Place Manufacturing.
Toll Free:
(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
Ultra Low Profile Filter Balun
50 to 100 Balanced
The 2425FB50-50E is a low cost, low profile sub-miniature unbalanced to
balanced transformer designed for differential inputs and output locations on next
generation wireless chipsets in an easy to use surface mount package covering
wireless LAN (802.11b/g/n) and Bluetooth frequencies (2400 MHz – 2500 MHz).
The 2425FB50-50E is ideal for high volume manufacturing and is in a lower profile
unit than traditional ceramic parts. The 2425FB50-50E has an unbalanced port
impedance of 50 and a 100 balanced port impedance**. This transformation
enables single ended signals to be applied to differential ports on modern
semiconductors. The output ports have equal amplitude (-3dB) with 180 degree
phase differential. The 2425FB50-50E is available on tape and reel for high volume
pick and place manufacturing.
Detailed Electrical Specifications*: Specifications subject to change without notice.
ROOM (25°C)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max Unit
Frequency 2.4 2.5 GHz
Unbalanced Port Impedance 50
Balanced Port Impedance** 100
Return Loss 9.5 14 dB
Insertion Loss*** 2.3 2.6 dB
Amplitude Balance ±0.5 ±1.0 dB
Phase Balance ±3 ±5 Degrees
Attenuation @ 930 MHz. 45 52 dB
Attenuation @ 1500 MHz. 45 52 dB
Attenuation @ 1910 MHz. 18 22 dB
Attenuation @ 4800 MHz. 23 25 dB
Attenuation @ 5000 MHz. 25 27 dB
Power Handling 0.5 Watts
Thermal Resistance TBD ºC / Watt
2.4 – 2.5 GHz.
Low Height Profile
50 Ohm to 2 x 50 Ohm
802.11b + g + n Compliant
Medium Power
No DC Decoupling Capacitors
Input to Output DC Isolation
Surface Mountable
Tape & Reel
Integral Filter
Integrated Bandpass Filter
Inverted Balun Configuration
Non-conductive Surface
Operating Temperature -55 +85 ºC
*Specification based on performance of unit properly installed on micro-strip printed circuit boards with 50 nominal impedance.
** 50 reference to ground. *** Insertion Loss stated at room temperature (2.8 dB Max at +85 ºC)
Pin Configuration
Port2 Port3
The internal configuration of the Ultra low profile filter balun is
diagramed to the left. A lumped element filter is located in front of the
unbalanced input of the balun. The unbalanced port is terminated in an
open-circuit and the two balanced ports are connected to ground.
The use of differential circuits is increasing in highly integrated
circuits, because of its inherent noise immunity properties. Differential
circuits have superior performance when looking at properties like cross
coupling, immunity to external noise sources and power supply noise.
When designing power amplifiers differential circuits also help minimize
2nd and 3rd order intermodulation products.
The construction of the filter balun is bonded multi-layered
stripline made of low loss dielectric material with plated through vias
connecting the internal circuitry to the external printed circuit board,
similar to that of the other hybrids and directional couplers
Toll Free:
(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Available on Tape and
Reel for Pick and Place
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
Outline Drawing
Typical Broadband Performance: 0 GHz. to 6 GHz.
Mechanical Outline
Dimensions are in Inches [Millimeters]
Top View (Near-side)
Side View Bottom View (Far-side)
Pin Designation
9X .008
10X .012
2X .016
2X .008
Marker Denotes
Pin Location Orientation
Marker Denotes
Pin Location
Available on Tape
and Reel for Pick and
Place Manufacturing.
Toll Free:
(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
Typical Pass Band Performance: 2.4 GHz. to 2.5 GHz.
Mounting Configuration:
Mounting Footprint
Dimensions are in Inches [Millimeters]
Circuit Pattern
Footprint Pad (s)
Solder Resist
3X 50
4X .016
3X .012
3X .012
3X .010
2X .011
Plated thru
hole to
In order for Xinger surface mount components to work
optimally, there must be a 50 transmission line to the
balanced port and 50 transmission lines from the unbalanced
ports. If this condition is not satisfied, amplitude balance,
insertion loss and VSWR may not meet published
All of the Xinger components are constructed from ceramic
filled PTFE composites which possess excellent electrical and
mechanical stability having X and Y thermal coefficient of
expansion (CTE) of 17 ppm/oC
An example of the PCB footprint used in the testing of these
parts is shown to the left. In specific designs, the transmission
line widths need to be adjusted to the unique dielectric
coefficients and thicknesses as well as varying pick and place
equipment tolerances.
Toll Free:
(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Available on Tape and
Reel for Pick and Place
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
Manufacturing Instructions
This section contains mounting instructions for hand soldering components in a lab environment and high volume pick
and place operations.
Mounting parts in a lab environment
The following steps outline the process for hand soldering Anaren’s components to pre-populated PWBs.
1. The picture to the right shows the mounting location
for the component to be installed.
4. There needs to be exposed copper/plated area to
place solder iron to transfer heat to the component
pads. The picture to the right shows areas of exposed
tin-lead plating where the soldering tip will be placed for
heat transfer.
2. Using solder wick and water-soluble flux, remove
excess solder from pads where component will be
5. Clean excess flux from board, and any other debris.
Apply small amounts of solder paste (SN63PB37 or
equivalent) to each pad on board.
3. The picture to the right shows the mounting location
with excess solder removed.
6. Place component on solder paste and align to pads.
Available on Tape
and Reel for Pick and
Place Manufacturing.
Toll Free:
(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
7. Using a hand held soldering iron with Metcal solder
tip STTC-042 or equivalent, place tweezers on top of
component for support, place iron on exposed plated
area reflowing solder paste and tin-lead plating on part.
(Repeat for each pad) If necessary apply water-soluble
liquid flux to each pad and touch solder iron to exposed
plated area to complete the proper solder connection.
8. Inspect all pads to ensure solder connection to
component pads and PWB pads. Clean excess flux
from component and PWB.
Mounting parts in High Volume Pick and Place
Component Mounting Process
The process for assembling this component in a conventional surface mount process is shown below. This process
is conducive to both low and high volume usage.
Solder Paste
to Substrate
to substrate
on substrate
Clean &
Surface Mounting Process Steps
Storage of Components: Commonly used storage procedures used to control oxidation should be followed for
these surface mount components. The storage temperatures should be held between 15OC and 60OC.
Substrate: Depending upon the particular component, the circuit material has an x and y coefficient of thermal
expansion of between 17 and 25 ppm/°C. This coefficient minimizes solder joint stresses due to similar expansion
rates of most commonly used board substrates such as RF35, RO4350, FR4, polyimide and G-10 materials.
Mounting to “hard” substrates (alumina etc.) is possible depending upon operational temperature requirements. The
solder surfaces of the coupler are all copper plated with a tin-lead exterior finish.
Solder Paste: All conventional solder paste formulations will work well with Anaren’s surface mount components.
Solder paste can be applied with stencils or syringe dispensers. An example of a stenciled solder paste deposit is
shown below. As shown in the figure solder paste is applied to the RF and ground pads.
Toll Free:
(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Available on Tape and
Reel for Pick and Place
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
Solder Paste Application
Component Positioning: These surface mount components are placed with automatic pick and place mechanisms.
A place component is shown below.
Component Placement
The exploded view of the PWB, solder paste and component is shown below.
Exploded Mounting Features
Reflow: The surface mount component is conducive to most of today’s conventional reflow methods. A low and high
temperature thermal reflow profiles are shown in below.
Available on Tape
and Reel for Pick and
Place Manufacturing.
Toll Free:
(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
Low Temperature Solder Reflow Thermal Profile
High Temperature Solder Reflow Thermal Profile
Toll Free:
(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Available on Tape and
Reel for Pick and Place
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
Test Instructions
A balun consists of an “unbalanced” port and two “balanced
ports”. The balun is a passive and reversible device.
Therefore the “unbalanced” port can be used as either an
input or an output; likewise the “balanced” ports can be used
as inputs or outputs.
Baluns are also frequently used as impedance-transforming
devices. For historical reasons the most commonly used
impedances of the “unbalanced” ports are 50 or 75 and
simple transformation ratios of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:4 are widely
used. This creates components with impedances in the
ranges of 50:50, 50:100 and 50:200 for 50 system
impedance and 75:75, 75:150 and 75:300 for 75
system impedances.
This document discusses some of the issues involving
evaluating the performance of general baluns on different
types of equipment. The techniques and pitfalls identified
are general for all types of baluns and not just for the
stripline version described here. There are two basic
frequency domain methods and one time-domain method.
The first section describes the preferred method, which
enables the user to get full S-parameters of the entire balun.
This allows the user to gain significant insight into the
performance of all aspects of the balun. Most of the same
results can be obtained using the other approaches.
2-ports analyzer techniques
Using a 2-port analyzer to evaluate the performance of a 3-
port device involves some switching of cables and
performing multiple measurements to gather enough
information to perform the calculation to evaluate the true
balanced performance.
In the following section the “unbalanced” port is labeled P1
and the corresponding return loss is labeled S11,
consequently return loss measured on the two “balanced”
ports (P2 and P3) are labeled S22 and S33. Furthermore
the logical “balanced” port is labeled PD2 and its
corresponding return loss is labeled SD22.
Return loss measurements using 2-port
Terminating the “balanced” ports with the correct loads and
performing a straightforward return loss measurement on
the “unbalanced” port one can evaluate the “unbalanced”
return loss.
Evaluating the performance of the “balanced” port requires
several measurements and some transformation of single
ended S-parameters into balanced. The following equation
describes the relationship between the single ended
measurements and the balance port measurements.
2222 32S23
102022 SSLogSD ++= (1)
Equation (1) transforms the 2 sets of single ended return
loss measurements combined with insertion loss
measurements into a balanced port impedance. Complex
values of all the S-parameters must be used to make the
equation valid, and is to be used with data that has been
deembedded and renormalized to the goal impedances.
Due to way the balun works (any balun, both Flux coupled
and stripline version) one will find 6 dB worth of return loss
measured singled ended onto either port 2 or port 3 of any
Figure 1a Return loss of balun measured as a 3 ports device
Figure 1b Return loss of balun measured as logical 2-port device
Available on Tape
and Reel for Pick and
Place Manufacturing.
Toll Free:
(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
Figure (1a) and (1b) shows the return loss of a typical balun
depicted in both single ended and differential modes.
Combining the measurements of S22 and S33 from Figure
(1a) with measurements of S23 and S32 using equation (1)
the differential mode return loss is shown in Figure (1b)
Phase and amplitude measurements using a
2-port analyzer
To evaluate the phase and amplitude balance of a balun it is
important to note that the system, in which it is measured,
must be repeatable to within the tolerance of which the
measurements are required.
So if a mechanical switch is employed to connect between
the two differential ports and the analyzer it has to be
repeatable enough not to perturb the results. Likewise, if a
simple approach of manually unhooking and re-hooking
coaxial lines, good RF-measurements techniques should be
Amplitude and phase balance is evaluated using the following
1020 S
LogAB = (2)
angPB = (3)
It should be noted that if the parameters are used in the
reverse order the results are still correct, but the balance will
have an opposite sign. However, in most case the user is
only interested in the absolute value and therefore the sign is
of no importance.
Back-to-Back measurements
This technique involves mounting two identical units in a
Back-to-Back configuration. This enables the user to evaluate
the insertion loss of both units in series and calculate the loss
by dividing the results by 2. The drawback in evaluating the
insertion loss of baluns in this manor is that balun #1 is used
to match into balun #2 and assuming good production
tolerances the result will become “too” good. The Back-to-
Back measurement technique gives valid results. However,
the results are a measurement of insertion loss in the case of
perfect match.
More representative insertion loss measurements are based
on adding the measurements of S21 and S31 after each of
the measurements have been deembedded and renormalized
to the target impedances.
22 13121020 SSLogIL += (4)
Equation (4) is used to determine the insertion loss of a
balun. This Equation only looks at the transmitted
energy and therefore the insertion loss due to miss-
matched ports is accounted for.
Evaluating balun performance of non 50
Ohm units
The technique of deembedding is a significant obstacle
in evaluating the actual performance of any microwave
system. For microwave devices like baluns the test
board must be deembedded correctly to achieve
correct S-parameters when performing a
renormalization of the port impedances.
If the impedance or line lengths are incorrect in the
deembed files, the performance measured could differ
from the performance of the part in an actual system.
Here is a list of parameters that are directly affected by
the deembed files:
1. For the phase and amplitude balance, the
deembed files have to represent the test board
used within the accuracy of the test being
2. For the return loss, the correct length of the test
board is crucial or the consequent
renormalization will fail.
3. For overall insertion loss both the length and
insertion loss of the test board is important to
know accurately.
Anaren will inform any customer, upon request, of the
deembed files and algorithms used in obtaining the
published results.
Multi-ports analyzer techniques
Multi-port analyzers have made the evaluation of balun
significantly easier, but still not without pitfalls. When
evaluating the overall performance of a balun one can
look at the balun as either a 3 ports device or a logical
2-port device, where one of the ports is balanced. The
results that the analyzer will present are significantly
different and will be covered in the following section.
Evaluating the performance of a balun as a 3 port
On a multi-port analyzer this is a straightforward
technique, which gives full S-parameters of the balun.
Each of the measurements must be combined in the
same fashion as described in the previous section. All
the same discussions apply and the same equations
should be used to evaluate performance parameters.
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Available on Tape and
Reel for Pick and Place
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
Evaluating the performance of a balun as logical 2-port
Many of the newer Agilents multiport Network analyzer
models have the capabilities to make balanced measurement
by transforming the analyzer from a 3-port network analyzer
into a 2-port analyzer with one or two balanced ports. The
transformations described in the previous section are now
done in firmware. This approach lets the user set up any type
of measurements of the balun and evaluate the actual
performance of the circuit in real-time on the screen of the
Evaluating balun performance of non 50 Ohm units
The discussion about deembedding from the previous
sections is also important for 3-port analyzers and will not be
discussed any further here.
Time Domain techniques
Anaren does not use the time Domain technique very often,
but some customers in their evaluations have employed it.
A part was tested using a 2.4 GHz source, driving an equal
split power divider. One of the power divider outputs was
connected to the trigger and the other was used to drive the
balun circuit (mounted on the test board). The two outputs of
the balun (two terminals of the differential port) were then
connected to the two oscilloscope channels via phase and
amplitude matched cables.
This technique is capable to get a indication of phase and
amplitude balance, but this technique is not capable of
measuring the return loss performance. Likewise, evaluating
the insertion loss is cumbersome and potentially inaccurate.
The following figure shows actual measurements performed
on a 2.45 GHz balun in a 50 Ohm system.
Figure 2 Time domain data taken on a Tektronix 20GS/s oscilloscope.
Available on Tape
and Reel for Pick and
Place Manufacturing.
Toll Free:
(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
Packaging and Ordering Information
Parts are available in reel and are packaged per EIA 481-2. Parts are oriented in tape and reel as shown below. Minimum order
quantities are 4000 per reel. See Model Numbers below for further ordering information.
REEL DIMENSIONS (inches [mm])
0.32 [8.0]
2.0 [50.8]
7.00 [177.8]
0.512 [13.0]
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(315) 432-8909
(800) 411-6596
+44 2392-232392
Available on Tape and
Reel for Pick and Place
Model 2425FB50-50E
Rev A
2425 B 50-50 J P R
00550 = 50 500 MHz
0110 = 100 1000 MHz
0910 = 900 1000 MHz
0921 = 900 2100 MHz
1222 = 1200 2200 MHz
1416 = 1400 1500 MHz
1722 = 1700 2200 MHz
2022 = 2000 2200 MHz
2425 = 2400 2500 MHz
3436 = 3400 3600 MHz
4859 = 4800 5900MHz
5153 = 5100 5300 MHz
5159 = 5100 5900 MHz
5759 = 5700 5900 MHz
1414 = 14000– 14500 MHz
0819 = 800 + 1900 MHz
0826 = 800 - 2600 MHz
B= Balun
F = Filter
FB = Filter / Balun
C = 3dB Coupler
DC = Directional
CR = Circulator
DB = Dual Balun
12 = 12.5to Ground
15 = 15to Ground
25 = 25to Ground
37 = 37.5to Ground
50 = 50to Ground
75 = 75to Ground
100 = 100to Ground
03 = 3dB Hybrid
10 = 10dB Directional
20 = 20dB Directional
C = Clockwise
AC = Anti Clockwise
R = Reel
B = Bulk
50 = 50 Ohm
75 = 75 Ohm
Frequency Function
Output Impedance
+ Coupling
A = 150 x 150 mils
(4mm x 4mm)
C = 120 x 120 mils
(3mm x 3mm)
D = 126 x 79 mils
(3.2mm x 2mm)
E = 100 x 80 mils
(2.5mm x 2mm)
G = 120 x 60 mils
(3mm x 1.5mm)
J = 80 x 50 mils
(2mm x 1.25mm)
K = 90 x 60 mils
(2.25mm x 1.5mm)
L = 60 x 30 mils
(1.5mm x 0.75mm)
N = 140 x 80 mils
(3.5mm x 2mm)
P = Lead
S = Tin
2425 B 50-50 J P R
00550 = 50 500 MHz
0110 = 100 1000 MHz
0910 = 900 1000 MHz
0921 = 900 2100 MHz
1222 = 1200 2200 MHz
1416 = 1400 1500 MHz
1722 = 1700 2200 MHz
2022 = 2000 2200 MHz
2425 = 2400 2500 MHz
3436 = 3400 3600 MHz
4859 = 4800 5900MHz
5153 = 5100 5300 MHz
5159 = 5100 5900 MHz
5759 = 5700 5900 MHz
1414 = 14000– 14500 MHz
0819 = 800 + 1900 MHz
0826 = 800 - 2600 MHz
B= Balun
F = Filter
FB = Filter / Balun
C = 3dB Coupler
DC = Directional
CR = Circulator
DB = Dual Balun
12 = 12.5to Ground
15 = 15to Ground
25 = 25to Ground
37 = 37.5to Ground
50 = 50to Ground
75 = 75to Ground
100 = 100to Ground
03 = 3dB Hybrid
10 = 10dB Directional
20 = 20dB Directional
C = Clockwise
AC = Anti Clockwise
R = Reel
B = Bulk
50 = 50 Ohm
75 = 75 Ohm
Frequency Function
Output Impedance
+ Coupling
A = 150 x 150 mils
(4mm x 4mm)
C = 120 x 120 mils
(3mm x 3mm)
D = 126 x 79 mils
(3.2mm x 2mm)
E = 100 x 80 mils
(2.5mm x 2mm)
G = 120 x 60 mils
(3mm x 1.5mm)
J = 80 x 50 mils
(2mm x 1.25mm)
K = 90 x 60 mils
(2.25mm x 1.5mm)
L = 60 x 30 mils
(1.5mm x 0.75mm)
N = 140 x 80 mils
(3.5mm x 2mm)
P = Lead
S = Tin