AMP RF Coax Connectors VOLGIUY rou ae Revised 10-00 BNC Connectors, 50 Ohm (Contiwued) Jacks, Crimp Single Crimp Hex and O Crimp ~v - ' ~~ , . 11.1 - a 11,08 L437] a L |. 438] ' Dia. Max. Max. Dia. Max, ~ Max Interchangeable Dies RGU Termination C@tler Bog pim, CERTLCRIMP for PRO-CRIMPER "jerctiangeable Cable Tyre Gonlact = piand, Dielectric =Style C Hand Tool Hand Tool 354940-1 Tool 9710-1 Part No. Plating a with or & 626 Phau. Integral Die PRO-CRIMPER Head 318164-1 Adapter 679304-+ Hex Gimp Gokd Nike! PRY Commarsia 43,02 8436-3 413779-3 . . Polypra- : 30.48 _ 3. _ 174. 183 0 Crimp Gold Nickel pylene Commercial + 30C 220009 5 22021 7-3 228979-7 188A, 316 BBA, 318 0 Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON M1 Type oe 220000-1 _ 2026-41 225306-7 Single Crimp == Geld Silver TEFLON Mite = 8.33 ageds 3 69422 2-330062-1 179, 178A, - ' Polymathyl- . 33.02 _ o _ . 1793. 461 Hex Crimp Gold Nickel pentane Commercial - 3OC 58435-3 4i3779-4 BTA Bacon ge 6 Crim Guid Nickel TEFLON Mil Type 388 apo. 2200281 225996-8 130, 180A : ' . Palymethy|- 33.02 e . Meek Hex Crimp Gold Nickel pantene Commercial ~ Ng 58436-3 413779-5 nr te Pi 93.02 907, 8? 15 ; ' i olymethy |- ; . aR. _ SommySeope Hex Crimp Geld Nickel panteng Cammerciat 1 300 _ 38435-1 413779-6 3104, 2104 Polypre- 30.48 won eT oh jone4 9. . 0 Crinp Geld Nickel pyleac Commercial +200 2201 87-1 58434 220217-1 228979-5 7 | 30.48 naavAs ; 197 . 53.58, 0 Crimp Geld Nickel TEFLON Mil Type +300 ASST! 220189-3 69727 225306-1 8B, 280 0 Grinp Geld Sliver TEFLON Mil Type 90,48 aO47B4 220189-3 egre7 2-331351-1 SirgieCrinp Geld Silver TEFLON wiltype 3,8 501401 692% 1 2-329545-1 50. 54A, 586, S8C Belden p 30 Bb24U. Berk- ay [Hi 7 alymethy!- orci ! _ 5436-1 _ Tak ETDC-5a lisx Crimp Geld Nickel pentene Commercial 1330 413779-1 CormmyScape 2195 seuss Simgle Crimp Gold Siver TEFLON = wiType 333 sgran. 942d BB 2QAER-2 Hex Crip sold Nickel emer Conmercia Bn _ 38436- | _ 413779-2 ns Polypro- , 30.48 rpean 4917- ' 14 14.219 8 Grim Sold Nickel! Mine Commarea Sy 2201872 8286-1 2202172 228979-6 62. 2A, BPR, 30.48 59, 5A, SOB. G Crimp Sold Nickal TEFLON Mil Type +300 69477-1 58537 6639-1 295296-2 Be den 3291, a 1 . . 9208, 9259 0 Crima Sold Silver TEFLON Mil Fype soa aO4T7-1 _ 69689-1 331381 Single Crime Gold Silver TEFLON MiTyre = 98,38 ROLAI-1 _ 69224-1 2-379549-1 Order AMP PRO-GRIMPER Coaxial O Crime Hand Tool assembly 58443-1, which includes dies 58435-1. a0 Technical Support Center/AMP FAX Service Dimensions are in Specifications 1-800-522-6752 717-936-7777 millimeters over [inches] subject to change.