Rev. I 02/07
off the power supply. This protects the load and supply from
a continuous fault condition. Removing the AC input resets
this condition.
The output voltage is determined by the Zener diode VR2, the
voltage drop across R12 and the forward drop of D9 and the LED
of optocoupler U2. Resistor R13 provides bias current through
D9 and VR2, to ensure that VR2 is operating close to its knee
voltage, while R12 sets the overall gain of the feedback loop.
Capacitor C15 boosts high frequency loop gain to help distribute
the enabled switching cycles and reduce pulse grouping.
When the output voltage exceeds the feedback threshold voltage,
the transistor of the optocoupler. When this exceeds the ENABLE
pin threshold current the next switching cycle is inhibited, as the
output voltage falls (below the feedback threshold) a conduction
cycle is allowed to occur and by adjusting the number of enabled
cycles output regulation is maintained. As the load reduces
the number of enabled cycles decreases, lowering the effective
switching frequency and scaling switching losses with load.
PeakSwitch device U1 is supplied from an auxillary winding
Resistor R7 provides approximately 2 mA of supply current into
the BYPASS pin capacitor C8. During startup or fault conditions
when the bias voltage is low, the BYPASS pin is supplied from
a high voltage current source within U1, eliminating the need
for separate startup components.
Components Q1-2, R9-11, R14, C13, C16, and VR3 form
an overvoltage and overcurrent protection circuit. An output
the output voltage and forcing PeakSwitch U1 into latching
C13 adds a delay to the over-current sense. The shutdown
seconds (maximum). The latching function within PeakSwitch
supply latches off.
This design meets EN55022 Class B conducted EMI with
>10 dB margin even with the output RTN directly connected
to earth ground.
Key Application Considerations
PeakSwitch Design Considerations
Output Power Table
The data sheet maximum output power table (Table 1) represents
the maximum practical continuous output power level that can
be obtained under the following assumed conditions:
1. The minimum DC input voltage is 100 V or higher for
85 VAC input, or 220 V or higher for 230 VAC input or
single 100/115 VAC with a voltage doubler.
2. Efciencyof70%forY/Fpackageddevices,75% for P
packaged devices at 85-265 VAC, 75% for 230 VAC input
all packages
3. Minimum datasheet value of I2f
4. Transformer primary inductance tolerance of ±10%
5. Reectedoutputvoltage(VOR) of 135 V
6. Voltageonlyoutputof15VwithanultrafastPNrectier
7. Continuous conduction mode operation with transient KP*
value of 0.25
8. Sufcientheatsinkingisprovided,either externally(Y/F
packages) or through an area of PC board copper (P package)
to keep the SOURCE pin or tab temperature at or below
110 °C.
9. Device ambient temperature of 50 °C for open frame designs
and 40 °C for sealed adapters
*Below a value of 1, KP is the ratio of ripple to peak primary
current. To prevent reduced power capability due to premature
termination of switching cycles, a transient KPlimitof≥0.25is
recommended. This avoids the initial current limit (IINIT) being
exceeded at MOSFET turn on.
Peak vs. Continuous Power
PeakSwitch devices have current limit values that allow the
heatsinking, these power levels could be provided continuously,
however this may not be practical in many applications.
PeakSwitch is optimized for use in applications that have short
continuous or average power. Typical ratios would be PPEAK ≥
2 × PAVE. The high switching frequency of PeakSwitch allows
a small core size to be selected to deliver the peak power,
but the short duration prevents the transformer winding from
overheating. As average power increases, it may be necessary to
select a larger transformer to allow increased copper area for the
windings based on the measured transformer temperature.
The power table provides some guidance between peak
power and continuous power in sealed adapters, however
specic applications may differ. For example, if the peak
power condition is very low duty cycle, say a 2 second peak
occurring only at power up to accelerate a hard disk drive,
then the transformer’s thermal rise is only a function of the
continuous power. However, if the peak power occurs every
200 ms for 50 ms then it would need to be considered.
In all cases, the acceptable temperature rise of the PeakSwitch
and load conditions.