For more information www.linear.com/LTC3126
pin FuncTions
VCC, PVCC (Pins 2, 3/Pins 5, 6): Internal Linear Regula-
tor Output and Power Supply for the Low Voltage Control
Circuitry in the IC. Internal linear regulators generate a
regulated voltage on these pins from either VIN1, VIN2 or
EXTVCC. VCC and PVCC must be connected together in the
application. A 4.7μF or larger bypass capacitor must be
connected between these pins and ground. The VCC rail
remains powered in shutdown and can be used to supply
up to 1mA to external loads.
EXTVCC (Pin 4/Pin 7): VCC Regulator Bootstrapping Pin. If
this pin is forced to 3.15V or greater then EXTVCC will be
used to power the internal VCC rail. Typically, the EXTVCC
input is connected to the buck converter output voltage.
Bootstrapping the internal VCC rail in this fashion provides
a significant efficiency advantage and reduced quiescent
current especially in applications with high input voltage
and low output voltage. If the EXTVCC pin is left open then
the VCC rail will be powered from the VIN1 and VIN2 pins.
VSET1, VSET2 (Pins 5, 6/Pins 8, 9): Programming Pins for
the UVLO Thresholds on VIN1 and VIN2. The voltage on
the VSET1 and VSET2 pins programs the UVLO threshold
for the power source inputs VIN1 and VIN2, respectively. A
voltage between zero and 1V programs a corresponding
UVLO threshold between zero and 20V. However, there
is also a fixed internal UVLO threshold (typically 2.34V)
on each input which is always in effect. The voltage on
VSET1,2 can be set using a resistor divider from the accu-
rate reference output, VREF. Grounding VSET1,2 will allow
the respective input VIN1,2 to be used down to the fixed,
internal UVLO threshold.
VREF (Pin 7/Pin 10): Voltage Reference Output for Pow-
ering Resistor Dividers to Set the VSET1 and VSET2 Inputs.
The voltage at this pin is regulated by the IC to maintain a
high precision, temperature stable 1.0V output. Resistive
dividers from the VREF pin can be used to set the voltage at
the VSET1 and VSET2 pins and thereby program the UVLO
threshold for each input. The VREF output may also be used
as a general purpose voltage reference in the application,
providing a temperature stable reference for comparators,
DACs or other functions. The total current drawn from this
pin must be limited to 1mA and the total capacitive load
should be limited to 470pF. If this pin is not used in the
application (i.e., if there is no resistor from VREF to ground)
then the VREF pin must be connected to VCC.
GND (Pin 8/ Pin 11): Signal Ground. This pin is the ground
connection for the control circuitry of the IC and must be
tied to ground.
FB (Pin 9/Pin 12): Feedback Voltage Input. A resistor di-
vider connected to this pin establishes the output voltage
of the buck converter. Care should be taken in the rout-
ing of connections to this pin in order to minimize stray
coupling to the SW, BST1, BST2, COM1 and COM2 pins.
RT (Pin 10/Pin 13): Switching Frequency Programming
Pin. A resistor placed from this pin to ground sets the
switching frequency of the buck converter.
PGOOD (Pin 11/Pin 14): Open-Drain Power Good Indicator
for the Buck Converter Output Voltage. This output is driven
low if the buck converter output voltage is more than 8.7%
below the regulation voltage or more than 9.8% above
the regulation voltage. The PGOOD pin is also driven low
whenever the buck converter is disabled. The maximum
voltage that can be applied to the PGOOD pin is 5.5V.
PRIORITY (Pin 12/Pin 15): Open-Drain Output Indicat-
ing That the Priority Input (VIN1) Is Being Utilized. The
PRIORITY pin is driven low if the part is enabled and the
buck converter is operating from the priority input, VIN1.
In disable (ENA low) the PRIORITY pull-down is disabled,
allowing the pin to float. The maximum voltage that can
be applied to the PRIORITY pin is 5.5V.
PVIN2 (Pin 13/Pin 16): Secondary Power Source Input
for the Buck Converter. In priority mode (DIODE pin low)
the buck converter will only operate from this input if the
priority input power source is under voltage. This pin must
be bypassed with a 4.7µF or larger ceramic capacitor to
ground. If the PVIN2 input will be subjected to inductive
shorts to ground, then a power Schottky diode must be
added from ground to PVIN2 to prevent this pin from being
driven below ground.
ENA (Pin 14/Pin 17): Enable Input. Forcing the ENA pin
low disables the input voltage comparators, the VREF pin
driver and the buck converter. The VCC rail remains powered
in disable and therefore ENA can be connected to VCC to