A--162 Programmable Controller CQM1H
Memory Area Structure -- continued from previous page
Data area Size Words Bits Function
DM area Read/
DM 0000 to
DM 3071
—DM area data can be accessed in word units only. Word values
are retained when the power is turned OFF.
DM 3072 to
DM 6143
—Available in CQM1H-CPU51/61 CPUs only.
425 words DM 6144 to
DM 6568
—Cannot be written from the program (only from a Programming
DM 6400 to DM 6409: Controller Link parameters
DM 6450 to DM 6499: Routing tables
DM 6550 to DM 6559: Serial Communications Board Setup
31 words DM 6569 to
DM 6599
—Cannot be written from the program (only from a Programming
Device). Stores the time of occurrence and error code of errors
that occur.
56 words DM 6600 to
DM 6655
—Cannot be written from the program (only from a Programming
Device). Stores various parameters that control PLC operation.
EM area 6,144
EM 0000 to
EM 6143
—EM area data can be accessed in word units only. Word values
are retained when the power is turned OFF or the operating
mode is changed. (CQM1H-CPU61 CPU Unit only.)
Other Functions
Item Specification
Macro instructions Subroutines called by instructions containing arguments.
Min. cycle time 1 to 9,999 ms (Unit: 1 ms)
Cycle time
When the cycle time exceeds 100 ms, the Cycle Time Over Flag turns ON, and operation continues. (A setting
can be made in the PLC Setup so that this error is not generated.)
When the cycle time exceeds the cycle monitor time, operation is stopped.
Cycle monitor time settings: 0 to 990 ms in 10-ms units, 0 to 9,900 ms in 100-ms units, 0 to 99 s in 1-s units.
The maximum and current values of the cycle time are stored in the AR area.
I/O refreshing Cyclic refreshing, refreshing by IORF(97), direct output refreshing (set in the PLC Setup), interrupt input refresh-
ing. (The inputs that are refreshed can be set separately for input interrupts, high-speed counter interrupts, and
interval timer interrupts in the PLC Setup.)
I/O memory status
when changing
operating mode
Depends on the ON/OFF status of the I/O Hold Bit (SR 25212).
Load OFF All outputs on Output Units can be turned OFF when the CPU is operating in RUN, MONITOR, or PROGRAM
mode. (Used for stopping output in emergencies, for debugging, etc.)
DIP switch setting
A pin setting on the DIP switch on the front of the CPU is stored in AR 0712. This setting can be used as an
ON/OFF condition (e.g., to switch between trial operation and actual operation).
Mode setting at
Debugging Forced set/reset, differential monitoring, data tracing (scheduled, cyclic, or when instruction is executed).
Online editing User programs can be overwritten in program-block units when the CPU is in MONITOR mode. With the CX-
Programmer, more than one program block can be edited at the same time.
Program protection Write-protection of user program and data memory (DM 6144 to DM 6655: read-only DM):
Set using pin 1 of the DIP switch.
Error check User-defined errors (i.e., user can define fatal errors and non-fatal errors using the FAL(06) and FALS(07) in-
structions.) (It is possible to stop operation using FALS(07) for fatal errors.
User-defined error logs can be created in specific bits (logging) when using FAL(06).
Error log Up to 10 errors (including user-defined errors) are stored in the error log. Information includes the error code,
error details, and the time the error occurred.
Built-in mini-peripheral port: Programming Device (including Programming Console) connections, Host Links,
no-protocol communications
Built-in RS-232C port: Programming Device (excluding Programming Console) connections, Host Links,
no-protocol communications, NT Links (1:1 mode), 1:1 Data LInks
RS-232C port and RS-422A/485 port on Serial Communications Board (sold separately): Programming Device
(excluding Programming Console) connections, Host Links, no-protocol communications, NT Links (1:1 mode,
1:N mode), 1:1 Data LInks, protocol macros
(This table continues on the next page.)