ANALOG DEVICES Ultra High Speed Multiplying D/A Converter MDMS SERIES FEATURES Smail Size: 2 X 2" X 0.4" High Multiplying Accuracy: Maintains Monotonicity and Linearity for any Analog Input within the Specified Range High Current Output: 10mA Full Scale High Reliability, Hybrid Microcircuit Construction Guaranteed Operation: -30C to +85C APPLICATIONS CRT Displays Waveform Generation Vector Generation Fast Digital Attenuator GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MDMS series is an ultra-high speed, one or two~quadrant, multiplying D/A converter capable of 10MHz operation and 11-bit precision. The settling time for both analog and digital inputs is 100ns, and the large signal bandwidth of the analog input is in excess of 10MHz. The module is designed for the needs of the graphic display field and other applications re- quiting high-accuracy, high-speed mu!tiplying operation. The current output of the MDMS series D/A is precisely pro- portional] to the analog input signal multiplied by the digital input code. The analog input signal may be any voltage between OV and -10V, and can be a sine wave, triangle wave, sawtooth, or other waveform. The D/A output is an accurate scaled version of the input waveform, the scale factor being the digital input code. Alternatively, the analog input voltage may be used to scale a digitally generated signal. Various off- setting provisions are made so that the analog signal, digital signal, and output may be made bipolar or unipolar in order to accommodate various uses requiring one or two-quadrant operation. The output impedance of the D/A is 200 ohms so that a two- volt output swing is possible with nc load. Loading the output with 200 ohms results in a 1 volt p-p output. If an external operational amplifier such as the Analog Devices HOS-050, HOS-050A, or HOS-060 op amp is connected to the output of the D/A, output voltages up to 20V p-p are obtainable at a small sacrifice in speed. ORDERING INFORMATION Order Model Number MDMS-0801, MDMS-1001, or MDMS- 1101. Ruggedized versions with extended burn-in are also available. Consult the factory. Zo = 2002, tg = +10mA ANALOG CURRENT OUTPUT BIPOLAR OFFSET Mt Bl 38 meee ee ee a HYBRID CURRENT OUTPUT +15V DIGITAL INPUTS Dia CONVERTER -15V LsB BT GROUND OFFSET ADJUST ANALOG INPUT Oto -10V BIPOLAR OPERATION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY CONNECTING PIN 30 to ~10, OF IF MENT POTENTIOMETER TO -15V. MOMS Series - Biock Diagram DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS VOL. Il, 10-43 SPECIFICATIONS (typical @ +25C and nominal power supply voltages untess otherwise noted) MODEL MDMS-0801 MDMS-1001 MDMS-1101 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS RESOLUTION 8 Bits 10 Bits 11 Bits Dimensions shown in inches and (mm). LSB Weight 40UA 104A SHA ACCURACY (ADJUSTABLE TO) 0.2% 0.05% +0.025% }_2.000 {50.8} | Monotonicity Guaranteed * . 4 Linearity 20pA, 1/2L5B SpA, 1/2LSB 2.5HA, 1/2LSB 0.400 ANALOG INPUT | (10.2) Voltage Range @ to -10V . . -7 impedance 4k. 2% * * i 0.020 (0.508) Transfer Function (inverting) OV input scales D/A output to minimum output, Conca MIN -10V input scales D/A output to maximum output. DIGITAL INPUT (TTL) Positive Logic, 1" = +2,4V to +5.0V * . ols OV to 0.4V . . Loading, 2 Std. TTL Loads 0 = -5mA . . wins 50HA - (508) CODING (PARALLEL INPUT DATA) Unipolar BIN . * Bipolar OBN . en All 1's Input Maximum Positive Output All 0's Input Maximum Negative Output OUTPUT (CURRENT) Unipolar Oto +10mA . . | BOTTOM VIEW Bipolar t5mA . . 0.1 (2.54) GRID Compliance Voltage +1.5V, -2V . * NOTE: DOT ON TOP INDICATES POSITION Impedance 2002, +1% * . OF PIN Loading 200 for 0 to 1V p-p Out WEIGHT: 1.6 OZ, 45.3 G Zero Offset (max) DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTIC: S$ Settling Time (digital & analog) 50nA 90ns to 0.2% F.S. O82 for 0 to 2V p-p Out * 100ns to 0.1% F.S, . 130ns to 0.05% F.S. . Bandwidth (analog in) 10MHz TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Linearity 2ppmC . . Monotonicity Guaranteed -30C to +85C POWER REQUIREMENTS +15V 10% 60mA *. -15V 410% 20mA . . Power Supply Rejection Ratio 0.005%/V . . TEMPERATURE RANGE Operating Storage 30C to +85C ~$5C to +125C PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Case Diallyl Phthalate per MIL- M-14 Type SDG-F NOTES * Specifications same as MDMS-0801 Specifications subject to change without notice. 2 & WAVEFORM DIGITAL INPUT! {SEE FIGURE 2) ATTENUATOR DIGITAL INPUTS {SEE FIGURE 2) 8 171 LSB BIT 11 MDMS.1101 CONVERTER #1 as -1V +18V MOHL-1204 CONVERTER #2 -18V + 1BV ANALOG OUTPUT t HOS.050 {SEE FIGURE 2) AMP & A Rr 50a {ike NOTE 1) NULL COMPENSATION 21 R2 Ley -15V Zeno OUTPUT GROUND (se NOTE 2) RS. 5008 [so SCALE FACTOR AbuUST (SEE NOTE 3} Z GaoUND: Figure 1. The MOMS-1101 Multiplying D/A Used as a Digital Waveform Generator with Digital Attenuator Control VOL. Il, 10-44 DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS PINS ARE GOLD PLATED PER MIL-G-6204 TYPE 1! MATING SOCKET MSA-1 PIN DESIGNATIONS PIN | FUNCTION +10V WITH LOGIC 00000000000 AT gy THE ATTENUATOR DIGITAL INPUT. . ee -10V 100 _____-_____.. THIS WAVEFORM IS OBTAINED WITH LOGIC 19000000000 AT THE ATTENUATOR DIGITAL (INPUT. 100 _________ THIS WAVEFORM IS OBTAINED WITH LOGIC 111190791117 AT THE ATTENUATOR DIGITAL INPUT. ty MAY BE OMITTED iF 0.6% DC SHIFT IS PERMISSIBLE BETWEEN MINIMUM & MAXIMUM ATTENUATION. 2. ADJUST R2 FOR oy OuTFUT ATTENUATOR INPUT SET Ft o@oo00000c0 AND WAVEFORM INPUT ACTIVE. 3. ADJUST R3 TO OBTAIN 10V OUT. PUT WITH ATTENUATOR INPUT SET FOR 11111111111 AND WAVEFORM INPUT ACTIVE, eco 90000000000 vertayyitit THE ABOVE WAVEFORMS DEPICT THE ANALOG OUTPUT FOR VARIOUS VALUES BEING APPLIED TO Tue WAVEFORM DIGITAL INPUT OF D, PEAK POSITIVE LE wee Dooado0g0g0 DIGITAL INPUT PEAK NEGATIVE Li Tiartnaiat) IGITAL INPUT (THE OUTPUT OP AMP INVERTS THE SENSE OF THE INPUT BITS) Figure 2, Operation of Multiplying D/A Circuit