V10 B2007 www.turck.us • 1-800-544-7769 • Fax: (763) 553-0708 • TURCK Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55441
Housing Part Number Features Wiring Diagram
VB2-FSM 4.4/2FKM 4 250 V, 4.0 A, combine 2 sensors into 1 cable Standard
VB2-RS 4.4T-*/2FKM 4 250 V, 4.0 A, RS 4.4T = Grey PVC, 5.1 mm OD, 4x22
AWG, combine 2 sensors into 1 cable Standard
VB2-FSM 4.4/2RK 4T-*/* 250 V, 4.0 A, Grey PVC, 5.1 mm OD, RK 4T - 3x20 AWG,
combine 2 sensors into 1 cable Standard
VB2-RS 4.4T-*/2RK 4T-*/* 250 V, 4.0 A, Grey PVC, 5.1 mm OD, RK 4T - 3x20 AWG,
RS 4.4T - 4x22 AWG, combine 2 sensors into 1 cable Standard
VB2-PX3-FSM 4.4/2FKM 4 10-30 VDC, 4.0 A, combine 2 sensors into 1 cable; 3
LEDs, 2 signals, PNP, 1 power LED
VB2-PX3-RS 4.4T-*/2FKM 4
10-30 VDC, 4.0 A, RS 4.4T = Grey PVC, 5.1 mm OD,
4x22 AWG, combine 2 sensors into 1 cable; 3 LEDs, 2
signals, PNP, 1 power
VB2-PX3-FSM 4.4/2RK 4T-*/*
10-30 VDC, 4.0 A, Grey PVC, 5.1 mm OD, RK 4T - 3x20
AWG, combine 2 sensors into 1 cable; 3 LEDs, 2
signals, PNP, 1 power
VB2-PX3-RS 4.4T-*/2RK 4T-*/*
10-30 VDC, 4.0 A, Grey PVC, 5.1 mm OD, RK 4T - 3x20
AWG, RS 4.4T - 4x22 AWG, combine 2 sensors into 1
cable; 3 LEDs, 2 signals, PNP, 1 power
•Combine Two Sensors into One Cable
•For Use on Cylinders and Other Dual-Input
•Tough TPU Construction
•For 3-wire DC Sensors or Switches
eurofast ®2-Branch Splitters, Standard and LED Wiring
Wiring Diagrams