DOG2 MEMS-Series Inclinometer
DOG2 MEMS-Series Rev. 2 www.meas-spec.com 2013-May
MEAS Deutschland GmbH phone: +49-(0)231-9740-0 Email: info.de@meas-spec.com
+/- 25°, +/-45° or +/-90°
pitch & roll, other range available on request
Supply/excitation voltage
5V version available as OEM solution on request
-25° ~ +25°, -45° ~ 45° or -90° ~ +90°
AMP Superseal 1.5-Series,
4-pos cap housing
requires 4-pos plug housing from AMP Superseal 1.5-
Series at connecting harness, Tyco Art.-Nr. 282088-1
4 wire 0.25mm2,
outer diameter 6.5mm
length incl. connector 450mm, full temperature range,
Operation temperature range
Storage temperature range
0.5 ~ 4.5V, X axis output
0.5 ~ 4.5V, Y axis output
The inclinometer includes a powerful digital signal processing that offers various filter
algorithms and allows customer specific adaptions. It is possible to adjust the sensor to
different environments t
o yield an optimized performance.Customization can also be
made in terms of angular range and connectivity, i.e cable and connector.
The PA6.6 housing is very compact in size and has compression limiter bushings for safe
installation of the sensor. In contrast to uncoated (casted) aluminum, PA6.6 is resistant to
atmospheric attack. It is compatible with oil, grease and fuel also. Therefore it is frequently
used for engine and vehicle applications .
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All operati ng param eters must be validated for each customer application by customer’s t echnical expert s. Measurement Specialties, Inc. does
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