POWR1014A Breakout Board
Evaluation Kit User’s Guide
For more information see AN6062, Using ispVM System to Program ispPAC Devices.
1. Connect the board to a host PC using the USB port or JTAG header connection.
2. Follow the USB Cable Interface procedure below to program the evaluation board.
USB Cable Interface Connection: The POWR1014A Breakout Board is equipped with a built-in USB-based pro-
gramming circuit. This consists of a USB PHY and a USB connector. When the board is connected to a PC with a
USB cable, it is recognized by the ispVM System software as a “USB Download Cable”. The POWR1014A can
then be scanned and programmed using the ispVM System software.
Download Demo or Create New Designs
1. Browse to the POWR1014A Breakout Board design files.
2. Extract the contents of PAC_POWR1014A_BREAKOUTBOARD.zip to an accessible location on your hard
The demo design directory (PAC_POWR1014A_BREAKOUTBOARD<demo>) is unpacked.
Demo Directory
Create or Modify the <demo>.jed Design by compiling a PAC-Designer using <demo>.PAC file: Use the procedure
below to recompile the demo project for the POWR1014A Breakout Board or modify for a custom design.
1. Run PAC-Designer.
2. From the File tab open either the <demo>.PAC project file from the Download Demo Designs section or other
>.PAC file if implementing a custom design.
3. Modification of the I/Os or change of sequencing for custom designs can be done at this step.
4. From the schematic block diagram, double-click the Sequence Controller block. The LogiBuilder interface
Table 1. Demo Design Sequencing Program (for Reference Only)
Step Instruction Outputs Int. Comment
0Begin Startup Sequence 0 POWR1014A reset
OUT4 = 1, OUT5 = 0, OUT6 = 1,
OUT7 = 0, OUT8 = 0, OUT9 = 0,
OUT14 = 0,
0 Initializes outputs
Wait for AGOOD OUT4 = 0, OUT5 = 1, OUT6 = 0,
OUT7 = 1, OUT8 = 0, OUT9 = 1,
OUT10 = 0, OUT11 = 1, OUT12 = 0,
OUT13 = 1, OUT14 = 0,
0Set outputs 4 through 14,
0 = Hi Z, 1 = Ground, then
waits for power good
OUT4 = 1, OUT5 = 0, OUT6 = 1,
OUT7 = 0, OUT8 = 1, OUT9 = 0,
OUT10 = 1, OUT11 = 0, OUT12 = 1,
OUT13 = 0, OUT14 = 1,
0 Alternate output settings for
OUT4 throughOUT14
4Wait for 524.29ms using timer 1 0 Wait 0.5 sec
OUT3 = 1, OUT4 = 0, OUT5 = 1,
OUT6 = 0, OUT7 = 1, OUT8 = 0,
OUT9 = 1, OUT10 = 0, OUT11 = 1,
OUT12 = 0, OUT13 = 1, OUT14 = 0,
0 Alternate outputs OUT4
through OUT14
6Wait for 524.29ms using Timer 1 0 Wait 0.5 sec