DMM dimensions (mm)
LXI—Class C
LAN Extensions for Instruments (LXI)
provides the next generation I/O for
system applications requiring high
throughput. Transfer rates of over
250,000 readings/sec are attainable
ensuring even the most data intensive
measurements are fast, without the
overhead cost of an instrument
mainframe. LXI provides a built-in
Graphical Web Interface that allows
you to interactively control the DMM
without the hassle of programming,
making it great for debugging your
system. The L4411A DMM is LXI —
Class C compliant.
Enhanced measurement
The L4411A offers temperature and
capacitance capabilities in addition to
those measurements you have come
to expect such as DCV, ACV, DCI,
ACI, 2-wire and 4-wire resistance,
frequency, period and diode test. You
also get offset compensated Ohms,
allowing you to accurately measure
resistance in the presence of volt-
ages. Measurement ranges have been
expanded as well; for example, DC
and AC current ranges now go down
to 100 µA, resulting in 100 pA resolu-
tion. Real-time math and statistics are
included, and a peak-detect capability
allows you to capture peaks as short
as 20 µs.
System integration
When deciding on your next system
DMM you can’t go wrong with the
L4411A. Choose from LAN (LXI),
USB or GPIB interfaces, all standard
on the L4411A, to connect to your
computer. The 1U size is perfect
for space constrained applications
like aerospace/defense depot test.
Concerned about the viability of your
existing software programs? This
new DMM responds to standard
commands for programmable instru-
mentation (SCPI). Additionally there is
a 34401A/E1412A emulation mode to
ensure the easiest upgrade possible,
virtually eliminating costly software
and documentation changes. The
autoranging power supply allows
you to connect to any input power
without selecting input voltages or
changing fuses. Agilent’s I/O Library
Suite ships with the L4411A to help
you quickly establish an error-free
connection between your PC and
instrument. It provides robust instru-
ment control and works with the
software development environment
you choose.
Companion LXI switch modules
Need a switch to route your signal
to the L4411A? Consider Agilent’s
LXI switch modules. Choose from a
40-channel armature relay multiplexer
(L4421A), a dual/quad 4x8 reed relay
matrix (L4433A) or a 32-channel Form
A/C general purpose relay switch
module (L4437A). Additionally, Agilent
has LXI DAC, digital I/O and multi-
function modules to help complete
your test system requirements. All
from the leader in LXI instrumenta-
tion, Agilent Technologies.
Built to last
Our new DMM was designed to high
standards of ruggedness and reliabil-
ity. From the robust, compact package
to careful selection of components
and conservative circuit design, this
meter is built to last. Calculated mean
time between failure (MTBF) is in
excess of 100,000 hours. Backed by
a 1-year warranty and a worldwide
network of service centers, you can
buy with confidence.
Go to the web
For the latest information on these
or other Agilent DMMs, go to