5. Detailed Description
The AT73C224-x is a family of Power Management Units with four power supplies and an ultra
low-power Real-time Clock.
By choosing a specific ordering code “x” from A to H, different automatic start-up sequences and
management modes can be selected.
The start-up sequence includes the order of power-on, as well as the default value of the power
supplies (see Section 5.2 ”Automatic Start-up Sequences and Shut-down”). The user can after-
wards change this default value via SPI or TWI, if the dynamic mode has been chosen (see
Section 5.3 ”Digital Control and Protocol”).
5.1 Core
The core of the AT73C224-x device integrates the following blocks:
• Power-On-Reset for the backup battery.
• Internal switch and LDO dedicated to the backup battery. The output of the LDO_RTC is set
to 2.6V and the switch is on when the main battery higher than 2.8V (charge of the backup
battery).See Section 7.7 for electrical details.
• Real-Time-Clock digital bloc + 32 kHz oscillator.
• Power-On-Reset for the main battery.
• Voltage Monitor (VMON) of the main battery.
• Digital Power Management Control (PMC) for automatic start-up sequences. Digital output
POK indicates when start-up is completed, whereas ITB digital output signal informs the user
(typically the microcontroller) of a default in the DC/DCs (short-circuit) or too low main battery
• TWI and SPI protocol blocs.
• DC/DC Step-up converter BOOST1: A 3.3V to 5.2V(100 mV step), 1A, asynchronous DC/DC
Step-up Converter available for overall system requirements. The DC/DC can be
implemented through proper external components in BUCK/BOOST (SEPIC) configuration.
The output voltage can be programmed via the internal registers. BOOST1 is supplied
directly by the battery.
• DC/DC Step-down converter BUCK2: A 0.9V to 3.4V, 500 mA fully integrated synchronous
PWM DC/DC Step-down Converter. The output voltage can be programmed via the internal
registers. A Pulse Skipping mode is available in order to improve efficiency at very light load
current values. In order to guarantee very low supply voltage functionality, the controller is
supplied by the max voltages between the main battery and the output of BOOST1 (VO1).
BUCK2 can be directly supplied by the battery or by the output of BOOST1.
• LDO3: A 1.3V, 1.5V to 1.8V (100 mV of step), 2.5V to 2.8V (100 mV of step), 3.3V, 200 mA –
Low Drop out regulators. The output voltage can be programmed via the internal registers.
LDO3 can work with supply from 1.8V up to 5.5V. This LDO can be supplied by the battery, by
the output of BOOST1, or by the output of BUCK2.
• LDO4: same functionality than LDO3.
• Main Bandgap: 1.18V reference voltage.
• 900 kHz Oscillator.
• Internal LDO (VINT) at 2.8V for internal supply.