FTLX1462E2 Product Specification – February 2010
© Finisar Corporation – February 2010 Rev B Page 5
III. Electrical Characteristics
Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max.
Operating Case Temperature1) TC 0 70 °C
Transponder Total Power
Consumption P 3.5 W
Supply Voltage +5.0 V VCC5 4.75 5.0 5.25 V
Supply Current +5.0 V ICC5 10 mA
Supply Voltage +3.3 V VCC3 3.14 3.3 3.47 V
Supply Current +3.3 V ICC3 550 mA
Supply Voltage APS VCC a
s 1.152 1.2 1.248 V
Supply Current APS ICC a
s 1000 mA
1) Worst case thermal location, see Figure 2.
See also Environmental Performance.
Electrical DC Characteristics
(VCC5 = 4.75 V to 5.25 V, VCC3 = 3.14 V to 3.47 V, VCC aps = 1.152 V to 1.248 V, TC = 0°C to 70°C)
Parameter Symbol Values Unit
min. typ. max.
1.2 V CMOS (1.8 V CMOS Compatible1)) I/O DC Characteristics
External Pull-up Resistor for Open Drain R
10 22 k
Output High Voltage2) Voh 1 V
Output Low Voltage2) Vol 0.15 V
Input High Voltage Vih 0.84 1.5 V
Input Low Voltage Vil 0.36 V
Input Pull-down Current3) I
20 120 µA
XAUI I/O DC Characteristics (TXLANE[0..3]; RXLANE[0..3])
Differential Input Amplitude (pk-pk) 4) Vin xaui 200 2500 mV
Differential Output Amplitude (pk-pk) 4) Vout xaui 800 1600 mV
MDIO I/O DC Characteristics (MDIO; MDC)
Output Low Voltage5) VOL –0.3 0.2 V
Output Low Current IOL 4 mA
Input High Voltage VIH 0.84 1.5 V
Input Low Voltage VIL –0.3 0.36 V
Pull-up Supply Voltage VPU 1.152 1.2 1.248 V
Input Capacitance CIN 10 pF
Load Capacitance CLOAD 470 pF
External Pull-up Resistance RLOAD 200
1) For 1.8 V CMOS Voh = 1.65 V min., Vol = 0.15 V max., Vih = 1.17 V min., Vil = 0.63 V max.
2) Rpull-up = 10 k to 1.8 V.
3) Vin = 1.2 V.
4) AC coupled.
5) IOL = 100 µA.