Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
“ZNR” Transient/Surge Absorbers (Type D)
Part No.
at 8/20µs
Peak Current
at 8/20µs(A) Recommended Applications
Type Name
Approvals (V)
ACrms (V)
DC (V) max.(V) Ip (A) 1 time 2 times
ERZV05D331 V331U ○☆□◇
(297 to 363)
210 270
570 5 800 600
AC 100 V to 120 V, Line–Line
Telephone Line Applications,
(For DC 250 V Insulation
Resistance Test)
ERZV07D331 V7331U ○☆□◇545 10 1750 1250
ERZV09D331 V9331U ○☆□◇545 25 3500 2500
ERZV10D331 V10331U ○☆□◇545 25 3500 2500
ERZV14D331 V14331U ○☆★□◇◆ 545 50 6000 4500
ERZV20D331 V20331U ○☆★□◇◆ 545 100 10000 6500
ERZV05D361 V361U ○☆□◇
(324 to 396)
230 300
620 5 800 600
ERZV07D361 V7361U ○☆□◇595 10 1750 1250
ERZV09D361 V9361U ○☆□◇595 25 3500 2500
ERZV10D361 V10361U ○☆□◇595 25 3500 2500
ERZV14D361 V14361U ○☆★□◇◆ 595 50 6000 4500
ERZV20D361 V20361U ○☆★□◇◆ 595 100 10000 6500
ERZV05D391 V391U ○☆□◇
(351 to 429)
250 320
675 5 800 600
ERZV07D391 V7391U ○☆□◇650 10 1750 1250
ERZV09D391 V9391U ○☆□◇650 25 3500 2500
ERZV10D391 V10391U ○☆□◇650 25 3500 2500
ERZV14D391 V14391U ○☆★□◇◆ 650 50 6000 4500
ERZV20D391 V20391U ○☆★□◇◆ 650 100 10000 6500
ERZV05D431 V431U ○☆□◇
(387 to 473)
275 350
745 5 800 600
AC 100 V to 220 V, Line–Line
Line–Ground Applications
ERZV07D431 V7431U ○☆□◇710 10 1750 1250
ERZV09D431 V9431U ○☆□◇710 25 3500 2500
ERZV10D431 V10431U ○☆□◇710 25 3500 2500
ERZV14D431 V14431U ○☆★□◇◆ 710 50 6000 4500
ERZV20D431 V20431U ○☆★□◇◆ 710 100 10000 6500
ERZV05D471 V471U ○☆□◇
(423 to 517)
300 385
810 5 800 600
ERZV07D471 V7471U ○☆□◇775 10 1750 1250
ERZV09D471 V9471U ○☆□◇775 25 3500 2500
ERZV10D471 V10471U ○☆★□◇◆ 775 25 3500 2500
ERZV14D471 V14471U ○☆★□◇◆ 775 50 6000 4500
ERZV20D471 V20471U ○☆★□◇◆ 775 100 10000 6500
ERZV07D511 V7511U ○☆□◇
(459 to 561)
320 410
845 10 1750 1250
AC 100 to 240 V, Line–Line
Line–Ground Applications
ERZV09D511 V9511U ○☆□◇845 25 3500 2500
ERZV10D511 V10511U ○☆★□◇◆ 845 25 3500 2500
ERZV14D511 V14511U ○☆★□◇◆ 845 50 6000 4500
ERZV20D511 V20511U ○☆★□◇◆ 845 100 10000 6500
ERZV10D561 V10561U ○☆★□◇◆
(504 to 616)
350 450
930 25 3500 2500
ERZV14D561 V14561U ○☆★□◇◆ 930 50 5000 4500
ERZV20D561 V20561U ○☆★□◇◆ 930 100 7500 6500
ERZV10D621 V10621U ○☆★□◇◆
(558 to 682)
385 505
1025 25 3500 2500
ERZV14D621 V14621U ○☆★□◇◆ 1025 50 5000 4500
ERZV20D621 V20621U ○☆★□◇◆ 1025 100 7500 6500
ERZV10D681 V10681U ○☆★□◇◆
(612 to 748)
420 560
1120 25 3500 2500
ERZV14D681 V14681U ○☆★□◇◆ 1120 50 5000 4500
ERZV20D681 V20681U ○☆★□◇◆ 1120 100 7500 6500
✽ Measuring Current of Varistor Voltage 5 Series : 0.1 mA, Others: 1 mA
◯ : UL1449 (VZCA2/UL, VZCA8/C-UL),
☆ : VDE (IEC61051-1, -2, -2-2), ★ : VDE (IEC60950-1 Annex.Q), □ : CSA C22.2 No.1
◇ : CQC (GB/T10193, GB/T10194), ◆ : CQC (GB4943.1, GB8898)
※Approval number (File No.) of safety regulations are subject to revision without notice. Ask factory for a copy of the latest file No.
Reference Guide to Standard Products
Jan. 201503