Functional Description
The DS92LV18 combines a serializer and deserializer onto a
single chip. The serializer accepts an 18-bit LVCMOS or
LVTTL data bus and transforms it into a BLVDS serial data
stream with embedded clock information. The deserializer
then recovers the clock and data to deliver the resulting
18-bit wide words to the output.
The device has a separate transmit block and receive block
that can operate independently of each other. Each has a
power down control to enable efficient operation in various
applications. For example, the transceiver can operate as a
standby in a redundant data path but still conserve power.
The part can be configured as a Serializer, Deserializer, or
as a Full Duplex SER/DES.
The DS92LV18 serializer and deserializer blocks each have
three operating states. They are the Initialization, Data
Transfer, and Resynchronization states. In addition, there
are two passive states: Powerdown and TRI-STATE.
The following sections describe each operation mode and
passive state.
Before the DS92LV18 sends or receives data, it must initial-
ize the links to and from another DS92LV18. Initialization
refers to synchronizing the Serializer’s and Deserializer’s
PLL’s to local clocks. The local clocks must be the same
frequency or within a specified range if from different
sources. After the Serializers synchronize to the local clocks,
the Deserializers synchronize to the Serializers as the sec-
ond and final initialization step.
Step 1: When V
is applied to both Serializer and/or Dese-
rializer, the respective outputs are held in TRI-STATE and
internal circuitry is disabled by on-chip power-on circuitry.
When V
reaches V
OK (2.2V) the PLL in each device
begins locking to a local clock. For the Serializer, the local
clock is the transmit clock, TCLK. For the Deserializer, the
local clock is applied to the REFCLK pin. A local on-board
oscillator or other source provides the specified clock input
to the TCLK and REFCLK pin.
The Serializer outputs are held in TRI-STATE while the PLL
locks to the TCLK. After locking to TCLK, the Serializer block
is now ready to send data or synchronization patterns. If the
SYNC pin is high, then the Serializer block generates and
sends the synchronization patterns (sync-pattern).
The Deserializer output will remain in TRI-STATE while its
PLL locks to the REFCLK. Also, the Deserializer LOCK
output will remain high until its PLL locks to incoming data or
a sync-pattern on the RIN pins.
Step 2: The Deserializer PLL must synchronize to the Seri-
alizer to complete the initialization. The Serializer that is
generating the stream to the Deserializer must send random
(non-repetitive) data patterns or sync-patterns during this
step of the Initialization State. The Deserializer will lock onto
sync-patterns within a specified amount of time. The lock to
random data depends on the data patterns and therefore,
the lock time is unspecified.
In order to lock to the incoming LVDS data stream, the
Deserializer identifies the rising clock edge in a sync-pattern
and locks to it. If the Deserializer is locking to a random data
stream from the Serializer, then it performs a series of op-
erations to identify the rising clock edge and locks to it.
Because this locking procedure depends on the data pat-
tern, it is not possible to specify how long it will take. At the
point when the Deserializer’s PLL locks to the embedded
clock, the LOCK pin goes low and valid data appears on the
output. Note that the LOCK signal is synchronous to valid
data appearing on the outputs.
The user’s application determines whether SYNC or lock-to-
random-data mode is the preferred method for synchroniza-
tion. If sync-patterns are preferred, the associated Deserial-
izer’s LOCK pin is a convenient way to provide control of the
Serializer’s SYNC pin.
Data Transfer
After initialization, the DS92LV18 Serializer is able to transfer
data to the Deserializer. The serial data stream includes a
start bit and stop bit appended by the serializer, which
frames the eighteen data bits. The start bit is always high
and the stop bit is always low. The start and stop bits also
function as clock bits embedded in the serial stream.
The Serializer block accepts data from the DIN0-DIN17 par-
allel inputs. The TCLK signal latches the incoming data on
the rising edge. If the SYNC input is high for 6 TCLK cycles,
the DS92LV18 does not latch data from DIN0-DIN17.
The Serializer transmits the data and clock bits (18+2 bits) at
20 times the TCLK frequency. For example, if TCLK is 60
MHz, the serial rate is 60 X 20= 1200 Mbps. Since only 18
bits are from input data, the serial ’payload’ rate is 18 times
the TCLK frequency. For instance, if TCLK = 60 MHz, the
payload data rate is 60 X 18 = 1080 Mbps. TCLK is provided
by the data source and must be in the range of 15 MHz to 66
When the Deserializer channel synchronizes to the input
from a Serializer, it drives its LOCK pin low and synchro-
nously delivers valid data on the output. The Deserializer
locks to the embedded clock, uses it to generate multiple
internal data strobes, and then drives the recovered clock to
the RCLK pin. The recovered clock (RCLK output pin) is
synchronous to the data on the ROUT[0:17] pins. While
LOCK is low, data on ROUT[0:17] is valid. Otherwise,
ROUT[0:17] is invalid.
ROUT[0:17], LOCK, and RCLK signals will drive a minimum
of three CMOS input gates (15pF total load) at a 66 MHz
clock rate. This drive capacity allows bussing outputs of
multiple Deserializers to multiple destination ASIC inputs.
REN controls TRI-STATE for ROUTn and the RCLK pin on
the Deserializer.
The Deserializer input pins are high impedance during re-
ceiver powerdown (RPWDN low) and power-off (VCC = 0V).
If the Deserializer loses lock, it will automatically try to re-
synchronize. For example, if the embedded clock edge is not
detected two times in succession, the PLL loses lock and the
LOCK pin is driven high. The Deserializer then enters the
operating mode where it tries to lock to a random data
stream. It looks for the embedded clock edge, identifies it
and then proceeds through the synchronization process.
The logic state of the LOCK signal indicates whether the
data on ROUT is valid; when it is low, the data is valid. The
system must monitor the LOCK pin to determine whether
data on the ROUT is valid. Because there is a short delay in
the LOCK signal’s response to the PLL losing synchroniza-
tion to the incoming data stream, the system must determine
the validity of data for the cycles before the LOCK signal
goes high.