Programming help systems 1
Alarm/Machine data help 2
840D sl/840Di sl/810D
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual
Valid for: control system
SINUMERIK 840D sl/840DE sl
SINUMERIK 840Di sl/840DiE sl
Software Software Version
HMI Advanced 7.3
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and
operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes
in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and
label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
Prescribed Usage
Note the following:
This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only in
connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or recommended by
Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage, positioning and assembly
as well as careful operation and maintenance.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this
publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent
Siemens AG
Automation and Drives
Postfach 48 48
Order No.: 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
Ⓟ 12/2006
Copyright © Siemens AG 2006.
Technical data subject to change
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 3
Table of contents
1 Programming help systems ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help .........................................................................................................................8
1.2.1 Extending/replacing the help function............................................................................................8
1.2.2 Entries in the file "IF.INI" ................................................................................................................8
1.2.3 Extension of text files ...................................................................................................................11
1.2.4 Extension of a topic......................................................................................................................13
1.2.5 Extension of an instruction...........................................................................................................14
1.2.6 Parameterization of extended "PDF" help ...................................................................................15
1.2.7 Extension with alarm text variables .............................................................................................18
1.3 Extended "PDF" help ...................................................................................................................18
1.3.1 Function .......................................................................................................................................18
1.3.2 Extending programming help.......................................................................................................19
1.4 ISO mode help .............................................................................................................................21
1.4.1 Function .......................................................................................................................................21
1.4.2 Extending ISO mode help............................................................................................................22
2 Alarm/Machine data help ......................................................................................................................... 25
2.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................25
2.2 Alarm help....................................................................................................................................28
2.2.1 Function .......................................................................................................................................28
2.2.2 Extending alarm help ...................................................................................................................29
2.2.3 User comments on help ...............................................................................................................30
2.2.4 Changing "Win-Help" alarm help to "PDF help"...........................................................................31
2.3 Machine data help........................................................................................................................32
2.3.1 Function .......................................................................................................................................32
2.3.2 Extending the machine data help.................................................................................................33
Index........................................................................................................................................................ 35
Table 1-1 Topic IDs......................................................................................................................................13
Table 1-2 Defined topic IDs..........................................................................................................................13
Table of contents
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Programming help systems 1
1.1 Overview
Programming help systems
The extendible programming help systems listed below are available on the
PCU 50.3 controller:
Quick "ASCII" help
Extended "PDF" help
Additional help (PDF file) from the quick "ASCII" help
Additional help on input fields of cycle parameterization screens
ISO mode help
The functionality and extendibility of these help systems is described in the sections below.
HMI Advanced
Adobe Reader 4.x (available free over the Internet/from specialist dealer)
The Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x software is supplied on the SINUMERIK 840D sl
controller as standard.
Adobe Acrobat 4.x
You will need the Adobe Acrobat Distiller 4.x software in order to convert documents to
PDF and for editing documents once they are available in this format.
Storage locations of help files
Programming help: F:\DH\CST.DIR\HLP.DIR (may contain HLP, PDF and TXT files)
Alarm/MD help: F:\MMC2\HLP (may contain HLP, PDF and TXT files)
OPI help: F:\HMI_ADV\HLP (may contain HLP, PDF and TXT files)
Programming help systems
1.1 Overview
Online Help (HE1)
6 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
Principle of PDF help
The PDF help depends on the following components being available in the help file storage
Call file, e.g., PG_GR.TXT, with the information:
<PDF file name> <ID> <search term>
for each call
Associated PDF file
Proceed as follows to call up the help:
Start Adobe Acrobat Reader (supplied with the controller)
Jump to page number (must be defined by index in document)
Search for term (Adobe software search function)
Creation procedure
Define jumps in the help document (e.g., using standard index function of DTP systems)
and generate
Store jump file as text file
Assign ID numbers to the programming commands
Generate PDF file
A call file (text file) with the information:
<PDF file name> <ID> <search term>
for each call
One or more associated PDF files
In the event of multiple jumps for the same topic, each page must be entered on a
separate line.
840D_PG.PDF 44 155
840D_PG.PDF 45 180
840D_PG.PDF 46 199
In the case of a larger volume of indices, the call file can be created automatically using
Microsoft Excel:
Insert "index file" (*.TXT) in Excel
Insert column
Enter the name of the PDF file on the first line
Select the menu items "Edit" – "Fill" – "Down"
Programming help systems
1.1 Overview
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 7
Copy the data and
Save as "TXT" file
The syntax below is left over:
<PDF file name> <ID> <search term>
840D_PG.PDF 44 155
Testing the jumps in the document
Proceed as follows to test whether all the search strings can be found:
Start Adobe Acrobat
Select the menu item "Edit" –> "Find" (CTRL + F)
Enter the search string.
If the search strings cannot be found, possible causes include:
Incorrect input
The texts were not converted properly during PDF generation and cannot be found by
the search engine for that reason.
Select a string you are looking for using Adobe Acrobat, copy it and paste it
into a Word document.
Generate the PDF again or
Generate the postscript file using Adobe printer driver Adobe PS 5.1.1 and then
convert it using Adobe Distiller.
Search sequence
The help adheres to the search sequence below:
F:\ DH\CUS.DIR\HLP.DIR (user directory)
F:\ DH\CMA.DIR\HLP.DIR (manufacturer directory)
F:\ DH\CST.DIR\HLP.DIR (Siemens directory)
Programming help systems
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
Online Help (HE1)
8 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
You can call up a number of help functions in the editor to provide programming support
with the editing of part programs via the
Quick "ASCII" help
Descriptive text for instructions, context-sensitive based on the cursor position in
the part program (e.g., G9 "Exact stop – deceleration")
Overview of topics (e.g., "Preparatory functions", "Motion commands", "Path action",
etc.) to which instructions are assigned
Overview of instructions with descriptive texts
Search in help window via topic or text
Transfer of selected instruction to the editor
Extended "PDF" help
Call up additional help (PDF file) from the quick "ASCII" help, e.g., jump to
Programming Guide Fundamentals.
Call up additional help on input fields of cycle screens (PDF-file)
1.2.1 Extending/replacing the help function
The machine manufacturer/end user can integrate additional M and H functions, cycles or
macros in the help system.
Text files designed for this purpose which are accessed by the help function can be
extended (see Section "Extension of text files").
The paths of the generated ASCII text files can be parameterized or added in initialization file
"IF.INI" or under
(user file name).
1.2.2 Entries in the file "IF.INI"
The following sections are available in the "IF.INI" file for parameterization of the help
Programming help systems
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 9
The relevant technology category of the connected machine can be entered in the
[TECHNOLOGY] section so as to limit the display of instruction texts to relevant technology
entries, i.e., only entries pertinent to the relevant technology are displayed.
The following technology codes can be specified:
"m" = Milling
"t" = Turning
"g" = Grinding
"s" = Nibbling
"p" = Punching
"a" = Display all technologies
The paths (path\name) used for the Short Help text files on which the help function is based
are parameterized in the [TEXTFILES] section.
The help function accesses the following text files:
Machine manufacturer "DH\CMA.DIR\IFM_GR.COM" (any file name)
End user "DH\CUS.DIR\USER_GR.COM" (any file name)
(entered under
The path for the Siemens text file "DH\CST.DIR\lFS_GR.COM" must exist, otherwise an
error message is output.
There are different parameterization options for the names of the text files when assigning
the text path.
The following table lists the parameterization options and their interpretation by the help
Parameters for the text file Interpretation The non-language-specific text file is read out
(XX = language code, e.g., "GR" for German, for
language codes see "Other languages" under
"Alarm help")
The language-specific text file is read out
First of all, an attempt is made to open the non-language-specific text file "IFM.COM" in the
path "C:\DH\CUS.DIR\" but, if the non-language-specific text file does not exist, the relevant
language-specific text file (e.g., "IFM_GR.COM") is opened instead.
Programming help systems
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
Online Help (HE1)
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Extract from TXT file "IFM_GR.COM":
a2//G00/Linear interpolation with rapid traverse (m) , quick help
a2//G01/Linear interpolation with feed (m)
a/20/"PGA.PDF",2,"="/=/Assignment operator with extended help
a/3/"PG.PDF",17,"ANG"/ANG/Contour angle (s) with extended cycle help
m/14/"PGZ.PDF",302,"CYCLE77"/CYCLE77/Circular spigot milling cycle
with extended cycle help
CONTEXT section
Increased context sensitivity of the help function can be selected in the [CONTEXT] section.
This setting is activated with "1" and deactivated with "0" (entered under "Settings").
If increased context sensitivity is activated and the cursor is positioned to the left of, next to
or on an instruction text, all instructions with the same initial letters are displayed when help
is called.
For example, if the programmer has selected instruction "G1", all instructions beginning with
"G1" (e.g., "G1", "G17", "G18", "G19") are displayed.
If increased context sensitivity has been deactivated with "0", then only the instruction
actually selected (if available) is displayed.
The text search type can be specified in the [TEXTSEARCH] section. The following search
methods can be parameterized:
1 = Instruction texts only
2 = Descriptive texts only
3 = Instruction and descriptive texts
(entered under "Search").
Programming help systems
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 11
"m" = Milling
"t" = Turning
"g" = Grinding
"s" = Nibbling
"p" = Punching
"a" = Display all technologies
Machine manufacturer = DH\CMA.DIR\IFM_GR.COM
Machine manufacturer = DH\CMA.DIR\IFI_GR.COM
= 0: Context sensitivity not active
= 1: Context sensitivity active
= 1: Text search for instruction texts only
= 2: Text search for descriptive texts only
= 3: Text search for instruction and descriptive texts
1.2.3 Extension of text files
These two categories are available in the text files:
Topic definition
Instruction definition
The functions below can be entered in the *.COM text files of the help in the specified format:
Topics as IDs of an instruction grouping
Instructions with descriptive texts
Instructions with call for extended help
"PDF" editor help or
Cycle help on input fields of cycle screens, in which parameters are supplied to the
Instructions with alarm text variables as descriptive texts
Programming help systems
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
Online Help (HE1)
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One line is available for each of these in the associated text file.
The screenshot below shows an example:
Figure 1-1 Siemens text file
The topic definition contains the following parameters:
Topic definition
Technology code "r"/topic ID/topic name
The instruction definition contains the following parameters:
Instruction definition
Technology/topic ID/extended help/instruction text/
descriptive text
Within each of the individual text files, the Siemens topics are displayed first, followed by
those of the machine manufacturer and finally those of the end user.
The specified sequence only appears if the topics are declared first and then the instructions
of the text file.
The instructions in the text files must be stored in alphabetical order if the standard,
machine manufacturer and end user instructions are to be sorted correctly.
Programming help systems
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
Online Help (HE1)
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1.2.4 Extension of a topic
Extension of a topic
A topic represents an instruction grouping which can be used for displaying instructions.
One line for the topic definition contains the following 3 parameters:
Topic definition
Technology code "r"/topic ID/topic name
The following line could then appear in the text file, for example:
r/2/Motion commands
r: Permanently defined in topic definitions
2: Topic ID used for assigning instructions.
Motion commands: Topic name
The "/" character separates the parameters and may only be used as a text character in the
last parameter.
The length of the topic name is limited by the display and must not exceed 40 characters
with a standard text size of 8 pt, for example.
The following topic IDs are reserved:
Table 1-1 Topic IDs
Topic ID User
0..49 Siemens
50...99 Machine manufacturer
From 100 End user
The following topic IDs exist as standard in the Siemens text file:
Table 1-2 Defined topic IDs
Topic ID Topic name Topic ID Topic name
1 Preparatory functions 13 Program handling
2 Motion commands 14 Standard cycles
3 Path action 15 Measuring cycles
4 Feedrate 16 Measurement
5 Spindle 17 Synchronized actions
6 Axis handling 18 Interrupt handling
7 M functions 19 String/field operations
8 H functions 20 Math. functions/operators
9 Offsets 21 Definitions
10 Transformations 22 High-level language elements
11 Tool management/
23 Parameters
12 Technology functions 24 System variables
Programming help systems
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
Online Help (HE1)
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1.2.5 Extension of an instruction
Extension of an instruction
An instruction contains descriptive texts, e.g., "G0/Linear interpolation with rapid traverse".
An instruction is assigned to a topic via the topic ID.
Parameters of instruction definition
An instruction definition contains the following parameters:
Technology/topic ID/extended help/instruction text/descriptive text
Example of editor help:
a/20/"PGA.PDF",2,"="/=/Assignment operator
a: Milling
20: Standard cycles
topic ID
Extended help
on command "="
Instruction text
Assignment operator:
Descriptive text
If the above line is entered in one of the user text files (e.g., IFM_GR.COM), help file
"PGA.PDF" is called up for the command "=" and the relevant help section is displayed.
Example of cycle help:
m/14/"PGZ.PDF",302,"CYCLE83"/CYCLE83/Deep-hole drilling milling
m: Milling
14: Standard cycles
topic ID
Extended help
for "RTP" parameter on the cycle
parameterization screenform
Instruction text
Deep-hole drilling milling cycle:
Descriptive text
If the above line is entered in one of the user text files, user cycle "CYCLExx" is supported
by the help system. It is displayed if
either technology-independent code "a"
or miller-specific code "m" has been entered in initialization file "IF.INI".
It is assigned to "Standard cycles" via topic ID "14" and can, therefore, also be found via the
corresponding entry in the topic search.
The last parameter contains the descriptive text, which is displayed in the relevant column of
the help system, and which is designed to give the user an initial indication as to the function
of the cycle.
The "/" character separates the parameters and may only be used as a text character in the
last parameter.
Programming help systems
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
Online Help (HE1)
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The following characters are defined for specifying the technology category:
"m" = Milling
"t" = Turning
"g" = Grinding
"s" = Nibbling
"p" = Punching
"a" = Display for all technologies
Entries are separated by commas so as to enable them to be assigned to several
technologies and different topics.
Topic ID
The topic ID is used for assigning instructions of a particular topic to the topic definition and
for displaying these under the topic.
Integrating additional commands
If additional commands and a brief description are to be integrated in the help, these must be
incorporated using the syntax described above in file (any file name), which is
stored in directory Dh\CMA.dir\. If an additional help (extended "PDF" help) is to be called up
for these commands, the parameter
"Extended help"
must be edited as described in the
section below.
1.2.6 Parameterization of extended "PDF" help
Calling extended help
A special entry in the "Extended help" parameter of the instruction definition makes it
possible to call up an extended "PDF" help as an online help in addition to the quick help.
This may contain detailed information on the selected command, for example. The following
calls are possible:
Editor help:
Jump directly to the help (PDF file) from the quick "ASCII" help for a term (command) in
the program editor.
Cycle help:
Jump to the help (PDF file) from an input field of the cycle screen.
Programming help systems
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
Online Help (HE1)
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Parameters of instruction definition
Technology/topic ID/extended help/instruction text/descriptive text
Extended help
The following entries are possible in the "Extended help" parameter:
Editor help
/"PDF file name", help ID, "search string"/
Cycle help
/"PDF file name", help ID, "search string" (file name, help
Two commas must be inserted in the "Extended help" parameter even if no entries need to
be made.
The declaration line requires the following parameters, for example:
m,t/14/"PDF filename", help ID, "search string" (file name, help
screen)/CYCLE82/drilling cycle, drilling, counterboring
The meanings of the entries for the "Extended help" parameter are as follows:
PDF file name
= File from which the descriptive text is to be displayed
Help ID
= Unique assignment to term for which the help is to be displayed
Search string
= Search string in the PDF file which is to be displayed in the help text
(File name, help screen)
= Name of file in which the help screens are stored and the name of the help screen which is
to be displayed (-> only relevant for cycle help)
= Instruction text
Drilling cycle, drilling, counterboring
= Descriptive text
Call example:
m,t/14/"PGZ.PDF",1,"RTP"(drilling,CYC82)/CYCLE82/drilling cycle,
drilling, counterboring
If you only want to access the PDF file, only these parameters should then appear in the
"Extended help" section.
E.g.: m,t/14/"PGZ.PDF",1,"RTP"/CYCLE82/drilling cycle, drilling, counterboring
If you only want to display the help screen, only these parameters should then appear in the
"Extended help" section.
E.g.: m,t/14/,,(drilling,CYC82)/CYCLE82/drilling cycle, drilling, counterboring
Programming help systems
1.2 Quick "ASCII" help
Online Help (HE1)
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Instruction text
An instruction text could be "G17", for example. This text is transferred to the part program
currently being edited when the
"Transfer to editor"
command is issued.
The instruction text can be approx. 12 characters long.
Descriptive text
The descriptive text is the help text which describes the instruction in more detail.
The length of the descriptive text is limited by the display and must not exceed 40 characters
with a standard text size of 8 pt, for example.
Multiple jumps
Several help references can be stored in ring formation (i.e., the first help is displayed again
after the last help) for each help element.
E.g.: m,t/14/"Hlp.pdf",1,"Help1",,2,"Help2","Help3.pdf",3,,/
CYCLE82/drilling cycle, drilling, counterboring
Entry in help text ring
Index: 1
Text: Help1
Entry in help text ring
Index: 2
Text: Help2
Entry in help text ring
Index: 3
Text: Help2
The components of a block are remembered by the previous block, as illustrated in the
example, so as to avoid repetitions. Only complete blocks are transferred.
Two commas must be inserted in the "Extended help" parameter even if no entries need to
be made.
Programming help systems
1.3 Extended "PDF" help
Online Help (HE1)
18 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
1.2.7 Extension with alarm text variables
A special situation with respect to parameterization of the section for descriptive texts or
topic names is to store these in the section instead of the descriptive texts ("alarm text
These variables begin with "$".
E.g., m/14//CYCLExx/$888888
Instead of entering the descriptive text directly in the help text file, this is entered under alarm
text variable "$888888", for example.
The actual declaration of the descriptive text is therefore stored in a user-specific alarm text
The result is a non-language-specific text file.
1.3 Extended "PDF" help
1.3.1 Function
You can call up a number of help functions in the editor to provide programming support with
the editing of part programs via the
Quick "ASCII" help
Descriptive text for instructions, context-sensitive based on the cursor position in the
part program (e.g., G9 "Exact stop – deceleration")
Overview of topics (e.g., "Preparatory functions", "Motion commands", "Path action",
etc.) to which instructions are assigned
Overview of instructions with descriptive texts
Search in help window via topic or text
Transfer of selected instruction to the editor
Extended "PDF" help
Call up additional help (PDF file) from the quick "ASCII" help, e.g., jump to
Programming Guide Fundamentals.
Call up additional help on input fields of cycle screens (PDF-file)
Programming help systems
1.3 Extended "PDF" help
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 19
1.3.2 Extending programming help
A special entry in the "Extended help" parameter of the instruction definition makes it
possible to integrate an extended help in addition to the quick help (e.g., detailed information
on the selected command).
The following calls are possible:
Editor help:
Jump directly to the help (PDF file) from the quick "ASCII" help for a term (command) in
the program editor.
A list of additional commands which are to be displayed in the quick help has already
been created as described in Section "Extension of text files" (e.g., IFM_GR.COM) and is
stored in the controller. This allows you to call up the extended help after the quick help
using the Info key. Please note that the list of commands for the quick help is identical to
the list for the extended help (concordance).
Cycle help:
Jump to the help (PDF file) from an input field of the cycle screen.
Parameters of instruction definition
Technology/topic ID/extended help/instruction text/
descriptive text
"Extended help":
The following entries are possible in the "Extended help" parameter:
Editor help
/"PDF file name", help ID, "search string"/
Example: a/20/"PGA.PDF",2,"="/=/Assignment operator
Cycle help
/"PDF file name", help ID, "search string" (file name, help
Example: a/3/"PG.PDF",17,"ANG"/ANG/Contour angle (s)
Necessary files
IFM_GR.COM: Text file with program commands and brief description
*.PDF: Help file, e.g., 840D_PG_GR.PDF
*.txt: Jump file, e.g., 840D_PG_GR.TXT
1) Define jump labels in document
The jumps must be identified by an index entry and a single-column index list (right-justified
page numbers) must be generated in the document (e.g., Winword) from which sections are
to be displayed on the controller as a PDF.
If several jumps are required for one command, the same number of index labels must be
Programming help systems
1.3 Extended "PDF" help
Online Help (HE1)
20 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
2) Generate text file
Copy the single-column index generated above (right-justified page numbers) and save it in
a text file (*.TXT).
MEAW 155
<Search string> <page>
The text file for the PDF call requires the following syntax:
<PDF file name> <ID> <page>
Enter the name of the PDF file (without the language code) at the start of each line.
840D_PG.PDF MEAW 155
<PDF name> <ID> <page>
3) Define ID numbers
ID numbers unique to each document (e.g., 1...n) must be defined for the search strings.
The ID numbers correspond to the list of instructions of the quick "ASCII" help, as the
detailed descriptions corresponding to the brief descriptions are to be displayed.
840D_PG.PDF 44 MEAW 155
<PDF file name> <ID> <search string> <page>
Now delete the "search string" column such that the syntax below remains:
<PDF file name> <ID> <page>
840D_PG.PDF 44 155
4) Generate PDF file
Print your document as a postscript file and convert this to PDF format using Adobe Acrobat
5) Read files into controller
The generated files (*.PDF and *.TXT) must now be read into the controller, e.g., into
directory F:\ DH\CUS.DIR\HLP.
Programming help systems
1.4 ISO mode help
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 21
In the case of a larger volume of indices, the call file can be created automatically using
Microsoft Excel:
Insert text file (*.TXT) in Excel
Insert column
Enter the name of the PDF file on the first line
Select "Edit > Fill"
Now delete the "search string" column such that the syntax below remains:
<PDF file name> <ID> <page>
840D_PG.PDF 44 155
Copy the data and
Save as "TXT" file
1.4 ISO mode help
1.4.1 Function
The 840D/840D sl-specific help systems are displayed as standard:
Help in the editor
Alarm help
Machine data help
If ISO dialect 0 help systems are to be displayed, a distinction must be made as to which
data is to be displayed, as the same commands can have multiple meanings, for example.
The [TEXTFILES] section of the "IF.INI" file has been extended by the entry
SiemensI=CST.DIR\IFIT_COM (turning technology) or SiemensI=CST.DIR\IFIM_COM
(milling technology) for this reason. This specifies the path (CST.DIR) and the name
(IFIT_COM or IFIM_COM) for the ISO mode quick "ASCII" help.
The extended "PDF" help can thus be called from the quick "ASCII" help.
;text files containing the information shown in the help system
SiemensI=cst.dir\ or
End user=
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1.4 ISO mode help
Online Help (HE1)
22 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
Necessary files
List of "ISO dialect 0" commands with the associated brief description
TXT file for the jump to the PDF file
PDF file which is to be displayed in the help
Program execution
The help checks the following machine data on startup:
If the MD is activated, the controller switches over to the ISO dialect 0 mode.
If MD18800 = 1, MD20150 is evaluated.
MD20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES[n(active channel),47]
If MD20150 [47] = 2, the file entered in the INI file under "SiemensI" (ISO mode) is used
(otherwise the file under "Siemens" is used).
MD10880 specifies whether the controller is to be designed for turning or milling in
ISO mode.
1.4.2 Extending ISO mode help
If additional descriptions are to be displayed in the ISO mode help, these must be inserted in
the form specified below:
As a list of ISO mode commands with a brief description in the directory
"SiemensI=CST.DIR\" as file "IFIT_COM" or file "IFIM_COM"
(refer to Section "Extension of text files")
As a help description (PDF file) and a TXT file of the same name in directory
Parameters of instruction definition
Technology/topic ID/extended help/instruction text/
descriptive text
"Extended help":
The following entries are possible in the "Extended help" parameter:
Editor help
/"PDF file name", help ID, "page number"/
Cycle help
/"PDF file name", help ID, "page number" (file name, help screen)/
Programming help systems
1.4 ISO mode help
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 23
Necessary files
IFIT_.COM or IFIM_.COM: Text file with ISO mode commands and brief description
*.PDF: e.g., 840D_PGIT_GR.PDF
*.TXT: e.g., 840D_PITG_GR.TXT
1) Define jump labels in document
The jump labels must be identified by an index entry and a single-column index list
(right-justified page numbers) must be generated in the document (e.g., Winword) which
is to be displayed on the controller as a PDF.
2) Generate text file
Copy the single-column index generated above (right-justified page numbers) and save it in
a TXT file.
G65 155
<Search string> <page>
The text file for the PDF call now requires the following syntax:
<PDF file name> <search string> <page>
Enter the name of the PDF file (without the language code) at the start of each line.
840D_PGIT.PDF G65 155
<PDF name> <search string> <page>
3) Define ID numbers
ID numbers unique to each document (e.g., 1...n) must be defined for the search strings.
The ID numbers correspond to the list of instructions of the quick "ASCII" help, as the
detailed descriptions corresponding to the brief descriptions are to be displayed.
840D_PGIT.PDF 44 MEAW 155
<PDF file name> <ID> <search string> <page>
Now delete the "search string" column such that the syntax below remains:
<PDF file name> <ID> <page>
840D_PGIT.PDF 44 155
4) Generate PDF file
Print your document as a postscript file and convert this to PDF format using Adobe Acrobat
Programming help systems
1.4 ISO mode help
Online Help (HE1)
24 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
5) Read files into controller
The generated files (*.PDF and *.TXT) must now be read into directory F:\USER\HLP on the
In the case of a larger volume of indices, the call file can be created automatically using
Microsoft Excel:
Insert text file (*.TXT) in Excel
Insert column
Enter the name of the PDF file on the first line
Select "Edit > Fill"
Now delete the "search string" column such that the syntax below remains:
<PDF file name> <ID> <page>
840D_PGIT.PDF 44 155
Copy the data and
Save as "TXT" file
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 25
Alarm/Machine data help 2
2.1 Overview
The functionality and extendibility of the alarm and machine data help are described in the
sections below.
HMI Advanced
Adobe Reader 4.x (available free over the Internet/from specialist dealer)
The Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x software is supplied on the SINUMERIK 840D/840D sl
controller as standard.
Adobe Acrobat 4.x
You will need the Adobe Acrobat Distiller 4.x software in order to convert documents to
PDF and for editing documents once they are available in this format.
Storage locations of help files
Programming help: F:\DH\CST.DIR\HLP.DIR (may contain HLP, PDF and TXT files)
Alarm/MD help: F:\MMC2\HLP (may contain HLP, PDF and TXT files)
OPI help: F:\HMI_ADV\HLP (may contain HLP, PDF and TXT files)
Principle of PDF help
The PDF help depends on the following components being available in the help file storage
Call file, e.g., PG_GR.TXT, with the information:
<PDF file name> <ID> <search term>
for each call
Associated PDF file
Proceed as follows to call up the help:
Start Adobe Acrobat Reader (supplied with the controller)
Jump to page number (must be defined by index in document)
Search for term (Adobe software search function)
Alarm/Machine data help
2.1 Overview
Online Help (HE1)
26 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
Creation procedure
Define jumps in the help document (e.g., using standard index function of DTP systems)
and generate
Store jump file as text file
Generate PDF file
A call file (text file) with the information:
<PDF file name> <ID> <search term>
for each call
One or more associated PDF files
In the event of multiple jumps for the same topic, each page must be entered on
a separate line.
840D_PG.PDF 44 155
840D_PG.PDF 45 180
840D_PG.PDF 46 199
In the case of a larger volume of indices, the call file can be created automatically using
Microsoft Excel:
Insert "index file" (*.TXT) in Excel
Insert column
Enter the name of the PDF file on the first line
Select the menu items "Edit" – "Fill" –> "Down"
Copy the data and
Save as "TXT" file
The syntax below is left over:
<PDF file name> <ID> <search term>
840D_PG.PDF 44 155
Alarm/Machine data help
2.1 Overview
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 27
Testing the jumps in the document
Proceed as follows to test whether all the search strings can be found:
Start Adobe Acrobat
Select the menu item "Edit" –> "Find" (CTRL + F)
Enter the search string.
If the search strings cannot be found, possible causes include:
Incorrect input
The texts were not converted properly during PDF generation and cannot be found by
the search engine for that reason.
Select a string you are looking for using Adobe Acrobat, copy it and paste it
into a Word document.
Generate the PDF again or
Generate the postscript file using Adobe printer driver Adobe PS 5.1.1 and then
convert it using the Adobe Distiller.
Search sequence
The help adheres to the search sequence below:
F:\ DH\CUS.DIR\HLP.DIR (user directory)
F:\ DH\CMA.DIR\HLP.DIR (manufacturer directory)
F:\ DH\CST.DIR\HLP.DIR (Siemens directory)
Alarm/Machine data help
2.2 Alarm help
Online Help (HE1)
28 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
2.2 Alarm help
2.2.1 Function
When help is called up, a PDF file is opened and the relevant alarm is displayed on
the controller in Adobe Reader.
The files containing the alarms are stored in the directories below:
Siemens alarms: F:\HMI_ADV\HLP
Manufacturer alarms: F:\DH\CMA.DIR\HLP
User alarms: F:\DH\USER\HLP
File names
The file names below must be adhered to (must not be changed), even for the purposes of
additional alarms:
ALARM_GR.PDF [German alarms]
ALARM_UK.PDF [English alarms]
ALARM_FR.PDF [French alarms]
ALARM_IT.PDF [Italian alarms]
ALARM_SP.PDF [Spanish alarms]
The names of the associated TXT files (contain the jump list) must therefore be as follows:
ALARM_GR.TXT [German TXT file]
ALARM_UK.TXT [English TXT file]
ALARM_FR.TXT [French TXT file]
ALARM_IT.TXT [Italian TXT file]
ALARM_SP.TXT [Spanish TXT file]
Alarm/Machine data help
2.2 Alarm help
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 29
Other languages
The alarm texts are available in the following languages:
CH: Simplified Chinese
TW: Standard Chinese
KO: Korean
JA: Japanese
SW: Swedish
HU: Hungarian
PO: Portuguese
CZ: Czech
TR: Turkish
RU: Russian
PL: Polish
NL: Dutch
The naming convention specified above for language codes must be used for the file names
of the user alarms (must not be changed).
2.2.2 Extending alarm help
If additional user alarms are to be displayed in the alarm help, these must be inserted in
directory C:\USER\HLP in the form of a PDF file and a TXT file of the same name.
Necessary files
1) Define jump labels in document
The jump labels must be identified by an index entry and a single-column index list
(right-justified page numbers) must be generated in the document (e.g., Winword) which
is to be displayed on the controller as a PDF.
Alarm/Machine data help
2.2 Alarm help
Online Help (HE1)
30 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
2) Generate text file
Copy the single-column index generated above (right-justified page numbers) and save it in
a TXT file.
10702 90
<ID> <page>
The search string (alarm number) is identical to the ID number in this case.
The text file for the PDF call now requires the following syntax:
<PDF file name> <ID> <page>
Enter the name of the PDF file at the start of each line.
ALARM.PDF 10702 90
ALARM.PDF 10703 90
ALARM.PDF 10704 91
<PDF name> <ID> <page>
3) Generate PDF file
Print your document as a postscript file and convert this to PDF format using Adobe Acrobat
4) Read files into controller
The generated files (*.PDF and *.TXT) must now be read into the controller, e.g., into
directory F:\DH\USER\HLP.
2.2.3 User comments on help
The alarm help ([i] key in diagnostics) provides the "Notepad" function for entering user-
specific texts for individual alarms. These texts are stored in directory:
Alarm-specific texts can be stored if the HMI help is called up using the [i] key from the alarm
overview or from the alarm log for the corresponding alarm.
This is not possible when the alarm is selected from the table of contents.
Alarm/Machine data help
2.2 Alarm help
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 31
2.2.4 Changing "Win-Help" alarm help to "PDF help"
To change the help function from "Win-Help" to "PDF help", proceed as described in in the
previous section: "Extension of alarm help".
1. Define jump labels for each alarm number in the document:
The jump labels must be identified by an index entry and a single-column index list
(right-justified page numbers) must be generated in the document (e.g., Winword) which
is to be displayed on the controller as a PDF.
2. Generate text file:
Copy the single-column index generated above (right-justified page numbers) and save it
in a TXT file.
The text file for the PDF call requires the following syntax:
<PDF file name> <ID> <page>
The search string (alarm number) is identical to the ID number in this case.
3. Enter the name of the PDF file at the start of each line.
ALARM.PDF 10702 90
ALARM.PDF 10703 90
ALARM.PDF 10704 91
<PDF name> <ID> <page>
4. Print the file in which the alarm texts are stored as a postscript file (possible from all
standard platforms). The file extension used in Winword is *.prn and the one used in
Interleaf is *.ps, for example.
5. Convert the postscript file to "PDF" using the Adobe Acrobat Distiller software.
6. Read the files (*.PDF and *.TXT) into directory F:\DH\USER\HLP.DIR on the controller.
If additional user alarms are to be displayed in the alarm help, these must be inserted in
directory F:\USER\HLP in the form of a PDF file and a TXT file of the same name.
Please adhere to the naming conventions listed in the next section under "File names".
Alarm/Machine data help
2.3 Machine data help
Online Help (HE1)
32 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
2.3 Machine data help
2.3.1 Function
The machine data help is based on the "PDF help", i.e., when help is called up, a PDF file is
opened and the relevant alarm is displayed on the controller in Adobe Reader.
The files containing the machine data are stored in the directories below:
Siemens MD: F:\MMC2\HLP
File names
The file names below must be adhered to (must not be changed), even for the purposes of
additional user MD:
N_NCK_GR.PDF [German], N_NCK_UK.PDF [English]
The names of the associated TXT files (contain the jump list) must therefore be as follows:
N_NCK_GR.TXT [German], N_NCK_UK. TXT [English]
Alarm/Machine data help
2.3 Machine data help
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 33
Structure of text file
PDF file without language code MD number Page
DROT.PDF 1000 1
DROT.PDF 1001 1
DROT.PDF 1002 1
... ... ...
Meanings of names
Name Meaning
C_NCK_GR.PDF Channel-specific MD
A_NCK_GR.PDF Axis-specific MD
S_NCK_GR.PDF Setting data
DROT_GR.PDF Drive MD, rotary
DLIN_GR.PDF Drive MD, linear
HYDRM_GR.PDF Drive MD, hydraulic module
2.3.2 Extending the machine data help
If additional user machine data are to be displayed in the MD help, these must be inserted in
directory C:\USER\HLP in the form of a PDF file and a TXT file of the same name.
Necessary files
*.PDF: e.g., N_NCK_GR.PDF
*.TXT: e.g., N_NCK_GR.TXT
1) Define jump labels in document
The jump labels must be identified by an index entry and a single-column index list
(right-justified page numbers) must be generated in the document (e.g., Winword) which
is to be displayed on the controller as a PDF.
Alarm/Machine data help
2.3 Machine data help
Online Help (HE1)
34 Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0
2) Generate text file
Copy the single-column index generated above (right-justified page numbers) and save it in
a TXT file.
10000 170
<ID> <page>
The search string (MD number) is identical to the ID number in this case.
The text file for the PDF call now requires the following syntax:
<PDF file name> <search string> <page>
Enter the name of the PDF file at the start of each line.
N_NCK.PDF 10000 170
N_NCK.PDF 10002 170
N_NCK.PDF 10010 171
<PDF name> <ID> <page>
3) Generate PDF file
Print your document as a postscript file and convert this to PDF format using Adobe Acrobat
4) Read files into controller
The generated files (*.PDF and *.TXT) must now be read into directory F:\USER\HLP on
the controller.
Online Help (HE1)
Commissioning Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0DP10-0BA0 35
Alarm help, 28
Comments, 30
Extend, 29
File name, 28
Alarm texts
Language code, 29
Text property, 17
Extend alarm text variables, 18
Extended PDF help
Parameterize, 15
Help file
Storage, 5
Help function, 8, 18
Extend, 8
Help references
Several, 17
IF.INI, 11
Initialization file, file IF.INI, 8
Definition, sections, 14
Extend, 14
Text property, 17
ISO mode help, 21
Extend, 22
Jump file
Create alarm/MD help, 26
Create programming help, 6
Test, 7, 27
Machine data help, 32
Extend, 33
File name, 32
Programming help
Extend, 19
Quick ASCII help, 8, 18
Search sequence
Help, 7, 27
Technology, 15
Text files
Extend, 11
Definition, 12
Extend, 13
Topic ID, 13
Online Help (HE1)
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