Low Noise Micro PMU, 3 A Buck Regulator with 3 A LDO ADP5003 Data Sheet FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM APPLICATIONS EN1 VPVIN1 : 4.2V TO 15V PVIN1 CPVIN1 VOUT1 COMP1 RC CC RBOT1 BUCK REGULATOR 3A VSET1 SW1 SW1 SW1 L1 VPVOUT1 : 0.6V TO 5.0V CPVOUT1 PGND1 PGND1 PGND1 RTOP1 VREG VPVINSYS : 4.2V TO 15V RT CVREG PVINSYS RRT PWRGD SYSTEM CPVINSYS SYNC REFOUT CREFOUT PVIN2 PVIN2 VSET2 CPVIN2 PVIN2 VBUF CVBUF VREG_LDO LOW NOISE LDO ACTIVE FILTER 3A CVREG_LDO PVOUT2 PVOUT2 PVOUT2 VPVOUT2 : 0.6V TO 3.3V CPVOUT2 LOAD VFB2P EN2 VFB2N AGND1 Low noise power for high speed analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and digital-to-analog converter (DAC) designs Powering RF transceivers and clocking ICs PVIN1 AGND2 15021-001 Low noise, dc power supply system High efficiency buck for first stage conversion High PSRR, low noise LDO regulator to remove switching ripple Adaptive LDO regulator headroom control option for optimal efficiency and PSRR across full load range 3 A, low noise, buck regulator Wide input voltage range: 4.2 V to 15 V Programmable output voltage range: 0.6 V to 5.0 V 0.3 MHz to 2.5 MHz internal oscillator 0.3 MHz to 2.5 MHz SYNC frequency range 3 A, low noise, NFET LDO regulator (active filter) Wide input voltage range: 0.65 V to 5 V Programmable output voltage range: 0.6 V to 3.3 V Differential point of load remote sensing 3 V rms output noise (independent of output voltage) PSRR > 50 dB (to 100 kHz) with 400 mV headroom at 3 A Ultrafast transient response Power-good output Precision enable inputs for both the buck regulator and LDO -40C to +125C operating junction temperature range 32-lead, 5 mm x 5 mm, LFCSP Figure 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADP5003 integrates a high voltage buck regulator and an ultralow noise low dropout (LDO) regulator in a small, 5 mm x 5 mm, 32-lead LFCSP package to provide highly efficient and quiet regulated supplies. The buck regulator is optimized to operate at high output currents up to 3 A. The LDO is capable of a maximum output current of 3 A and operates efficiently with low headroom voltage while maintaining high power supply rejection. The ADP5003 can operate in one of two modes. Adaptive mode allows the LDO to operate with an optimized headroom by adjusting the buck output voltage internally in response to the LDO load current. Alternatively, the ADP5003 can operate in independent mode, where both regulators operate separately from each other, and where the output voltages are Rev. A programmed using resistor dividers. The LDO regulator output can be accurately controlled at the point of load (POL) using remote sensing that compensates for the printed circuit board (PCB) trace impedance while delivering high output currents. Each regulator is activated via a dedicated precision enable input. The buck switching frequency can be synchronized to an external signal, or programmed with an external resistor. Safety features in the ADP5003 include thermal shutdown (TSD), input undervoltage lockout (UVLO) and independent current limits for each regulator. The ADP5003 is rated for a -40C to +125C operating junction temperature range. Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 (c)2017-2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com ADP5003 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Setting the Switching Frequency for the Buck Regulator ....... 22 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 Setting the Output Voltage for the Buck Regulator ................. 22 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Selecting the Inductor for the Buck Regulator ......................... 22 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Selecting the Output Capacitor for the Buck Regulator.......... 22 Revision History ............................................................................... 3 Specifications..................................................................................... 4 Designing the Compensation Network for the Buck Regulator ....................................................................................................... 23 Buck Regulator Specifications .................................................... 5 Selecting the Input Capacitor for the Buck Regulator............. 23 LDO Specifications ...................................................................... 6 Adaptive Headroom Control Design Example .......................... 24 Adaptive Headroom Controller Specifications ........................ 6 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 7 Thermal Resistance ...................................................................... 7 ESD Caution .................................................................................. 7 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions ............................. 8 Typical Performance Characteristics ............................................. 9 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 15 Power Management Unit ........................................................... 15 Buck Regulator ............................................................................ 15 LDO Regulator............................................................................ 17 Power-Good ................................................................................ 18 Setting the Switching Frequency for the Buck Regulator Using Adaptive Headroom Control .................................................... 24 Setting the Output Voltage for the LDO Regulator Using Adaptive Headroom Control .................................................... 24 Selecting the Inductor for the Buck Regulator Using Adaptive Headroom Control ..................................................................... 24 Selecting the Output Capacitors for the Buck Regulator Using Adaptive Headroom Control .................................................... 24 Designing the Compensation Network for the Buck Regulator Using Adaptive Headroom Control ....................... 25 Selecting the Input Capacitor for the Buck Regulator Using Adaptive Headroom Control .................................................... 25 Output Voltage of the Buck Regulator ..................................... 18 Recommended External Components for the Buck Regulator ....................................................................................................... 26 Output Voltage of the LDO Regulator ..................................... 18 Buck Configurations ...................................................................... 28 Voltage Conversion Limitations ............................................... 18 Independent ................................................................................ 28 Component Selection................................................................. 19 Adaptive Headroom ................................................................... 29 Compensation Components Design........................................ 21 Layout Considerations ................................................................... 30 Junction Temperature ................................................................ 21 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 31 Buck Regulator Design Example .................................................. 22 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 31 Rev. A | Page 2 of 31 Data Sheet ADP5003 REVISION HISTORY 3/2019--Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Applications Section, General Description, and Figure 1 ............................................................................................... 1 Changes to Table 1 ............................................................................ 4 Changes to Table 2 ............................................................................ 5 Changes to Table 3 ............................................................................ 6 Changes to Table 5 ............................................................................ 7 Changes to Table 7 ............................................................................ 8 Updated Typical Performance Characteristics Section; Renumbered Sequentially ................................................................ 9 Changes to Adaptive Headroom Control Section, Active Pull Down Section, and Power-Good Section ....................................15 Changes to Oscillator Frequency Control Section .....................16 Add Figure 38 and Figure 39 .........................................................16 Changes to Current-Limit and Short-Circuit Protection Section and Current Limit Section ...............................................17 Changes to Output Voltage of the Buck Regulator Section, Figure 44, Output Voltage of the LDO Regulator Section, Figure 45, and Voltage Conversion Limitations Section ............18 Changes to Input Capacitor Section, Inductor Section, and Table 9 ...............................................................................................20 Changes to Compensation Components Design Section, Figure 46 and Junction Temperature Section .............................. 21 Changes to Table 10, Setting the Switching Frequency for the Buck Regulator Section, Setting the Output Voltage for the Buck Regulator Section, Selecting the Inductor for the Buck Regulator Section, and Selecting the Output Capacitor for the Buck Regulator Section .................................................................. 22 Deleted Figure 44; Renumbered Sequentially ............................. 22 Changes Figure 47 ........................................................................... 23 Changes to Table 11, Setting the Output Voltage for the LDO Regulator Using Adaptive Headroom Control Section, and Selecting the Inductor for the Buck Regulator Using Adaptive Headroom Control Section ........................................................... 24 Changes Figure 48 ........................................................................... 25 Changes to Recommended External Components for the Buck Regulator Section and Table 12 Title ............................................ 26 Changes to Figure 49 Caption and Figure 50 .............................. 28 Changes to Adaptive Headroom Section and Figure 52 ............ 29 Changes to Layout Considerations Section and Figure 53 ........ 30 Updated Outline Dimensions........................................................ 31 11/2017--Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. A | Page 3 of 31 ADP5003 Data Sheet SPECIFICATIONS VPVIN1 = VPVINSYS = 4.2 V to 15 V, VPVIN2 = 0.65 V to 5 V, TJ = -40C to +125C for minimum/maximum specifications, and TA = 25C for typical specifications, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE THERMAL SHUTDOWN Threshold Hysteresis SYNC INPUT Input Logic High Low Input Leakage Current ADAPTIVE MODE INPUT (VSET1) Input Rising Threshold Input Hysteresis PRECISION ENABLING High Level Threshold Low Level Threshold Shutdown Mode EN1, EN2 Pull-Down Resistance INPUT CURRENT Both Channels Enabled Both Channels Disabled REFOUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage Accuracy VREG AND VREG_LDO CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage Accuracy Current Limit 1 POWER-GOOD PIN (PWRGD) Power Good Threshold Hysteresis Output Voltage Level Deglitch Time PVINSYS UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT (UVLO) Input Voltage Rising Falling 1 Symbol VPVIN1, VPVINSYS VPVIN2 Min 4.2 0.65 TSD TSD-HYS VIH VIL VI-LEAKAGE Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments 15 V 5 V 155 15 C C 1.1 0.4 1 V V A VADPR VADPH 2.5 16 V mV VTH_H VTH_L VTH_S RENPD 1.125 1.15 1.175 1.025 1.05 1.075 0.4 1.5 V V V M ISTBY-NOSW ISHUTDOWN 0.5 5 1 10 mA A VREFOUT 2.0 V +0.5 % -0.5 VREG, VREG_LDO 5 -2 10 PWRGDF PWRGDFH VOL tPWRGDD 80 UVLOPVINSYSRISE UVLOPVINSYSFALL 3.9 +2 85 2.5 25 60 90 50 4.2 TJ rising No load, not switching TJ = -40C to +125C V % mA % % mV s Applies to VOUT1 and VFB2P to VFB2N PWRGD pin sink current = 1 mA V V Do not use VREG and VREG_LDO to supply the external loads. This current limit protects against a pin short to ground. Rev. A | Page 4 of 31 Data Sheet ADP5003 BUCK REGULATOR SPECIFICATIONS VPVIN1 = VPVINSYS = 4.2 V to 15 V, VPVIN2 = 0.65 V to 5 V, TJ = -40C to +125C for minimum/maximum specifications, and TA = 25C for typical specifications, unless otherwise noted. Table 2. Parameter OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Programmable Output Voltage Range 1 Buck Regulator Gain Error Amplifier Transconductance Buck Output Voltage Accuracy 2 Regulation Line Load Total Output Voltage Accuracy OPERATING SUPPLY CURRENT SW1 CHARACTERISTICS SW1 On Resistance Current Limit Threshold Slew Rate Minimum On Time 3 Minimum Off Time BUCK REGULATOR ACTIVE PULL DOWN BUCK REGULATOR SOFT START (SS) HICCUP TIME VSETx ADJUSTABLE INPUT BIAS CURRENT OSCILLATOR Internal Switching Frequency 1 Internal Switching Frequency 2 SYNC Frequency Range Minimum Pulse Width Positive Negative Symbol Min VPVOUT1 ABUCK gm1 0.6 509 -1 (VPVOUT1/VPVOUT1)/VPVIN1 (VPVOUT1/VPVOUT1)/ILOAD1 2.5 600 Max Unit 5.0 V 661 +1 S % 130 60 1.6 35 100 90 2 33 10 fSW1 fSW2 2.25 0.26 fSYNC 0.3 20 10 2.5 0.3 VOUT1 load current (ILOAD1) = 10 mA %/V %/A % mA ILOAD1 = 10 mA 0 mA ILOAD1 3 A, VPVIN1 = 12 V 4.2 V VPVIN1 15 V, 1 mA ILOAD1 3 A ILOAD1 = 0 mA, LDO disabled, buck switching 200 100 m m A -1 150 A V/ns ns ns ms ms nA VPVIN1 = 15 V (PVIN1 to SW1) VPVIN1 = 15 V (SW1 to PGND1) Negative channel field effect transistor (NFET) switch valley current limit Negative current limit VPVIN1 = 15 V, ILOAD1 = 1 A 2.75 0.34 MHz MHz 2.5 MHz 3.5 SLEWSW1 tMIN_ON tMIN_OFF RPDWN-B tSSBUCK tHICCUP IVSET1, IVSET2 Test Conditions/Comments VPVOUT1/VVSET1 0.004 0.04 1.5 3.8 IIN RPFET RNFET ILIMIT1 Typ 128 Channel disabled RRT 71.2 k RRT = 600 k ns ns The switching frequency, minimum on time, and minimum off time may limit the output voltage range. The buck output voltage accuracy is relative to the nominal output voltage and accounts for reference voltage, gain, and offset error. 3 The minimum on time indicates the minimum high-side turn on time to ensure fixed frequency switching. 1 2 Rev. A | Page 5 of 31 ADP5003 Data Sheet LDO SPECIFICATIONS VPVIN1 = VPVINSYS = 4.2 V to 15 V, VPVIN2 = 0.65 V to 5 V, LDO headroom voltage (VHR) = 300 mV, TJ = -40C to +125C for minimum/maximum specifications, and TA = 25C for typical specifications, unless otherwise noted. Table 3. Parameter OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Programmable Output Voltage Range 1 LDO Gain Output Voltage Accuracy 2 Regulation Line Symbol Min VLDO ALDO 0.6 Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments 3.3 V +1 % VVFB2P-VFB2N VLDO/VVSET2 VOUT2 load current (ILOAD2) = 150 mA 1.65 -1 (VLDO/VLDO)/VPVIN2 0.007 %/V (VLDO/VLDO)/ILOAD2 0.08 1.5 %/A % OPERATING SUPPLY CURRENT IGND 1.8 2.3 MINIMUM VOLTAGE REQUIREMENTS PVINSYS to PVOUT2 3 VREG_LDO to PVOUT2 4 Dropout 5 CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD 6 LDO SOFT START (SS) TIME LDO ACTIVE PULL-DOWN OUTPUT NOISE LDO POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO VPVOUT2 = 1.3 V VPVINSYS-PVOUT2 VVREG_LDO-PVOUT2 VDROPOUT ILIMIT2 tSSLDO RPDWNLDO NPVOUT2 PSRRLDO 1.5 1.35 100 Load Total Output Voltage Accuracy mA mA 400 300 3 V V mV A s V rms 87 82 61 38 89 83 61 37 dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB 3.1 VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V 2.5 4.5 (VPVOUT2 + VHR) VPVIN2 6 V, ILOAD2 = 100 mA 10 mA ILOAD2 3 A (VPVOUT2 + VHR) VPVIN2 6 V, 10 mA ILOAD2 3 A ILOAD2 = 0 A ILOAD2 = 3 A ILOAD2 = 3 A Required to drive NFET Channel disabled 10 Hz to 100 kHz, ILOAD2 = 1 A VPVIN2 = VPVOUT2 + 0.3 V, ILOAD2 = 1A 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1000 kHz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1000 kHz Limited by minimum PVINSYS to PVOUT2 and VREG_LDO to PVOUT2 voltage. The LDO output voltage accuracy is relative to the nominal output voltage and accounts for reference voltage, gain, and offset error. 3 PVINSYS must be higher than PVOUT2 by at least VPVINSYS-PVOUT2 to keep the LDO regulating. 4 PVOUT2 must be lower than VREG_LDO by at least VVREG_LDO-PVOUT2 to keep the LDO regulating. 5 The dropout voltage is the input to output voltage differential when the input voltage is set to the nominal output voltage. 6 The current-limit threshold is the current at which the output voltage drops to 90% of the specified typical value. For example, the current limit for a 1.0 V output voltage is the current that causes the output voltage to drop to 90% of 1.0 V or 0.9 V. 1 2 ADAPTIVE HEADROOM CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS VPVIN1 = VPVINSYS = 4.2 V to 15 V, VPVIN2 = 0.65 V to 5 V, TJ = -40C to +125C for minimum/maximum specifications, and TA = 25C for typical specifications, unless otherwise noted. Table 4. Parameter HEADROOM VOLTAGE (PVIN2 - PVOUT2) Symbol VHR Min Typ 160 280 400 Rev. A | Page 6 of 31 Max Unit mV mV mV Test Conditions/Comments ILOAD2 = 1 mA ILOAD2 = 1.5 A ILOAD2 = 3 A Data Sheet ADP5003 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS THERMAL RESISTANCE Table 5. Parameter PVIN1/PVINSYS to AGND1/AGND2 PVIN2 to AGND1/AGND2 AGND1 to AGND2 PGND1 to AGND1/AGND2 PVOUT2 to AGND1/AGND2 VFB2N to AGND1/AGND2/PGND1 VOUT1, VFB2P, EN1, EN2, SYNC, RT, REFOUT, VBUF, VSET1, VSET2, COMP1 to AGND1/AGND2 SW1 to PGND1 VREG, VREG_LDO to AGND1/AGND2/PGND1/VFB2N VREG to VREG_LDO Storage Temperature Range Operating Junction Temperature Range Soldering Conditions Rating -0.3 V to +16 V -0.3 V to +6.0 V -0.3 V to +0.3 V -0.3 V to +0.3 V -0.3 V to the lower of (PVIN2 + 0.3 V) or +6.0 V -0.3 V to +0.3 V -0.3 V to the lower of (VREG + 0.3 V) or +6.0 V Thermal performance is directly linked to PCB design and operating environment. Careful attention to PCB thermal design is required. -0.3 V to (PVIN1 + 0.3 V) -0.3 V to the lower of (PVINSYS + 0.3 V) or +6.0 V -0.3 V to +0.3 V -65C to +150C -40C to +125C ESD CAUTION Table 6. Thermal Resistance Package Type CP-32-7 1 JA1 46.91 JC1 20.95 Unit C/W JA and JC are based on a 4-layer PCB (two signal and two power planes) with nine thermal vias connecting the exposed pad to the ground plane as recommended in the Layout Considerations section. JEDEC J-STD-020 Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. Rev. A | Page 7 of 31 ADP5003 Data Sheet 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 PGND1 PGND1 SW1 SW1 SW1 PVIN1 PVIN1 PVINSYS PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ADP5003 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 AGND1 VREG RT COMP1 PWRGD VSET1 REFOUT VSET2 NOTES 1. EXPOSED THERMAL PAD. CONNECT THE EXPOSED THERMAL PAD TO AGND1. 15021-002 PVOUT2 PVOUT2 PVOUT2 VFB2P VFB2N VBUF AGND2 VREG_LDO 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PGND1 VOUT1 EN1 EN2 SYNC PVIN2 PVIN2 PVIN2 Figure 2. Pin Configuration Table 7. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 1, 31, 32 2 3 Mnemonic PGND1 VOUT1 EN1 4 EN2 5 SYNC 6 to 8 9 to 11 12 PVIN2 PVOUT2 VFB2P 13 VFB2N 14 15 16 VBUF AGND2 VREG_LDO 17 18 VSET2 REFOUT 19 VSET1 20 21 22 23 PWRGD COMP1 RT VREG 24 25 26, 27 28 to 30 AGND1 PVINSYS PVIN1 SW1 EPAD Description Buck Regulator Dedicated Power Ground. Buck Regulator Feedback Input. Connect a short sense trace to the buck output capacitor. Buck Regulator Precision Enable Pin. Drive the EN1 pin high to turn on the buck regulator, and drive the EN1 pin low to turn off the buck regulator. LDO Precision Enable Pin. Drive the EN2 pin high to turn on the LDO regulator, and drive the EN2 pin low to turn off the LDO regulator. Synchronization Input. To synchronize the switching frequency of the device to an external clock, connect this pin to an external clock with a frequency from 300 kHz to 2.5 MHz. LDO Regulator Power Input. Connect a 10 F ceramic capacitor between this pin and AGND2. LDO Regulator Power Output. Connect a 10 F ceramic capacitor between this pin and AGND2. LDO Regulator Positive Sense Feedback Input. Connect a sense trace to the LDO output at the load. Route this pin alongside the VFB2N pin on the PCB. LDO Regulator Ground Sense Feedback Input. Connect a sense trace to ground at the load. Route this pin alongside the VFB2P pin on the PCB. Output of the LDO Reference Buffer. Connect a 0.1 F ceramic capacitor between this pin and VFB2N. LDO Dedicated Analog Ground. Internal Regulator Output for the LDO. Connect a 1 F ceramic decoupling capacitor between this pin and AGND2. Do not use this pin to power external devices. LDO Regulator Output Voltage Configuration Input. Internal Reference Output Required for Driving the External Resistor Dividers for VSET1 and VSET2. Connect a 0.22 F ceramic capacitor between this pin and AGND2. Buck Regulator Output Voltage Configuration Input. Connect this pin to VREG to enable adaptive headroom control. Power-Good Digital Output (Open-Drain NFET Pull-Down Driver). Buck Regulator External Compensation Pin. Resistor Adjustable Frequency Programming Input. Internal Regulator Output. Connect a 1 F ceramic decoupling capacitor between this pin and AGND1. Do not use this pin to power external devices. Analog Ground. System Power Supply for the ADP5003. Connect a 10 F ceramic capacitor between this pin and AGND1. Buck Regulator Power Input. Connect a 10 F ceramic capacitor between this pin and PGND1. Buck Regulator Switching Output. Exposed Thermal Pad. Connect the exposed thermal pad to AGND1. Rev. A | Page 8 of 31 Data Sheet ADP5003 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 EFFICIENCY (%) 60 50 40 30 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 10 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) Figure 6. Adaptive Mode Efficiency vs. Load Current, VPVIN1 = 5 V, fSW = 600 kHz at Various LDO Output Voltages Figure 3. Buck Efficiency vs. Load Current, VPVIN1 = 5 V, fSW = 600 kHz at Various Buck Output Voltages 100 90 90 80 80 70 60 50 40 30 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 40 30 3.3V 2.5V 1.8V 1.3V 1.1V 10 3.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) 0 15021-306 10 50 20 3.3V 2.5V 1.8V 1.3V 1.1V 20 60 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) Figure 4. Buck Efficiency vs. Load Current, VPVIN1 = 12 V, fSW = 600 kHz at Various Buck Output Voltages 15021-408 EFFICIENCY (%) 70 Figure 7. Adaptive Mode Efficiency vs. Load Current, VPVIN1 = 12 V, fSW = 600 kHz at Various LDO Output Voltages 100 90 90 80 80 70 EFFICIENCY (%) 70 60 50 40 30 60 50 40 30 20 20 300kHz 600kHz 1MHz 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) 2.5 300kHz 600kHz 1MHz 10 3.0 0 15021-308 10 0 3.3V 2.5V 1.8V 1.3V 1.1V 20 15021-407 0 LOAD CURRENT (A) EFFICIENCY (%) 40 15021-307 10 EFFICIENCY (%) 50 30 3.3V 2.5V 1.8V 1.3V 1.1V 20 0 60 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) Figure 5. Buck Efficiency vs. Load Current, VPVIN1 = 12 V, VPVOUT1 = 3.3 V at Various Buck Switching Frequencies Rev. A | Page 9 of 31 Figure 8. Adaptive Mode Efficiency vs. Load Current, VPVIN1 = 12 V, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V at Various Buck Switching Frequencies 15021-311 EFFICIENCY (%) TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ADP5003 Data Sheet 0 -20 -20 -30 -40 -40 PSRR (dB) -30 -50 -60 -50 -60 -70 -70 -80 -80 -90 -100 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 15021-304 -90 -100 1 0 -40 10k 100k 1M 10M 0.2V 0.3V 0.4V 0.5V -60 -50 -60 -70 -70 -80 -80 -90 -90 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M -100 Figure 10. LDO PSRR vs. Frequency, VPVOUT2 = 1.3 V, ILOAD2 = 1 A at Various LDO Headroom Voltages 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M Figure 13. LDO PSRR vs. Frequency, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V, ILOAD2 = 1 A at Various LDO Headroom Voltages 1000 1000 0.1A 1A 3A NOISE SPECTRAL DENSITY (nV/Hz) 0.9V 3.3V 100 10 1 IPVOUT2 = 1A 10 100 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) 100k 1M 10M Figure 11. LDO Noise Spectral Density vs. Frequency at Various LDO Output Voltages 100 10 1 0.1 15021-231 1 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) VPVOUT2 = 3.3V 1 10 100 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) 100k 1M 10M 15021-232 -50 FREQUENCY (Hz) NOISE SPECTRAL DENSITY (nV/Hz) 1k 15021-303 PSRR (dB) -30 -40 0.1 100 -20 15021-305 PSRR (dB) 0 -10 -30 -100 10 Figure 12. LDO PSRR vs. Frequency, VHR = 0.3 V, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V at Various LDO Load Currents 0.2V 0.3V 0.4V 0.5V -20 1 FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 9. LDO PSRR vs. Frequency, VHR = 0.3 V, VPVOUT2 = 1.3 V at Various LDO Load Currents -10 0.1A 1A 2A 3A -10 15021-302 -10 PSRR (dB) 0 0.1A 1A 2A 3A Figure 14. LDO Noise Spectral Density vs. Frequency, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V at Various LDO Load Currents Rev. A | Page 10 of 31 Data Sheet ADP5003 0.5 100 10 0.1 3A 2A 1A 10 1k 100 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 Figure 15. Adaptive Mode Noise Spectral Density vs. Frequency at various Load Currents, VPVOUT1 = VPVIN2 =3.7 V, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V, fSW = 2 MHz, L = 1.5 H, RC = 23.7 k, CC = 1 nF, CCP = 10 pF, CPVOUT1 = 22 F 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Figure 18. Buck Load Regulation, VPVIN1 = 12 V, VPVOUT1 = 3.3 V, fSW = 600 kHz DEVIATION FROM AVERAGE VPVOUT2 (%) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 4.2 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 15021-418 -0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) Figure 16. Buck Line Regulation, VPVOUT1 = 3.3 V, ILOAD1 = 1 A, fSW = 600 kHz 15021-314 -0.4 Figure 19. LDO Load Regulation, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V, VHR = 0.3 V 0.5 0.5 DEVIATION FROM AVERAGE VREFOUT (%) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.5 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 HEADROOM (V) 15021-315 -0.4 Figure 17. LDO Line Regulation, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V, ILOAD2 = 1 A 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -50 -20 10 40 70 100 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 20. REFOUT Voltage (VREFOUT) vs. Temperature Rev. A | Page 11 of 31 130 15021-300 DEVIATION FROM AVERAGE VVOUT1 (%) 0.5 LOAD CURRENT (A) 0.5 DEVIATION FROM AVERAGE VPVOUT2 (%) 0 15021-312 1000 1 0.4 DEVIATION FROM AVERAGE VVOUT1 (%) 10000 15021-515 NOISE SPECTRAL DENSITY (nV/Hz) 100000 Data Sheet 3 3.0 2 2.5 QUIESCENT CURRENT (mA) 1 0 -1 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 -2 -20 10 40 70 100 130 TEMPERATURE (C) 0 15021-301 -3 -50 4 6 14 12 10 8 15021-320 DEVIATION FROM AVERAGE SWITCHING FREQUENCY (%) ADP5003 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 21. Switching Frequency vs. Temperature Figure 24. Buck Quiescent Current vs. Input Voltage 0.50 4.0 0.45 3.5 0.35 HEADROOM (V) 2.5 2.0 1.5 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 1,0 0.10 0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 15021-316 0 0.05 3.0 LOAD CURRENT( A) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) 15021-319 QUIESCENT CURRENT (mA) 0.40 3.0 Figure 25. Adaptive Mode Headroom vs. Load Current Figure 22. LDO Quiescent Current vs. Load Current IL IL 1 VSW1 VSW1 2 VPVOUT1 1 3 T M200ns 94ns A CH2 8V 15021-013 CH1 500mA CH2 5V CH3 10mV BW VPVOUT1 3 CH1 5.00V CH3 500mA BW CH4 10.0mV BW Figure 23 SW1 Waveform, VPVOUT1 = 5 V, ILOAD1 = 100 mA, fSW = 2 MHz, L = 2.2 H, RC = 2.7 k, CC = 22 nF, CCP = 22 pF, CPVOUT1 = 22 F M400ns A CH1 T 0.000s 5.70V 15021-526 4 Figure 26. SW1 Waveform, VPVOUT1 = 5 V, ILOAD1 = 3 A, fSW = 2 MHz, L = 2.2 H, RC = 2.7 k, CC = 22 nF, CCP = 22 pF, CPVOUT1 = 22 F Rev. A | Page 12 of 31 Data Sheet ADP5003 VPVOUT1 2 VPVOUT1 2 VSW1 VSW1 3 3 IL IL 1 B W M20.0ms A CH2 T 40.0080ms 510mV CH1 5.00A BW CH2 500mV CH3 10.0V BW Figure 27. Entering Hiccup Mode (VSW1 is the Voltage of the SW1 Pin, and IL is Inductor Current) B W M20.0ms A CH2 T 40.0080ms 510mV 15021-318 CH1 5.00A BW CH2 500mV CH3 10.0V BW 15021-317 1 Figure 30. Exiting Hiccup Mode VEN1 /VEN2 2 VEN1 3 VVOUT1 VPVOUT2 VPVOUT1 3 ILOAD1 4 1 ILOAD2 2 VSW1 B W CH2 2V BW CH4 10V BW M400s A CH2 1.56V 15021-004 CH1 1A CH3 1V CH1 1.00A CH3 2.00V VPVIN1 M1.00ms A CH3 T 3.00400ms 2.04V Figure 31. Adaptive Mode Startup, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V, ILOAD2 = 1 A (VEN2 is the EN2 voltage.) Figure 28. Buck Startup, VPVOUT1 = 3.3V, ILOAD1 = 3 A (VEN1 is the EN1 voltage.) 0.42V/s CH2 1.00V CH4 1.00V 15021-238 1 4 ILOAD1 0.11V/s 2.3A/s 3.1A/s 4 VPVOUT1 CH2 500mV BW CH4 20.0mV BW M80s T 25.50% A CH2 12.4V CH2 500mV Figure 29. Buck Line Transient, VPVIN1 = 12 V to 13 V, VPVOUT1 = 1.2 V, ILOAD1 = 1A, fSW = 0.6 MHz, L = 2.2 H, RC = 3.48 k, CC = 2 nF, CCP = 22 pF, CPVOUT1 = 44 F CH4 1A M200s A CH4 T 493.480s 1.46A 15021-118 10V OFFSET 15021-116 2 VPVOUT1 2 4 Figure 32. Buck Load Transient, VPVIN1 = 12 V, VPVOUT1 = 1.2 V, ILOAD1 = 0.5 A to 3 A, fSW = 0.6 MHz, L = 2.2 H, RC = 3.48 k, CC = 2 nF, CCP = 22 pF, CPVOUT1 = 44 F Rev. A | Page 13 of 31 ADP5003 Data Sheet 2.3A/s 0.18V/s 0.07V/s 4 3V OFFSET VPVOUT2 VPVOUT2 2 CH2 1.00mV B W M80.0s A CH1 T 200.960s 3.81V 15021-126 2 CH1 500mV 3A/s CH2 20.0mV Figure 33. LDO Line Transient, VPVIN2 = 3.6 V to 4.1 V, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V, ILOAD2 = 1 A CH4 1.00A M8.00s A CH4 T 18.4800s 1.34A 15021-129 1 VPVIN2 ILOAD2 Figure 36. LDO Load Transient, VPVIN2 = 3.6 V, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V, ILOAD2 = 0.5 A to 3 A 0.45V/s 0.14V/s VPVIN1 1.2A/s ILOAD2 1.3A/s 3 VPVOUT2 VPVOUT2 4 CH2 500mV BW CH4 1.00mV BW M80s A CH2 T 25.90% 12.5V CH3 500mA Figure 34. Adaptive Mode Line Transient, VPVIN1 = 11 V to 13 V, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V, ILOAD2 = 1 A, fSW = 1.5 MHz, L = 2.2 H, RC = 3.48 k, CC = 22 nF, CCP = 22 pF, CPVOUT1 = 64 F IPVIN1 VPVOUT2 15021-535 4 920mA A CH2 1.52V Figure 37. Adaptive Mode Load Transient, VPVIN1 = 12 V, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V, ILOAD2 = 1 A to 1.5 A, fSW = 1.5 MHz, L = 2.2 H, RC = 3.48 k, CC = 22 nF, CCP = 22 pF, CPVOUT1 = 64 F 3 CH3 1.00 A M8.00s A CH3 24.7% CH4 20.0mV BW T CH4 10.0mV BW M80s T 24.70% 15021-141 10V OFFSET 15021-140 2 4 Figure 35. Adaptive Mode Load Transient, VPVIN1 = 12 V, VPVOUT2 = 3.3 V, ILOAD2 = 0.5 A to 3 A, fSW = 1.5 MHz, L = 2.2 H, RC = 3.48 k, CC = 22 nF, CCP = 22 pF, CPVOUT1 = 64 F Rev. A | Page 14 of 31 Data Sheet ADP5003 THEORY OF OPERATION POWER MANAGEMENT UNIT Active Pull Down The ADP5003 is a micropower management unit combining a step-down (buck) dc-to-dc converter and an ultralow noise low dropout linear (LDO)regulator. The high switching frequency and 5 mm x 5 mm, 32-lead LFCSP package allow a compact power management solution. Both regulators have active pull-down resistors discharging the respective output capacitors when the regulators are disabled. The pull-down resistors are connected between VOUT1 to AGND1 and PVOUT2 to AGND2. Active pull-down resistors are disabled when the regulators are turned on. Adaptive Headroom Control When the enable pins are asserted low, or a TSD or UVLO event occurs, the active pull-down resistors enable to quickly discharge the output capacitors. The pull-down resistors remain engaged until the enable pins are asserted high, the fault event is no longer present, or the VREG supply voltage falls to less than the voltage required (approximately 1 V) to guarantee that the pull-down resistor remains enabled. The ADP5003 features a scheme to control the LDO headroom voltage to ensure optimal operating efficiency while maintaining a consistent power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) across the full range of the LDO load current. The scheme works by varying the headroom voltage across the LDO NFET with respect to the LDO load current. Lower and upper limits prevent the headroom from approaching zero volts at light loads and from increasing more than necessary at high loads. Precision Enable/Shutdown The ADP5003 has individual enable pins (EN1 and EN2) to control the regulators. Soft Start (SS) Both regulators have an internal soft start function that ramps the output voltage in a controlled manner on startup, thereby limiting the inrush current. The soft start function reduces the risk of noise spikes and voltage drops on the upstream supplies. Power-Good The precision enable function allows a precise turn on point for the regulators to allow the possibility of external sequencing. A voltage level higher than VTH_H applied to the EN1 or EN2 pin activates a regulator, whereas a level below VTH_L turns off a regulator. The buck is controlled by EN1, and the LDO is controlled by the EN2 pin. When both EN1 and EN2 fall below VTH_S, the ADP5003 enters shutdown mode. Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) To protect against the input voltage being too low, UVLO circuitry is integrated into the system. If the input voltage on PVINSYS drops to less than the UVLOPVINSYSFALL threshold, all channels shut down. The device is enabled again when the voltage on PVINSYS rises to more than the UVLOPVINSYSRISE threshold, provided the enable pins remain active. Thermal Shutdown (TSD) In the event that the junction temperature rises above TSD, the thermal shutdown circuit turns off both regulators. Extreme junction temperatures can be the result of high current operation, poor circuit board design, or a high ambient temperature. A hysteresis value of TSD-HYS is included so that when thermal shutdown occurs, the regulators do not return to operation until the on-chip temperature drops below TSD - TSD-HYS. When emerging from thermal shutdown, both regulators restart with soft start control. The ADP5003 has a dedicated power-good, open-drain, output (PWRGD). PWRGD indicates whether one or more regulators are outside the voltage limits specified by the power-good lower limit (PWRGDF) and the power-good upper limit (PWRGDF + PWRGDFH). When either one or both of the regulator outputs are outside the power-good limits, the PWRGD output pulls low. PWRGD will continue to pull low, provided the VREG supply voltage remains above approximately 1 V. When in adaptive mode, PWRGD only monitors the LDO output, and when in standalone mode, PWRGD only monitors the regulator/regulators that are enabled. BUCK REGULATOR Control Scheme The buck regulator operates with a fixed frequency, emulated peak current mode, pulse-width modulation (PWM) control architecture, where the duty cycle of the integrated switches is adjusted and regulates the output voltage. At the start of each oscillator cycle, the positive channel field effect transistor (PFET) switch is turned on, sending a positive voltage across the inductor. Current in the inductor increases until the emulated current sense signal crosses the peak inductor current threshold, which turns off the PFET switch and turns on the NFET synchronous rectifier. Turning on the NFET synchronous rectifier creates a negative voltage across the inductor, which causes the inductor current to decrease. The synchronous rectifier stays on for the remainder of the cycle. By adjusting the peak inductor current threshold, the buck regulator can regulate the output voltage. Rev. A | Page 15 of 31 ADP5003 Data Sheet The emulated inductor current scheme senses the current in the inductor during the off phase of the cycle, when the NFET is conducting, and uses this inductor current to generate the emulated current sense signal during the on time of the cycle. This scheme allows the low duty cycles necessary for high input voltage, VIN, to output voltage, VOUT, conversion ratios. Oscillator Frequency Control The ADP5003 buck regulator oscillator frequency is controlled by using the RT pin or the SYNC pin. To define the buck regulator internal switching frequency, connect the RT pin via a resistor to AGND1. Figure 38 shows the relationship of the buck oscillator frequency and the RT resistor value. 3.0 The SYNC pin is dedicated for oscillator synchronization and allows the ADP5003 to lock to an external clock. When an applied external clock signal is present at the SYNC pin, the buck regulator operates in sync with this signal. When alternating between external clocks and the internal oscillator, the presence of an external frequency causes a multiplexer to switch between the internal oscillator and the external SYNC frequency. The output of this multiplexer acts as the frequency reference to an internal phase-locked loop (PLL), which ensures that changing between the two modes of operation results in a smooth transition between the different frequencies. Buck Startup The buck regulator turns on with a controlled soft start ramp to limit inrush current. The reference of the buck is ramped during tSSBUCK, which is typically 2 ms (see Figure 39). 2.5 FREQUENCY (MHz) External Oscillator Synchronization 2.0 1.5 2 tSSBUCK VEN1 1.0 0.5 0 10k 100k RT RESISTOR () 1M 15021-538 4 VPVOUT1 ILOAD1 1 Figure 38. Buck Oscillator Frequency vs. RT Resistor (RRT) VSW1 To determine the oscillator frequency (fSW), use the following equation: (1) An upper limit prevents out of range frequencies when the RT pin is shorted to ground or connected with a resistor value less than 70 k. Rev. A | Page 16 of 31 CH1 1.00A CH3 5.00V B W B W CH2 5.0V CH4 1.0V B W B W 4.00s A CH2 T 1.60ms Figure 39. Buck Startup 1.20V 15021-441 fSW = (1.78 x 1011)/RRT 3 Data Sheet ADP5003 Current-Limit and Short-Circuit Protection LDO REGULATOR The buck regulator includes current-limit protection circuitry to limit the amount of forward current through the field effect transistor (FET) switches. When the valley inductor current exceeds the overcurrent limit threshold for a number of clock cycles during an overload or short-circuit condition, the regulator enters hiccup mode. The regulator stops switching and then restarts with a new soft start cycle after the hiccup time, tHICCUP, and repeats until the over-current condition is removed. If the buck regulator output voltage falls below 50% of the nominal output voltage, the regulator immediately enters hiccup mode. When the valley inductor current falls below the negative current-limit threshold, the NFET turns off and the PFET remains off allowing the inductor current to be discharged via the PFET body diode. The PFET turns on again with the next clock edge after the inductor current no longer exceeds the negative current-limit threshold. The ADP5003 contains a single low noise, low dropout (LDO) linear regulator that uses an NFET pass device to provide high PSRR with low headroom voltage and an output current up to 3 A. 3.5A LDO Startup The LDO regulator turns on with a controlled soft start ramp to limit inrush current. This soft start ramp is dictated by tSSLDO, which is typically 400 s. 4.0 3.5 3.5 2.5 3.0 0.5 2.0 -0.5 1.5 VEN2 (V) VPVOUT2 (V) 1.5 2.5 -1.5 1.0 -2.5 0.5 -3.5 0 -0.4 3 0.1A 1A 3A VEN2 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 -4.5 1.6 TIME (ms) tHICCUP 15021-019 2 The LDO regulator can operate with an input voltage of 0.65 V to 5 V while providing excellent line and load transient response using 10 F ceramic input and output capacitors. Figure 41. LDO Startup 1 Current Limit The LDO operates in current limit when the output load exceeds ILIMIT2. When in current limit operation, the output voltage reduces to maintain a constant output current. Differential Remote Sensing VVOUT1 The LDO can sense at the point of load by using VFB2P and VFB2N as shown in Figure 42. Differential remote sensing compensates for both the source drop and the return drop to provide a more precise supply scheme at the point of load. 3.5A IL 3 LOW NOISE LDO ACTIVE FILTER 3A VSW1 1 PVOUT2 PVOUT2 PVOUT2 - + VFB2P CH2 2.00V B W 20.0ms A CH2 T 79.7600ms 1.08V 15021-440 CH1 10.0V CH3 2.0A + LOAD VFB2N Figure 40. Short-Circuit Response (Current Limit and Hiccup Mode) AGND1 - AGND2 - + Figure 42. Differential Remote Sensing Rev. A | Page 17 of 31 15021-443 2 ADP5003 Data Sheet POWER-GOOD OUTPUT VOLTAGE OF THE LDO REGULATOR An external pull-up resistor is necessary to drive the PWRGD output high (see Figure 43). Through the value of the pull-up resistor is not critical, it is recommended to use a 10 k to 300 k resistor. The resistor must be pulled to a voltage level no greater than 5.5 V. The output voltage on the LDO regulator is adjustable through an external resistor divider. The LDO adjustable output voltage configuration is shown in Figure 45. PVOUT2 PVIN2 REFOUT VPULLUP RTOP2 R PULLUP VFB2P LDO VFB2N VSET2 GPIO VPWRGD 15021-444 RBOT2 Figure 45. LDO Adjustable Output Voltage Configuration Figure 43. Power-Good Setup To calculate the LDO output voltage, use the following equation: OUTPUT VOLTAGE OF THE BUCK REGULATOR The output voltage on the buck regulator is adjustable through an external resistor divider. When using adaptive mode, the ADP5003 controls the buck output voltage. The adjustable output voltage configuration is shown in Figure 44. SW1 PVIN1 REFOUT RTOP1 PVOUT1 VOUT1 BUCK 15021-057 To calculate the buck output voltage, use the following equation: where: VREFOUT is the REFOUT output voltage. ABUCK is the buck regulator gain. RBOT1 is the bottom divider resistor. RTOP1 is the top divider resistor. (3) where: ALDO is the LDO gain. RBOT2 is the bottom divider resistor. RTOP2 is the top divider resistor. For a given input voltage and switching frequency, an upper and lower limitation on the output voltage exists due to the minimum on time and minimum off time. The minimum on time limits the minimum output voltage for a given input voltage and switching frequency. Figure 44. Buck Regulator Adjustable Output Voltage R BOT 1 VPVOUT 1 VREFOUT A BUCK RTOP 1 R BOT 1 R BOT 2 VPVOUT 2 VREFOUT ALDO R TOP 2 R BOT 2 VOLTAGE CONVERSION LIMITATIONS VSET1 RBOT1 15021-059 PWRGD (2) If the minimum on time is exceeded, the ADP5003 may not switch at a fixed frequency because the device can switch at an effective zero on time, resulting in unpredictable switching frequencies and unwanted noise. To calculate the minimum output voltage for a given input voltage and fixed switching frequency, use the following equation: VOUT_MIN = VPVIN1 x tMIN_ON x fSW - (RPFET - RNFET) x IOUT_MIN x tMIN_ON x fSW - (RNFET + RL) x IOUT_MIN where: VOUT_MIN is the minimum output voltage. VPVIN1 is the input voltage. tMIN_ON is the minimum on time. fSW is the switching frequency. RPFET is the high-side PFET on resistance. RNFET is the low-side NFET on resistance. IOUT_MIN is the minimum output current. RL is the resistance of the output inductor. Rev. A | Page 18 of 31 (4) Data Sheet ADP5003 The minimum off time limits the maximum duty cycle which in turn limits the maximum output voltage for a given input voltage and switching frequency. Calculate the maximum output voltage for a given input voltage and switching frequency by using the following equation: Use the following equation to calculate the worst case capacitance, accounting for capacitor variation over temperature, component tolerance, and voltage: VOUT_MAX = VPVIN1 x (1 - tMIN_OFF x fSW) - (RPFET - RNFET) x IOUT_MAX x (1 - tMIN_OFF x fSW) - (RNFET + RL) x IOUT_MAX (5) where: VOUT_MAX is the maximum output voltage. IOUT_MAX is the maximum output current. tMIN_OFF is the minimum off time. where: CEFFECTIVE is the effective capacitance at the operating voltage. CNOMINAL is the nominal data sheet capacitance. TEMPCO is the worst case capacitor temperature coefficient. DCBIASCO is the dc bias derating at the output voltage. Tolerance is the worst case component tolerance. As shown in Equation 4 and Equation 5, reducing the switching frequency eases the minimum on time and minimum off time limitations. To guarantee the performance of the device, it is imperative to evaluate the dc bias effects, temperature, and tolerances on the behavior of the capacitors for each application. COMPONENT SELECTION Capacitors with lower effective series resistance (ESR) and effective series inductance (ESL) are preferred to minimize output voltage ripple. Output Capacitors Higher output capacitor values reduce the output voltage ripple and improve the load transient response. Ceramic capacitors are manufactured with a variety of dielectrics, each with a different behavior over temperature and applied voltage. Capacitors must have a dielectric adequate to ensure the minimum capacitance over the necessary temperature range and dc bias conditions. X5R or X7R dielectrics with a voltage rating of 25 V are recommended for best performance. Y5V and Z5U dielectrics are not recommended for use with any dcto-dc converter because of their poor temperature and dc bias characteristics. CEFFECTIVE = CNOMINAL x (1 - TEMPCO) x (1 - DCBIASCO) x (1 - Tolerance) (6) Use the following equation to calculate the minimum capacitance needed for a specific output voltage ripple: COUT_MIN I L 8 x f SW x (VRIPPLE -- I L x R ESR ) (7) where: IL is the current ripple. fSW is the switching frequency. VRIPPLE is the allowed peak-to-peak voltage ripple. RESR is the effective series resistance of the capacitor. The minimum capacitance needed for stability considering temperature and dc bias effects is 22 F. The minimum capacitance recommended for the LDO is 10 F. Table 8. Recommended Output Capacitors Vendor Wurth Murata Part No. 885 012 207 026 885 012 209 006 885 012 109 012 885 012 109 004 GRM21BR71A106KE51 GRM32ER71C226KEA8 GRM32ER71A476KE15 Value (F) 10 22 47 100 10 22 47 Rev. A | Page 19 of 31 Type X7R X7R X5R X5R X7R X7R X7R Voltage Rating (V) 10 10 25 6.3 10 16 10 Case 0805 1210 1210 1210 0805 1210 1210 ADP5003 Data Sheet Input Capacitor To calculate the inductor value, L, use the following equation: The input current to the buck converter steps from zero to a positive value that is dependent on inductor value, switching frequency, and load current (typically between 1 A and 4 A) and then drops quickly to zero again every switching cycle. Because these current pulses occur at relatively high frequencies (0.3 MHz to 2.5 MHz), the input bypass capacitor provides most of the high frequency current while the input power source supplies only the average current. Higher value input capacitors reduce the input voltage ripple and improve transient response. To minimize supply noise, it is recommended to place a low ESR capacitor as close as possible to the relevant supply pin. L = ((VPVIN1 - VPVOUT1) x D)/(IL x fSW) where: VPVIN1 is the input voltage. VPVOUT1 is the output voltage. D is the duty cycle (D = VVOUT1/VPVIN1). IL is the inductor ripple current. fSW is the switching frequency. The minimum dc current rating of the inductor must be greater than the inductor peak current. Use the following equation to calculate the inductor peak current: IPEAK = ILOAD1 + (IL/2) Inductor The high switching frequency of the ADP5003 buck allows the selection of small chip inductors. A small inductor leads to larger inductor current ripple that provides improved transient response but degrades efficiency. The sizing of the inductor is a trade-off between efficiency and transient response. As a guideline, the inductor peak-to-peak current ripple is typically set to 1/3 of the maximum load current for optimal transient response and efficiency. (8) (9) where: ILOAD1 is the output current. IL is the inductor ripple current. Inductor conduction losses are minimized by using larger sized inductors that have smaller dc resistance; this in turn improves efficiency at the cost of solution size. Due to the high switching frequency of the ADP5003, shielded ferrite core material is recommended for its low core losses and low electromagnetic interference (EMI). Table 9. Recommended Inductors Vendor Coilcraft Wurth Part No. XAL4020-102 XAL4020-122 XAL4020-152 XAL4020-222 XAL5030-102 XAL5030-122 XAL5030-222 XAL5030-332 XAL5050-562 XAL5050-682 XEL6030-102 XEL6030-152 XEL6030-222 XEL6030-332 XEL6060-472 XAL6060-562 XEL6060-682 XEL6060-822 XAL6060-103 744 383 570 10 744 383 570 12 744 383 570 15 744 383 570 18 744 383 570 22 Value (H) 1 1.2 1.5 2.2 1 1.2 2.2 3.3 5.6 6.8 1 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 5.6 6.8 8.2 10 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 Saturation Current, ISAT (A) 8.7 7.9 7.1 5.6 14 12.5 9.2 8.7 6.3 6 18 15 13 10.5 11.4 9.9 7.9 7.6 7.6 9.6 8.8 8.5 8 7 RMS Current, IRMS (A) 6.7 6.6 5.2 4 8.7 7.9 7.2 5.9 5.3 4.7 12 10 7 6 9 7.5 7.3 7 5 7.4 7 6.2 5.8 5.2 Rev. A | Page 20 of 31 DC Resistance (m) 13.25 17.75 21.45 35.2 8.5 11.4 13.2 21.2 23.45 26.75 6.32 9.57 12.7 19.92 13.65 14.46 20.82 22.71 27 11.6 13.4 17.1 18 22 Size (mm) 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 Data Sheet ADP5003 COMPENSATION COMPONENTS DESIGN CCP = (RESR x CPVOUT1)/RC For the peak current mode control architecture, the power stage can be simplified as a voltage controlled current source that supplies current to the output capacitor and load resistor. The simplified loop is composed of one dominant pole and a zero contributed by the output capacitor ESR. The ADP5003 uses a transconductance amplifier as the error amplifier to compensate the system. Figure 46 shows the simplified peak current mode control, small signal circuit. VPVOUT1 VREFOUT RTOP1 - VSET1 ABUCK VCOMP1 gm AVI CPVOUT1 + R RC RBOT1 + CCP - JUNCTION TEMPERATURE In cases where the ambient temperature (TA) is known, the thermal resistance parameter (JA) can estimate the junction temperature rise (TJ). TJ is calculated with TA and the power dissipation (PD) using the following formula: TJ = TA + (PD x JA) VPVOUT1 RESR 15021-043 CC The following procedure shows how to select the compensation components (RC, CC, and CCP) for ceramic output capacitor applications: 1. 2. Determine the cross frequency (fC). Generally, fC is between fSW/12 and fSW/6. Use the following equation to calculate RC: RC = 2 x x C PVOUT1 x ABUCK g m x AVI (10) If the case temperature can be measured, the junction temperature is calculated by To achieve reliable operation of the buck converter and LDO regulator, the estimated die junction temperature of the ADP5003 must be less than 125C. Reliability and mean time between failures (MTBF) is highly affected by increasing the junction temperature. Additional information about product reliability can be found in the Analog Devices, Inc., Reliability Handbook at www.analog.com/reliability_handbook. where: PDBUCK = (VPVIN1 x IPVIN1) - (VPVOUT1 x ILOAD1). PDLDO = ((VPVIN2 - VPVOUT2) x ILOAD2) + (VPVIN2 x IGND). (11) where: RESR is the equivalent series resistance of the output capacitor. 4. (14) where: TC is the case temperature. JC is the junction to case thermal resistance provided in Table 6. PD = PDBUCK + PDLDO Place the compensation zero at the domain pole (fP). Determine CC as follows: CC = ((R + RESR) x CPVOUT1)/RC TJ = TC + (PD x JC) The total power dissipation in the ADP5003 simplifies to where: CPVOUT1 is the output capacitance. AVI = 7 A/V. 3. (13) The typical JA value for the 32-lead, 5 mm x 5 mm LFCSP is 46.91C/W. An important factor to consider is that JA is based on a 4-layer, 4 inches x 3 inches, 2.5 ounces copper PCB, as per the JEDEC standard, and applications may use different sizes and layers. It is important to maximize the copper used to remove the heat from the device. Copper exposed to air dissipates heat better than copper used in the inner layers. Connect the exposed pad to the ground plane with several vias. Figure 46. Simplified Peak Current Mode Control, Small Signal Circuit The compensation components, RC and CC, contribute a zero, and the optional CCP and RC contribute an optional pole. (12) CCP is optional. It can cancel the zero caused by the ESR of the output capacitor. Determine CCP as follows: Rev. A | Page 21 of 31 (15) ADP5003 Data Sheet BUCK REGULATOR DESIGN EXAMPLE This section provides an example of the step by step design procedures and the external components required for the buck regulator. Table 10 lists the design requirements for this example. Table 10. Example Design Requirements for the Buck Regulator Parameter Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Current Output Ripple Load Transient SELECTING THE INDUCTOR FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR The peak-to-peak inductor ripple current, IL, is set to 35% of the maximum output current. Use Equation 8 to estimate the value of the inductor: L = ((VPVIN1 - VPVOUT1) x D)/(IL x fSW) Specification VPVIN1 = 12 V VPVOUT1 = 2.5 V ILOAD1 = 3 A VOUT1_RIPPLE = 25 mV 5% at 20% to 80% load transient SETTING THE SWITCHING FREQUENCY FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR The first step is to determine the switching frequency for the ADP5003 design. In general, higher switching frequencies produce a smaller solution size due to the lower component values required, whereas lower switching frequencies result in higher conversion efficiency due to lower switching losses. The switching frequency of the ADP5003 can be set from 0.3 MHz to 2.5 MHz by connecting a resistor from the RT pin to ground. The selected resistor allows the user to make decisions based on the trade-off between efficiency and solution size. (For more information, see the Oscillator Frequency Control section.) However, the highest supported switching frequency must be assessed by checking the voltage conversion limitations enforced by the minimum on time and the minimum off time (see the Voltage Conversion Limitations section). In this design example, a switching frequency of 600 kHz is used to achieve an ideal combination of small solution size and high conversion efficiency. To set the switching frequency to 600 kHz, use Equation 1 to calculate the resistor value, RRT. This gives a standard resistor value of RT = 294 k. where: VPVIN1 = 12 V. VPVOUT1 = 2.5 V. D is the duty cycle (D = VPVOUT1/VPVIN1). IL = 35% x 3 A = 1.05 A. fSW = 600 kHz. The resulting value for L is 3.14 H. The selected standard inductor value is 3.3 H; therefore, IL is 1 A. To calculate the peak inductor current (IPEAK), use Equation 9: IPEAK = ILOAD1 + (IL/2) The calculated peak current for the inductor is 3.5 A. SELECTING THE OUTPUT CAPACITOR FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR The output capacitor must meet the output voltage ripple, load transient requirements and stability requirements. To meet the output voltage ripple requirement, use Equation 7 to calculate the capacitance: COUT_MIN RBOT1 = (RTOP1 x VPVOUT1)/((VREFOUT x ABUCK) - VPVOUT1) (16) where: VPVOUT1 is the buck output voltage. VREFOUT is 2 V. ABUCK is the buck regulator gain. 8 x f SW x (VRIPPLE -- I L x R ESR ) The calculated capacitance, COUT_MIN, is 8.7 F. To meet the 5% overshoot and undershoot requirements, use the following equations to calculate the capacitance: COUT_UV = SETTING THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR Select a value for the top resistor (RTOP1) and then calculate the bottom feedback (RBOT1) resistor by using the following equation: I L COUT_OV = KUV x I STEP 2 x L 2 x (VPVIN1 - VPVOUT1 ) x VOUT _ UV K OV x I STEP 2 x L (VPVOUT1 + VOUT _ OV )2 - VPVOUT12 where: KUV and KOV are factors (typically set to 2). ISTEP is the load step. VOUT_UV is the allowable undershoot on the output voltage. VOUT_OV is the allowable overshoot on the output voltage. For estimation purposes, use KOV = KUV = 2; therefore, COUT_OV = 33.4 F and COUT_UV = 9 F. It is recommended to use two 22 F ceramic capacitors. To set the output voltage to 2.5 V, RTOP1 is set to 100 k, giving an RBOT1 value of 100 k. Rev. A | Page 22 of 31 (17) (18) Data Sheet ADP5003 DESIGNING THE COMPENSATION NETWORK FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR Figure 47 shows the load transient waveform. 0.02A/s For better load transient and stability performance, set the cross frequency, fC, to fSW/10. In this example, fSW is set to 600 kHz; therefore, fC is set to 60 kHz. 2 x x 44 F x 60 kHz x 2.5 CC = CCP = 600 S x 7 A/V (0.833 + 0.001 ) x 44 F 7.18 k 0.001 x 44 F 7.18 k ILOAD2 2 = 9.87 k VVOUT1 3 = 3.72 nF VPVOUT2 4 = 4.46 pF Choose standard components: RC = 9.76 k, CC = 4.7 nF, CCP = 4.7 pF. CH2 1.00A CH3 200mV CH4 20.0mV BW B W M200s A CH2 T 432.000s 1.08A 15021-550 RC = 0.015A/s Figure 47. 0.6 A to 2.4 A Load Transient for 2.5 V Output, fSW = 0.6 MHz, L = 3.3 H, RC = 9.76 k, CC = 4.7 nF, CCP = 4.7 pF, CPVOUT1 = 44 F SELECTING THE INPUT CAPACITOR FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR For the input capacitor, select a ceramic capacitor with a minimum capacitance of 10 F. Place the input capacitor close to the PVIN1 pin. In this example, one 10 F, X5R, 25 V ceramic capacitor is recommended. Rev. A | Page 23 of 31 ADP5003 Data Sheet ADAPTIVE HEADROOM CONTROL DESIGN EXAMPLE This section provides an example of the step by step design procedures and the external components required for the buck regulator using adaptive headroom control. Table 11 lists the design requirements for this example. Table 11. Example Design Requirements for the Buck Regulator Using Adaptive Headroom Control Parameter Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Current Buck Load Transient Specification VPVIN1 = 12 V VPVOUT2 = 1.3 V ILOAD1 = ILOAD2 = 3 A 100 mV at 20% to 80% load transient SETTING THE SWITCHING FREQUENCY FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR USING ADAPTIVE HEADROOM CONTROL Similar to the buck design example, a switching frequency of 600 kHz is used to achieve a good combination of small solution size and high conversion efficiency. To set the switching frequency to 600 kHz, use Equation 1 to calculate the resistor value, RRT: RRT (k) = 1.78 x 1011/fSW (kHz) Therefore, select standard resistor RT = 294 k. The peak-to-peak inductor ripple current, IL, is set to 35% of the maximum output current. Use the Equation 8 to estimate the value of the inductor: L = ((VPVIN1 - VPVOUT1) x D)/(IL x fSW) where: VPVIN1 = 12 V. VPVOUT1 = VPVOUT2 + VHR = 1.7 V. VPVOUT2 = 1.3 V. VHR is the adaptive headroom voltage at steady state current. See Table 4 and Figure 25 for the approximate values of VHR vs. load current. For this example, use VHR equal to 0.4 V for steady state load current of 3 A. D is the duty cycle (D = VVOUT1/VPVIN1). IL = 35% x 3 A = 1.05 A. fSW = 600 kHz. The resulting value for L is 2.32 H. The selected standard inductor value is 2.2 H; therefore, IL is 1.1 A. To calculate the peak inductor current (IPEAK), use Equation 9: SETTING THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE FOR THE LDO REGULATOR USING ADAPTIVE HEADROOM CONTROL IPEAK = ILOAD1 + (IL/2) The calculated peak current for the inductor is 3.55 A. SELECTING THE OUTPUT CAPACITORS FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR USING ADAPTIVE HEADROOM CONTROL Select a value for the top feedback resistor (RTOP2) and then calculate the bottom resistor (RBOT2) by using the following equation: RBOT2 = (RTOP2 x VPVOUT2)/((VREFOUT x ALDO) - VPVOUT2) SELECTING THE INDUCTOR FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR USING ADAPTIVE HEADROOM CONTROL (19) where: VPVOUT2 is the LDO output voltage. VREFOUT is 2 V. ALDO is the LDO regulator gain. To set the output voltage to 1.3 V, RTOP2 is set to 100 k giving an RBOT2 value of 65 k. To ensure that the LDO regulator does not track the buck output, the undershoot voltage must be set to a value less than the minimum adaptive headroom voltage. Use Equation 17 and Equation 18 to calculate the capacitance. For estimation purposes, use KOV = KUV = 2; therefore, COUT_OV = 40.7 F and COUT_UV = 6.92 F. It is recommended to use a single 47 F ceramic capacitor for the output of the buck and a single 10 F for the output of the LDO. Rev. A | Page 24 of 31 Data Sheet ADP5003 DESIGNING THE COMPENSATION NETWORK FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR USING ADAPTIVE HEADROOM CONTROL VPVOUT1 4 Due to the addition of the adaptive headroom scheme in the feedback loop, a lower bandwidth is required. Set the crossover frequency, fC, to fSW/60. In this example, fSW is set to 600 kHz; therefore, fC is set to 10 kHz. 2 x x 47 F x 10 kHz x 2.5 CC = CCP = 600 S x 7 A/V (0.433 + 0.001 ) x 47 F 1.76 k 0.001 x 47 F 1.76 k ILOAD1 1 = 1.76 k = 15.2 nF = 26.7 pF Choose standard components: RC = 1.74 k, CC = 22 nF, CCP = 22 pF. Figure 48 shows the load transient waveform. CH1 1.00A BW CH4 100mV B W 200s T 508s A CH3 1.38A 15021-449 RC = 0.013A/s 0.02A/s Figure 48. 0.6 A to 2.4 A Load Transient for 2.5 V Output, fSW = 600 kHz, L = 2.2 H, RC = 1.74 k, CC = 22 nF, CCP = 22 pF, CPVOUT1 = 47F SELECTING THE INPUT CAPACITOR FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR USING ADAPTIVE HEADROOM CONTROL For the input capacitor, select a ceramic capacitor with a minimum value of 10 F. Place the input capacitor close to the PVIN1 pin. In this example, one 10 F, X5R, 25 V ceramic capacitor is recommended. Rev. A | Page 25 of 31 ADP5003 Data Sheet RECOMMENDED EXTERNAL COMPONENTS FOR THE BUCK REGULATOR Table 12 lists the recommended external components for buck applications up to 3 A operation (5% tolerance at an ~60% step transient), and Table 13 lists the recommended buck external components for adaptive headroom applications up to 3 A operation (VPVOUT2 100 mV at an ~60% step transient). Table 12. Recommended External Components for Buck Applications up to 3 A Operation (5% Tolerance at an ~60% Step Transient) fSW (kHz) 300 600 1000 VIN (V) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 5 5 5 5 5 12 12 12 12 12 5 5 5 5 5 5 12 12 12 5 5 5 5 5 5 VOUT (V) 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.3 5 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.3 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.3 5 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.3 2.5 3.3 5 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.3 L (H) 3.3 4.7 4.7 5.6 6.8 8.2 10 3.3 3.3 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 2.2 3.3 3.3 4.7 5.6 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.3 3.3 1 1 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.2 COUT (F) 210 204.7 147 110 69 47 26.7 210 147 132 94 47 51.7 69 69 32 26.7 22 94 147 49.2 47 23 24.2 22 22 22 69 47 32 23 22 22 RTOP1 (k) 200 150 174 150 100 49.9 0 200 150 174 150 100 49.9 150 150 100 49.9 0 200 150 174 150 100 49.9 100 49.9 0 200 150 174 150 100 49.9 Rev. A | Page 26 of 31 RBOT1 (k) 49.9 47.5 75 84.5 100 97.6 open 49.9 47.5 75 84.5 100 97.6 84.5 84.5 100 97.6 Open 49.9 47.5 75 84.5 100 97.6 100 97.6 Open 49.9 47.5 75 84.5 100 97.6 RC (k) 23.7 23.2 16.5 12.4 7.68 5.23 3.01 23.7 16.5 14.7 10.5 5.23 5.76 15.4 15.4 7.15 6.04 4.99 21 33.2 11 10.5 5.11 5.49 8.25 8.25 8.25 25.5 17.4 12.1 8.66 8.25 8.25 CC (nF) 3.3 3.3 4.7 4.7 6.8 10 15 3.3 3.3 4.7 4.7 6.8 10 2.2 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.2 3.3 4.7 2.2 3.3 4.7 1 1 1.5 1.5 2.2 3.3 CCP (pF) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Data Sheet ADP5003 Table 13. Recommended Buck External Components for Adaptive Headroom Applications up to 3 A Operation (VPVOUT2 100 mV at an ~60% Step Transient) fSW (kHz) 600 VIN (V) 12 12 12 12 12 5 5 5 5 5 VOUT2 (V) 3.3 2.5 1.8 1.3 1.1 3.3 2.5 1.8 1.3 1.1 L (H) 4.7 3.3 3.3 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.5 COUT1 (F) 47 44 57 47 47 44 32 32 44 44 RC (k) 1.74 1.65 2.15 1.74 1.74 1.65 1.21 1.21 1.65 1.65 CC (nF) 33 22 22 22 10 33 22 22 22 10 Rev. A | Page 27 of 31 CCP (pF) 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 RTOP2 (k) Short 37.4 100 100 100 Short 37.4 100 100 100 RBOT2 (k) Open 118 121 64.9 49.9 Open 118 121 64.9 49.9 COUT2 (F) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ADP5003 Data Sheet BUCK CONFIGURATIONS 80 The buck and LDO regulators can operate independently of each other (see Figure 50) to provide two voltage rails from a single supply. In this way, the buck regulator can provide an intermediate supply rail for the LDO regulator with a fixed headroom voltage between the buck output voltage and the LDO output voltage. The LDO regulator acts to filter the voltage ripple and switching noise generated by the buck regulator for noise sensitive supplies. Where additional filtering is required, a second stage LC filter can be added between the buck output and the LDO input. Because the regulators are independently operated to provide a single voltage rail, the PSRR and efficiency can be configured as required by the application by either setting a lower headroom voltage for greater efficiency or a higher headroom voltage for greater PSRR. 70 CVREG 1F 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 LOAD CURRENT (A) 2.5 VPVIN1: 12V CPVIN1 10F L1 3.3H VPVOUT1 = 2.5V PGND1 VREG PVINSYS CPVINSYS 10F ADAPTIVE HEADROOM CONTROL INDEPENDENT, 150mV HEADROOM INDEPENDENT, 500mV HEADROOM CPVOUT1 44F RT VPVINSYS: 12V 20 Figure 49. Efficiency vs. Load Current for Different Operating Modes SW1 VSET1 RTOP1 100k 30 0 VOUT1 RBOT1 100k 40 0 PVIN1 BUCK REGULATOR 3A 50 10 EN1 CC RC 4.7nF 9.76k COMP1 60 RRT 294k PWRGD SYSTEM ANALOG DEVICES RF TRANSCEIVER, HIGH SPEED ADC/DAC, CLOCK, ASIC/PROCESSOR SYNC REFOUT CREFOUT 0.22F RTOP2 100k PVIN2 VSET2 CPVIN2 10F VBUF CVBUF 0.1F VREG_LDO LOW NOISE LDO ACTIVE FILTER 3A PVOUT2 VPVOUT2 = 1.3V CPVOUT2 10F CVREG_LDO 1F EN2 VFB2P VFB2N AGND1 AGND2 Figure 50. Independent Configuration (Dual Output) Rev. A | Page 28 of 31 15021-062 RBOT2 64.9k 3.0 15021-450 INDEPENDENT EFFICIENCY (%) INDEPENDENT Data Sheet ADP5003 ADAPTIVE HEADROOM 0 The ADP5003 features a scheme to control the buck regulator output voltage and thus the LDO headroom voltage to provide better efficiency with the same noise performance of a standalone LDO regulator. When the buck regulator uses the adaptive headroom control configuration, the ADP5003 manages the buck regulator output voltage vs. the LDO load current (see Figure 25). The adaptive headroom control also optimizes the LDO headroom when the remote sense feedback corrects any output voltage drop due to additional filtering or high trace impedance under high load conditions. The headroom profile of the adaptive headroom control is set to deliver a consistent PSRR across the load range while optimizing efficiency of the overall system (see Figure 51). To enable adaptive headroom control, connect VSET1 to VREG (see Figure 52). EN1 0.2V, 1A 0.28V, 1.5A 0.35V, 2A 0.4V, 2.5A 0.4V, 3A -10 LDO PSRR (dB) -20 LDO PSRR VPVIN1 = 12V, VPVOUT2 = 0.9V -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -90 10 1 100 1k 10k 1M 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 51. LDO PSRR vs. Frequency PVIN1 VPVIN1: 12V PVIN1 CPVIN1 10F VOUT1 CC RC 2.2nF 1.74k COMP1 BUCK REGULATOR 3A L1 2.2H SW1 SW1 SW1 VPVOUT1 (ADAPTIVE) CPVOUT1 47F PGND1 VSET1 PGND1 PGND1 CVREG 1F VREG RT VPVINSYS: 12V PVINSYS CPVINSYS 10F RRT 294k PWRGD SYSTEM SYNC REFOUT CREFOUT 0.22F PVIN2 VSET2 RBOT2 64.9k CVBUF 0.1F PVIN2 PVIN2 VBUF VREG_LDO LOW NOISE LDO ACTIVE FILTER 3A CVREG_LDO 1F EN2 CPVIN2 10F PVOUT2 VVPOUT2 = 1.3V PVOUT2 PVOUT2 CPVOUT2 10F ANALOG DEVICES RF TRANSCEIVER, HIGH SPEED ADC/DAC, CLOCK, ASIC/ PROCESSOR VFB2P VFB2N AGND1 15021-061 RTOP2 100k AGND2 Figure 52. Adaptive Headroom Configuration Rev. A | Page 29 of 31 10M 15021-145 -80 ADP5003 Data Sheet LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS Layout is important for all switching regulators but is particularly important for regulators with high switching frequencies. To achieve high efficiency, proper regulation, stability, and low noise, a well designed PCB layout is required. Follow these guidelines when designing PCBs: * 13.2mm L1 PVIN 2 23 3 22 4 21 ADP5003 5 20 15 16 14 17 13 8 12 18 11 19 7 9 6 RRT 0201 CVREG 1F 10V/X5R 0406 CC 0402 RC 0201 24 0402 RTOP1 RBOT1 CCP 0201 1 0201 26 25 28 27 29 31 30 32 CVOUT1 22F 25V/X5R 1206 0201 0201 CREFOUT 0.22F 10V/X5R 0402 RTOP2 RBOT2 PVOUT2 CPVOUT2 10F 25V/X5R 0805 Figure 53. Example Outline Layout Rev. A | Page 30 of 31 CVREG_LDO 1F 10V/X5R 0402 CVBUF 0.1F 10V/X5R 0402 15021-063 CPVIN2 10F 50V/X5R 1206 CPVINSYS 10F 35V/X5R 0805 CPVIN1 10F 50V/X5R 1206 10 PVOUT1 * * Keep high current loops as short and wide as possible. * Keep the input bypass capacitors close to the PVIN1, PVIN2, and PVINSYS pins. * Keep the inductor and output capacitor close to SW1 and PGND1. Route the VFB2P and VFB2N LDO sense traces side by side connecting them each as close as possible to the point 18.7mm * of load. Keep them as short as possible and away from noise sources. Place the frequency setting resistor close to the RT pin. Keep AGND1 and PGND1 separate on the top layer of the board. This separation avoids pollution of AGND1 with switching noise. Do not connect PGND1 to the EPAD on the top layer of the layout. Connect both AGND1 and PGND1 to the board ground plane with vias. Ideally, connect PGND1 to the plane at a point between the input and output capacitors. Connect the negative terminal of CVBUF to the VFB2N pin. Data Sheet ADP5003 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS DETAIL A (JEDEC 95) 0.30 0.25 0.18 25 PIN 1 INDIC ATOR AREA OPTIONS (SEE DETAIL A) 32 24 1 0.50 BSC 3.25 3.10 SQ 2.95 EXPOSED PAD 17 TOP VIEW 0.80 0.75 0.70 SIDE VIEW PKG-003898 SEATING PLANE 0.50 0.40 0.30 8 9 16 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM COPLANARITY 0.08 0.20 REF BOTTOM VIEW 0.20 MIN FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-WHHD 10-19-2017-B PIN 1 INDICATOR 5.10 5.00 SQ 4.90 Figure 54. 32-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] 5 mm x 5 mm Body and 0.75 mm Package Height (CP-32-7) Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model 1 ADP5003ACPZ-R7 ADP5003CP-EVALZ 1 Temperature Range -40C to +125C Package Description 32-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] Evaluation Board Z = RoHS Compliant Part. (c)2017-2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D15021-0-3/19(A) Rev. A | Page 31 of 31 Package Option CP-32-7