FCBG110SD1Cxx Product Specification
II. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Exceeding the limits below may damage the active optical cable permanently.
Case Operating Temperature
1. Assumes no mechanical load force on the unit. Ensuring no mechanical load force requires a cable
bend radius of >105 mm within 100 mm of either cable and SFP+ end and >60 mm on the rest of the
cable. Otherwise, the storage temperature range is -20 to 75°C.
III. Electrical Characteristics (each cable end, TOP = 0 to 70 °C, VCC = 3.14 to 3.46 Volts)
Input differential impedance
Differential data input swing
Differential data output swing
Data output rise time, fall time
Power Supply Noi se Tol erance
1. Connected directly to TX data input pins. AC coupling from pins into laser dr iver IC.
2. Into 10 0Ω differential termination.
3. 20 – 80% . Measured with Module Compliance Test Board and OMA test pattern. Use of four 1’s
and four 0’s in seque nce in the PRBS^9 is an acceptable alterna tive. SFF-8431 Rev 4.1
4. LOS is an open collector output. Should be pulled up with 4.7kΩ – 10kΩ on the host board.
Normal operation is logic 0; loss of signal is logic 1. Maximum pull-up voltage is 5.5V.
5. Testi ng methodol ogy per SFF-8431. Rev 4.1
6. The FCBG110SD1Cxx is SFI Limiting. Host board designers using an EDC PHY IC should
follow the IC manufacturer’s recommended settings for interoperating the host-board EDC PHY
with a limiting receiver.
Finisar Corporation - July 2015 Rev. C1 Page 3