Fea tures
•Choice of mounting configuration
•Choice of aperture
•Choice of output configuration
•Choice of opaque or IR transmissive
shell material
•Data rates to 250 kBaud
•24” min 26AWG wire leads
De scrip tion
The OPB980 and OPB990 series of
Photologic Photo Integrated Circuit
Switches provide optimum flexibility for
the design engineer. Building from a
standard housing with a .125” wide slot,
the user can specify (1) type and polarity
of TTL output, (2) discrete shell material,
(3) aperture width, and (4) choice of
mounting configuration.
The electrical output can be satisfied as
either TTL totem pole or TTL open
collector. Either may be supplied with
inverter or buffer output polarity. All have
added stability of a built-in hysteresis
Ab so lute Maxi mum Rat ings (TA = 25oC un less oth er wise noted)
Sup ply Volt age, VCC (Not to ex ceed 3 sec.) ..............................10V
Stor age Tem pera ture Range ............................... -40o C to +80o C
Op er at ing Tem pera ture Range ............................. -40o C to +70o C
In put Di ode Power Dis si pa tion ................................... 100mW(1)
Out put Pho tologic Power Dis si pa tion............................. 200mW(2)
To tal De vice Power Dis si pa tion .................................. 300mW(3)
Volt age at Out put Lead (Open Col lec tor Out put) .......................... 35V
Di ode For ward D.C. Cur rent ........................................ 40mA
Di ode Re verse D.C. Volt age .......................................... 2V
(1) Derate linearly 2.22mW/o C above 25o C.
(2) Derate linearly 4.44mW/o C above 25o C.
(3) Derate linearly 6.66mW/o C above 25o C.
(4) The OPB980/OPB990 series of switches are terminated with 24 inches of 7 strand 26 AWG,
UL 1429 insulated wire on each terminal. Insulation colors and functions are:
BLACK - IRED Cath ode BLUE - Ou put
GREEN - Ground
Other wire lenghts and/or colors in ad di tion to cus tomer se lected con nec tors are avail able.
Con tact your lo cal rep re sen ta tive or call the fac tory.
(5) Normal application would be with light source blocked, simulated by IF = 0mA..
(6) All parameters tested using pulse techniques.
Hous ing
All housings are an opaque grade of injection-molded plastic to minimize the
assembly’s sensitivity to ambient radiation, both visible and near-infrared. Discrete
shells (exposed on the parallel faces inside the device throat) are either IR
transmissive plastic for applications where aperture contamination may occur or
opaque plastic for maximum protection against ambient light.
Prod uct Bul le tin OPB980
Feb ru ary 1998
Pho tologic Slot ted Op ti cal Switches
Types OPB980, OPB990 Se ries
Op tek re serves the right to make changes at any time in or der to im prove de sign and to sup ply the best prod uct pos si ble.
Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972)323- 2200 Fax (972)323- 2396