73S1209F Self-Contained PINpad, Smart Card Reader IC UART to ISO7816 / EMV Bridge IC Simplifying System IntegrationTM DATA SHEET December 2008 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Embedded Flash memory is in-system programmable and lockable by means of on-silicon fuses. This makes the 73S1209F suitable for both development and production phases. The Teridian Semiconductor Corporation 73S1209F is a versatile and economical CMOS System-on-Chip device intended for smart card reader applications. More generally, it is suitable anywhere a UART to ISO-7816 / EMV bridge function is needed. The circuit is built around an 80515 high-performance core; it features primarily an ISO-7816 / EMV interface and a generic asynchronous serial interface. Delivered with turnkey Teridian embedded firmware, it forms a ready-to-use smart card reader solution that can be seamlessly incorporated into any microprocessor-based system where a serial line is available. Teridian Semiconductor Corporation offers with its 73S1209F a very comprehensive set of software libraries for EMV. Refer to the 73S12xxF Software User's Guide for a complete description of the Application Programming Interface (API Libraries) and related Software modules. The solution is scalable, thanks to a built-in I2C interface that allows to drive external electrical smart card interfaces such as Teridian 73S8010R/C ICs. This makes the solution immediately able to support multi-card slots or multi-SAM architectures. APPLICATIONS In addition, the 73S1209F features a 5x6 PINpad interface, 9 user I/Os, 2 LED outputs (programmable current), multiple interrupt options and an analog voltage input (for DC voltage monitoring such as battery level detection) that make it suitable for low-cost PINpad reader devices. The 80515 CPU core instruction set is compatible with the industry standard 8051, while offering one clock-cycle per instruction processing power (most instructions). With a CPU clock running up to 24MHz, it results in up to 24MIPS available that meets the requirements of various encryption needs such as AES, DES / 3-DES and even RSA (for PIN encryption for instance). The circuit requires a single 6MHz to 12MHz crystal. The respective 73S1209F embedded memories are 32KB Flash program memory, 2KB user XRAM memory, and 256B IRAM memory. Dedicated FIFOs for the ISO7816 UART are independent from the user XRAM and IRAM. Alternatively to the turnkey firmware offered by Teridian, customers can develop their own embedded firmware directly within their application or using Teridian 73S1209F Evaluation Board through a JTAG-like interface. Overall, the Teridian 73S1209F IC requires 2 distinct power supply voltages to operate normally with full support of all smart card voltages, 1.8V, 3V and 5V. The digital power supply VDD requires a 2.7V to 3.6V voltage, and the analog power supply VPC requires typically a 4.75V to 6.0V. While the VDD is used to power up the CPU core and the digital functions of the IC, the VPC voltage is used to supply the proper VCC voltage to the smart card interface: The chip incorporates an low drop-out linear voltage regulator that generates the smart card power-supply VCC from the power supply source VPC. Rev. 1.2 A complete array of development and programming tools, libraries and demonstration boards enable rapid development and certification of readers that meet most demanding smart card standards. * UART to ISO-7816 / EMV Bridges * PINpad smart card readers: o With serial connectivity o Ideal for low-cost POS Terminals) & Digital Identification (Secure Login, Gov't ID...) * SIM Readers in Telecom & Personal Wireless devices * Payphones and vending machines * General purpose smart card readers ADVANTAGES * Reduced BOM * Low-Cost * Dual power supply required 3.3V and 5V typical * Higher performance CPU core (up to 24MIPS) * Built-in EMV/ISO slot, expandable to multislots * Powerful In-Circuit Emulation and Programming * A complete set of EMV4.1 / ISO-7816 libraries * Turnkey PC/SC and CCID firmware and host drivers o Supported OS: Windows XP, WindowsTM Mobile; Windows CE; Linux o Other OS: Contact Teridian Semiconductor (c) 2008 Teridian Semiconductor Corporation 1 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 FEATURES 80515 Core: Communication Interfaces: * * * * * * * Full-duplex serial interface (1200bps to 115kbps UART) * I2C Master Interface (400kbps) 1 clock cycle per instruction (most instructions) CPU clocked up to 24MHz 32kB Flash memory with security 2kB XRAM (User Data Memory) 256 byte IRAM Hardware watchdog timer Oscillators: * Single low-cost 6MHz to 12MHz crystal * An Internal PLL provides all the necessary clocks to each block of the system Interrupts: * Standard 80C515 4-priority level structure * 9 different sources of interrupt to the core Power Down Modes: Man-Machine Interface and I/Os: * 5x6 Keyboard (hardware scanning, debouncing and scrambling) * (9) User I/Os * Up to 2 programmable current outputs (LED) Voltage Detection: * * * * Analog Input (detection range: 1.0V to 2.5V) Operating Voltage: 2.7V to 3.6V Digital power supply 4.75 to 5.5V Analog, smart card power supply * 2 standard 80C515 Power Down and IDLE modes * Extensive device power down mode Operating Temperature: Timers: * 68-pin QFN, 44-pin QFN * (2) Standard 80C52 timers T0 and T1 * (1) 16-bit timer Built-in ISO-7816 Card Interface: * Linear regulator produces VCC for the card (1.8V, 3V or 5V) * Full compliance with EMV 4.1 * Activation/Deactivation sequencers * Auxiliary I/O lines (C4 and C8 signals) * 7kV ESD protection on all interface pins Communication with Smart Cards: * ISO-7816 UART for protocols T=0, T=1 * (2) 2-Byte FIFOs for transmit and receive * Configured to drive multiple external Teridian 73S8010x interfaces (for multi-SAM architectures) * -40C to 85C Package: Software: * Turnkey firmware: o Compliant with PC/SC, CCID, ISO7816 and EMV4.1 specifications o Features a Power Down mode accessible form the host o Supports Plug & Play over serial interface o Windows(R) XP driver available (*) o Windows CE / Mobile driver available (*) o Linux and other OS: Upon request * Or for custom developments: o A complete set of ISO-7816, EMV4.1 and low-level libraries are available for T=0 / T=1 o Two-level Application Programming Interface (ANSI C-language libraries) (*) Contact Teridian Semiconductor for conditions and availability 2 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Table of Contents 1 Hardware Description ......................................................................................................................... 8 1.1 Pin Description .............................................................................................................................. 8 1.2 Hardware Overview .................................................................................................................... 11 1.3 80515 MPU Core ........................................................................................................................ 11 1.3.1 80515 Overview ............................................................................................................. 11 1.3.2 Memory Organization .................................................................................................... 11 1.4 Program Security ........................................................................................................................ 16 1.5 Special Function Registers (SFRs) ............................................................................................ 18 1.5.1 Internal Data Special Function Registers (SFRs).......................................................... 18 1.5.2 IRAM Special Function Registers (Generic 80515 SFRs) ............................................ 19 1.5.3 External Data Special Function Registers (SFRs) ........................................................ 21 1.6 Instruction Set ............................................................................................................................. 23 1.7 Peripheral Descriptions............................................................................................................... 23 1.7.1 Oscillator and Clock Generation .................................................................................... 23 1.7.2 Power Control Modes .................................................................................................... 27 1.7.3 Interrupts ........................................................................................................................ 32 1.7.4 UART ............................................................................................................................. 39 1.7.5 Timers and Counters ..................................................................................................... 44 1.7.6 WD Timer (Software Watchdog Timer) ......................................................................... 46 1.7.7 User (USR) Ports ........................................................................................................... 49 1.7.8 Analog Voltage Comparator .......................................................................................... 51 1.7.9 LED Drivers ................................................................................................................... 53 1.7.10 I2C Master Interface ....................................................................................................... 54 1.7.11 Keypad Interface ............................................................................................................ 61 1.7.12 Emulator Port ................................................................................................................. 67 1.7.13 Smart Card Interface Function ...................................................................................... 68 1.7.14 VDD Fault Detect Function .......................................................................................... 102 2 Typical Application Schematics .................................................................................................... 103 3 Electrical Specification................................................................................................................... 105 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................................................................................... 105 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions ...................................................................................... 105 3.3 Digital IO Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 106 3.4 Oscillator Interface Requirements ............................................................................................ 106 3.5 DC Characteristics: Analog Input ............................................................................................. 106 3.6 Smart Card Interface Requirements ......................................................................................... 107 3.7 DC Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 109 3.8 Voltage / Temperature Fault Detection Circuits ....................................................................... 109 4 Equivalent Circuits ......................................................................................................................... 110 4.1 Package Pin Designation (68-pin QFN) ................................................................................... 117 4.2 Package Pin Designation (44-pin QFN) ................................................................................... 118 4.3 Packaging Information .............................................................................................................. 119 5 Ordering Information ...................................................................................................................... 121 6 Related Documentation .................................................................................................................. 121 7 Contact Information ........................................................................................................................ 121 Revision History ...................................................................................................................................... 122 Rev. 1.2 3 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Figures Figure 1: IC Functional Block Diagram ......................................................................................................... 7 Figure 2: Memory Map ................................................................................................................................ 15 Figure 3: Clock Generation and Control Circuits ........................................................................................ 24 Figure 4: Oscillator Circuit ........................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 5: Power-Down Control .................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 6: Detail of Power-Down Interrupt Logic .......................................................................................... 28 Figure 7: Power-Down Sequencing ............................................................................................................ 28 Figure 8: External Interrupt Configuration ................................................................................................... 32 Figure 9: I2C Write Mode Operation ........................................................................................................... 55 Figure 10: I2C Read Operation .................................................................................................................... 56 Figure 11: Simplified Keypad Block Diagram.............................................................................................. 61 Figure 12: Keypad Interface Flow Chart ..................................................................................................... 63 Figure 13: Smart Card Interface Block Diagram ......................................................................................... 68 Figure 14: External Smart Card Interface Block Diagram........................................................................... 69 Figure 15: Asynchronous Activation Sequence Timing .............................................................................. 72 Figure 16: Deactivation Sequence .............................................................................................................. 72 Figure 17: Smart Card CLK and ETU Generation ...................................................................................... 73 Figure 18: Guard, Block, Wait and ATR Time Definitions ........................................................................... 74 Figure 19: Synchronous Activation ............................................................................................................. 76 Figure 20: Example of Sync Mode Operation: Generating/Reading ATR Signals ..................................... 76 Figure 21: Creation of Synchronous Clock Start/Stop Mode Start Bit in Sync Mode ................................. 77 Figure 22: Creation of Synchronous Clock Start/Stop Mode Stop Bit in Sync Mode ................................. 77 Figure 23: Operation of 9-bit Mode in Sync Mode ...................................................................................... 78 Figure 24: 73S1209F Typical PINpad, Smart Card Reader Application Schematic ................................. 103 Figure 25: 73S1209F Typical SIM / Smart Card Reader Application Schematic ..................................... 104 Figure 26: 12 MHz Oscillator Circuit ......................................................................................................... 110 Figure 27: Digital I/O Circuit ...................................................................................................................... 110 Figure 28: Digital Output Circuit ................................................................................................................ 111 Figure 29: Digital I/O with Pull Up Circuit .................................................................................................. 111 Figure 30: Digital I/O with Pull Down Circuit ............................................................................................. 112 Figure 31: Digital Input Circuit ................................................................................................................... 112 Figure 32: Keypad Row Circuit ................................................................................................................. 113 Figure 33: Keypad Column Circuit ............................................................................................................ 113 Figure 34: LED Circuit ............................................................................................................................... 114 Figure 35: Test and Security Pin Circuit ................................................................................................... 114 Figure 36: Analog Input Circuit.................................................................................................................. 115 Figure 37: Smart Card Output Circuit ....................................................................................................... 115 Figure 38: Smart Card I/O Circuit.............................................................................................................. 116 Figure 39: PRES Input Circuit ................................................................................................................... 116 Figure 40: PRES Input Circuit ................................................................................................................... 116 Figure 41: 73S1209F Pinout ..................................................................................................................... 117 Figure 42: 73S1209F Pinout ..................................................................................................................... 118 Figure 43: 73S1209F 68 QFN Pinout ....................................................................................................... 119 Figure 44: 73S1209F 44 QFN Pinout ....................................................................................................... 120 4 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Tables Table 1: 73S1209F Pinout Description ......................................................................................................... 8 Table 2: MPU Data Memory Map................................................................................................................ 11 Table 3: Flash Special Function Registers ................................................................................................. 13 Table 4: Internal Data Memory Map ........................................................................................................... 14 Table 5: Security Control Registers ............................................................................................................ 17 Table 6: IRAM Special Function Registers Locations ................................................................................. 18 Table 7: IRAM Special Function Registers Reset Values........................................................................... 19 Table 8: XRAM Special Function Registers Reset Values ......................................................................... 21 Table 9: PSW Register Flags ...................................................................................................................... 22 Table 10: Port Registers ............................................................................................................................. 23 Table 11: Frequencies and Mcount Values for MCLK = 96MHz ................................................................ 25 Table 12: The MCLKCtl Register ................................................................................................................ 25 Table 13: The MPUCKCtl Register ............................................................................................................. 26 Table 14: The INT5Ctl Register .................................................................................................................. 29 Table 15: The MISCtl0 Register .................................................................................................................. 29 Table 16: The MISCtl1 Register .................................................................................................................. 30 Table 17: The MCLKCtl Register ................................................................................................................ 30 Table 18: The PCON Register .................................................................................................................... 31 Table 19: The IEN0 Register....................................................................................................................... 33 Table 20: The IEN1 Register....................................................................................................................... 34 Table 21: The IEN2 Register....................................................................................................................... 34 Table 22: The TCON Register .................................................................................................................... 35 Table 23: The T2CON Register .................................................................................................................. 35 Table 24: The IRCON Register ................................................................................................................... 36 Table 25: External MPU Interrupts .............................................................................................................. 36 Table 26: Control Bits for External Interrupts .............................................................................................. 37 Table 27: Priority Level Groups................................................................................................................... 37 Table 28: The IP0 Register ......................................................................................................................... 37 Table 29: The IP1 Register ......................................................................................................................... 38 Table 30: Priority Levels .............................................................................................................................. 38 Table 31: Interrupt Polling Sequence .......................................................................................................... 38 Table 32: Interrupt Vectors.......................................................................................................................... 38 Table 33: UART Modes ............................................................................................................................... 39 Table 34: Baud Rate Generation ................................................................................................................ 39 Table 35: The PCON Register .................................................................................................................... 40 Table 36: The BRCON Register ................................................................................................................. 40 Table 37: The MISCtl0 Register .................................................................................................................. 41 Table 38: The S0CON Register .................................................................................................................. 42 Table 39: The S1CON Register .................................................................................................................. 43 Table 40: The TMOD Register .................................................................................................................... 44 Table 41: TMOD Register Bit Description ................................................................................................... 44 Table 42: Timers/Counters Mode Description ............................................................................................ 45 Table 43: The TCON Register .................................................................................................................... 46 Table 44: The IEN0 Register....................................................................................................................... 47 Table 45: The IEN1 Register....................................................................................................................... 47 Table 46: The IP0 Register ......................................................................................................................... 48 Table 47: The WDTREL Register ............................................................................................................... 48 Table 48: Direction Registers and Internal Resources for DIO Pin Groups ............................................... 49 Table 49: UDIR Control Bit.......................................................................................................................... 49 Table 50: Selectable Controls Using the UxIS Bits ..................................................................................... 49 Table 51: The USRIntCtl1 Register ............................................................................................................ 50 Table 52: The USRIntCtl2 Register ............................................................................................................ 50 Table 53: The USRIntCtl3 Register ............................................................................................................ 50 Table 54: The USRIntCtl4 Register ............................................................................................................ 50 Table 55: The ACOMP Register ................................................................................................................. 51 Table 56: The INT6Ctl Register .................................................................................................................. 52 Rev. 1.2 5 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Table 57: The LEDCtl Register ................................................................................................................... 53 Table 58: The DAR Register ....................................................................................................................... 57 Table 59: The WDR Register ...................................................................................................................... 57 Table 60: The SWDR Register.................................................................................................................... 58 Table 61: The RDR Register ....................................................................................................................... 58 Table 62: The SRDR Register .................................................................................................................... 59 Table 63: The CSR Register ....................................................................................................................... 59 Table 64: The INT6Ctl Register .................................................................................................................. 60 Table 65: The KCOL Register ..................................................................................................................... 64 Table 66: The KROW Register ................................................................................................................... 64 Table 67: The KSCAN Register .................................................................................................................. 65 Table 68: The KSTAT Register ................................................................................................................... 65 Table 69: The KSIZE Register .................................................................................................................... 66 Table 70: The KORDERL Register ............................................................................................................. 66 Table 71: The KORDERH Register ............................................................................................................ 67 Table 72: The INT5Ctl Register .................................................................................................................. 67 Table 73: The SCSel Register .................................................................................................................... 79 Table 74: The SCInt Register...................................................................................................................... 80 Table 75: The SCIE Register ...................................................................................................................... 81 Table 76: The VccCtl Register .................................................................................................................... 82 Table 77: The VccTmr Register .................................................................................................................. 83 Table 78: The CRDCtl Register .................................................................................................................. 84 Table 79: The STXCtl Register ................................................................................................................... 85 Table 80: The STXData Register ................................................................................................................ 86 Table 81: The SRXCtl Register ................................................................................................................... 86 Table 82: The SRXData Register ............................................................................................................... 87 Table 83: The SCCtl Register ..................................................................................................................... 88 Table 84: The SCECtl Register ................................................................................................................... 89 Table 85: The SCDIR Register ................................................................................................................... 90 Table 86: The SPrtcol Register ................................................................................................................... 91 Table 87: The SCCLK Register................................................................................................................... 92 Table 88: The SCECLK Register ................................................................................................................ 92 Table 89: The SParCtl Register .................................................................................................................. 93 Table 90: The SByteCtl Register................................................................................................................. 94 Table 91: The FDReg Register ................................................................................................................... 95 Table 92: Divider Ratios Provided by the ETU Counter ............................................................................. 95 Table 93: Divider Values for the ETU Clock ............................................................................................... 96 Table 94: The CRCMsB Register ............................................................................................................... 97 Table 95: The CRCLsB Register ................................................................................................................ 97 Table 96: The BGT Register ....................................................................................................................... 98 Table 97: The EGT Register ....................................................................................................................... 98 Table 98: The BWTB0 Register .................................................................................................................. 99 Table 99: The BWTB1 Register .................................................................................................................. 99 Table 100: The BWTB2 Register ................................................................................................................ 99 Table 101: The BWTB3 Register ................................................................................................................ 99 Table 102: The CWTB0 Register ................................................................................................................ 99 Table 103: The CWTB1 Register ................................................................................................................ 99 Table 104: The ATRLsB Register ............................................................................................................. 100 Table 105: The ATRMsB Register ............................................................................................................ 100 Table 106: The STSTO Register............................................................................................................... 100 Table 107: The RLength Register ............................................................................................................. 100 Table 108: Smart Card SFR Table ........................................................................................................... 101 Table 109: The VDDFCtl Register ............................................................................................................ 102 Table 110: Order Numbers and Packaging Marks ................................................................................... 121 6 Rev. 1.2 VPC TBUS0 TBUS1 TBUS2 RXTX TBUS3 ERST ISBR TCLK VDD ANA_IN SEC RESET GND 73S1209F Data Sheet TEST DS_1209F_004 ICE INTERFACE VDD VDD PLL and TIMEBASES VCC CONTROL LOGIC VOLTAGE REFERENCE AND FUSE TRIM CIRCUITRY VPD REGULATOR VCC GND RST X12OUT 12MHz OSCILLATOR FLASH/ROM PROGRAM MEMORY 32KB GND ROW0 ROW1 ROW2 ROW3 ROW4 ROW5 COL0 COL1 COL2 COL3 COL4 KEYPAD INTERFACE CLK OCDSI FLASH INTERFACE MEMORY_ CONTROL CONTROL UNIT RAM_ SFR_ CONTROL TIMER_0_ 1 SCRATCH IRAM 256B CORE SMART CARD ISO INTERFACE SMART CARD LOGIC ISO UART and CLOCK GENERATOR X12IN AUX2 PRES PRESB EXTERNAL SMART CARD INTERFACE ALU SIO INT2 PORTS ISR INT3 SERIAL 2 IC MASTER INT. USR(8:0) DRIVERS USR0 USR1 USR2 USR3 USR4 USR5 USR6 USR7 USR8 SCLK WATCHDOG TIMER PMU DATA XRAM 2KB I/O AUX1 SCL SDA PERIPHERAL INTERFACE and SFR LOGIC LED1 LED0 TXD Pins only avaiable on 68 pin package. RXD Pins avaiable on both 68 and 44 pin packages. GND LED DRIVERS Figure 1: IC Functional Block Diagram Rev. 1.2 7 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 1 Hardware Description 1.1 Pin Description Pin (44 QFN) Type X12IN 10 8 I X12OUT 11 9 O ROW (5:0) 0 1 2 3 4 5 21 22 24 34 37 38 Equivalent Circuit* Pin Name Pin (68 QFN) Table 1: 73S1209F Pinout Description Description Figure 26 MPU clock crystal oscillator input pin. A 1M resistor is required between pins X12IN and X12OUT. MPU clock crystal oscillator output pin. I Figure 26 Figure 32 O Figure 33 Keypad column output scan pins. IO Figure 29 General-purpose user pins, individually configurable as inputs or outputs or as external input interrupt ports. Keypad row input sense. COL(4:0) 0 1 2 3 4 USR(8:0) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCL 12 13 14 16 19 36 35 33 31 30 29 23 20 32 5 24 23 22 21 20 19 14 13 5 O Figure 28 I2C (master mode) compatible Clock signal. Note: the pin is configured as an open drain output. When the I2C interface is being used, an external pull up resistor is required. A value of 3K is recommended. SDA 6 6 IO Figure 27 I2C (master mode) compatible data I/O. Note: this pin is bi-directional. When the pin is configured as output, it is an open drain output. When the I2C interface is being used, an external pull up resistor is required. A value of 3K is recommended. LED(1:0) 0 1 1 3 3 4 IO RXD 17 11 I Figure 31 Serial UART Receive data pin. TXD 18 12 O Figure 28 Serial UART Transmit data pin. INT3 51 I Figure 31 General purpose interrupt input. 8 Figure 34 Special output drivers, programmable pull-down current to drive LEDs. May also be used as inputs. Rev. 1.2 Pin Name Pin (44 QFN) Type Equivalent Circuit* 73S1209F Data Sheet Pin (68 QFN) DS_1209F_004 INT2 52 32 I Figure 31 General purpose interrupt input. SIO 50 31 IO Figure 27 IO data signal for use with external Smart Card interface circuit such as 73S8010. SCLK 48 30 O Figure 28 Clock signal for use with external Smart Card interface circuit. PRES 64 43 I Figure 39 Smart Card presence. Active high. Note: the pin has a very weak pull down resistor. In noisy environments, an external pull down may be desired to insure against a false card event. PRESB 56 35 I Figure 40 Smart Card presence. Active low. Note: the pin has a very weak pull up resistor. In noisy environments, an external pull up may be desired to insure against a false card event. CLK 57 36 O Figure 37 Smart card clock signal. RST 59 38 O Figure 37 Smart card Reset signal. IO 63 42 IO Figure 38 Smart card Data IO signal. AUX1 62 41 IO Figure 38 Auxiliary Smart Card IO signal (C4). AUX2 61 40 IO Figure 38 Auxiliary Smart Card IO signal (C8). VCC 60 39 PSO Smart Card VCC supply voltage output. A 0.47F capacitor is required and should be located at the smart card connector. The capacitor should be a ceramic type with low ESR. GND 58 37 GND Smart Card Ground. VPC 55 34 PSI TBUS(3:0) 0 1 2 3 53 49 47 43 RXTX 45 28 IO ICE control. ERST 40 25 IO ICE control. ISBR 68 IO ICE control. TCLK 41 26 I ICE control. ANA_IN 15 10 AI SEC 67 2 TEST 54 33 Rev. 1.2 Description Smart Card LDO regulator power supply source. A 10F and a 0.1F capacitor are required at the VPC input. The 10F capacitor should be a ceramic type with low ESR. IO Trace bus signals for ICE. Figure 36 Analog input pin. This signal goes to a programmable comparator and is used to sense the value of an external voltage. I Figure 35 Input pin for use in programming security fuse. It should be connected to ground when not in use. DI Figure 35 Test pin, should be connected to ground. 9 28 42 65 18 27 44 N/C 2 4 7 8 26 27 39 46 16 17 29 9 25 44 7 15 GND 66 1 I GND RESET Equivalent Circuit* VDD Pin Name Type Pin (44 QFN) DS_1209F_004 Pin (68 QFN) 73S1209F Data Sheet I Description General positive power supply pins. All digital IO is referred to this supply voltage. There is an on-chip regulator that uses VDD to provide power for internal circuits (VPD). A 0.1F capacitor is recommended at each VDD pin. No connect. General ground supply pins for all IO and logic circuits. Figure 31 Reset input, positive assertion. Resets logic and registers to default condition. * See the figures in the Equivalent Circuits section. 10 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet 1.2 Hardware Overview The 73S1209F single smart card controller integrates all primary functional blocks required to implement a smart card reader. Included on chip are an 8051-compatible microprocessor (MPU) which executes up to one instruction per clock cycle (80515), a fully integrated IS0-7816 compliant smart card interface, expansion smart card interface, serial interface, I2C interface, 6 x 5 keypad interface, 2 LED drivers, RAM, FLASH memory, and a variety of I/O pins. A functional block diagram of the 73S1209F is shown in Figure 1. 1.3 80515 MPU Core 1.3.1 80515 Overview The 73S1209F includes an 80515 MPU (8-bit, 8051-compatible) that performs most instructions in one clock cycle. The 80515 architecture eliminates redundant bus states and implements parallel execution of fetch and execution phases. Normally a machine cycle is aligned with a memory fetch, therefore, most of the 1-byte instructions are performed in a single cycle. This leads to an 8x performance (average) improvement (in terms of MIPS) over the Intel 8051 device running at the same clock frequency. Actual processor clocking speed can be adjusted to the total processing demand of the application (cryptographic calculations, key management, memory management, and I/O management) using the XRAM special function register MPUCKCtl. Typical smart card, serial, keyboard and I2C management functions are available for the MPU as part of Teridian's standard library. A standard ANSI "C" 80515-application programming interface library is available to help reduce design cycle. Refer to the 73S12xxF Software User's Guide. 1.3.2 Memory Organization The 80515 MPU core incorporates the Harvard architecture with separate code and data spaces. Memory organization in the 80515 is similar to that of the industry standard 8051. There are three memory areas: Program memory (Flash), external data memory (XRAM), and internal data memory (IRAM). Data bus address space is allocated to on-chip memory as shown Table 2 Table 2: MPU Data Memory Map Address (hex) Memory Technology Memory Type Typical Usage Memory Size (bytes) 0000-7FFF Flash Memory Non-volatile Program and non-volatile data 32KB 0000-07FF Static RAM Volatile MPU data XRAM 2KB FC00-FFFF External SFR Volatile Peripheral control 1KB Note: The IRAM is part of the core and is addressed differently. Program Memory: The 80515 can address up to 32KB of program memory space from 0x0000 to 0x7FFF. Program memory is read when the MPU fetches instructions or performs a MOVC operation. After reset, the MPU starts program execution from location 0x0000. The lower part of the program memory includes reset and interrupt vectors. The interrupt vectors are spaced at 8-byte intervals, starting from 0x0003. Reset is located at 0x0000. Flash Memory: The program memory consists of flash memory. The flash memory is intended to primarily contain MPU program code. Flash erasure is initiated by writing a specific data pattern to specific SFR registers in the proper sequence. These special pattern/sequence requirements prevent inadvertent erasure of the flash memory. Rev. 1.2 11 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 The mass erase sequence is: 1. Write 1 to the FLSH_MEEN bit in the FLSHCTL register (SFR address 0xB2[1]). 2. Write pattern 0xAA to ERASE (SFR address 0x94). Note: The mass erase cycle can only be initiated when the ICE port is enabled. The page erase sequence is: 1. Write the page address to PGADDR (SFR address 0xB7[7:1]) 2. Write pattern 0x55 to ERASE (SFR address 0x94) The PGADDR register denotes the page address for page erase. The page size is 512 (200h) bytes and there are 128 pages within the flash memory. The PGADDR denotes the upper seven bits of the flash memory address such that bit 7:1 of the PGADDR corresponds to bit 15:9 of the flash memory address. Bit 0 of the PGADDR is not used and is ignored. The MPU may write to the flash memory. This is one of the non-volatile storage options available to the user. The FLSHCTL SFR bit FLSH_PWE (flash program write enable) differentiates 80515 data store instructions (MOVX@DPTR,A) between Flash and XRAM writes. Before setting FLSH_PWE, all interrupts need to be disabled by setting EAL = 1. Table 3 shows the location and description of the 73S1209F flash-specific SFRs. Any flash modifications must set the CPUCLK to operate at 3.6923 MHz (MPUCLKCtl = 0x0C) before any flash memory operations are executed to insure the proper timing when modifying the flash memory. 12 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Table 3: Flash Special Function Registers Register ERASE SFR Address R/W 0x94 W Description This register is used to initiate either the Flash Mass Erase cycle or the Flash Page Erase cycle. Specific patterns are expected for ERASE in order to initiate the appropriate Erase cycle (default = 0x00). 0x55 - Initiate Flash Page Erase cycle. PGADDR @ SFR 0xB7. Must be proceeded by a write to 0xAA - Initiate Flash Mass Erase cycle. Must be proceeded by a write to FLSH_MEEN @ SFR 0xB2 and the debug port must be enabled. Any other pattern written to ERASE will have no effect. PGADDR 0xB7 R/W Flash Page Erase Address register containing the flash memory page address (page 0 through 127) that will be erased during the Page Erase cycle (default = 0x00). Note: the page address is shifted left by one bit (see detailed description above). Must be re-written for each new Page Erase cycle. FLSHCTL 0xB2 R/W W R/W Rev. 1.2 Bit 0 (FLSH_PWE): Program Write Enable: 0 - MOVX commands refer to XRAM Space, normal operation (default). 1 - MOVX @DPTR,A moves A to Program Space (Flash) @ DPTR. This bit is automatically reset after each byte written to flash. Writes to this bit are inhibited when interrupts are enabled. Bit 1 (FLSH_MEEN): Mass Erase Enable: 0 - Mass Erase disabled (default). 1 - Mass Erase enabled. Must be re-written for each new Mass Erase cycle. Bit 6 (SECURE): Enables security provisions that prevent external reading of flash memory and CE program RAM. This bit is reset on chip reset and may only be set. Attempts to write zero are ignored. 13 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Internal Data Memory: The Internal data memory provides 256 bytes (0x00 to 0xFF) of data memory. The internal data memory address is always one byte wide and can be accessed by either direct or indirect addressing. The Special Function Registers occupy the upper 128 bytes. This SFR area is available only by direct addressing. Indirect addressing accesses the upper 128 bytes of Internal RAM. The lower 128 bytes contain working registers and bit-addressable memory. The lower 32 bytes form four banks of eight registers (R0-R7). Two bits on the program memory status word (PSW) select which bank is in use. The next 16 bytes form a block of bit-addressable memory space at bit addressees 0x000x7F. All of the bytes in the lower 128 bytes are accessible through direct or indirect addressing. Table 4 shows the internal data memory map. Table 4: Internal Data Memory Map Address Direct Addressing Indirect Addressing 0xFF Special Function Registers (SFRs) RAM 0x80 0x7F 0x30 0x2F 0x20 0x1F 0x00 Byte-addressable area Byte or bit-addressable area Register banks R0...R7 (x4) External Data Memory: While the 80515 can address up to 64KB of external data memory in the space from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, only the memory ranges shown in Figure 2 contain physical memory. The 80515 writes into external data memory when the MPU executes a MOVX @Ri,A or MOVX @DPTR,A instruction. The MPU reads external data memory by executing a MOVX A,@Ri or MOVX A,@DPTR instruction. There are two types of instructions, differing in whether they provide an eight-bit or sixteen-bit indirect address to the external data RAM. In the first type (MOVX A,@Ri), the contents of R0 or R1, in the current register bank, provide the eight lower-ordered bits of address. This method allows the user access to the first 256 bytes of the 2KB of external data RAM. In the second type of MOVX instruction (MOVX A,@DPTR), the data pointer generates a sixteen-bit address. 14 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Address Use 0xFFFF Peripheral Control Registers (128b) 0XFF80 0xFF7F 0XFE00 Address Use Smart Card Control (384b) 0xFBFF 0x7FFF --0x0800 Use Address 0x07FF 0xFF 0x80 Indirect Access Direct Access Byte RAM SFRs 0x7F Byte RAM 0x48 Flash Program memory 32K Bytes 0x47 XRAM Bit/Byte RAM 0x20 0x1F Register bank 3 0x18 0x17 Register bank 2 0x10 0x0F Register bank 1 0x08 0x07 0x0000 Program Memory 0x0000 Register bank 0 0x00 External Data Memory Internal Data Memory Figure 2: Memory Map Dual Data Pointer: The Dual Data Pointer accelerates the block moves of data. The standard DPTR is a 16-bit register that is used to address external memory. In the 80515 core, the standard data pointer is called DPTR, the second data pointer is called DPTR1. The data pointer select bit chooses the active pointer. The data pointer select bit is located at the LSB of the DPS IRAM special function register (DPS.0). DPTR is selected when DPS.0 = 0 and DPTR1 is selected when DPS.0 = 1. The user switches between pointers by toggling the LSB of the DPS register. All DPTR-related instructions use the currently selected DPTR for any activity. Note: The second data pointer may not be supported by certain compilers. Rev. 1.2 15 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 1.4 Program Security Two levels of program and data security are available. Each level requires a specific fuse to be blown in order to enable or set the specific security mode. Mode 0 security is enabled by setting the SECURE bit (bit 6 of SFR register FLSHCTL 0xB2) Mode 0 limits the ICE interface to only allow bulk erase of the flash program memory. All other ICE operations are blocked. This guarantees the security of the user's MPU program code. Security (Mode 0) is enabled by MPU code that sets the SECURE bit. The MPU code must execute the setting of the SECURE bit immediately after a reset to properly enable Mode 0. This should be the first instruction after the reset vector jump has been executed. If the "startup.a51" assembly file is used in an application, then it must be modified to set the SECURE bit after the reset vector jump. If not using "startup.a51", then this should be the first instruction in main(). Once security Mode 0 is enabled, the only way to disable it is to perform a global erase of the flash followed by a full circuit reset. Once the flash has been erased and the reset has been executed, security Mode 0 is disabled and the ICE has full control of the core. The flash can be reprogrammed after the bulk erase operation is completed. Global erase of the flash will also clear the data XRAM memory. The security enable bit (SECURE) is reset whenever the MPU is reset. Hardware associated with the bit only allows it to be set. As a result, the code may set the SECURE bit to enable the security Mode 0 feature but may not reset it. Once the SECURE bit is set, the code is protected and no external read of program code in flash or data (in XRAM) is possible. In order to invoke the security Mode 0, the SECSET0 (bit 1 of XRAM SFR register SECReg 0xFFD7) fuse must be blown beforehand or the security mode 0 will not be enabled. The SECSET0 and SECSET1 fuses once blown, cannot be overridden. Specifically, when SECURE is set: * The ICE is limited to bulk flash erase only. * Page zero of flash memory may not be page-erased by either MPU or ICE. Page zero may only be erased with global flash erase. Note that global flash erase erases XRAM whether the SECURE bit is set or not. * Writes to page zero, whether by MPU or ICE, are inhibited. Security mode 1 is in effect when the SECSET1 fuse has been programmed (blown open). In security mode 1, the ICE is completely and permanently disabled. The Flash program memory and the MPU are not available for alteration, observation, or control. As soon as the fuse has been blown, the ICE is disabled. The testing of the SECSET1 fuse will occur during the reset and before the start of pre-boot and boot cycles. This mode is not reversible, nor recoverable. In order to blow the SECSET1 fuse, the SEC pin must be held high for the fuse burning sequence to be executed properly. The firmware can check to see if this pin is held high by reading the SECPIN bit (bit 5 of XRAM SFR register SECReg 0xFFD7). If this bit is set and the firmware desires, it can blow the SECSET1 fuse. The burning of the SECSET0 does not require the SEC pin to be held high. In order to blow the fuse for SECSET1 and SECSET0, a particular set of register writes in a specific order need to be followed. There are two additional registers that need to have a specific value written to them in order for the desired fuse to be blown. These registers are FUSECtl (0xFFD2) and TRIMPCtl (0xFFD1). The sequence for blowing the fuse is as follows: 1. Write 0x54H to FUSECtl. 2. Write 0x81H for security mode 0 Write 0x82H for security mode 1 3. Write 0xA6 to TRIMPCtl. 4. Delay about 500 us 5. Write 0x00 to TRIMPCtl. 16 Note: only program one security mode at a time. Note: SEC pin must be high for security mode 1. Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Table 5: Security Control Registers Register SFR Address R/W Description FLSHCTL 0xB2 R/W Bit 0 (FLSH_PWE): Program Write Enable: 0 - MOVX commands refer to XRAM Space, normal operation (default). 1 - MOVX @DPTR,A moves A to Program Space (Flash) @ DPTR. This bit is automatically reset after each byte written to flash. Writes to this bit are inhibited when interrupts are enabled. W R/W Bit 1 (FLSH_MEEN): Mass Erase Enable: 0 - Mass Erase disabled (default). 1 - Mass Erase enabled. Must be re-written for each new Mass Erase cycle. Bit 6 (SECURE): Enables security provisions that prevent external reading of flash memory and CE program RAM. This bit is reset on chip reset and may only be set. Attempts to write zero are ignored. TRIMPCtl 0xFFD1 W 0xA6 value will cause the selected fuse to be blown. All other values will stop the burning process. FUSECtl 0xFFD2 W 0x54 value will set up for security fuse control. All other values are reserved and should not be used. SECReg 0xFFD7 W Bit 7 (PARAMSEC): 0 - Normal operation 1 - Enable permanent programming of the security fuses. R Bit 5 (SECPIN): Indicates the state of the SEC pin. The SEC pin is held low by a pull-down resistor. The user can force this pin high during boot sequence time to indicate to the firmware that sec mode 1 is desired. R/W Bit 1 (SECSET1): See Program Security section. R/W Bit 0 (SECSET0): See Program Security section. Rev. 1.2 17 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 1.5 Special Function Registers (SFRs) The 73S1209F utilizes numerous SFRs to communicate with the 73S1209F s many peripherals. This results in the need for more SFR locations outside the direct address IRAM space (0x80 to 0xFF). While some peripherals are mapped to unused IRAM SFR locations, additional SFRs for the smart card and other peripheral functions are mapped to the top of the XRAM data space (0xFC00 to 0xFFFF). 1.5.1 Internal Data Special Function Registers (SFRs) A map of the Special Function Registers is shown in Table 6. Table 6: IRAM Special Function Registers Locations Hex\ Bin F8 F0 E8 E0 D8 D0 C8 C0 B8 B0 A8 A0 98 90 88 80 X000 X001 X010 X011 X100 X101 KCOL KROW KSCAN KSTAT KSIZE X110 X111 B A BRCON PSW T2CON IRCON IEN1 IEN0 USR8 S0CON USR70 TCON IP1 IP0 UDIR8 S0BUF UDIR70 TMOD SP KORDERL KORDERH S0RELH S1RELH FLSHCTL S0RELL IEN2 DPS TL0 DPL S1CON TL1 DPH PGADDR S1BUF S1RELL ERASE TH0 TH1 DPL1 DPH1 WDTREL MCLKCtl PCON Bin/ Hex FF F7 EF E7 DF D7 CF C7 BF B7 AF A7 9F 97 8F 87 Only a few addresses are used, the others are not implemented. SFRs specific to the 73S1209F are shown in bold print (gray background). Any read access to unimplemented addresses will return undefined data, while most write access will have no effect. However, a few locations are reserved and not user configurable in the 73S1209F. Writes to the unused SFR locations can affect the operation of the core and therefore must not be written to. This applies to all the SFR areas in both the IRAM and XRAM spaces. In addition, all unused bit locations within valid SFR registers must be left in their default (power on default) states. 18 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 1.5.2 73S1209F Data Sheet IRAM Special Function Registers (Generic 80515 SFRs) Table 7 shows the location of the SFRs and the value they assume at reset or power-up. Table 7: IRAM Special Function Registers Reset Values Name Location Reset Value Description SP 0x81 0x07 Stack Pointer DPL 0x82 0x00 Data Pointer Low 0 DPH 0x83 0x00 Data Pointer High 0 DPL1 0x84 0x00 Data Pointer Low 1 DPH1 0x85 0x00 Data Pointer High 1 WDTREL 0x86 0x00 Watchdog Timer Reload register PCON 0x87 0x00 Power Control TCON 0x88 0x00 Timer/Counter Control TMOD 0x89 0x00 Timer Mode Control TL0 0x8A 0x00 Timer 0, low byte TL1 0x8B 0x00 Timer 1, high byte TH0 0x8C 0x00 Timer 0, low byte TH1 0x8D 0x00 Timer 1, high byte MCLKCtl 0x8F 0x0A Master Clock Control USR70 0x90 0xFF User Port Data (7:0) UDIR70 0x91 0xFF User Port Direction (7:0) DPS 0x92 0x00 Data Pointer select Register ERASE 0x94 0x00 Flash Erase S0CON 0x98 0x00 Serial Port 0, Control Register S0BUF 0x99 0x00 Serial Port 0, Data Buffer IEN2 0x9A 0x00 Interrupt Enable Register 2 S1CON 0x9B 0x00 Serial Port 1, Control Register S1BUF 0x9C 0x00 Serial Port 1, Data Buffer S1RELL 0x9D 0x00 Serial Port 1, Reload Register, low byte USR8 0xA0 0x00 User Port Data (8) UDIR8 0xA1 0x01 User Port Direction (8) IEN0 0xA8 0x00 Interrupt Enable Register 0 IP0 0xA9 0x00 Interrupt Priority Register 0 S0RELL 0xAA 0xD9 Serial Port 0, Reload Register, low byte FLSHCTL 0xB2 0x00 Flash Control PGADDR 0xB7 0x00 Flash Page Address IEN1 0xB8 0x00 Interrupt Enable Register 1 IP1 0xB9 0x00 Interrupt Priority Register 1 S0RELH 0xBA 0x03 Serial Port 0, Reload Register, high byte S1RELH 0xBB 0x03 Serial Port 1, Reload Register, high byte IRCON 0xC0 0x00 Interrupt Request Control Register T2CON 0xC8 0x00 Timer 2 Control Rev. 1.2 19 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Name Location Reset Value Description PSW 0xD0 0x00 Program Status Word KCOL 0XD1 0x1F Keypad Column KROW 0XD2 0x3F Keypad Row KSCAN 0XD3 0x00 Keypad Scan Time KSTAT 0XD4 0x00 Keypad Control/Status KSIZE 0XD5 0x00 Keypad Size KORDERL 0XD6 0x00 Keypad Column LS Scan Order KORDERH 0XD7 0x00 Keypad Column MS Scan Order BRCON 0xD8 0x00 Baud Rate Control Register (only BRCON.7 bit used) A 0xE0 0x00 Accumulator B 0xF0 0x00 B Register 20 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 1.5.3 73S1209F Data Sheet External Data Special Function Registers (SFRs) A map of the XRAM Special Function Registers is shown in Table 6. . The smart card registers are listed separately in Table 108. Table 8: XRAM Special Function Registers Reset Values Name Location Reset Value Description DAR 0x FF80 0x00 Device Address Register (I2C) WDR 0x FF81 0x00 Write Data Register (I2C) SWDR 0x FF82 0x00 Secondary Write Data Register (I2C) RDR 0x FF83 0x00 Read Data Register (I2C) SRDR 0x FF84 0x00 Secondary Read Data Register (I2C) CSR 0x FF85 0x00 Control and Status Register (I2C) USRIntCtl1 0x FF90 0x00 External Interrupt Control 1 USRIntCtl2 0x FF91 0x00 External Interrupt Control 2 USRIntCtl3 0x FF92 0x00 External Interrupt Control 3 USRIntCtl4 0x FF93 0x00 External Interrupt Control 4 INT5Ctl 0x FF94 0x00 External Interrupt Control 5 INT6Ctl 0x FF95 0x00 External Interrupt Control 6 MPUCKCtl 0x FFA1 0x0C MPU Clock Control ACOMP 0x FFD0 0x00 Analog Compare Register TRIMPCtl 0x FFD1 0x00 TRIM Pulse Control FUSECtl 0x FFD2 0x00 FUSE Control VDDFCtl 0x FFD4 0x00 VDDFault Control SECReg 0x FFD7 0x00 Security Register MISCtl0 0x FFF1 0x00 Miscellaneous Control Register 0 MISCtl1 0x FFF2 0x10 Miscellaneous Control Register 1 LEDCtl 0x FFF3 0xFF LED Control Register Accumulator (ACC, A): ACC is the accumulator register. Most instructions use the accumulator to hold the operand. The mnemonics for accumulator-specific instructions refer to accumulator as "A", not ACC. B Register: The B register is used during multiply and divide instructions. It can also be used as a scratch-pad register to hold temporary data. Rev. 1.2 21 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Program Status Word (PSW): Table 9: PSW Register Flags MSB LSB CV AC F0 RS1 RS OV Bit Symbol PSW.7 CV Carry flag. PSW.6 AC Auxiliary Carry flag for BCD operations. PSW.5 F0 General purpose Flag 0 available for user. PSW.4 RS1 PSW.3 RS0 - P Function Register bank select control bits. The contents of RS1 and RS0 select the working register bank: RS1/RS0 Bank Selected Location 00 Bank 0 (0x00 - 0x07) 01 Bank 1 (0x08 - 0x0F) 10 Bank 2 (0x10 - 0x17) 11 Bank 3 (0x18 - 0x1F) PSW.2 OV Overflow flag. PSW.1 F1 General purpose Flag 1 available for user. PSW.0 P Parity flag, affected by hardware to indicate odd / even number of "one" bits in the Accumulator, i.e. even parity. Stack Pointer (SP): The stack pointer is a 1-byte register initialized to 0x07 after reset. This register is incremented before PUSH and CALL instructions, causing the stack to begin at location 0x08. Data Pointer: The data pointer (DPTR) is 2 bytes wide. The lower part is DPL, and the highest is DPH. It can be loaded as a 2-byte register (MOV DPTR,#data16) or as two registers (e.g. MOV DPL,#data8). It is generally used to access external code or data space (e.g. MOVC A,@A+DPTR or MOVX A,@DPTR respectively). Program Counter: The program counter (PC) is 2 bytes wide initialized to 0x0000 after reset. This register is incremented during the fetching operation code or when operating on data from program memory. Note: The program counter is not mapped to the SFR area. Port Registers: The I/O ports are controlled by Special Function Registers USR70 and USR8. The contents of the SFR can be observed on corresponding pins on the chip. Writing a 1 to any of the ports (see Table 10) causes the corresponding pin to be at high level (3.3V), and writing a 0 causes the corresponding pin to be held at low level (GND). The data direction registers UDIR70 and UDIR8 define individual pins as input or output pins (see the User (USR) Ports section for details). 22 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Table 10: Port Registers SFR Address R/W Description USR70 0x90 R/W Register for User port bit 7:0 read and write operations (pins USR0... USR7). UDIR70 0x91 R/W Data direction register for User port bits 0:7. Setting a bit to 0 means that the corresponding pin is an output. USR8 0xA0 R/W Register for User port bit 8 read and write operations (pin *USR8). UDIR8 0xA1 R/W Data direction register for port 1. Register All ports on the chip are bi-directional. Each consists of a Latch (SFR USR70 to USR8), an output driver, and an input buffer, therefore the MPU can output or read data through any of these ports if they are not used for alternate purposes. 1.6 Instruction Set All instructions of the generic 8051 microcontroller are supported. A complete list of the instruction set and of the associated op-codes is contained in the 73S12xxF Software User's Guide. 1.7 Peripheral Descriptions 1.7.1 Oscillator and Clock Generation The 73S1209F has a single oscillator circuit for the main CPU clock. The oscillator circuit is designed to operate with various crystal or external clock frequencies. An internal divider working in conjunction with a PLL and VCO provides a 96MHz internal clock within the 73S1209F. 96 MHz is the recommended frequency for proper operation of specific peripheral blocks such as the specific timers, ISO-7816 UART and interfaces and keypad. The clock generation and control circuits are shown in Figure 3. Rev. 1.2 23 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 MCount(2:0) 12.00MHz M DIVIDER /(2*N + 4) DIVIDER /93760 HOSCen 1kHz MCLK 96MHz X12IN 12.00MHz KEYCLK HIGH XTAL OSC HCLK Phase Freq DET VCO X12OUT 1.5-48MHz ICLK 7.386MHz 7.386MHz MPU CLOCK - CPCLK 3.6923MHz div 2 div 2 CPUCKDiv CPU CLOCK DIVIDER 6 bits DIVIDE by 120 I2CCLK 400kHz I2C_2x 800kHz CLK1M DIVIDE by 96 SCLK CLOCK Prescaler 6bits div 2 div 2 SC/SCE CLOCK Prescaler 6bits 1MHz SEL SELSC SMART CARD LOGIC BLOCK CLOCK SCCLK ETU CLOCK DIVIDER 12 bits ETUCLK SCECLK See SC Clock descriptions for more accurate diagram SCCKenb Figure 3: Clock Generation and Control Circuits 24 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet The master clock control register enables different sections of the clock circuitry and specifies the value of the VCO Mcount divider. The MCLK must be configured to operate at 96MHz to ensure proper operation of some of the peripheral blocks according to the following formula: MCLK = (Mcount * 2 + 4) * FXTAL = 96MHz Mcount is configured in the MCLKCtl register must be bound between a value of 1 to 7. The possible crystal or external clock frequencies for getting MCLK = 96MHz are shown in Table 11. Table 11: Frequencies and Mcount Values for MCLK = 96MHz FXTAL (MHz) Mcount (N) 12.00 2 9.60 3 8.00 4 6.86 5 6.00 6 Master Clock Control Register (MCLKCtl): 0x8F A 0x0A Table 12: The MCLKCtl Register MSB LSB HSOEN KBEN SCEN - - MCT.2 Bit Symbol MCLKCtl.7 HSOEN MCLKCtl.6 KBEN 1 = Disable the keypad logic clock. MCLKCtl.5 SCEN 1 = Disable the smart card logic clock. MCLKCtl.4 - MCLKCtl.3 - MCLKCtl.2 MCT.2 MCLKCtl.1 MCT.1 MCLKCtl.0 MCT.0 MCT.1 MCT.0 Function High-speed oscillator disable. When set = 1, disables the high-speed crystal oscillator and VCO/PLL system. Do not set this bit = 1. This value determines the ratio of the VCO frequency (MCLK) to the highspeed crystal oscillator frequency such that: MCLK = (MCount*2 + 4)* FXTAL. The default value is MCount = 2h such that MCLK = (2*2 + 4)*12.00MHz = 96MHz. The MPU clock that drives the CPU core defaults to 3.6923MHz after reset. The MPU clock is scalable by configuring the MPU Clock Control register. Rev. 1.2 25 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 MPU Clock Control Register (MPUCKCtl): 0xFFA1 A 0x0C Table 13: The MPUCKCtl Register MSB LSB - - Bit Symbol MPUCKCtl.7 - MPUCKCtl.6 - MPUCKCtl.5 MDIV.5 MPUCKCtl.4 MDIV.4 MPUCKCtl.3 MDIV.3 MPUCKCtl.2 MDIV.2 MPUCKCtl.1 MDIV.1 MPUCKCtl.0 MDIV.0 MDIV.5 MDIV.4 MDIV.3 MDIV.2 MDIV.1 MDIV.0 Function This value determines the ratio of the MPU master clock frequency to the VCO frequency (MCLK) such that MPUClk = MCLK/(2 * (MPUCKDiv(5:0) + 1)). Do not use values of 0 or 1 for MPUCKDiv(n). Default is 0Ch to set CPCLK = 3.6923MHz. The oscillator circuits are designed to connect directly to standard parallel resonant crystal in a Pierce oscillator configuration. Each side of the crystal should include a 22pF capacitor to ground for both oscillator circuits and a 1M resistor is required across the 12MHz crystal. X12IN 73S1209F X12OUT The CPU clock is available as an output on pin CPUCLK (68-pin version only). 1M 12MHz 22pF 22pF Note: The crystal should be placed as close as possible to the IC, and vias should be avoided. Figure 4: Oscillator Circuit 26 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 1.7.2 73S1209F Data Sheet Power Control Modes The 73S1209F contains circuitry to disable portions of the device and place it into lower power standby modes. This is accomplished by either shutting off the power or disabling the clock going to the block. The miscellaneous control registers MISCtl0, MISCtl1 and the Master Clock Control register (MCLKCtl) provide control over the power modes. There is also a device power down mode that will stop the core, clock subsystem and the peripherals connected to it. The PWRDN bit in MISCtl0 will setup the 73S1209F for power down and disable all clocks. The power down mode should only be initiated by setting the PWRDN bit in the MISCtl0 register and not by manipulating individual control bits in various registers. Figure 5 shows how the PWRDN bit controls the various functions that comprise power down state. Note: the PWRDN Signal is not the direct version of the PWRDN Bit. There are delays from assertion of the PWRDN bit to the assertion of the PWRDN Signal (32 MPU clocks) Refer to the Power Down sequence diagram. MISCtl0 - PWRDN PWRDN Signal Analog functions (VCO, PLL, reference and bias circuits, etc.) VDDFCtl - VDDFEN + VDDFAULT ACOMP - CMPEN + ANALOG COMPARE MCLCKCtl - HOSEN + High Speed OSC SCVCCCtl - SCPRDN + Smart Card Power MISCtl1 - FRPEN + Flash Read Pulse one-shot circuit These are the registers and the names of the control bits. These are the block references. Figure 5: Power-Down Control When the PWRDN bit is set, the clock subsystem will provide a delay of 32 MPUCLK cycles to allow the program to set the STOP bit in the PCON register. This delay will enable the program to properly halt the core before the analog circuits shut down (high speed oscillator, VCO/PLL, voltage reference and bias circuitry, etc.). The PDMUX bit in SFR INT5Ctl should be set prior to setting the PWRDN bit in order to configure the wake up interrupt logic. The power down mode is de-asserted by any of the interrupts connected to external interrupts 0, 4 and 5 (external USR[0:7], smart card and Keypad). These interrupt sources are OR'ed together and routed through some delay logic into INT0 to provide this functionality. The interrupt will turn on the power to all sections that were shut off and start the clock subsystem. After the clock subsystem clocks start running, the MPUCLK begins to clock a 512 count delay counter. When the counter times out, the interrupt will then be active on INT0 and the program can resume. Figure 6 shows the detailed logic for waking up the 73S1209F from a power down state using these specific interrupt sources. Figure 7 shows the timing associated with the power down mode. Rev. 1.2 27 73S1209F Data Sheet USR0 USR1 USR2 USR3 USR4 USR5 USR6 USR7 DS_1209F_004 PDMUX (FF94h:bit7) USR[7:0] Control MPU 0 USRxINTSrc set to 4(ext INT0 high) or 6(ext INT0 low) INT0 1 INT4 CE INT5 TC 9 BIT CNTR CLR RESETB D Q PWRDN (FFF1h:bit7) PWRDN_analog CLR TC CE RESETB Notes: 1. The counters are clocked by the MPUCLK 2. TC - Terminal count (high at overflow) 3. CE - Count enable 5 BIT CNTR CLR RESETB Figure 6: Detail of Power-Down Interrupt Logic text t0 PWRDN BIT t1 PWRDN SIG t4 EXT. EVENT t6 INT0 to MPU t7 MPU STOP ANALOG Enable t2 t3 t5 PLL CLOCKS t0: MPU sets PWRDN bit. t1: 32 MPU clock cycles after t0, the PWRDN SIG is asserted, turning all analog functions OFF. t2: MPU executes STOP instruction, must be done prior to t1. t3: Analog functions go to OFF condition. No Vref, PLL/VCO, Ibias, etc. text: An external event (RTC, Keypad, Card event, USB) occurs. t4: PWRDN bit and PWRDN signal are cleared by external event. t5: High-speed oscillator/PLL/VCO operating. t6: After 512 MPU clock cycles, INT0 to MPU is asserted. t7: INT0 causes MPU to exit STOP condition. Figure 7: Power-Down Sequencing 28 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet External Interrupt Control Register (INT5Ctl): 0xFF94 A 0x00 Table 14: The INT5Ctl Register MSB LSB PDMUX Bit - - - - - KPIEN KPINT Symbol Function INT5Ctl.7 PDMUX When set=1, enables interrupts from Keypad (normally going to int5), Smart Card interrupts (normally going to int4), or USR(7:0) pins (int0) to cause interrupt on int0. The assertion of the interrupt to int0 is delayed by 512 MPU clocks to allow the analog circuits, including the clock system, to stabilize. This bit must be set prior to asserting the PWRDN bit in order to properly configure the interrupts that will wake up the circuit. This bit is reset=0 when this register is read. INT5Ctl.6 - INT5Ctl.5 - INT5Ctl.4 - INT5Ctl.3 - INT5Ctl.2 - INT5Ctl.1 KPIEN Keypad interrupt enable. INT5Ctl.0 KPINT Keypad interrupt flag. Miscellaneous Control Register 0 (MISCtl0): 0xFFF1 A 0x00 Table 15: The MISCtl0 Register MSB LSB PWRDN Bit - - - - - SLPBK SSEL Symbol Function MISCtl0.7 PWRDN This bit sets the circuit into a low-power condition. All analog (high speed oscillator and VCO/PLL) functions are disabled 32 MPU clock cycles after this bit is set=1. This allows time for the next instruction to set the STOP bit in the PCON register to stop the CPU core. The MPU is not operative in this mode. When set, this bit overrides the individual control bits that otherwise control power consumption. MISCtl0.6 - MISCtl0.5 - MISCtl0.4 - MISCtl0.3 - MISCtl0.2 - MISCtl0.1 SLPBK MISCtl0.0 SSEL Rev. 1.2 UART loop back testing mode. Serial port pins select. 29 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Miscellaneous Control Register 1 (MISCtl1): 0xFFF2 A 0x10 Table 16: The MISCtl1 Register MSB LSB - - Bit Symbol MISCtl1.7 - MISCtl1.6 - FRPEN FLSH66 - - - - Function MISCtl1.5 FRPEN Flash Read Pulse enable (low). If FRPEN=1, the Flash Read signal is passed through with no change. When FRPEN=0, a one-shot circuit that shortens the Flash Read signal is enabled to save power. The Flash Read pulse will shorten to 40 or 66ns (approximate based on the setting of the FLSH66 bit) in duration, regardless of the MPU clock rate. For MPU clock frequencies greater than 10MHz, this bit should be set high. MISCtl1.4 FLSH66 When high, creates a 66ns Flash read pulse, otherwise creates a 40ns read pulse when FRPEN is set. MISCtl1.3 - MISCtl1.2 - MISCtl1.1 - MISCtl1.0 - Master Clock Control Register (MCLKCtl): 0x8F A 0x0A Table 17: The MCLKCtl Register MSB LSB HSOEN KBEN SCEN - - MCT.2 MCT.1 MCT.0 Bit Symbol Function MCLKCtl.7 HSOEN* High-speed oscillator enable. When set = 1, disables the high-speed crystal oscillator and VCO/PLL system. This bit is not changed when the PWRDN bit is set but the oscillator/VCO/PLL is disabled. MCLKCtl.6 KBEN 1 = Disable the keypad logic clock. This bit is not changed in PWRDN mode but the function is disabled. MCLKCtl.5 SCEN 1 = Disable the smart card logic clock. This bit is not changed in PWRDN mode but the function is disabled. Interrupt logic for card insertion/removal remains operable even with smart card clock disabled. MCLKCtl.4 - MCLKCtl.3 - MCLKCtl.2 MCT.2 MCLKCtl.1 MCT.1 MCLKCtl.0 MCT.0 This value determines the ratio of the VCO frequency (MCLK) to the high-speed crystal oscillator frequency such that: MCLK=(MCount*2 + 4)*Fxtal. The default value is MCount= 2h such that MCLK = (2*2 + 4)*12.00MHz = 96MHz. *Note: The HSOEN bit should never be set under normal circumstances. Power down control should only be initiated via use of the PWRDN bit in MISCtl0. 30 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Power Control Register 0 (PCON): 0x87 A 0x00 The SMOD bit used for the baud rate generator is setup via this register. Table 18: The PCON Register MSB LSB SMOD - - - Bit Symbol PCON.7 SMOD PCON.6 - PCON.5 - PCON.4 - PCON.3 GF1 General purpose flag 1. PCON.2 GF0 General purpose flag 1. PCON.1 STOP Sets CPU to Stop mode. PCON.0 IDLE Sets CPU to Idle mode. Rev. 1.2 GF1 GF0 STOP IDLE Function If SM0D = 1, the baud rate is doubled. 31 73S1209F Data Sheet 1.7.3 DS_1209F_004 Interrupts The 80515 core provides 10 interrupt sources with four priority levels. Each source has its own request flag(s) located in a special function register (TCON, IRCON, and SCON). Each interrupt requested by the corresponding flag can be individually enabled or disabled by the enable bits in SFRs IEN0, IEN1, and IEN2. Some of the 10 sources are multiplexed in order to expand the number of interrupt sources. These will be described in more detail in the respective sections. External interrupts are the interrupts external to the 80515 core, i.e. signals that originate in other parts of the 73S1209F, for example the USR I/O, smart card interface, analog comparators, etc. The external interrupt configuration is shown in Figure 8. PDMUXCtl Clear PWRDN bit USR0 USR1 t0 USR2 USR3 USR Pads USR4 USR5 USR USR USR Int USR Int Int Ctl Int Ctl Ctl Ctl 0 int0 1 t1 int1 USR6 USR7 + INT2 int3 CRDCtl + VCC_OK int2 INT Pads INT3 Card_Det Delay VccCTL Wait Timeout Card Event VCC_TMR RxData TX_Event Tx_Sent TX_Error RX_Error + SCInt INT5 Ctl KeyPad SCIE int4 MPU CORE During STOP, IDLE when PWRDN bit is set int5 I2C VDD_Fault Analog Comp INT6 Ctl int6 Serial Ch 0 SerChan 0 int Serial Ch 1 SerChan 1 int Figure 8: External Interrupt Configuration 32 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Interrupt Overview When an interrupt occurs, the MPU will vector to the predetermined address as shown in Table 32. Once the interrupt service has begun, it can only be interrupted by a higher priority interrupt. The interrupt service is terminated by a return from the RETI instruction. When a RETI is performed, the processor will return to the instruction that would have been next when the interrupt occurred. When the interrupt condition occurs, the processor will also indicate this by setting a flag bit. This bit is set regardless of whether the interrupt is enabled or disabled. Each interrupt flag is sampled once per machine cycle, then samples are polled by the hardware. If the sample indicates a pending interrupt when the interrupt is enabled, then the interrupt request flag is set. On the next instruction cycle, the interrupt will be acknowledged by hardware forcing an LCALL to the appropriate vector address. Interrupt response will require a varying amount of time depending on the state of the MPU when the interrupt occurs. If the MPU is performing an interrupt service with equal or greater priority, the new interrupt will not be invoked. In other cases, the response time depends on the current instruction. The fastest possible response to an interrupt is 7 machine cycles. This includes one machine cycle for detecting the interrupt and six cycles to perform the LCALL. Special Function Registers for Interrupts Interrupt Enable 0 Register (IEN0): 0xA8 A 0x00 Table 19: The IEN0 Register MSB EAL LSB WDT - ES0 ET1 EX1 Bit Symbol IEN0.7 EAL EAL = 0 - disable all interrupts. IEN0.6 WDT Not used for interrupt control. IEN0.5 - IEN0.4 ES0 ES0 = 0 - disable serial channel 0 interrupt. IEN0.3 ET1 ET1 = 0 - disable timer 1 overflow interrupt. IEN0.2 EX1 EX1 = 0 - disable external interrupt 1. IEN0.1 ET0 ET0 = 0 - disable timer 0 overflow interrupt. IEN0.0 EX0 EX0 = 0 - disable external interrupt 0. Rev. 1.2 ET0 EX0 Function 33 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Interrupt Enable 1 Register (IEN1): 0xB8 A 0x00 Table 20: The IEN1 Register MSB - LSB SWDT EX6 EX5 EX4 EX3 Bit Symbol IEN1.7 - IEN1.6 SWDT IEN1.5 EX6 EX6 = 0 - disable external interrupt 6. IEN1.4 EX5 EX5 = 0 - disable external interrupt 5. IEN1.3 EX4 EX4 = 0 - disable external interrupt 4. IEN1.2 EX3 EX3 = 0 - disable external interrupt 3. IEN1.1 EX2 EX2 = 0 - disable external interrupt 2. IEN1.0 - EX2 - Function Not used for interrupt control. Interrupt Enable 2 Register (IEN2): 0x9A A 0x00 Table 21: The IEN2 Register MSB - 34 Bit Symbol IEN2.0 ES1 LSB - - - - - - ES1 Function ES1 = 0 - disable serial channel interrupt. Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Timer/Counter Control Register (TCON): 0x88 A 0x00 Table 22: The TCON Register MSB TF1 LSB TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 Bit Symbol Function TCON.7 TF1 Timer 1 overflow flag. TCON.6 TR1 Not used for interrupt control. TCON.5 TF0 Timer 0 overflow flag. TCON.4 TR0 Not used for interrupt control. TCON.3 IE1 Interrupt 1 edge flag is set by hardware when the falling edge on external interrupt int1 is observed. Cleared when an interrupt is processed. TCON.2 IT1 Interrupt 1 type control bit. 1 selects falling edge and 0 selects low level for input pin to cause an interrupt. TCON.1 IE0 Interrupt 0 edge flag is set by hardware when the falling edge on external interrupt int0 is observed. Cleared when an interrupt is processed. TCON.0 IT0 Interrupt 0 type control bit. 1 selects falling edge and 0 sets low level for input pin to cause interrupt. Timer/Interrupt 2 Control Register (T2CON): 0xC8 A 0x00 Table 23: The T2CON Register MSB LSB - I3FR I2FR - - - - Bit Symbol T2CON.7 - T2CON.6 I3FR External interrupt 3 failing/rising edge flag. I3FR = 0 external interrupt 3 negative transition active. I3FR = 1 external interrupt 3 positive transition active. T2CON.5 I2FR External interrupt 3 failing/rising edge flag. I2FR = 0 external interrupt 3 negative transition active. I2FR = 1 external interrupt 3 positive transition active. T2CON.4 - T2CON.3 - T2CON.2 - T2CON.1 - T2CON.0 - Rev. 1.2 - Function 35 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Interrupt Request Register (IRCON): 0xC0 A 0x00 Table 24: The IRCON Register MSB LSB - - EX6 IEX5 Bit Symbol IRCON.7 - IRCON.6 - IRCON.5 IEX6 External interrupt 6 flag. IRCON.4 IEX5 External interrupt 5 flag. IRCON.3 IEX4 External interrupt 4 flag. IRCON.2 IEX3 External interrupt 3 flag. IRCON.1 IEX2 External interrupt 2 flag. IRCON.0 - IEX4 IEX3 IEX2 - Function External Interrupts The external interrupts (external to the CPU core) are connected as shown in Table 25. Interrupts with multiple sources are OR'ed together and individual interrupt source control is provided in XRAM SFRs to mask the individual interrupt sources and provide the corresponding interrupt flags. Multifunction USR [7:0] pins control Interrupts 0 and 1. Dedicated external interrupt pins INT2 and INT3 control interrupts 2 and 3. The polarity of interrupts 2 and 3 is programmable in the MPU. Interrupts 4, 5 and 6 have multiple peripheral sources and are multiplexed to one of these three interrupts. The peripheral functions will be described in subsequent sections. Generic 80515 MPU literature states that interrupts 4 through 6 are defined as rising edge sensitive. Thus, the hardware signals attached to interrupts 4, 5 and 6 are converted to rising edge level by the hardware. SFR (special function register) enable bits must be set to permit any of these interrupts to occur. Likewise, each interrupt has its own flag bit that is set by the interrupt hardware and is reset automatically by the MPU interrupt handler. Table 25: External MPU Interrupts External Interrupt Connection Polarity Flag Reset 0 USR I/O High Priority see USRxIntCtlx Automatic 1 USR I/O Low Priority see USRxIntCtlx Automatic 2 External Interrupt Pin INT2 Edge selectable Automatic 3 External Interrupt Pin INT3 Edge selectable Automatic 4 Smart Card Interrupts N/A Automatic 5 USB, RTC and Keypad N/A Automatic N/A Automatic 6 2 I C, VDD_Fault, Analog Comp Note 1: Interrupts 4, 5 and 6 have multiple interrupt sources and the flag bits are cleared upon reading of the corresponding register. To prevent any interrupts from being ignored, the register containing multiple interrupt flags should be stored temporary to allow each interrupt flag to be tested separately to see which interrupt(s) is/are pending. 36 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Table 26: Control Bits for External Interrupts Enable Bit Description Flag Bit Description EX0 Enable external interrupt 0 IE0 External interrupt 0 flag EX1 Enable external interrupt 1 IE1 External interrupt 1 flag EX2 Enable external interrupt 2 IEX2 External interrupt 2 flag EX3 Enable external interrupt 3 IEX3 External interrupt 3 flag EX4 Enable external interrupt 4 IEX4 External interrupt 4 flag EX5 Enable external interrupt 5 IEX5 External interrupt 5 flag EX6 Enable external interrupt 6 IEX6 External interrupt 6 flag Power Down Interrupt Logic The 73S1209F contains special interrupt logic to allow INT0 to wake up the CPU from a power down (CPU STOP) state. See the Power Control Modes section for details. Interrupt Priority Level Structure All interrupt sources are combined in groups, as shown in Table 27. Table 27: Priority Level Groups Group 0 External interrupt 0 Serial channel 1 interrupt 1 Timer 0 interrupt - External interrupt 2 2 External interrupt 1 - External interrupt 3 3 Timer 1 interrupt - External interrupt 4 4 Serial channel 0 interrupt - External interrupt 5 5 - - External interrupt 6 Each group of interrupt sources can be programmed individually to one of four priority levels by setting or clearing one bit in the special function register IP0 and one in IP1. If requests of the same priority level are received simultaneously, an internal polling sequence as per Table 31 determines which request is serviced first. IEN enable bits must be set to permit any of these interrupts to occur. Likewise, each interrupt has its own flag bit that is set by the interrupt hardware. Interrupt Priority 0 Register (IP0): 0xA9 A 0x00 Table 28: The IP0 Register MSB - LSB WDTS IP0.5 IP0.4 IP0.3 IP0.2 IP0.1 IP0.0 Note: WDTS is not used for interrupt controls. Rev. 1.2 37 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Interrupt Priority 1 Register (IP1): 0xB9 A 0x00 Table 29: The IP1 Register MSB - LSB - IP1.5 IP1.4 IP1.3 IP1.2 IP1.1 IP1.0 Table 30: Priority Levels IP1.x IP0.x Priority Level 0 0 Level0 (lowest) 0 1 Level1 1 0 Level2 1 1 Level3 (highest) Table 31: Interrupt Polling Sequence External interrupt 0 Serial channel 1 interrupt External interrupt 2 External interrupt 1 External interrupt 3 Timer 1 interrupt Serial channel 0 interrupt Polling sequence Timer 0 interrupt External interrupt 4 External interrupt 5 External interrupt 6 Interrupt Sources and Vectors Table 32 shows the interrupts with their associated flags and vector addresses. Table 32: Interrupt Vectors 38 Interrupt Request Flag Description Interrupt Vector Address N/A Chip Reset 0x0000 IE0 External interrupt 0 0x0003 TF0 Timer 0 interrupt 0x000B IE1 External interrupt 1 0x0013 TF1 Timer 1 interrupt 0x001B RI0/TI0 Serial channel 0 interrupt 0x0023 RI1/TI1 Serial channel 1 interrupt 0x0083 IEX2 External interrupt 2 0x004B IEX3 External interrupt 3 0x0053 IEX4 External interrupt 4 0x005B IEX5 External interrupt 5 0x0063 IEX6 External interrupt 6 0x006B Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 1.7.4 73S1209F Data Sheet UART The 80515 core of the 73S1209F includes two separate UARTs that can be programmed to communicate with a host. The 73S1209F can only connect one UART at a time since there is only one set of TX and Rx pins. The MISCtl0 register is used to select which UART is connected to the TX and RX pins. Each UART has a different set of operating modes that the user can select according to their needs. The UART is a dedicated 2-wire serial interface, which can communicate with an external host processor at up to 115,200 bits/s. The TX and RX pins operate at the VDD supply voltage levels and should never exceed 3.6V. The operation of each pin is as follows: RX: Serial input data is applied at this pin. Conforming to RS-232 standard, the bytes are input LSB first. The voltage applied at RX must not exceed 3.6V. TX: This pin is used to output the serial data. The bytes are output LSB first. The 73S1209F has several UART-related read/write registers. All UART transfers are programmable for parity enable, parity select, 2 stop bits/1 stop bit and XON/XOFF options for variable communication baud rates from 300 to 115200 bps. Table 33 shows the selectable UART operation modes and Table 34 shows how the baud rates are calculated. Table 33: UART Modes UART 0 UART 1 Mode 0 N/A Start bit, 8 data bits, parity, stop bit, variable baud rate (internal baud rate generator) Mode 1 Start bit, 8 data bits, stop bit, variable baud rate (internal baud rate generator or timer 1) Start bit, 8 data bits, stop bit, variable baud rate (internal baud rate generator) Mode 2 Start bit, 8 data bits, parity, stop bit, fixed baud rate 1/32 or 1/64 of fCKMPU N/A Mode 3 Start bit, 8 data bits, parity, stop bit, variable baud rate (internal baud rate generator or timer 1) N/A Note: Parity of serial data is available through the P flag of the accumulator. Seven-bit serial modes with parity, such as those used by the FLAG protocol, can be simulated by setting and reading bit 7 of 8-bit output data. Seven-bit serial modes without parity can be simulated by setting bit 7 to a constant 1.8-bit serial modes with parity can be simulated by setting and reading the 9th bit, using the control bits S0CON3 and S1CON3 in the S0COn and S1CON SFRs. Table 34: Baud Rate Generation Using Timer 1 Serial Interface 0 Serial Interface 1 2 smod * fCKMPU/ (384 * (256-TH1)) N/A Using Internal Baud Rate Generator 2smod * fCKMPU/(64 * (210-S0REL)) fCKMPU/(32 * (210-S1REL)) Note: S0REL (9:0) and S1REL (9:0) are 10-bit values derived by combining bits from the respective timer reload registers SxRELH (bits 1:0) and SxRELL (bits 7:0). TH1 is the high byte of timer 1. The SMOD bit is located in the PCON SFR. Rev. 1.2 39 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Power Control Register 0 (PCON): 0x87 A 0x00 The SMOD bit used for the baud rate generator is set up via this register. Table 35: The PCON Register MSB LSB SMOD - - - GF1 Bit Symbol PCON.7 SMOD PCON.6 - PCON.5 - PCON.4 - PCON.3 GF1 General purpose flag 1. PCON.2 GF0 General purpose flag 1. PCON.1 STOP Sets CPU to Stop mode. PCON.0 IDLE Sets CPU to Idle mode. GF0 STOP IDLE Function If SM0D = 1, the baud rate is doubled. Baud Rate Control Register 0 (BRCON): 0xD8 A 0x00 The BSEL bit used to enable the baud rate generator is set up via this register. Table 36: The BRCON Register MSB LSB BSEL 40 - Bit Symbol BRCON.7 BSEL BRCON.6 - BRCON.5 - BRCON.4 - BRCON.3 - BRCON.2 - BRCON.1 - BRCON.0 - - - - - - - Function If BSEL = 0, the baud rate is derived using timer 1. If BSEL = 1 the baud rate generator circuit is used. . Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Miscellaneous Control Register 0 (MISCtl0): 0xFFF1 A 0x00 Transmit and receive (TX and RX) pin selection and loop back test configuration are set up via this register. Table 37: The MISCtl0 Register MSB LSB PWRDN - Bit Symbol MISCtl0.7 PWRDN MISCtl0.6 - MISCtl0.5 - MISCtl0.4 - MISCtl0.3 - MISCtl0.2 - - - - - SLPBK SSEL Function This bit places the 73S1209F into a power down state. MISCtl0.1 SLPBK 1 = UART loop back testing mode. The pins TXD and RXD are to be connected together externally (with SLPBK =1) and therefore: SLPBK SSEL Mode 0 0 normal using Serial_0 0 1 normal using Serial_1 1 0 Serial_0 TX feeds Serial_1 RX 1 1 Serial_1 TX feeds Serial_0 RX MISCtl0.0 SSEL Selects either Serial_1 if set =1 or Serial_0 if set = 0 to be connected to RXD and TXD pins. Serial Interface 0 The Serial Interface 0 can operate in four modes: * Mode 0 Pin RX serves as input and output. TX outputs the shift clock. Eight bits are transmitted with the LSB first. The baud rate is fixed at 1/12 of the crystal frequency. Reception is initialized in Mode 0 by setting the flags in S0CON as follows: RI0 = 0 and REN0 = 1. In other modes, a start bit when REN0 = 1 starts receiving serial data. * Mode 1 Pin RX serves as input, and TX serves as serial output. No external shift clock is used, 10 bits are transmitted: a start bit (always 0), 8 data bits (LSB first), and a stop bit (always 1). On receive, a start bit synchronizes the transmission, 8 data bits are available by reading S0BUF, and stop bit sets the flag RB80 in the Special Function Register S0CON. In mode 1 either internal baud rate generator or timer 1 can be use to specify baud rate. * Mode 2 This mode is similar to Mode 1, with two differences. The baud rate is fixed at 1/32 or 1/64 of oscillator frequency and 11 bits are transmitted or received: a start bit (0), 8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th bit, and a stop bit (1). The 9th bit can be used to control the parity of the serial interface: at transmission, bit TB80 in S0CON is output as the 9th bit, and at receive, the 9th bit affects RB80 in Special Function Register S0CON. * Mode 3 The only difference between Mode 2 and Mode 3 is that in Mode 3 either internal baud rate generator or timer 1 can be use to specify baud rate. The S0BUF register is used to read/write data to/from the serial 0 interface. Rev. 1.2 41 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Serial Interface 0 Control Register (S0CON): 0x9B A 0x00 Transmit and receive data are transferred via this register. Table 38: The S0CON Register MSB LSB SM0 SM1 Bit Symbol S0CON.7 SM0 SM20 SM1 TB80 RB80 TI0 RI0 Function These two bits set the UART0 mode: Mode S0CON.6 REN0 Description SM0 SM1 0 N/A 0 0 1 8-bit UART 0 1 2 9-bit UART 1 0 3 9-bit UART 1 1 S0CON.5 SM20 Enables the inter-processor communication feature. S0CON.4 REN0 If set, enables serial reception. Cleared by software to disable reception. S0CON.3 TB80 The 9th transmitted data bit in Modes 2 and 3. Set or cleared by the MPU, depending on the function it performs (parity check, multiprocessor communication etc.). S0CON.2 RB80 In Modes 2 and 3 it is the 9th data bit received. In Mode 1, if SM20 is 0, RB80 is the stop bit. In Mode 0 this bit is not used. Must be cleared by software. S0CON.1 TI0 Transmit interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of a serial transfer. Must be cleared by software. S0CON.0 RI0 Receive interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of a serial reception. Must be cleared by software. Serial Interface 1 The Serial Interface 1 can operate in 2 modes: * Mode A This mode is similar to Mode 2 and 3 of Serial interface 0, 11 bits are transmitted or received: a start bit (0), 8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th bit, and a stop bit (1). The 9th bit can be used to control the parity of the serial interface: at transmission, bit TB81 in S1CON is outputted as the 9th bit, and at receive, the 9th bit affects RB81 in Special Function Register S1CON. The only difference between Mode 3 and A is that in Mode A only the internal baud rate generator can be use to specify baud rate. * Mode B This mode is similar to Mode 1 of Serial interface 0. Pin RX serves as input, and TX serves as serial output. No external shift clock is used, 10 bits are transmitted: a start bit (always 0), 8 data bits (LSB first), and a stop bit (always 1). On receive, a start bit synchronizes the transmission, 8 data bits are available by reading S1BUF, and stop bit sets the flag RB81 in the Special Function Register S1CON. In mode 1, the internal baud rate generator is use to specify the baud rate. The S1BUF register is used to read/write data to/from the serial 1 interface. 42 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Serial Interface Control Register (S1CON): 0x9B A 0x00 The function of the serial port depends on the setting of the Serial Port Control Register S1CON. Table 39: The S1CON Register MSB LSB SM - Bit Symbol S1CON.7 SM SM21 REN1 TB81 RB81 TI1 RI1 Function Sets the UART operation mode. SM Mode Description Baud Rate 0 A 9-bit UART variable 1 B 8-bit UART variable S1CON.6 - S1CON.5 SM21 Enables the inter-processor communication feature. S1CON.4 REN1 If set, enables serial reception. Cleared by software to disable reception. S1CON.3 TB81 The 9th transmitted data bit in Mode A. Set or cleared by the MPU, depending on the function it performs (parity check, multiprocessor communication etc.). S1CON.2 RB81 In Mode B, if sm21 is 0, rb81 is the stop bit. Must be cleared by software. S1CON.1 TI1 Transmit interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of a serial transfer. Must be cleared by software. S1CON.0 RI1 Receive interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of a serial reception. Must be cleared by software. Multiprocessor operation mode: The feature of receiving 9 bits in Modes 2 and 3 of Serial Interface 0 or in Mode A of Serial Interface 1 can be used for multiprocessor communication. In this case, the slave processors have bit SM20 in S0CON or SM21 in S1CON set to 1. When the master processor outputs slave's address, it sets the 9th bit to 1, causing a serial port receive interrupt in all the slaves. The slave processors compare the received byte with their network address. If there is a match, the addressed slave will clear SM20 or SM21 and receive the rest of the message, while other slaves will leave the SM20 or SM21 bit unaffected and ignore this message. After addressing the slave, the host will output the rest of the message with the 9th bit set to 0, so no serial port receive interrupt will be generated in unselected slaves. Rev. 1.2 43 73S1209F Data Sheet 1.7.5 DS_1209F_004 Timers and Counters The 80515 has two 16-bit timer/counter registers: Timer 0 and Timer 1. These registers can be configured for counter or timer operations. In timer mode, the register is incremented every machine cycle, meaning that it counts up after every 12 periods of the MPU clock signal. In counter mode, the register is incremented when the falling edge is observed at the corresponding input signal T0 or T1 (T0 and T1 are the timer gating inputs derived from USR[0:7] pins, see the User (USR) Ports section). Since it takes 2 machine cycles to recognize a 1-to-0 event, the maximum input count rate is 1/2 of the oscillator frequency. There are no restrictions on the duty cycle, however to ensure proper recognition of 0 or 1 state, an input should be stable for at least 1 machine cycle. Four operating modes can be selected for Timer 0 and Timer 1. Two Special Function Registers (TMOD and TCON) are used to select the appropriate mode. The Timer 0 load registers are designated as TL0 and TH0 and the Timer 1 load registers are designated as TL1 and TH1. Timer/Counter Mode Control Register (TMOD): 0x89 A 0x00 Table 40: The TMOD Register MSB LSB GATE C/T M1 Timer 1 M0 GATE C/T M1 M0 Timer 0 Bits TR1 and TR0 in the TCON register start their associated timers when set. Table 41: TMOD Register Bit Description 44 Bit Symbol Function TMOD.7 TMOD.3 Gate If set, enables external gate control (USR pin(s) connected to T0 or T1 for Counter 0 or 1, respectively). When T0 or T1 is high, and TRx bit is set (see the TCON register), a counter is incremented every falling edge on T0 or T1 input pin. If not set, the TRx bit controls the corresponding timer. TMOD.6 TMOD.2 C/T Selects Timer or Counter operation. When set to 1, the counter operation is performed based on the falling edge of T0 or T1. When cleared to 0, the corresponding register will function as a timer. TMOD.5 TMOD.1 M1 Selects the mode for Timer/Counter 0 or Timer/Counter 1, as shown in the TMOD description. TMOD.4 TMOD.0 M0 Selects the mode for Timer/Counter 0 or Timer/Counter 1, as shown in the TMOD description. Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Table 42: Timers/Counters Mode Description M1 M0 Mode Function 0 0 Mode 0 13-bit Counter/Timer. 0 1 Mode 1 16-bit Counter/Timer. 1 0 Mode 2 8-bit auto-reload Counter/Timer. 1 1 Mode 3 If Timer 1 M1 and M0 bits are set to '1', Timer 1 stops. If Timer 0 M1 and M0 bits are set to '1', Timer 0 acts as two independent 8-bit Timer/Counters. Mode 0 Putting either timer/counter into mode 0 configures it as an 8-bit timer/counter with a divide-by-32 prescaler. In this mode, the timer register is configured as a 13-bit register. As the count rolls over from all 1's to all 0's, it sets the timer overflow flag TF0. The overflow flag TF0 then can be used to request an interrupt. The counted input is enabled to the timer when TRx = 1 and either GATE = 0 or TX = 1 (setting GATE = 1 allows the timer to be controlled by external input TX, to facilitate pulse width measurements). TRx are control bits in the special function register TCON; GATE is in TMOD. The 13-bit register consists of all 8 bits of TH1 and the lower 5 bits of TL0. The upper 3 bits of TL0 are indeterminate and should be ignored. Setting the run flag (TRx) does not clear the registers. Mode 0 operation is the same for timer 0 as for timer 1. Mode 1 Mode 1 is the same as mode 0, except that the timer register is run with all 16 bits. Mode 2 Mode 2 configures the timer register as an 8-bit counter (TLx) with automatic reload. The overflow from TLx not only sets TFx, but also reloads TLx with the contents of THx, which is preset by software. The reload leaves THx unchanged. Mode 3 Mode 3 has different effects on timer 0 and timer 1. Timer 1 in mode 3 simply holds its count. The effect is the same as setting TR1 = 0. Timer 0 in mode 3 establishes TL0 and TH0 as two separate counters. TL0 uses the timer 0 control bits: C/T, GATE, TR0, INT0, and TF0. TH0 is locked into a timer function (counting machine cycles) and takes over the use of TR1 and TF1 from timer 1. Thus, TH0 now controls the "timer 1" interrupt. Mode 3 is provided for applications requiring an extra 8-bit timer or counter. When timer 0 is in mode 3, timer 1 can be turned on and off by switching it out of and into its own mode 3, or can still be used by the serial channel as a baud rate generator, or in fact, in any application not requiring an interrupt from timer 1 itself. Rev. 1.2 45 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Timer/Counter Control Register (TCON): 0x88 A 0x00 Table 43: The TCON Register MSB LSB TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 Bit Symbol Function TCON.7 TF1 The Timer 1 overflow flag is set by hardware when Timer 1 overflows. This flag can be cleared by software and is automatically cleared when an interrupt is processed. TCON.6 TR1 Timer 1 Run control bit. If cleared, Timer 1 stops. TCON.5 TF0 Timer 0 overflow flag set by hardware when Timer 0 overflows. This flag can be cleared by software and is automatically cleared when an interrupt is processed. TCON.4 TR0 Timer 0 Run control bit. If cleared, Timer 0 stops. TCON.3 IE1 External Interrupt 1 edge flag. TCON.2 IT1 External interrupt 1 type control bit. TCON.1 IE0 External Interrupt 0 edge flag. TCON.0 IT0 External Interrupt 0 type control bit. 1.7.6 WD Timer (Software Watchdog Timer) The software watchdog timer is a 16-bit counter that is incremented once every 24 or 384 clock cycles. After a reset, the watchdog timer is disabled and all registers are set to zero. The watchdog consists of a 16-bit counter (WDT), a reload register (WDTREL), prescalers (by 2 and by 16), and control logic. Once the watchdog starts, it cannot be stopped unless the internal reset signal becomes active. WD Timer Start Procedure: The WDT is started by setting the SWDT flag. When the WDT register enters the state 0x7CFF, an asynchronous WDTS signal will become active. The signal WDTS sets bit 6 in the IP0 register and requests a reset state. WDTS is cleared either by the reset signal or by changing the state of the WDT timer. Refreshing the WD Timer: The watchdog timer must be refreshed regularly to prevent the reset request signal from becoming active. This requirement imposes an obligation on the programmer to issue two instructions. The first instruction sets WDT and the second instruction sets SWDT. The maximum delay allowed between setting WDT and SWDT is 12 clock cycles. If this period has expired and SWDT has not been set, WDT is automatically reset, otherwise the watchdog timer is reloaded with the content of the WDTREL register and WDT is automatically reset. 46 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Interrupt Enable 0 Register (IEN0): 0xA8 A 0x00 Table 44: The IEN0 Register MSB LSB EAL WDT ET2 ES0 ET1 Bit Symbol IEN0.7 EAL EAL = 0 - disable all interrupts. IEN0.6 WDT Watchdog timer refresh flag. EX1 ET0 EX0 Function Set to initiate a refresh of the watchdog timer. Must be set directly before SWDT is set to prevent an unintentional refresh of the watchdog timer. WDT is reset by hardware 12 clock cycles after it has been set. IEN0.5 - IEN0.4 ES0 ES0 = 0 - disable serial channel 0 interrupt. IEN0.3 ET1 ET1 = 0 - disable timer 1 overflow interrupt. IEN0.2 EX1 EX1 = 0 - disable external interrupt 1. IEN0.1 ET0 ET0 = 0 - disable timer 0 overflow interrupt. IEN0.0 EX0 EX0 = 0 - disable external interrupt 0. Interrupt Enable 1 Register (IEN1): 0xB8 A 0x00 Table 45: The IEN1 Register MSB LSB - SWDT EX6 EX5 EX4 EX3 Bit Symbol IEN1.7 - IEN1.6 SWDT IEN1.5 EX6 EX6 = 0 - disable external interrupt 6. IEN1.4 EX5 EX5 = 0 - disable external interrupt 5. IEN1.3 EX4 EX4 = 0 - disable external interrupt 4. IEN1.2 EX3 EX3 = 0 - disable external interrupt 3. IEN1.1 EX2 EX2 = 0 - disable external interrupt 2. IEN1.0 - Rev. 1.2 EX2 Function Watchdog timer start/refresh flag. Set to activate/refresh the watchdog timer. When directly set after setting WDT, a watchdog timer refresh is performed. Bit SWDT is reset by the hardware 12 clock cycles after it has been set. 47 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Interrupt Priority 0 Register (IP0): 0xA9 A 0x00 Table 46: The IP0 Register MSB LSB - WDTS IP0.5 IP0.4 IP0.3 IP0.2 IP0.1 IP0.0 Bit Symbol Function IP0.6 WDTS Watchdog timer status flag. Set when the watchdog timer has expired. The internal reset will be generated, but this bit will not be cleared by the reset. This allows the user program to determine if the watchdog timer caused the reset to occur and respond accordingly. Can be read and cleared by software. Note: The remaining bits in the IP0 register are not used for watchdog control. Watchdog Timer Reload Register (WDTREL): 0x86 A 0x00 Table 47: The WDTREL Register MSB LSB WDPSEL WDREL6 WDREL5 WDREL4 WDREL3 WDREL2 WDREL1 WDREL0 Bit Symbol WDTREL.7 WDPSEL Prescaler select bit. When set, the watchdog is clocked through an additional divide-by-16 prescaler. WDTREL.6 to WDTREL.0 WDREL6-0 Seven bit reload value for the high-byte of the watchdog timer. This value is loaded to the WDT when a refresh is triggered by a consecutive setting of bits WDT and SWDT. 48 Function Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 1.7.7 73S1209F Data Sheet User (USR) Ports The 73S1209F includes 9 pins of general purpose digital I/O (GPIO). On reset or power-up, all USR pins are inputs until they are configured for the desired direction. The pins are configured and controlled by the USR and UDIR SFRs. Each pin declared as USR can be configured independently as an input or output with the bits of the UDIRn registers. Table 48 lists the direction registers and configurability associated with each group of USR pins. USR pins 0 to 7 are multiple use pins that can be used for general purpose I/O, external interrupts and timer control. Table 49 shows the configuration for a USR pin through its associated bit in its UDIR register. Values read from and written into the GPIO ports use the data registers USR70 and USR8. Note: After reset, all USR pins are defaulted as inputs and pulled up to VDD until any write to the corresponding UDIR register is performed. This insures all USR pins are set to a known value until set by the firmware. Unused USR pins can be set for output if unused and unconnected to prevent them from floating. Alternatively, unused USR pins can be set for input and tied to ground or VDD. Table 48: Direction Registers and Internal Resources for DIO Pin Groups Direction Register (SFR) Location Data Register Name Data Register (SFR) Location USR Pin Group Type Direction Register Name USR_0...USR_7 Multi-use UDIR70 0x91 [7:0] USR70 0x90 [7:0] USR_8 GPIO only UDIR8 0xA1 [0] USR8 0xA0 [0] Table 49: UDIR Control Bit UDIR Bit USR Pin Function 0 1 output input Four XRAM SFR registers (USRIntCtl1, USRIntCtl2, USRIntCtl3, and USRIntCtl4) control the use of the USR [7:0] pins. Each of the USR [7:0] pins can be configured as GPIO or individually be assigned an internal resource such as an interrupt or a timer/counter control. Each of the four registers contains two 3-bit configuration words named UxIS (where x corresponds to the USR pin). The control resources selectable for the USR pins are listed in Table 74 through Table 78. If more than one input is connected to the same resource, the resources are combined using a logical OR. Table 50: Selectable Controls Using the UxIS Bits UxIS Value Resource Selected for USRx Pin 0 None 1 None 2 T0 (counter0 gate/clock) 3 T1 (counter1 gate/clock) 4 Interrupt 0 rising edge/high level on USRx 5 Interrupt 1 rising edge/high level on USRx 6 Interrupt 0 falling edge/low level on USRx 7 Interrupt 1 falling edge/low level on USRx Note: x denotes the corresponding USR pin. Interrupt edge or level control is assigned in the IT0 and IT1 bits in the TCON register. Rev. 1.2 49 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 External Interrupt Control Register (USRIntCtl1) : 0xFF90 A 0x00 Table 51: The USRIntCtl1 Register MSB - LSB U1IS.6 U1IS.5 U1IS.4 - U0IS.2 U0IS.1 U0IS.0 External Interrupt Control Register (USRIntCtl2) : 0xFF91 A 0x00 Table 52: The USRIntCtl2 Register MSB - LSB U3IS.6 U3IS.5 U3IS.4 - U2IS.2 U2IS.1 U2IS.0 External Interrupt Control Register (USRIntCtl3) : 0xFF92 A 0x00 Table 53: The USRIntCtl3 Register MSB - LSB U5IS.6 U5IS.5 U5IS.4 - U4IS.2 U4IS.1 U4IS.0 External Interrupt Control Register (USRIntCtl4) : 0xFF93 A 0x00 Table 54: The USRIntCtl4 Register MSB - 50 LSB U7IS.6 U7IS.5 U7IS.4 - U6IS.2 U6IS.1 U6IS.0 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 1.7.8 73S1209F Data Sheet Analog Voltage Comparator The 73S1209F includes a programmable comparator that is connected to the ANA_IN pin. The comparator can be configured to trigger an interrupt if the input voltage rises above or falls below a selectable threshold voltage. The comparator control register should not be modified when the analog interrupt (ANAIEN bit in the INT6Ctl register) is enabled to guard against any false interrupt that might be generated when modifying the threshold. The comparator has a built-in hysteresis to prevent the comparator from repeatedly responding to low-amplitude noise. This hysteresis is approximately 20mV. Interrupt control is handled in the INT6Ctl register. Analog Compare Control Register (ACOMP): 0xFFD0 A 0x00 Table 55: The ACOMP Register MSB LSB ANALVL - ONCHG CPOL CMPEN TSEL.2 TSEL.1 TSEL.0 Bit Symbol Function ACOMP.7 ANALVL When read, indicates whether the input level is above or below the threshold. This is a real time value and is not latched, so it may change from the time of the interrupt trigger until read. ACOMP.6 - ACOMP.5 ONCHG If set, the Ana_interrupt is invoked on any change above or below the threshold, bit 4 is ignored. ACOMP.4 CPOL If set = 1, Ana_interrupt is invoked when signal rises above selected threshold. If set = 0, Ana_interrupt is invoked when signal goes below selected threshold (default). ACOMP.3 CMPEN ACOMP.2 TSEL.2 ACOMP.1 TSEL.1 ACOMP.0 TSEL.0 Rev. 1.2 Enables power to the analog comparator. 1= Enabled. 0 = Disabled (default). Sets the voltage threshold for comparison to the voltage on pin ANA_IN. Thresholds are as follows: TSEL.2 TSEL.1 TSEL.0 Voltage Threshold 0 0 0 1.00V 0 0 1 1.24V 0 1 0 1.40V 0 1 1 1.50V 1 0 0 1.75V 1 0 1 2.00V 1 1 0 2.30V 1 1 1 2.50V 51 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 External Interrupt Control Register (INT6Ctl): 0xFF95 A 0x00 Table 56: The INT6Ctl Register MSB LSB - - VFTIEN VFTINT I2CIEN I2CINT ANIEN ANINT Bit Symbol INT6Ctl.7 - INT6Ctl.6 - INT6Ctl.5 VFTIEN VDD fault interrupt enable. INT6Ctl.4 VFTINT VDD fault interrupt flag. INT6Ctl.3 I2CIEN I2C interrupt enabled. INT6Ctl.2 I2CINT I2C interrupt flag. INT6Ctl.1 ANIEN If ANIEN = 1 Analog Compare event interrupt is enabled. When masked (ANIEN = 0), ANINT (bit 0) may be set, but no interrupt is generated. INT6Ctl.0 ANINT (Read Only) Set when the selected ANA_IN signal changes with respect to the selected threshold if Compare_Enable is asserted. Cleared on read of register. 52 Function Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 1.7.9 73S1209F Data Sheet LED Drivers The 73S1209F provides two dedicated output pins for driving LEDs. The LED driver pins can be configured as current sources that will pull to ground to drive LEDs that are connected to VDD without the need for external current limiting resistors. These pins may be used as general purpose outputs with the programmed pull-down current and a strong (CMOS) pull-up, if enabled. The analog block must be enabled when these outputs are being used to drive the selected output current. The pins may be used as inputs with consideration of the programmed output current and level. The register bit when read, indicates the state of the pin. LED Control Register (LEDCtl): 0xFFF3 A 0xFF Table 57: The LEDCtl Register MSB LSB - LPUEN ISET.1 ISET.0 - - LEDD 1 LEDD0 Bit Symbol Function LEDCtl.7 - LEDCtl.6 LPUEN 0 = Pull-ups are enabled for all of the LED pins. LEDCtl.5 ISET.1 These two bits control the drive current (to ground) for all of the LED driver pins. Current levels are: 00 = 0ma(off) 01 = 2ma 10 = 4ma 11 = 10ma LEDCtl.4 ISET.0 LEDCtl.3 - LEDCtl.2 - LEDCtl.1 LEDD1 Write data controls output level of pin LED1. Read will report level of pin LED1. LEDCtl.0 LEDD0 Write data controls output level of pin LED0. Read will report level of pin LED0. Rev. 1.2 53 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 1.7.10 I2C Master Interface The 73S1209F includes a dedicated fast mode, 400kHz I2C Master interface. The I2C interface can read or write 1 or 2 bytes of data per data transfer frame. The MPU communicates with the interface through six dedicated SFR registers: * * * * * * Device Address (DAR) Write Data (WDR) Secondary Write Data (SWDR) Read Data (RDR) Secondary Read Data (SRDR) Control and Status (CSR) The DAR register is used to set up the slave address and specify if the transaction is a read or write operation. The CSR register sets up, starts the transaction and reports any errors that may occur. When the I2C transaction is complete, the I2C interrupt is reported via external interrupt 6. The I2C interrupt is automatically de-asserted when a subsequent I2C transaction is started. The I2C interface uses a 400kHz clock from the time-base circuits. I2C Write Sequence To write data on the I2C Master Bus, the 80515 has to program the following registers according to the following sequence: 1. Write slave device address to Device Address register (DAR). The data contains 7 bits for the slave device address and 1 bit of op-code. The op-code bit should be written with a 0 to indicate a write operation. 2. Write data to Write Data register (WDR). This data will be transferred to the slave device. 3. If writing 2 bytes, set bit 0 of the Control and Status register (CSR) and load the second data byte to Secondary Write Data register (SWDR). 4. Set bit 1 of the CSR register to start I2C Master Bus. 5. Wait for I2C interrupt to be asserted. It indicates that the write on I2C Master Bus is done. Refer to information about the INT6Ctl, IEN1 and IRCON register for masking and flag operation. 54 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Figure 9 shows the timing of the I2C write mode. Transfer length (CSR bit0) Start I2C (CSR bit1) I2C_Interrupt SDA Device Address [7:0] MSB SCL Write Data [7:0 LSB 1-7 8 MSB 9 LSB 10-17 18 ACK bit START condition ACK bit STOP condition Transfer length (CSR bit0) Start I2C (CSR bit1) I2C_Interrupt SDA Device Address [7:0] MSB SCL LSB 1-7 START condition Secondary Write Data [7:0] Write Data [7:0] 8 MSB 9 ACK bit MSB LSB 10-17 18 ACK bit LSB 19-26 27 ACK bit STOP condition Figure 9: I2C Write Mode Operation I2C Read Sequence To read data on the I2C Master Bus from a slave device, the 80515 has to program the following registers in this sequence: 1. Write slave device address to Device Address register (DAR). The data contains 7 bits device address and 1 bit of op-code. The op-code bit should be written with a 1. 2. Write control data to Control and Status register (CSR). Write a 1 to bit 1 to start I2C Master Bus. Also write a 1 to bit 0 if the Secondary Read Data register (SRDR) is to be captured from the I2C Slave device. 3. Wait for I2C interrupt to be asserted. It indicates that the read operation on the I2C bus is done. Refer to information about the INT6Ctl, IEN1 and IRCON registers for masking and flag operation. 4. Read data from the Read Data register (RDR). 5. Read data from Secondary Read Data register (SRDR) if bit 0 of Control and Status register (CSR) is written with a 1. Rev. 1.2 55 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Figure 10 shows the timing of the I2C read mode. Transfer length (CSR bit0) Start I2C (CSR bit1) I2c_Interrupt SDA Device Address [7:0] MSB SCL Read Data [7:0 LSB 1-7 8 MSB 9 LSB 10-17 18 ACK bit START condition No ACK bit STOP condition Transfer length (CSR bit0) Start I2C (CSR bit1) I2c_Interrupt SDA Device Address [7:0] MSB SCL LSB 1-7 START condition Secondary Read Data[7:0] Read Data [7:0] 8 MSB 9 ACK bit LSB 10-17 18 ACK bit 19-26 27 No ACK bit STOP condition Figure 10: I2C Read Operation 56 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Device Address Register (DAR): 0xFF80 A 0x00 Table 58: The DAR Register MSB LSB DVADR.6 Bit DVADR.5 DVADR.4 DVADR.3 DVADR.2 Symbol DVADR.1 DVADR.0 I2CRW Function DAR.7 DAR.6 DAR.5 DAR.4 DAR.3 DVADR [0:6] Slave device address. I2CRW If set = 0, the transaction is a write operation. If set = 1, read. DAR.2 DAR.1 DAR.0 I2C Write Data Register (WDR): 0XFF81 A 0x00 Table 59: The WDR Register MSB WDR.7 Bit LSB WDR.6 WDR.5 WDR.4 WDR.3 WDR.2 WDR.1 WDR.0 Function WDR.7 WDR.6 WDR.5 WDR.4 WDR.3 Data to be written to the I2C slave device. WDR.2 WDR.1 WDR.0 Rev. 1.2 57 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 I2C Secondary Write Data Register (SWDR): 0XFF82 A 0x00 Table 60: The SWDR Register MSB SWDR.7 LSB SWDR.6 SWDR.5 SWDR.4 SWDR.3 Bit SWDR.2 SWDR.1 SWDR.0 Function SWDR.7 SWDR.6 SWDR.5 SWDR.4 SWDR.3 Second Data byte to be written to the I2C slave device if bit 0 (I2CLEN) of the Control and Status register (CSR) is set = 1. SWDR.2 SWDR.1 SWDR.0 I2C Read Data Register (RDR): 0XFF83 A 0x00 Table 61: The RDR Register MSB RDR.7 LSB RDR.6 RDR.5 RDR.4 Bit RDR.3 RDR.2 RDR.1 RDR.0 Function RDR.7 RDR.6 RDR.5 RDR.4 RDR.3 Data read from the I2C slave device. RDR.2 RDR.1 RDR.0 58 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet I2C Secondary Read Data Register (SRDR): 0XFF84 A 0x00 Table 62: The SRDR Register MSB LSB SRDR.7 SRDR.6 SRDR.5 SRDR.4 Bit SRDR.3 SRDR.2 SRDR.1 SRDR.0 Function SRDR.7 SRDR.6 SRDR.5 SRDR.4 Second Data byte to be read from the I2C slave device if bit 0 (I2CLEN) of the Control and Status register (CSR) is set = 1. SRDR.3 SRDR.2 SRDR.1 SRDR.0 I2C Control and Status Register (CSR): 0xFF85 A 0x00 Table 63: The CSR Register MSB LSB - - - - - AKERR I2CST I2CLEN Bit Symbol CSR.7 - CSR.6 - CSR.5 - CSR.4 - CSR.3 - CSR.2 AKERR Set to 1 if acknowledge bit from Slave Device is not 0. Automatically reset when the new bus transaction is started. CSR.1 I2CST Write a 1 to start I2C transaction. Automatically reset to 0 when the bus transaction is done. This bit should be treated as a "busy" indicator on reading. If it is high, the serial read/write operations are not completed and no new address or data should be written. CSR.0 I2CLEN Set to 1 for 2-byte read or write operations. Set to 0 for 1-byte operations. Rev. 1.2 Function 59 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 External Interrupt Control Register (INT6Ctl): 0xFF95 A 0x00 Table 64: The INT6Ctl Register MSB LSB - - VFTIEN VFTINT I2CIEN I2CINT ANIEN ANINT Bit Symbol INT6Ctl.7 - INT6Ctl.6 - INT6Ctl.5 VFTIEN VDD fault interrupt enable. INT6Ctl.4 VFTINT VDD fault interrupt flag. INT6Ctl.3 I2CIEN When set = 1, the I2C interrupt is enabled. INT6Ctl.2 I2CINT When set =1, the I2C transaction has completed. Cleared upon the start of a subsequent I2C transaction. INT6Ctl.1 ANIEN Analog compare interrupt enable. INT6Ctl.0 ANINT Analog compare interrupt flag. 60 Function Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet 1.7.11 Keypad Interface The 73S1209F supports a 30-button (6 row x 5 column) keypad (SPST Mechanical Contact Switches) interface using 11 dedicated I/O pins. Figure 11 shows a simplified block diagram of the keypad interface. KORDERL / H Registers 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 Column Scan Order 7 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 pull-up VDD Keypad Clock Column Value 5 1 COL4:0 Scan 0 VDD KSIZE Register 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 pullup 7 ROW5:0 KCOL Register(1) Keypad Clock Row Value 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Debouncing 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 If smaller keypad than 6 x 5 is to be implemented, unused row inputs should be connected to VDD. Unused column outputs should be left unconnected. Debounce Time Key_Detect Hardware Scan Enable Key_Detect_Enable KROW Register 0 6 KSTAT Register Scan Time 0 73S1209F Dividers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KSCAN Register 1kHz (1) KCOL is normally used as Read only register. When hardware keyscan mode is disabled, this register is to be used by firmware to write the column data to handle firmware scanning. Figure 11: Simplified Keypad Block Diagram There are 5 drive lines (outputs) corresponding to columns and 6 sense lines (inputs) corresponding to rows. Hysteresis and pull-ups are provided on all inputs (rows), which eliminate the need for external resistors in the keypad. Key scanning happens by asserting one of the 5 column lines low and looking for a low on a sense line indicating that a key is pressed (switch closed) at the intersection of the drive/sense (col/row) line in the keypad. Key detection is performed by hardware with an incorporated debounce timer. Debouncing time is adjustable through the KSCAN Register. Internal hardware circuitry performs column scanning at an adjustable scanning rate and column scanning order through registers KSCAN and KORDERL / KORDERH. Key scanning is disabled at reset and must be enabled by firmware. When a valid key is detected, an interrupt is generated and the valid value of the pressed key is automatically Rev. 1.2 61 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 written into KCOL and KROW registers. The keypad interface uses a 1kHz clock derived from the 12MHz crystal. The clock is enabled by setting bit 6 - KBEN - in the MCLKCtl register (see the Oscillator and Clock Generation section) to carry out scanning and debouncing. The keypad size can be adjusted within the KSIZE register. Normal scanning is performed by hardware when the SCNEN bit is set to 1 in the KSTAT register. Figure 12 shows the flowchart of how the hardware scanning operates. In order to minimize power, scanning does not occur until a key-press is detected. Once hardware key scanning is enabled, the hardware drives all column outputs low and waits for a low to be detected on one of the inputs. When a low is detected on any row, and before key scanning starts, the hardware checks that the low level is still detected after a debounce time. The debounce time is defined by firmware in the KSCAN register (bits 7:0, DBTIME). Debounce times from 4ms to 256ms in 4ms increments are supported. If a key is not pressed after the debounce time, the hardware will go back to looking for any input to be low. If a key is confirmed to be pressed, key scanning begins. Key scanning asserts one of the 5 drive lines (COL 4:0) low and looks for a low on a sense line indicating that a key is pressed at the intersection of the drive/sense line in the keypad. After all sense lines have been checked without a key-press being detected, the next column line is asserted. The time between checking each sense line is the scan time and is defined by firmware in the KSCAN register (bits 0:1 - SCTIME). Scan times from 1ms to 4ms are supported. Scanning order does not affect the scan time. This scanning continues until the entire keypad is scanned. If only one key is pressed, a valid key is detected. Simultaneous key presses are not considered as valid (If two keys are pressed, no key is reported to firmware). Possible scrambling of the column scan order is provided by means of KORDERL and KORDERH registers that define the order of column scanning. Values in these registers must be updated every time a new keyboard scan order is desired. It is not possible to change the order of scanning the sense lines. The column and row intersection for the detected valid key are stored in the KCOL and KROW registers. When a valid key is detected, an interrupt is generated. Firmware can then read those registers to determine which key had been pressed. After reading the KCOL and KROW registers, the firmware can update the KORDERL / KORDERH registers if a new scan order is needed. When the SCNEN bit is enabled in the KSTAT register, the KCOL and KROW registers are only updated after a valid key has been identified. The hardware does not wait for the firmware to service the interrupt in order to proceed with the key scanning process. Once the valid key (or invalid key - e.g. two keys pressed) is detected, the hardware waits for the key to be released. Once the key is released, the debounce timer is started. If the key is not still released after the debounce time, the debounce counter starts again. After a key release, all columns will be driven low as before and the process will repeat waiting for any key to be pressed. When the SCNEN bit is disabled, all drive outputs are set to the value in the KCOL register. If firmware clears the SCNEN bit in the middle of a key scan, the KCOL register contains the last value stored in there which will then be reflected on the output pins. A bypass mode is provided so that the firmware can do the key scanning manually (SCNEN bit must be cleared). In bypass mode, the firmware writes/reads the Column and Row registers to perform the key scanning. 62 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet KSTAT Register: Enable HW Scanning Enable Keypad Interrupt Keypad Initialization All Column Outputs = 0 Any Row Input = 0 ? No Yes No Deboucing Timer KSCAN Register: Debouncing Time Any Row Input still = 0 ? KSIZE Register: Keypad Size Definition KORDERL / H Registers: Column Scan Order Keypad Scanning KSCAN Register: Scanning Rate How Many keys have been detected? More than 1 key 0 key 1 key Download of the key row and column values in KROW and KCOL registers Keypad Interrupt generation KCOL Register: Value of the valid key column KROW Register: Value of the valid key row KSTAT Register: Key Detect Interrupt No Deboucing Timer Yes Is (are) the key(s) still released ? (*) Yes KSCAN Register: Debouncing Time Is (are) the key(s) released ? (*) No Register Used to Control the hardware keypad interface Register written by the hardware keypad interface (*) Key release is cheked by looking for a low level on any row. Figure 12: Keypad Interface Flow Chart Rev. 1.2 63 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Keypad Column Register (KCOL): 0xD1 A 0x1F This register contains the value of the column of a key detected as valid by the hardware. In bypass mode, this register firmware writes directly this register to carry out manual scanning. Table 65: The KCOL Register MSB LSB - - Bit Symbol KCOL.7 - KCOL.6 - KCOL.5 - KCOL.4 COL.4 KCOL.3 COL.3 KCOL.2 COL.2 KCOL.1 COL.1 KCOL.0 COL.0 - COL.4 COL.3 COL.2 COL.1 COL.0 Function Drive lines bit mapped to corresponding with pins COL(4:0). When a key is detected, firmware reads this register to determine column. In bypass (S/W keyscan) mode, Firmware writes this register directly. 0x1E = COL(0) low, all others high. 0x0F = COL(4) low, all others high. 0x1F = COL(4:0) all high. Keypad Row Register (KROW): 0xD2 A 0x3F This register contains the value of the row of a key detected as valid by the hardware. In bypass mode, this register firmware reads directly this register to carry out manual detection. Table 66: The KROW Register MSB LSB - 64 - Bit Symbol KROW.7 - KROW.6 - KROW.5 ROW.6 KROW.4 ROW.4 KROW.3 ROW.3 KROW.2 ROW.2 KROW.1 ROW.1 KROW.0 ROW.0 ROW.5 ROW.4 ROW.3 ROW.2 ROW.1 ROW.0 Function Sense lines bit mapped to correspond with pins ROW(5:0). When key detected, firmware reads this register to determine row. In bypass mode, firmware reads rows and has to determine if there was a key press or not. 0x3E = ROW(0) low, all others high. 0x1F = ROW(5) low, all others high. 0x3F = ROW(5:0) all high. Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Keypad Scan Time Register (KSCAN): 0xD3 A 0x00 This register contains the values of scanning time and debouncing time. Table 67: The KSCAN Register MSB LSB DBTIME.5 DBTIME.4 Bit Symbol KSCAN.7 DBTIME.5 KSCAN.6 DBTIME.4 KSCAN.5 DBTIME.3 KSCAN.4 DBTIME.2 KSCAN.3 DBTIME.1 KSCAN.2 DBTIME.0 KSCAN.1 SCTIME.1 KSCAN.0 SCTIME.0 DBTIME.3 DBTIME.2 DBTIME.1 DBTIME.0 SCTIME.1 SCTIME.0 Function De-bounce time in 4ms increments. 1 = 4ms de-bounce time, 0x3F = 252ms, 0x00 = 256ms. Key presses and key releases are de-bounced by this amount of time. Scan time in ms. 01 = 1ms, 02 = 2ms, 00 = 3ms, 00 = 4ms. Time between checking each key during keypad scanning. Keypad Control/Status Register (KSTAT): 0xD4 A 0x00 This register is used to control the hardware keypad scanning and detection capabilities, as well as the keypad interrupt control and status. Table 68: The KSTAT Register MSB LSB - - - - KEYCLK HWSCEN KEYDET KYDTEN Bit Symbol KSTAT.7 - KSTAT.6 - KSTAT.5 - KSTAT.4 - KSTAT.3 KEYCLK The current state of the keyboard clock can be read from this bit. KSTAT.2 HWSCEN Hardware Scan Enable - When set, the hardware will perform automatic key scanning. When cleared, the firmware must perform the key scanning manually (bypass mode). KSTAT.1 KEYDET Key Detect - When HWSCEN = 1 this bit is set causing an interrupt that indicates a valid key press was detected and the key location can be read from the Keypad Column and Row registers. When HWSCEN = 0, this bit is an interrupt which indicates a falling edge on any Row input if all Row inputs had been high previously (note: multiple Key Detect interrupts may occur in this case due to the keypad switch bouncing). In all cases, this bit is cleared when read. When HWSCEN = 0 and the keypad interface 1kHz clock is disabled, a key press will still set this bit and cause an interrupt. KSTAT.0 KYDTEN Key Detect Enable - When set, the KEYDET bit can cause an interrupt and when cleared the KEYDET cannot cause an interrupt. KEYDET can still get set even if the interrupt is not enabled. Rev. 1.2 Function 65 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Keypad Scan Time Register (KSIZE): 0xD5 A 0x00 This register is not applicable when HWSCEN is not set. Unused row inputs should be connected to VDD. Table 69: The KSIZE Register MSB LSB - - ROWSIZ.2 Bit Symbol KSIZE.7 - KSIZE.6 - KSIZE.5 ROWSIZ.2 KSIZE.4 ROWSIZ.1 KSIZE.3 ROWSIZ.0 KSIZE.2 COLSIZ.2 KSIZE.1 COLSIZ.1 KSIZE.0 COLSIZ.0 ROWSIZ.1 ROWSIZ.0 COLSIZ.2 COLSIZ.1 COLSIZ.0 Function Defines the number of rows in the keypad. Maximum number is 6 given the number of row pins on the package. Allows for a reduced keypad size for scanning. Defines the number of columns in the keypad. Maximum number is 5 given the number of column pins on the package. Allows for a reduced keypad size for scanning. Keypad Column LS Scan Order Register (KORDERL): 0xD6 A 0x00 In registers KORDERL and KORDERH, Column Scan Order(14:0) is grouped into 5 sets of 3 bits each. Each set determines which column (COL(4:0) pin) to activate by loading the column number into the 3 bits. When in HW_Scan_Enable mode, the hardware will step through the sets from 1Col to 5Col (up to the number of columns in Colsize) and scan the column defined in the 3 bits. To scan in sequential order, set a counting pattern with 0 in set 0, and 1 in set 1,and 2 in set 2, and 3 in set 3, and 4 in set 4. The firmware should update this as part of the interrupt service routine so that the new scan order is loaded prior to the next key being pressed. For example, to scan COL(0) first, 1Col(2:0) should be loaded with 000'b. To scan COL(4) fifth, 5Col(2:0) should be loaded with 100'b. Table 70: The KORDERL Register MSB 3COL.1 LSB 3COL.0 Bit Symbol KORDERL.7 3COL.1 KORDERL.6 3COL.0 KORDERL.5 2COL.2 KORDERL.4 2COL.1 KORDERL.3 2COL.0 KORDERL.2 1COL.2 KORDERL.1 1COL.1 KORDERL.0 1COL.0 66 2COL.2 2COL.1 2COL.0 1COL.2 1COL.1 1COL.0 Function Column to scan 3rd (lsb's). Column to scan 2nd. Column to scan 1st. Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Keypad Column MS Scan Order Register (KORDERH): 0xD7 A 0x00 Table 71: The KORDERH Register MSB LSB - 5COL.2 Bit Symbol KORDERH.7 - KORDERH.6 5COL.2 KORDERH.5 5COL.1 KORDERH.4 5COL.0 KORDERH.3 4COL.2 KORDERH.2 4COL.1 KORDERH.1 4COL.0 KORDERH.0 3COL.2 5COL.1 5COL.0 4COL.2 4COL.1 4COL.0 3COL.2 Function Column to scan 5th. Column to scan 4th. Column to scan 3rd (msb). External Interrupt Control Register (INT5Ctl): 0xFF94 A 0x00 Table 72: The INT5Ctl Register MSB LSB PDMUX - RTCIEN RTCINT USBIEN USBINT KPIEN KPINT Bit Symbol Function INT5Ctl.7 PDMUX INT5Ctl.6 - INT5Ctl.5 RTCIEN When set =1, enables RTC interrupt. INT5Ctl.4 RTCINT When set =1, indicates interrupt from Real Time Clock function. Cleared on read of register. INT5Ctl.3 USBIEN USB interrupt enable. INT5Ctl.2 USBINT USB interrupt flag. INT5Ctl.1 KPIEN Enables Keypad interrupt when set = 1. INT5Ctl.0 KPINT This bit indicates the Keypad logic has set Key_Detect bit and a key location may be read. Cleared on read of register. Power down multiplexer control. 1.7.12 Emulator Port The emulator port, consisting of the pins E_RST, E_TCLK and E_RXTX, provides control of the MPU through an external in-circuit emulator. The E_TBUS[3:0] pins, together with the E_ISYNC/BRKRQ, add trace capability to the emulator. The emulator port is compatible with the ADM51 emulators manufactured by Signum Systems. If code trace capability is needed on this interface, 20pF capacitors (to ground) need to be added to allow the trace function capability to run properly. These capacitors should be attached to the TBUS0:3 and ISBR signals. Rev. 1.2 67 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 1.7.13 Smart Card Interface Function The 73S1209F integrates one ISO-7816 (T=0, T=1) UART, one complete ICC electrical interface as well as an external smart card interface to allow multiple smart cards to be connected using the Teridian 8010 family of interface devices. Figure 13 shows the simplified block diagram of the card circuitry (UART + interfaces), with detail of dedicated XRAM registers. SCInt SCIE ICC Event Card Interrupt Management ICC Pwr_event Card Insertion SParCtl Serial UART SByteCtl SCCtl UART T=0 T=1 SCPrtcol STXCtl RX Direct Mode SCECtl 2-Byte Tx FIFO Card and Mode Selection SRXData Bypass Mode SRXCtl Activation / Deactivation Sequencer VCC Card Generation VCC STXData 2-Byte Rx FIFO VccCtl/ VccTMR TX SCSel Buffer / Level Shifter I/O ICC#1 I/OExt. ICC FDReg I/O Buffer / Level Shifter RST Buffer / Level Shifter SCCLK/SCSCLK CLK BGT/EGT BGT0/1/2/3/ CWT0/1 ATRMsB/LsB PRES Buffer / Level Shifter Timers C4 STSTO Buffer / Level Shifter RLength C8 SCDir SCCLK CLK ICC 7.2MHz Card Clock Management Internal ICC Interface CLKExt. ICC SIO SCLK XRAM Registers SCCLK/ SCSCLK SCSCLK External ICC Interface Figure 13: Smart Card Interface Block Diagram Card interrupts are managed through two dedicated registers SCIE (Interrupt Enable to define which interrupt is enabled) and SCInt (Interrupt status). They allow the firmware to determine the source of an interrupt, that can be a card insertion / removal, card power fault, or a transmission (TX) or reception (RX) event / fault. It should be noted that even when card clock is disabled, an ICC interrupt can be generated 68 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet on a card insertion / removal to allow power saving modes. Card insertion / removal is generated from the respective card switch detection inputs (whose polarity is programmable). The built-in ICC Interface has a low dropout regulator (VCC generator) capable of driving 1.8, 3.0 and 5.0V smart cards in accordance with the ISO-7816-3 and EMV4.0 standards. This converter requires a separate 5.0V input supply source designated as VPC. Auxiliary I/O lines C4 and C8 are only provided for the built-in interface. If support for the auxiliary lines is necessary for the external interfaces, they need to be handled manually through the USR GPIO pins. The external 8010 devices directly connect the I/O (SIO) and clock (SCLK) signals and control is handled via the I2C interface. Figure 14 shows how multiple 8010 devices can be connected to the 73S1209F. VPC VPC PRES PRES VCC RST CLK C4 C8 I/O GND SC1 SIO SCLK 73S1209F INT SCL PRES 73S8010 SC(n) SDA IOUC XTALIN SAD(0:2) INT SCL SDA PRES 73S8010 SC3 IOUC XTALIN SAD(0:2) INT3 INT SCL PRES 73S8010 SDA SDA SCL IOUC XTALIN SAD(0:2) SC2 Figure 14: External Smart Card Interface Block Diagram Rev. 1.2 69 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 ISO 7816 UART An embedded ISO 7816 (hardware) UART is provided to control communications between a smart card and the 73S1209F MPU. The UART can be shared between the one built-in ICC interface and the external ICC interface. Selection of the desired interface is made by register SCSel. Control of the external interface is handled by the I2C interface for any external 8010 devices. The following is a list of features for the ISO 7816 UART: * * * * * * * * * * * * Two-byte FIFO for temporary data storage on both TX and Rx data. Parity checking in T=0. This feature can be enabled/disabled by firmware. Parity error reporting to firmware and Break generation to ICC can be controlled independently. Parity error generation for test purposes. Retransmission of last byte if ICC indicates T=0 parity error. This feature can be enabled/disabled by firmware. Deletion of last byte received if ICC indicates T=0 parity error. This feature can be enabled/disabled by firmware. CRC/LRC generation and checking. CRC/LRC is automatically inserted into T=1 data stream by the hardware. This feature can be enabled/disabled by firmware. Support baud rates: 230000, 115200, 57600, 38400, 28800, 19200, 14400, 9600 under firmware control (assuming 12MHz crystal) with various F/D settings Firmware manages F/D. All F/D combinations are supported in which F/D is directly divisible by 31 or 32 (i.e. F/D is a multiple of either 31 or 32). Flexible ETU clock generation and control. Detection of convention (direct or indirect) character TS. This affects both polarity and order of bits in byte. Convention can be overridden by firmware. Supports WTX Timeout with an expanded Wait Time Counter (28 bits). A Bypass Mode is provided to bypass the hardware UART in order for the software to emulate the UART (for non-standard operating modes). In such a case, the I/O line value is reflected in SFR SCCtl or SCECtl respectively for the built-in or external interfaces. This mode is appropriate for some synchronous and non T=0 / T=1 cards. The single integrated smart card UART is capable of supporting T=0 and T=1 cards in hardware therefore offloading the bit manipulation tasks from the firmware. The embedded firmware instructs the hardware which smart card it should communicate with at any point in time. Firmware reconfigures the UART as required when switching between smart cards. When the 73S1209F has transmitted a message with an expected response, the firmware should not switch the UART to another smart card until the first smart card has responded. If the smart card responds while another smart card is selected, that first smart card's response will be ignored. 70 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Answer to Reset Processing A card insertion event generates an interrupt to the firmware, which is then responsible for the configuration of the electrical interface, the UART and activation of the card. The activation sequencer goes through the power up sequence as defined in the ISO 7816-3 specification. An asynchronous activation timing diagram is shown in Figure 15. After the card reset is de-asserted, the firmware instructs the hardware to look for a TS byte that begins the ATR response. If a response is not provided within the pre-programmed timeout period, an interrupt is generated and the firmware can then take appropriate action, including instructing the 73S1209F to begin a deactivation sequence. Once commanded, the deactivation sequencer goes through the power down sequence as defined in the ISO 7816-3 specification. If an ATR response is received, the hardware looks for a TS byte that determines direct/inverse convention. The hardware handles the indirect convention conversion such that the embedded firmware only receives direct convention. This feature can be disabled by firmware within SByteCtl register. Parity checking and break generation is performed on the TS byte unless disabled by firmware. If during the card session, a card removal, over-current or other error event is detected, the hardware will automatically perform the deactivation sequence and then generate an interrupt to the firmware. The firmware can then perform any other error handling required for proper system operation. Smart card RST, I/O and CLK, C4, C8 shall be low before the end of the deactivation sequence. Figure 16 shows the timing for a deactivation sequence. SELSC bits VCCSEL bits VCC VCCOK bit t4 RSTCRD bit See Note RST CLK ATR starts IO t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 tto t1: SELSC.1 bit set (selects internal ICC interface) and a non-zero value in VCCSEL bits (calling for a value of Vcc of 1.8, 3.0, or 5.0 volts) will begin the activation sequence. t1 is the time for Vcc to rise to acceptable level, declared as Vcc OK (bit VCCOK gets set). This time depends on filter capacitor value and card Icc load. tto: The time allowed for Vcc to rise to Vcc OK status after setting of the VCCSEL bits. This time is generated by the VCCTMR counter. If Vcc OK is not set, (bit VCCOK) at this time, a deactivation will be initiated. VCCSEL bits are not automatically cleared. The firmware must clear the VCCSEL bits before starting a new activation. t2: Time from VCCTmr timeout and VCC OK to IO reception (high), typically 2-3 CLK cycles if RDYST = 0. If RDYST = 1, t2 starts when VCCOK = 1. t3: Time from IO = high to CLK start, typically 2-3 CLK cycles. t4: Time allowed for start of CLK to de-assertion of RST. Programmable by RLength register. t5: Time allowed for ATR timeout, set by the STSTO register. Note: If the RSTCRD bit is set, RST is asserted (low). Upon clearing RSTCRD bit, RST will be de-asserted after t4. Rev. 1.2 71 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Figure 15: Asynchronous Activation Sequence Timing Firmware sets VCCSEL to 00 t5 t5 delay or Card Event IO RST CLK CMDVCCnB VCC t3 t1 t2 t4 t1: Time after either a "card event" occurs or firmware sets the VCCSela and VCCSelb bits to 0 (see t5, VCCOff_tmr) occurs until RST is asserted low. t2: Time after RST goes low until CLK stops. t3: Time after CLK stops until IO goes low. t4: Time after IO goes low until VCC is powered down. t5: Delayed VCC off time (in ETUs per VCCOff_tmr bits). Only in effect due to firmware deactivation. Figure 16: Deactivation Sequence Data Reception/Transmission When a 12Mhz crystal is used, the smart card UART will generate a 3.69Mhz (default) clock to both smart card interfaces. This will allow approximately 9600bps (1/ETU) communication during ATR (ISO 7816 default). As part of the PPS negotiation between the smart card and the reader, the firmware may determine that the smart card parameters F & D may be changed. After this negotiation, the firmware may change the ETU by writing to the SFR FDReg to adjust the ETU and CLK. The firmware may also change the smart card clock frequency by writing to the SFR SCCLK (SCECLK for external interface). Independent clock frequency control is provided to each smart card interface. Clock stop high or Clock stop low is supported in asynchronous mode. Figure 17 shows the ETU and CLK control circuits. The firmware determines when clock stop is supported by the smart card and when it is appropriate to go into that mode (and when to come out of it). The smart card UART is clocked by the same clock that is provided to the selected smart card. The transition between smart card clocks is handled in hardware to eliminate any glitches for the UART during switchover. The external smart card clock is not affected when switching the UART to communicate with the internal smart card. 72 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet FDReg(3:0) FDReg(7:4) FI Decoder F/D Register Pre-Scaler 6 bits ETUCLK EDGE ETU Divider 12 bits 7.38M 1/13 9926 CENTER 1/744 SCSel(3:2) SCCLK(5:0) MSCLK SCSCLK(5:0) 7.38M DIV by 2 SYNC 3.69M CLK MCLK = 96MHz PLL Pre-Scaler 6 bits MSCLKE 7.38M 1/13 DIV by 2 3.69M SCLK Defaults in Italics Figure 17: Smart Card CLK and ETU Generation There are two, two-byte FIFOs that are used to buffer transmit and receive data. During a T=0 processing, if a parity error is detected by the 73S1209F during message reception, an error signal (BREAK) will be generated to the smart card. The byte received will be discarded and the firmware notified of the error. Break generation and receive byte dropping can be disabled under firmware control. During the transmission of a byte, if an error signal (BREAK) is detected, the last byte is retransmitted again and the firmware notified. Retransmission can be disabled by firmware. When a correct byte is received, an interrupt is generated to the firmware, which then reads the byte from the receive FIFO. Receive overruns are detected by the hardware and reported via an interrupt. During transmission of a message, the firmware will write bytes into the transmit FIFO. The hardware will send them to the smart card. When the last byte of a message has been written, the firmware will need to set the LASTTX bit in the STXCtl SFR. This will cause the hardware to insert the CRC/LRC if in a T=1 protocol mode. CRC/LRC generation/checking is only provided during T=1 processing. Firmware will need to instruct the smart function to go into receive mode after this last transmit data byte if it expects a response from the smart card. At the end of the smart card response, the firmware will put the interface back into transmit mode if appropriate. The hardware can check for the following card-related timeouts: * * * Character Waiting Time (CWT) Block Waiting Time (BWT) Initial Waiting Time (IWT) The firmware will load the Wait Time registers with the appropriate value for the operating mode at the appropriate time. Figure 18 shows the guard, block, wait and ATR time definitions. If a timeout occurs, an interrupt will be generated and the firmware can take appropriate recovery steps. Support is provided for adding additional guard times between characters using the Extra Guard Time register (EGT) and between the last byte received by the 73S1209F and the first byte transmitted by the 73S1209F using the Rev. 1.2 73 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Block Guard Time register (BGT). Other than the protocol checks described above, the firmware is responsible for all protocol checking and error recovery. T = 0 Mode > EGT CHAR 1 CHAR 2 < WWT WWT is set by the value in the BWT registers. T = 1 Mode TRANSMISSION RECEPTION (By seting Last_TXByte and TX/RXB=0 during CHAR N, RX mode will start after last TX byte) BLOCK1 CHAR 1 CHAR 2 CHAR N BGT(4:0) BLOCK2 CHAR N+1 CHAR N+2 CHAR N+3 TX > BWT EGT < CWT ATR Timing Parameters CHAR 1 CHAR 2 CHAR N IO TSTO(7:0) ATRTO(15:0) RST IWT(15:0) RLen(7:0) VCC_OK Figure 18: Guard, Block, Wait and ATR Time Definitions Bypass Mode It is possible to bypass the smart card UART in order for the firmware to support non-T=0/T=1 smart cards. This is called Bypass mode. In this mode the embedded firmware will communicate directly with the selected smart card and drive I/O during transmit and read I/O during receive in order to communicate with the smart card. In this mode, ATR processing is under firmware control. The firmware must sequence the interface signals as required. Firmware must perform TS processing, parity checking, break generation and CRC/LRC calculation (if required). Synchronous Operation Mode The 73S1209F supports synchronous operation. When sync mode is selected for either interface, the CLK signal is generated by the ETU counter. The values in FDReg, SCCLK, and SCECLK must be set to obtain the desired sync CLK rate. There is only one ETU counter and therefore, in sync mode, the interface must 74 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet be selected to obtain a smart card clock signal. In sync mode, input data is sampled on the rise of CLK, and output data is changed on the fall of CLK. Special Notes Regarding Synchronous Mode Operation When the SCISYN or SCESNC bits (SPrtcol, bit 7, bit 5, respectively) are set, the selected smart card interface operates in synchronous mode and there are changes in the definition and behavior of pertinent register bits and associated circuitry. The following requirements are to be noted: 1. The source for the smart card clock (CLK or SCLK) is the ETU counter. Only the actively selected interface can have a running synchronous clock. In contrast, an unselected interface may have a running clock in the asynchronous mode of operation. 2. The control bits CLKLVL, SCLKLVL, CLKOFF, and SCLKOFF are functional in synchronous mode. When the CLKOFF bit is set, it will not truncate either the logic low or logic high period when the (stop at) level is of opposite polarity. The CLK/SCLK signal will complete a correct logic low or logic high duty cycle before stopping at the selected level. The CLK "start" is a result of the falling edge of the CLKOFF bit. Setting clock to run when it is stopped low will result in a half period of low before going high. Setting clock to run when it is stopped high will result in the clock going low immediately and then running at the selected rate with 50% duty cycle (within the limitations of the ETU divisor value). 3. The Rlen(7:0) is configured to count the falling edges of the ETU clock (CLK or SCLK) after it has been loaded with a value from 1 to 255. A value of 0 disables the counting function and RLen functions such as I/O source selection (I/O signal bypasses the FIFOs and is controlled by the SCCLK/SCECLK SFRs). When the RLen counter reaches the "max" (loaded) value, it sets the WAITTO interrupt (SEInt, bit 7), which is maskable via WTOIEN (SCIE, bit 7). It must be reloaded in order to start the counting/clocking process again. This allows the processor to select the number of CLK cycles and hence, the number of bits to be read or written to/from the card. 4. The FIFO is not clocked by the first CLK (falling) edge resulting from a CLKOFF de-assertion (a clock start event) when the CLK was stopped in the high state and RLen has been loaded but not yet clocked. 5. The state of the pin IO or SIO is sampled on the rising edge of CLK/SCLK and stored in bit 5 of the SCCtl/SCECtl register. 6. When Rlen = max or 0 and I2CMODE= 1 (STXCtl, b7), the IO or SIO signal is directly controlled by the data and direction bits in the respective SCCtl and SCECtl register. The state of the data in the TX FIFO is bypassed. 7. In the SPrtcol register, bit 6 (MODE9/8B) becomes active. When set, the RXData FIFO will read nine-bit words with the state of the ninth bit being readable in SRXCtl, bit 7 (B9DAT). The RXDAV interrupt will occur when the ninth bit has been clocked in (rising edge of CLK or SCLK). 8. Care must be taken to clear the RX and TX FIFOs at the start of any transaction. The user shall read the RX FIFO until it indicates empty status. Reading the TX FIFO twice will reset the input byte pointer and the next write to the TX FIFO will load the byte to the "first out" position. Note that the bit pointer (serializer/deserializer) is reset to bit 0 on any change of the TX/RXD bit. Special bits that are only active for sync mode include: SRXCtl, b7 "BIT9DAT", SPrtcol b6 "MODE9/8B", STXCtl, b7 "I2CMODE", and the definition of SCInt b7, was "WAITTO", becomes RLenINT interrupt, and SCIE b7, was "WTOIEN", becomes RLenIEN. Rev. 1.2 75 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 VCCSEL bits VCC VCCOK RSTCRD RST t3 CLK IO t4 t1 t2 tto t1: The time from setting VCCSEL bits until VCCOK = 1. tto: The time from setting VCCSEL bits until VCCTMR times out. At t1 (if RDYST = 1) or tto (if RDYST = 0), activation starts. It is suggested to have RDYST = 0 and use the VCCTMR interrupt to let MPU know when sequence is starting. t2: time from start of activation (no external indication) until IO goes into reception mode (= 1). This is approximately 4 SCCLK (or SCECLK) clock cycles. t3: minimum one half of ETU period. t4: ETU period. Note that in Sync mode, IO as input is sampled on the rising edge of CLK. IO changes on the falling edge of CLK, either from the card or from the 73S1209F. The RST signal to the card is directly controlled by the RSTCRD bit (non-inverted) via the MPU and is shown as an example of a possible RST pattern. Figure 19: Synchronous Activation IO reception on 5 2 RST CLK CLKOFF 1 CLKLVL RLength Count RLenght = 1 7 Count MAX 3 Rlength Interrupt 4 6 TX/RXB Mode bit (TX = '1') t1 1. Clear CLKOFF after Card is in reception mode. 2. Set RST bit. 3. Interrupt is generated when Rlength counter is MAX. 4. Read and clear Interrupt. 5. Clear RST bit. 6. Toggle TX/RXB to reset bit counter. 7. Reload RLength Counter. t1. CLK wll start at least 1/2 ETU after CLKOFF is set low when CLKLVL = 0 Figure 20: Example of Sync Mode Operation: Generating/Reading ATR Signals 76 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet START Bit CLK IO Data from Card -end of ATR RLength Count MAX RLength Count - was set for length of ATR 1 RLength Interrupt Data from TX FIFO 6 RLen=0 5 Rlen=1 2 CLK Stop 3 CLK Stop Level 7 IO Bit IODir Bit 6 TX/RX Mode Bit TX = '1' 4 1. Interrupt generated when Rlength counter is MAX. 2. Read and clear Interrupt. 3. Set CLK Stop and CLK Stop level high in Interrupt routine. 4. Set TX/RX Bit to TX mode. 5. Reload Rlength Counter. 6. Set IO Bit low and IODir = Output. Since Rlen=(MAX or 0) and TX/RX =1, IO pin is controlled by IO bit. 7. Clear CLK Stop and CLK Stop level. Note: Data in TX fifo should not be Empty here. Synchronous Clock Start/Stop Mode style Start bit procedure. This procedure should be used to generate the start bit insertion in Synchronous mode for Synchronous Clock Start/Stop Mode protocol. Figure 21: Creation of Synchronous Clock Start/Stop Mode Start Bit in Sync Mode STOP Bit CLK IO I2CMode = 1: Data to/from Card I2CMode = 0: Data from TX fifo Min 1/2 ETU RLength Count MAX RLength Count (Rlength = 9) RLength Interrupt I2CMode = 1:ACK Bit (to/from card) I2CMode = 0: Data from TX fifo 1 6 2 CLK Stop CLK Stop Level 7 3 4 IO Bit IODir Bit TX/RX Mode Bit TX = '1' 5 1. Interrupt generated when Rlength counter is MAX. 2. Read and clear Interrupt. 3. Set CLK Stop and CLK Stop level high, set IO Bit low and IODir = Output. 4. Set IO Bit High and IODir = Output. 5. Set TX/RX Bit to RX mode. 6. Reload Rlength Counter. 7. Clear CLK Stop and CLK Stop level. Synchronous Clock Start/Stop Mode Stop bit procedure. This procedure should be used to generate the Stop bit in Synchronous Mode. Figure 22: Creation of Synchronous Clock Start/Stop Mode Stop Bit in Sync Mode Rev. 1.2 77 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 CLK IO RLength Count RLength = 9 Data from Card (Bit 8) Protection Bit (Bit 9) RLength Count MAX Rlen=9 Rlen=8 Data from Card (Bit 1) Rlen=0 Rlen =1 RLength Interrupt RX FIFO (Data from Card is ready for CPU read) RX data Protection Bit Data (Bit 9) Protection Bit is ready for CPU read TX/RX Mode Bit TX = '1' 1._ Interrupt generated when Rlength counter is Max 2._ Read and clear Interrupt 3._ Reload RLength counter Receive data in 9 bit mode CLK RLength Count RLength = 9 RLength Count MAX Rlen=9 Rlen=8 RLength Interrupt CLK Stop CLK Stop Level = 0 1._ Interrupt generated when Rlength counter is Max 2._Stop CLK after the last byte and protection bit Stop CLK after receiving the last byte and protection bit. Figure 23: Operation of 9-bit Mode in Sync Mode Synchronous card operation is broken down into three primary types. These are commonly referred to as 2-wire, 3-wire and I2C synchronous cards. Each card type requires different control and timing and therefore requires different algorithms to access. Teridian has created an application note to provide detailed algorithms for each card type. Refer to the application note titled 73S12xxF Synchronous Card Design Application Note. 78 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Smart Card SFRs Smart Card Select Register (SCSel): 0xFE00 A 0x00 The smart card select register is used to determine which smart card interface is using the ISO UART. The internal Smart Card has integrated 7816-3 compliant sequencer circuitry to drive an external smart card interface. The external smart card interface relies on 73S8010x parts to generate the ISO 7816-3 compatible signals and sequences. Multiple 73S8010x devices can be connected to the external smart card interface. Table 73: The SCSel Register MSB - LSB - - - SELSC.1 SELSC.0 BYPASS - Bit Symbol SCSel.7 - SCSel.6 - SCSel.5 - SCSel.4 - SCSel.3 SELSC.1 Select Smart Card Interface - These bits select the interface that is using the IS0 UART. These bits do not activate the interface. Activation is performed by the VccCtl register. SCSel.2 SELSC.0 00 = No smart card interface selected. 01 = External Smart Card Interface selected (using SCLK, SIO). 1X = Internal Smart Card Interface selected. SCSel.1 BYPASS 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled. When enabled, ISO UART is bypassed and the I/O line is controlled via the SCCtl and SCECtl registers. SCSel.0 - Rev. 1.2 Function 79 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Smart Card Interrupt Register (SCInt): 0xFE01 A 0x00 When the smart card interrupt is asserted, the firmware can read this register to determine the actual cause of the interrupt. The bits are cleared when this register is read. Each interrupt can be disabled by the Smart Card Interrupt Enable register. Error processing must be handled by the firmware. This register relates to the interface that is active - see the SCSel register (above). Table 74: The SCInt Register MSB LSB WAITTO CRDEVT VCCTMRI Bit TXEVT TXSENT TXERR RXERR Function WAITTO Wait Timeout - An ATR or card wait timeout has occurred. In sync mode, this interrupt is asserted when the RLen counter (it advances on falling edges of CLK/ETU) reaches the loaded (max) value. This bit is cleared when the SCInt register is read. When running in Synchronous Clock Stop Mode, this bit becomes RLenINT interrupt (set when the Rlen counter reaches the terminal count). SCInt.6 CRDEVT Card Event - A card event is signaled via pin DETCARD either when the Card was inserted or removed (read the CRDCtl register to determine card presence) or there was a fault condition in the interface circuitry. This bit is functional even if the smart card logic clock is disabled and when the PWRDN bit is set. This bit is cleared when the SCInt register is read. SCInt.5 VCCTMRI VCC Timer - This bit is set when the VCCTMR times out. This bit is cleared when the SCInt register is read. SCInt.4 RXDAV Rx Data Available - Data was received from the smart card because the Rx FIFO is not empty. In bypass mode, this interrupt is generated on a falling edge of the smart card I/O line. After receiving this interrupt in bypass mode, firmware should disable it until the firmware has received the entire byte and is waiting for the next start delimiter. This bit is cleared when there is no RX data available in the RX FIFO. SCInt.3 TXEVNT TX Event - Set whenever the TXEMTY or TXFULL bits are set in the SRXCtl SFR. This bit is cleared when the STXCtl register is read. TXSENT TX Sent - Set whenever the ISO UART has successfully transmitted a byte to the smart card. Also set when a CRC/LRC byte is sent in T=1 mode. Will not be set in T=0 when a break is detected at the end of a byte (when break detection is enabled). This bit is cleared when the SCInt register is read. TXERR TX Error - An error was detected during the transmission of data to the smart card as indicated by either BREAKD or TXUNDR bit being set in the STXCtl SFR. Additional information can be found in that register description. This bit is cleared when the STXCtl register is read. RXERR RX Error - An error was detected during the reception of data from the smart card. Additional information can be found in the SRXCtl register. This interrupt will be asserted for RXOVRR, or RX Parity error events. This bit is cleared when the SRXCtl register is read. SCInt.7 SCInt.2 SCInt.1 SCInt.0 80 Symbol RXDAV Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Smart Card Interrupt Enable Register (SCIE): 0xFE02 A 0x00 When set to a 1, the respective condition can cause a smart card interrupt. When set to a 0, the respective condition cannot cause an interrupt. When disabled, the respective bit in the Smart Card Interrupt register can still be set, but it will not interrupt the MPU. Table 75: The SCIE Register MSB LSB WTOIEN CDEVEN VTMREN RXDAEN TXEVEN TXSNTEN TXEREN RXEREN Bit Symbol SCIE.7 WTOIEN Wait Timeout Interrupt Enable - Enable for ATR or Wait Timeout Interrupt. In sync mode, function is RLIEN (RLen = max.) interrupt enable. SCIE.6 CDEVEN Card Event Interrupt Enable. SCIE.5 VTMREN VCC Timer Interrupt Enable. SCIE.4 RXDAEN Rx Data Available Interrupt Enable. SCIE.3 TXEVEN TX Event Interrupt Enable. SCIE.2 TXSNTEN TX Sent Interrupt Enable. SCIE.1 TXEREN TX Error Interrupt Enable. SCIE.0 RXEREN RX Error Interrupt Enable. Rev. 1.2 Function 81 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Smart Card VCC Control/Status Register (VccCtl): 0xFE03 A 0x00 This register is used to control the power up and power down of the integrated smart card interface. It is used to determine whether to apply 5V, 3V, or 1.8V to the smart card. Perform the voltage selection with one write operation, setting both VCCSEL.1 and VCCSEL.0 bits simultaneously. The VDDFLT bit (if enabled) will provide an emergency deactivation of the internal smart card slot. See the VDD Fault Detect Function section for more detail. Table 76: The VccCtl Register MSB LSB VCCSEL.1 VCCSEL.0 Bit Symbol VccCtl.7 VCCSEL.1 VccCtl.6 VCCSEL.0 VDDFLT RDYST VCCOK - - SCPWRDN Function Setting non-zero value for bits 7,6 will begin activation sequence with target Vcc as given below: State VCCSEL.1 VCCSEL.0 VCC 1 0 0 0V 2 0 1 1.8V 3 1 0 3.0V 4 1 1 5V A card event or VCCOK going low will initiate a deactivation sequence. When the deactivation sequence for RST, CLK and I/O is complete, VCC will be turned off. When this type of deactivation occurs, the bits must be reset before initiating another activation. VccCtl.5 VDDFLT If this bit is set = 0, the CMDVCC3B and CMDVCC5B outputs are immediately set = 1 to signal to the companion circuit to begin deactivation when there is a VDD Fault event. If this bit is set = 1 and there is a VDD Fault, the firmware should perform a deactivation sequence and then set CMDVCC3B or CMDVCC5B = 1 to signal the companion circuit to set VCC = 0. VccCtl.4 RDYST If this bit is set = 1, the activation sequence will start when bit VCCOK is set = 1. If not set, the deactivation sequence shall start when the VCCTMR times out. VccCtl.3 VCCOK (Read only). Indicates that VCC output voltage is stable. VccCtl.2 - VccCtl.1 - VccCtl.0 SCPWRDN 82 This bit controls the power-down mode of the 73S1209F circuit. 1 = power down, 0 = normal operation. Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet VCC Stable Timer Register (VccTmr): 0xFE04 A 0x0F A programmable timer is provided to set the time from activation start (setting the VCCSEL.1 and VCCSEL.0 bits to non-zero) to when VCC_OK is evaluated. VCC_OK must be true at the end of this timers programmed interval (tto in Figure 15) in order for the activation sequence to continue. If VCC_OK is not true and the end of the interval (tto), the Card Event interrupt will be set, and a deactivation sequence shall begin including clearing of the VCCSEL bits. Table 77: The VccTmr Register MSB LSB OFFTMR.3 OFFTMR.2 OFFTMR.1 OFFTMR.0 VCCTMR.3 VCCTMR.2 VCCTMR.1 VCCTMR.0 Bit Symbol Function VccTmr.7 OFFTMR.3 VccTmr.6 OFFTMR.2 VccTmr.5 OFFTMR.1 VccTmr.4 OFFTMR.0 VCC Off Timer - The bits set the delay (in number of ETUs) for deactivation after the VCCSEL.1 and VCC SEL.0 have been set to 0. The time value is a count of the 32768Hz clock and is given by tto = OFFTMR(7:4) * 30.5s. This delay does not affect emergency deactivations due to VDD Fault or card events. A value of 0000 results in no additional delay. VccTmr.3 VCCTMR.3 VccTmr.2 VCCTMR.2 VccTmr.1 VCCTMR.1 VccTmr.0 VCCTMR.0 Rev. 1.2 VCC Timer - VCCOK must be true at the time set by the value in these bits in order for the activation sequence to continue. If not, the VCCSEL bits will be cleared. The time value is a count of the 32768Hz clock and is given by tto = VCCTMR(3:0) * 30.5s. A value of 0000 results in no timeout, not zero time, and activation requires that RDYST is set and RDY goes high. 83 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Card Status/Control Register (CRDCtl): 0xFE05 A 0x00 This register is used to configure the card detect pin (DETCARD) and monitor card detect status. This register be written to properly configure Debounce, Detect_Polarity (= 0 or = 1), and the pull-up/down enable before setting CDETEN. The card detect logic is functional even without smart card logic clock. When the PWRDN bit is set = 1, no debounce is provided but card presence is operable. Table 78: The CRDCtl Register MSB LSB DEBOUN CDETEN Bit - - DETPOL PUENB PDEN CARDIN Symbol Function CRDCtl.7 DEBOUN Debounce - When set = 1, this will enable hardware de-bounce of the card detect pin. The de-bounce function shall wait for 64ms of stable card detect assertion before setting the CARDIN bit. This counter/timer uses the keypad clock as a source of 1kHz signal. De-assertion of the CARDIN bit is immediate upon de-assertion of the card detect pin(s). CRDCtl.6 CDETEN Card Detect Enable - When set = 1, activates card detection input. Default upon power-on reset is 0. CRDCtl.5 - CRDCtl.4 - CRDCtl.3 DETPOL Detect Polarity - When set = 1, the DETCARD pin shall interpret a logic 1 as card present. CRDCtl.2 PUENB Enable pull-up current on DETCARD pin (active low). CRDCtl.1 PDEN CRDCtl.0 84 CARDIN Enable pull-down current on DETCARD pin. Card Inserted - (Read only). 1 = card inserted, 0 = card not inserted. A change in the value of this bit is a "card event." A read of this bit indicates whether smart card is inserted or not inserted in conjunction with the DETPOL setting. Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet TX Control/Status Register (STXCtl): 0xFE06 A 0x00 This register is used to control transmission of data to the smart card. Some control and some status bits are in this register. Table 79: The STXCtl Register MSB LSB SYCKST Bit STXCtl.7 - Symbol TXFULL TXEMTY TXUNDR LASTTX TX/RXB BREAKD Function I2C Mode - When in sync mode and this bit is set, and when the RLen count value = max or 0, the source of the smart card data for IO pin (or SIO pin) will I2CMODE be connected to the IO bit in SCCtl (or SCECtl) register rather than the TX FIFO. See the description for the Protocol Mode Register for more detail. STXCtl.6 - STXCtl.5 TXFULL TX FIFO is full. Additional writes may corrupt the contents of the FIFO. This bit it will remain set as long as the TX FIFO is full. Generates TX_Event interrupt upon going full. TXEMTY 1 = TX FIFO is empty, 0 = TX FIFO is not empty. If there is data in the TX FIFO, the circuit will transmit it to the smart card if in transmit mode. In T=1 mode, if the LASTTX bit is set and the hardware is configured to transmit the CRC/LRC, the TXEMTY will not be set until the CRC/LRC is transmitted. In T=0, if the LASTTX bit is set, TXEMTY will be set after the last word has been successfully transmitted to the smart card. Generates TXEVNT interrupt upon going empty. TXUNDR TX Underrrun - (Read only) Asserted when a transmit under-run condition has occurred. An under-run condition is defined as an empty TX FIFO when the last data word has been successfully transmitted to the smart card and the LASTTX bit was not set. No special processing is performed by the hardware if this condition occurs. Cleared when read by firmware. This bit generates TXERR interrupt. LASTTX Last TX Byte - Set by firmware (in both T=0 and T=1) when the last byte in the current message has been written into the transmit FIFO. In T=1 mode, the CRC/LRC will be appended to the message. Should be set after the last byte has been written into the transmit FIFO. Should be cleared by firmware before writing first byte of next message into the transmit FIFO. Used in T=0 to determine when to set TXEMTY. STXCtl.1 TX/RXB 1 = Transmit mode, 0 = Receive mode. Configures the hardware to be receiving from or transmitting to the smart card. Determines which counters should be enabled. This bit should be set to receive mode prior to switching to another interface. Setting and resetting this bit shall initialize the CRC logic. If LASTTX is set, this bit can be reset to RX mode and UART logic will automatically change mode to RX when TX operation is completed (TX_Empty =1). STXCtl.0 BREAKD Break Detected - (Read only) 1 = A break has been detected on the I/O line indicating that the smart card detected a parity error. Cleared when read. This bit generates TXERR interrupt. STXCtl.4 STXCtl.3 STXCtl.2 Rev. 1.2 85 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 STX Data Register (STXData): 0xFE07 A 0x00 Table 80: The STXData Register MSB LSB STXDAT.7 STXDAT.6 STXDAT.5 STXDAT.4 Bit STXDAT.3 STXDAT.2 STXDAT.1 STXDAT.0 Function STXData.7 STXData.6 STXData.5 STXData.4 STXData.3 STXData.2 Data to be transmitted to smart card. Gets stored in the TX FIFO and then extracted by the hardware and sent to the selected smart card. When the MPU reads this register, the byte pointer is changed to effectively "read out" the data. Thus, two reads will always result in an "empty" FIFO condition. The contents of the FIFO registers are not cleared, but will be overwritten by writes. STXData.1 STXData.0 SRX Control/Status Register (SRXCtl): 0xFE08 A 0x00 This register is used to monitor reception of data from the smart card. Table 81: The SRXCtl Register MSB LSB BIT9DAT - LASTRX CRCERR RXFULL RXEMTY RXOVRR PARITYE Bit Symbol Function SRXCtl.7 BIT9DAT Bit 9 Data - When in sync mode and with MODE9/8B set, this bit will contain the data on IO (or SIO) pin that was sampled on the ninth CLK (or SCLK) rising edge. This is used to read data in synchronous 9-bit formats. SRXCtl.6 - SRXCtl.5 LASTRX Last RX Byte - User sets this bit during the reception of the last byte. When byte is received and this bit is set, logic checks CRC to match 0x1D0F (T=1 mode) or LRC to match 00h (T=1 mode), otherwise a CRC or LRC error is asserted. SRXCtl.4 CRCERR (Read only) 1 = CRC (or LRC) error has been detected. SRXCtl.3 RXFULL (Read only) RX FIFO is full. Status bit to indicate RX FIFO is full. SRXCtl.2 RXEMTY (Read only) RX FIFO is empty. This is only a status bit and does not generate a RX interrupt. SRXCtl.1 RXOVRR RX Overrun - (Read Only) Asserted when a receive-over-run condition has occurred. An over-run is defined as a byte was received from the smart card when the RX FIFO was full. Invalid data may be in the receive FIFO. Firmware should take appropriate action. Cleared when read. Additional writes to the RX FIFO are discarded when a RXOVRR occurs until the overrun condition is cleared. Will generate RXERR interrupt. SRXCtl.0 PARITYE Parity Error - (Read only) 1 = The logic detected a parity error on incoming data from the smart card. Cleared when read. Will generate RXERR interrupt. 86 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet SRX Data Register (SRXData): 0xFE09 A 0x00 Table 82: The SRXData Register MSB LSB SRXDAT.7 SRXDAT.6 SRXDAT.5 SRXDAT.4 SRXDAT.3 SRXDAT.2 SRXDAT.1 SRXDAT.0 Bit Function SRXData.7 SRXData.6 SRXData.5 SRXData.4 SRXData.3 (Read only) Data received from the smart card. Data received from the smart card gets stored in a FIFO that is read by the firmware. SRXData.2 SRXData.1 SRXData.0 Rev. 1.2 87 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Smart Card Control Register (SCCtl): 0xFE0A A 0x21 This register is used to monitor reception of data from the smart card. Table 83: The SCCtl Register MSB LSB RSTCRD Bit IO IOD C8 C4 CLKLVL CLKOFF Symbol Function SCCtl.7 RSTCRD 1 = Asserts the RST (set RST = 0) to the smart card interface, 0 = De-assert the RST (set RST = 1) to the smart card interface. Can be used to extend RST to the smart card. Refer to the RLength register description. This bit is operational in all modes and can be used to extend RST during activation or perform a "Warm Reset" as required. In auto-sequence mode, this bit should be set = 0 to allow the sequencer to de-assert RST per the RLength parameters. In sync mode (see the SPrtcol register) the sense of this bit is non-inverted, if set =1 , RST = 1, if set = 0, RST = 0. Rlen has no effect on Reset in sync mode. SCCtl.6 - Smart Card I/O. Read is state of I/O signal (Caution, this signal is not synchronized to the MPU clock). In Bypass mode, write value is state of signal on I/O. In sync mode, this bit will contain the value of I/O pin on the latest rising edge of CLK. SCCtl.5 IO SCCtl.4 IOD Smart Card I/O Direction control Bypass mode or sync mode. 1 = input (default), 0 = output. C8 Smart Card C8. When C8 is an output, the value written to this bit will appear on the C8 line. The value read when C8 is an output is the value stored in the register. When C8 is an input, the value read is the value on the C8 pin (Caution, this signal is not synchronized to the MPU clock). When C8 is an input, the value written will be stored in the register but not presented to the C8 pin. SCCtl.2 C4 Smart Card C4. When C4 is an output, the value written to this bit will appear on the C4 line. The value read when C4 is an output is the value stored in the register. When C4 is an input, the value read is the value on the C4 pin (Caution, this signal is not synchronized to the MPU clock). When C4 is an input, the value written will be stored in the register but not presented to the C4 pin. SCCtl.1 CLKLVL 1 = High, 0 = Low. If CLKOFF is set = 1, the CLK to smart card will be at the logic level indicated by this bit. If in bypass mode, this bit directly controls the state of CLK. SCCtl.0 CLKOFF 0 = CLK is enabled. 1 = CLK is not enabled. When asserted, the CLK will stop at the level selected by CLKLVL. This bit has no effect if in bypass mode. SCCtl.3 88 - Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet External Smart Card Control Register (SCECtl): 0xFE0B A 0x00 This register is used to directly set and sample signals of External Smart Card interface. There are three modes of asynchronous operation, an "automatic sequence" mode, and bypass mode. Clock stop per the ISO 7816-3 interface is also supported but firmware must handle the protocol for SIO and SCLK for I2C clock stop and start. Control for Reset (to make RST signal), activation control, voltage select, etc. should be handled via the I2C interface when using external 73S73S8010x devices. USR(n) pins shall be used for C4, C8 functions if necessary. Table 84: The SCECtl Register MSB LSB - - SIO Bit Symbol SCECtl.7 - SCECtl.6 - SIOD - - SCLKLVL SCLKOFF Function SCECtl.5 SIO External Smart Card I/O. Bit when read indicates state of pin SIO for SIOD = 1 (Caution, this signal is not synchronized to the MPU clock), when written, sets state of pin SIO for SIOD = 0. Ignored if not in bypass or sync modes. In sync mode, this bit will contain the value of IO pin on the latest rising edge of SCLK. SCECtl.4 SIOD 1 = input, 0 = output. External Smart Card I/O Direction control. Ignored if not in bypass or sync modes. SCECtl.3 - SCECtl.2 - SCECtl.1 SCLKLVL Sets the state of SCLK when disabled by SCLKOFF bit. If in bypass mode, this bit directly controls the state of SCLK. SCECtl.0 SCLKOFF 0 = SCLK enabled, 1 = SCLK disabled. When disabled, SCLK level is determined by SCLKLVL. This bit has no effect if in bypass mode. Rev. 1.2 89 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 C4/C8 Data Direction Register (SCDIR): 0xFE0C A 0x00 This register determines the direction of the internal interface C4/C8 lines. After reset, all signals are tri-stated. Table 85: The SCDIR Register MSB LSB - - - - C8D C4D Bit Symbol SCDIR.7 - SCDIR.6 - SCDIR.5 - SCDIR.4 - SCDIR.3 C8D 1 = input, 0 = output. Smart Card C8 direction. SCDIR.2 C4D 1 = input, 0 = output. Smart Card C4 direction. SCDIR.1 - SCDIR.0 - 90 - - Function Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Protocol Mode Register (SPrtcol): 0xFE0D A 0x03 This register determines the protocol to be use when communicating with the selected smart card. This register should be updated as required when switching between smart card interfaces. Table 86: The SPrtcol Register MSB LSB SCISYN Bit SPrtcol.7 MOD9/8B SCESYN 0 TMODE CRCEN CRCMS RCVATR Symbol Function SCISYN Smart Card Internal Synchronous mode - Configures internal smart card interface for synchronous mode. This mode routes the internal interface buffers for RST, IO, C4, C8 to SCCtl register bits for direct firmware control. CLK is generated by the ETU counter. MOD9/8B Synchronous 8/9 bit mode select - For sync mode, in protocols with 9-bit words, set this bit. The first eight bits read go into the RX FIFO and the ninth bit read will be stored in the IO (or SIO) data bit of the SRXCtl register. SPrtcol.5 SCESYN Smart Card External Synchronous mode - Configures External Smart Card interface for synchronous mode. This mode routes the external smart card interface buffers for SIO to SCECtl register bits for direct firmware control. SCLK is generated by the ETU counter. SPrtcol.4 0 SPrtcol.3 TMODE Protocol mode select - 0: T=0, 1: T=1. Determines which smart card protocol is to be used during message processing. SPrtcol.2 CRCEN CRC Enable - 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled. Enables the checking/generation of CRC/LRC while in T=1 mode. Has no effect in T=0 mode. If enabled and a message is being transmitted to the smart card, the CRC/LRC will be inserted into the message stream after the last TX byte is transmitted to the smart card. If enabled, CRC/LRC will be checked on incoming messages and the value made available to the firmware via the CRC LS/MS registers. SPrtcol.1 CRCMS CRC Mode Select - 1 = CRC, 0 = LRC. Determines type of checking algorithm to be used. SPrtcol.0 RCVATR Receive ATR - 1 = Enable ATR timeout, 0 = Disable ATR timeout. Set by firmware after the smart card has been turned on and the hardware is expecting ATR. SPrtcol.6 Rev. 1.2 Reserved bit, must always be set to 0. 91 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 SC Clock Configuration Register (SCCLK): 0xFE0F A 0x0C This register controls the internal smart card (CLK) clock generation. Table 87: The SCCLK Register MSB LSB - - ICLKFS.5 ICLKFS.4 ICLKFS.3 ICLKFS.2 ICLKFS.1 ICLKFS.0 Bit Symbol Function SCCLK.7 - SCCLK.6 - SCCLK.5 ICLKFS.5 SCCLK.4 ICLKFS.4 SCCLK.3 ICLKFS.3 SCCLK.2 ICLKFS.2 SCCLK.1 ICLKFS.1 SCCLK.0 ICLKFS.0 Internal Smart Card CLK Frequency Select - Division factor to determine internal smart card CLK frequency. MCLK clock is divided by (register value + 1) to clock the ETU divider, and then by 2 to generate CLK. Default ratio is 13. The programmed value in this register is applied to the divider after this value is written, in such a manner as to produce a glitch-free output, regardless of the selection of active interface. A register value = 0 will default to the same effect as register value = 1. External SC Clock Configuration Register (SCECLK): 0xFE10 A 0x0C This register controls the external smart card (SCLK) clock generation. Table 88: The SCECLK Register MSB LSB - - Bit Symbol SCECLK.7 - SCECLK.6 - SCECLK.5 ECLKFS.5 SCECLK.4 ECLKFS.4 SCECLK.3 ECLKFS.3 SCECLK.2 ECLKFS.2 SCECLK.1 ECLKFS.1 SCECLK.0 ECLKFS.0 92 ECLKFS.5 ECLKFS.4 ECLKFS. 3 ECLKFS.2 ECLKFS.1 ECLKFS.0 Function External Smart Card CLK Frequency Select - Division factor to determine external smart card CLK frequency. MCLK clock is divided by (register value + 1) to clock the ETU divider, and then by 2 to generate SCLK. Default ratio is 13. The programmed value in this register is applied to the divider after this value is written, in such a manner as to produce a glitchfree output, regardless of the selection of active interface. A register value = 0 will default to the same effect as register value = 1. Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Parity Control Register (SParCtl): 0xFE11 A 0x00 This register provides the ability to configure the parity circuitry on the smart card interface. The settings apply to both integrated smart card interfaces. Table 89: The SParCtl Register MSB - LSB DISPAR BRKGEN BRKDET RETRAN DISCRX INSPE FORCPE Bit Symbol SParCtl.7 - SParCtl.6 DISPAR Disable Parity Check - 1 = disabled, 0 = enabled. If enabled, the UART will check for even parity (the number of 1's including the parity bit is even) on every character. This also applies to the TS during ATR. SParCtl.5 BRKGEN Break Generation Disable - 1 = disabled, 0 = enabled. If enabled, and T=0 protocol, the UART will generate a Break to the smart card if a parity error is detected on a receive character. No Break will be generated if parity checking is disabled. This also applies to TS during ATR. SParCtl.4 BRKDET Break Detection Disable - 1 = disabled, 0 = enabled. If enabled, and T=0 protocol, the UART will detect the generation of a Break by the smart card. SParCtl.3 RETRAN Retransmit Byte - 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. If enabled and a Break is detected from the smart card (Break Detection must be enabled), the last character will be transmitted again. This bit applies to T=0 protocol. SParCtl.2 DISCRX Discard Received Byte - 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. If enabled and a parity error is detected (Parity checking must be enabled), the last character received will be discarded. This bit applies to T=0 protocol. SParCtl.1 INSPE SParCtl.0 FORCPE Rev. 1.2 Function Insert Parity Error - 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. Used for test purposes. If enabled, the UART will insert a parity error in every character transmitted by generating odd parity instead of even parity for the character. Force Parity Error - 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. Used for test purposes. If enabled, the UART will generate a parity error on a character received from the smart card. 93 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Byte Control Register (SByteCtl): 0xFE12 A 0x2C This register controls the processing of characters and the detection of the TS byte. When receiving, a Break is asserted at 10.5 ETU after the beginning of the start bit. Break from the card is sampled at 11 ETU. Table 90: The SByteCtl Register MSB LSB - DETTS Bit Symbol SByteCtl.7 - DIRTS BRKDUR.1 BRKDUR. 0 - - - Function DETTS Detect TS Byte - 1 = Next Byte is TS, 0 = Next byte is not TS. When set, the hardware will treat the next character received as the TS and determine if direct or indirect convention is being used. Direct convention is the default used if firmware does not set this bit prior to transmission of TS by the smart card to the firmware. The hardware will check parity and generate a break as defined by the DISPAR and BRKGEN bits in the parity control register. This bit is cleared by hardware after TS is received. TS is decoded before being stored in the receive FIFO. SByteCtl.5 DIRTS Direct Mode TS Select - 1 = direct mode, 0 = indirect mode. Set/cleared by hardware when TS is processed indicating either direct/indirect mode of operation. When switching between smart cards, the firmware should write the bit appropriately since this register is not unique to an individual smart card (firmware should keep track of this bit). SByteCtl.4 BRKDUR.1 SByteCtl.3 BRKDUR.0 SByteCtl.2 - SByteCtl.1 - SByteCtl.0 - SByteCtl.6 94 Break Duration Select - 00 = 1 ETU, 01 = 1.5 ETU, 10 = 2 ETU, 11 = reserved. Determines the length of a Break signal which is generated when detecting a parity error on a character reception in T=0 mode. Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet FD Control Register (FDReg): 0xFE13 A 0x11 Table 91: The FDReg Register MSB LSB FVAL.3 FVAL.2 Bit Symbol FDReg.7 FVAL.3 FDReg.6 FVAL.2 FDReg.5 FVAL.1 FDReg.4 FVAL.0 FDReg.3 DVAL.3 FDReg.2 DVAL.2 FDReg.1 DVAL.1 FDReg.0 DVAL.0 FVAL.1 FVAL.0 DVAL.3 DVAL.2 DVAL.1 DVAL.0 Function Refer to Table 93 above. This value is converted per the table to set the divide ratio used to generate the baud rate (ETU). Default, also used for ATR, is 0001 (Fi = 372). This value is used by the selected interface. Refer to Table 93 above. This value is used to set the divide ratio used to generate the smart card CLK. Default, also used for ATR, is 0001 (Di = 1). This register uses the transmission factors F and D to set the ETU (baud) rate. The values in this register are mapped to the ISO 7816 conversion factors as described below. The CLK signal for each interface is created by dividing a high-frequency, intermediate signal (MSCLK) by 2. The ETU baud rate is created by dividing MSCLK by 2 times the Fi/Di ratio specified by the codes below. For example, if FI = 0001 and DI = 0001, the ratio of Fi/Di is 372/1. Thus the ETU divider is configured to divide by 2 * 372 = 744. The maximum supported F/D ratio is 4096. Table 92: Divider Ratios Provided by the ETU Counter FI (code) 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 Fi (ratio) 372 372 558 744 1116 1488 1860 1860 FCLK max 4 5 6 8 12 16 20 20 FI(code) 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Fi(ratio) 512 512 768 1024 1536 2048 2048 2048 FCLK max 5 5 7.5 10 15 20 20 20 DI(code) 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 Di(ratio) 1 1 2 4 8 16 32 32 DI(code) 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Di(ratio) 12 20 16 16 16 16 16 16 Note: values marked with are not included in the ISO definition and arbitrary values have been assigned. The values given below are used by the ETU divider to create the ETU clock. The entries that are not shaded will result in precise CLK/ETU per ISO requirements. Shaded areas are not precise but are within 1% of the target value. Rev. 1.2 95 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Table 93: Divider Values for the ETU Clock 96 Di code Fi code F D 0000 372 0001 372 0010 558 0011 744 0100 1116 0101 1488 0001 0010 0011 0100 1000 0101 1001 0110 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 32 744 372 186 93 62 47 37 23 744 372 186 93 62 47 37 23 1116 558 279 138 93 70 56 35 1488 744 372 186 124 93 74 47 2232 1116 558 279 186 140 112 70 2976 1488 744 372 248 186 149 93 Di code Fi code F D 0110 1860 1001 512 1010 768 1011 1024 1100 1536 1101 2048 0001 0010 0011 0100 1000 0101 1001 0110 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 32 3720 1860 930 465 310 233 186 116 1024 512 256 128 85 64 51 32 1536 768 384 192 128 96 77 48 2048 1024 512 256 171 128 102 64 3072 1536 768 384 256 192 154 96 4096 2048 1024 512 341 256 205 128 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet CRC MS Value Registers (CRCMsB): 0xFE14 A 0xFF, (CRCLsB): 0xFE15 A 0xFF Table 94: The CRCMsB Register MSB CRC.15 LSB CRC.14 CRC.13 CRC.12 CRC.11 CRC.10 CRC.9 CRC.8 Table 95: The CRCLsB Register MSB CRC.7 LSB CRC.6 CRC.5 CRC.4 CRC.3 CRC.2 CRC.1 CRC.0 The 16-bit CRC value forms the TX CRC word in TX mode (write value) and the RX CRC in RX mode (read value). The initial value of CRC to be used when generating a CRC to be transmitted at the end of a message (after the last TX byte is sent) when enabled in T=1 mode. Should be reloaded at the beginning of every message to be transmitted. When using CRC, the both CRC registers should be initialized to FF. When using LRC the CRCLsB Value register should be loaded to 00. When receiving a message, the firmware should load this with the initial value and then read this register to get the final value at the end of the message. These registers need to be reloaded for each new message to be received. When in LRC mode, bits (7:0) are used and bits (15:8) are undefined. During LRC/CRC checking and generation, this register is updated with the current value and can be read to aid in debugging. This information will be transmitted to the smart card using the timing specified by the Guard Time register. When checking CRC/LRC on an incoming message (CRC/LRC is checked against the data and CRC/LRC), the firmware reads the final value after the message has been received and determines if an error occurred (= 0x1D0F (CRC_ no error, else error; = 0 (LRC) no error, else error). When a message is received, the CRC/LRC is stored in the FIFO. The polynomial used to generate and 16 12 5 check CRC is x + x + x +1. When in indirect convention, the CRC is generated prior to the conversion into indirect convention. When in indirect convention, the CRC is checked after the conversion out of indirect convention. For a given message, the CRC generated (and readable from this register) will be the same whether indirect or direct convention is used to transmit the data to the smart card. The CRCLsB / CRCMsB registers will be updated with CRC/LRC whenever bits are being received or transmitted from/to the smart card (even if CRCEN is not set and in mode T1). They are available to the firmware to use if desired. Rev. 1.2 97 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Block Guard Time Register (BGT): 0xFE16 A 0x10 This register contains the Extra Guard Time Value (EGT) most-significant bit. The Extra Guard Time indicates the minimum time between the leading edges of the start bit of consecutive characters. The delay is depends on the T=0/T=1 mode. Used in transmit mode. This register also contains the Block Guard Time (BGT) value. Block Guard Time is the minimum time between the leading edge of the start bit of the last character received and the leading edge of the start bit of the first character transmitted. This should not be set less than the character length. The transmission of the first character will be held off until BGT has elapsed regardless of the TX data and TX/RX control bit timing. Table 96: The BGT Register MSB LSB EGT.8 - Bit Symbol BGT.7 EGT.8 BGT.6 - BGT.5 - BGT.4 BGT.4 BGT.3 BGT.3 BGT.2 BGT.2 BGT.1 BGT.1 BGT.0 BGT.0 - BGT.4 BGT.3 BGT.1 BGT.2 BGT.0 Function Most-significant bit for 9-bit EGT timer. See EGT below. Time in ETUs between the start bit of the last received character to start bit of the first character transmitted to the smart card. Default value is 22. Extra Guard Time Register (EGT): 0xFE17 A 0x0C This register contains the Extra Guard Time Value (EGT) least-significant byte. The Extra Guard Time indicates the minimum time between the leading edges of the start bit of consecutive characters. The delay is depends on the T=0/T=1 mode. Used in transmit mode. Table 97: The EGT Register MSB EGT.7 Bit LSB EGT.6 EGT.5 EGT.4 EGT.3 EGT.1 EGT.2 EGT.0 Function EGT.7 EGT.6 EGT.5 EGT.4 EGT.3 EGT.2 Time in ETUs between start bits of consecutive characters. In T=0 mode, the minimum is 1. In T=0, the leading edge of the next start bit may be delayed if there is a break detected from the smart card. Default value is 12. In T=0 mode, regardless of the value loaded, the minimum value is 12, and for T=1 mode, the minimum value is 11. EGT.1 EGT.0 98 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Block Wait Time Registers (BWTB0): 0xFE1B A 0x00, (BWTB1): 0xFE1A A 0x00, (BWTB2): 0xFE19 A 0x00, (BWTB3): 0xFE18 A 0x00 Table 98: The BWTB0 Register MSB LSB BWT.7 BWT.6 BWT.5 BWT.4 BWT.3 BWT.1 BWT.2 BWT.0 Table 99: The BWTB1 Register MSB LSB BWT.15 BWT.14 BWT.13 BWT.12 BWT.11 BWT.10 BWT.9 BWT.8 Table 100: The BWTB2 Register MSB LSB BWT.23 BWT.22 BWT.21 BWT.20 BWT.19 BWT.18 BWT.17 BWT.16 Table 101: The BWTB3 Register MSB LSB - - - - BWT.27 BWT.26 BWT.25 BWT.24 These registers (BWTB0, BWTB1, BWTB2, BWTB3) are used to set the Block Waiting Time(27:0) (BWT). All of these parameters define the maximum time the 73S1209F will have to wait for a character from the smart card. These registers serve a dual purpose. When T=1, these registers are used to set up the block wait time. The block wait time defines the time in ETUs between the beginning of the last character sent to smart card and the start bit of the first character received from smart card. It can be used to detect an unresponsive card and should be loaded by firmware prior to writing the last TX byte. When T = 0, these registers are used to set up the work wait time. The work wait time is defined as the time between the leading edge of two consecutive characters being sent to or from the card. If a timeout occurs, an interrupt is generated to the firmware. The firmware can then take appropriate action. A Wait Time Extension (WTX) is supported with the 28-bit BWT. Character Wait Time Registers (CWTB0): 0xFE1D A 0x00, (CWTB1): 0xFE1C A 0x00 Table 102: The CWTB0 Register MSB CWT.7 LSB CWT.6 CWT.5 CWT.4 CWT.3 CWT.1 CWT.2 CWT.0 Table 103: The CWTB1 Register MSB CWT.15 LSB CWT.14 CWT.13 CWT.12 CWT.11 CWT.10 CWT.9 CWT.8 These registers (CWTB0, CWTB1) are used to hold the Character Wait Time(15:0) (CWT) or Initial Waiting Time(15:0) (IWT) depending on the situation. Both the IWT and the CWT measure the time in ETUs between the leading edge of the start of the current character received from the smart card and the leading edge of the start of the next character received from the smart card. The only difference is the mode in which the card is operating. When T=1 these registers are used to configure the CWT and these registers configure the IWT when the ATR is being received. These registers should be loaded prior to receiving characters from the smart card. Firmware must manage which time is stored in the register. If a timeout occurs, an interrupt is generated to the firmware. The firmware can then take appropriate action. Rev. 1.2 99 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 ATR Timeout Registers (ATRLsB): 0xFE20 A 0x00, (ATRMsB): 0xFE1F A 0x00 Table 104: The ATRLsB Register MSB LSB ATRTO.7 ATRTO.6 ATRTO.5 ATRTO.4 ATRTO.3 ATRTO.1 ATRTO.2 ATRTO.0 Table 105: The ATRMsB Register MSB LSB ATRTO.15 ATRTO.14 ATRTO.13 ATRTO.12 ATRTO.11 ATRTO.10 ATRTO.9 ATRTO.8 These registers (ATRLsB and ATRLsB) form the ATR timeout (ATRTO [15:0]) parameter. Time in ETU between the leading edge of the first character and leading edge of the last character of the ATR response. Timer is enabled when the RCVATR is set and starts when leading edge of the first start bit is received and disabled when the RCVATR is cleared. An ATR timeout is generated if this time is exceeded. TS Timeout Register (STSTO): 0xFE21 A 0x00 Table 106: The STSTO Register MSB TST0.7 LSB TST0.6 TST0.5 TST0.4 TST0.3 TST0.1 TST0.2 TST0.0 The TS timeout is the time in ETU between the de-assertion of smart card reset and the leading edge of the TS character in the ATR (when DETTS is set). The timer is started when smart card reset is de-asserted. An ATR timeout is generated if this time is exceeded (MUTE card). Reset Time Register (RLength): 0xFE22 A 0x70 MSB RLen.7 LSB RLen.6 RLen.5 RLen.4 RLen.3 RLen.1 RLen.2 RLen.0 Table 107: The RLength Register Time in ETUs that the hardware delays the de-assertion of RST. If set to zero and RSTCRD = 0, the hardware adds no extra delay and the hardware will release RST after VCCOK is asserted during power-up. If set to one, it will delay the release of RST by the time in this register. When the firmware sets the RSTCRD bit, the hardware will assert reset (RST = 0 on pin). When firmware clears the bit, the hardware will release RST after the delay specified in Rlen. If firmware sets the RSTCRD bit prior to instructing the power to be applied to the smart card, the hardware will not release RST after power-up until RLen after the firmware clears the RSTCRD bit. This provides a means to power up the smart card and hold it in reset until the firmware wants to release the RST to the selected smart card. Works with the selected smart card interface. 100 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet Shaded locations indicate functions that are not provided in sync mode. Table 108: Smart Card SFR Table Name SCSel SCInt Address FE00 FE01 SCIE FE02 VccCtl VccTmr CRDCtl STXCtl STXData SRXCtl SRXData SCCtl SCECtl SCDIR SPrtcol SCCLK SCECLK SParCtl SByteCtl FDReg CRCMsB CRCLsB BGT EGT BWTB3 BWTB2 BWTB1 BWTB0 CWTB1 CWTB0 ATRMsB ATRLsB STSTO RLength FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE0A FE0B FE0C FE0D FE0F FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17 FE18 FE19 FE1A FE1B FE1C FE1D FE1F FE20 FE21 FE22 Rev. 1.2 b7 b6 b5 b4 WAITTO/ RLIEN WTOI/ RLIEN VCCSEL.1 CRDEVT VCCTMR RXDAVl b3 b2 SelSC(1:0) TXEVNT TXSENT CDEVNT VTMREN RXDAEN TXEVEN RDYST VCCOK DEBOUN SYCKST VCCSEL.0 VDDFLT OFFTMR(3:0) CDETEN TXFULL BIT9DAT LASTRX RSTCRD IO SIO I2CMODE MOD9/8B SCESYN DISPAR BRKGEN DETTS DIRTS FVAL(3:0) EGT8 TXSNTEN b1 BYPASS TXERR b0 RXERR TXERR RXERR SCPWRDN VCCTMR(3:0) PUENB PDEN LASTTX TX/RXB DETPOL TXEMTY TXUNDR TXDATA(7:0) CRCERR RXFULL RXEMTY RXOVRR RXDATA(7:0) IOD C8 C4 CLKLVL SIOD SCLKLVL C8D C4D 0 TMODE CRCEN CRCMS ICLKFS(5:0) ECLKFS(5:0) BRKDET RTRAN DISCRX INSPE BRKDUR (1:0) DVAL (3:0) CRC(15:8) CRC(7:0) BGT(4:0) EGT(7:0) BWT(27:24) BWT(23:16) BWT(15:8) BWT(7:0) CWT(15:8) CWT(7:0) ATRTO(15:8) ATRTO(7:0) TSTO(7:0) RLen(7:0) CARDIN BREAKD PARITYE CLKOFF SCLKOFF 101 RCVATR FORCPE 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 1.7.14 VDD Fault Detect Function The 73S1209F contains a circuit to detect a low-voltage condition on the supply voltage VDD. If enabled, it will deactivate the active internal smart card interface when VDD falls below the VDD Fault threshold. The register configures the VDD Fault threshold for the nominal default of 2.3V* or a user selectable threshold. The user's code may load a different value using the FOVRVDDF bit =1 after the power-up cycle has completed VDDFault Control Register (VDDFCtl): 0xFFD4 A 0x00 Table 109: The VDDFCtl Register MSB LSB - FOVRVDDF VDDFLTEN Bit Symbol VDDFCtl.7 - - STXDAT.3 VDDFTH.2 VDDFTH.1 VDDFTH.0 Function VDDFCtl.6 Setting this bit high will allow the VDDFLT(2:0) bits set in this register to FOVRVDDF control the VDDFault threshold. When this bit is set low, the VDDFault threshold will be set to the factory default setting of 2.3V*. VDDFCtl.5 VDDFLTEN Set = 1 will disable VDD Fault operation. VDDFCtl.4 - VDDFCtl.3 - VDDFCtl.2 VDDFTH.2 VDDFCtl.1 VDDFTH.1 VDDFCtl.0 VDDFTH.0 VDD Fault Threshold. Bit value(2:0) VDDFault voltage 000 2.3 (nominal default) 001 2.4 010 2.5 011 2.6 100 2.7 101 2.8 110 2.9 111 3.0 * Note: The VDD Fault factory default can be set to any threshold as defined by bits VDDFTH(2:0). The 73S1209F has the capability to burn fuses at the factory to set the factory default to any of these voltages. Contact Teridian for further details. 102 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet 2 Typical Application Schematics 3.3V C1 0.1uF 5.0V U1 MAX3237CAI 1 1 S7 3 1 3 1 3 1 7 S21 3 S12 3 S17 3 S22 3 S6 3 1 S13 3 3 S23 3 SW_MOM SW_MOM S26 S27 S28 W SW_MOM 1 X 3 SW_MOM 1 1 Y 3 SW_MOM 3 S14 3 1 S19 3 1 3 1 Z 3 SW_MOM USR6 S20 USR5 USR4 USR3 USR2 RXD COL3 ANAIN COL2 COL1 COL0 X12OUT X12IN GND N/C N/C SDA SCL N/C LED1 N/C LED0 TXD COL4 USR7 ROW0 ROW1 USR6 ROW2 GND N/C N/C VDD USR5 USR4 USR3 USR8 USR2 ROW3 ISBR SEC RESET VDD PRES I/O AUX1 AUX2 VCC RST GND CLK PRESB VPC TEST TBUS0 INT2 73S1209F 3.3V U3 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 C10 10uF DB7 NC 15 DB6 USR3 14 DB5 13 USR2 DB4 DB2 DB3 10 3.3V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 + R2 10k R3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 10 3 R4 C11 C12 C13 20K 27p 27p 1uF J1 C1 C2 C3 C5 C6 C7 SW1 SW2 SMARTCARD SLOT #1 SIM/SAM Connector J2 VCC RST CLK C4 GND VPP I/O C8 SW-1 SW-2 Smart Card Connector D SW_MOM 1 S25 C14 SW_MOM 1 S30 3.3V 3 E SW_MOM 1 3 SW_MOM ENTER S29 S15 C CLR S24 3 SW_MOM SW_MOM 1 S10 B SW_MOM 1 3 SW_MOM DOWN / 0 S9 S5 A UP 9 1 1 SW_MOM SW_MOM SW_MOM 3 1 SW_MOM S18 3 SW_MOM 6 1 S4 ON/CE 3 8 1 1 SW_MOM SW_MOM . 1 1 SW_MOM SW_MOM 1 3 3 F3 5 SW_MOM S16 S8 S3 SW_MOM SW_MOM 4 1 1 2 1 S11 3 F2 SW_MOM SW_MOM 1 S2 LED0 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3 F1 SW_MOM 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 USR1 USR0 S1 D2 DB1 LCD BRIGHTNESS ADJUST USR1 USR0 ROW4 ROW5 N/C ERST TCLK VDD TBUS3 GND RXTX N/C TBUS2 SCLK TBUS1 SIO INT3 30-SWITCH KEYPAD 1 LED1 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3.3V D1 12 RV1 10K 2 USR1 0.1uF 11 C9 1uF USR0 3 C8 + 9 5.0V DB0 22pF 8 C7 22pF E C6 1 15 ENB SHDNB 16 21 20 18 GND 13 14 1M 12.000MHz CW 3.3V SERIAL PORT R1OUTBF R1OUT R2OUT R3OUT R1IN R2IN R3IN Y1 24 23 22 19 17 2 8 9 11 T1IN T2IN T3IN T4IN T5IN 7 T1OUT T2OUT T3OUT T4OUT T5OUT OPTIONAL LCD DISPLAY SYSTEM 16 CHARACTER BY 2 LINES U2 R1 R/W* 5 6 7 10 12 MBAUD 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 C5 0.1uF 1 3 6 C2- RS C2+ 5 V- USR4 4 VO P1 4 C4 0.1uF DB9_RS232 C3 0.1uF 28 25 USR5 C1- VDD C1+ USR6 V+ GND 27 3 C2 0.1uF 2 26 3.3V VCC 3.3V Power 1 5.0V Power 0.1uF 5.0V R5 20K C15 C16 0.1uF 0.1uF C17 C18 10uF 0.1uF 3 F SW_MOM Figure 24: 73S1209F Typical PINpad, Smart Card Reader Application Schematic Rev. 1.4 103 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 3.3V 3 24 23 22 19 17 Y2 12.000MHz C24 C25 22pF 22pF 3.3V LED1 D3 C26 LED0 D4 10uF 16 21 20 18 + R7 10k 1 2 3 5 4 6 U5 7 3.3V 11 3.3V RESET SEC LED0 LED1 SCL SDA GND X12IN RST USR5 GND CLK USR3 PRESB USR2 VPC INT2 SIO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 43 42 41 40 39 R8 38 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 36 35 9 10 34 33 24 USR0 32 23 USR1 44 TEST USR4 USR1 22 VDD 31 21 VCC SCLK 20 AUX2 73S1209 NC 30 19 NC NC 18 AUX1 29 17 I/O GND RXTX 16 USR6 28 15 PRES VDD 14 VDD USR7 TCLK 13 TXD 27 12 26 ENB SHDNB GND 13 14 R1OUTBF R1OUT R2OUT R3OUT 15 3.3V R1IN R2IN R3IN T1IN T2IN T3IN T4IN T5IN 1M 2 8 9 11 T1OUT T2OUT T3OUT T4OUT T5OUT MBAUD 5 6 7 10 12 R6 C22 0.1uF 8 C2+ C2- 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 SERIAL PORT V- 1 X12OUT P2 4 C21 0.1uF ERST C23 0.1uF 25 25 DB9_RS232 28 10 C1- 9 C1+ RXD V+ ANAIN 27 USR0 C20 0.1uF U4 MAX3237CAI VCC 26 C19 0.1uF R9 C27 C28 C29 20K 27p 27p 0.47uF J3 C1 C2 C3 C5 C6 C7 SW1 SW2 SMARTCARD SLOT #1 SIM/SAM Connector J4 VCC RST CLK C4 GND VPP I/O C8 SW-1 SW-2 Smart Card Connector 5.0V 3.3V R10 20K C32 0.1uF C33 C34 0.1uF 0.1uF C30 10uF C31 0.1uF Figure 25: 73S1209F Typical SIM / Smart Card Reader Application Schematic 104 Rev. 1.4 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet 3 Electrical Specification 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Operation outside these rating limits may cause permanent damage to the device. The smart card interface pins are protected against short circuits to VCC, ground, and each other. Parameter Rating DC Supply voltage, VDD -0.5 to 4.0 VDC Supply Voltage VPC -0.5 to 6.5 VDC Storage Temperature -60 to 150C Pin Voltage (except card interface) -0.3 to (VDD+0.5) VDC Pin Voltage (card interface) -0.3 to (VCC+0.5) VDC ESD tolerance (except card interface) +/- 2KV ESD tolerance (card interface) +/- 6KV Pin Current 200 mA Note: ESD testing on smart card pins is HBM condition, 3 pulses, each polarity referenced to ground. Note: Smart Card pins are protected against shorts between any combinations of Smart Card pins. 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions Unless otherwise noted all specifications are valid over these temperatures and supply voltage ranges: Parameter Rating DC Voltage Supply VDD 2.7 to 3.6 VDC Supply Voltage VPC for Class A-B-C Reader 4.75 to 6.0 VDC Ambient Operating Temperature (Ta) -40C to +85C Rev. 1.2 105 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 3.3 Digital IO Characteristics These requirements pertain to digital I/O pin types with consideration of the specific pin function and configuration. The LED(1:0) pins have pull-ups that may be enabled. The Row pins have 100K pull-ups. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Voh Output level, high Ioh =-2mA Vol Output level, low Vih Max. Unit 0.8 *VDD VDD V Iol=2mA 0 0.3 V Input voltage, high 2.7v < VDD <3.6v 1.8 VDD+0.3 V Vil Input voltage, low 2.7v < VDD <3.6v -0.3 0.6 V Ileak Leakage current 0 < Vin < VDD All output modes disabled, pull-up/downs disabled -5 5 A Ipu Pull-up current If provided and enabled, Vout < 0.1v -5 Ipd Pull-down current If provided and enabled, Vout > VDD - 0.1v Symbol Parameter Iled LED drive current Iolkrow Keypad Row output low current 0.0v < Voh < 0.1v when pull-up R is enabled -100 A Iolkcol Keypad column output high current 0.0v < Voh < 0.1v when col. is pulled low -3 mA Conditions Typ. A Min. Vout = 1.3V, 2.7v < VDD < 3.6v Typ. 5 A Max. Unit 2 4 10 mA 3.4 Oscillator Interface Requirements Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ. Max Unit High-Frequency Oscillator (Xin) Parameters. XIN Is Used As Input For External Clock For Test Purposes Only. A Resistor Connecting X12in To X12out Is Required, Value = 1M. VILX12IN Input Low Voltage - X12IN VIHX12IN Input High Voltage - X12IN IILXTAL Input Current - X12IN Fxtal Crystal resonant frequency -0.3 0.3*VDD V 0.7*VDD Vdd+.0.3 V GND < Vin < Vdd -10 10 A Fundamental mode 6 12 MHz Max Unit +3% V 3.5 DC Characteristics: Analog Input Symbol Parameter VTHTOL Voltage Threshold Tolerance 106 Condition Min Selected Threshold Value -3% Typ. Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet 3.6 Smart Card Interface Requirements Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ. Card Power Supply (VCC) Regulator General conditions, -40C < T < 85C, 4.75V < VPC < 6.0V, 2.7V < VDD < 3.6V Inactive mode -0.1 VCC Card supply Voltage including ripple and noise VCCrip VCC Ripple ICCmax Card supply output current ICCF ICC fault current VSR Max Unit 0.1 V Inactive mode, ICC = 1mA -0.1 0.4 V Active mode; ICC <65mA; 5V 4.65 5.25 V Active mode; ICC <65mA; 5v, NDS condition 4.75 5.25 V Active mode; ICC < 65mA; 3V 2.85 3.15 V Active mode; ICC < 40mA; 1.8V 1.68 1.92 V Active mode; single pulse of 100mA for 2s; 5 volt, fixed load = 25mA 4.6 5.25 V Active mode; single pulse of 100mA for 2s; 3v, fixed load = 25mA 2.7 3.15 V Active mode; current pulses of 40nAs with peak |ICC | <200mA, t <400ns; 5V 4.6 5.25 V Active mode; current pulses of 40nAs with peak |ICC | <200mA, t <400ns; 5V 4.65 5.25 V Active mode; current pulses of 40nAs with peak |ICC | <200mA,t <400ns; 3V 2.7 3.15 V Active mode; current pulses of 20nAs with peak |ICC | <100mA,t <400ns; 1.8V 1.62 1.92 V fRIPPLE = 20kHz - 200MHz 350 mV Static load current, VCC>1.65 40 mA Static load current, VCC>4.6 or 2.7 volts as selected 90 Class A, B (5V and 3V) 100 180 Class C (1.8V) 60 130 Vcc slew rate, rise Rise rate on activate C=1.0F 0.06 0.15 0.25 V/s VSF Vcc slew rate, fall Fall rate on deactivate, C=1.0F 0.075 0.15 0.6 V/s 5V operation, Vcc rising 4.6 V Vrdy Vcc ready voltage 3V operation, Vcc rising 2.75 V 1.8V operation, Vcc rising 1.65 V CF should be ceramic with low ESR (<100M). 1 (VCCOK = 1) CF Rev. 1.2 External filter capacitor (VCC to GND) mA F 3.3 107 73S1209F Data Sheet Symbol DS_1209F_004 Parameter Condition Min Typ. Max Unit Interface Requirements - Data Signals: I/O, AUX1 and AUX2. IOH =0 0.9 * VCC VCC+0.1 V IOH = -40A 0.75 VCC VCC+0.1 V 0.15 *VCC V 0.6 * VCC VCC+0.30 V -0.15 0.2 * VCC V IOL = 0 0.1 V IOL = 1mA 0.3 V VIH = VCC 10 A VIL = 0 0.65 mA Short circuit output current For output low, shorted to VCC through 33 15 mA ISHORTH Short circuit output current For output high, shorted to ground through 33 15 mA tR, tF Output rise time, fall times For I/O, AUX1, AUX2, CL = 80pF, 10% to 90%. 100 ns tIR, tIF Input rise, fall times 1 s RPU Internal pull-up resistor 14 k FDMAX Maximum data rate 1 MHz VOH Output level, high (I/O, AUX1, AUX2) VOL Output level, low (I/O, AUX1, AUX2) VIH Input level, high (I/O, AUX1, AUX2) VIL Input level, low (I/O, AUX1, AUX2) VINACT Output voltage when outside of session ILEAK Input leakage IIL Input current, low (I/O, AUX1, AUX2) ISHORTL IOL=1mA Output stable for >200ns 8 11 Reset and Clock for Card Interface, RST, CLK VOH Output level, high IOH =-200A 0.9 * VCC VCC V VOL Output level, low IOL=200A 0 0.15 *VCC V VINACT Output voltage when outside of session IOL = 0 0.1 V IOL = 1mA 0.3 V IRST_LIM Output current limit, RST 30 ICLK_LIM Output current limit, CLK 70 CLKSR3V CLK slew rate VCC = 3V 0.3 V/ns CLKSR5V CLK slew rate VCC = 5V 0.5 V/ns tR, tF 108 Output rise time, fall time Duty cycle for CLK mA CL = 35pF for CLK, 10% to 90% 8 ns CL = 200pF for RST, 10% to 90% 100 ns 55 % CL =35pF, FCLK 20MHz 45 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet 3.7 DC Characteristics Symbol IDD IPC IPCOFF Parameter Supply Current Supply Current VPC supply current when VCC = 0 Condition Min Typ. Max Unit CPU clock @ 24MHz 20 25 CPU clock @ 12MHz 14 20 CPU clock @ 6MHz 10 15 mA CPU clock @ 3.69MHz 9 14 mA Power down (-40 to 85C) 8 50 A Power down (25C) 6 13 A VCC on, ICC=0 I/O, AUX1, AUX2=high, CLK not toggling 450 650 Power down 1 Smart card deactivated 345 mA mA A 10 A 3.8 Voltage / Temperature Fault Detection Circuits Symbol Parameter VPCF VPC fault (VPC Voltage supervisor threshold) VCCF VCCOK = 0 (VCC Voltage supervisor threshold) Condition Min Max VCC > VPC + 0.3 VPC0.7*VDD To Circuit Logic PIN ESD R= 20k Figure 35: Test and Security Pin Circuit 114 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet To Comparator Input PIN ESD Figure 36: Analog Input Circuit VCC STRONG PFET ESD From circuit PIN ESD STRONG NFET Figure 37: Smart Card Output Circuit Rev. 1.2 115 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 VCC STRONG PFET ESD RL=11K 125ns DELAY IO PIN From circuit To circuit CMOS STRONG NFET ESD Figure 38: Smart Card I/O Circuit VDD ESD PIN TTL To circuit VERY WEAK NFET Pull-down Enable ESD Figure 39: PRES Input Circuit VDD VERY WEAK PFET To circuit ESD PIN TTL Pull-up Enable ESD Figure 40: PRES Input Circuit 116 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet 4.1 Package Pin Designation (68-pin QFN) SDA SCL N/C LED1 N/C LED0 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/C N/C XI2IN GND 10 7 X12OUT 11 8 COL1 COL0 13 9 ANA_IN COL2 15 12 COL3 16 14 RXD 17 CAUTION: Use handling procedures necessary for a static sensitive component TXD 18 68 ISBR COL4 19 67 SEC USR7 20 66 ROW0 ROW1 USR6 21 65 RESET VDD 22 64 PRES 23 63 IO 62 AUX1 61 AUX2 60 VCC 59 ROW2 GND 24 N/C 26 TERIDIAN 73S1209F 25 33 53 TBUS0 34 52 INT2 48 49 50 SCLK TBUS1 SIO INT3 51 47 37 ROW4 ROW5 58 N/C TBUS2 36 USR0 38 35 USR1 46 USR2 ROW3 RXTX 54 45 32 44 USR8 VPC TEST GND 55 43 31 TBUS3 PRESB 42 56 VDD 30 41 57 TCLK 29 28 40 USR5 USR4 USR3 RST GND CLK 39 27 N/C ERST N/C VDD Figure 41: 73S1209F Pinout Rev. 1.2 117 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 4.2 .2 Package Pin Designation (44-pin QFN) XI2IN GND SDA SCL LED1 LED0 SEC RESET 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 2 ANA_IN X12OUT 10 9 RXD 11 CAUTION: Use handling procedures necessary for a static sensitive component TXD USR7 12 44 VDD 13 43 PRES USR6 GND 14 42 41 IO AUX1 N/C 16 40 AUX2 N/C 17 39 VDD USR5 USR4 18 20 36 VCC RST GND CLK USR3 21 35 PRESB USR2 22 34 VPC 38 32 INT2 TEST 33 31 37 SIO 30 29 N/C SCLK 27 VDD RXTX 28 26 24 USR0 ERST TCLK 23 USR1 19 25 TERIDIAN 73S1209F 15 Figure 42: 73S1209F Pinout 118 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet 4.3 .3 Packaging Information 68-Pin QFN PACKAGE OUTLINE Notes: 6.3mm x 6.3mm exposed pad area must remain UNCONNECTED (clear of PCB traces or vias). Controlling dimensions are in mm. 0.65 8.00 7.75 0.85 0.2 0.00/0.05 68 1 2 3 7.75 8.00 TOP VIEW 12 SEATING PLANE 8.00 0.42 0.24/0.60 SIDE VIEW PIN#1 ID R0.20 6.30 6.15/6.45 68 0.00/0.05 1 2 0.45 0.20 0.15/0.25 3 0.42 0.24/0.60 SECTION "C-C" 6.30 6.40 8.00 6.15/6.45 SCALE: NONE C C CL 0.40 6.40 TERMINAL TIP FOR ODD TERMINAL/SIDE BOTTOM VIEW Figure 43: 73S1209F 68 QFN Pinout Rev. 1.2 119 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 44-Pin QFN PACKAGE OUTLINE Notes: 5.1mm x 5.1mm exposed pad area must remain UNCONNECTED (clear of PCB traces or vias). Controlling dimensions are in mm. 0.65 7.00 6.75 0.85 0.2 0.00/0.05 44 1 2 3 6.75 7.00 TOP VIEW 12 SEATING PLANE 7.00 0.42 0.24/0.60 SIDE VIEW PIN#1 ID R0.20 5.10 4.95/5.25 44 0.00/0.05 1 0.45 0.23 0.18/0.30 2 3 0.42 0.24/0.60 SECTION "C-C" 5.10 5.00 7.00 4.95/5.25 SCALE: NONE C C CL 0.50 5.00 TERMINAL TIP FOR ODD TERMINAL/SIDE BOTTOM VIEW Figure 44: 73S1209F 44 QFN Pinout 120 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet 5 Ordering Information Table 110 lists the order numbers and packaging marks used to identify 73S1209F products. Table 110: Order Numbers and Packaging Marks Part Description Order Number Packaging Mark 73S1209F 68-Pin QFN Lead Free 73S1209F-68IM/F 73S1209F68IM 73S1209F 68-Pin QFN Lead Free, Tape and Reel 73S1209F-68IMR/F 73S1209F68IM 73S1209F 44-Pin QFN Lead Free 73S1209F-44IM/F 73S1209F44IM 73S1209F 44-Pin QFN Lead Free, Tape and Reel 73S1209F-44IMR/F 73S1209F44IM 6 Related Documentation The following 73S1209F documents are available from Teridian Semiconductor Corporation: 73S1209F Data Sheet (this document) 73S1209F Development Board Quick Start Guide 73S1209F Software Development Kit Quick Start Guide 73S1209F Evaluation Board User's Guide 73S12xxF Software User's Guide 73S12xxF Synchronous Card Design Application Note 7 Contact Information For more information about Teridian Semiconductor products or to check the availability of the 73S1209F, contact us at: 6440 Oak Canyon Road Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618-5201 Telephone: (714) 508-8800 FAX: (714) 508-8878 Email: scr.support@teridian.com For a complete list of worldwide sales offices, go to http://www.teridian.com. Rev. 1.2 121 73S1209F Data Sheet DS_1209F_004 Revision History Revision Date Description 1.0 4/4/2007 First publication. 1.1 11/7/2007 In Table 1, added the Type column and the Equivalent Circuit references. In Section 1.4, updated program security description to remove pre-boot and 32-cycle references. In Section 1.7.1, changed "Mcount is configured in the MCLKCtl register must be bound between a value of 1 to 7. The possible crystal or external clock are shown in Table 12." to "Mcount is configured in the MCLKCtl register must be bound between a value of 1 to 7. The possible crystal or external clock frequencies for getting MCLK = 96MHz are shown in Table 11." In the BRCON description, changed "If BSEL = 1, the baud rate is derived using timer 1." to "If BSEL = 0, the baud rate is derived using timer 1." In Section 1.7.12, removed the following from the emulator port description: "The signals of the emulator port have weak pull-ups. Adding resistor footprints for signals E_RST, E_TCLK and E_RXTX on the PCB is recommended. If necessary, adding 10K pull-up resistors on E_TCLK and E_RXTX and a 3K on E_RST will help the emulator operate normally if a problem arises." Added Section 4, Equivalent Circuits. In Ordering Information, removed the leaded part numbers. 1.2 12/16/2008 In Table 1, added more description to the SCL, SDA, PRES, PRESB, VCC, VPC, SEC, TEST and VDD pins. In Section 1.3.2, changed "FLSH_ERASE" to "ERASE" and "FLSH_PGADR" to "PGADDR". Added "The PGADDR register denotes the page address for page erase. The page size is 512 (200h) bytes and there are 128 pages within the flash memory. The PGADDR denotes the upper seven bits of the flash memory address such that bit 7:1 of the PGADDR corresponds to bit 15:9 of the flash memory address. Bit 0 of the PGADDR is not used and is ignored." In the description of the PGADDR register, added "Note: the page address is shifted left by one bit (see detailed description above)." In Table 3, change "FLSH_PGADR" to "PGADDR". In Table 3, changed "FLSHCRL" to "FLSHCTL". In Table 3, added "Note: the page address is shifted left by one bit (see detailed description above)." to the PGADDR description. In Table 5, moved the TRIMPCtl bit description to FUSECtl and moved the FUSECtl bit description to TRIMPCtl. In Table 6, changed "PGADR" to "PGADDR". In Table 7, added PGADDR. In Table 11, removed the Mcount 7 row. In Section, deleted "The ETU clock is held in reset condition until the activation sequence begins (either by VCCOK = 1 or VCCTMR timeout) and will go high 1/2 the ETU period thereafter." In Section (number 3), deleted "If CLKOFF/SCLKOFF is high and SYCKST is set=1(STXCtl, b7=1), Rlen=max will stop the clock at the selected (CLKLVL or SCLKLVL) level." In Section, deleted number 9. 122 Rev. 1.2 DS_1209F_004 73S1209F Data Sheet In Section, deleted the Special Operating Mode for Sync and Async Operation table. In Figure 20, Figure 21 and Figure 22, replaced the timing diagrams. In Section, added "Synchronous card operation is broken down into three primary types. These are commonly referred to as 2-wire, 3-wire and I2C synchronous cards. Each card type requires different control and timing and therefore requires different algorithms to access. Teridian has created an application note to provide detailed algorithms for each card type. Refer to the application note titled 73S12xxF Synchronous Card Design Application Note." In the VccCtl.0 bit description, deleted "When in power down mode, VDD = 0V. VDD can only be turned on by pressing the ON/OFF switch or by application of 5V to VBUS. If VBUS power is available and SCPWRDN bit is set, it has no effect until VBUS is removed and VDD will shut off." In Table 79 and Table 108, changed the SYCKST bit to I2CMODE. Changed the register address for ATRMsB from FE21 to FE1F. In Table 108 (SPrtcol register), changed the SCISYN bit to I2CMODE. In Figure 24 and Figure 25, replaced the schematics with new schematics. In Section 3.4, changed the Fxtal Min value from 4 to 6. Added Section 6, Related Documentation. Added Section 7, Contact Information. Formatted the document per new standard. Added section numbering. (c) 2008 Teridian Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved. Teridian Semiconductor Corporation is a registered trademark of Teridian Semiconductor Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Signum Systems is a trademark of Signum Systems Corporation. ExpressCard is a registered trademarks of PCMCIA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Teridian Semiconductor Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than expressly contained in the Company's warranty detailed in the Teridian Semiconductor Corporation standard Terms and Conditions. The company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that this document is current by comparing it to the latest version on http://www.teridian.com or by checking with your sales representative. Teridian Semiconductor Corp., 6440 Oak Canyon, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 TEL (714) 508-8800, FAX (714) 508-8877, http://www.teridian.com Rev. 1.2 123