KAF-8300 IMAGE SENSOR 3326 (H) X 2504 (V) FULL FRAME CCD IMAGE SENSOR JULY 20, 2012 DEVICE PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION REVISION 1.0 PS-0029 KAF-8300 Image Sensor TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary Specification ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Description .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Features ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Applications .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Ordering Information ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Device Description ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Architecture .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Dark Reference Pixels ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Dark Dummy Pixels ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Dummy Pixels ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Virtual Dummy Columns ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Active Buffer Pixels................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Blue Pixel Buffer ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 CTE Monitor Pixels ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Image Acquisition ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Charge Transport ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Horizontal Register .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Output Structure .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Output Load........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Physical Description ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Pin Description and Device Orientation ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Imaging Performance .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Typical Operational Conditions............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Specifications............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 All Devices .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Color Devices ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Monochrome Versions Only .............................................................................................................................................................. 16 Typical Performance Curves ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Defect Definitions ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Operational Conditions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Specifications............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 All Devices .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Color Devices ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Operation .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 Power-up Sequence ................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 DC Bias Operating Conditions ............................................................................................................................................................... 22 AC Operating Conditions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Clock Levels ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Clock Voltage Detail Characteristics ............................................................................................................................................... 23 Capacitance Equivalent Circuit.............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Timing ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Requirements and Characteristics ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 Clock Switching Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 Edge Alignment ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 Frame Timing ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Frame Timing Detail............................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Line Timing ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Pixel Timing ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29 www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 2 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Pixel Timing Detail ............................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Mode of Operation ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Power-up Flush Cycle .............................................................................................................................................................................. 31 Storage and Handling .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Storage Conditions................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 ESD ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Cover Glass Care and Cleanliness ......................................................................................................................................................... 32 Environmental Exposure ........................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Soldering Recommendations ................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Mechanical Information ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Visual Mechanical Specifications .......................................................................................................................................................... 33 Laser Mark .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Assembly/Package Integrity .............................................................................................................................................................. 33 Glass ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Completed Assembly ............................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Cover Glass ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Clear Cover Glass, AR Coated (both sides) - Specification ......................................................................................................... 36 Clear Cover Glass - Specification...................................................................................................................................................... 36 Quality Assurance and Reliability .................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Quality and Reliability ............................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Replacement .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Liability of the Supplier ........................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Liability of the Customer ........................................................................................................................................................................ 37 Test Data Retention ................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Mechanical.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Life Support Applications Policy .................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Revision Changes................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 MTD/PS-0996 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 38 PS-0029 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 3 KAF-8300 Image Sensor TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Block Diagram (color) ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 2: Block Diagram (monochrome) ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 3: Output Architecture (Left or Right)........................................................................................................................................11 Figure 4: Recommended Output Structure Load Diagram ................................................................................................................12 Figure 5: Pinout Diagram ............................................................................................................................................................................13 Figure 6: Typical Quantum Efficiency, Color version ...........................................................................................................................17 Figure 7: Typical Quantum Efficiency, all Monochrome versions .....................................................................................................17 Figure 8: Typical Angular Response, Color version ..............................................................................................................................18 Figure 9: Typical Angular Response, Monochrome with microlens .................................................................................................18 Figure 10: Equivalent Circuit Model .........................................................................................................................................................24 Figure 11: H1 and H2 Edge Alignment ....................................................................................................................................................26 Figure 12: H1L and H2 Edge Alignment ..................................................................................................................................................26 Figure 13: Frame Timing (minimum) ........................................................................................................................................................27 Figure 14: Frame Timing Edge Alignment ..............................................................................................................................................27 Figure 15: Line Timing .................................................................................................................................................................................28 Figure 16: Pixel Timing ................................................................................................................................................................................29 Figure 17: Pixel Timing Detail ....................................................................................................................................................................30 Figure 18: Power-up Flush Cycle ...............................................................................................................................................................31 Figure 19: Completed Assembly (1 of 2) .................................................................................................................................................34 Figure 20: Completed Assembly (2 of 2) .................................................................................................................................................35 Figure 21: Clear Cover Glass Transmission, Typical ..............................................................................................................................36 www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 4 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Summary Specification KAF-8300 Image Sensor DESCRIPTION The KAF-8300 Image Sensor is a 22.5 mm diagonal (Four Thirds Format) high performance color or monochrome full frame CCD (charge-coupled device) image sensor designed for a wide range of image sensing applications including digital imaging. Each pixel contains blooming protection by means of a lateral overflow drain thereby preventing image corruption during high light level conditions. For the color version, the 5.4 m square pixels are patterned with an RGB mosaic color filter with overlying microlenses for improved color response and reproduction. Several versions of monochrome devices are available with or without microlenses. The sensor utilizes the TRUESENSE Transparent Gate Electrode to improve sensitivity compared to the use of a standard front side illuminated polysilicon electrode. FEATURES Parameter Typical Value Architecture Full Frame CCD; with Square Pixels Total Number of Pixels 3448 (H) x 2574 (V) = approx. 8.9M Number of Effective Pixels Color device Monochrome device 3358 (H) x 2536 (V) = approx. 8.6M 3366 (H) x 2544 (V) = approx. 8.6M Number of Active Pixels 3326 (H) x 2504 (V) = approx. 8.3M Pixel Size 5.4 m (H) x 5.4 m (V) Active Image Size 17.96 mm (H) x 13.52 mm (V) 22.5 mm (diagonal) Aspect Ratio 4:3 TRUESENSE Transparent Gate Electrode for high sensitivity Horizontal Outputs 1 Saturation Signal > 25.5 ke- High Resolution Output Sensitivity 23 V/e- High Dynamic Range Quantum Efficiency, color R(600nm), G(540nm), B(480nm) 33%, 40 %, 33% Low Noise Architecture APPLICATIONS Digitization Medical Scientific Quantum Efficiency, monochrome Microlens, clear glass (540 nm) Microlens, no glass (540 nm) Microlens, AR glass (540 nm) No Microlens, clear glass (560 nm) 54% 60% 56% 37% Total Sensor Noise 16 e- Dark Signal < 200 e-/s Dark Current Doubling Temperature 5.8 C Linear Dynamic Range 64.4 dB Linearity Error at 12C 10% Charge Transfer Efficiency 0.999995 Blooming Protection (1ms integration time) 1000x saturation exposure Maximum Data Rate 28 MHz Package 32-pin CERDIP, 0.070 pin spacing Cover Glass Clear or AR coated, 2sides Parameters above are specified at T = 60 C and a data rate of 28 MHz unless otherwise noted www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 5 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Ordering Information Catalog Number Product Name Description 4H0827 KAF- 8300-AAB-CB-AA Monochrome, No Microlens, CERDIP Package (sidebrazed), Clear Cover Glass (no coatings), Standard Grade 4H0828 KAF- 8300-AAB-CB-AE Monochrome, No Microlens, CERDIP Package (sidebrazed), Clear Cover Glass (no coatings), Engineering Grade 4H0927 KAF- 8300-AXC-CB-AA Monochrome, Microlens, CERDIP Package (sidebrazed), Clear Cover Glass (no coatings), Standard Grade 4H0928 KAF- 8300-AXC-CB-AE Monochrome, Microlens, CERDIP Package (sidebrazed), Clear Cover Glass (no coatings), Engineering Grade 4H0929 KAF- 8300-AXC-CP-AA Monochrome, Microlens, CERDIP Package (sidebrazed), Taped Clear Cover Glass (no coatings), Standard Grade 4H0930 KAF- 8300- AXC-CP-AE Monochrome, Microlens, CERDIP Package (sidebrazed), Taped Clear Cover Glass (no coatings), Engineering Grade 4H0944 KAF- 8300-AXC-CD-AA Monochrome, Microlens, CERDIP Package (sidebrazed), Clear Cover Glass with AR coating (both sides), Standard Grade 4H0945 KAF- 8300- AXC-CD-AE Monochrome, Microlens, CERDIP Package (sidebrazed), Clear Cover Glass with AR coating (both sides), Engineering Grade 4H0469 KAF- 8300-CXB-CB-AA-Offset Color (Bayer RGB), Special Microlens, CERDIP Package (sidebrazed), Clear Cover Glass (no coatings), Standard Grade, Offset 4H0468 KAF- 8300-CXB-CB-AE-Offset Color (Bayer RGB), Special Microlens, CERDIP Package (sidebrazed), Clear Cover Glass (no coatings), Engineering Grade, Offset 4H0471 KEK-4H0471-KAF- 8300-12-28 Evaluation Board (Complete Kit) Marking Code KAF-8300XE [Serial Number] KAF-8300-AXC [Serial Number] KAF-8300-AXC [Serial Number] KAF-8300-AXC [Serial Number] KAF-8300CE [Serial Number] N/A See Application Note Product Naming Convention for a full description of the naming convention used for Truesense Imaging image sensors. For reference documentation, including information on evaluation kits, please visit our web site at www.truesenseimaging.com. Please address all inquiries and purchase orders to: Truesense Imaging, Inc. 1964 Lake Avenue Rochester, New York 14615 Phone: (585) 784-5500 E-mail: info@truesenseimaging.com Truesense Imaging reserves the right to change any information contained herein without notice. All information furnished by Truesense Imaging is believed to be accurate. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 6 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Device Description ARCHITECTURE 1 Active (CTE Monitor) 3 Dark Dummy 4 Blue Pixel Buffer 16 Active Buffer V1 V2 1163 pixels 248 pixels GR R B GB GR R 3326 (H) X 2504 (V) 3358 (H) X 2536 (V) 5.4 microns X 5.4 microns 4:3 Aspect Ratio GR B GR 2504 Active Lines/Frame Active Image Area Effective Image Area 1162 pixels LODT LODB H1L RD RG Last Hccd Phase: H1 Last Vccd Phase: V2 16 Active Buffer 4 Blue Pixel Buffer 8 Dark Dummy 12 Dark 6 Dark Dummy VDD VSS SUB OG H1 H2 3326 Active Pixels (typical active line format) VOUT 16 Active Buffer 4 Blue Pixel Buffer 5 Dark Dummy 5 Dummy 1 Active (CTE Monitor) 8 Dummy 4 Virtual Dummy Column 16 Active Buffer 4 Blue Pixel Buffer 8 Dark Dummy 39 Dark 6 Dark Dummy 3 Dummy 1 Active (CTE Monitor) 2 Dummy Figure 1: Block Diagram (color) www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 7 KAF-8300 Image Sensor 1 Active (CTE Monitor) 3 Dark Dummy 20 Active Buffer V1 V2 1163 pixels 3326 (H) X 2504 (V) 3366 (H) X 2544 (V) 248 pixels 5.4 microns X 5.4 microns 4:3 Aspect Ratio 2504 Active Lines/Frame Active Image Area Effective Image Area 1162 pixels LODT LODB H1L RD RG Last Hccd Phase: H1 Last Vccd Phase: V2 20 Active Buffer 8 Dark Dummy 12 Dark 6 Dark Dummy VDD VSS SUB OG H1 H2 3326 Active Pixels (typical active line format) VOUT 20 Active Buffer 20 Active Buffer 5 Dark Dummy 5 Dummy 1 Active (CTE Monitor) 8 Dummy 4 Virtual Dummy Column 8 Dark Dummy 39 Dark 6 Dark Dummy 3 Dummy 1 Active (CTE Monitor) 2 Dummy Figure 2: Block Diagram (monochrome) www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 8 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Dark Reference Pixels Surrounding the periphery of the device is a border of light shielded pixels creating a dark region. Within this dark region there are light shielded pixels that include 39 trailing dark pixels on every line. There are also 12 full dark lines at the start of every frame. Under normal circumstances, these pixels do not respond to light and may be used as a dark reference. Dark Dummy Pixels Within the dark region some pixels are in close proximity to an active pixel, or the light sensitive regions that have been added for manufacturing test purposes, (CTE Monitor). In both cases, these pixels can scavenge signal depending on light intensity and wavelength. These pixels should not be used as a dark reference. These pixels are called dark dummy pixels. Within the dark region, dark dummy pixels have been identified. There are 5 leading and 14 (6 + 8) trailing dark pixels on every line. There are also 14 (6 + 8) dark dummy lines at the start of every frame along with 3 dark dummy lines at the end of each frame Dummy Pixels Within the horizontal shift register there are 13, (8 + 5), leading and 5, (2 + 3), trailing additional shift phases that are not electrically associated with any columns of pixels within the vertical register. These pixels contain only horizontal shift register dark current signal and do not respond to light and therefore, have been designated as dummy pixels. For this reason, they should not be used to determine a dark reference level. Virtual Dummy Columns Within the horizontal shift register there is 4 leading shift phases that are not physically associated with a column of pixels within the vertical register. These pixels contain only horizontal shift register dark current signal and do not respond to light and therefore, have been designated as virtual dummy columns. For this reason, they also should not be used to determine a dark reference level. Active Buffer Pixels For color devices, sixteen buffer pixels adjacent to the blue pixel buffer region contain a RGB mosaic color pattern. This region is classified as active buffer pixels. These pixels are light sensitive but they are not tested for defects and nonuniformities. The response of these pixels will not be uniform. For monochrome devices, 20 buffer pixels adjacent to the dark dummy pixels are classified as active buffer pixels. These pixels are light sensitive but they are not tested for defects and non-uniformities. The response of these pixels will not be uniform. Blue Pixel Buffer For color devices, four buffer pixels adjacent to any leading or trailing dark reference regions contain a blue filter and is classified as a blue pixel buffer. These pixels are light sensitive but they are not tested for defects and nonuniformities. The response of these pixels will not be uniform. Monochrome devices do not contain a blue pixel buffer. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 9 KAF-8300 Image Sensor CTE Monitor Pixels Within the horizontal dummy pixel region two light sensitive test pixels (one each on the leading and trailing ends) are added and within the vertical dummy pixel region one light sensitive test pixel has been added. These CTE monitor pixels are used for manufacturing test purposes. In order to facilitate measuring the device CTE, the pixels in the CTE Monitor region in the horizontal and vertical portion is coated with blue pigment on the color version only. The monochrome device is uncoated). IMAGE ACQUISITION An electronic representation of an image is formed when incident photons falling on the sensor plane create electronhole pairs within the device. These photon-induced electrons are collected locally by the formation of potential wells at each photogate or pixel site. The number of electrons collected is linearly dependent on light level and exposure time and non-linearly dependent on wavelength. When the pixel's capacity is reached, excess electrons are discharged into the lateral overflow drain to prevent crosstalk or `blooming'. During the integration period, the V1 and V2 register clocks are held at a constant (low) level. CHARGE TRANSPORT The integrated charge from each photogate is transported to the output using a two-step process. Each line (row) of charge is first transported from the vertical CCD's to a horizontal CCD register using the V1 and V2 register clocks. The horizontal CCD is presented a new line on the falling edge of V2 while H1 is held high. The horizontal CCD's then transport each line, pixel by pixel, to the output structure by alternately clocking the H1 and H2 pins in a complementary fashion. A separate connection to the last H1 phase (H1L) is provided to improve the transfer speed of charge to the floating diffusion. On each falling edge of H1 a new charge packet is dumped onto a floating diffusion and sensed by the output amplifier. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 10 KAF-8300 Image Sensor HORIZONTAL REGISTER Output Structure H2 H1 HCCD Charge Transfer VDD H1L OG RG RD Floating Diffusion VOUT VSS Source Follower #1 Source Follower #2 Source Follower #3 Figure 3: Output Architecture (Left or Right) Charge presented to the floating diffusion (FD) is converted into a voltage and is current amplified in order to drive off-chip loads. The resulting voltage change seen at the output is linearly related to the amount of charge placed on the FD. Once the signal has been sampled by the system electronics, the reset gate (RG) is clocked to remove the signal and FD is reset to the potential applied by reset drain (RD). Increased signal at the floating diffusion reduces the voltage seen at the output pin. To activate the output structure, an off-chip load must be added to the VOUT pin of the device. See Figure 4. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 11 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Output Load VDD = +15V Iout = 5.4mA 0.1uF VOUT 2N3904 or Equiv. 130 Ohms 680 Ohms Buffered Video Output Figure 4: Recommended Output Structure Load Diagram Note: 1. Component values may be revised based on operating conditions and other design considerations. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 12 KAF-8300 Image Sensor PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Pin Description and Device Orientation Pin 1 Indicator SUB 1 OG RG RD RD VSS VOUT VDD SUB H1L N/C SUB H1 H1 H2 H2 16 32 N/C LODT V1 V1 V2 V2 SUB N/C V2 V2 V1 V1 SUB N/C N/C 17 LODB Figure 5: Pinout Diagram Pin Name Description Pin Name Description 1 SUB Substrate 32 N/C No Connection 2 OG Output Gate 31 LODT Lateral Overflow Drain Top 3 RG Reset Gate 30 V1 Vertical Phase 1 4 RD Reset Drain Bias 29 V1 Vertical Phase 1 5 RD Reset Drain Bias 28 V2 Vertical Phase 2 6 VSS Output Amplifier Return 27 V2 Vertical Phase 2 7 VOUT Output 26 SUB Substrate 8 VDD Output Amplifier Supply 25 N/C No Connection 9 SUB Substrate 24 V2 Vertical Phase 2 10 H1L Horizontal Phase 1, Last Gate 23 V2 Vertical Phase 2 11 N/C No Connection 22 V1 Vertical Phase 1 12 SUB Substrate 21 V1 Vertical Phase 1 13 H1 Horizontal Phase 1 20 SUB Substrate 14 H1 Horizontal Phase 1 19 N/C No Connection 15 H2 Horizontal Phase 2 18 N/C No Connection 16 H2 Horizontal Phase 2 17 LODB Lateral Overflow Drain Bottom Note: 1. Wherever possible, all N/C pins (11, 18, 19, 25, 32) should be connected to GND (0V). www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 13 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Imaging Performance TYPICAL OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS Description Condition - Unless otherwise noted Readout Time (treadout) 370.36 msec Integration time (tint) 33 msec Horizontal clock frequency 28 MHz Light source (LED) Red, green, blue, orange Mode Flush - integrate - readout cycle Notes Includes tVoverclock & tHoverclock SPECIFICATIONS All Devices Description Minimum Column Linear Saturation Signal Charge to Voltage Conversion Linearity Error Symbol Min. MinColumn 575 Ne-sat Nom. Max Units Notes Verification Plan mV 1, 4 die18 1, 3, 4 design19 - 25.5K Q-V 22.5 LeLow10 LeLow33 LeHigh -10 -10 -10 e - 23 design19 V/e 10 10 10 % % % 2, 5, 6 2, 5 ,6 2, 5, 4 die18 die18 die18 Dark Signal (Active Area Pixels) AA_DarkSig 200 e-/s 4, 8 die18 Dark Signal (Dark Reference Pixels) DR_DarkSig 200 e-/s 4, 8 die18 Readout Cycle Dark Signal Dark_Read 15 mV/s die18 Flush Cycle Dark Signal Dark_Flush 43 90 mV/s die18 Dark Signal Non-Uniformity DSNU DSNU_Step DSNU_H 1.30 0.14 0.4 3 0.5 1.0 mVp-p mV p-p mVp-p T 5.8 Dark Signal Doubling Temperature Dark Reference Difference, Active Area DarkStep Total Noise Dfld_noi -3.5 0.15 4, 9 4, 9 4, 9 design19 C 3.5 1.08 die18 die18 die18 mV 4 die18 mV 4, 10 die18 - Total Sensor Noise N 16 e rms 19 design19 Linear Dynamic Range DR 64.4 dB 11 design19 4, 13, 21 die18 % 4, 21 die18 x Esat 14 design19 Horizontal Charge Transfer Efficiency HCTE 0.999990 0.999995 Vertical Charge Transfer Efficiency VCTE 0.99997 0.999999 X_b 1000 VBloomF -20 20 mV 4 die18 H_Xtalk -20 20 mV 4 die18 Horizontal Overclock Noise Hoclk_noi 0 1.08 mV 4 die18 Output Amplifier Bandwidth f-3dB 88 159 Mhz 4, 6, 16 die18 Output Impedance, Amplifier ROUT 100 180 Ohms 6 die18 Hclk Feedthru Vhft 70 mV 4, 17 die18 Reset Feedthru Vrft 1000 mV Blooming Protection Vertical Bloom on Transfer Horizontal Crosstalk www.truesenseimaging.com 500 710 design19 Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 14 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Color Devices Description Sensitivity red green blue Symbol Min. Rresp Gresp Bresp 260 442 230 Nom. Max Units Notes Verification Plan 420 638 420 mV mV mV die18 die18 die18 % design19 630 130 260 430 120 45 420 40 120 mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 14 8 % % 2, 6 2, 6 die18 die18 7 7 7 die18 die18 die18 QE R(600nm) G(540nm) B(480nm) QE, red QE green QE, blue Off-band Response Green inband Red response Blue response Red inband Green response Blue response Blue inband Red response Green response Gr_Gresp Gr_Rresp Gr_Bresp Rd_Rresp Rd_Gresp Rd_Bresp Bl_Bresp Bl_Rresp Bl_Gresp 362 0 0 180 0 0 90 0 0 Linearity Balance Red_Bal Blu_Bal -14 -8 Photo Response Non-Uniformity R_PRNU G_PRNU B_PRNU 15 15 15 %p-p %p-p %p-p High Frequency Noise R_Nois GRr_Nois GBr_Nois B_Nois 2 2 2 2 %rms %rms %rms %rms Red-Green Hue Shift RGHueUnif 10 % 12 die18 Blue-Green Hue Shift BGHueUnif 12 % 12 die18 GRr/GBr Hue Uniformity GrGbHueUnf 7 % 12 die18 Green Light GRr/GBr Hue Uniformity Gr_GHueUnf 9 % die18 Low Hue Uniformity RGLoHueUnf BGLoHueUnf 12 10 % % die18 die18 GrnStreak RedStreak BluStreak 40 20 20 % % % W_GNU_Min W_GNU_Max Gr_GNU_Min Gr_GNU_Max R_GNU_Min R_GNU_Max B_GNU_Min B_GNU_Max 4 6 4 4 65 65 40 40 % % % % % % % % die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 UL_Chroma UR_Chroma LL_Chroma LR_Chroma 7 7 7 7 % % % % die18 die18 die18 die18 UL_UR_Hue UL_LR_Hue UL_LL_Hue UR_LR_Hue UR_LL_Hue LR_LL_Hue 6 6 6 6 6 6 % % % % % % die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 die18 Streak/Spot Local Green Difference white light, min white light, max green light, min green light, max red light, min red light, max blue light, min blue light, max Chroma Test Hue Test www.truesenseimaging.com 33 40 33 6.4 0.2 die18 die18 die18 die18 Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 15 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Monochrome Versions Only Description Symbol Min. Sensitivity Monochrome Resp 465 QE Microlens, clear glass (540 nm) Microlens, no glass (540 nm) Microlens, AR glass (540 nm) No Microlens, clear glass (560 nm) Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. QE Nom. 54% 60% 56% 37% Max Units Notes Verification Plan 655 mV die18 % design19 Increasing output load currents to improve bandwidth will decrease these values. Specified from 12 C to 60 C. Saturation signal level achieved while meeting Le specification. Specified from 0 C to 40 C. Operating temperature = 60 C. Worst case deviation, (from 10 mV to Vsat min), relative to a linear fit applied between 0 and 500 mV exposure. Operating temperature = 25 C. Peak to peak non-uniformity test based on an average of 185 x 185 blocks. Average non-illuminated signal with respect to over clocked horizontal register signal. Absolute difference between the maximum and minimum average signal levels of 185 x 185 blocks within the sensor. Dark rms deviation of a multi-sampled pixel as measured using the KAF-8300 Evaluation Board. 20log(Vsat/N) Gradual variations in hue (red with respect to green pixels and blue with respect to green pixels) in regions of interest of 185 x 185 blocks. Measured per transfer at 80% of Vsat. Esat equals the exposure required to achieve saturation. X_b represents the number of Esat exposures the sensor can tolerate before failure. X_b characterized at 25 C. Video level DC offset with respect to ground at clamp position. Refer to Figure 16. Last stage only. CLOAD = 10pF. Then f-3dB = ( 1 / (2p*ROUT*CLOAD) ). Amount of artificial signal due to H1 coupling. A parameter that is measured on every sensor during production testing. A parameter that is quantified during the design verification activity. Calculated value subtracting the noise contribution from the KAF-8300 Evaluation Board. Process optimization has effectively eliminated vertical striations. CTE = 1 - CTI. Where CTE is charge transfer efficiency and CTI is charge transfer inefficiency. CTI is the measured value. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 16 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Typical Performance Curves KAF-8300 Quantum Efficiency 45% 40% R B GRr GBr 35% Absolute QE 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 Wavelength (nm) Figure 6: Typical Quantum Efficiency, Color version KAF-8300 Quantum Efficiency No microlens, Clear Glass 70% microlens, Clear Glass 60% microlens, No Glass Absolute QE 50% microlens, MAR Glass 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 Wavelength (nm) Figure 7: Typical Quantum Efficiency, all Monochrome versions www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 17 KAF-8300 Image Sensor KAF-8300 Angle Response - White Light 1.0 Normalized Response 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Horizontal - White Light 0.2 Vertical - White Light 0.1 0.0 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Angle Figure 8: Typical Angular Response, Color version Note: 1. The center location of the die is as shown. The effective optical shift is 6 center-to-edge, along the diagonal. KAF-8300 Vertical Angle Response - Green Light Normalized Response 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Top 0.2 Center Bottom 0 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Incident Angle (Deg) Figure 9: Typical Angular Response, Monochrome with microlens Note: 1. The effective optical shift is 6 center-to-edge, along the diagonal. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 18 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Defect Definitions OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS The Defect Specifications are measured using the following conditions: Description Integration time (tint) Test Condition Notes 33 msec Unless otherwise noted SPECIFICATIONS All Devices Symbol Definition Point defect BPnt33_7 Dark field, minor, short integration time Point defect Bfld_Pnt_D Dark point in an illuminated field 11% Point defect Bfld_Pnt_B Bright point in an illuminated field 7% Point defect BPnt33_100 Dark field, major, short integration time 100 mV Point defect BPnt33_500 Dark field, major, short integration time 500 mV 0 3 Point defect BPnt333_13 Dark field, minor, long integration time, tint=1/3 sec 13 mV 32,500 1, 3, 4 Point Defect DR_BPnts Bright point in the dark reference region 7.5 mV 0 5 Cluster defect Total_Clst A cluster is a group of 2 or more defective pixels that do not exceed the perpendicular pattern defect. --- 6 total 3 Cluster defect Dfld_Vperp Dark field very long exposure bright cluster where 9 or more adjacent point defects exist, very long integration time, tint=1 sec 3.04 mV 0 3 Cluster Defect - Perpendicular Pattern Defect Dfld_Perp Bfld_Perp Total_Perp Three or more adjacent point defects in the same color plane, along a row or column. --- 0 2, 3 Column defect, illuminated Bfld_Col_D Bfld_Col_B A column which deviates above or below neighboring columns under illuminated conditions (>300mV signal) greater than the threshold 1.5% 1.5% 0 3 Column defect, darkfield Dfld_Col2 Dfld_Col4 Lo_Col_B Lo_Col_D Lo_Col_B1 Lo_Col_D1 A column which deviates above or below neighboring columns under non-illuminated or low light level conditions (~10mV) greater than the threshold 1 mV 1 mV 1 mV 1 mV 1 mV 1 mV 0 3 3 5 5 5 5 Row Defect Dfld_Row Row defect if row average deviates above threshold 1 mV 0 3 Dfld_LodCol Defines functionality and uniform efficiency of LOD structure 1.5 mV 0 3 LOD Bright Col, dark www.truesenseimaging.com Threshold Maximum Number Allowed Description 7.5 mV 800 total Points allowed for this group of tests Notes 3 3 3 3 Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 19 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Color Devices Description Symbol Definition Streak Test, color GrnStreak RedStreak BluStreak Maximum defect density gradient allowed in a color bit plane.4 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Threshold Maximum Number Allowed 40% 20% 20% 0 This parameter is only a quality metric and these points will not be considered for cluster and point criteria. For the color version of this device, the green pixels in a red row (GR) are considered a different color plane than the green pixels in a blue row (GB). For monochrome version the entire active area is treated as a single color plane. Operating temperature = 60 C. As the gradient threshold is defined as 8.5 mV maximum across a 16 x 16 pixel region about each pixel. Operating temperature = 25 C. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 20 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Operation Absolute Maximum Ratings Description 9 Symbol Minimum Maximum Units Notes Diode Pin Voltages Vdiode -17.5 +17.5 V 1, 2 Gate Pin Voltages Vgate1 -13.5 +13.5 V 1, 3 Overlapping Gate Voltages V1-2 -13.5 +13.5 V 4 Non-overlapping Gate Voltages Vg-g -13.5 +13.5 V 5 V1, V2 - LOD Voltages VVVL -13.5 +13.5 V 6 -30 mA 7 8 Output Bias Current Iout LODT Diode Voltage VLODT -13.0 +13.0 V LODB Diode Voltage VLODB -18.0 +18.0 V 8 Operating Temperature TOP -10 70 C 10 Guaranteed Temperature of Performance TSP 0 60 C 11 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Referenced to pin SUB Includes pins: RD, VDD, VSS, and VOUT. Includes pins: V1, V2, H1, H1L, H2, RG, OG. Voltage difference between overlapping gates. Includes: V1 to V2; H1, H1L to H2; H1L to OG; V1 to H2. Voltage difference between non-overlapping gates. Includes: V1 to H1, H1L; V2, OG to H2. Voltage difference between V1 and V2 gates and LODT, LODB diode. Avoid shorting output pins to ground or any low impedance source during operation. Amplifier bandwidth increases at higher currents and lower load capacitance at the expense of reduced gain (sensitivity). Operation at these values will reduce MTF. 8. V1, H1, V2, H2, H1L, OG, and RD are tied to 0V. 9. Absolute maximum rating is defined as a level or condition that should not be exceeded at any time per the description. If the level or condition is exceeded, the device will be degraded and may be damaged. 10. Noise performance will degrade at higher temperatures. 11. See section for Imaging Performance Specifications. POWER-UP SEQUENCE The sequence chosen to perform an initial power-up is not critical for device reliability. A coordinated sequence may minimize noise and the following sequence is recommended: 1. Connect the ground pins (SUB). 2. Supply the appropriate biases and clocks to the remaining pins. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 21 KAF-8300 Image Sensor DC BIAS OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Minimum Nominal Maximum Units Maximum DC Current (mA) Reset Drain RD 11.3 11.5 11.7 V IRD = 0.01 Output Amplifier Return VSS 1.05 1.25 1.45 V ISS = -3.0 Output Amplifier Supply VDD 14.5 15.0 15.5 V IOUT + ISS Substrate SUB V -0.01 Description GND Output Gate OG -3 -2.8 -2.6 V 0.1 Lateral Drain LODT, LODB 9.5 9.75 10.0 V 0.2 IOUT -3 -5 -8 mA Video Output Current Notes: 1. 2. Notes 2 2 1 An output load sink must be applied to VOUT to activate output amplifier - see Figure 4. Maximum current expected up to saturation exposure (Esat). AC OPERATING CONDITIONS Clock Levels Description Symbol Level Minimum Nominal Maximum Units Effective Capacitance Notes 76 nF 1 V1 Low Level V1L Low -9.5 -9.25 -9.0 V V1 High Level V1H High 2.4 2.6 2.85 V V2 Low Level V2L Low -9.5 -9.25 -9.0 V V2 High Level V2H High 2.4 2.6 2.8 V RG, H1, H2, amplitude RGamp H1amp H2amp Amp H1L, amplitude 5.5 6.0 81 nF 6.5 V 7 pF H1Lamp Amp 7.5 8.0 8.5 V H1low Low -4.7 -4.5 -4.3 V H1L Low Level H1Llow Low -6.7 -6.5 -6.3 V H2 Low Level H2low Low -5.2 -5 -4.8 V RG Low Level RG low Low 1.8 2.0 2.2 V 1 1 RG = 7 pF H1 = 224 pF H2 = 168 pF H1 Low Level Note: 1. 1 1 1 1 1 All pins draw less than 10 mA DC current. Capacitance values relative to SUB (substrate). www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 22 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Clock Voltage Detail Characteristics Description Symbol Min Nom Max Units Notes V1 High-level variation V1HH - 0.50 1 V High-level coupling V2 High-level variation V2HL - 0.28 1 V High-level coupling V2 Low-level variation V2LH - 0.46 1 V Low-level coupling V1 Low-level variation V1LL - 0.14 1 V Low-level coupling V1-V2 Cross-over V1CR -2 -0.5 1 V Referenced to ground H1 High-level variation H1HH - 0.30 1 V H1 High-level variation H1HL - 0.07 1 V H1 Low-level variation H1LH - 0.16 1 V H1 Low-level variation H1LL - 0.25 1 V H2 High-level variation H2HH - 0.40 1 V H2 High-level variation H2HL - 0.06 1 V H2 Low-level variation H2LH - 0.10 1 V H2 Low-level variation H2LL - 0.27 1 V H1 - H2 Cross-over H1CR1 -3 -1.23 0 V Rising side of H1 H1 - H2 Cross-over H1CR2 -3 -0.59 0 V Falling side of H1 H1L High-level variation H1LHH - 0.64 1 V H1L High-level variation H1LHL - 0.32 1 V H1Llow-level variation H1LLH - 0.27 1 V H1Llow-level variation H1LLL - 0.23 1 V H1L - H2 Cross-over H1LCR1 -1 - -3 V RG High-level variation RGHH - 0.19 1 V RG High-level variation RGHL - 0.20 1 V RG Low-level variation RGLH - 0.11 1 V RG Low-level variation RGLL - 0.30 1 V Notes: 1. Rising side of H1L H1, H2 clock frequency: 28 MHz. The maximum and minimum values in this table are supplied for reference. The actual clock levels were measured using the KAF-8300 Evaluation Board. Testing against the device performance specifications is performed using the nominal values. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 23 KAF-8300 Image Sensor CAPACITANCE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Figure 10: Equivalent Circuit Model Note: 1. 2. The external pin names are actual pins on this image sensor. See the pinout diagram (Figure 5) for more information. The components shown in this schematic model do not correspond to actual components inside the image sensor. Parameter Value (typical) Units CV1 61 nF CV12 15 nF CV2 67 nF CH1 153 pF CH12 36 pF CH2 97 pF CH1L 7 pF RH1LH1 52 Kohms www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 24 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Timing REQUIREMENTS AND CHARACTERISTICS Description Symbol Minimum Nominal Maximum Units Notes 28 MHz 1, 2 125 kHz 2 ns 2 H1, H2 Clock Frequency fH V1, V2 Clock Frequency fV Pixel Period (1 Count) te 35.7 H1, H2 Setup Time tHS 1 s H1L - VOUT Delay tHV 3 RG - VOUT Delay tRV 1 Readout Time Integration Time treadout ns ns 340.2 ms 4, 5 tint 3, 4 Line Time tline 132.2 ms 4 Flush Time tflush 21.23 ms 6 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 50% duty cycle values. CTE will degrade above the nominal frequency. Integration time is user specified. Longer times will degrade noise performance. treadout = tline * 2574 lines. See Figure 18 for a detailed description. Clock Switching Characteristics Description Symbol Min Nom Max Units Notes V1 Rise Time tV1r - 0.26 1 s 3 V2 Rise Time tV2r - 0.55 1 s 3 V1 Fall Time tV1f - 0.43 1 s 3 V2 Fall Time tV2f - 0.31 1 s 3 V1 Pulse Width tV1w 5.0 - - s 4, 5 V2 Pulse Width tV2w 3.0 - - s 4, 5 H1 Rise Time tH1r - 9.0 10 ns 3 H2 Rise Time tH2r - 6.9 10 ns 3 H1 Fall Time tH1f - 5.8 10 ns 3 H2 Fall Time tH2f - 5.4 10 ns 3 tH1w , tH2w 14 18 22 ns H1 - H2 Pulse Width H1L Rise Time tH1Lr 1.8 4 ns 3 H1L Fall Time tH1Lf 2.5 4 ns 3 H1L Pulse Width tH1Lw 14 19.0 22 ns RG Rise Time tRGr - 2.0 4 ns 3 RG Fall Time tRGf - 2.2 4 ns 3 RG Pulse Width tRGw - 6.7 - ns 2 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H1, H2 clock frequency: 28 MHz. The maximum and minimum values in this table are supplied for reference. The actual clock timing was measured using the KAF-8300 Evaluation Board. Testing against the device performance specifications is performed using the nominal values. RG should be clocked continuously. Relative to the pulse width (based on 50% of high/low levels). CTE Longer times will degrade noise performance. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 25 KAF-8300 Image Sensor EDGE ALIGNMENT t H2w t H1w H1HH H2HH H1HL H1 H2HL H2 100% 100% 90% 90% H2 H2 H1CR2 H1CR1 50% 50% H1 H1 10% 0% 10% 0% H1LH H1LL t H1r t H1f H2LH H2LL tt H2r tH2f Figure 11: H1 and H2 Edge Alignment Figure 12: H1L and H2 Edge Alignment www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 26 KAF-8300 Image Sensor FRAME TIMING t readout t int Line V1 1 2 3 2573 2574 V2 H2 H1, H1L Figure 13: Frame Timing (minimum) Frame Timing Detail V1HH tV1w tV2w 100% 90% V2HL V1 V2 V1CR (referenced to ground) 50% 10% 0% tr V2LH V1LL tf Figure 14: Frame Timing Edge Alignment www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 27 KAF-8300 Image Sensor LINE TIMING t line V1 V2 te tHS H1, H1L H2 RG 3448 3447 3446 3445 3444 3443 3442 3441 3438 3437 3436 3398 3397 3396 3395 3391 3390 3389 3386 3385 3370 3369 3368 3367 3366 3365 47 46 45 44 43 28 27 24 23 22 19 18 14 13 12 11 (2) Dummy Pixels (1) CTE Monitor Pixels (3) Dummy Pixels (6) Dark Dummy Pixels (39) Dark Pixels (8) Dark Dummy Pixels (16) Active Buffer Pixels (3326) Active Pixels (16) Active Buffer Pixels (4) Blue Pixel Buffer (5) Dark Dummy Pixels (1) CTE Monitor Pixels (5) Dummy Pixels (8) Dummy Pixels (4) Blue Pixel Buffer (4) Virtual Dummy Columns Quantity in grouping: 5 4 1 pixel count: KAF-8300 has 2574 lines (rows) in a single frame. Line shown above represents the device output for lines 1164-1411 only. The device output for the other lines are detailed below: **** Lines 27 - 30 and 2551 - 2554 are lines mostly composed of blue photoactive buffer pixels. ** Lines 31 - 46 and 2555 - 2570 are lines mostly composed of photoactive buffer pixels. * Lines 7-18 are lines mostly composed of dark reference pixels. *** Lines 1 - 6, 19-26, and 2571 - 2574 are lines mostly composed of dark dummy pixels and are not to be used for imaging purposes or as a dark reference. For lines 1412 thru 2570 are as shown above with the following exception: pixel 13 are denoted as a dark dummy pixels for these lines. test For lines 1 thru 1163 are as shown above with the following exception: pixel 13 are denoted as a test pixel, of which all are dark dummy except for one photoactive pixel for which row location may vary. Figure 15: Line Timing Note: 1. Schematic reference regions that contain a blue filter represent the color version only; monochrome version is uncoated for these pixels. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 28 KAF-8300 Image Sensor PIXEL TIMING te tRGw 1 count RG RGamp RGlow H1 H1amp H1low H2 H2amp H2low H1L H1Lamp H1Llow tRV tHV VOUT Vrft Vdark+Vhft Vodc Vsat GND Figure 16: Pixel Timing www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 29 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Pixel Timing Detail t RGw RGHL RGHH 100% 90% RG 50% 10% 0% t RGr t RGf RG LH RGLL Figure 17: Pixel Timing Detail www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 30 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Mode of Operation POWER-UP FLUSH CYCLE t int t Vflush t readout V2 2574+64 (min) V1 H 2 te 3448 (min) H1,H1L Figure 18: Power-up Flush Cycle www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 31 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Storage and Handling ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE STORAGE CONDITIONS Description Symbol Minimum Maximum Units Notes Storage Temperature TST -20 80 C 1 Humidity RH 5 90 % 2 Notes: 1. 2. Storage toward the maximum temperature will accelerate color filter degradation. T=25 C. Excessive humidity will degrade MTTF. ESD 1. This device contains limited protection against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). ESD events may cause irreparable damage to a CCD image sensor either immediately or well after the ESD event occurred. Failure to protect the sensor from electrostatic discharge may affect device performance and reliability. 2. Devices should be handled in accordance with strict ESD procedures for Class 0 (<250V per JESD22 Human Body Model test), or Class A (<200V JESD22 Machine Model test) devices. Devices are shipped in static-safe containers and should only be handled at static-safe workstations. 3. See Application Note Image Sensor Handling Best Practices for proper handling and grounding procedures. This application note also contains workplace recommendations to minimize electrostatic discharge. 4. Store devices in containers made of electroconductive materials. COVER GLASS CARE AND CLEANLINESS 1. The cover glass is highly susceptible to particles and other contamination. Perform all assembly operations in a clean environment. 2. Touching the cover glass must be avoided. 1. Extremely bright light can potentially harm CCD image sensors. Do not expose to strong sunlight for long periods of time, as the color filters and/or microlenses may become discolored. In addition, long time exposures to a static high contrast scene should be avoided. Localized changes in response may occur from color filter/microlens aging. For Interline devices, refer to Application Note Using Interline CCD Image Sensors in High Intensity Visible lighting Conditions. 2. Exposure to temperatures exceeding maximum specified levels should be avoided for storage and operation, as device performance and reliability may be affected. 3. Avoid sudden temperature changes. 4. Exposure to excessive humidity may affect device characteristics and may alter device performance and reliability, and therefore should be avoided. 5. Avoid storage of the product in the presence of dust or corrosive agents or gases, as deterioration of lead solderability may occur. It is advised that the solderability of the device leads be assessed after an extended period of storage, over one year. SOLDERING RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The soldering iron tip temperature is not to exceed 370 C. Higher temperatures may alter device performance and reliability. 2. Flow soldering method is not recommended. Solder dipping can cause damage to the glass and harm the imaging capability of the device. Recommended method is by partial heating using a grounded 30 W soldering iron. Heat each pin for less than 2 seconds duration. 3. Improper cleaning of the cover glass may damage these devices. Refer to Application Note Image Sensor Handling Best Practices. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 32 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Mechanical Information VISUAL MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Laser Mark Item Description Device Name KAF-8300CE, KAF-8300XE, or KAF-8300-AXC. (Multiple versions available) See ORDERING INFORMATION section of this document Serial Number nnn -a numeric field containing a maximum of three characters denoting a unique unit identifier for a device from the before mentioned production lot. The start of the sequence starts with 1. 001 is not a valid marking. All markings shall be readable, consistent in size with no unusual debris left on the package. Assembly/Package Integrity Criteria Description Cracks None allowed Corner and edge chip-outs None - exceeding 0.020 (0.50 mm) Chip-outs exposing buried metal traces None allowed Chip-outs, other None allowed deeper than 50% of the ceramic layer thickness in which it resides Scratches None - that exceed 0.20 (0.50 mm) in the major dimension and are deeper than 50% of the ceramic layer thickness in which it resides. Lead conditions No bent, missing, damaged, or short leads. No lead cut-off burrs exceeding 0.005 (0.13 mm) in the dimension away from the lead. Internal Appearance And Die Condition Local Non-Uniformity: Local Non-Uniformity region (LNU) is allowed whose size is not greater than 200 um2 within the effective image area. Inspection equipment for these steps are performed using a microscope 7-50X and direct lighting (ringlight). LNU is described as a spot or streak that tends to change from light to dark in appearance as the operator rotates the part under angled lighting conditions. These non-uniformities are not visible or very hard to see under direct lighting. They tend to disappear or become much less visible under higher magnification. Conditions Other than LNU: No scratches, digs, contamination, marks, or blemishes that is attached to the die that touches 9 or more pixels in the effective image area. No loose contamination allowed when viewed at 7X and 50X magnification. No scratches, digs, contamination, marks, or blemishes greater than 10 m are allowed on the bottom side of the cover glass region that is contained in or extends into the effective image area. Tools used to verify are 7X and 50X magnification. Glass Criteria Description Tilt The reject condition is when the glass is incorrectly seated on the package or is not parallel to glass seal area. (parallel is defined as 0.25 mm maximum end to end). Seal Glass seal must be greater than 50% of the width of the epoxy bond line and must not extend over the ceramic package. Alignment There are 4 + fiducials on the corners the die that must not be covered by the epoxy light shield. The 4 + marks must be in total view when the lid is placed looking directly down on the device with a microscope. All 4 + alignment marks are required to be visible in their entirety with a zero clearance tolerance. Chips None allowed. Appearance No fogged cover allowed. Contamination No immobile scratches, digs, contamination, marks, or blemishes are allowed on the cover glass region that is contained in or extends into the effective image area. Within the effective image area, the limit for such conditions is 10um or less. This criterion pertains to either the top or the bottom glass surface. Tools used to verify are 7X and 50X magnification. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 33 KAF-8300 Image Sensor COMPLETED ASSEMBLY Figure 19: Completed Assembly (1 of 2) www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 34 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Figure 20: Completed Assembly (2 of 2) www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 35 KAF-8300 Image Sensor COVER GLASS Clear Cover Glass, AR Coated (both sides) - Specification 1. Scratch and dig: 10 micron max 2. Substrate material Schott D263T eco or equivalent 3. Multilayer anti-reflective coating Wavelength Total Reflectance 420-450 2% 450-630 1% 630-680 2% Clear Cover Glass - Specification 1. Scratch and dig: 10 micron max Transmission (%) 2. Substrate material Schott D263T eco or equivalent 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Wavelength (nm ) Figure 21: Clear Cover Glass Transmission, Typical www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 36 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Quality Assurance and Reliability QUALITY AND RELIABILITY All image sensors conform to the specifications stated in this document. This is accomplished through a combination of statistical process control and visual inspection and electrical testing at key points of the manufacturing process, using industry standard methods. Information concerning the quality assurance and reliability testing procedures and results are available from Truesense Imaging upon request. For further information refer to Application Note Quality and Reliability. REPLACEMENT All devices are warranted against failure in accordance with the Terms of Sale. Devices that fail due to mechanical and electrical damage caused by the customer will not be replaced. LIABILITY OF THE SUPPLIER A reject is defined as an image sensor that does not meet all of the specifications in this document upon receipt by the customer. Product liability is limited to the cost of the defective item, as defined in the Terms of Sale. LIABILITY OF THE CUSTOMER Damage from mishandling (scratches or breakage), electrostatic discharge (ESD), or other electrical misuse of the device beyond the stated operating or storage limits, which occurred after receipt of the sensor by the customer, shall be the responsibility of the customer. TEST DATA RETENTION Image sensors shall have an identifying number traceable to a test data file. Test data shall be kept for a period of 2 years after date of delivery. MECHANICAL The device assembly drawing is provided as a reference. Truesense Imaging reserves the right to change any information contained herein without notice. All information furnished by Truesense Imaging is believed to be accurate. Life Support Applications Policy Truesense Imaging image sensors are not authorized for and should not be used within Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Truesense Imaging, Inc. www.truesenseimaging.com Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 37 KAF-8300 Image Sensor Revision Changes MTD/PS-0996 Revision Number Description of Changes 1.0 Initial Release. 2.0 Add monochrome versions and the allowance of differentiating high volume packing. 3.0 Reference to Web Site noted on Ordering Information page. Added references to Application Note Image Sensor Handling and Best Practices. Removed descriptions and drawings related to high level packing. 4.0 Corrected Active Image Size to 17.96mm x 13.52mm 5.0 Changed Sample Plan to Verification Plan. Added new revision of completed assembly drawing 5.1 Corrected units in table in Capacitance Equivalent Circuit section. 5.2 Corrected Evaluation Board Kit Name to KEK-4H0471-KAF- 8300-12-28 5.3 Changed cover glass material to D263T eco or equivalent 5.4 Changed units for H1, H2 Setup Time from ms to s PS-0029 Revision Number 1.0 Description of Changes Initial release with new document number, updated branding and document template. Updated Storage and Handling and Quality Assurance and Reliability sections. Updated Imaging Performance tables. www.truesenseimaging.com (c)Truesense Imaging Inc., 2012. TRUESENSE is a registered trademark of Truesense Imaging, Inc. Revision 1.0 PS-0029 Pg 38