XEMICS SA e-mail: info@xemics.com web: www.xemics.com
Product Brief
XE8000 series
XE8000 series
Radio and Sensor Interface SoC
With embedded low-power microcontroller
General Description
XE8000 is a series of high performance, ultra low-
power, low-voltage CMOS microcontrollers based
application specific standard products, with
advanced features like the 16+10 bits
ZoomingADC™ for sensor interfacing or the
BitJockey™ for wireless connectivity.
The XE8000 family is built around a high efficiency
8/22-bit RISC architecture. All instructions, including
8 * 8 bit multiplication, are executed in 1 clock cycle.
Portable, battery operated instruments
RF powered instruments
Battery capacity monitoring
Motor control
Low-power data loggers
Bar code readers
Home automation
4-20 mA loop
Sensor interfacing
ISM band transceiver interfacing
Automated meter reading
Key product Features
8/22-bit RISC architecture
Low-power operation:
One clock per instruction, no exception
300 uA @ 1 MIPS (MTP memory)
10 uA @ 32 kHz
1 uA, hibernating mode (Xtal clock on)
Low-voltage operation, 1.2 V - 5.5 V
ZoomingADC™ and DACs:
16 bits ADC
0.5 - 1000 gain preamplifier
Sensor offset cancellation
Up to 6 differential or 13 single ended inputs
2 differential reference inputs
Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter for
digital radio transceivers
Exploit full bandwidth of the transceiver
NRZ, Manchester and Miller coding
Relieves MCU speed and memory
Available in die and packaged form
Product Brief XE8000 Series
Radio and Sensor Interface SoC
with embedded MCU
Functional description of the XE8000
The heart of the controller is a high efficiency 8/22-bit
RISC core. The RC oscillator and events
management ensures fast start-up. The circuit
includes numerous analog and digital peripherals:
Main Peripherals:
Multiple Time Programmable (MTP) instruction memory
UART (300 – 115000 bauds)
BitJockey (Asynchronous receiver/transmitter for radio
32 KHz Xtal oscillator
Internal RC oscillator:
100 kHz - 5 MHz; 2% software trimming
Prescaler down to 1 Hz
Up to 19 interrupt sources (8 external)
Events management
Analog switches matrix on 8 I/O pins
Reset with input combination on I/O pins
4 stand alone timers which can cascade into divisions
of two PWM, capture and compare
Voltage Level Detection:
programmable detection level
16 + 10 bits ADC:
preamplification gain up to 1000
8 bits and 16 bits DACs:
inclusive buffer for current or voltage output
120 segments (1-2-3-4 multiplex) LCD driver:
LCD lines can be used as additional I/O
The XE8000 series uses the CoolRISC® processor core that
has a separate 22-bit instruction bus and 8-bit data bus. The
reduced instruction set (35 generic instructions) includes
efficient multiplication instructions (8x8 bits in one cycle). Its
3-stage pipeline allows execution of all instructions
(including conditional branches, multiplication, multiple
position shifts, and set/test bit) in one clock cycle.
Data can be accessed through 8 powerful addressing
modes. Instructions are all on one single page (no need to
swap pages).
CoolRISC® Instruction set:
All instructions execute in one clock cycle
JUMP, Jcondition, CALL, CALLS
Low -power capabilities:
In addition to its extremely efficient CPU, the XE8000
includes many low-power modes. The resulting current
consumption is proportional to the clock frequency of the
Speed related low-power modes:
The RC oscillator can be set to any frequency within the
defined operating range. The current requirement of the
XE8000 series will decrease based on the clock frequency
decreasing. Minimal operating frequency is reached when
using only the Xtal oscillator with 32 kHz.
Most analog blocks have a low-power mode: the ADC
requires only 1/4 of its nominal current if used at 1/4 of its
full speed.
Ecology related low-power modes:
Each block can be individually deactivated.
The CoolRISC core and its peripheral make extensive use
of gated-clock technology, delivering clocks only to active
Deactivated blocks are not biased.
Voltage reduction:
The digital elements inside the XE8000 products are
powered through a regulator. Therefore, a minimal constant
current is delivered to the XE8000 even at maximum VDD
voltage. A side advantage of the voltage regulator is that
the maximal operation speed of the processor does not
depend on the voltage supply. Therefore, the embedded
software does not have to verify the voltage supply before
going full speed.
Hibernating low-power mode:
The XE8000 can be completely halted. The oscillator and
the Prescaler will still be running while in halt mode. In such
a configuration, the CPU will awaken the XE8000 to perform
housekeeping activities before going back to Halt mode.
Sleep mode:
When completely halted, and with disabled clocks, data
remain kept in the static RAM as long as the power supply
voltage is sufficient, with nearly no current required (idle
current near to 0.1 uA at 27 °C). Any reset condition will
wake up the CPU.
In addition to the interrupts, the XE8000 also manages
events. The main advantage of the event over the interrupt
is threefold:
No stack-register saving is required
No latency as to interrupt routine
Low-power RAM:
Additional 8 bytes of ultra low-power RAM have been
added in the peripherals. When using this RAM
instead of the regular RAM, circuit current
consumption is even lower than the 300 uA/MIPS of
the CPU using regular RAM.
Product Brief XE8000 Series
Radio and Sensor Interface SoC
with embedded MCU
Product card for XE8000 Microcontrollers Series:
Memory Peripherals
Supply voltage
Program (kB)
Data (B)
RC programmable
Xtal 32 kHz
Max sustained
speed (MIPS)
Voltage level det.
Serial interface
Counters - Timers
Dual Buffered DAC
LP Comparators
ADC resolution
LCD drivers
Devices are available
in lead free packages
and in die
XE88LC01A 2.4 to
5.5 22 8 512 8 + + 2 24
+ + +
UA 4
CC 2 + 16+
10 LQFP44
XE88LC02 1.2°/2.4
to 5.5 22/
11°° 8/
4°° 1024 8 + +
2.5/5°° 32 to
64 + + +
CC 2 4
+ 16+
10 120
seg LQFP100
XE88LC05A 2.4 to
5.5 22 8 512 8 + + 2 24
+ + +
UA 4
CC 2 + + 16+
10 LQFP64
XE88LC06A 1.2°/2.4
to 5.5 22 8 512 8 + +
2.5 12 to
24 + + +
UA + 4
CC 2 4 TQFP32
XE88LC07A 1.2°/2.4
to 5.5 11 4 512 8 + + 5 12 to
24 + + +
UA + 4
CC 2 4 TQFP32
BitJockey™: Asynchronous receiver/transmitter for radio transceivers, supporting NRZ,
Manchester and Miller coding
CC: counters with Capture and Compare capabilities
Dual Buffered DACs: 8-bit and 16-bit DAC with amplifying buffers
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display
LP RAM: Low-Power RAM
ProgRC: oscillator can be programmed in narrow steps over a wide frequency range
PWM: pulse width modulation
UA: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)
UAS: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) and SPI interfaces
ZoomingADC™: 16+10 bit ADC with 0.5 - 1000 gain preamplification stage
+: included
°: ROM version only
°°: 5 MIPS for 4 kInstructions mode
Product Brief XE8000 Series
Radio and Sensor Interface SoC
with embedded MCU
Development tools for XE8000 series:
Integrated Development Environment (RIDE)
RIDE IDE provides all the necessary software to
develop applications on the XE8000 micro-
controller based devices.
Assembler - Compiler
This powerful macro assembler supports the
complete instruction set for the XE8000 series
microcontroller family. The ANSI C compliant
compiler integrates extended features to address
the XE8000 core. It enables in-lining of assembler
Allows you to build re-useable libraries of objects,
functions and modules that can be linked with
other applications.
Source Level Debugger and ROM monitoring
A symbolic debugger enables debugging of the
application at the source code level. Trouble
shooting can be conducted through the built-in
simulator or with the ROM monitor that can be
downloaded in the final application to set
breakpoints and monitor registers during program
execution for real world testing.
Different software packages available
RIDE is available in complete and demo versions.
An extended version with code compressor is
available from Raisonance. All share the same
basic software, and upgrading from one package
to another is made with a software key without the
need to reinstall the environment.
RIDE together with the multipurpose board and
the corresponding evaluation board build a
complete development kit.
In-Circuit-Emulator (PICE)
An ICE is available from
Phyton. The ICE makes it
possible to develop and debug
the application by executing
and tracing it in the final
product conditions.
The ICE includes an IDE, a board with a bondout
version of the MCU and an adapter to the real
chip pin layout. The ICE has additional digital
inputs and outputs to synchronize with other
Multipurpose board
The multipurpose board
(XE8000MP) interfaces the
MTP products with a host PC
for development. It includes
the programming algorithm, a
power supply and level
shifters for RS-232
Evaluation board
The product specific
evaluation boards
(XE8000EV1xx) include a
zero-insertion force socket for
the product sample.
All evaluation boards also include a battery socket
for stand-alone operation, buttons and LEDs to
activate and see the parallel ports’ status, pins for
direct connection to the chip pins, and 3 product
samples. Some evaluation boards also include an
EEPROM for local data storage, a free
development area and an LCD driver.
The evaluation boards directly connect to the
multipurpose board for chip programming and
software debugging.
XE8000 series devices are
supported by the BPmicro
BP1600 programmer.
Partners: BPmicro : programmers
Phyton Inc. : development tools for
XE8000: www.phyton.com
Raisonance : development environment
for XE8000: www.raisonance.com
©XEMICS 2005
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