Reliability of Hitachi IC Memories
3. Reliability of Semiconductor Devices
3.1 Reliability Characteristics for Semiconductor Devices
Hitachi semiconductor devices are designed, manufactured, and inspected to achieve a high level of reliability.
System reliability is improved by combining highly reliable components with the proper environmental conditions.
This section describes the reliability characteristics, failure types, and their mechanisms in terms of devices. First,
the semiconductor device characteristics are examined in light of their reliability.
1. Semiconductor devices are essentially structure sensitive as seen in surface phenomena. Fabricating devices
requires precise control of a large number of process steps.
2. Device reliability is partly governed by electrode materials and package materials, as well as by the coordination
of these materials with the device materials.
3. Devices employ thin-film and fine-processing techniques for metallization and bonding. Fine materials and thin-
film surfaces sometimes exhibit different physical characteristics from the bulk quantities of identical materials.
4. Semiconductor device technology advances very quickly, and therefore many new devices have been developed
using new processes over a short period of time. Hence, conventional device reliability data cannot always be
used for comparisons.
5. Semiconductor devices are characterized by volume production. Therefore, manufacturing variation is an
important consideration.
6. Initial and accidental failures are only considered to be semiconductor device failures based on the fact that
semiconductor devices are essentially semipermanently operable. However, failures caused by worn or aged
materials and migration should also be reviewed when electrode and package materials are not suited for
particular environmental conditions.
7. Component reliability may depend on the device mounting, conditions used, and environment. Device reliability
is affected by such factors as voltage, electric field strength, current density, temperature, humidity, gas, dust,
mechanical stress, vibration, mechanical shock, and radiation magnetic field strength.
Device reliability is generally represented by a failure rate. “Failure” implies that a device has lost its function,
and includes intermittent degradation or complete destruction.
Generally, the failure rate of electrical components and equipment is represented by the “bathtub” curve as shown
in Figure 4. For semiconductor devices, the configuration parameter of the Weibull distribution is smaller than 1,
which indicates an initial failure type. Such devices ensure a long lifetime unless extreme environmental stress is
applied. Therefore, initial and accidental failures can become a problem for semiconductor devices.
Semiconductor device reliability can be represented physically as well as statistically. Both failure aspects have
been thoroughly analyzed to establish a high level of reliability.
3.2 Failure Types and Their Mechanisms
3.2.1 Failure Physics
Failure physics is, in a broad sense, a basic technology of “physics + engineering.” It is used to examine the physical
mechanism of failures, in terms of atoms and molecules, to improve device reliability. This physical approach was
introduced to the reliability field to answer the demand for minimized developmental cost and time. These