2 Am29F200A Known Good Die 1/13/98
The Am29F 200A in Known Good Die (KGD ) form is a
2 Mbit, 5.0 Volt-only Flash memory. AMD defines KGD
as standard product in die form , tested for functionality
and speed. AMD KGD products have the same reli-
ability and quality as AMD products in packaged form.
Am29F200A Features
The Am29F200A is organized as 262,144 bytes of 8
bits each or 131,072 words of 16 bits each. The 8-bit
data appears on DQ0-DQ7; the 16-bit data appears on
DQ0-DQ15. This device is desi gned to be programmed
in-system with the standard system 5.0 Volt V CC sup-
ply. A 12.0 vol t VPP is not required for program or erase
The standard Am29F200A in KGD form offers an ac-
cess time of 90 or 120 ns, allowing high-speed micro-
processors to operate without wait states. To eliminate
bus contention the device has separate chip enable
(CE#), write enable (WE#), and output enable (OE#)
The device r equires only a single 5.0 volt power sup-
ply for both read and w rite functions. Internally gener-
ated and regulated voltages are provided for the
program and erase operations.
The devic e is entir ely command set compatibl e with the
JEDEC single-power-supply F lash standard . Com-
mands are written to the command r egister using s tan-
dard microprocessor write timings. Register contents
serve as input to an internal state-machine that con-
trols the erase and programming circuitry. Write cycles
also internal ly latch addres ses and data needed for the
programming and erase operations. Reading data out
of the device is similar to reading from other Flash or
EPROM devices.
Device programming occurs by executing the program
command sequence. This initiates the Embedded
Program algorithm—an internal algorithm that auto-
matically times the program pulse widths and verifies
proper cell margin.
Device erasure occurs by executing the erase com-
mand seq uence . This in itiate s the Embedded Erase
algorithm—an internal algorithm that automatically
preprograms the array (if it is not already pro-
grammed) before executing the erase operation. Dur-
ing erase, the device automatically times the erase
pulse widths and verifies pr oper cell margin.
The host system can detect whether a program or
erase operation is complete by observing the RY/BY #
pin, or by reading the DQ7 (Data# Polling) and DQ6/
DQ2 (toggle) status bits. After a program or erase
cycle has been completed, the device is ready to read
array data or accept another command.
The sector erase architecture allows memor y sectors
to be erased and reprogrammed without affecting the
data contents of other sectors. The device is fully
erased when shipped from the factory.
Hardware data protection measures include a low
VCC detector that automatically inhibits write opera-
tions during power transitions. The hardware sector
protection feature disables both program and erase
operations in any combination of the sectors of mem-
ory. This can be achi eved via programming equipment.
The Erase Suspend feature enables the user to put
erase on hold for any period of time to read data from,
or program data to, any sector that is not selected for
erasure. T r ue bac kground er ase can thus be achieved.
The hardware RE SET# pin terminates any operation
in progress and resets the internal state machine to
reading array data. The RESET# pi n may be tied to the
system reset circuitr y. A system reset would thus also
reset the device, enabling the system microprocessor
to read the boot-up firmware from the Flash memory.
The system can place the device into the standby mode.
Power consumption is greatly r educed i n this mode.
AMD’s Flash tech nology com bines years of Fla sh mem-
ory manufacturing experience to produce the highest lev-
els of quality, reliability and cost ef fectiveness. The device
electrically erases a l l b i t s w it h i n a s e ct o r s i m ul t a -
n eou sl y v ia Fow le r-No rdheim t unnelin g. The dat a is
programmed using hot electron injection.
Refer to the Am29F200A data sheet, publication
number 20380, for full electrical specifications on the
Family Part Number Am29F200A KGD
Speed Option (VCC = 5.0 V ± 10%) -90 -120
Max access time, ns (tACC) 90 120
Max CE# access time, ns (tCE) 90 120
Max OE# access time, ns (tOE)3550