(Preliminary) ABV8068/69 320-640MHz Low Phase Noise VCXO FEATURES 1 16 SEL0^ XIN 2 15 SEL1^ XOUT 3 14 GNDBUF SEL2^ 4 13 QBAR OE_CTRL 5 12 VDDBUF VCON 6 11 Q GNDANA 7 10 GNDBUF LP 8 9 LM ABV806X The ABV806X is a monolithic low jitter and low phase noise VCXO, capable of 0.4ps RMS phase jitter and PECL or LVDS outputs, covering a wide frequency output range up to 640MHz. It allows the control of the output frequency with an input voltage (VCON), using a low cost crystal. The ABV806X is designed to address the demanding requirements of high performance applications such as SONET, GPS, Video, etc. DNC DNC 12 13 11 10 9 8 GNDBUF 7 QBAR 15 6 VDDBUF 16 5 Q DNC 14 OE_CTRL VCON ABV806X 1 2 3 4 GNDBUF XOUT LP DESCRIPTION VDDANA 16-pin TSSOP LM * * * * * * * * VDDANA XIN * PACKAGE PIN ASSIGNMENT Less than 0.4ps RMS (12KHz-20MHz) phase jitter for all frequencies . Low phase noise output (@ 1MHz frequency offset) -140dBc/Hz for 320.0MHz, -131dBC/Hz for 622.08MHz 20MHz-40MHz crystal input. 320MHz-640MHz output. PECL, or LVDS outputs. No external varicap required. Output Enable selector. Wide pull range (+/-200ppm). 3.3V operation. Available in 3x3 QFN or 16-pin TSSOP packages. GNDANA * 3x3mm QFN Note1: ^ Denotes internal pull up resistor. BLOCK DIAGRAM VCON VARICAP XIN XOUT XTAL OSC VCO Divider Phase Detector Charge Pump + Loop Filter VCO (F XiN x16) Performance Tuner QBAR Output Divider Q OE 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 www.Abracon.com 9/1/05 Page 1 (Preliminary) ABV8068/69 320-640MHz Low Phase Noise VCXO OUTPUT ENABLE LOGICAL LEVELS Part # ABV8068 (PECL) ABV8069 (LVDS) OE State 0 (Default) Output enabled 1 Tri-state 0 Tri-state 1 (Default) Output enabled PIN DESCRIPTIONS TSSOP Pin number 3x3mm QFN Pin number Type VDDANA 1 11 P VDD for analog Circuitry. XIN 2 12 I Crystal input pin. (See Crystal Specifications on page 4). XOUT 3 13 O Crystal output pin. (See Crystal Specifications on page 4). DNC 4 14 - Do Not Connect OE_CTRL 5 15 I Output enable control pin. (See OE_CTRL Logic Levels above). VCON 6 16 I Voltage control input. GNDANA 7 1 P Ground for analog circuitry. LP 8 2 - LM 9 3 - GNDBUF 10 4 P GND connection for output buffer circuitry. Q 11 5 O PECL or LVDS output. VDDBUF 12 6 P VDD connection for output buffer circuitry. VDDBUF should be separately decoupled from other VDDs whenever possible. QBAR 13 7 O Complementary PECL, LVDS output. GNDBUF 14 8 P GND connection for output buffer circuitry. DNC 15 9 - Do Not Connect DNC 16 10 - Do Not Connect Name Description Tuning inductor connection. The inductor is recommended to be a high Q small size 0402 or 0603 SMD component, and must be placed between LP and adjacent LM pin. Place inductor as close to the IC as possible to minimize parasitic effects and to maintain inductor Q. 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 www.Abracon.com 9/1/05 Page 2 (Preliminary) ABV8068/69 320-640MHz Low Phase Noise VCXO FREQUENCY SELECTION TABLE SEL2 SEL1 SEL0 Selected Multiplier/Output Frequency 0 0 0 VCO Max* 0 0 1 VCO Min* 1 1 1 Fin x 16 All Other Combinations Reserved All SEL pads have internal pull-ups (default value is `1'). Bond to GND to set to 0. * Special Test Modes to help selecting the inductor value for the target output frequency. PERFORMANCE TUNING & INDUCTOR VALUE SELECTION Please refer to Abracon's `Tuning Assistance' software to automatically calculate the optimum inductor values for your application. In addition, the chart below could be used as a reference for quick inductor value selection. Please note that the inductor values mentioned in the table below, or when using the `Tuning Assistance' are derived based on the parasitic values of Abracon's evaluation board. For performance enhancement of your custom board design, please follow the following instruction: Use the special test modes "VCO Max" and "VCO Min" to determine the optimum inductor value. "VCO Max" represents the high end of the VCO range and "VCO Min" represents the low end of the VCO range. The output frequency in the "VCO Max" and "VCO Min" test modes is VCO/16. This means that the output frequencies are around the crystal frequency that will be used. The optimum inductor value is where the target crystal frequency is closest to the middle between the "VCO Max" and "VCO Min" output frequencies. In this case the VCO will lock in the middle of its tuning range with maximum margin on either side. 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 www.Abracon.com 9/1/05 Page 3 (Preliminary) ABV8068/69 320-640MHz Low Phase Noise VCXO ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings PARAMETERS SYMBOL Supply Voltage Input Voltage, dc Output Voltage, dc Storage Temperature Ambient Operating Temperature* Junction Temperature Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) ESD Protection, Human Body Model MIN. V DD VI VO TS TA TJ -0.5 -0.5 -65 -40 MAX. UNITS 4.6 V DD +0.5 V DD +0.5 150 85 125 260 2 V V V C C C C kV Exposure of the device under conditions beyond the limits specified by Maximum Ratings for extended periods may cause permanent damage to the device and affect product reliability. These conditions represent a stress rating only, and functional operations of the device at these or any other conditions above the operational limits noted in this specification is not implied. * Note: Operating Temperature is guaranteed by design for all parts (COMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIAL), but tested for COMMERCIAL grade only. 2. Crystal Specifications PARAMETERS Crystal Resonator Frequency Crystal Loading Rating Crystal Pullability Recommended ESR SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. F XIN Parallel Fundamental Mode at VCON = 0V at VCON = 1.65V at VCON = 3.3V AT cut AT cut 20 C L (xtal) C 0 /C 1 (xtal) RE TYP. MAX. UNITS 40 MHz 17.7 9.5 5.4 pF 250 30 Note: Crystal Loading rating: The listed numbers are for the IC only. Specify the crystal for the value at VCON = 1.65V and add the PCB & package parasitic. A round number (i.e. 12pF) can be achieved by adding external capacitors. Try to add the same value to XIN and XOUT, and please note, that frequency pulling and oscillator gain may decrease. 3. Voltage Control Crystal Oscillator PARAMETERS VCXO Stabilization Time * VCXO Tuning Range CLK output pullability VCXO Tuning Characteristic Pull range linearity VCON pin input impedance VCON modulation BW SYMBOL T VCXOSTB CONDITIONS From power valid F XIN = 20 - 40MHz; XTAL C 0 /C 1 < 250 0V VCON 3.3V VCON=1.65V, 1.65V MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS 10 ms 500 ppm 150 ppm ppm/V % 200 10 0V VCON 3.3V, -3dB 60 25 k kHz Note: Parameters denoted with an asterisk (*) represent nominal characterization data and are not production tested to any specific limits. 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 www.Abracon.com 9/1/05 Page 4 (Preliminary) ABV8068/69 320-640MHz Low Phase Noise VCXO 4. General Electrical Specifications PARAMETERS SYMBOL Supply Current, Dynamic (with Loaded Outputs) Operating Voltage CONDITIONS I DD PECL/LVDS MIN. 320MHz<Fout<640MHz 2.97 45 45 45 V DD @ 50% V DD (CMOS) @ 1.25V (LVDS) @ V DD - 1.3V (PECL) Output Clock Duty Cycle TYP. Short Circuit Current 50 50 50 MAX. UNITS 90/70 mA 3.63 55 55 55 V 50 % mA 5. Jitter Specifications PARAMETERS CONDITIONS Integrated jitter RMS Period jitter RMS Period jitter Peak-toPeak FREQUENCY Integrated 12 kHz to 20 MHz With capacitive decoupling between VDD and GND. Over 10,000 cycles. With capacitive decoupling between VDD and GND. Over 10,000 cycles. MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS 320.0MHz 622.08MHz 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 ps 320.0MHz 3 5 622.08MHz 6 8 320.0MHz 25 30 622.08MHz 50 70 ps ps 6. Phase Noise Specifications PARAMETERS Noise 2 Phase relative to carrier (typical) FREQ. @10Hz @100Hz @1kHz @10kHz @100kHz @1M @10M 320.0MHz -59 -86 -116 -129 -124 -140 -148 622.08MHz -48 -80 -108 -118 -114 -131 -138 UNITS dBc/Hz Note: Phase Noise measured at VCON = 0V 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 www.Abracon.com 9/1/05 Page 5 (Preliminary) ABV8068/69 320-640MHz Low Phase Noise VCXO 8. LVDS Electrical Characteristics PARAMETERS SYMBOL Output Differential Voltage V DD Magnitude Change MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS V OD 247 355 454 mV V OD -50 50 mV 1.6 V Output High Voltage V OH Output Low Voltage V OL Offset Voltage V OS CONDITIONS 1.4 R L = 100 (see figure) V OS Offset Magnitude Change Power-off Leakage I OXD Output Short Circuit Current I OSD 0.9 1.1 1.125 1.2 1.375 V 0 3 25 mV 1 10 uA -5.7 -8 mA V out = V DD or GND V DD = 0V V 9. LVDS Switching Characteristics PARAMETERS SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS Differential Clock Rise Time tr 0.2 0.7 1.0 ns Differential Clock Fall Time tf R L = 100 C L = 10 pF (see figure) 0.2 0.7 1.0 ns LVDS Levels Test Circuit LVDS Switching Test Circuit OUT OUT CL = 10pF 50 VOD VDIFF VOS RL = 100 50 CL = 10pF OUT OUT LVDS Transistion Time Waveform OUT 0V (Differential) OUT 80% VDIFF 80% 0V 20% 20% tR tF 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 www.Abracon.com 9/1/05 Page 6 (Preliminary) ABV8068/69 320-640MHz Low Phase Noise VCXO 10. PECL Electrical Characteristics PARAMETERS SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. Output High Voltage V OH V DD - 1.025 Output Low Voltage V OL R L = 50 to (V DD - 2V) (see figure) MAX. UNITS V V DD - 1.620 V 11. PECL Switching Characteristics PARAMETERS SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS Clock Rise Time tr @20/80% - PECL 0.6 1.5 ns Clock Fall Time tf @80/20% - PECL 0.5 1.5 ns PECL Levels Test Circuit OUT PECL Output Skew OUT VDD 50 2.0V 50% 50 OUT tSKEW OUT PECL Transistion Time Waveform DUTY CYCLE 45 - 55% 55 - 45% OUT 80% 50% 20% OUT tR tF 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 www.Abracon.com 9/1/05 Page 7 (Preliminary) ABV8068/69 320-640MHz Low Phase Noise VCXO LAYOUT RECOMMENDATIONS ABV806X (VCXO) 16-pin TSSOP ABV806X (VCXO) 3x3 QFN PCB LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION The following guidelines are to assist you with a performance optimized PCB design: - Keep all the PCB traces to ABV80 as short as possible, as well as keeping all other traces as far away from it as possible. - Place the crystal as close as possible to both crystal pins of the device. This will reduce the cross-talk between the crystal and the other signals. - Separate crystal pin traces from the other signals on the PCB, but allow ample distance between the two crystal pin traces. - Place a 0.01F~0.1F decoupling capacitor between VDD and GND, on the component side of the PCB, close to the VDD pin. It is not recommended to place this component on the backside of the PCB. Going through vias will reduce the signal integrity, causing additional jitter and phase noise. - It is highly recommended to keep the VDD and GND traces as short as possible. - Please contact Abracon for the application note on how to design outputs driving long traces or the Gerber files for the ABV80 layout. 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 www.Abracon.com 9/1/05 Page 8 (Preliminary) ABV8068/69 320-640MHz Low Phase Noise VCXO PACKAGE INFORMATION 16-PIN SSOP 16 PIN TSSOP ( mm ) Symbol A A1 B C D E H L e Min. Max. 1.20 0.05 0.15 0.19 0.30 0.09 0.20 4.90 5.10 4.30 4.50 6.40 BSC 0.45 0.75 0.65 BSC E H D A A1 C e B L 16-PIN 3x3 QFN 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 www.Abracon.com 9/1/05 Page 9 (Preliminary) ABV8068/69 320-640MHz Low Phase Noise VCXO ORDERING INFORMATION For part ordering, please contact our Sales Department: 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 PART NUMBER The order number for this device is a combination of the following: Device number, Package type and Operating temperature range ABV806X X C L T PART NUMBER T= TAPE & REEL NONE= TUBE L= GREEN PACKAGE NONE= REGULAR PACKAGE PACKAGE TYPE O=TSSOP Q= QFN 4x4 Order Number ABV8068OC ABV8068OC-T ABV8068OCL ABV8068OCL-T ABV8068QC ABV8068QC-T ABV8068QCL ABV8068QCL-T ABV8069OC ABV8069OC-T ABV8069OCL ABV8069OCL-T ABV8069QC ABV8069QC-T ABV8069QCL ABV8069QCL-T TEMPERATURE C=COMMERCIAL I=INDUSTRAL Marking Package Option ABV8068OC ABV8068OC ABV8068OCL ABV8068OCL V8068QC V8068QC V8068QCL V8068QCL ABV8069OC ABV8069OC ABV8069OCL ABV8069OCL V8069QC V8069QC V8069QCL V8069QCL TSSOP - Tube TSSOP - Tape & Reel TSSOP - Tube (GREEN Package) TSSOP - Tape & Reel (GREEN Package) QFN - Tube QFN - Tape & Reel QFN - Tube (GREEN Package) QFN - Tape & Reel (GREEN Package) TSSOP - Tube TSSOP - Tape & Reel TSSOP - Tube (GREEN Package) TSSOP - Tape & Reel (GREEN Package) QFN - Tube QFN - Tape & Reel QFN - Tube (GREEN Package) QFN - Tape & Reel (GREEN Package) Abracon Corporation, reserves the right to make changes in its products or specifications, or both at any time without notice. The information furnished by Abracon is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Abracon makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of said information and shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of whatever nature resulting from the use of, or reliance upon this product. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY: Abracon's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the President of Abracon Corporation. 30332 Esperanza., Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 Ph: 949-546-8000 Fax: 949-546-8001 www.Abracon.com 9/1/05 Page 10