2 X 100A Schottky Barrier Rectifier SPBIOO38O = SPBIOOTOO fey fo Dim. Inches Millimeter : \O) \O) Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Notes D ~ oe A 1.494 1.504 37.95 38.20 O O B 0.976 0.986 24.79 25.04 4 Cc 0.472 0.480 12.00 12.24 D 0.990 1.000 25.15 25.40 E E 1.049 1.059 26.67 26.90 | F 0.164 0.174 4.16 4.42 G 0.080 0.084 2.03 2.13 F ft H H 0.372 0.378 9.45 9.60 f i | G SOT227 ca ek Microsemi Industry Working Peak Repetitive Peak Catalog Number Part Number Reverse Voltage Reverse Voltage e 2500V isolation Terminals to Base @ Low Forward Voltage Drop SPB10080 80V 80V e oe . SPB10090 90V 90V 2 Schottky Rectifiers in one pkg. SPB100100 DSS2x61O1A 100V 100V 80-100V @ 100A/leg STPS80H100TV e wa pe STPS160H100TV Low Switching losses Electrical Characteristics Average forward current per leg lF(AV) 100 Amps To = 123C Average forward current per package IF(AV) 200 Amps Te = 123C Maximum surge current per leg IFSM 1600 Amps 8.3ms, half sine, TU = 175C Maximum repetitive reverse current per leg IR(OV) 2 Amps f = 1 KHz, 25C, 1 asec square wave Max peak forward voltage per leg VEM ~ 0.92 Volts [FM = 100A: Ty = 25C* Max peak reverse current per leg IRM 3 mA VRRM, J = 25C* Max peak reverse current per leg VISOL 2500 VDC any terminal to base Typical junction capacitance per leg Cy 5000 pF VR = 5.0V,TU = 25C *Pulse test: Pulse width 300 ~isec, Duty cycle 2% Thermal and Mechanical Characteristics Storage temp range TSTG 55C to 175C Operating junction temp range TJ 55C to 175C Max thermal resistance per leg Reuc 0.50C /W Max thermal resistance per pkg Rac 0.25C/W Mounting Torque 9-13 inch pounds Weight 1.1 ounces (30 grams) typical COLORADO 800 Hoyt Street 4-16-02 Rev. IR s Z Broomfield, CO. 80020 icrosemi me FAX: (303) 466-3775 www.microsemi.com SPBIOO8O Figure 1 Typical Forward Characteristics Per Leg 1000 800 600 400 200 100 80 60 40 No Oo ~- BD Da o aoa oP ad Oo Instantaneous Forward Current Amperes = oO 0 02 04 O06 O08 1.0 Instantaneous Forward Voltage Volts Figure 2 Typical Reverse Characteristics Per Leg 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 Typical Reverse Current mA .01 0 20 40 60 Reverse Voltage Volts 80 1.4 100 SPBTOOQTOO Figure 3 Typical Junction Capacitance Per Leg 10,000 6000 4000 N fo} So oOo 1000 600 400 200 Junction Capacitance pF 100 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10 50 100 Reverse Voltage Volts Figure 4 Forward Current Derating Per Leg 175 165 IN N eI 145| 1 135 WV N WN 125 S IN IN N 115 Maximum Allowable Case Temperature C 9011209 [180 DC 0 40 80 120 160 200 105 Average Forward Current Amperes Figure 5 Maximum Forward Power Dissipation Per Leg Z 140 DC = 120 | Y S 100 L, 3 180 YY 80 StS 2 A YY WA 5 60 98/4 4 = 2 {2 E Z E 20 x oO = 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 Average Forward Current Amperes 4-16-02 Rev. IR