114-5050 Rev. H Application Specification Cee) Crimping of Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK Contact SadlN ~The MAF alg) 197 OEE RPP) Following first 6 pages are English version and last 6 pages are Japanese version. This top sheet is not part of the specification but explains both of English and Japanese versions are available. CO bY Siem hBS RAO 6 S- DIRTERC. CORO 6 A-VILA ARTS. COby ALY bhi, BRR ENECAN, BR. AMAR HS CL EARL T WEF,114-5050 KUL SMILE RE Customer Release SECLAITY CLASSIFICATION AMP * ee L. Ll 1.2 114-5050 Application Specification Crimping of Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* Contact This specification may change without notice, as a result of product design change and evaluation testing. Scope: Contact: This specification covers general requirements for crimping of Mini- Universal MATE-N-LOK* pin and socket contacts. The requirements specified, herein, are applicable to the crimping performed by either hand tools or automatic crimping machines. The wire conductor sizes and wire insulation diameters applicable to this product line are specified in Table 5. Reference Documents: For performance requirements for UL g4V-O material connector, refer to 208-5138, and for UL 94V-2 material connector refer to to8- 5151, AMP Product Soecifications. Nomenclature: For the purpose of this specification, the follewing terms shall apply. Pin Contact Socket Contact yore Barrel Saem Wire Barrel \, , insulation Barrel Locking Lance, E Zz * ! E | 1B . oS - Contact Stop JS _ bi Rear Hellmouth i Protrusion of Cut-Off Tab Length Fron Beilmouth CSI Wire Barrel Flash Fig, 1 OR f ave gS od Tyce Electronics Corporation beh 2 By BF yco tioaroskes at pes Or meth te fe Kawasaki, Japon ae . = Loc NO h 2 ere 114-5050 f OSE. joie Bho J A4 aN? i PHINT BIS = Revised JSISM eee SHEET _pXaME Application Specification TR: REVISION RACGHO oa orn 6 Crimping of Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* cunpoars ! OF e| Pin and Socket Contact AMP 3-522NUMBER 114-5050 Customer SECURITY AMP Nelease CLASSIFICATIG# n. 3.4 Crimping and Dimensional Requirements: Wire Preparation: Insulation Stripping Length: Wire insulation shall be stripped for a length of 3.2 - 3.7mm for one-wire crimping and 3.5 - 4.0mm for two-wire crimping from the end. Workmanship of Stripped Wire: Reasonable care must be taken not to nick, Scrape or cut the strands or the solid wire during the stripping operation. Carrier Cut-off Tab: Cut-off tab length shall not exceed 0.5mm. Wire Barrel Crimp: Crimp Dimensions and Crimp Type: Crimp height, width and type shall be conforming to the value specified in Tables i and 2. Tensile Strength: Crimp tensile strength shall be conforming to the value specified in Table by Wire Barrel Seam Closure: Wire barrel seam Shall be adequately closed toa capture all the strands within the barrel. There shall be no loose strands or wire strands embedded in the outside of the wire barrel. Rear Bellmouth: Rear bellmouth shall be formed within 0.1 = O.4mm for contacts crimped by applicator, and O.lmm minimum for those crimped by hand tool, Conductor Location: End of the wire shall be flush with the front end of the wire barrel or protruded within 0.9mm after crimping. Insulation Barrel Crimp: Crimp Dimension and Crimp Type: Crimp width and type shall be conforming, to the requirements specified in Tables l and 2. Crimp height may vary dependent upon the thickness ef wire insulation. On mini-applicators and adjustable hand tools, insula- tion crimp height shall be set accordingly to grip insulation without breaking it. Workmanship of Crimping Contact: Care must he taken not to cut or damage the insulation of crimped wire, during crimping operation, Locking Lance and Contact Stop: Locking lance and contact stop shall be not deformed before and crimping. after | SHEET Foo Tyco Electronics Corporation Xowesaki, Japan 2 6 Loc nO lnev OF. J (| A4 114-3050 NAME Application Specification Crimping of Mini Universal MATH-N-LOK Pin and Socket Contact AMP J-5234 Crimp Data and Crimp Requirements: Awl Crimp Data: a 4.1.1 Crimping by Applicator: tA 2 Contact Wire Size Appli- Wire Barrel Crimp Insulation mBarrel. x Number a cator Width Type Crimp Height Disc Diameter 1 ; Crimp a} (Strip) | m"| (AWG) Number mm mm = 70.05 Letter (mm ) Width Type 0.14 | (#26) Note, 0.63 i A738 0.20 | (#ok)| 722791 | 1.22 0.69 B 1.2-1,75 | 2.03 5 0.34 | (#22) 0.78 A z 0.31 | (#22) 0.8) c 170360 [0-1 (#20) 722792 | 1.57 | "FY 0.91 B 1,5+2.4 2.79| "FF 0.89 (#18) 1.07 A . tf 270362 [O.31 + 0.33 0.92 B |1.5X2 Wires eu O, 34 + 0,34 0.91 B L.7X2 Wires ou 171636 0.51 ar 1,06 D 3a 0.89 1 1.21 Cc 2.0-3.2 Ox 753958 | 1.78 : 5 171637 1.27 | (#16) 3 3 1,30 B 3456 = 0.51 40.51 1,30 B 2.4 X 2 2 *Note 1: When crimping on Ein- coat eq Azo AWG wire, (0.164 ji Astrand}, control the ex crimp height within 0.6 Ogum. OF 0.05 . a i Table 1 = 5 &.1,2 Crimping by Hand Tools: + T lati Contact Wire Size Rand Wire Barrel Crimp Insulation Barrel Crimp Neornor Maoet. [Wrath] Crimp] Crimp | Diameter I i . iL. PB.) ma* | (AWG) umber mm | tye | Symbol (mm) Wy at. Crimp Type 170363 O.14 (#26 ) . 4 755330-11 1.07 1.2~4.6.] 2.03 170365 | 9-22 | (#2h) | 9529-1 O.34% | G#a2) B 1.5~ 4.75 O.31 | (#22) A 1.5~ 2.2 17038% 0.51 (#20) 735331-1 L.57 nye 2.79 Pru 170366 Q.89 (#18) | 91522-1 B 2.1 ~ 2.4 0.31 + 0.31 [1-5 x 2 0.3% + 0.3 1.7 xX 2 0.51 (#203 A 2.0 -O - 3.0 171638 0.89 (#18) 753808 1.78 A 3.56 171639 1.27 | (#16) B 2.5 - 3.2 0.51 + 0.51 B 2.4 x 2. | Table 2 When to make a two-wire crimp in a same wire barrel, stack the wires as shown in Fig. 2. Wires Wire Barrel BP iyo mecrenien Kaowasoki, Japan Tyco Electronics Corporation Loc J A4 No 114-5050 RE H NAME Application Specification = we Crimping of Mini Universal MATE- N- LOR Pin and Socket Contact AMP J-527NUMBER 114-5050 Customer Release AMP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 42 Crimping Requirements: Wire preparation and crimped contact shall meet the requirements specified in Table 3. Length of Rear Bellmouth Hand Tool | O. mm Min. CA IAD. oy ee nee Check Points Requirements Remarks One-Wire Crimp 3.2 - 3.7mm Wire Stripping Length ~4 4 9 Two-Wire 3.5 - 4&.Omml Crimp o Limit of Bend-Up 4 Max. Fig. 3 Deviation 5 wena ene! after Send Down A Max. " rr Crimping S Twisting 4 Max. W tt Rolling 10 Max. uot Cut-Off Tab Length O.5 mm Max, Fig. 1 Applicator | 0.1 - 0.4mm 1 4 Crimp i Wire End Protrusion Length Length of Insulation Protrusion 0.9 mm Max. 170359-170366 | 0.3-C. 7mm 171636~171639 | 0.3-1,4mn Wire Barrel Seam Closure Wire barrel must be neat - ly closed and no wire strand shall he visible through it. No leose strand shall be embedded outside the wire barrel. Table 3 For crimping by hand tool, the loose piece cantacts which are supplied by AMP, must be used. to this application. Therfore, cut-off tab length is not applicable SHEET Fino Tyco Electronics Corporation Kawasaki, Japon 4 6 loc NO Rey OF] + | a4 114-5050 Hy NAME Application Specification Crimping of Mini Universal MATE-S- LOK? Pin and Socket Contact AMP J-623meee" 114-5050 Customer Release awe TED AMP SELURITY Crasaik | Twisting Soe = ,- + Twisting Oo SIT 5 (the Angle Off from Centerline Bend-Up and Bend-Down Bend-Up Bend-Down Rolling Rolling The Angle Off from Horizontal Line Fig, 3 Tyco Electronics Corporation SHEET |S yeotemeae Kowascki, Japon = ? I ogry 5 OF 6 fhe NO Lene eT A B07 NAME Application Specification Crimping of Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* Pin and Socket Contact AMP I-523114-5050 NUWSER Customer Release SECURIT LLASSIFICATICN AMD Crimp Tensile Strength: Tensile strength of wire crimp shail be co specified in Table 4. nforming to the requirements Wire Size Tensile Strength (kg) nim= (AWG) Applicator Hand Tool ee O14 (#26 ) 240 2.0 0.22 (#24) 3.0 3.0 0.31 (#22) | 5.0 5.0 0.51 (#20) 6.0 6.0 stent don respmenes fe ceetennwer nen anetaiens tayo yt fun eUld eaereeel de parte egg meer 0.87 (#718) 7.0 7.0 i.2? (#16) 8.0 8.0 ; Table 4 Applicable Wire Sizes: The wires of the following sizes shall be used for crimping Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK* pin and socket contacts. Wire Size? Strand Composition Insulation Applicable one [aver | SORES tbcancter | tm) | P*Elon' 0.14.) (#26) 7 / G.16 1.28 UL 1007 0.22 | (#24) il / 6.16 1.57 UL 1007 0.31 | (#22) 12 / 0,18 1.5 JCS 246 0.34 | (#22) 17? / 0.16 1.7 UL 1067 0.51 | (#20) 20 / 0.18 2.0 Jcs 246 0.87 7 (#18) 34 / 0.18 2.13 UL 1007 0.89 | (#18) 35 / 0.18 2.3 Ics 246 1.37 | (716) 26 / 0.25 2.5 UL 1007 Table 5 OTHER CONTACT EXTRACTION TOOL PART No : 189727-1 SHEET Biotechs Tyco Electronics Corporation Kewasoki, Japon 0) dy A4| 114-5050 iH MAS Application Specification Crimping of Mini-Universal MATR-N-LOK* Pin and Socket, Contact AMP 3.523AMP J-002 mS BR wa AF eee # A + He = ; em (Si ie mM) TycoElectronics - 2 4 Application Specification rR ff B R B 114-5050 par aatinmtws A4FvayP se By Bs OGRE Crimping of Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK Contact i oa FA 11 di # 7 } ACERS yh, fae eaten AF Ye ny Ss EYRE VY oy be tv ae OEBSt CP tHEL tS. CORMREM. FHOTARU BOE RCA AR AMBRKONTCHEL Ch Ss SERECHMEIEN CHARA ERO ERT 1X bP REE SICRLCSS0 12 B23 hee FEHER HCO tH, AMP Mabie 108-5138 (UL G4V-OM UD YY 7), baw 108-5151 (UL G4V-2eO ey Ye SEBO Lo 2 &o & eK li BRmoacke TSE IER Ym 2 ay ted aan SATIN 2 BE uA Bah Mee cher yao he Rb a F RARE Le Wi. ay ee PP Nanas 9 7 eieamesnig/ Poeyw bh aves 4 1 te RR: 6-c8 BO | Spey: - a ar yooh oe OY dey Re eb Lisl feo KH a Am 40: EL/ 5D a~k: eh a7 H | ake rr a bld-5 050 4 way - JS ISMIS.M PME oY foo e eS ak iF a a7 8h ay vpre | tend Kee [eA] ER 7 BR iges awed ey | 4 1s ne #4 i ns ws , ama ee fh ale vn | Ag 45 SPFa Ft eile FW RR 8 6 ae Y Je f> oa OTE Ay TAS At toa youo i833:AMP J.002-1 evan: ~ RES A 3 EGRUPEN LER 3.1 A. 3.2 TE RRO M HABE Ee Ra MBB IL2~R.7MORAMCHRREAPTATCL. 2REBOBR. 35~40 mmOk ACHMEETSOLS WH & Row Ll b RB ARC LC. Dt ORR OD, HEB OCHO, ULAR bee SOMHRPREREHS ZL ta re AR Ye 7O MM ey Ware ah Uy FOURS FORSZHOSmme eo tele be Se EE eB @ IEG inMOvE ERB e 4 Hee, DRY 2 AFR, RPOMRCARL TH4T bo Fila BG | AG an RE CRASS FRB MEh. RAMP Mb THAT LS tS FE BBD oe KBE GBOv-sadtn COR BRCRHL. WIEKRAL TH Sz bo KR RI CRREG AAC HIER EGR Ante b. PRMOI KE PREIEH AN IRM Bla C bo od owe OK Biase og adhe Su er - 4 OBS O1~ O44 OM, BHT BROWS. Lak io ASR D Se ae ee Noe EMR Sota EG aoe he ad bio Th ae, SABA L OWT 4 O09 mm OREM ES HAR AR HW A Bop FEB ROBB O +e bk et 7 Habe 247, RIL ERO LALOCEATCLES BHA EMBO) WokoaTrBL Ch EW PRT KV FH Re Ea AHA CHA ARLE His ABRs URL CHR Bae RIT At La CORAC RA LHAZR AWTS A ako AK : _ - MMOH: fae!eaetoyeen Rkomae " ar atl 5 ost He ft a TB KS vas 0 on eae = 2 AAP Yay Fe aveRSD ROM RBEE 114-5050 H | Swe Ag, Fis 2 2 2000 12)AMP J.002-1 wigs 7 | AE AW Ree) B, feoOot bt 9 | FEARS (CORBA S Doe bd, BIL Oe ak HOARE tbo 35 Byte es Fy RR TY Re pe Rho T ! yt y Fe SYARY RY aA bh Ab YO FREEBOMRCEN CHEB SA tant | ta : 4. Fea - 4 ROR 4, 1 ER F- 2 : | 41.1 TRY e-# | | a , ey 4 eem - Th, i . ify c. , Hi a re + sete atte we ge A ares: en . th fe fR Be Gee Ab | ie i aa So ue - i _. et wr 2m ape, | yy i By Mm | Rm S/F 1 Ar) ma p ft | CESK | C AWG # } | aR gar fae 0.05] at! an a4 stmt sabia ce a. sO eer ef 2 eT Of Re ee =. we : . ' y . 0.14 (26) 2 : * 0.63 C 170359 ot a a . 0.22(24) | 7227 iQ, /12~175 203 170361 0.22024) : 91 Na? 069 | BU} LTS 203 084 (22) : O78 A 0.31 (22) - | - 081 c ee ee eee eee ! he freien rervetrarerees taearamarnter sot . pF 0.53(20) i 091 | B L5~24 170360 - a re . i 799 ! 276 . 170362 0.89 (18) i 722792 187 Loz? Ain _ 279 2.314031 291 : 2B 1.5% 22k i - 1 es j 0.344034 | a9T yp Bj itK2% | fn } - d - a 0.5120), 106 ' D . ; | | 171636} 0O89(18) 1.24 Cc 20~3.2 753958] 1.78 / 436 173637 n27 (16) 130 Bo j; 0514051 1.30 B (AX 24 | |. ee eee wee hy eee tanee oe bee an ae meee fe cae cee cebaeereerene ee od : x 8h b MAW F2600.16 $7 IN) RON Fid, 0.637992 cpemL oF ain, Pan | i Be _ BR a ee MOA: - i 7 3 AY ft oA) 3 BA A4 FP ray eave RS bh DIRS HE Pi4-3050 1 H act 30.2 2000 12" AREAS HA AMP J.002-1 Frais: = 412 #H08 _ a : + & | ysoh| BR 4 x 5 3 ; eo 8 a ne ee seca | ORES ES | eee | Ee | a . pin) @ | of . | Fee Rs mat ri . { C85) (AWG) RE AA? a mn 247 | 01426) 170363 755330-1 A ;12~t6 { 179365 (22624) | 91529-11707! : 208) : : 0.34(22) f Bo ti5~4.75 03122) | - | ; } if A 4152.2 0. 2 170364 ps0) (995319 1 5g 3 B l2i~24 la279i 170366 po | 91522-11 wpe f Ss opr . 0.314631 i SX 2m ; 0.34+0.34 L 7X Bk | | - 171638 wee . 2.0~ 3.0 2 ! | : 753808 [1.78 3.56! 171639 | 12716) | B 25~32 |) ! 0.514051 B 2.4 x 2a | | #2 ee ~ RA BOBAH, BRePHOLSthnthe@tace. 1 1 BS <\\ (@) J] Ere 4.2 RGB EA UOMO MMERURBROIY ATA OBPICHS AZ Lo If A & w# #8 ft % 4! 1*xEee 3223 Fan ~ #8 2 Bot & a He a x 8 | 2% Ee 35~ 4.0 ma nek te 7 | LA Q-~ 2 | EMI LABR | xy Rear | A nt Bieoee mw | 7 4 2 43 Bee 19 ELS a |. * Me 7 OR SO OS eA AG . _ . TF yr-8 Ob~ Oana | | Suv ore (Re 7 Com D =o ce form ee | | CORRAL RA 0.9 mm LF 0 | HRM O | 170359~170366) 03~07 mT URE | 171636 ~ 171639 O.3~ 14 aa | &MER MOY. | Some Lsance [4 | He 3 * BT ts Aibee, Ee PHAR BALLAD. Sea $M OD Eh : . _ F: a mipmnee [oo SL See RRS ee gw _ Fup y hs av Po b ORG G oe fb 114-8059 H i6 He Ad FES 55.6 AHR) (2AMP J.002-1 Sime: -HRAA fv4Anh] Y4Ab CH flo SE) (~~ FJ Co-'vse ao | 7 CF MOREE mA: We ft aki HB BERK RAE OBER : Par ane ta Raa KF: & aT] 5 = | AqFe ayes 327 FP bORMRH 114-5050 5 AeAMP J-602-1 apupanse 2 || RRA Al 5. AE se BB | fe Sit BE PiEOMSBERACHBAnhray se 7} OF SMR PROPEL Loose Bo . A! BB PRO GRe RBA CF So Eme12 8 # Lat CAWG #) | GREE sein gean 0.14 (26) (24) | (22) | (22) 051 (20) (1s) Cray Wat 77016 0.22 117016 0.31 1 a 0.34 12/018 17/016 20/018 34/7018 3570.18 ER x S| oe bt Be (kg) an CAWG# ) TF ye-F = tH A 0.14 (26) 2 2 922 (24) oo 5 - 3 031 (22) 5 a 20) oars a es a soe oestrone pt ATG) fe ae Ae 8 R | BeBe Em BL UL 1007 / UL 1007 | Soe | i CS 246 | UL Toor JCS 246 UL 1007 | JCS 246 L237 C16) | 26/0.25 7. EO ith WA BRT - 199727-1 Ul 1007 i SAR: [ABLE OD HR: RR St al dd ats sR Se Pp 4 F voye eo avYsSPORBBRE 5. eA a- Ke 1b4~-~5030 Ad . 32.2 2000 12: