Technical Data 4080
Effective October 2016
M Supercapacitors
Cylindrical cells
Capacitance 1.0 F to 9.0 F
Maximum working voltage 2.5 V
Surge voltage 3.0 V
Capacitance tolerance -20% to +80% (+20 °C)
Operating temperature range -40 °C to +60 °C
Extended temperature range -40 °C to +85 °C (Maximum working voltage 2.0 V)
Capacitance (F)
Part Number
Nominal ESR (Ω)
(Equivalent Series Resistance)
Measured @
1 kHz 100 Hz Nominal dimensions (mm)
(diameter x length) Typical Mass
1 M0810-2R5105-R 0.210 0.250 8 13 1.2
2 M0820-2R5205-R 0.075 0.100 8 20 1.5
3 M1020-2R5305-R 0.035 0.050 10 20.5 2.8
6 M1030-2R5605-R 0.025 0.035 10 30 3.9
9 M1325-2R5905-R 0.020 0.030 13 26 5.6
Parameter Capacitance change
(% of initial value) ESR
(% of max. initial value)
Life (1000 hours @ +60 °C @ 2.5 Vdc) ≤ 30% ≤ 200%
Storage - Low and High Temperature (1000 hours @ -40 °C and +60 °C) ≤ 30% ≤ 200%
Dimensions (mm)
Part Number D D’ L L’ F d’ C C’
M0810-2R5105-R 8.0 8.5 13.0 13.5 3.5 0.50 20.0 5.0
M0820-2R5205-R 8.0 8.5 20.5 21.0 3.5 0.50 20.0 5.0
M1020-2R5305-R 10.0 10.5 21.8 22.3 5.0 0.60 20.0 5.0
M1030-2R5605-R 10.0 10.5 31.0 31.5 5.0 0.60 20.0 5.0
M1325-2R5905-R 13.0 13.5 27.9 28.4 5.0 0.60 20.0 5.0
Tolerances Maximum ±0.5 ±0.02 Minimum
Part numbering system
M 1325 — 2R5 90 5 -R
Family Code Size reference
(mm) Voltage (V) R = Decimal
Capacitance (μF)
Value Multiplier Standard product
M Family Diameter = 13 Length = 25 2R5 = 2.5 V Example: 905 = 9 x 105 μF or 9.0 F
Packaging information
• Standard packaging: Bulk, 100 units per bag
• Larger bulk packages available on request
Part marking
• Manufacturer
• Capacitance (F)
• Nominal working voltage (V)
• Family code (or part number)
• Polarity