0.50mm Pitch
Series 6210/6260 – ZIF Right Angle SMT
(Bottom Contact Type)
08 62XX
Series Number
6260 (C/Ag type)
Number of Contacts
340 800
No. of Dimension
Contacts ABCD
05 6.8 2.0 8.8 3.1
(0.268) (0.079) (0.346) (0.122)
06 7.3 2.5 9.3 3.6
(0.287) (0.098) (0.366) (0.142)
07 7.8 3.0 9.8 4.1
(0.307) (0.118) (0.386) (0.161)
08 8.3 3.5 10.3 4.6
(0.327) (0.138) (0.406) (0.181)
09 8.8 4.0 10.8 5.1
(0.346) (0.157) (0.425) (0.201)
10 9.3 4.5 11.3 5.6
(0.366) (0.177) (0.445) (0.220)
11 9.8 5.0 11.8 6.1
(0.386) (0.197) (0.465) (0.240)
12 10.3 5.5 12.3 6.6
(0.406) (0.217) (0.484) (0.260)
13 10.8 6.0 12.8 7.1
(0.425) (0.236) (0.504) (0.280)
14 11.3 6.5 13.3 7.6
(0.445) (0.256) (0.524) (0.299)
15 11.8 7.0 13.8 8.1
(0.465) (0.276) (0.543) (0.319)
16 12.3 7.5 14.3 8.6
(0.484) (0.295) (0.563) (0.339)
17 12.8 8.0 14.8 9.1
(0.504) (0.315) (0.583) (0.358)
18 13.3 8.5 15.3 9.6
(0.524) (0.335) (0.602) (0.378)
19 13.8 9.0 15.8 10.1
(0.543) (0.354) (0.622) (0.398)
20 14.3 9.5 16.3 10.6
(0.563) (0.374) (0.642) (0.417)
21 14.8 10.0 16.8 11.1
(0.583) (0.394) (0.661) (0.437)
22 15.3 10.5 17.3 11.6
(0.602) (0.413) (0.681) (0.457)
23 15.8 11.0 17.8 12.1
(0.622) (0.433) (0.701) (0.476)
24 16.3 11.5 18.3 12.6
(0.642) (0.453) (0.720) (0.496)
25 16.8 12.0 18.8 13.1
(0.661) (0.472) (0.740) (0.516)
26 17.3 12.5 19.3 13.6
(0.681) (0.492) (0.760) (0.535)
27 17.8 13.0 19.8 14.1
(0.701) (0.512) (0.780) (0.555)
28 18.3 13.5 20.3 14.6
(0.720) (0.531) (0.799) (0.575)
29 18.8 14.0 20.8 15.1
(0.740) (0.551) (0.819) (0.594)
30 19.3 14.5 21.3 15.6
(0.760) (0.571) (0.839) (0.614)
33 20.8 16.0 22.8 17.1
(0.819) (0.630) (0.898) (0.673)
34 21.3 16.5 23.3 17.6
(0.839) (0.650) (0.917) (0.693)
35 21.8 17.0 23.8 18.1
(0.858) (0.669) (0.937) (0.713)
36 22.3 17.5 24.3 18.6
(0.878) (0.689) (0.957) (0.732)
40 24.3 19.5 26.3 20.6
(0.957) (0.768) (1.035) (0.811)
• Number of Contacts – 5-40
• 2000 Connectors per Tape & Reel
• Voltage – 50V
• Current Rating – 0.4 amp max.
• Dielectric Withstanding Voltage –
200V RMS min.
• Operating Temperature –
(-40°C - +85°C)
• Contact Material – phosphor bronze
(tin-lead plated)
• Insulator Material – nylon 46,
natural color
• Slider Material – PPS, natural
color (UL 94 V-O)
• FFC/FPC Thickness –
0.3 ±0.05mm (0.012 ±0.002")
• Profile Height – 2.00mm
2000 Connectors per Tape and Reel.
M0.5±0.1 0.5±0.08 0.5±0.12 0.5±0.1
P0.5±0.03 0.5±0.05 0.5±0.02 0.5±0.05
BB±0.03 B±0.05 B±0.03 B±0.05
WW±0.07 W±0.07 W±0.07 W±0.07
Wp 0.3+0.05 0.3+0.05 0.35+0.04 0.35+0.05
-0.02 -0.02 -0.03
Applicable FFC, FPC