19-3618; Rev 3; 5/07 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Features Video Outputs Drive 2VP-P into 150 The video and audio channels feature input source selection multiplexers, input buffers, and output buffers for routing all inputs to selected outputs. The MAX4397D audio encoder input is differential DC-coupled, while the MAX4397S audio encoder input is single-ended ACcoupled. Except for the MAX4397D's audio encoder input, all other inputs and outputs are AC-coupled with internal DC-biasing set to predefined levels. The MAX4397 provides programmable gain control from +5dB to +7dB in 1dB steps for Red, Green, and Blue component video signals. All other video outputs have a fixed +6dB gain. Additional features include an internal Luma and Chroma (Y/C) mixer that generates a Composite video signal (CVBS) to supply an RF modulator output, and internal video reconstruction lowpass filters with passband ripple between -1dB and +1dB from 100kHz to 5.5MHz. The MAX4397 TV audio channel features clickless switching and programmable volume control from -56dB to +6dB in 2dB steps. The VCR audio output also has programmable gain for -6dB, 0dB, or +6dB. The device also generates monaural audio from left and right stereo inputs. All audio drivers deliver a 3.0VRMS minimum output. The MAX4397 operates with standard 5V and 12V power supplies and supports slow-switching and fastswitching signals. The I2C interface programs the gain and volume control, and selects the input source for routing. The MAX4397 is available in a compact 48-pin thin QFN package and is specified over the 0C to +70C commercial temperature range. AC-Coupled Video Inputs with Internal Clamp and Bias Applications Satellite Set-Top Boxes Cable Set-Top Boxes TVs VCRs DVDs Audio Outputs Drive 3VRMS into 10k Clickless, Popless Audio Gain Control and Switching DC-Coupled Video Outputs Composite Video Signal Created Internally from Y/C Inputs Internal Video Reconstruction Filters Provide -40dB at 27MHz Differential (MAX4397D) or Single-Ended (MAX4397S) Audio Encoder Input Red/Chroma Switch for Bidirectional I/O I2C-Programmable RGB Gain from +5dB to +7dB I2C-Programmable Audio Gain Control from +6dB to -56dB Meets EN50049-1, IEC 933-1, Canal+, and BSkyB Requirements Ordering Information TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE PKG CODE MAX4397DCTM 0C to +70C 48 Thin QFN-EP* (7mm x 7mm) T4877-6 MAX4397SCTM 0C to +70C 48 Thin QFN-EP* (7mm x 7mm) T4877-6 PART *EP = Exposed paddle. Pin Configuration and Typical Application Circuits appear at end of data sheet. System Block Diagram appears at end of data sheet. ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at www.maxim-ic.com. 1 MAX4397 General Description The MAX4397 dual SCART switch matrix routes audio and video signals between an MPEG encoder and two external SCART connectors under I 2 C control, and meets the requirements of EN50049-1, IEC 933-1, Canal+, and BSkyB standards. MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VVID to GNDVID........................................................-0.3V to +6V V12 to GNDAUD .....................................................-0.3V to +14V VAUD to GNDAUD ....................................................-0.3V to +6V GNDAUD to GNDVID ............................................-0.1V to +0.1V All Video Inputs, ENCIN_FS, VCRIN_FS, SET to GNDVID......................................-0.3V to (VVID + 0.3V) All Audio Inputs, AUDBIAS to GNDAUD .........................-0.3V to (VAUD + 0.3V) SDA, SCL, DEV_ADDR to GNDVID ..........................-0.3V to +6V All Audio Outputs, TV_SS, VCR_SS to GNDAUD...............................-0.3V to (V12 + 0.3V) All Video Outputs, TVOUT_FS to VVID, VAUD, GNDAUD, GNDVID ................................................Continuous All Audio Outputs to VVID, VAUD, V12, GNDVID, GNDAUD ................................................Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70C) 48-Pin Thin QFN (derate 27mW/C above +70C)......2105.3mW Operating Temperature Range...............................0C to +70C Junction Temperature ......................................................+150C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65C to +150C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300C Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V12 = 12V, VVID = VAUD = 5V, 0.1F X5R capacitor in parallel with a 10F aluminum electrolytic capacitor from VAUD to GNDAUD, V12 to GNDAUD, and VVID to GNDVID, SET = 100k nominal, RLOAD = 150, TA = 0C to +70C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS VVID Supply Voltage Range VVID Inferred from video gain test at 4.75V and 5.2V 4.75 5.0 5.25 V VAUD Supply Voltage Range VAUD Inferred from audio gain test at 4.75V and 5.2V 4.75 5.0 5.25 V Inferred from slow switching levels 11.4 12.0 12.6 V 69 100 mA V12 Supply Voltage Range V12 VVID Quiescent Supply Current IVID_Q VVID Standby Supply Current IVID_S VAUD Quiescent Supply Current V12 Quiescent Supply Current IAUD_Q I12_Q All video output amplifiers are enabled, no load All video output amplifiers are in shutdown, and TV_FS_OUT driver is in shutdown, no load No load 40 60 mA 2.4 6 mA No load 3.6 6 mA +5.5 +6.0 +6.5 +4.5 +5.0 +5.5 +5.5 +6.0 +6.5 +6.5 +7.0 +7.5 1.2 3.3 VIDEO CHARACTERISTICS CVBS and Y/C, 1VP-P input Voltage Gain G_V R,G,B, 1VP-P input, (programmable gain control) LP Filter Attenuation ATTN TA = +25C, f = 6MHz, VIN = 1VP-P LP Filter Suppression SPPR TA = +25C, f = 27MHz, VIN = 1VP-P Slew Rate SR VOUT = 2VP-P Settling Time tS VOUT = 2VP-P, settle to 0.1% (Note 2) 35 dB dB 50 dB 8 V/s 380 ns Gain Matching AG 1VP-P input, between RGB or Y/C Differential Gain DG 5-step modulated staircase 0.4 % Differential Phase DP 5-step modulated staircase 0.2 degrees VIN = 1VP-P 65 dB Signal-to-RMS Noise 2 SNR_V -0.5 +0.5 _______________________________________________________________________________________ dB Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors (V12 = 12V, VVID = VAUD = 5V, 0.1F X5R capacitor in parallel with a 10F aluminum electrolytic capacitor from VAUD to GNDAUD, V12 to GNDAUD, and VVID to GNDVID, SET = 100k nominal, RLOAD = 150, TA = 0C to +70C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL GD Group Delay Variation CONDITIONS f = 0.1MHz to 4.43MHz Sync-Tip Clamp Level V_CLMP RGB, Composite, and Luma input, no signal, no load Chroma Bias V_BIAS Chroma input only, no signal, no load Droop D Power-Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR_V Input Impedance ZIN Input Clamp Current ICLMP Pulldown Resistance RP Output Pin Bias Voltage VOUT Crosstalk XTLK Mute Suppression MIN Set by input current TYP MAX UNITS 14 nS 1.21 V 1.9 -2 V +2 % DC, 0.5VP-P 48 dB CVBS, Y, or RGB video inputs, VIN > V_CLMP 4 M Chroma video input, VIN = V_BIAS VIN = 1.75V 11 2.5 Enable VCR_R/C_OUT and TV_R/C_OUT pulldown through I2C, (see registers 7 and 9 for loading register details) 5 k 8.0 A 10 RGB, Composite, and Luma, no signal, no load 1.08 Chroma, no signal, no load 2.27 Between any two active inputs, f = 4.43MHz, VIN = 1VP-P -50 dB -50 dB M_SPR_V f = 4.43MHz, VIN = 1VP-P, on one input only V AUDIO CHARACTERISTICS (Note 3) Voltage Gain (From Application Input) Gain Matching Between Channels G_A G_A TV or VCR to stereo, gain = 0dB, VIN = 1VP-P -0.5 0 +0.5 TV or VCR to mono, gain = 0dB, VIN = 1VP-P 2.5 3 3.5 ENC to stereo, gain = 0dB, VIN = 1VP-P 3.02 3.52 4.02 ENC to mono, gain = 0dB, VIN = 1VP-P 6.02 6.52 7.02 Gain = 0dB, VIN = 1VP-P -0.5 0 +0.5 dB dB Flatness A f = 20Hz to 20kHz, 0.5VRMS input, gain = 0dB 0.01 dB Frequency Bandwidth BW 0.5VRMS input, frequency where output is -3dB referenced to 1kHz 230 kHz Input DC Level (Excluding Encoder Inputs that are High Impedance) VIN Gain = 0dB 0.2308 x V12 V Encoder Input Common-Mode Voltage Range VCM MAX4397D only, input differential signal = 0V 1.2 VAUD 0.7 V _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MAX4397 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (V12 = 12V, VVID = VAUD = 5V, 0.1F X5R capacitor in parallel with a 10F aluminum electrolytic capacitor from VAUD to GNDAUD, V12 to GNDAUD, and VVID to GNDVID, SET = 100k nominal, RLOAD = 150, TA = 0C to +70C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER Encoder Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Input Signal Amplitude Input Resistance (Measured at Parts Input) SYMBOL CMRR VIN_AC RIN CONDITIONS MIN MAX4397D only, over VCM range 40 Single-ended inputs, f = 1kHz, THD < 1% 3 ENC inputs differential level, MAX4397D, f = 1kHz, THD < 1% 2.08 ENC inputs single-ended, MAX4397S, f = 1kHz, THD < 1% 1.31 Single ended: VCR_INR, VCR_INL, TV_INR, TV_INL 0.1 Encoder, MAX4397D: ENC_INL+, ENC_INL-, ENC_INR+, ENC_INR- 1 Encoder, MAX4397S: ENC_INL, ENC_INR Output DC Level VOUT_DC Signal-to-Noise Ratio SNR_A Total Harmonic Distortion Plus Noise THD+N Output Impedance Volume Attenuation Step ZO ASTEP TYP MAX UNITS dB VRMS M 0.1 VIN = 0V f = 1.0kHz, 1VRMS application input, gain = 0dB, 20Hz to 20kHz 0.5 x V12 V 95 dB RLOAD = 10k, f = 1.0kHz, 0.5VRMS output 0.004 RLOAD = 10k, f = 1.0kHz, 2VRMS output 0.004 f = 1kHz % 1 1.414VP-P input, programmable gain to TV SCART volume control range extends from -56dB to +6dB 1.5 1.414VP-P input, programmable gain to VCR audio extends from -6dB to +6dB 5.5 2 2.5 dB 6 6.5 From V12, f = 1kHz, 0.5VP-P, (CAUD_BIAS = 47F), gain = 0dB 75 From VAUD, f = 1kHz, 0.5VP-P, VAUD +4.75V, VAUD +5.25V, gain = 0dB 75 f = 1kHz, 0.5VRMS input, set through I2C, see register 1 for loading register details 90 dB VCLIP f = 1kHz, 2.5VRMS input, gain = 6dB, THD < 1% 3.6 VRMS Left-to-Right Crosstalk XTLK_LR f = 1kHz, 0.5VRMS input, gain = 0dB 80 dB Crosstalk TV SCART to VCR SCART or VCR SCART to XTLK_CC TV SCART, f = 1kHz, 0.5VRMS input, gain = 0dB 90 dB Power-Supply Rejection Ratio Mute Suppression Audio Clipping Level 4 PSRR_A M_SPR_A dB _______________________________________________________________________________________ Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors (V12 = 12V, VVID = VAUD = 5V, 0.1F X5R capacitor in parallel with a 10F aluminum electrolytic capacitor from VAUD to GNDAUD, V12 to GNDAUD, and VVID to GNDVID, SET = 100k nominal, RLOAD = 150, TA = 0C to +70C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.8 V DIGITAL INTERFACE: SDA AND SCL (Note 5) Low-Level Input Voltage VIL 0 High-Level Input Voltage VIH 2.6 Hysteresis of Schmitt Trigger Input SDA Low-Level Output Voltage V 0.2 VOL Output Fall Time for SDA Line V ISINK = 3mA 0.4 ISINK = 6mA 0.6 400pF bus load Spike Suppression 250 ns +10 A 400 kHz 50 Input Current -10 Input Capacitance ns 5 SCL Clock Frequency Hold Time 0 V pF tHD,STA 0.6 s Low Period of SCL Clock tLOW 1.3 s High Period of SCL Clock tHIGH 0.6 s Setup Time for a Repeated Start Condition tSU,STA 0.6 s Data Hold Time tHD,DAT 0 Data Setup Time tSU,DAT 100 ns Setup Time for Stop Condition tSU,STO 0.6 s Bus Free Time Between a Stop and Start tBUF 1.3 s 0.9 s OTHER DIGITAL PINS (Note 5) DEV_ADDR Low Level 0.8 DEV_ADDR High Level 2.6 V V SLOW SWITCHING SECTION (Note 5) Input Low Level 0 2 Input Medium Level 4.5 7.0 V Input High Level 9.5 V12 V 100 A 0 1.5 V Input Current 50 V Output Low Level 10k to ground, internal TV, 11.4V < V12 < 12.6V Output Medium Level 10k to ground, external 16/9, 11.4V < V12 < 12.6V 5.0 6.5 V Output High Level 10k to ground, external 4/3, 11.4V < V12 < 12.6V 10 V12 V _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 MAX4397 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (V12 = 12V, VVID = VAUD = 5V, 0.1F X5R capacitor in parallel with a 10F aluminum electrolytic capacitor from VAUD to GNDAUD, V12 to GNDAUD, and VVID to GNDVID, SET = 100k nominal, RLOAD = 150, TA = 0C to +70C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 1 0.01 0.75 0.4 3 10 0.2 2 V V A V V FAST SWITCHING SECTION (Note 5) Input Low Level Input High Level Input Current Output Low Level Output High Level Fast Switching Output to RGB Skew Fast Switching Output Rise Time Fast Switching Output Fall Time 0 1 ISINK = 0.5mA ISOURCE = 20mA, VVID - VOH 0 (Note 4) 30 ns 150 to ground 150 to ground 30 30 ns ns Note 1: All devices are 100% tested at TA = +25C. All temperature limits are guaranteed by design. Note 2: The settling time is measured from the 50% of the input swing to the 0.1% of the final value of the output. Note 3: Maximum load capacitance is 200pF. All the listed parameters are measured at application's inputs, unless otherwise noted. See the Typical Application Circuits. Note 4: Difference in propagation delays of fast-blanking signal and RGB signals. Measured from 50% input transition to 50% output transition. Signal levels to be determined. Note 5: Guaranteed by design. Typical Operating Characteristics (V12 = 12V, VVID = VAUD = 5V, 0.1F X5R capacitor in parallel with a 10F aluminum electrolytic capacitor from VAUD to GNDAUD, V12 to GNDAUD, VVID to GNDVID no load, TA = 0C to +70C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) 100 GROUP DELAY (nS) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 3 VIN = 1VP-P RL = 150 TO GNDVID 2 1 80 60 40 0 -1 -2 -3 20 -4 0 -6 -5 -5 -6 0.1 1 FREQUENCY (MHz) 6 4 GAIN (dB) 2 120 MAX4397 toc02 3 VIN = 1VP-P RL = 150 TO GNDVID MAX4397 toc01 4 Y VIDEO LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY GROUP DELAY vs. FREQUENCY MAX4397 toc03 R/G/B VIDEO LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY GAIN (dB) MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors 10 0.1 1 FREQUENCY (MHz) 10 0.1 1 FREQUENCY (MHz) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors 0 0 -1 -2 -10 -1 -2 -30 -40 -50 -60 -3 -3 -70 -4 -4 -80 -5 -5 -90 -6 -6 -100 10 1 0.1 10 1 10 1 FREQUENCY (MHz) FREQUENCY (MHz) FREQUENCY (MHz) AUDIO LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY AUDIO CROSSTALK vs. FREQUENCY AUDIO TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION PLUS NOISE vs. FREQUENCY CROSSTALK (dB) 1 -20 0 -1 -2 -3 0 MAX4397 toc09 2 VIN = 0.5VRMS RL = 10k TO GNDAUD 0.1 -40 AMPLITUDE = 3.0VRMS THD+N (%) VIN = 0.5VRMS RL = 10k TO GNDAUD MAX4397 toc08 0 MAX4397 toc07 4 3 0.1 VIN = 100mVP-P RL = 150 TO GNDVID -20 CROSSTALK (dB) 1 0.1 -60 AMPLITUDE = 0.5VRMS 0.01 -80 0.001 -4 -100 AMPLITUDE = 2.0VRMS -5 -120 10 100 0.01 1000 1 0.1 10 FREQUENCY (kHz) 0.1 0.01 10 100 VVID QUIESCENT SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE -20 -30 -40 WITH RESPECT TO V12 -60 -70 -80 WITH RESPECT TO VAUD -100 80 VVID QUIESCENT SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 0 -10 -90 1 FREQUENCY (kHz) POWER-SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO vs. FREQUENCY -50 0.0001 100 FREQUENCY (kHz) MAX4397 toc10 1 ALL VIDEO OUTPUT AMPLIFIERS ENABLED NO LOAD 75 MAX4397 toc11 -6 PSRR (dB) GAIN (dB) 2 1 GAIN (dB) GAIN (dB) 2 VIN = 100mVP-P RL = 150 TO GNDVID 3 VIDEO CROSSTALK vs. FREQUENCY 0 MAX4397 toc05 VIN = 100mVP-P RL = 150 TO GNDVID 3 4 MAX4397 toc04 4 Y VIDEO SMALL-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY MAX4397 toc06 R/G/B VIDEO SMALL-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 70 65 60 55 50 0.01 0.1 1 FREQUENCY (kHz) 10 100 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 MAX4397 Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (V12 = 12V, VVID = VAUD = 5V, 0.1F X5R capacitor in parallel with a 10F aluminum electrolytic capacitor from VAUD to GNDAUD, V12 to GNDAUD, VVID to GNDVID no load, TA = 0C to +70C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (V12 = 12V, VVID = VAUD = 5V, 0.1F X5R capacitor in parallel with a 10F aluminum electrolytic capacitor from VAUD to GNDAUD, V12 to GNDAUD, VVID to GNDVID no load, TA = 0C to +70C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) VVID STANDBY QUIESCENT SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE 40 35 30 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 4.0 1.0 75 50 25 50 0.5 0 25 BIAS 1.9 1.7 1.5 BOTTOM LEVEL CLAMP 0.9 6.0 VIN = 1.75V 5.5 INPUT CLAMP CURRENT (A) 2.3 50 INPUT CLAMP CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE MAX4397 toc15 INPUT CLAMP AND BIAS LEVEL (V) 1.0 TEMPERATURE (C) 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 0.7 0.5 0 25 50 2.0 75 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (C) TEMPERATURE (C) INPUT CLAMP CURRENT vs. INPUT VOLTAGE OUTPUT BIAS VOLTAGE vs. TEMPERATURE 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 3.0 CHROMA 2.5 OUTPUT BIAS VOLTAGE (V) MAX4397 toc17 0.5 INPUT CLAMP CURRENT (mA) 1.5 TEMPERATURE (C) 2.5 1.1 2.0 75 INPUT CLAMP AND BIAS LEVEL vs. TEMPERATURE 1.3 2.5 0 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 2.1 3.0 MAX4397 toc16 25 3.5 75 MAX4397 toc18 0 MAX4397 toc14 5.0 VAUD QUIESCENT SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 45 VAUD QUIESCENT SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE MAX4397 toc13 ALL VIDEO OUTPUT AMPLIFIERS DISABLED V12 QUIESCENT SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 50 V12 QUIESCENT SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE MAX4397 toc12 VVID STANDBY QUIESCENT SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors 2.0 1.5 RGB, LUMA, CVBS 1.0 0.5 -0.4 0 -0.5 0 1 2 3 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 8 4 5 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (C) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 75 75 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors PIN NAME FUNCTION 1 SDA Bidirectional Data I/O. I2C-compatible, 2-wire interface data input/output. Output is open drain. 2 2 SCL Serial Clock Input. I2C-compatible, 2-wire clock interface. 3 3 DEV_ADDR MAX4397D MAX4397S 1 Device Address Set Input. Connect to GNDVID to set write and read addresses of 94h or 95h, respectively. Connect to VVID to set write and read address of 96h or 97h, respectively. 4 -- ENC_INL+ -- 4 ENC_INL Digital Encoder Left-Channel Audio Input Digital Encoder Left-Channel Audio Positive Input 5 -- ENC_INL- Digital Encoder Left-Channel Audio Negative Input -- 5, 7 N.C. 6 -- ENC_INR+ -- 6 ENC_INR Digital Encoder Right-Channel Audio Input 7 -- ENC_INR- Digital Encoder Right-Channel Audio Negative Input 8 8 VCR_INR VCR SCART Right-Channel Audio Input 9 9 VCR_INL VCR SCART Left-Channel Audio Input 10 10 TV_INR TV SCART Right-Channel Audio Input 11 11 TV_INL TV SCART Left-Channel Audio Input 12 12 GNDAUD Audio Ground 13 13 AUD_BIAS Audio Input Bias Voltage. Bypass AUD_BIAS with a 47F capacitor and a 0.1F capacitor to GNDAUD. 14 14 VAUD 15 15 VCR_OUTR 16 16 VCR_OUTL 17 17 RF_MONO_OUT 18 18 TV_OUTL TV SCART Left-Channel Audio Output 19 19 TV_OUTR TV SCART Right-Channel Audio Output 20 20 V12 No Connection. Not internally connected. Digital Encoder Right-Channel Audio Positive Input Audio Supply. Connect to a +5V supply. Bypass with a 10F aluminum electrolyte capacitor in parallel with a 0.47F low-ESR ceramic capacitor to GNDAUD. VCR SCART Right-Channel Audio Output VCR SCART Left-Channel Audio Output RF Modulator Mono Audio Output +12V Supply. Bypass V12 with a 10F capacitor in parallel with a 0.1F capacitor to ground. 21 21 TV_SS 22 22 VCR_SS TV SCART Bidirectional Slow-Switch Signal 23 23 SET Filter Cutoff Frequency Set Input. Connect 100k resistor from SET to ground. VVID Video and Digital Supply. Connect to a +5V supply. Bypass with a 0.01F capacitor to GNDVID. VVID also serves as a digital supply for the I2C interface. VCR SCART Bidirectional Slow-Switch Signal 24, 36 24, 36 25 25 VCRIN_FS VCR SCART Fast-Switching Input 26 26 ENCIN_FS Digital Encoder Fast-Switching Input 27 27 TVOUT_FS TV SCART Fast-Switching Output. This signal is used to switch the TV to its RGB inputs for on-screen display purposes. 28 28 GNDVID Video Ground _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 MAX4397 Pin Description MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Pin Description (continued) PIN NAME FUNCTION MAX4397D MAX4397S 29 29 RF_CVBS_OUT 30 30 TV_Y/CVBS_OUT 31 31 TV_R/C_OUT 32 32 TV_G_OUT TV SCART Green Video Output. Internally biased at 1V. 33 33 TV_B_OUT TV SCART Blue Video Output. Internally biased at 1V. 34 34 35 35 VCR_R/C_OUT 37 37 TV_R/C_IN 38 38 TV_Y/CVBS_IN 39 39 VCR_Y/CVBS_IN RF Modulator Composite Video Output. Internally biased at 1V. TV SCART Luma/Composite Video Output. Internally biased at 1V. TV SCART Red/Chroma Video Output. Internally biased at 1V for Red video signal and 2.2V for Chroma video signal. VCR_Y/CVBS_OUT VCR SCART Luma/Composite Video Output. Internally biased at 1V. VCR SCART Red/Chroma Video Output. Internally biased at 1V for Red video signals and 2.2V for Chroma video signal. TV SCART Red/Chroma Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V for Red video signals, or 1.9V for Chroma video signals. TV SCART Luma/Composite Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V. VCR SCART Luma/Composite Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V. VCR SCART Red/Chroma Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V for Red video signals and 1.9V for Chroma video signals. 40 40 VCR_R/C_IN 41 41 VCR_G_IN VCR SCART Green Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V. 42 42 VCR_B_IN VCR SCART Blue Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V. 43 43 ENC_Y/CVBS_IN 44 44 ENC_R/C_IN 45 45 ENC_G_IN Digital Encoder Green Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V. 46 46 ENC_B_IN Digital Encoder Blue Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V. 47 47 ENC_Y_IN Digital Encoder Luma Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V. 48 48 ENC_C_IN Digital Encoder Chroma Video Input. Internally biased at 1.9V. GNDAUD Exposed Paddle. Solder to the circuit board ground (GNDAUD) for proper thermal and electrical performance. EP EP Digital Encoder Luma/Composite Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V. Digital Encoder Red/Chroma Video Input. Internally biased at 1.2V for Red video signals, or 1.9V for Chroma video signals. Detailed Description The MAX4397 is a switch matrix that routes audio and video signals between different ports using the I 2C interface. The ports consist of the MPEG decoder output, and two SCART connectors for the TV and VCR. Per EN50049 and IEC 933, the encoder can only input a signal to the SCART connector, while TV and VCR SCART connectors are bidirectional. The MAX4397 circuitry consists of four major sections: the video section, the audio section, the slow- and fastswitching section, and the digital interface. The video section consists of clamp and bias circuitry, input buffers, reconstruction filters, a switch matrix, a Y/C mixer, and output buffers. All video inputs are ACcoupled through a 0.1F capacitor to set an acceptable 10 DC level using clamp or bias networks. The bidirectional Red/Chroma outputs can be connected to ground using I 2 C control to make them terminations when Red/Chroma is an input (see the Video Inputs section). The audio section features an input buffer, a switching matrix, volume- or gain-control circuitry, and output drivers. The audio inputs are AC-coupled through a 0.1F capacitor. Only the audio encoder inputs of the MAX4397D are different from the MAX4397S. The MAX4397S has a single-ended audio encoder input while the audio encoder input for the MAX4397D is differential. The TV output audio path has volume control from -56dB to +6dB in 2dB steps, while the VCR output audio path has volume control from -6dB to +6dB in 6dB steps. The MAX4397 can be configured to switch inputs during a zero-crossing function to reduce clicks. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors TV_R/C_IN CLAMP/BIAS TV_Y/CVBS_IN CLAMP VCR_B_IN CLAMP VCR_G_IN CLAMP VCR_R/C_IN SCART Video Switching The MAX4397 switches video signals between an MPEG decoder, TV SCART, and VCR SCART. The video switch includes reconstruction filters, multiplexed video amplifiers, and a Y/C mixer driver for an RF modulator. See Figure 1 for the functional diagram of the video section. While the SCART connector supports RGB, S-video, and Composite video formats, RGB, and S-video typically share a bidirectional set of SCART connector pins. FILTER x2 FILTER x2 PULLDOWN VCRRCOUT VCR_Y/CVBS_OUT VCR_R/C_OUT N CLAMP/BIAS VCRIN_FS VGA 5dB, 6dB, OR 7dB 0.7V TV_R/C_OUT FILTER VCR_Y/CVBS_IN CLAMP ENC_Y/CVBS_IN CLAMP ENC_R/C_IN PULLDOWN TVRCOUT VGA 5dB, 6dB, OR 7dB CLAMP/BIAS ENC_G_IN CLAMP ENC_B_IN CLAMP ENC_Y_IN CLAMP N FILTER TV_G_OUT VGA 5dB, 6dB, OR 7dB TV_B_OUT FILTER ENCIN_FS 0.7V ENC_C_IN BIAS BIAS x2 TV_Y/CVBS_OUT x1 TVOUT_FS x2 RF_CVBS_OUT 0V MAX4397 5V FILTER 2k MIXER V12 SLOW SWITCHING 2k TV_SS VCR_SS Figure 1. MAX4397 Video Section Functional Diagram ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 MAX4397 The digital block contains the 2-wire interface circuitry, control, and status registers. The MAX4397 can be configured through an I 2 C-compatible interface. DEV_ADDR sets the I2C-compatible address. The slow-switching feature allows for bidirectional, trilevel, slow-switching input and output signals at pin VCR_SS and TV_SS, respectively. The slow-switching signals from the VCR set the aspect ratio or video source of the TV screen. See the Slow Switching section. Fast switching consists of two inputs from the encoder and VCR, and one output to the TV to insert an onscreen display (OSD). Fast switching is used to route video signals from the VCR or from the encoder to the TV. In addition, the fast-switching output can be configured to a high or low voltage. Fast switching is controlled through the I2C interface. MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Video Inputs with a 75 resistor to ground. Thus, a ground state is provided by an active pulldown to GNDVID on the Red/Chroma output to support the bidirectional Chroma or Red I/O, turning the output source resistors into terminations (see Figure 2). The active pulldown also provides the "Mute Output" function, and disables the deselected video outputs. The "Mute Output" state is the default power-on state for video. For high-quality home video, the MPEG decoder, VCR, and TV use the S-video format. The MAX4397 supports S-video signals as an input from the VCR, the MPEG decoder, and the TV, and also as a separately switchable output to the TV and VCR. Because S-video support was not included in the original specifications of the SCART connector, the Luma (Y) signal of S-video and the CVBS signal share the same SCART connector pins. If S-video is present, then a Composite signal must be created from the Y and C signals to drive the RF_CVBS_OUT pin. For S-video, loop-through is not possible since the Chroma SCART port is used for both input and output. The MAX4397 supports Composite video (CVBS) format, with inputs from the VCR, MPEG decoder, and TV. Full loop-through is possible to the TV and VCR only, since the MPEG decoder SCART connector has separate input and output pins for the CVBS format. All video inputs are AC-coupled with an external 0.1F capacitor. Either a clamp or bias circuit sets the DC input level of the video signals. The clamp circuit positions the sync tip of the Composite (CVBS), the Component RGB, or the S-Video Luma signal. If the signal does not have a sync tip, then the clamp positions the minimum of the signal at the clamp voltage. The bias circuitry is used to position the S-video Chroma signal at midlevel of the Luma (Y) signal. On the video inputs that can receive either a Chroma or a Red video signal, the bias or clamp circuit is selected through I2C. See Tables 3-12 for loading register details. The MPEG decoder and VCR uses the RGB format and fast switching to insert an on-screen display (OSD), usually text, onto the TV. The MAX4397 supports RGB as an input from either the VCR or the MPEG decoder and as an output only to the TV. The Red video signal of the RGB format and the Chroma video signal of the S-VHS format share the same SCART connector pin. Therefore, RGB and S-video signals cannot be present at the same time. Loop-through is possible with a Composite video signal but not with RGB signals because the RGB SCART pins are used for both input and output. In SCART, there is the possibility of a bidirectional use of the Red/Chroma pin. When using the Red/Chroma pin as an input port, terminate the Red/Chroma output 0.1F 0.1F MAX4397 MAX4397 TV_R/C_OUT N PULLDOWN 75 PIN 15 PIN 15 PIN 13 PIN 13 SCART CABLE 75 TV_R/C_OUT N PULLDOWN TV_R/C_IN CLAMP/BIAS VIDEO INPUT TV_R/C_IN SCART CONNECTORS CLAMP/BIAS CLAMP Figure 2. Bidirectional SCART Pins 12 ______________________________________________________________________________________ VIDEO INPUT CLAMP Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Slow Switching The MAX4397 supports the IEC 933-1, Amendment 1, tri-level slow switching that selects the aspect ratio for the display (TV). Under I2C-compatible control, the MAX4397 sets the slow-switching output voltage level. Table 1 shows the valid input levels of the slow-switching signal and the corresponding operating modes of the display device. Two bidirectional ports are available for slow-switching signals for the TV and VCR. The slow-switching input status is continuously read and stored in the register 0Eh. The slow-switching outputs can be set to a logic level or high impedance by writing to registers 07h and 09h. See Tables 8 and 10 for details. Fast Switching The VCR or MPEG decoder outputs a fast-switching signal to the display device or TV to insert on-screen display (OSD). The fast-switching signal can also be set to a constant high or low output signal through the I 2C interface. The fast-switching output can be set through writing to register 07h. Y/C Mixer The MAX4397 includes an on-chip mixer to produce Composite video (CVBS) when S-video (Y and C) is present. The Composite video drives the RF_CVBS_OUT output pin. The circuit sums Y and C signals to obtain the CVBS component. A +6dB output buffer drives RF_CVBS_OUT. Video Reconstruction Filter The encoder DAC outputs need to be lowpass-filtered to reject the out-of-band noise. The MAX4397 integrates the reconstruction filter. The filter is fourth order, which is composed of two Sallen-Key biquad in cascade, implementing a Butterworth-type transfer function. The internal reconstruction filters feature a 6MHz cutoff frequency, and -35dB minimum attenuation at 27MHz. Note that the SET pin is used to set the accuracy of the filter cutoff frequency. Connect a 100k resistor from SET to ground. SCART Audio Switching Audio Inputs All audio inputs for the MAX4397S are single-ended and are AC-coupled. The MAX4397D audio inputs are singled-ended and AC-coupled except for the audio encoder input, which is differential DC-coupled. The audio block has three stereo audio inputs from the TV, the VCR, and the MPEG decoder SCART. Each input has a 100k resistor connected to an internally generated voltage equal to 0.23 x V12, except for the encoder input of the MAX4397D, where the DC bias is fixed externally. Table 1. Slow-Switching Modes SET-TOP BOX SLOW-SWITCHING SIGNAL VOLTAGE (V) MAX4397 MODE +5V VIDEO OUTPUT 75 BACK TERMINATION RESISTOR TV SCART CABLE Display device uses an internal source such as a built-in tuner to provide a video signal 4.5 to 7.0 Display device uses a video signal from the SCART connector and sets the display to 16:9 aspect ratio 9.5 to 12.6 Display device uses a signal from the SCART connector and sets the display to 4:3 aspect ratio 0.1F DC RESTORE 75 INPUT TERMINATION RESISTOR 5k 0 to 2 Figure 3. Typical TV Input Circuit ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 MAX4397 Video Outputs The DC level at the video outputs is controlled so that coupling capacitors are not required, and all of the video outputs are capable of driving a DC-coupled, 150, back-terminated coax load with respect to ground. In a typical television input circuit (see Figure 3) the video output driver on the SCART chip only needs to source current. Users should note that, while the SCART specification states 75 impedance, in practice, typical SCART chip implementations assume 75 input resistance to ground (and source current from the video output stage). Since some televisions and VCRs use the horizontal sync height for automatic gain control, the MAX4397 accurately reproduces the sync height to within 2%. MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Audio Outputs Both right and left channels have a stereo output for the TV and VCR SCART. The monaural output, which is a mix of the TV right and left channels, drives the RF modulator, RF_MONO_OUT. The monaural mixer, a resistor summer, attenuates the amplitude of each of the two signals by 6dB. A 12.54dB gain block follows the monaural mixer. If the left and right audio channels were completely uncorrelated, then a 9.54dB gain block is used. See Figures 4 and 5 for the functional diagram of the audio section. Clickless Switching The TV channel incorporates a zero-crossing detect (ZCD) circuit that minimizes click noise due to abrupt signal level changes that occur when switching between audio signals at an arbitrary moment. AUDIO INPUTS ENC_INL+ AUDIO OUTPUTS ZCD DIFF/SE VOLUME CONTROL BYPASS ENC_INL9.54dB TV_INL VCR_INL TV_OUTL VOLUME CONTROL +6dB TO -56dB MUTE MUTE ENC_INR+ 12.54dB /2 DIFF/SE RF_MONO_OUT VOLUME CONTROL BYPASS MUTE ENC_INR- 9.54dB TV_INR VCR_INR TV_OUTR VOLUME CONTROL +6dB TO -56dB MUTE MUTE GNDAUD I2C 9.54dB -6dB, 0dB, OR +6dB VCR_OUTL MUTE 9.54dB -6dB, 0dB, OR +6dB VCR_OUTR MUTE MUTE IS AN INTERNAL SIGNAL Figure 4. MAX4397D Audio Section Functional Diagram 14 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors AUDIO OUTPUTS ZCD ENC_INL MAX4397 AUDIO INPUTS VOLUME CONTROL BYPASS 9.54dB TV_INL VCR_INL TV_OUTL VOLUME CONTROL +6dB TO -56dB MUTE MUTE 12.54dB /2 ENC_INR RF_MONO_OUT VOLUME CONTROL BYPASS MUTE TV_INR 9.54dB VCR_INR TV_OUTR VOLUME CONTROL +6dB TO -56dB MUTE MUTE GNDAUD I2C 9.54dB -6dB, 0dB, OR +6dB VCR_OUTL MUTE 9.54dB -6dB, 0dB, OR +6dB VCR_OUTR MUTE MUTE IS AN INTERNAL SIGNAL Figure 5. MAX4397S Audio Section Features Singled-Ended Encoder Input To implement the zero-crossing function when switching audio signals, set the ZCD bit by loading register 00h through the I2C-compatible interface (if the ZCD bit is not already set). Then set the mute bit low by loading register 00h. Next, wait for a sufficient period of time for the audio signal to cross zero. This period is a function of the audio signal path's low-frequency 3dB corner (fL3dB). Thus, if fL3dB = 1kHz, the time period to wait for a zero-crossing detect is 1/2kHz or 0.5ms. Next, set the appropriate TV switches using register 01h. Finally, clear the mute bit (while leaving the ZCD bit high) using register 00h. The MAX4397 switches the signal out of mute at the next zero crossing. To implement the zero-cross function for TV volume changes, or for TV and phono volume bypass switching, simply ensure the ZCD bit in register 00h is set. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Volume Control The TV channel volume control ranges from -56dB to +6dB in 2dB steps. The VCR volume control settings are programmable for -6dB, 0dB, and +6dB. These gain levels are referenced to the application inputs, where some dividers are present. With the ZCD bit set, the TV volume control switches only at zero-crossings, thus minimizing click noise. The TV outputs can bypass the volume control. Likewise, the monaural output signal can be processed by the TV volume control or it can bypass the volume control. Digital Section Serial Interface The MAX4397 uses a simple 2-wire serial interface requiring only two standard microprocessor port I/O lines. The fast-mode I2C-compatible serial interface allows communication at data rates up to 400kbps or 400kHz. Figure 6 shows the timing diagram of the signals on the 2-wire interface. The two bus lines (SDA and SCL) must be at logic-high when the bus is not in use. The MAX4397 is a slave device and must be controlled by a master device. Pullup resistors from the bus lines to the supply are required when push-pull circuitry is not driving the lines. The logic level on the SDA line can only change when the SCL line is low. The start and stop conditions occur when SDA toggles low/high while the SCL line is high (see Figure 6). Data on SDA must be stable for the duration of the setup time (tSU,DAT) before SCL goes high. Data on SDA is sampled when SCL toggles high with data on SDA stable for the duration of the hold time (tHD,DAT). Note that data is transmitted in an 8-bit byte. A total of nine clock cycles are required to transfer a byte to the MAX4397. The device acknowledges the successful receipt of the byte by pulling the SDA line low during the 9th clock cycle. SDA tSU, DAT tBUF tSU, STA tHD, STA tLOW tSU, STA tHD, DAT SCL tHD, STA tR tF START CONDITION REPEATED START CONDITION STOP CONDITION Figure 6. SDA and SCL Signal Timing Diagram 16 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Write Mode S Slave Address (Write address) A Register Address A Data A P Slave Address Register A A Sr Address (Write address) Slave Address A Data (Read address) NA P S = Start Condition, A = Acknowledge, NA = Not Acknowledge, Sr = Repeat Start Condition, P = Stop Condition I2C Compatibility The MAX4397 is compatible with existing I2C systems. SCL and SDA are high-impedance inputs. SDA has an open drain that pulls the bus line to a logic-low during the 9th clock pulse. Figure 7 shows a typical I2C interface application. The communication protocol supports the standard I2C 8-bit communications. The MAX4397 address is compatible with the 7-bit I2C addressing protocol only; 10-bit format is not supported. Digital Inputs and Interface Logic The I2C-compatible, 2-wire interface has logic levels defined as VIL = 0.8V and VIH = 2.0V. All of the inputs include Schmitt-trigger buffers to accept low-transition interfaces. The digital inputs are compatible with 3V CMOS logic levels. C SDA Table 2. Slave Address Programming ADDRESS PIN STATE Read Mode S Programming Connect DEV_ADDR to ground to set the MAX4397 write and read address as shown in Table 2. SCL SCL VVID MAX4397 SDA SCL VDD DEVICE 1 SDA SCL VDD WRITE ADDRESS READ ADDRESS VVID 96h 97h GNDVID 94h 95h Data Register Writing and Reading Program the SCART video and audio switches by writing to registers 00h through 0Dh. Registers 00h through 0Eh can also be read, allowing read-back of data after programming and facilitating system debugging. The status register is read-only and can be read from address 0Eh. See Tables 3-12 for register programming information. Applications Information Hot-Plug of SCART Connectors The MAX4397 features high-ESD protection on all SCART inputs and outputs, and requires no external transient-voltage suppressor (TVS) devices to protect against floating chassis discharge. Some set-top boxes have a floating chassis problem in which the chassis is not connected to earth ground. As a result, the chassis can charge up to 500V. When a SCART cable is connected to the SCART connector, the charged chassis can discharge through a signal pin. The equivalent circuit is a 2200pF capacitor charged to 311V connected through less than 0.1 to a signal pin. The MAX4397 is soldered on the PC board when it experiences such a discharge. Therefore, the current spike flows through the ESD protection diodes and is absorbed by the supply bypass capacitors, which have high capacitance and low ESR. To better protect the MAX4397 against excess voltages during the cable discharge condition, place an additional 75 resistor in series with all inputs and outputs to the SCART connector. For harsh environments where 15kV protection is needed, the MAX4385E and MAX4386E single and quad high-speed op amps feature the industry's first integrated 15kV ESD protection on video inputs and outputs. DEVICE 2 SDA Figure 7. Typical I2C Interface Application ______________________________________________________________________________________ 17 MAX4397 Data Format of the I2C Interface MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Power Supplies and Bypassing Layout and Grounding The MAX4397 features single 5V and 12V supply operation and requires no negative supply. The +12V supply V12 is for the SCART switching function. For pin V 12, place all bypass capacitors as close as possible with a 10F capacitor in parallel with a 0.1F ceramic capacitor. Connect all VAUD pins together to +5V and bypass with a 10F electrolytic capacitor in parallel with a 0.47F lowESR ceramic capacitor to audio ground. Bypass VAUD pins with a 0.1F capacitor to audio ground. Bypass AUD_BIAS to audio ground with a 10F electrolytic in parallel with a 0.1F ceramic capacitor. For optimal performance, use controlled-impedance traces for video signal paths and place input termination resistors and output back-termination resistors close to the MAX4397. Avoid routing video traces parallel to high-speed data lines. The MAX4397 provides separate ground connections for video, audio, and digital supplies. For best performance, use separate ground planes for each of the ground returns and connect all three ground planes together at a single point. Refer to the MAX4397 evaluation kit for a proven circuit board layout example. Bypass VDIG with a 0.1F ceramic capacitor to digital ground. Bypass each VVID to video ground with a 0.1F ceramic capacitor. Connect VVID in series with a 200nH ferrite bead to the +5V supply. Table 3. Data Format for Write Mode REGISTER ADDRESS (HEXADECIMAL) BIT 7 BIT 6 00h TV volume bypass ZCD 01h BIT 4 BIT 3 Not used Not used 03h Not used 04h Not used 05h Not used 06h TV_R/C_IN clamp RGB gain TV G and B video switch 07h Not used RF_CVBS_ TV_Y/ OUT switch CVBS_OUT switch TV fast blank (fast switching) 08h VCR_R/ C_IN clamp Not used Not used Not used ENC_R/ C_IN clamp 09h Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used 0Ah Not used 0Bh Not used 0Ch Not used VCR_R/ C_OUT enable BIT 1 TV_R/C_OUT enable TV_G_OUT TV_B_OUT enable enable BIT 0 TV audio output mute VCR audio selection Not used VCR_Y/ CVBS_OUT enable BIT 2 TV volume control 02h 0Dh 18 VCR volume control BIT 5 TV audio selection TV video switch TV_R/C_OUT ground Set function TV VCR video switch VCR_R/C_OUT ground TV_Y/ CVBS_OUT enable Set function VCR TVOUT _FS enable ______________________________________________________________________________________ RF_CVBS_ OUT enable Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors REGISTER ADDRESS (HEXADECIMAL) BIT 7 BIT 6 0Eh Thermal SHDN Power-on reset BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 Not used BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 TV slow switch input VCR slow switch input Table 5. Register 00h: TV Audio control DESCRIPTION BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TV Audio Mute TV Volume Control TV Zero-Crossing Detector TV Volume Bypass COMMENTS 0 0 Off 1 On (power-on default) 0 0 0 0 0 +6dB gain 0 0 0 0 1 +4dB gain 0 0 0 1 0 +2dB gain 0 0 0 1 1 0dB gain (power-on default) 0 0 1 0 0 -2dB gain 0 0 1 0 1 -4dB gain 1 1 1 1 0 -54dB gain 1 1 1 1 1 -56dB gain 0 Off 1 On (power-on default) 0 TV audio passes through volume control (power-on default) 1 TV audio bypasses volume control Table 6. Register 01h: TV/VCR Audio Control DESCRIPTION BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 Input Source for TV Audio Input Source for VCR Audio VCR Volume Control COMMENTS 1 0 0 0 Encoder audio 0 1 VCR audio 1 0 TV audio 1 1 Mute (power-on default) 0 0 Encoder audio 0 1 VCR audio 1 0 TV audio 1 1 Mute (power-on default) 0 0 0dB gain (power-on default) 0 1 +6dB gain 1 0 -6dB gain 1 1 0dB gain ______________________________________________________________________________________ 19 MAX4397 Table 4. Data Format for Read Mode MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Table 7. Register 06h: TV Video Input Control DESCRIPTION BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 COMMENTS 0 TV_Y/CVBS_OUT Input Sources for TV Video 0 0 0 ENC_Y/CVBS_IN ENC_R/C_IN 0 0 1 ENC_Y_IN ENC_C_IN 0 1 0 VCR_Y/CVBS_IN VCR_R/C_IN 0 1 1 TV_Y/CVBS_IN TV_R/C_IN 1 0 0 Not used Not used 1 0 1 Mute Mute 1 1 0 Mute Mute 1 Mute (power-on default) Mute (power-on default) 1 Input Sources for TV_G_OUT and TV_B_OUT RGB Gain TV_R/C_IN Clamp/Bias 20 TV_R/C_OUT 1 TV_G_OUT TV_B_OUT 0 0 ENC_G_IN ENC_B_IN 0 1 VCR_G_IN VCR_B_IN 1 0 Mute Mute 1 1 Mute (power-on default) Mute (power-on default) 0 0 6dB (power-on default) 0 1 7dB 1 0 5dB 1 1 5dB 0 DC restore clamp active at input (power-on default) 1 Chrominance bias applied at input ______________________________________________________________________________________ Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors BIT DESCRIPTION 7 6 5 4 3 2 Set TV Function Switching 0 0 0 Low (<2V), internal source (power-on default) 0 1 Medium (4.5V to 7V), external SCART source with 16:9 aspect ratio 1 0 High impedance 1 1 High (>9.5V), external SCART source with 4:3 aspect ratio 0 Normal operation, pulldown on TV_R/C_OUT is off (power-on default) 1 Ground, pulldown on TV_R/C_OUT is on, the output amplifier driving TV_R/C_OUT is turned off TV_R/C_OUT Ground Fast Blank (Fast Switching) TV_Y/CVBS_OUT Switch COMMENTS 1 0 0 0V (power-on default) 0 1 Same level as ENC_FB_IN 1 0 Same level as VCR_FB_IN 1 1 VVID 0 Composite video from the Y/C mixer is output 1 The TV_Y/CVBS_OUT signal selected in register 06h is output (power-on default) 0 Composite video from the Y/C mixer is output (power-on default) 1 The TV_Y/CVBS_OUT signal selected in register 06h is output RF_CVBS_OUT Switch Table 9. Register 08h: VCR Video Input Control DESCRIPTION BIT 7 6 5 4 3 Input Sources for VCR Video VCR_R/C_IN Clamp/Bias ENC_R/C_IN Clamp/Bias 0 COMMENTS 2 1 0 VCR_Y/CVBS_OUT VCR_R/C_OUT 0 0 0 ENC_Y/CVBS_IN ENC_R/C_IN 0 0 1 ENC_Y_IN ENC_C_IN 0 1 0 VCR_Y/CVBS_IN VCR_R/C_IN 0 1 1 TV_Y/CVBS_IN TV_R/C_IN 1 0 0 Not used Not used 1 0 1 Mute Mute 1 1 0 Mute Mute 1 1 1 Mute (power-on default) Mute (power-on default) DC restore clamp active at input (power-on default) 1 Chrominance bias applied at input 0 DC restore clamp active at input (power-on default) 1 Chrominance bias applied at input ______________________________________________________________________________________ 21 MAX4397 Table 8. Register 07h: TV Video Output Control MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Table 10. Register 09h: VCR Video Output Control DESCRIPTION BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 Set VCR Function Switching COMMENTS 1 0 0 0 Low (<2V), internal source (power-on default) 0 1 Medium (4.5V to 7V), external SCART source with 16:9 aspect ratio 1 0 High impedance 1 1 High (>9.5V), external SCART source with 4:3 aspect ratio 0 Normal operation, pulldown on VCR_R/C_OUT is off (power-on default) 1 Ground, pulldown on VCR_R/C_OUT is on, the output amplifier driving VCR_R/C_OUT is turned off VCR_R/C_OUT ground Table 11. Register 0Dh: Output Enable DESCRIPTION BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RF_CVBS_OUT TVOUT_FS 0 TV_Y/CVBS_OUT 1 TV_B_OUT TV_G_OUT TV_R/C_OUT 0 VCR_R/C_OUT VCR_Y/CVBS_OUT 22 1 COMMENTS 0 0 Off (power-on default) 1 On 0 Off (power-on default) 1 On Off (power-on default) On 0 Off (power-on default) 1 On 0 Off (power-on default) 1 On 0 Off (power-on default) 1 On Off (power-on default) On 0 Off (power-on default) 1 On ______________________________________________________________________________________ Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors DESCRIPTION BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 TV Slow Switch Input VCR Slow Switch Input Power-On Reset Thermal Shutdown COMMENTS 1 0 0 0 0 to 2V, internal source 0 1 4.5V to 7V, external source with 16:9 aspect ratio 1 0 Not used 1 1 9.5V to 12.6V, external source with 4:3 aspect ratio 0 0 0 to 2V, internal source 0 1 4.5V to 7V, external source with 16:9 aspect ratio 1 0 Not used 1 1 9.5V to 12.6V, external source with 4:3 aspect ratio 0 VVID is too low for digital logic to operate 1 VVID is high enough for digital logic to operate 0 The part is in thermal shutdown 1 The temperature is below the TSHD limit ______________________________________________________________________________________ 23 MAX4397 Table 12. Register 0Eh Status Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 ENC_G_IN ENC_R/C_IN ENC_Y/CVBS_IN VCR_B_IN VCR_G_IN VCR_R/C_IN VCR_Y/CVBS_IN TV_Y/CVBS_IN 1 SDA SCL 2 SCL 3 DEV_ADDR 4 TV_R/C_IN_SC 37 TV_R/C_IN 45 ENC_B_IN TV_Y/CVBS_IN_SC VCR_Y/CVBS_IN_SC VCR_R/C_IN_SC VCR_G_IN_SC 46 ENC_Y_IN VCR_B_IN_SC ENC_Y/CVBS_IN_SC ENC_R/C_IN_SC ENC_B_IN_SC 47 SDA DEV_ADDR ENC_B_IN_SC ENC_Y_IN_SC 48 ENC_C_IN ENC_C_IN_SC MAX4397 Typical Application Circuits VVID 0.1F 10F VVID 36 VCR_R/C_OUT 35 VCR_R/C_OUT_SC VCR_Y/CVBS_OUT 34 VCR_Y/CVBS_OUT_SC ENC_INL+ TV_B_OUT 33 TV_B_OUT_SC 5 ENC_INL- TV_G_OUT 32 TV_G_OUT_SC 6 ENC_INR+ TV_R/C_OUT 31 TV_R/C_OUT_SC 7 ENC_INR- TV_Y/CVBS_OUT 30 TV_Y/CVBS_OUT_SC 8 VCR_INR RF_CVBS_OUT 29 RF_CVBS_OUT_SC 9 VCR_INL GNDVID 28 10 TV_INR TVOUT_FS 27 11 TV_INL ENCIN_FS 26 12 GNDAUD VCRIN_FS 25 4.7k ENC_INL+_SC 4.7k 9.4k ENC_INL-_SC 4.7k ENC_INR+_SC 4.7k MAX4397D 9.4k ENC_INR-_SC 3.3k 3.3k 3.3k VCR_INR_SC 3.3k 3.3k 3.3k 3.3k 3.3k VCR_INL_SC 3.3k 3.3k VCR_OUTR VCR_OUTL RF_MONO_OUT TV_OUTL TV_OUTR V12 TV_SS VCR_SS SET 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10F 10F 10F 10F 100k V12 10F VVID 10F 10k 10F 0.1F TV_SS TV_OUTR_SC TV_OUTL_SC 0.1F RF_MONO_OUT_SC 10F VCR_OUTL_SC 0.1F VCR_OUTR_SC 10k 47F 24 0.1F VCR_SS VAUD VCRIN_FS VVID VAUD 3.3k AUD_BIAS 3.3k TV_INL_SC ALL CAPACITORS ARE 0.1F AND ALL RESISTORS ARE 75, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 24 TVOUT_FS_SC ENCIN_FS TV_INR_SC ______________________________________________________________________________________ Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors 43 42 41 40 39 38 ENC_G_IN ENC_R/C_IN ENC_Y/CVBS_IN VCR_B_IN VCR_G_IN VCR_R/C_IN VCR_Y/CVBS_IN TV_Y/CVBS_IN 1 SDA SCL 2 SCL 3 DEV_ADDR 4 TV_R/C_IN_SC 37 TV_R/C_IN 44 ENC_B_IN TV_Y/CVBS_IN_SC VCR_Y/CVBS_IN_SC VCR_R/C_IN_SC VCR_G_IN_SC 45 ENC_Y_IN VCR_B_IN_SC ENC_Y/CVBS_IN_SC ENC_R/C_IN_SC ENC_B_IN_SC 46 SDA DEV_ADDR ENC_B_IN_SC ENC_Y_IN_SC 47 ENC_C_IN ENC_C_IN_SC 48 VVID 0.1F 10F VVID 36 VCR_R/C_OUT 35 VCR_R/C_OUT_SC VCR_Y/CVBS_OUT 34 VCR_Y/CVBS_OUT_SC ENC_INL TV_B_OUT 33 TV_B_OUT_SC 5 N.C. TV_G_OUT 32 TV_G_OUT_SC 6 ENC_INR TV_R/C_OUT 31 TV_R/C_OUT_SC 7 N.C. TV_Y/CVBS_OUT 30 TV_Y/CVBS_OUT_SC 8 VCR_INR RF_CVBS_OUT 29 RF_CVBS_OUT_SC 9 VCR_INL GNDVID 28 10 TV_INR TVOUT_FS 27 11 TV_INL ENCIN_FS 26 12 GNDAUD VCRIN_FS 25 4.7k ENC_INL_SC 4.7k 4.7k ENC_INR_SC MAX4397S 4.7k 3.3k 3.3k 3.3k VCR_INR_SC 3.3k 3.3k 3.3k 3.3k 3.3k VCR_INL_SC 3.3k ENCIN_FS TV_INR_SC 3.3k VCR_OUTR VCR_OUTL RF_MONO_OUT TV_OUTL TV_OUTR V12 TV_SS VCR_SS SET 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10F 10F 10F 10F 100k V12 10F VVID 10F 10k 10F 0.1F TV_SS TV_OUTR_SC TV_OUTL_SC 0.1F RF_MONO_OUT_SC 10F VCR_OUTL_SC 0.1F VCR_OUTR_SC 10k 47F 24 0.1F VCR_SS VAUD VCRIN_FS VVID VAUD 3.3k AUD_BIAS 3.3k TV_INL_SC TVOUT_FS_SC ALL CAPACITORS ARE 0.1F AND ALL RESISTORS ARE 75, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 25 MAX4397 Typical Application Circuits (continued) Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors MAX4397 System Block Diagram V12 VVID VAUD 5V 12V 5V RGB VIDEO ENCODER RGB CVBS, Y/C CVBS, Y/C MAX4397 R/L AUDIO FAST SWITCHING CVBS/Y SWITCHES AND FILTERS AUDIO DAC R/L AUDIO FAST SWITCHING RGB AND CHROMA SWITCHES AND FILTERS ADDRESS C SLOW SWITCHING SCL AUDIO SWITCHES R/L AUDIO VCR SCART CONNECTOR SLOW SWITCHING RF_CVBS SLOW AND FAST SWITCHING MONO AUDIO GNDAUD 26 RGB CVBS, Y/C SDA RF MOD TV SCART CONNECTOR EP FAST SWITCHING GNDVID ______________________________________________________________________________________ Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors VCRIN_FS TVOUT_FS ENCIN_FS TV_Y/CVBS_OUT RF_CVBS_OUT GNDVID TV_B_OUT TV_G_OUT TV_R/C_OUT VVID VCR_R/C_OUT VCR_Y/CVBS_OUT TOP VIEW 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 TV_R/C_IN 37 24 VVID TV_Y/CVBS_IN VCR_Y/CVBS_IN VCR_R/C_IN 38 23 39 22 SET VCR_SS 40 21 VCR_G_IN VCR_B_IN 41 20 ENC_Y/CVBS_IN 43 18 ENC_R/C_IN ENC_G_IN ENC_B_IN ENC_Y_IN 44 17 45 16 46 15 47 14 ENC_C_IN 48 13 42 19 3 SCL DEV_ADDR ENC_INL+ ENC_INLENC_INR+ ENC_INR- 4 5 6 7 8 VCR_OUTL VCR_OUTR VAUD AUD_BIAS 9 10 11 12 TV_INR TV_INL GNDAUD 2 VCR_INR VCR_INL 1 SDA MAX4397D TV_SS V12 TV_OUTR TV_OUTL RF_MONO_OUT THIN QFN ______________________________________________________________________________________ 27 MAX4397 Pin Configurations Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors VCRIN_FS TVOUT_FS ENCIN_FS TV_Y/CVBS_OUT RF_CVBS_OUT GNDVID TV_B_OUT TV_G_OUT TV_R/C_OUT VVID TOP VIEW VCR_R/C_OUT VCR_Y/CVBS_OUT MAX4397 Pin Configurations (continued) 36 47 35 46 34 45 33 44 32 43 31 42 30 41 29 40 28 39 27 38 26 37 25 48 TV_R/C_IN 371 24 36 VVID TV_Y/CVBS_IN VCR_Y/CVBS_IN VCR_R/C_IN 382 23 35 393 22 34 SET VCR_SS 404 21 33 VCR_G_IN VCR_B_IN 415 20 32 ENC_Y/CVBS_IN 437 18 30 ENC_R/C_IN ENC_G_IN ENC_B_IN ENC_Y_IN 448 17 29 459 16 28 46 10 15 27 47 11 14 26 48 12 13 25 ENC_C_IN 426 19 31 MAX4397S TV_SS V12 TV_OUTR TV_OUTL RF_MONO_OUT VCR_OUTL VCR_OUTR VAUD AUD_BIAS VCR_SS TV_INL GNDAUD VCR_INR TV_INR SCL DEV_ADDR ENC_INL N.C. ENC_INR N.C. SDA 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 13 THIN QFN Chip Information TRANSISTOR COUNT: 13,265 PROCESS: BiCMOS 28 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors DETAIL A 32, 44, 48L QFN.EPS E (NE-1) X e E/2 k e D/2 C L (ND-1) X e D D2 D2/2 b L E2/2 C L k E2 C L C L L L e A1 A2 e A PACKAGE OUTLINE 32, 44, 48, 56L THIN QFN, 7x7x0.8mm 21-0144 F 1 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 29 MAX4397 Package Information (The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages.) MAX4397 Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors Package Information (continued) (The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages.) PACKAGE OUTLINE 32, 44, 48, 56L THIN QFN, 7x7x0.8mm 21-0144 F 2 2 Revision History Pages changed at Rev 2: 1, 13-17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30 Pages changed at Rev 3: 1, 17, 26, 29, 30 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. 30 ____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 (c) 2007 Maxim Integrated Products is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.