852-5140 SKA102M035 1000 35 13 ´30.0 1.62 1.42 1.38
852-5160 SKA4R7M050 4.7 50 5 ´12.5 .37 .33 .31
852-5165 SKA100M050 10 50 6 ´12.5 .39 .33 .32
852-5170 SKA220M050 22 50 6 ´16.0 .43 .37 .37
852-5175 SKA330M050 33 50 6 ´16.0 .45 .40 .39
852-5180 SKA470M050 47 50 8 ´16.0 .52 .45 .44
852-5185 SKA101M050 100 50 8 ´20.0 .62 .56 .53
852-5007 SKA221M050 220 50 10 ´20.0 .84 .74 .65
852-5195 SKA331M050 330 50 10 ´25.0 1.01 .88 .84
852-5081 SKA220M063 22 63 6 ´16.0 .75 .56 .47
852-5230 SKA100M100 10 100 6 ´16.0 .54 .47 .46
852-5235 SKA220M100 22 100 8 ´ 16.0 .56 .50 .48
852-5011 SKA101M100 100 100 10 ´25.0 1.12 .99 .86
852-5086 SKA221M100 220 100 13 ´30.0 3.13 2.32 1.99
852-5250 SKA100M160 10 160 8 ´20.0 .72 .65 .62
852-8086 SKA470M160 47 160 13 ´30.0 1.44 1.06 .92
852-5012 SKA3R3M250 3.3 250 8 ´16.0 .71 .63 .55
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are designed for quick and easy snap-in insertion in PC board power supplies. Designed
specifically for switching power supply applications. Can be utilized in other applications requiring high CV. Low ESR.
High ripple capability. Voltage: 16 WVDC to 250 WVDC. Tolerance: ±20%. Operating Temperature: Ð40¡C to +105¡C.
Lead spacing is 10 mm.
Case Size
Stock Mfr.Õs MFD VDC D ´L
No. Type (mm)
Type SKA Axial Miniature
The SKA series is an axial lead, general purpose, miniature electronic capacitor. This series is suitable for those electronic products requiring small size. It is suitable
for consumer electronic equipment, such as stereo radios, TV sets, etc. The aluminum case is enclosed in a vinyl sleeve. Tolerance: ±20%. Operating Temperature
Range: Ð40 ~ +85¡C.
Axial and Radial Electrolytic Capacitors
ALLIED Call Your Nearest Allied Location (1-800-433-5700) For Quick Service
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
TCG Series
Long life, axial leads. The TCG is a small tubular axial version of the Mallory Type CG capacitor. The TCG features long life
and low ESR and utilizes a PVC insulating sleeve as well as a safety vent on diameters 0.5 inches and larger. 7th digit of
part number indicates tolerance. Specifications. Capacitance Range: 10 to 10,000 µF. Voltage Range: 10 to 450 WVDC.
Capacitance Tolerance: T = Ð10%, +50%; U = Ð10%, +75%. Operating Temperature: Ð40¡C to +85¡C.
Case Size
Stock Mfr.Õs Cap. WVDC D ´L
No. Type µF (In.)
1-24 25-49 50-99
Case Size
Stock Mfr.Õs MFD VDC D ´L
No. Type (mm)
852-5005 SKA101M010 100 10 6 ´16.0 1.01 .86 .78
852-5010 SKA471M010 470 10 8 ´20.0 .48 .41 .38
852-5030 SKA101M016 100 16 6 ´16.0 1.09 .92 .84
852-5035 SKA221M016 220 16 8 ´16.0 .54 .47 .45
852-5006 SKA331M016 330 16 8 ´20.0 .60 .53 .46
852-5084 SKA220M025 22 25 6 ´12.5 .61 .45 .39
852-5065 SKA330M025 33 25 6 ´12.5 .40 .35 .35
852-5075 SKA101M025 100 25 8 ´16.0 .51 .45 .45
852-5040 SKA221M025 220 25 8 ´20.0 1.76 1.34 1.17
852-5085 SKA331M025 330 25 10 ´16.0 1.58 1.07 .89
852-5090 SKA471M025 470 25 10 ´20.0 .80 .69 .68
852-5083 SKA100M035 10 35 5 ´12.5 .61 .45 .39
852-5105 SKA220M035 22 35 6 ´12.5 .40 .35 .35
852-5115 SKA470M035 47 35 6 ´ 16.0 .45 .39 .35
852-5120 SKA101M035 100 35 8 ´16.0 .53 .47 .45
852-5125 SKA221M035 220 35 10 ´16.0 .72 .63 .62
852-5135 SKA471M035 470 35 10 ´25.0 .98 .85 .83
852-1262 TCG402U015N1L 4000 15 1.000 ´1.625 10.96 8.27 6.97
852-1214 TCG103U015N2L 10000 15 1.000 ´2.625 8.38 7.48 7.10
852-1200 TCG112U030G2L 1100 30 0.625 ´2.625 13.53 12.30 11.27
852-1201 TCG251U050G1G 250 50 0.625 ´1.375 9.81 8.92 7.79
852-1230 TCG601U050L1G 600 50 0.875 ´1.375 9.03 7.87 7.41
852-1203 TCG561T150N3C 560 150 1.000 ´3.125 13.08 11.89 10.90
852-1240 TCG101T250L2C 100 250 0.875 ´2.125 7.43 6.48 6.09
852-1242 TCG201T250N2L 200 250 1.000 ´2.625 9.63 8.73 8.14
852-1243 TCG300T350G2C 30 350 0.625 ´2.125 7.92 7.19 6.70
852-1206 TCG400T350N1C 40 350 1.000 ´1.125 13.40 12.18 11.17
852-1248 TCG101T350N2C 100 350 1.000 ´2.125 10.27 9.34 8.69
852-1252 TCG161T350N2L 160 350 1.000 ´2.625 10.89 9.90 9.22
852-1250 TCG181T350N3C 180 350 1.000 ´3.125 12.27 11.16 10.38
1-24 25-49 50-99
852-9200 TC2501A 100 16 0.236 ´0.629 .47 .36 .30
852-9202 TC2510A 1000 25 0.512 ´0.984 1.08 .82 .70
852-9204 TC2515 1500 25 0.750 ´2.125 7.53 5.92 5.02
852-9130 TC50025A 250 50 0.394 ´0.866 .80 .60 .51
852-9120 TC50050A 500 50 0.512 ´1.060 1.24 .92 .79
852-9039 TC50100 1000 50 0.875 ´2.625 7.64 6.80 6.46
852-9040 TC50200 2000 50 1.000 ´2.625 9.36 8.49 7.90
852-9115 TC75251 250 75 0.750 ´1.625 9.45 7.29 6.17
852-9067 TC493 100 150 0.750 ´1.625 6.39 5.70 5.42
852-9206 TC495 150 150 0.875 ´1.625 8.32 6.54 5.55
852-9073 TC52 10 250 0.625 ´1.125 6.78 6.04 5.33
852-9076 TC55 20 250 0.750 ´1.125 7.87 7.00 6.66
852-9079 TC59 50 250 0.750 ´1.625 9.61 8.74 8.14
852-9048 TC1267 225 250 1.000 ´3.125 11.80 10.71 9.97
852-9086 TC62 10 350 0.625 ´1.375 7.76 6.91 6.57
852-9186 TC69 100 350 0.875 ´2.625 9.46 8.75 8.13
852-9088 TC695 2 450 0.625 ´1.125 9.02 8.03 7.62
852-9089 TC72 10 450 0.875 ´1.375 8.19 7.30 6.93
852-9100 TC74 16 450 0.750 ´1.625 9.17 8.16 7.75
852-9101 TC75 20 450 0.875 ´1.625 6.39 5.73 5.49
852-9090 TC77 30 450 1.000 ´1.625 12.43 11.30 10.53
852-9192 TC79 50 450 1.000 ´2.125 11.57 10.63 9.81
852-9191 TC807 100 450 1.000 ´3.125 16.12 14.79 13.65
Case Size
Stock Mfr.Õs Cap. WVDC D ´L
No. Type µF (In.)
1-24 25-49 50-99
TC Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
TC capacitors are single section metal tubulars with plastic insulating sleeve.
Sizes are for bare unsleeved cans; add .015" to the diameter and 0.062" to the
length to allow for plastic sleeve. TC capacitors have etched cathode
construction and 2.25" min. tinned leads. Specifications. Operating
Temperature: Ð40¡C to +85¡C. Tolerance: Ð10% to 75% up to 350 WVDC,
Ð10% to +50% for 450 WVDC.
1-24 25-49 50-99
Visit MalloryÕs Website at www.nacc-mallory.com
Radial Lead Snap-In Capacitors
This high capacitance general purpose aluminum electrolytic capacitor has radial snap-in leads. These are ideal for input
filter in SMPS. PVC insulating sleeve. Tolerance: 20%. Temperature Range: Ð40 to +85¡C.
Case Codes Dimensions
Diameter Length
mm Inches 50
22 0.87 A1 A3 A5 A7 A4 A9
25 1.00 C1 C3 C5 C7 C4 C9
30 1.18 E1 E3 E5 E7 E4 E9
35 1.38 H1 H3 H5 H7 H4 H9
Stock Mfr.Õs VDC MFD Size
No. Type
852-1404 LPX471M200C3P3 200 470 25 ´30 5.16 4.25
852-1406 LPX561M200C5P3 200 560 25 ´35 5.93 5.29
852-1401 LPX821M200E5P3 200 820 30 ´ 35 11.40 9.50
852-1412 LPX102M200E7P3 200 1000 30 ´40 11.18 9.97
852-1420 LPX152M200H7P3 200 1500 35 ´ 40 11.37 10.32
852-1402 LPX331M250A5P3 250 330 22 ´ 35 7.51 6.26
852-1403 LPX331M250C3P3 250 330 25 ´ 35 7.51 6.26
852-1432 LPX471M250C5P3 250 470 25 ´ 35 7.27 6.48
852-1462 LPX681M350H4P3 350 680 35 ´ 45 19.72 18.11
852-1466 LPX221M400C7P3 400 220 25 ´ 40 6.88 6.12
852-1468 LPX331M400E7P3 400 330 30 ´ 40 10.09 9.16
852-1472 LPX471M400H7P3 400 470 35 ´ 40 15.78 14.34
852-1484 LPX221M450E7P3 450 220 30 ´ 40 10.81 9.83
852-1490 LPX331M450H7P3 450 330 35 ´ 40 13.03 11.83
852-1494 LPX471M450H9P3 450 470 35 ´ 50 16.32 14.82
Type LP
Low Profile Snap-In
100-249 250-Up1-99
Stock Mfr.Õs Case Size
No. Type Dia. ´L (mm)
852-3013 LP123M016E3P3 16 12000 30 ´30 4.32 3.88 3.70
852-3400 LP153M016H3P3 16 15000 35 ´30 7.87 7.16 6.56
852-3017 LP332M025A1P3 25 3300 22 ´25 2.31 2.09 2.00
852-3070 LP682M025C5P3 25 6800 25 ´35 4.17 3.72 3.54
852-1998 LP103M025H3P3 25 10000 35 ´30 5.42 4.82 4.59
852-3082 LP223M025H9P3 25 22000 35 ´50 9.38 8.52 7.93
852-3023 LP272M035C1P3 35 2700 25 ´ 25 2.62 2.27 2.23
852-3025 LP562M035E3P3 35 5600 30 ´ 30 6.01 5.35 5.09
852-3402 LP822M035H3P3 35 8200 35 ´30 7.51 6.82 6.15
852-3028 LP153M035H9P3 35 15000 35 ´50 9.74 8.72 8.36
852-3029 LP122M050A1P3 50 1200 22 ´25 3.08 2.77 2.65
852-3060 LP152M050A1P3 50 1500 22 ´25 2.56 2.25 2.20
852-3086 LP222M050E1P3 50 2200 30 ´25 4.70 4.23 4.05
852-3404 LP332M050C5P3 50 3300 25 ´35 7.49 6.81 5.76
852-3406 LP332M050E3P3 50 3300 30 ´30 7.49 6.81 5.76
852-3032 LP472M050H3P3 50 4700 35 ´30 5.49 4.92 4.62
852-3408 LP682M050E9P3 50 6800 30 ´50 9.73 8.85 7.49
852-3090 LP822M050H9P3 50 8200 35 ´50 7.54 6.90 6.47
852-3035 LP222M063E3P3 63 2200 30 ´30 5.08 4.55 4.29
852-2000 LP472M063E9P3 63 4700 30 ´50 7.72 6.87 6.53
852-3040 LP682M063H9P3 63 6800 35 ´50 11.26 10.46 9.65
852-3068 LP471M200H3P3 200 470 35 ´30 5.67 5.09 4.86
852-3046 LP102M200H9P3 200 1000 35 ´50 10.33 9.44 8.86
852-3094 LP101M250A1P3 250 100 22 ´25 3.37 3.03 2.88