SPECIFICATION CONTROL DRAWING "PBD-75-Y-XX PARTS ARE IDENTICAL TO RBD-75-Y-XX PARTS. SEE RBD-75-Y-XX SCD FOR DETAILS PBD-75-Y-XX ARE NOT INTENDED FOR NEW APPLICATIONS". Raychem THERMOFIT DEVICES Raychem Corporation 300 Constitution Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. TOLERANCES: 0.00 N/A 0.0 N/A 0 N/A ANGLES: N/A ROUGHNESS IN MICRON Raychem reserves the right to amend this drawing at any time. Users should evaluate the suitability of the product for their application. TITLE: PLUGPAK CONNECTOR - 75-BNC DOCUMENT NO PBD-75-Y-XX DCR NUMBER: REPLACES: D980652 DRAWN BY: DATE: REV. DOC ISSUE: R. MAPALO 03/11/98 E 3 If this document is printed it becomes uncontrolled. Check for the latest revision SCALE:: NONE PBD75YXX SIZE: A SHEET: 1 of 1