applicaTions inForMaTion
The AUX pin allows for setting the auxiliary supply turn on
(VAUXON) and turn off (VAUXOFF) voltage thresholds. The
auxiliary supply hysteresis voltage (VAUXHYS) is set by
sinking current (IAUXH) only when the AUX pin voltage is
less than VAUXT. Use the following equations to set VAUXON
and VAUXOFF via R1 and R2 in Figure 4.
Figure 4. AUX Threshold and Hysteresis Calculation
Transient Voltage Suppressor
The LT4275 specifies an absolute maximum voltage of
100V and is designed to tolerate brief overvoltage events.
However, the pins that interface to the outside world can
routinely see excessive peak voltages. To protect the
LT4275, install a unidirectional transient voltage suppres-
sor (TVS) such as an SMAJ58A between the port voltage
and GND. This TVS must be mounted near the LT4275.
For extremely high cable discharge and surge protection
contact Linear Technology Applications.
Classification Resistor (RCLS and RCLS++)
The RCLS resistors set the classification load current cor-
responding to the PD power classification. Select the value
of RCLS from Table 1 and connect the resistor between the
RCLASS pin and GND, or float the RCLASS pin if class 0
is required. The resistor tolerance must be 1% or better to
avoid degrading the overall accuracy of the classification
circuit. For LTPoE++ use the LT4275A and select the value
of RCLS++ from Table 1 in addition to RCLS.
Power Good Interface
The LT4275 provides a power good signal (PWRGD) to
simplify the isolated power supply design. The power good
signal is used to delay isolated power supply startup until
the CPORT capacitor is fully charged.
Exposed Pad
The LT4275A/LT4275B/LT4275C DFN package has an
exposed pad that is internally electrically connected to
GND. The exposed pad may only be connected to GND
on the printed circuit board.
Avoid excessive parasitic capacitance on the RCLASS
pin and place resistor RCLS close to the LT4275. For the
LT4275A, place RCLS++ nearby as well.
It is strictly required for maximum protection to place the
input capacitor (CPD) and transient voltage suppressor as
close to the LT4275 as possible.
4275 F04
R2 =R1
The IEEE 802.3 specification requires a PD to withstand
any applied voltage from 0V to 57V indefinitely. During
classification, however, the power dissipation in the LT4275
may be as high as 1.5W. The LT4275 can easily tolerate
this power for the maximum IEEE timing but will overheat
if this condition persists abnormally.
The LT4275 includes a thermal protection feature which
protects itself from excessive heating. If the junction
temperature exceeds the overtemperature threshold, the
LT4275 pulls down the HSGATE and PWRGD pins and
disables classification.
Input Diode Bridge
The input diode bridge introduces a voltage drop that affects
the voltage range for each mode of operation. The LT4275
is designed to tolerate these voltage drops. The voltages
shown in the Electrical Specifications are measured at the
LT4275 package pins.
Input Capacitor
A 0.1µF capacitor is needed from VPORT to GND to meet
an input impedance requirement in IEEE 802.3.